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Name of the lab Department Certified that this is a bonafide record of the work done by of

Class in the during the year 2008 - 2009 INT. Examiner EXT. Examiner Name of the Examination Reg. No.


Staff Member in charge


SNo Date 1.

Name of the Experiment Study of UML

Page No 1


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Student Mark Analysis Quiz Application Online Course Registration System Online Ticket Reservation System ATM Application Case Study Expert System

3 11 21 34 49 63

Ex: 1 Date:
AIM: General study of UML


Description: The heart of object oriented problem solving is the construction of a model.

The model abstracts the essential details of the underlying problem. Several modeling roots are wrapped under UML. What is UML? UML has emerged as the software blueprint language for analysts, designers and programmers alike. It provides common vocabulary to talk about software design. UML is applicable to object oriented problem solving. The underlying level of object oriented problem solving is the construction of a model. Model: It is an abstraction of the underlying problem . Model consist of objects that interact by sending each other messages. Every object has attributes and they can do operations. The value of an object attribute determines the state. Classes are blueprints for objects. There are 8 kinds of modeling diagrams: 1. USE CASE DIAGRAM: A Use case is a set of scenario that describes an interaction between user and a system. A Use case diagram displays the relationship among Actors and Use cases. The two main components of Use case diagrams are: Use cases Functions Actors-User 2. SEQUENCE DIAGRAM: It describes the behavior of a system by viewing the interaction between the system and its environment. Sequence diagram has two dimensions: Vertical dimension represents the life time. Horizontal dimension represents the object. 2 3. CLASS DIAGRAM: It represents the class name, attributes and list of methods which are going to use the software development process. 4. ACTIVITY DIAGRAM : Activity diagrams focus on the flow of activities involved in a single process and the dependencies of the activity on them.

5. COLLABORATION DIAGRAM : Collaboration diagrams are also interaction diagrams. They focus on object roles instead of the time that messages are sent. 6. STATE DIAGRAM: State chart diagrams show the possible states of objects and the transitions that cause a change in state. 7. COMPONENT DIAGRAM : A component is a code module. Component diagrams are a physical analog of class diagrams. 8. DEPLOYMENT DIAGRAM: Deployment diagrams show the physical configuration of software and hardware.

Ex : 2 Date :


AIM: To implement the Student Mark Analyzing System using Rational Software. Requirement Analysis:

Hardware Requirements: RAM Processor Hard disk : : : 256 MB Intel Pentium IV 40 GB

Software Requirements: Case tools Languages Front end Back end : : : : Rational suites win runner, Emprix. C/C++/JDK1.3, JSDK, Internet explorer, UML VB, VC++, Developer 2000 Oracle , MS-Access

PROBLEM STATEMENT : Student marks analyzing system has to be developed for analyzing the marks obtained by the students who scored in Semester Examination The System should provide the following functionalities: 1. The student enters the input form and the details are stored in the database. 2. The total and percentage of each student should be calculated and graded. 3. The total, percentage and grade are displayed. SPECIFICATIONS : 1. Objectives The purpose of this document is to define requirements of the Student Mark analysis system. This Supplementary Specification lists the requirements that are not readily captured in the use cases of the use case model. The Supplementary Specifications and the use-case model together capture a complete set of requirements on the system. 2. Scope 4 This Supplementary Specification applies to the Student Mark analysis System, which will be developed by the OOAD students. This Specification defines the non-functional requirements of the system; such as reliability, usability, performance, and supportability, as well as functional requirements. That is common across a number of use cases. ACTORS:

1. Staff 2. Student USE CASES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. No. of Subjects. Marks. Total. Percentage. Grade.

ALGORITHM : 1. Start the application. 2. Create the required actors and use cases on the browser window. 3. Go to the new use case view and open a new package. 4. Rename the new package with a new name.


no of subjects








staff member
int No.of sub int marks int total float percentage char grade int regno display() getmarks() findtotal() findavg() assigngrade()

char name int regno int collcode displayresult()


Stu t detail den su ission bm



R eport




Find Total and Avg

Assign grade


1: No of subjects

2: Read marks 3: Find total and avg 4: Find grade 5: Store

6: Store marks


1: No of subjects 2: Read marks Staff Marks

3: Find total and avg

Find Total and Avg

Assign grade

5: Store

6: Store marks 4: Find grade Student

Student Mark Analysis

Code Generation Template : Staff.cpp #include "Staff.h" //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Staff::Display() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Staff::Getmarks() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Staff::Findtotal() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Staff::Findaverage() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Staff::Assigncode() { } Staff.h #ifndef STAFF_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 #define STAFF_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 //##ModelId=4246E52003A5 class Staff { public:

//##ModelId=4246E53402BB Display(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Getmarks(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Findtotal(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Findaverage(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Assigncode(); private: //##ModelId=4246E5290069 No of students; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Marks; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Total; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Percentage; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Grade; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Reg No; }; #endif /* STAFF_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 */



#include "Student.h" //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Student::Displayresult() { } Student.h #ifndef STUDENT_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 #define STUDENT_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 //##ModelId=4246E52003A5 class Student { public: //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Displayresult(); private: //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Reg No; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Name; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 College Code; }; #endif /* STUDENT_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 */

Result : Thus the UML Diagrams for Students Mark Analysis was created.

Ex: 3 Date:



AIM: To create a UML diagram of a Quiz application. Requirement Analysis: Hardware Requirements: RAM Processor Hard disk : : : 256 MB Intel Pentium IV 40 GB

Software Requirements: Case tools Languages Front end Back end : : : : Rational suites win runner, Emprix. C/C++/JDK1.3, JSDK, Internet explorer, UML VB, VC++, Developer 2000 Oracle , MS-Access

PROBLEM STATEMENT : Quiz application has to be developed for verifying the answers and deciding the winner based on the score. The System should provide the following functionalities: 1. The participants are divided into a no. of teams. 2. The interviewer asks questions based on the rules, verifies the answers and gives the marks. 3. Based on the marks, the winners get prizes. SPECIFICATIONS : 1. Objectives The purpose of this document is to define requirements of the Student Mark analysis system. This Supplementary Specification lists the requirements that are not readily captured in the use cases of the use case model. The Supplementary Specifications and the use-case model together capture a complete set of requirements on the system.

2. Scope 12 This Supplementary Specification applies to the Student Mark analysis System, which will be developed by the OOAD students. This Specification defines the non-functional requirements of the system; such as reliability, usability, performance, and supportability, as well as functional requirements. That is common across a number of use cases. ACTORS: 1.Interviewer 2.Participant 3.Scorer USE CASES: 1.No. of teams 2.Team name 3.No. of participants 4.Rules 5.Rounds 6.Questions and answers 7.Time 8.Marks 9.Results 10.Prize ALGORITHM : 1.Start the application. 2.Create the required actors and use cases on the browser window. 3.Go to the new use case view and open a new package. 4.Rename the new package with a new name.



N o .o N o .o f te a mTe a m na mo .o f p a rtic ip a nts f ro und s s Ne P rize R ule s

Inte rvie w e r

Q ue stio ns

P a rtic ip a nt

R e s ult

A ns w e rs S c o re r M a rk s



q ui z i n te rvie w e r
c h a r te a m n a m e in t t im e in t ro u n d s m a in ta in t im e lim it() a s k q u e s tio n ()

q ui z p a rti c i p a nt
a n a ly s e th e q u e s tio n s () g ive a n s w er()

q ui z s c o re r
ve rify a ns w e rs () g ive re s u lt ()



Describe no.of teams,participants,rounds and team name

Enter round No Ask questions

Get answer Check answer

Assign marks

If correct

Check end of round If yes Declare result

Award prize



Inte rvie w e r

P a rtic ip a nt

M a rk s

R o und s

W inne r

1 : A s k q ue s tio n 2 : A ns w e r the q ue s tio n 3 : If a ns w e r is c o rre c t, p ro vid e m a rk 4 : If no t c o rre c t, a s k ne xt q ue s tio n 5 : C he c k e nd o f ro und s 6 : If ye s , a nno unc e w inne r

7 : If no , a s k ne xt q ue s tio n



Mama 3 : If a n s w e r is c o rre c t, p ro vid e rk s rk In te rvie w er P a rtic ip a nt

1 : A s k q ue s tio n 5 : C h e c k e nd o f ro un d s 4 : If no t c o rre c t, a s k ne xt q ue s tio n 7 : If n o , a s k n e xt q u e s tio n 2 : A n s w e r the q u e s tio n 6 : If ye s , a n no u nc e w i n ne r R o und s W inn e r

Quiz Application Code Generation Template : Interviewer.cpp #include "Interviewer.h" //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Interviewer::maintaintimelimit() { } //##ModelId=4246E53B000B Interviewer::Askquestion() { } Interviewer.h #ifndef INTERVIEWER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 #define INTERVIEWER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 //##ModelId=4246E52003A5 class INTERVIEWER { public: //##ModelId=4246E53402BB maintaintimelimit(); //##ModelId=4246E53B000B Askquestion(); private: //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Teamname; //##ModelId=4246E52C0386 Time;


//##ModelId=4246E52C0386 Round; }; #endif /* INTERVIEWER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 */ Participant.cpp #include "Participant.h" //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Participant::Analysethequestion() { } //##ModelId=4246E53B000B Participant::Giveanswer() { } PARTICIPANT.h #ifndef PARTICIPANT_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 #define PARTICIPANT_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 //##ModelId=4246E52003A5 class PARTICIPANT { public: //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Analysethequestion(); //##ModelId=4246E53B000B Giveanswer(); private: }; #endif /* PARTICIPANT_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 */ 19

Scorer.cpp #include "Scorer.h" 20 //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Scorer::VerifytheAnswer() { } //##ModelId=4246E53B000B Scorer::Giveresult() { } Scorer.h #ifndef SCORER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 #define SCORER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 //##ModelId=4246E52003A5 class SCORER { public: //##ModelId=4246E53402BB VerifytheAnswer(); //##ModelId=4246E53B000B Giveresult(); private: }; #endif /* SCORER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 */


Thus the UML Diagrams for Quiz Application was created.

Ex: 4 Date:


AIM: To create a UML diagram of course registration system. Requirement Analysis: Hardware Requirements: RAM Processor Hard disk : : : 256 MB Intel Pentium IV 40 GB

Software Requirements: Case tools Languages Front end Back end : : : : Rational suites win runner, Emprix. C/C++/JDK1.3, JSDK, Internet explorer, UML VB, VC++, Developer 2000 Oracle , MS-Access

PROBLEM STATEMENT : Online course registration system has to be developed for admissions to a new course. The System should provide the following functionalities: 1. The student enters the login id ,course and subject in the registration form. 2. Using the details the staff starts the registration. 3. The database maintains staff and student profiles. 4.The registrar updates the grade and closes the registration. SPECIFICATIONS : 1. Objectives The purpose of this document is to define requirements of the Student Mark analysis system. This Supplementary Specification lists the requirements that are not readily captured in the use cases of the use case

model. The Supplementary Specifications and the use-case model together capture a complete set of requirements on the system. 2. Scope 22 This Supplementary Specification applies to the Student Mark analysis System, which will be developed by the OOAD students. This Specification defines the non-functional requirements of the system; such as reliability, usability, performance, and supportability, as well as functional requirements. That is common across a number of use cases. ACTORS: 1.Student 2.Staff 3.Register 4.Database USECASE: 1.Login id 2.Registration form 3.Update the grade of student. 4.Choose the subject 5.Choose the courses 6.Start registration 7.Maintain student profile 8.Close registration 9.Maintain staff profile. ALGORITHM : 1. Start the application. 2. Create the required actors and use cases on the browser window. 3. Go to the new use case view and open a new package. 4. Rename the new package with a new name.

Usecase diagram:


Enter the Web Site

Select the Destination

List of Trains System Passenger Select the Train

User Details Exit

No of Seats

Ticket Status

Credit Card No


Class diagram:


DB Train Name Train No Source Destination ArrTime DepTime Class Fare Distance Getcustomerdetails() gettraveldetails() confirmation() reserveticket() display() Process()

Customer Customer Name DOB Sex Address Phone Givedet() availability() getconfirm() reserve() givecreditcardno() getticket()

Computer isavailable ticketno maintaindb() updatedb() reserveticket() deliverticket()

Activity diagram:


Login Web Site Select the Destination

Select the Train No & No of Seats

Yes Is Available


Try Later Create Customer Details

Credit Card Number



Sequence diagram:





1. Login Web Site

2. Select the Destination 3. List of Trains

4. Give User Details

5. Give Train No & No...

6. Credit Card No

7. Give Status 8. Reserve Ticket

9.Confirmation 10. Issue Ticket

Collaboration diagram:


1 : 2 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Ps egr as ne 3 : 1: 0 9 : 8 : Ss m y te


Component diagram:



Store & U pdate

C puter om

Online Course Registration System Code Generation Template : DBClass.cpp #include "DB Class.h" //##ModelId=4246E53402BB DB Class::Addrecord() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB DB Class::Modifyrecord() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB DB Class::Displayrecord() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB DB Class::Miscellenous() { } DB Class.h


#ifndef DB_CLASS_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 #define DB_CLASS_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 //##ModelId=4246E52003A5 class DB Class { public: //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Addrecord(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB

Modifyrecord(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Displayrecord(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Miscellenous(); private: //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Stud ID; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Stu Name; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Stu Address; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Stu Course; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Stu Marks; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Stu extraactivities; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Courseavailable; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 feestructure; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 duration; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Dob; }; #endif /* DB_CLASS_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 */


Student.cpp #include "Student.h" //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Student::Enterdetails() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Student::Submitform() { } Student.h #ifndef STUDENT_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 #define STUDENT_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 //##ModelId=4246E52003A5 class Student { public: //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Enterdetails(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Submitform(); private: //##ModelId=4246E5290069 ID; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Name; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Address; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Course;


//##ModelId=4246E5290069 Marks; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Dob; }; #endif /* STUDENT_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 */ Regform.cpp #include "Regform.h" //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Regform::Openform() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Regform::Checkeligibility() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Regform::Register() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Regform::AssignID() { } Regform.h #ifndef REG_FORM_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 #define REG_FORM_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 //##ModelId=4246E52003A5 class Regform


{ public: //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Openform(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Checkeligibility(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Register(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB AssignID(); private: //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Iseligible; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 FormID; }; #endif /* REG_FORM_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 */


Result: Thus the UML Diagrams for Online Course Registration was created.

Ex No :5 Date: Aim:



To prepare the document and develop Online ticket reservation software using software engineering methodologies. Requirement Analysis: Hardware Requirements: RAM Processor Hard disk : : : 256 MB Intel Pentium IV 40 GB

Software Requirements: Case tools Languages Front end Back end : : : : Rational suites win runner, Emprix. C/C++/JDK1.3, JSDK, Internet explorer, UML VB, VC++, Developer 2000 Oracle , MS-Access

Problem statement
System is designed for the online reservation of railway tickets for travel between any destinations that is a part of the network formed for enabling this activity. This system is intended to be provided to the Indian railway which is the largest railway system in Asia. This system enables the Advance booking in any class, against general and ladies quota, on payment of fare in full for adults and children, a maximum of six berths/seats at a time, for journey between any two stations served by a train. It also provides details about 1.Accommodation available for a train/date combination 2.Current status of reservation position 3.Time table 4.Train fares 5.Train available between a pair of stations

The user of this system should first register for any interaction with the system. Once registered, he/she will be provided with a username and password for the user to log in. After logging in the user should select the kind of activity he would like to perform like booking a ticket, canceling a ticket, look out for help and so on. If he selects the booking the ticket option, then he/she should select the to and from stations. After this step the user should select a particular train that runs between the specified stations from a list of trains that is provided by the system. Once a particular train is selected, the user should specify the class of travel and date of journey. Then he can view the vacancy position in that train for that date. Depending upon the vacancy position, the user can proceed to book his tickets. For reserving the ticket, the user should fill up the reservation form with the details like name, age, sex, class of travel, train number, train name, preferred seats/berths and others. After filling up this form, the user should submit this for reservation. Then the mode of payment is selected and the user fills up the corresponding details. Once these processes are over, the system automatically reserves the ticket for the user and it deliver by post. The ticket number and PNR number details would be intimated to the user for future reference. Thus the Online Train Ticket has been booked.

SPECIFICATIONS : 1. Objectives The purpose of this document is to define requirements of the Student Mark analysis system. This Supplementary Specification lists the requirements that are not readily captured in the use cases of the use case model. The Supplementary Specifications and the use-case model together capture a complete set of requirements on the system. 2. Scope This Supplementary Specification applies to the Student Mark analysis System, which will be developed by the OOAD students. This Specification defines the non-functional requirements of the system; such as reliability, usability, performance, and supportability, as well as functional requirements. That is common across a number of use cases.

35 Actors
1.Passenger 2.System DB


Use cases 1. Train info 2. Reserve ticket 3. Train Avail 4. Cancel Ticket ALGORITHM : 1. Start the application. 2. Create the required actors and use cases on the browser window. 3. Go to the new use case view and open a new package. 4. Rename the new package with a new name.

Usecase diagram:


Enter the Web Site

Select the Destination

List of Trains System Passenger Select the Train

User Details Exit

No of Seats

Ticket Status

Credit Card No


Class diagram:


DB Train Name Train No Source Destination ArrTime DepTime Class Fare Distance Getcustomerdetails() gettraveldetails() confirmation() reserveticket() display() Process()

Customer Customer Name DOB Sex Address Phone Givedet() availability() getconfirm() reserve() givecreditcardno() getticket()

Computer isavailable ticketno maintaindb() updatedb() reserveticket() deliverticket()

Activity diagram:


Login W eb Site Select the Destination

Select the Train No & No of Seats

Yes Is Available


Try Later Create Customer Details

Credit Card Number



Sequence diagram:





1. Login Web Site

2. Select the Destination 3. List of Trains

4. Give User Details

5. Give Train No & No...

6. Credit Card No

7. Give Status 8. Reserve Ticket

9.Confirmation 10. Issue Ticket

Collaboration diagram:


1 : 2 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Ps egr as ne 3 : 1: 0 9 : 8 : Ss m y te


Component diagram:



Store & U pdate

C puter om

43 Online ticket registration Code Generation Template : DB.cpp #include "DB.h" //##ModelId=4246E53402BB DB::Getcurrentdetails() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB DB::GetTraveldetails() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB DB::Confirmation() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB DB::Receiveticket() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB DB::Display() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB DB::Process() { } DB.h #ifndef DB_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738

#define DB_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 //##ModelId=4246E52003A5 class DB { public: //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Getcurrentdetails(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Gettraveldetails(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Confirmation(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Reserveticket(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Display(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Process(); private: //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Train Name; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Train No; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Source; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Destination; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Arr time; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Dep time;


//##ModelId=4246E5290069 Class; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Fare; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Distance; }; #endif /* DB_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 */ Customer.cpp #include "Customer.h" //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Customer::Givedetails() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Customer::Availability() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Customer::Getconfirm() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Customer::Reserve() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Customer::Givecreditcardinfo() { }


//##ModelId=4246E53402BB Customer::Getticket() { } Customer.h #ifndef CUSTOMER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 #define CUSTOMER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 //##ModelId=4246E52003A5 class Customer { public: //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Givedetails(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Availability(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Getconfirm(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Reserve(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Givecreditcardinfo(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Getticket(); private: //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Customer Name; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 DOB; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Sex;


//##ModelId=4246E5290069 Add; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Phone; }; #endif /* CUSTOMER_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 */ System.cpp #include "System.h" //##ModelId=4246E53402BB System::Maintaindb() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB System::Updatedb() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB System::Reserveticket() { } //##ModelId=4246E53402BB System::Deleiverticket() { } System.h #ifndef SYSTEM_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 #define SYSTEM_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 //##ModelId=4246E52003A5 class System { public: //##ModelId=4246E53402BB


maintaindb(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Updatedb(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Reserveticket(); //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Deliverticket(); private: //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Is Available; //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Ticket No; }; #endif /* SYATEM_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 */


Result : Thus the UML Diagrams for Online Ticket Reservation was created.

Ex No: 6 Date: AIM :



To develop an ATM system using software engineering methodologies. Problem StatementTo develop an ATM System for HDFC Bank The system developed should contain the following features: 1. The Customer has to login into the system using Credit Card or Debit Card number and Pin Number. The system should check for validation. 2. The System queries the customer for the type of account either Savings Account or Current Account. After getting the type of account, the system shows the amount left. 3. The System then queries the customer for the required amount. The user enters the amount and gets the money. Requirement Analysis: Hardware Requirements: RAM Processor Hard disk : : : 256 MB Intel Pentium IV 40 GB

Software Requirements: Case tools Languages Front end Back end : : : : Rational suites win runner, Emprix. C/C++/JDK1.3, JSDK, Internet explorer, UML VB, VC++, Developer 2000 Oracle , MS-Access

SPECIFICATIONS : 1. Objectives The purpose of this document is to define requirements of the Student Mark analysis system. This Supplementary Specification lists the

requirements that are not readily captured in the use cases of the use case model. The Supplementary Specifications and the use-case model together capture a complete set of requirements on the system. 2. Scope This Supplementary Specification applies to the Student Mark analysis System, which will be developed by the OOAD students. This Specification defines the non-functional requirements of the system; such as reliability, usability, performance, and supportability, as well as functional requirements. That is common across a number of use cases. Actors
1. Passenger 2. System DB

Use cases 1. Train info 2. Reserve ticket 3. Train Avail 4. Cancel Ticket ALGORITHM : 1. Start the application. 2. Create the required actors and use cases on the browser window. 3. Go to the new use case view and open a new package. 4. Rename the new package with a new name.

50 Usecase diagram: 51

In s e r t C a r d E n t e r P IN In v a l i d P IN A p p ro va l D e p o s it A m o u n t T y p e o f T ra n s a c t io n C lie n t A d m i n is t r a t o r

W it h d r a w A m o u n t R e m o ve th e C a rd T ra n s a c tio n C o m p lte d E x it

Activity diagram:


insert card display invalid enter pin no. invalid valid

check pin no.

check transaction type withdrawal withdrawal amt approval


deposit amt

transaction completed

Sequence diagram:
Client ATM Administrator Bank


1. Insert Card

2. Enter PIN No 3. Send PIN No 4. Verify PIN No

5. Validate Message

6. Get Transaction Type

7. Get Amount 8. Send Amount 9. Update Account

10. Success 11. Transaction Completed

Collaboration diagram: .


1: 2: 6: 7: C lie n t 11: 10: 3: 8:



A dm inis tra t or

4: 9:

B a nk

Component Diagram :


ATM Server


Front Panel

ATM Application Code Generation Template : ATM Card.cpp #include "ATM Card.h" //##ModelId=4246E53402BB ATM Card::GetPIN() { } //##ModelId=4246E53B000B ATM Card::GiveID() { } ATM Card.h #ifndef ATM_CARD_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 #define ATM_CARD_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 //##ModelId=4246E52003A5 class ATM Card { public: //##ModelId=4246E53402BB GetPIN(); //##ModelId=4246E53B000B GiveID(); private: //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Card No; //##ModelId=4246E52C0386 PIN ID; };



Customerdetails.cpp #include "Customer details.h" //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Customer details::GetCard() { } //##ModelId=4246E53B000B Customer details::Changevalidity() { } //##ModelId=4246E53B000B Customer details::ChangePIN() { } //##ModelId=4246E53B000B Customer details::PINEntry() { } Customerdetails.h


#ifndef CUSTOMER_DETAILS_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 #define CUSTOMER_DETAILS_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 //##ModelId=4246E52003A5 class Customer details { public: //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Get Card(); //##ModelId=4246E53B000B Change validity(); //##ModelId=4246E53B000B Change PIN();

//##ModelId=4246E53B000B PIN Entry(); private: //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Name; //##ModelId=4246E52C0386 Address; //##ModelId=4246E52C0386 Phone No; //##ModelId=4246E52C0386 PIN No; //##ModelId=4246E52C0386 Card ID; };


#endif /* CUSTOMER_DETAILS_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 */ MainDB.cpp #include "MainDB.h" //##ModelId=4246E53402BB MainDB::Givebalance() { } //##ModelId=4246E53B000B MainDB::Checkwithdrawal() { } //##ModelId=4246E53B000B MainDB::ApprovalorNot() { }

//##ModelId=4246E53B000B MainDb::GiveAmountvalue() { } MainDB.h #ifndef MAINDB_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 #define MAINDB_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 //##ModelId=4246E52003A5 class MainDB { public: //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Givebalance(); //##ModelId=4246E53B000B Checkwithdrawal(); //##ModelId=4246E53B000B ApprovalorNot(); //##ModelId=4246E53B000B GiveAmountvalue(); private: //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Customer details; //##ModelId=4246E52C0386 Card details; //##ModelId=4246E52C0386 Transaction details; //##ModelId=4246E52C0386 Balance Amount; };



60 Carddetails.cpp #include "Carddetails.h" //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Carddetails::Checkvalidity() { } //##ModelId=4246E53B000B Carddetails::Readinformation() { } Carddetails.h #ifndef CARD_DETAILS_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 #define CARD_DETAILS_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 //##ModelId=4246E52003A5 class Carddetails { public: //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Checkvalidity(); //##ModelId=4246E53B000B Readinformation(); private: //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Name; //##ModelId=4246E52C0386 Card ID; //##ModelId=4246E52C0386 Account No; };



/* CARD_DETAILS_DETAILS_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 */ Reports.cpp #include "Reports.h" //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Reports::Checkmoneyavailability() { } //##ModelId=4246E53B000B Reports::Readamount() { } //##ModelId=4246E53B000B Reports::Countmoney() { } //##ModelId=4246E53B000B Reports::Dispatchmoney() { } Reports.h #ifndef REPORTS_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 #define REPORTS_H_HEADER_INCLUDED_BDB88738 //##ModelId=4246E52003A5 class Reports { public: //##ModelId=4246E53402BB Checkmoneyavailability(); //##ModelId=4246E53B000B Readinamount();

//##ModelId=4246E53B000B Countmoney(); //##ModelId=4246E53B000B Dispatchmoney(); private: //##ModelId=4246E5290069 Amount;



Result : Thus the UML Diagrams for ATM Application was created.

EX:7 Date:

Case Study - Expert System

Abstract Problem Definition Requirement Analysis Functional Analysis Design Phase Code Generation Conclusion Future Usage


Abstract: Creating of a expert system which provides The name of the disease Symptoms of the disease Price of the medicine Efficiency of the medicine Chemical contents of the medicine when the name of the medicine is inputted in the system. Problem Definition: To create an expert system which provides the information about the medicine when the name of it is inputted to the system. Requirements Analysis: Hardware: 1mb memory Pentium 133+, 24 MB RAM Please use 32 bits (65536 colors) of screen color depth or higher. Software: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP Rational Rose Enterprise Edition

Functional Requirements Analysis: The functions required to provide the required informations are diseaserelated() - must check provide the names of the disease cured by this medicine. symptoms() must provide the symptoms of each diseases related to the medicine. price() provide price of the medicine efficiency() provide efficiency of the medicine to cure the disease chemicalcontents() provide chemical contents of the medicine These are the functions which run in the database of the system to provide the answers for the required query. Design Phase: Use Case Model:

medicine name

disease related





medicine efficiency company medicine contents


Class Diagr am:


char disease char symptoms int efficiency float price char contents disease() symptoms() efficiency() price() chemicalcontents()

char medname char compname

Activity Diagram:


enter medicine name enter company name

if found Name of disease



not found



Sequence diagram:


user 1: medicine name


2: company name

3: Name of disease related

4: symptom 5: price 6: efficiency 7: contents

Collaboration diagram:


1 : m e dicine na m e 2 : com pa ny nam e use r 3: N am e of d isea se re la ted 4 : sym p to m 5: p rice 6 : efficiency 7: co nte nts system

Conclusion: Therefore by following the above method a well formed pharmaceutical experts system can be made. Future usage: The medicines found later can be made available to the system by updating the database of the system.

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