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Welcome to Our School

Kingsley Primary School is at the heart of the community

We are committed to developing a learning environment which is: Happy Safe Caring Exciting Full of Opportunities Kingsley Primary School is dedicated to pursuing excellence through: A stimulating and resourced environment Enthusiastic and energising staff The development and encouragement of everyone. We aim to deliver an exciting and relevant curriculum through: Excellent and enthusiastic teaching Innovation Encouraging reflection, thinking skills and the ability to problem solve Providing opportunities to broaden creativity and realise self worth Celebrating achievements with each member of our school community

We are a one-form entry primary school. Our children usually start school in the September after their fourth birthday and stay with us until they reach eleven. Our school traditionally serves the Kingsley area, but we have many children who travel from further a field to attend Kingsley Primary School. We are proud of our links with Wallace Road Nursery School, the local community and the extended activities that take place here.

What to Wear
The children at Kingsley Primary helped choose the school uniform and we encourage and expect children to wear it. Our uniform colour is navy blue. Our uniform is comprised of: White polo shirt Navy school sweatshirt Dark grey trousers or dark grey knee length skirt or pinafore dress Blue and white gingham dresses can be worn during the summer term Black sensible shoes (Please note trainers and many designs of fashion shoes are not suitable for day to day wear in school) We also ask parents to provide a PE kit which should include: Shorts School T-shirt (in team colours) Change of socks Trainers for outdoor games A track suit is useful on cold winter days - navy if possible Most P.E. work in the hall is undertaken in bare feet as recommended by the L.A. (Local Authority). For games session, children should be equipped with an old sweater or tracksuit to keep them warm. Jewellery should not to be worn in school.

What we Teach
When children join us in Reception they follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum which covers the six areas of learning and development these are: Personal, social and emotional development Communication, language and literacy Problem solving, reasoning and number Knowledge and understanding of the world Physical development Creative development This provides the foundation upon which all other learning is based.

Children in Years 1 to 6 follow the National Curriculum: English (Literacy) Mathematics (Numeracy) Science Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Art History Geography Design Technology PE Music Further information about the detailed content of the curriculum can be obtained from the DfES web-site www.standards.dfes.gov.uk .

Religious Education We base all our work on the County Agreed Syllabus which carefully sets out the content for each year group. The majority of the work is about Christianity, although other religions are also covered. Parents have the right to request that their child be excused Religious Education lessons and assemblies. It would be useful if parents considering such a request could first contact the Headteacher.

: Sex and Relationships Education : Our school governors are responsible for the nature of sex education within the school. The subject of sexual development is handled sensitively as children progress through the school, parents have the right to withdraw their child from the part of sex education that is outside the compulsory elements contained in the Science National Curriculum. Parents wanting to exercise this right are invited to contact the Headteacher.

Homework Homework is set across the school. In setting homework we aim to: Promote positive attitudes to work and school Raise achievement of all pupils Consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding in literacy and numeracy and across the curriculum Encourage and develop independent learning Increase self discipline Develop the home/school partnership Prepare children for secondary transfer in Year 6 A variety of types of homework are used depending on the age and ability of the pupils. These include: Reading Learning spellings, multiplication tables, and mental arithmetic tasks Completion of class work A piece of research on a familiar or a new Topic Revision for a test A piece of Mathematics, Science or English work Other work agreed with parents

Gifted and Talented We recognise that some children will have a special need due to a particular gift or talent they have over and above that expected from a child of their age. Our Gifted and Talented Coordinator supports class teachers in extending activities to meet their needs and also supports parents in suggesting ways in which to help develop these skills out of school.

School Rules and Behaviour Within a family of up to 210 children some rules are essential; these are mostly matters of common sense, to ensure the safety of our children. The emphasis in the school is to praise good behaviour, attitude and effort and increase childrens awareness of the need to make a positive contribution to their community. Good behaviour, attitude and effort are rewarded by all staff. Children are rewarded for this achievement with stickers and certificates. Class teachers and the Headteacher send congratulation postcards and letters home. When sanctions are necessary they will be appropriate to the child and the incident. The school Behaviour Policy is available to all families. The school has a Home-School Agreement, which we ask parents, carers, children and teachers to sign. 4

The Golden Rules Our school community has agreed to follow the schools Golden Rules, which are: a) b) c) d) e) Do as asked by grown ups the first time you are asked. Be polite to everyone Be gentle keep hands and feet to yourself Work hard and try your best Look after property

Golden Time Golden Time is used to reinforce and reward positive attitude and behaviour Celebration Assembly A celebration is held weekly. All parents and carers are warmly invited to share in the childrens achievements.

Special Educational Needs Most children have special needs associated with learning or behavioural difficulties, physical disability or medical conditions at some time in their school career. The special needs of children are identified by the class teacher or a colleague by observation, testing, assessment and by parents, previous school records and health agencies, e.g. school nurse or family doctor. Whatever the problem or degree of severity, we aim to provide the appropriate type and level of support within the resources of the school or to take the necessary steps to obtain that support from elsewhere. Class teachers are supported by the Special Needs Coordinator in drawing up appropriate educational plans for each child identified as having a special need. 5

Parents are consulted at each stage and are invited to attend meetings with the Special Needs Co-ordinator and support services. Occasionally a child is issued with a statement of special educational needs. The statement may recommend that there is extra help given to support the child. Home and School Liaison We work hard at this and make arrangements for Curriculum Evenings, Parent/Teacher consultation evenings, open afternoons and evenings and a formal written report goes out to parents in July. Teachers are usually available before and after school to have a quick word about any immediate concerns. However, these are busy times of the day and, for a longer discussion with a teacher, parents are asked to make an appointment through the school office. This can be done in person, by phone or via e-mail, and a meeting at a mutually convenient time can usually take place within a day or two. We are committed to involving parents and families in the life of the school. Communication is a two-way process. We will always endeavour to keep you up to date about your childs progress. We would ask that you inform us about the ups and downs in your childs life so that we can provide appropriate help and support. If you or your child has problems or worries please contact the class teacher, Learning Mentor, or Headteacher so that they can be resolved. Little worries are more difficult to sort out when they have grown into big ones. You are your childs first and most important educator At Kingsley Primary we value and appreciate the important role you have to play in supporting your child in developing a positive attitude to school and learning. Studies have proven that children learn best when home and school work in partnership. We offer a wide range of opportunities for parents to actively participate in supporting their children at school. Schools cant educate children alone. We need your support. Equal Opportunities We wish to promote positive attitudes in children, staff, governors and parents so that the children can fulfil their potential and make choices, unhampered by expectations based on gender or role stereotyping. We seek to fulfil the aims of the school regardless of age, gender, ability (both academic and physical) ethnic origin or background of the child. Parents and the School: School Newsletters and information to Parents Letters are sent out on a regular basis to parents. Do remember to look in book bags for information coming from school! A file containing letters sent to parents and carers is available in school.

School Website Our School website is: http://kingsleyprimary.net

Learning Mentor Our Learning Mentor is available to provide support and advice for our children and families on a wide range of issues including how to access support from other organisations such as Social Services or Health. Mrs Shepperdson provides one-to-one support for individual children who are experiencing difficulties and a listening ear for parents.

School Nurse Our school nurse advises us on many health related issues and is available at her Drop in sessions. Please check with the office to confirm the next visit. ARY SCHOOL: School Clubs We aim to offer a range of lunchtime and after school clubs for our pupils. GENERAL INFORMATION Arriving and Leaving The school day is from 8.50am to 12 noon and 1.00pm to 3.15pm. To ensure their safety, we ask that all children in Reception and Year 1 are collected from the Early Years outside area and that parents inform us of who will collect their child. From Year 2 onwards children can be collected outside their classroom or from a pre-arranged place on the playground. Children should not leave the playground unless their parents have given permission for them to walk home on their own. Children are not allowed out of school between 8.50 and 3.15 without the permission of the Headteacher. If your child needs to leave school for any reason, such as dental appointments, please send a note to the class teacher beforehand. Children with such appointments should be collected from the school and signed out by the office.

Medicines in school Medicines are unlikely to be needed by children during the school day, but should it be essential we would ask parents to come and administer these themselves. If this causes a problem, please ask at the office. Only prescribed medicines will be given to the named child.

Inhalers will be kept in school, but must be clearly labelled with the childs name and the dose. Any child who becomes ill in school will be cared for and comforted until you can be contacted. Please make sure that the school has your telephone number as well as a second contact number in case of an emergency.

Attendance Parents have the primary responsibility for ensuring that children of compulsory school age receive a suitable education. At Kingsley Primary School we ask parents and families support in promoting good attendance in the following ways: Ensuring that children attend school regularly and arrive on time. (Registration is often a time when teachers will discuss with children the programme for the day). If your child is ill please contact the school on the first day of absence so we can update our records. Staff will be concerned if they dont hear anything. When your child returns to school ensure that a note is provided confirming the reason for absence. Avoid taking holidays during term time. Before requesting a holiday, think about what your child will miss, the difficulty they will have in catching up and the effect it will have on how well they do at school. The Government permits a maximum of ten school days for family holidays in a year, but only with the consent of the Headteacher. Further absence for holidays will be recorded as unauthorised. We are required to inform the Education Welfare Officer at the Local Authority if a pupil fails to attend or is late regularly and if no reason for absence is provided. Authorised absence is, for example, illness, agreed family holidays or absence with the schools permission. Unauthorised absence is when the school receives no valid explanation in accordance with Government guidelines. Each term the school awards certificates to children with 100% attendance for the term. Medical Care The Health Authority gives all children vision, hearing and dental tests. Parents have the right to be present at a full medical examination and to refuse dental treatment for their child if they wish to do so.

Parking The school car park is for staff use only. We ask parents to respect the School Entrance parking restrictions in Wallace Road; they are there to protect us all.

School Dinners The majority of children enjoy a hot cooked meal at lunchtime. There is a choice of up to six meals including fresh fruit and a variety of drinks. Meals for any week need to be ordered and paid for on the previous Monday. Children entitled to free meals will also need to order their meals for the following week. Children can alternatively bring a packed lunch. We give children information as to what would be a healthy packed lunch and have leaflets available for parents. Sweets and fizzy drinks should not form part of a packed lunch. Children are also free to go home for lunch. They must be collected at 12 noon and returned to school just before 1.00pm. Children of families receiving Income Support are entitled to claim a free meal. Advice on these matters can be obtained from the school office. Most classes provide snacks during the day (small charge applies), milk is available at a small charge (free to under fives and those entitled to free meals) and there is (free) fruit for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children. However, we all know that children are able to concentrate best when they have had a good breakfast.

The School Council Councillors are elected annually with two representative elected from each class. Councillors are expected to represent the school at various school and local functions. There is an expectation that councillors will ensure that their behaviour, presentation, and attitudes are a model for the rest of the school. The council meets on a regular basis for a working lunch. At Kingsley Primary School the council is consulted on a wide range of school policies and developments and reports to the Governing body at the end of each term.

School Governors The Governing Body is made up from Local Authority nominees, co-options, the Headteacher and staff representatives and parent governors. We would like to hear from any parent who could be interested in taking part. It is a serious business but it can also be fun and very rewarding. There is support for new governors we want them to enjoy their work!

And Finally...... We want your childs time at our school to be happy, exciting and educational. We believe that learning should be fun and that by encouraging respect for each other and valuing the opportunities available we all grow and learn together.

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