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NT Version

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems

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Symbol ! on equipment signifies that the manual contains information to prevent injury or equipment damage. Refer to page vi and to other manuals in set.


Copyright GenRad, Inc. 1999. All rights reserved under copyright laws of the United States and other countries. The technical data included herein, excluding computer software documentation, is subject to the LIMITED RIGHTS as set forth in FAR 52.227-15 (JUN 1987) and DFARS 252.227-7015 (JUN 1995). All technical data and computer software documentation contained herein is proprietary and confidential to GenRad, Inc. or its licensor. All computer software documentation contained herein is Commercial Computer Software Documentation, proprietary to GenRad, Inc. or its licensor and furnished under limited license only. For solicitations issued by the United States, its agencies or instrumentalities (the Government) on or after December 1, 1995 and the Department of Defense (DoD) on or after September 29, 1995, the only rights provided in the Commercial Computer Software Documentation shall be those specified in a license customarily provided to the public by GenRad, Inc. in accordance with FAR 12.212 (a) and (b) (OCT 1995) or DFARS 227.7202-3 (a) (JUN 1995). For solicitations issued before December 1, 1995 by the Government (other than DoD) use, duplication or disclosure of the documentation shall be subject to the RESTRICTED RIGHTS as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) and (2) of the commercial computer software restricted rights clause at FAR 52.227-19 (JUN 1987). For solicitations issued before September 29, 1995 by DoD: RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND The use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 (OCT 1988).

The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of GenRad, Inc.:

7Xpress Access Remote Support AccuWave A New Way of Thinking ATG32 ATG XPRESS AutoDebug Plus BasicSCAN BugHound BusBust Cap Xpress ChipCheck Diamon Digibridge Dr. Test ENCOMPASS ETG FAST FASTCELL GENESIS GENEVA GenRad GPTI GR GR AccelerATE GR logos GR Navigate GRnet GR Pilot GR TestStation GRXpert GR Versa ISOcal JDS Junction Xpress Opens Xpress OptomATE Orient Xpress Panel-Test Paragon PATH PinPoint Program Xplorer PXIscan Scan Pathfinder Scratchprobe Scratchprobing SFDM SFLM Shop Floor Data Manager Shop Floor Line Manager SoftProbe SpeedPlus Stinger TestFlo TEST XPRESS The Difference in Software is the Difference in Test The Technology of Knowledge TRACS TRACS III VIPER VXIscan XL XP Xpress Model Xpress Nail Xtended Performance

Product names listed are trademarks of their respective manufacturers. Company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.

The material in this manual is for informational purposes only and is subject to change, without notice. GenRad assumes no responsibility for any error or for consequential damages that may result from the use or misinterpretation of any of the procedures in this publication.



We at GenRad strive to achieve the highest possible customer satisfaction through innovative products and services, and continuous improvement of our product quality and support. To help us achieve our goal, we ask that you:

z z

Please fill out and return the Reader Comments card, located at the back of this manual, if you have any suggestions for structure or content improvements. Please document any product problems or enhancement requests on the GenRad System Performance Report forms, supplied with the equipment documentation, and return them to the GenRad Customer Care Center (CCC). The contact addresses are in the Preface of this manual.

Thank you for choosing GenRad as your integrated diagnostic solutions provider.


List of Effective Pages

Total number of pages in this publication is 114. Issue Original Date December, 1999 Manual and Binder Reorder No. N/A Manual Reorder No. 9007400803

Page No. ii through xvii

Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . Original

Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Original 11 through 115 . . . . . . . . . Original 21 through 220 . . . . . . . . . Original 31 through 336 . . . . . . . . . Original 41 through 410 . . . . . . . . . Original A1 through A3 . . . . . . . . . . Original Index1 through Index5 . . . Original

Do not remove covers. Potentially lethal voltages are present inside the system. Observe all WARNING markings on the equipment and WARNING notices in the manual. If servicing is necessary, it should be performed only by a qualified person familiar with the electrical shock hazards present inside the system. Grounding circuit continuity is vital for safe operation of the equipment. Never operate equipment with grounding conductor disconnected. Safeguard your hands and fingers while handling any fixture or other accessory. Be sure it is securely supported if you reach under it. If it is heavy, you must have another person help to move it. The symbol ! on equipment signifies that the manual contains information to prevent injury or equipment damage. Observe and heed all WARNING notices in the manuals and the equipment. WARNINGS call attention to personnel safety information. Replace any fuse only with the same type and ratings as labeled on the equipment and/or listed in the manual.

z z z

Ne pas enlever les couvercles. Les niveaux de tension se trouvant dans le systme sont extrmement dangereux. Respectez toutes les consignes de scurit figurant sur lquipement et les MISES EN GARDE donnes dan ce manuel. Seule une personne qualife, connaisant les risques de dcharge lectrique du systme, est autorise effecteur les oprations de nettoyage ou de rparation du systme. Le circuit doit tre mis la terre sans discontinuation pour garantir un fonctionnement sans danger de lquipement. Ne jamais faire fonctionner lquipement pendant que le raccord la terre est dconnect. Protgezvous les mains et les doigts pendant le maniement de tout dispositif de serrage ou autre accessoire. Assurezvous que ceuxci soient bien solidement fixs en place, avant de vous pencher sous eux. Si laccessoire en question est trop lourd, faitesvous aider pour le dplacer. Le symbole ! figurant sur lquipement signifie que le manuel contient des informations permettant dempcher les accidents ou lendommagement de lquipement. Respectez toutes les consignes de MISES EN GARDE donnes dans le manuel et figurant sur lquipement. Les MISES EN GARDE attirent lattention sur la ncessit de se protger. Ne remplacez les fusibles quavec des fusibles du mme type et de la mme valuer que ceux mentionns sur lquipement et figurant dans le manuel.

z z

Abdeckungen nicht entfernen. Potentiell lebensgefhrliche Spannungsbedingungen innerhalb des Systems vorhanden. Alle auf der Einrichtung befindlichen WARNMARKIERUNGEN und im Handbuch enthaltenen WARNHINWEISE beachten. Wartungsarbeiten dem qualifizierten Personal berlassen, das mit den innerhalb des Systems vorhandenen Gefahren eines elektrischen Schlags vertraut ist. Die Erdung des Schaltungsdurchgangs ist eine Grundvoraussetzung fr den sicheren Betrieb der Einrichtung. Einrichtung niemals ohne Erdleiter betreiben. Hnde und Finger bei der Handhabung einer Spannvorrichtung oder eines anderen Zubehrteils schtzen. Sich vor der Plazierung der Hnde unterhalb der Einrichtung vergewissern, da die Einrichtung ber ausreichenden Halt verfgt. Falls die Einrichtung schwer ist, sich von einer anderen Person beim Tragen helfen lassen. Das auf der Einrichtung befindliche Symbol ! bedeutet, da das Handbuch Informationen zur Verhinderung von Krperverletzungen oder Sachschden enthlt. Alle in den Handbchern enthaltenen und auf der Einrichtung befindlichen WARNHINWEISE beachten und befolgen. WARNHINWEISE sollen auf Informationen zur persnlichen Sicherheit aufmerksam machen. Sicherungen nur durch Sicherungen des gleichen Typs und der gleichen Nennleistung ersetzen. Auf der Einrichtung befindliche Etiketten und im Handbuch enthaltene Informationen zu Rate ziehen.

z z


No remova as tampas. H voltagens potencialmente fatais presentes na parte interna do sistema. Observe todas as marcaes de AVISOS no equipamento e discries de AVISOS no manual. Se for necessrio fazer manuteno, esta deve ser feita somente por uma pessoa qualificada familiarizada com os perigos de choques eltricos presentes na parte interna do sistema. A continuidade do circuito de aterramento vital para a operao segura do equipamento. Nunca opere o equipamento com o cabo de aterramento desligado. Proteja as suas mos e dedos ao operar qualquer dispositivo ou outro acessrio. Certifiquese que ele esteja suportado com segurana se voc tiver que alcanar algo debaixo dele. Se for pesado, voc deve ter a ajuda de uma outra pessoa para movlo. O simbolo ! no equipamento significa que o manual contm informaes para prevenir ferimentos ou danos ao equipamento. Observe e preste ateno a todos os AVISOS nos manuais e no equipamento. Os AVISOS chamam a ateno a informaes sobre a segurana pessoal. Substitua qualquer fusivel somente com um do mesmo tipo e da mesma capacidade nominal como marcado no equipamento e listado no manual.

z z

No quitar las tapas. En el interno del sistema hay voltajes potencialmente mortales. Obsrvense todos los rtulos de ADVERTENCIA presentes en el equipo, as como la descripcin de las notas de ADVERTENCIA presentadas en el manual. De ser necesario, el servicio de mantenimiento deber ser efectuado nicamente por personal calificado que est familiarizado con los peligros de choque elctrico presentes en el sistema. La continuidad del circuito de puesta a tierra es de vital importancia para el functionamiento seguro del equipo. Nunca se debe usar el equipo con el conductor de puesta a tierra desconectado. Protjanse las manos y los dedos toda vez que sea necesario manipular un dispositivo u accesorio. Cerciorarse de que el mismo est firmemente sujetado antes de proceder a trabajar debajo de l. Si el aparato u accesorio fuera pesado, pedir la ayuda de otra persona para moverlo. El simbolo ! que aparece en el equipo significa que el manual contiene informaciones para evitar lesiones personales o daos al equipo. Obsrvense y prstese atencin a toda las notas de ADVERTENCIA presentes en los manuales y en el equipo. Las ADVERTENCIAS sirven para llamar la atencin sobre informaciones de seguridad para el personal. Reemplazar los fusibles nicamente con otros del mismo tipo y capacidad, segn lo indique el rtulo en el equipo y la descripcin en el manual.

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Observe and heed all CAUTION notices in the manuals and on the equipment. CAUTIONS call attention to information about safeguarding equipment from damage.


Place instrument or module to be serviced, spare parts in conductive (antistatic) envelopes or carriers, hand tools etc. on a work surface defined as follows. The work surface must be conductive and reliably connected to earth ground through a safety resistance of approximately 250 kilohms. The surface must NOT be metal. (A resistivity of 30 to 300 kilohms per square is suggested.) Avoid placing tools or electrical parts on insulators. Ground the frame of any linepowered equipment, test instruments, lamps, soldering irons, etc., directly to earth ground. To avoid shorting out the safety resistance, be sure that grounded equipment has rubber feet or other means of insulation from the work surface. The module being serviced should be insulated while grounded through the powercord ground wire, but must be connected to the work surface before, during and after any disassembly or other procedure in which the line cord is disconnected. Exclude any hand tools (such as nonconductive plunger type solder suckers) that can generate a static charge. Ground yourself reliably, through a resistance, to the work surface; use, for example, a conductive strap or cable with a wrist cuff. The cuff must make electrical contact directly with your skin; do NOT wear it over clothing. (Resistance between skin contact and work surface through a commercially available personnel grounding device is typically 250 kilohms to 1 megohm.) If any circuit or IC packages are to be stored or transported, enclose them in conductive envelopes or carriers. Remove them only with the above precautions; handle IC packages without touching the contact pins. Avoid circumstances that are likely to produce static charges, such as wearing clothes of synthetic material, sitting on a plasticcovered stool (particularly while wearing wool), combing your hair, or making extensive erasures. These circumstances are most significant when the air is dry. When testing static sensitive devices, be sure dc power is on before, during, and after application of test signals. Be sure all pertinent voltages have been switched off while boards or components are removed or inserted.



Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . About this Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Related GenRad Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Document Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GenRad Customer Care Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii

GR228X System Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basic System Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . System Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testing Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In-Circuit Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Functional Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . System Test Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testing Board Continuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testing Analog Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testing Digital Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testing Hybrid Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testing Boundary Scan Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Fixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In-Circuit Test Fixture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Functional Test Fixture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-4 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-11 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 1-15 1-15

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


GR228X Test Systems

GR228X System Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GR2280 and GR2281 Production Test Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard System Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Optional Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GR2281A and GR2287A Production Test Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard System Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Optional Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GR228X i-Series Test Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Optional Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GR228X e-Series Test Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard System Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Optional Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GR2283 and GR2284 Test Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard System Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Optional Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GR228X Test Systems with Windows NT PC Retrofit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard System Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Optional Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UUT Power Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Available UUT Power Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Optional Programmable Voltage UUT Power Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Optional Fixed Voltage Power Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-17 2-18 2-19 2-20 2-20

GR228X Test Software

Test Development Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Preparation Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CB/Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit Description Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . System Device Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power Supply Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Generation Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Automatic Test Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preprocessor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scan Pathfinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nail Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Translator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Debug Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program Xplorer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Autodebug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Digital Waveform Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measuring Fault Coverage (ALLFAULT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Floating Point Array Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 3-3 3-3 3-4 3-4 3-9 3-15 3-16 3-16 3-17 3-17 3-19 3-19 3-20 3-20 3-21 3-22 3-24 3-25


Generating a Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Execution Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard Test Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PinPoint Guided Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TEST XPRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Panel Test, Split Fixturing, and Serial Numbering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Analysis Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Real Time Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Data Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Off-line Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ATG Xpress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRACS III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRXpert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Migrating from One Test System to Another . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3-27 3-27 3-27 3-29 3-29 3-31 3-31 3-31 3-34 3-35 3-35 3-35 3-35 3-36

Windows NT System Environment

Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PFE Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . emacs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Choosing a User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TestFlo Program Preparation Manager (PPM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GR228X Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Online Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monitor Page Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Online Help Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Online Manuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-3 4-4 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-10

Documentation Quick Reference

Hardware Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Software Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Third Party Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 A-2 A-3


Introduction to GR228X Test Systems



This manual introduces you to the GR228X Test Systems by providing you with a brief description of the: z GR228X Test System architecture. z Standard and optional hardware available for each GR228X Test System. z Software that is available to help you develop test programs, and which manual in the GR228X Documentation Set provides detailed information. z Windows NT-based system environment.

This manual will benefit: z Network Manager or Administrator z System Manager or Administrator z Test Engineer z Field Service Personnel z Site Manager z Test Programmer z Operator

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


About this Manual

This section identifies the knowledge or tasks described in the chapters or appendices of this manual.

For information about The general GR228X Systems architecture, testing strategies, devices tested, and test fixtures The standard and optional hardware that is available on your GR228X System and some basic information about power supplies The test development process and the software tools available for the GR228X Systems The Windows NT system environment, test editors, user interfaces, and how to get help Where to find information about a task in the documentation set; where to find 3rd Party (nonGenRad) documentation information

Read this Chapter or Appendix Overview

GR228X Test Systems

GR228X Test Software

Windows NT System Environment Documentation Quick Reference



Related GenRad Documentation

This section lists other GenRad manuals that may provide supporting or related information. Manual Title GR228X Test Program Generation Manual PinPoint Guided Probe Users Guide Meeting the Challenge of Boundary Scan GR228X Test Fixture Manual GR228X Production Test Users Guide GR228X Test Language Reference Manual GR228X Test Library Programming Manual GR228X Master Index BasicSCAN Boundary Scan Users Guide Xpress Model Users Guide GR228X Scan Pathfinder Users Guide GR228X Test Program Debug Manual Test Xpress Users Guide GR228X Panel Test, Serial Numbering, and Split Fixturing Manual GR228X Migration Users Guide GR228X System Administration Users Guide How it relates or supports this manual Provides detailed information about the test program development process Provides detailed information about using PinPoint Guided Probe Provides an informal introduction to boundary scan Provides detailed information about creating test fixtures Provides information that is necessary to perform production testing on UUTs Provides detailed information on creating tests using the test language statements Provides detailed information on creating analog, digital and hybrid models Provides a method for locating specific information within the documentation set Provides detailed information about using BasicSCAN to test boundary scan components Provides detailed information on generating models using the Xpress Model option Provides detailed information on generating tests for boundary scan components Provides detailed information on debugging test programs Provides detailed information on generating open pin tests Provides detailed information on testing a panel of boards, using serial numbering, and testing UUTs using a split fixture Provides detailed information on migrating from one test system to another Provides information on using the Windows NT system environment administration and operation Provides application programs illustrating test methods that will help you to develop similar applications. Provides information to develop a test program off-line on a PC.

GR228X Advanced Applications

ATG Xpress Users Guide

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Document Conventions
The following document conventions are used throughout the documentation set. Convention Bold monospace text Bold text Courier text Italic monospace text Italic text P/N or PN [text, text] {text, text} CAUTION Example Indicates command text that you enter commands, keys, buttons, prompts, menu options, icons, and literals within text command, syntax, or error message replace the term with a valid entry manual title, chapter title, or section title part number field within the brackets is optional select one or more choices within the braces potential harm to the system or equipment as a result of this action the beginning of an example

End Example the end of an example NOTE NEXT specialized information that may benefit you informational options that direct you to the next chapter or step potential harm to you as a result of this action




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GenRad offers customer support through the GenRad Customer Care Center (CCC). You can contact the Customer Care Center for assistance at any time if you are unable to solve a problem through the use of on-line help or product documentation. If the Customer Care Center is closed when you call, you can leave a voice mail message by phone. Before contacting the Customer Care Center, please have the following information available: z Your site number z Hardware system type z System serial number z Software version number You can contact the Customer Care Center by: Phone (978) 589-7000 USA only: 18004GENRAD (1-800-443-6723) Select the number 1 to connect to the Customer Care Center. (978) 589-2080 (Customer Care Center) (978) 589-7007 (GenRad Main) cs1@genrad.com GenRad, Inc. 7 Technology Park Drive, MS 6 Westford, MA 01886-0033 http://www.genrad.com ftp.genrad.com login: anonymous password: your e-mail address cd pub/pub (public, for directory use ls) or cd pub/incoming (public, directory cannot be seen)


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Introduction to GR228X Test Systems



The GR228X Test Systems, hereafter referred to as the GR228X systems, are a family of PC-controlled combinational test systems. The systems are designed to perform rapid electrical testing of printed circuit boards with high diagnostic accuracy. The GR228X systems run on a Windows NT-based software platform and are configurable to meet the hardware and software requirements of the target application. Your GR228X systems primary purpose is to execute in-circuit tests on electrically-isolated components of a unitundertest (UUT). Such components include analog IC, digital IC, hybrid IC, and memory components. NOTE The GR2281A and GR2287A Test Systems do not have digital test vector capabilities, but can detect opens on digital components using the TEST XPRESS software.

A GR228X system is particularly effective at detecting manufacturing faults, such as: z Shorts and opens within components or on board etches z Missing, wrong, damaged, or improperly inserted components z Out of tolerance and faulty components z Incorrectly programmed components and faulty memory devices z Functional faults on complete circuits This chapter provides an introduction to all Windows NT-based GR228X Test Systems, which include any VMS-based GR228X Test Systems that have been retrofitted with a Windows NT-based PC.

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


GR228X System Architecture

All Windows NT-based GR228X systems are PC-controlled and have similar standard and optional hardware components. Table 11 describes each of the GR228X systems major components that are shown in Figure 11.












Figure 11

System Components

Table 11 GR228X System Components

Component Mouse Keyboard Hardware Keypad Video Display Repair Ticket Printer Line Printer CD-ROM Hard Disk Drive Description Used to select options and enter input. Used to enter commands to the PC or to respond to system prompts and test boards. This option enables you to test UUTs easily without constantly using the keyboard. Used during program preparation and during the testing sequence to display measurements, waveforms, error messages, and other operator information. Prints diagnostic messages and results from the PC. Used by the test system to document test results and error messages, which can be attached to the failing boards. This option is available for hard-copy output of program listings and log listings. Used to load CD-ROM formatted software. Stores system software, test programs and data, and any other information that the PC needs to quickly access. Optional disk drives may be added to provide additional storage. This 1.44 Mb diskette drive is used for system backup and data transfer. This 525Mb tape drive is used for loading system software and for system backup. An internal modem for remote accessing. Executes the test programs.

3.5-inch Diskette Drive

1/ 4-inch

Tape Drive

Modem Processor



Component Test Instruments

Description The source and measure instruments perform a variety of device tests. For example, by forcing a known voltage from the dc source and measuring the current, the software computes the value of dc resistance under test using Ohms Law (R=E/I). Provides an interface between the test instruments and the variety of boards that undergo tests. Fixtures, which are uniquely fabricated for each board design to be tested, are mounted to the test systems receiver. Through the fixture, the test system establishes electrical connections between the test instruments and individual components on the UUT.

Test Fixture Receiver and Support Circuitry

Basic System Components

The GR228X systems include a variety of specially designed interconnected modules and components that provide easy access at the front for UUT testing and at the rear for equipment servicing. Internal ventilation is provided by positive pressure air circulation from air intakes on each cabinet. Figure 12 shows the system as a block diagram. The basic system contains a PC, analog and digital subsystems, a receiver, and UUT power supplies. NOTE

The GR2281A and GR2287A Test Systems do not contain a digital subsystem.


GR228X Test System



Figure 12

Basic System Block Diagram

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


System Activities
Figure 13 identifies activities that are needed to use the system effectively. The activities are grouped under four major functions.

GR228X Test System

System Management

Set Up System

Develop Test Programs and Fixtures


Production Testing

Maintenance and Service


Prepare Site Install Hardware Load Software Create User Accounts Set up System Set up Network

Use Window NT Operating System Customize Environment Choose an Editor Identify Test Program Development Process Build, Test, and Debug Test Fixture Develop Test Program Debug Test Program Release Test Program for Production Testing

Perform UUT Testing Routine Maintenance Collect and Analyze Test Data Run Verification Programs

Perform Preventative Maintenance Calibrate Instruments If Test System fails, Run Diagnostic Self Tests Remove and Replace Defective System Parts

Figure 13

GR228X Test System Activities

Testing Methods
There are two testing methods available for the GR228X systems; in-circuit and functional. Both methods can produce tests that identify a high percentage of all possible defects. Depending on the assembly stage, either the in-circuit or the functional testing method is easier to implement and provides the most useful information. In-circuit tests are usually performed at earlier and intermediate stages of assembly when it is most important to identify and correct component faults. While the in-circuit test does not provide direct information about how well a board functions, experience shows that most boards that pass an in-circuit test can also pass a thorough functional test. Therefore, even though the in-circuit test does not determine whether the whole board works correctly, it can indicate whether a board should continue through assembly or whether it has faults that need repair. Once it is established that all components are correctly inserted and are operational, boardlevel functional tests or quality control tests can be useful for verifying a boards overall performance. Functional tests are usually performed in the later stages of assembly when access is only available at the board edge.



A dedicated functional test system is often used for functional testing. Alternatively, you can move many of the functional tests to the GR228X Test System which has many of the necessary hybrid test capabilities built-in. The ICA systems contain instruments for testing groups of analog components, groups of ICs using the systems parallel Driver/Sensors, and groups of hybrid components using the AWG, DMM, and ACM in addition to the other instruments. Functional testing may require the addition of optional power supplies. The Hybrid Test Library (HTL) enables you to develop a library of functional tests that can be automatically generated. Functional testing enables you to collect additional test statistics using the systems data logging feature. In-circuit testing individually checks the performance of each component on the board with little or no operator probing. Occasionally a fault such as an open connection needs to be localized further. The GR228X systems offer a scratchprobing technique that can discriminate between a poor test probe contact, a bent IC pin that was not inserted correctly, or a broken track. Performing a combination of in-circuit and functional tests provides the most thorough fault coverage. The GR228X software and hardware are optimized for in-circuit component testing, therefore, the test development process focuses on in-circuit testing. GR228X systems can also perform clusters of functional tests using the same test fixture. By grouping the UUT into functional clusters, you can simplify test development and improve the diagnostic accuracy of failing cluster tests. Table 12 identifies and contrasts the major characteristics of functional and in-circuit testing. Table 12 Functional and In-Circuit Test Characteristics Characteristic What is tested How is it tested Functional (Board-Edge) Test Component inputs and outputs. Power is applied to the board. In-Circuit Test Component connections, values, and functions. Component-by-component; power is applied to UUT for digital and hybrid tests. Bed-of-nails fixture for each board design. Automatic Test Generator (ATG) writes the test using test libraries. The hybrid library can generate functional tests.

Fixture requirements Software requirements

Board edge connector that may accept many boards. Can use an optional circuit simulator as a diagnostic aid to predict outputs and fault coverage. Test development requires a simulator library, and a programmer to write part of the test. It requires a longer test development cycle. Must contain complete transfer function or truth table for each digital device. Provided by guided operator probing; fault identification depends on adequate simulation. Excellent fault coverage, although both the test development and debug time are lengthy. Also, manufacturing faults may not be detected.

Component library Fault diagnosis

Contains analog, digital, and hybrid model tests, written for a variety of circuit environments. Probing is not required to obtain good fault identification. Excellent fault coverage with fast test development and debug time.

Fault coverage

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


In Circuit Testing
In-circuit testing methods are used to check for manufacturing faults. Manufacturing faults are defects in individual components and inter-connections on the board. To test components individually, connections from the test system to all functioning component pins is required. This is accomplished using a test fixture that mates with each of the boards circuit nodes and test methods that can effectively isolate a single component from the parts surrounding it. An in-circuit component test is often performed as the first or second test after a board has been assembled and soldered. It may be preceded by a separate bare board test to check for opens and shorts in the conductive tracks before parts are inserted. In-circuit tests generally fall into four test categories: z Connectivity tests that check for shorts and open connections on the board. z Analog tests that measure component values. z Digital tests that check the operation of digital integrated circuits. z Hybrid tests that check components that are a combination of analog and digital components. The System contains test hardware appropriate for each kind of test, but it must be connected to each part on the board individually before you can perform a test. Since components are tested individually, the system can usually localize a fault immediately and issue a report telling the operator or technician which part needs repair. Interactive faults that can cause the board to malfunction are generally overlooked, but such faults are rare on a welldesigned board. The in-circuit tests are generated by the Automatic Test Generation (ATG) software. Programmers who need to modify tests created by ATG or who need to write tests of their own should thoroughly understand these techniques and the criteria ATG uses in selecting various test methods. The most troublesome aspect of the in-circuit test is the assumption that you can test each component as if it were the only part on the board. Fairly complex test strategies are often required to analyze the components circuit environment and to isolate the component from the surrounding circuits. Since these test strategies involve only individual components and their immediate circuit connections, you can assemble libraries of standard test procedures and adapt them to the limited range of environments in which the components are found. Given an appropriately coded description of the circuit, the system software can write the entire board test by drawing tests for individual components from test libraries. VLSI devices are tested in a way that is, in principle, no more complex than the method used for simple components. The system does not need to know the entire truth table or transfer function of a digital device, since it does not analyze how signals move through the circuit. Instead, it only requires that the library contain a set of typical input and output patterns for each device that is used to test the device. For a simpler digital IC, these patterns are usually based on the devices truth tables, but for a larger device, they may consist of no more than a carefully chosen sample of the possible inputs and outputs. Bused ICs present a special class of challenges. Before full tests are performed on bused devices, all the devices on the bus are tristated, that is, put in a low current state to verify that the bus is free. If the bus test fails, the BUSBUST diagnostic technique can automatically identify the IC(s) causing the bus failure. Once the bus test passes, you can individually test the performance of each IC on the bus. All other devices on the bus are disabled or disconnected from the bus and the IC is tested as if it were the only device on the board. For an in-depth explanation of in-circuit testing strategies, refer to the GR228X Test Program Generation Manual.



Functional Testing
Functional circuit testing is often used to identify any faults that went undetected by in-circuit testing. A functional test is most important to the end user of a circuit board because it certifies that the board meets its performance specifications. To connect the unitundertest (UUT) to the test instruments, you must construct a fixture that mates easily with the board and provides reliable electrical connections. Usually, you only need to test the boards inputs and outputs, and the fixture needs to provide little more than the boards normal interface connectors. Therefore, the test fixture can be relatively simple and inexpensive to construct, which is especially attractive for lowvolume testing. Using a functional tester, it is often possible to test a variety of busoriented boards from an edge connector in a single fixture. With power applied to the board, a functional test checks that the board, or chosen sections of the board, produces the desired output response when various input stimuli are applied. Functional testing can also check that further stages of assembly have not damaged the board. When a board fails a functional test, the test cannot always identify the cause of the fault immediately since there can be any number of paths from the inputs to the outputs along which the fault might lie. As boards become more complex, the possible signal paths become much longer, and the simple information that a particular board output has failed becomes less useful in identifying the cause of the failure. After a board fails a functional test, a technician usually has to trace the fault from the output back to its origin. Since ATG does not generate functional test programs, you must write a test in the systems test language. The test you develop needs to apply an appropriate stimulus, a waveform or a bit pattern, at the boards inputs and measure the outputs to determine if the board or a group of components, such as a filter section, are functioning properly. When a sophisticated functional test is required, or if diagnostic information can be gained from the functional test, some proficiency in manual programming in the test language may be required. For functional testing, you can use software to adapt the output of simulator models to the GR228X test language to form digital models of function units. You can then use the PinPoint Guided Probe for testing a function unit. The guided probe provides an important capability for diagnosing functional faults. Refer to the PinPoint Guided Probe Users Guide for more information. The PinPoint Guided Probe is ideally suited for tracking digital functions. Using a probe connected to a signal tracer or logic analyzer, is not as efficient as using PinPoint Guided Probe. If the PinPoint Guided Probe capability is to aid in locating the fault, it must have a software model of the boards circuits available so that it can compute the possible signal paths and guide the operator to probable sources of the error. However, when you perform a functional test in conjunction with an in-circuit test, the in-circuit test is often sufficient to identify component faults that cause functional failures. To model a circuit, the simulator must be able to predict the state of each pin as a signal propagates from the inputs to the outputs. A complete truth table for each digital device on the board must be available so that for each input pattern that appears at an ICs inputs, it can find the resulting outputs and advance to the next devices. This has important consequences for functional testing of boards containing VLSI devices. For SSI and most MSI devices you can record the truth tables without difficulty; however, for some VLSI devices such as microprocessors, the truth tables comprise from 10,000 to several million test vectors. For these devices you must find other less thorough methods for simulation. In general, adequate software modeling of boards containing VLSI devices is a formidable and expensive task. For an explanation of functional testing strategies, refer to the GR228X Test Program Generation Manual.

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


System Test Devices

The GR228X test language controls the system test hardware and software devices,which enable you to test and measure the components on the UUT. Figure 14 provides a global view of the system test devices. Table 13 describes the function of the hardware and software devices.





NOTE: [1] Not actual instruments, they are software drivers [2] LGC may include standard digital test nails and/or special nails [3] Power supplies for UNIX PC Retrofitted Systems

Figure 14

System Test Devices



Table 13 System Test Device Functions Acronym ACM Device Name Digital AC Voltmeter/Ammeter Function Measures a signals positive peak, negative peak, RMS, or dc offset (Voltages up to 200 V and currents up to 160 mA for signals between 1 Hz and 40 kHz.). Measures impedance or admittance by applying the ac source voltage and measuring the result. The AFTM option contains these analog instruments: DC Voltmeter, AC Voltmeter, AC Source, TTL Sync Signal Output, Frequency/Time-Interval Meter. ARITH Arithmetic Test Module Tests arithmetic quantities not directly measured by an instrument, such as the gain of a transistor. This utility device is considered a system device because the action required when it fails is the same as other instrument statements. Sources voltage or current waveforms. Programmed waveforms can be sine, square, and triangle. You can also define arbitrary waveforms. Uses a differential voltmeter and an ammeter to measure dc voltage. The DCM module on an ICA-configured system has a wider range than on a non-ICA configured system. Serves as voltage source (DCV) or current source (DCI). The DCS module on an ICA-configured system has a wider range than on a non-ICA configured system. Trigger command available for ICA systems only. Measures voltage and current. Permits immediate or triggered voltage and current sequence measurements which are then stored in the DMMs memory. Extends test system memory by supplying state data to the Driver/Sensors through the digital instrument bus. Permits up to nine external devices that conform to IEEE Standard 4881978. These external devices can be attached to the system, then operated remotely by test language statements. Digitally controls the D/S subsystem for standard digital testing.


AC Impedance Measure Analog Functional Test Module


Arbitrary Waveform Generator


DC Measure


DC Source


Digital Multimeter


Deep Serial Memory

I488 (BUS OPT)

IEEE Standard 4881978


Logic Driver/Sensors

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Table 13 System Test Device Functions Acronym MUX Device Name Instrument Multiplexer Function Relay matrices used to connect selected instruments to any of four (A, B, C, D) or eight (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) output channels. Connects Driver/Sensor or analog BUS lines to a larger number of pins. This software driver tests for open pins on selected components and connectors. It uses various tester instruments depending on your tester configuration and selected PINOPEN options. Reads driver outputs and monitors TTL inputs. This utility device consists of program controlled driver circuits that activate relays, TTL circuits, LED indicators, and sensor circuits. Power supply option used on the Windows NT-based GR228X Systems to power the UUT. Uses an ohmmeter to measure resistance. Uses relay matrices to connect the MUX channels to designated UUT nails. Connects the DCS and DCM to perform analog continuity tests. The DCS and DCM go through the MUX and SCAN, to connect source and measure units to the UUT. This utility device contains circuits and components of known values that check how the various system test devices operate. Power supply options used on the Windows NT-PC Retrofitted GR228X Systems to power the UUT. Printed circuit board that you are testing.


Pin Expander Open Pins


Parallel I/O


Programmable Supply


Resistance Measure Analog Pin Scanner Shorts Opens Continuity SelfTest Module


Selectable Voltage Supply; Universal Power Supply; High Current Supplies Unit Under Test



Testing Board Continuity

Continuity tests are the first set of in-circuit tests that ATG generates. Continuity tests identify shorts and opens in the circuit board connections by: z Measuring the resistances between all possible node pairs. z Checking unconnected nodes for very high resistance. z Checking connected nodes for very low resistance. Optionally, you can select a test that verifies the integrity of the connections between the receiver, fixture, and UUT. This test checks for a leakage path between source nodes and sense nodes on the UUT. If a leakage path does not exist, it usually means that the receiver, fixture, or UUT is not making electrical contact. The scratchprobing diagnostic technique is another form of connectivity testing that you can use to determine if a component failed because of a bad connection on the UUT. You use a probe for this test. When a component fails, the operator can be instructed to probe the pins of the failed component. This tests the connection from each IC pin to the test probe. It verifies that the connection from the test probe to the IC pin is intact and whether the IC or the board connection needs repair.

Testing Analog Components

Analog testing is usually performed with no power supplies or ground reference applied to the UUT. Passive analog components are tested by applying an external stimulus to the component, either voltage or current, and measuring the results. Tests of more complex devices, such as active filters, usually require power. In either case, appropriate source and measure instruments are connected to component pins on the board. The source instruments force a voltage or current input. The Measure instruments measure the voltage or current output. ATG automatically analyzes the circuitry surrounding each analog component and then searches the Analog Test Library (ATL) for an appropriate measurement configuration. ATG uses the library procedure as a template for the test to: z Select source, measure, and guard terminals. z Calculate the unknown component value. z Check for error conditions. The ATG test selection process can generate these basic impedance test configurations: z 2-terminal unguarded measurement and 4terminal Kelvin measurement z 4- and 6-terminal guarded measurement z 6-terminal guarded Kelvin measurement

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


ATG can also determine if a test system has an 8wire mode, and, when appropriate, writes accurate 8wire resistor tests for low value components. Each in-circuit analog test that ATG generates: z Defines relevant measurement parameters, such as resistance, capacitance, or gain, and selects a stimulus current or voltage for measuring it. z Determines how the device can be isolated from its circuit environment so that interactions from other components do not affect the measurement. z Connects the appropriate circuit nodes to the testers measurement instruments so that it can issue relay commands. In some cases, both analog and digital test strategies are used to accomplish these ends. Fortunately, most testing problems are solved by the ATG software, using programmed circuit analysis and libraries of test procedures for circuit components to develop tests for the board.

Testing Digital Components

NOTE The GR2281A and GR2287A Test Systems do not have digital test vector capabilities, but can detect opens on digital components using the TEST XPRESS software.

Digital component testing requires a method of testing the device and a method of isolating it from the surrounding devices or from adjacent buses. The device test requires a set of known logic states applied to the devices inputs, and a set of expected output states that the device should produce. These input and output bit patterns, called test vectors, usually reflect the truth table associated with the device. To allow the device to function, power and ground are applied to the device during the test. Digital component testing is actually several tests that are performed in this order: z Nonbused IC tests are performed before full tests on the bused devices. z Bus connections are tested by attempting to free the bus from all the devices connected to it. A digital circuit component test usually requires a large number of simultaneous input and output test vectors. Accordingly, the test hardware for digital testing consists of a relatively large number of Driver/Sensor circuits. Test programs are written as if a separate Driver/Sensor were available at each test probe. The actual number of Driver/Sensors is, however, much smaller than the number of available probes. The system software arranges connections from the Driver/Sensors through a relaybased multiplexing system, so you can connect all probes to the Driver/Sensors. This means that a program cannot actually use all of the test probes at once; but test programs rarely need to use more than 250 probes at any one time. Each Driver/Sensor contains builtin, programmable pullup and pulldown resistors that connect to the logic high and low drive voltages. These resistors are commonly used to simplify the sensing of openemitter and opencollector outputs. In bus testing, the pulldown resistors are first used to pull the bus lines low. If the pulldown resistors can bring the bus lines to a low voltage level, you can assume that the bus is in a high impedance state, at least in the high voltage range. The programmable pullup resistors are connected to the logic high voltage, and the bus lines are checked for logic highs. These two tests verify that no device is driving the bus at the low logic level.



The output of each driver normally functions as a programmable voltage source, generating highs and lows at voltages the test program determines. To test opencollector, openemitter, and tristate devices, the Driver/Sensor can switch in a pair of pullup and pulldown resistors. A sensor is simply a voltage comparator that returns a logic 1 for all voltages above a certain programmed threshold, and a logic 0 for voltages below a second programmed threshold. Values falling between the two thresholds fail tests for both high and low. A digital test is conducted by applying as many input combinations to the devices inputs as the circuit connections allow. Inputs tied high or low cannot be tested and inputs tied together cannot be tested separately. Using the truth table or an appropriate set of test vectors, the test system checks the outputs for the expected high and low states. Within certain limits, you can specify the devices current and voltage parameters, as well as signal delays, in the test. In-circuit digital tests generally, however, are meant to verify the devices logical functions rather than its electrical parameters.

Testing Hybrid Components

A hybrid test is a test that usually includes both analog and digital test statements. Hybrid tests are effective at generating tests for multiple components that are tested as a function (such as filters, pulse width modules). Examples of other hybrid devices include: programmable gain amplifiers and analogtodigital converters. Hybrid tests can be generated on GR228X test systems. Hybrid tests can use any of the systems test instruments to construct the test to measure a component or group of components. The Hybrid Test Generator (HTG) uses hybrid library models that effectively take advantage of these GR228X test software features: z TRIGGER statement that synchronizes the source and measurement instrument timing. Both singlestep and continuous triggering are permitted. z Floatingpoint arrays and system subroutines that simplify the handling of large amounts of data. The test language includes routines to process and display array data. A test program can use arrays with up to 32K elements. The subroutines can perform: Simple mathematical calculations on arrays of real numbers Mathematical calculations on complex vectors Discreet Fourier Transforms, Fast Fourier Transforms, and Inverse Fast Fourier Transforms z Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG) that provides various input stimulus to test a circuits response. You can create a multitone signal that increases testing efficiency. By combining multiple tones into a single waveform, tests can be performed in parallel. z Digital Multimeter (DMM) that performs voltage and current sampling on digitized analog signals for applications requiring tests like signal/noise ratio calculations, spectral analysis, and slew rate calculations. Sampling a waveform enables you to compare the frequency response of a device output to the input signal generated by the test system. z AC voltage and current meter (ACM) that performs RMS, peak, and DCoffset measurements on analog signals.

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


A hybrid test is generated from a hybrid model. The hybrid model can contain both unpowered and powered sections that define how the hybrid device is tested. Unpowered section tests are performed on the passive section of a component or group of components. The unpowered hybrid test is inserted in the test program after the analog in-circuit tests and before the power up routine. Powered section tests are performed on the key operating parameters of a device or group of devices. The powered hybrid test is inserted in the test program after the power up routine and before the digital tests. These tests can contain a digital burst. When both unpowered and powered tests are within the same model, ATG splits the test and places the sections in the appropriate place within the program. For examples of these advanced test techniques, refer to the GR228X Advanced Applications.

Testing Boundary Scan Components

Boundary scan is a structured design-for-testability method applicable to digital devices. The phrase design-for-testability refers to the on-going effort by both component and board designers to improve the observation and control of their designs during test. NOTE The GR2281A and GR2287A Test Systems do not support boundary scan component testing.

Some circuit board assemblies contain boundary scan components. These components offer testing advantages by exercising the components internal circuitry to overcome probing limitations. In addition, you can further test the board by exercising boundary scan components to perform self-tests. To improve UUT fault coverage and diagnostics, GenRad combines traditional in-circuit test techniques with boundary scan test techniques. GenRad offers two optional software products that perform in-circuit testing of boundary scan components: z BasicSCAN is very effective for testing UUTs that contain a few boundary scan components with full access. z Scan Pathfinder is very effective for testing UUTs that contain many boundary scan components with limited access. For further information, refer to Meeting the Challenge of Boundary Scan. This GenRad handbook provides an informal introduction to Boundary Scan. You can obtain this handbook from your sales representative.



Test Fixtures
A test fixture is a custom built interface that provides reliable electrical paths to the UUT from the systems analog source and measure instruments, digital driver/sensor circuits, and UUT power supplies. There are many test fixture types. The most common are: z In-circuit (bed-of-nails) z Functional (edge)

In Circuit Test Fixture

The in-circuit test fixture connects rows of contact nails on the receiver to a bed-of-nails on the top side of the fixture. The nails on the fixture are called test nails, and the nails on the receiver are called receiver nails. Since each UUT is unique, it requires its own in-circuit test fixture. Fixture manufacturers usually provide test fixtures that are completely assembled and wired or test fixture kits that you assemble and wire. No matter who assembles the test fixture, you need to provide UUT and test program information that includes: z Nail Fixture Report (.NFR) file, and optionally, the Nail Wire List (.NWL) file, which is used for shortwire length fixtures, and the CAD design data that contains the X, Y coordinate information for all pins on the UUT. z Your test systems configuration. z Test program requirements such as special Opens Xpress, Cap Xpress, and Orient Xpress fixture wiring data (.DPR) file. z Fixture Wiring Instructions (.FWI) file, that contains informational messages and instructions to the fixture assembler on how to wire the power supply connections to the test fixture. The Fixture design and construction is coordinated with the test program development objectives. Refer to your test systems Test Fixture Manual for the reasons and procedures for the various fixture design strategies. Refer to the GR228X Test Program Generation Manual for information on generating reports required for building a test fixture. For information on installing and using a test fixture, refer to the GR228X Production Test Users Guide.

Functional Test Fixture

The Functional test fixture connects the UUT to the systems test instruments. In functional testing, you only test the inputs and outputs that are at the UUT edge connectors. Therefore, the test fixture need only be a little more than the UUTs normal interface connectors. The test fixture can be relatively simple and inexpensive to construct, which is especially attractive for lowvolume testing. Using a functional tester, it is often possible to test a variety of busoriented boards from an edge connector in a single fixture.

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


GR228X Test Systems

GenRads GR228X Test Systems are a family of Windows NT-based PCcontrolled, combinational test systems. Providing a variety of GR228X systems enables you to choose the configuration that best suits your board testing needs. This section describes the hardware that comprises the Windows NT-based GR228X Test System.

GR228X System Configurations

Each Windows NT-based GR228X Test System is configured differently. A description of the fields used in the GR228X System Configurations appears before Table 21. A description of the fields used in Table 21 follow. Field Name System Type Pin Board (Type) Pin Board (Max) Driver/Sensors per board Avail. Nails (Max) Mux Ratio Data Rate Identifies the Type of GR228X System. Systems performance class. Maximum number of pin boards allowed for that system type. Maximum number of driver/sensor (D/S) connections per pin board. Maximum number of test nails available for that system type. Multiplexing system ratio (i.e. 2 D/S per 16 nails). Maximum digital subsystem vector speed rate.

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Table 21 GR228X System Configurations Pin Board (Type) Combo I Combo II ASM

System Type GR2280 GR2281 GR2281A GR2282  GR2283  GR2284 GR2286

Pin Boards (Max) 10  10

Driver/ Sensors per board 16 32 0 16 16 32 32 16 16 32 32 32 64 0 32 32

Avail. Nails (Max) 1280  1280

Mux Ratio 2:16 2:8 2:8 2:16 2:16 2:8 2:8 2:16 2:16 2:8 2:8 2:16 2:8 2:8 2:8 2:8

Data Rate 5 MHz 5 MHz Not Applicable 5 MHz 5 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 5 MHz 5 MHz 5 MHz 5 MHz 5 MHz 5 MHz Not Applicable 5 MHz 10 MHz

11 30 15 15 15 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 9 30

1408 3840 1920 1920 1920 3840 3840 3840 3840 7680 7680 3840 1152 3840

Combo I Combo I Combo II XP


Combo I Combo I Combo II Combo II HDC1 HDC2 ASM  Combo II XP

GR2286  GR2287  GR2287

GR2287L GR2287A

GR2287LX GR2288  GR2289e


System allows 11 pin boards if the AFTM is not installed. 1408 if 11 pin boards are present Analog Scanner Modules Windows NT PC Retrofitted system e-Series system or i-Series system Xtended Performance High Density Card 1. You must have a minimum of two HDC1s. Optionally, you can populate the GR2287L with up to 28 Combo II pin boards. High Density Card 2. You can only populate the GR2287LX with HDC2 pin boards.


GR228X Test Systems

GR2280 and GR2281 Production Test Systems

The GR2280 and GR2281 Production Test Systems are designed to provide comprehensive testing for small to large scale Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) and assemblies. Each Production Test System provides full analog and digital measurement capabilities for testing. In addition, some functional tests can be performed with the standard system measurement modules. External measurement or source devices, controlled via an IEEE bus interface option, can be added to expand the functional test capabilities. These external instruments can be connected to the systems scanner subsystem through external multiplexer ports. Figure 21 shows the GR2280 and GR2281 Production Test Systems.


Figure 21

GR2280 and GR2281 Production Test System

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Standard System Hardware

The standard system hardware configurations include: Hardware Pin board type Pin board (max) Driver/Sensors per board Available nail (max) Mux Ratio Data Rate Analog Functional Test Module (AFTM) Analog testing & measurement Digital testing & measurement Clock/Sync/Trigger board High Speed Controller NOTE GR2280 Combo I 10 16 1280 2:16 5 MHz Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes GR2281 Combo II 10 32 1280 2:8 5 MHz Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

If an AFTM is not used in these systems, they can accommodate 11 pin boards and has 1408 available nails.

Optional Hardware
The hardware options that can be added to the standard system configurations include: z Increasing the number of pin boards from minimum configurations GR2280 and GR2281 systems can contain up to 10 pin boards, 11 if AFTM is not present. The standard system comes with 2 pin boards. z UUT power supplies in any combination of these voltages: Programmable Voltage (PS) (up to 7 PS in alliance rack) 0 - 7V @ 15A 0 - 20V @ 8A 0 - 60V @ 2.5A z High Voltage DC Voltage Source (+120V). DC Current Measure (+60mA). z IEEE-488 Interface Controller and Instrument Multiplexer z Deep Serial Memory Module (DSM) z Custom Function Board (CFB) with Vehicle Control Interface (VCI) or Frequency Time Interval Instrument (FTI) modules z Bar Code Scanner z Repair ticket printer or line printer Fixed Voltage (Fixed) (set of 3 ) +5V @ 6A +15V @ 1.0A or +5V @ 6A +12V @ 1.3A


GR228X Test Systems

GR2281A and GR2287A Production Test Systems

The GR2281A and GR2287A Production Test Systems perform analog testing. They do not have a digital subsystem. These systems are designed to quickly identify component faults early in the manufacturing process. Figure 22 shows the GR2281A and GR2287A Test Systems.


Figure 22

GR2281A and GR2287A Production Test System

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Standard System Hardware

The standard system hardware configurations include: Hardware Pin board type Pin board (max) Available nail (max) Mux Ratio Analog testing & measurement Digital testing & measurement Clock/Sync/Trigger board High Speed Controller NOTE GR2281A ASM 11 1408 2:8 Yes No No No GR2287A ASM 30 3840 2:8 Yes No No No

Data rates are used to describe digital test vector speeds. Since the GR2281A and GR2287A Production Test Systems do not have a digital subsystem, data rates are not available. ASM refers to Analog Scanner Modules

Optional Hardware
The hardware options that can be added to the standard system configurations include: z Increasing the number of pin boards from minimum configurations GR2281A systems can contain up to 11 pin boards. The standard system comes with 4 pin boards. GR2287A systems can contain up to 30 pin boards. The standard system comes with 4 pin boards. z UUT power supplies in any combination of these voltages: Programmable Voltage (PS) (up to 5 PS in alliance rack) 0 - 7V @ 15A 0 - 20V @ 8A 0 - 60V @ 2.5A z High Voltage DC Voltage Source (+120V) z Additional vacuum port (2281A only) z Bar Code Scanner z IEEE interface z Custom Function Board (CFB) with Frequency Time Interval Instrument (FTI) z Repair ticket printer or line printer Fixed Voltage (Fixed) (set of 3 ) +5V @ 6A +15V @ 1.0A or +5V @ 6A +12V @ 1.3A


GR228X Test Systems

GR228X i Series Test Systems

The Production Test Systems are designed to provide comprehensive testing for small to large scale Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) and assemblies. Each Production Test System provides full analog and digital measurement capabilities for testing. Figure 23 shows a GR228X iSeries Test System. The GR228X iSeries Test Systems include the GR2283, GR2284, GR2286, GR2287, and GR2287L.


Figure 23

GR228X iSeries Test System

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Standard Hardware
The standard test system hardware configurations include: Hardware Pin board type Pin board (max) Driver/Sensors per board Available nails (max) Mux Ratio Data Rate Analog testing and measurement Digital testing and measurement Clock/Sync/Trigger board High Speed Controller NOTE GR2283 Combo I 15 16 1920 2:16 5 MHz YES YES YES YES GR2284 Combo II 15 32 1920 2:8 5 MHz YES YES YES YES GR2286 Combo I 30 16 3840 2:16 5 MHz YES YES YES YES GR2287 Combo II 30 32 3840 2:8 5 MHz YES YES YES YES GR2287L HDC1 or Combo II 30 32 7680 2:16 5 MHz YES YES YES YES GR2287LX HDC2 30 64 7680 2:8 5 MHz YES YES YES YES

HDC refers to the High Density Card.


GR228X Test Systems

Optional Hardware
The hardware options that can be added to the standard system configurations include: z Increasing the number of pin boards from the 2 pin board minimum configuration. GR2283 and GR2284 systems can contain up to 15 pin boards. In addition, there are 7 accessory slots available which can contain optional hardware modules such as DSM boards and the AFTM board. GR2286 and GR2287 systems can contain up to 30 boards including more pin boards and the optional DSM and/or the AFTM. Accessory slots are not available for these systems. The GR2287L must have a minimum of two High Density Cards (HDC1). Optionally, you can populate the GR2287L with up to 28 Combo II boards. The GR2287LX can only be configured with HDC2 pin boards. z UUT power supplies in any combination of these voltages: Programmable Voltage (PS) (up to 2 cages of 7 PS) 0 - 7V @ 15A 0 - 20V @ 8A 0 - 60V @ 2.5A z High Voltage DC Voltage Source (+120V). DC Current Measure (+60mA). z IEEE-488 Interface Controller and Instrument Multiplexer z Deep Serial Memory Module (DSM) z Custom Function Board (CFB) with Vehicle Control Interface (VCI) or Frequency Time Interval Instrument (FTI) modules z Bar Code Scanner z Repair ticket printer, line printer z AFTM Fixed Voltage (Fixed) (set of 3 ) +5V @ 6A +15V @ 1.0A or +5V @ 6A +12V @ 1.3A

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


GR228X e Series Test Systems

The GR228X e-Series Test Systems are designed to provide comprehensive testing for small to large scale Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) and assemblies. Each GR228X e-Series Test System provides full analog and digital measurement capabilities for testing: z Analog, digital, and mixed signal components. z Functional blocks of components. z All types of components (including SMT) without using device libraries, if you purchase the TEST XPRESS option. Each e-Series system is compatible with all other e-Series systems that contain the same mux ratio. Test programs and fixtures developed on one system are easily migrated to another e-Series system. Figure 24 shows the GR228X e-Series Test System.




Figure 24

GR228X eSeries Test System


GR228X Test Systems

Standard System Hardware

The six standard e-Series system configurations are described in the following table. The e-Series systems use one of two receivers: z GR2283e, GR2284e, and GR2285e systems use receiver connector positions 0 through 18. z GR2286e, GR2287e, and GR2289e systems use receiver connector positions 0 through 33. Hardware Pin board type Pin board (max) Driver/Sensors per board Available nails (max) Mux Ratio Data Rate Analog testing and measurement Digital testing and measurement Clock/Sync/Trigger board High Speed Controller NOTE GR2283e Combo I 15 16 1920 2:16 5 MHz Yes Yes Yes Yes GR2284e Combo II 15 32 1920 2:8 5 MHz Yes Yes Yes Yes GR2285e XP 15 32 1920 2:8 10 MHz Yes Yes Yes Yes GR2286e Combo I 30 16 3840 2:16 5 MHz Yes Yes Yes Yes GR2287e Combo II 30 32 3840 2:8 5 MHz Yes Yes Yes Yes GR2289e XP 30 32 3840 2:8 10 MHz Yes Yes Yes Yes

XP means Xtended Performance.

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Optional Hardware
The hardware options that may be added to the standard system configurations include: z Increasing the number of pin boards from minimum configurations GR2283, GR2284, and GR2285 systems can contain up to 15 pin boards. The standard system comes with 2 pin boards. GR2286, GR2287, and GR2289 systems can contain up to 30 pin boards. The standard system comes with 5 pin boards. z UUT power supplies in any combination of these voltages: Programmable Voltage (PS) (up to 14 PS in two alliance racks) 0 - 7V @ 15A 0 - 20V @ 8A 0 - 60V @ 2.5A Fixed Voltage (Fixed) (set of 3 for ICA systems only) +5V @ 6A +15V @ .75A

z High Voltage DC Voltage Source (+120V). DC Current Measure (+60mA). z IEEE-488 Interface Controller and Instrument Multiplexer z Custom Function Board (CFB) with Vehicle Control Interface (VCI) or Frequency Time Interval Instrument (FTI) modules z Deep Serial Memory Module (DSM) z Analog Functional Test Module (AFTM) z Additional Relay Driver Board z Bar Code Scanner z Footswitch


GR228X Test Systems

GR2283 and GR2284 Test Systems

The GR2283 and GR2284 Test Systems, which have evolved since their introduction in 1992 have one of these configurations. z a control arm and no shelf. z a control arm and shelf. z a monitor/control arm and shelf. Refer to Figure 25.


Figure 25

GR2283/GR2284 Test System with a Monitor/Control Arm and Shelf

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Standard System Hardware

The standard system hardware configurations include: Hardware Pin board type Pin board (max) Driver/Sensors per board Available nail (max) Mux Ratio Data Rate Analog testing & measurement Digital testing & measurement Clock/Sync/Trigger board High Speed Controller GR2283 Combo I 15 16 1920 2:16 5 MHz Yes Yes Yes Yes GR2284 Combo II 15 32 1920 2:8 5 MHz Yes Yes Yes Yes

Optional Hardware
The hardware options that can be added to the standard system configurations include: z Increasing the number of pin boards from minimum configurations GR2283 and GR2284 systems can contain up to 15 pin boards. The standard system comes with 2 pin boards. z UUT power supplies. The Programmable Voltage (PS) supplies are: 0 - 7V @ 15A 0 - 20V @ 8A 0 - 60V @ 2.5A z IEEE-488 Interface Controller and Instrument Multiplexer z Deep Serial Memory Module (DSM) z Analog Functional Test Module (AFTM) z Additional Instrument Multiplexer Board z Additional Relay Driver Board z Custom Function Board (CFB) with Vehicle Control Interface (VCI) or Frequency Time Interval Instrument (FTI) modules z Bar Code Scanner z Footswitch z Repair ticket printer z Line printer z Load box (for operational verification)


GR228X Test Systems

GR228X Test Systems with Windows NT PC Retrofit

Your VMS-based GR228X Test Systems can be upgraded using the Windows NT PC Retrofit option. GenRad no longer builds or develops new software features for the VMS-based test systems. The Windows NT PC Retrofit option enables you to run the latest release of the GR228X software and improves the throughput of your system. Figure 26, Figure 27, and Figure 28 shows the GR228X Test Systems with the Windows NT PC Retrofit installed.

Figure 26

PC Retrofitted GR2282 Test System

Figure 27

PC Retrofitted GR2286 and GR2287 Test Systems

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems





Figure 28

PC Retrofitted GR2288 Test System

Standard System Hardware

The standard system hardware configurations include: Hardware Pin board type Pin board (max) Driver/Sensors per board Available nail (max) Mux Ratio Data Rate Analog testing and measurement Digital testing and measurement Clock/Sync/Trigger board High Speed Controller NOTE GR2282 Combo I 30 16 3840 2:16 5 MHz Yes Yes Yes Yes GR2286 Combo I 30 16 3840 2:16 5 MHz Yes Yes Yes Yes GR2287 Combo II 30 32 3840 2:8 5 MHz Yes Yes Yes Yes GR2288 Combo II 9 32 1152 2:8 5 MHz Yes Yes Yes Yes

The GR2282 is the only 4-wire system, the other systems are 8-wire.


GR228X Test Systems

Optional Hardware
The hardware options that can be added to the standard system configurations include: z Increasing the number of pin boards from minimum configurations GR2282 systems can contain up to 30 pin boards. The standard system contains 5 pin boards. GR2286 and GR2287 systems can contain up to 30 pin boards. The standard system contains 5 pin boards. GR2288 systems can contain up to 9 pin boards. The standard system contains 2 pin boards. z UUT power supplies Universal Power Supply (UPS) 10V 20V 40V 50V z Load box (for UPS/SVS current verification tests on GR2288) z Additional Instrument Multiplexer Boards z Additional DC Voltage and Current Source Boards z Additional Relay Driver Board z Bar Code Scanner z IEEE interface z Line printer z Analog Instrument Option (AIO) z Analog Functional Test Module (AFTM) z Deep Serial Memory (DSM) z Custom Function Board (CFB) with Vehicle Control Interface (VCI) or Frequency Time Interval Instrument (FTI) modules z Expansion bay (GR2286 and GR2287) z Footswitch Programmable Voltage Supply (PVS) 0 - 5.5V @ 50A 0 - 7V @ 35A 0 - 30V @ 8A Selectable Voltage Supply (SVS) 7 - 20 - 20 20 - 20 - 20

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


UUT Power Supplies

The GR228X Test Systems can include optional UUT power supplies that provide power to the UUT. There are two types of UUT power supplies: z Programmable voltage power supplies (PS) z Fixed voltage power supplies (Fixed) The Windows NT-based GR228X system can support up to seven individual power supply modules in a controller box. The systems configuration is established by both the number and types of power supply modules in the system and the wiring between receiver connections and the power supply modules. Virtual power supplies are created by wiring power supply modules in parallel, in series, or a combination of parallel and series. You designate the virtual power supplies as PS(n); thus, a PS power supply can be composed of any possible combination of power supply modules. A virtual supply is mainly used to stack power supplies to obtain higher voltages or currents than are available from individual power supply modules. Power supply modules and their connections must be described in the UUT power supply configuration file. This file maps the virtual unit numbers, such as PS(3), to the actual power supply modules. You need to know your system configuration in order to program the test statements that control the available UUT power supplies. Your systems UUT power supply configuration also affects test fixture wiring. Use the SETUP monitor page to determine your systems UUT power supply configuration. For more information about using the SETUP monitor page, refer to Chapter 8 of the GR228X Test Program Generation Manual. PC Retrofitted test systems have different power supplies than the Windows NT-based systems. For more information about your power supply options, refer to Chapter 10 of the GR228X Test Program Generation Manual.


GR228X Test Systems

Available UUT Power Supplies

Choosing optional UUT power supplies depends on your GR228X system type and its configuration. Table 22 identifies which UUT power supplies are available for your Windows NT-based GR228X system. Table 22 Available Power Supplies for GR228X Systems System Type GR2280 GR2281 GR2281A GR2282 GR2283 GR2284 GR2285 GR2286 GR2287 GR2287L GR2287LX GR2287A GR2288 GR2289



eSeries ICA systems permit the use of a User (Fixed) power supply. Non-ICA GR2286e and GR2287 eSeries systems can only use PS power supplies. Windows NT PC Retrofit systems cannot contain Programmable power supplies (PS).

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Optional Programmable Voltage UUT Power Supplies

The programmable voltage UUT power supplies are optional on the UNIX-based systems. Three types of PS supplies are available: z 0 - 7 V, 15 A z 0 - 20 V, 8 A z 0 - 60 V, 2.5 A NOTE These power supplies can be connected in series or parallel to increase the voltage and current.

Each Windows NT-based GR228X UUT power supply complement is configured at GenRad according to the test systems needs. Often, the configuration is based on existing GR227X and GR228X systems at your facility, so that you can easily move test sets and associated fixtures to the other GR228X systems.

Optional Fixed Voltage Power Supplies

User (Fixed) power supplies are available on eSeries systems configured with the ICA module. UNIXbased GR228X systems that do not include an ICA module, use PS 11, PS 12, and PS 13 to emulate the User (Fixed) power supplies. Two types of fixed power supplies are available: z +5 V, 6 A z +15 V, 0.75 A For iSeries systems, two types of fixed power supplies are available: z +5 V, 6 A z +12 V, 1.3 A


GR228X Test Systems

GR228X Test Software

The GR228X Test System family is designed primarily to execute incircuit tests on electrically isolated components of a unitundertest (UUT). Such components include analog, digital, and hybrid ICs. The GR228X Test System can z Detect manufacturing faults, such as wrong , missing, damaged, and incorrectly inserted components, and damaged etches. z Detect connectivity faults on bare boards. z Run functional tests on complete circuits on the systems that contain the instruments needed to perform the test. The GR228X test program preparation and Run-Time System (RTS) software comprise the GR228X software, which is an application layered on Windows NT. The GR228X monitor and Software Control area form the interface to the GR228X UNIX software which enables you to develop test programs, manipulate files, and test boards. You can simultaneously perform more than one task by running multiple GR228X sessions from different directories. For example, you can run two program preparation sessions at the same time. NOTE The Automatic Test Generator (ATG) features that provide testing for digital components are not available on the GR2281A and GR2287A Test Systems.

This chapter briefly describes the test development process and the numerous software tools that assist you in developing tests for isolating faults on the UUT. The tools are grouped into these categories: z Test Preparation z Test Generation z Test Debug z Test Execution z Test Analysis z Off-line Programming This chapter also describes migrating from one test system to another.

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Test Development Process

A unique test program and test fixture, called a test set, must be developed for each type of board to be tested. The test program contains many individual in-circuit component tests. These tests are usually created by the systems Automatic Test Generator (ATG) software, which is part of the test systems program preparation software. The information required to develop a test set is presented in several manuals included in the GR228X Documentation Set. Figure 31 identifies the manuals that provide information on a particular phase of the test set development process. The GR228X Test Language Reference Manual and the GR228X Test Library Programming Manual are reference manuals for customizing or developing tests not generated by ATG. For a complete list of the documentation available for your GR228X Test System, refer to the GR228X Master Index. Manual Used Test Development Phase
Gather Information, then Analyze Testing Requirements

Manual Used

CB/Test Documentation

Process CAD Data Using CB/Test

Manually Create Circuit Description (CKT)

Generate Test Program (ATG)

GR228X Test Program Generation Manual

Use Nail Assignment to Assign Nails; Generate Fixture Reports

Compile Fixture Data and Send to Fixture Manufacturer

Receive Test Fixture and Verify

Test Fixture Manual

Translate Test Program

GR228X Test Program Generation Manual GR228X Test Program Debug Manual

Debug Test Program

Update Test Program

GR228X Test Program Debug Manual

Document Test Program

Release to Production

GR228X Production Test Users Guide

Figure 31

Test Development Process and Associated Manuals


GR228X Test Software

Test Preparation Tools

The test preparation tools enable you to provide detailed data about the UUT devices and power requirements. These tools include the: z CBTest z Circuit Description Generator z System Device Libraries z Model Generation z Power Supply Editor

CB/Test is part of the GR228X software running on Windows NT. It converts a GenCAD (general CAD output) file into a printed circuit board (PCB) database. The GenCAD file contains the major physical attributes of the board, such as the component shapes and position, pin X-Y locations, electrical net list, component types and electrical attributes, pad and via styles, board outline, and placement side of the device. It is created from a raw CAD data file using an input processor. There are a number of input processors available for different types of CAD systems. When the PCB database is created, you can: z View and interrogate the database using an interactive graphics editor z Compare the database against a system-level parts library verify if part attributes in the database are correct z Add missing parts to the parts library z Change pin names in the PCB database z Select the type of nodes to use in your circuit description file z View the board placed over the receiver shelf so that you can manually edit the probe placements

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Circuit Description Generator

The Circuit Description Generator (CKTGEN) enables the test engineer to create and maintain a circuit description file (.ckt). CKTGEN prompts you for information about the board you want to test and the circuit device interconnections and characteristics. For each device type specified, such as a resistor, a template displays to prompt you for the device data. For detailed information on using CKTGEN, refer to the GR228X Test Program Generation Manual.

System Device Libraries

Your GR228X system software includes a library toolset that has an object oriented graphical user interface. Use it to select and create digital, analog, hybrid component, and Boundary Scan (BSDL) models. You access the Library Toolset from the Start menu or by clicking its icon from the GR228X Program Launcher or the Start menu. You can use the library to: z Show all the existing primes in a library, as well as all aliases and packages associated with a prime. z Perform direct actions on this information, such as create, edit, view, move, rename, copy, export, add alias, add package, and delete. The device test libraries provide storage and access to generalized test procedures, also known as models, for individual devices. The device libraries available for your system include: z Digital Test Library (DTL) z Analog Component Library (ACL) z Hybrid Test Library (HTL) z Boundary Scan Library (BSL) z Analog Test Library (ATL)


GR228X Test Software

Digital Test Library

The digital test library (DTL) provides storage and access to generalized test procedures, also known as models, for individual digital devices. Figure 32 shows the Digital Test Library window.

Figure 32

Digital Test Library Window

The Digital Test Generation (DTG) software uses entries from Digital Test Library (DTL) files to produce tests for digital components on a given UUT. The Digital Test Library contains individual component models written in the Digital Test Source Language (DTSL). The Digital Test Generator (DTG) uses the circuit description file and DTL models to identify and extract a generalized device test that is tailored to the specific digital device circuit configuration. The specific digital device model provides DTG with routines to: z Test the device in most wiring configurations z Inhibit and disable the device while testing other components z Test any bused outputs, functional blocks, and banks Refer to the GR228X Test Library Programming Manual for more detailed information.

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Hybrid Test Library

The Hybrid Test Library (HTL) provides storage and access to generalized test procedures, also known as models, for individual hybrid devices. Examples of complex mixed signal parts that the hybrid test library can include; Analog to Digital Converters, Digital to Analog Converters, and operational amplifiers. Figure 33 shows the Hybrid Test Library window.

Figure 33

Hybrid Test Library Window

Refer to the GR228X Test Library Programming Manual for more detailed information.


GR228X Test Software

Analog Component Library

Analog Component Library (ACL) contains a description of complex analog parts so that ATG knows the characteristics of each analog component inside the complex analog part and can write a simple test for each one. Examples of complex analog parts that the analog component library can describe include Resistor packs and Op Amps. The library toolset can automatically create ACL models for common analog parts, such as resistor packs. Figure 34 shows the Analog Component Library window.

Figure 34

Analog Component Library Window

Refer to the GR228X Test Library Programming Manual for more detailed information.

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Boundary Scan BSDL Models

A Boundary Scan Library (BSL) enables you to create and manage libraries of Boundary Scan Description Language (BSDL) models. Figure 35 shows the Boundary Scan library window. The BSDL library utilities enable you to: z Create Boundary Scan Libraries z Verify the syntax of the BSDL models z Add, move, and modify BSDL models z Add and remove alias or package, or prime BSDL models

Figure 35

Boundary Scan Library Window

Refer to the GR228X Test Program Generation Manual for detailed information.


GR228X Test Software

Model Generation
The model generation tools enable you to develop models for devices on the UUT that do not have models available in the device libraries. The available model generation tools include: z Hybrid Model Editor z BasicSCAN (Bscan) z Xpress Model z Onboard Programming Tools

Hybrid Model Editor

Hybrid Model Editor is an interactive graphical tool that you can use to create a model for a hybrid device. You can use any of the systems test instrumentation to construct the test you require. Similar to analog and digital test models, hybrid models can use .CKT file flagspecs. A model has the facilities to use information in the .CKT file and .ATO file in generating a test. You access the Hybrid Model Editor from the Start menu or by clicking its icon from the GR228X Program Launcher. The Hybrid Model Editor is designed to facilitate data entry by providing a window that contains data entry fields. Figure 36 shows the Hybrid Model Editor main window.

Figure 36

Hybrid Model Editor Main Window

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


BasicSCAN is a separately licensed software product that is designed to solve the test generation problem for both Application-Specific ICs (ASICs) and complex commercial boundary scan components. You access BasicSCAN from the Start menu or by clicking its icon from the GR228X Program Launcher. BasicSCAN eliminates the need to develop test vectors for BasicSCAN components and has these benefits: z Simplifies the program preparation and debug processes. z Improves open pin fault coverage. z Reduces test development time. z Simplifies test complexity and reduces the number of test vectors. Figure 37 shows the BasicSCAN main window.

Figure 37

BasicSCAN Main Window

Once BasicSCAN knows the boundary scan capabilities of a component, it can automatically generate a Digital Test Source (.DTS) model that can be used by the test generation software. All BasicSCAN generated models use the same test structure. They are capable of generating disable and inhibit sections that describe how to prevent the device from interfering with other UUT component tests, and can also handle various component wiring configurations. When selected, BasicSCAN can also generate a test to run a components builtin self test.


GR228X Test Software

The BasicSCAN test checks: z Components instruction register capture value. An incorrect capture value can indicate a faulty or wrong component. z Correct length of the Instruction Register and Boundary Scan Register. z IDCODE and USERCODE expect values are correct. z Opens between the system Driver/Sensor nails and the components input/output cells. This type of failure can indicate a misinserted or poorly attached component. z Component pins can either capture or drive both a logic 0 and a logic 1. This detects any stuckat failures at the components input/output buffers. For more information about BasicSCAN, refer to the BasicSCAN Boundary Scan Users Guide.

Xpress Model
Xpress Model is an interactive graphical tool that you can use to create a model for a digital device that is not in the Digital Test Library. Xpress Model is often used to create models for custom digital components that do not support boundary scan components, such as programmable array logic devices (PALs). You access Xpress Model from the Start menu or by clicking its icon from the GR228X Program Launcher. Xpress Model is designed to facilitate data entry by providing a window that contains data entry fields. Figure 38 shows the Xpress Model main window. There are several 3rd-party software products that you can use to create DTL models. FS-ATG and AccuGEN are two products that can automatically generate models for PALs. For more detailed information on generating digital models, refer to the Xpress Model Users Guide.

Figure 38

Xpress Model Main Window

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Onboard Programming Tools

Onboard programming provides a costeffective method for testing board assemblies. It enables you to program memory and in-system programmable (ISP) devices after they are assembled on a printed circuit board. This reduces manufacturing costs and improves product quality. Only unprogrammed devices need be in stock, reducing inventory. Programming Flash and ISP devices after board assembly reduces manufacturing time and costs. Because using onboard programming means the devices are handled less, fewer defects are introduced and product quality is improved. Programming the devices at board assembly time ensures the devices are programmed with the latest firmware. Onboard programming does require a longer test time in the manufacturing process; throughput is lower during the programming process. Flash memory is programmed using all device pins and requires full access. These devices use unique models that are created using published algorithm information produced by the vendor. ISP logic has dedicated pins for programming a fuse matrix; this requires access to 56 device pins. Programming models for these devices are automatically created using input from device vendor-supplied tools. Assemblies using these devices must be designed for testability because of the increased test time. Your design must isolate pins from other components that could adversely affect the programming. Onboard programming supports several vendor formats. For Flash devices, programming data is generic and is usually specified in one of the following file formats: z Intel Hex32 bit z Motorola SRecord 32bit z Absolute Binary z ASCIIHex For ISP devices, the supported vendors and tools are: Vendors Altera AMD Lattice Xilinx Vendor URL www.altera.com www.amd.com www.latticesemi.com www.xilinx.com Tool MAX+PLUS II MACHPRO ispDCD EZTag

To obtain ISP vendor tools, you can contact your vendor sales representative or access the vendor home page at the specified URL. NOTE Vendor tool names may change. There may be a vendor charge associated with these tools.

Deep Serial Memory (DSM) is specifically designed for onboard programming test applications. DSM reduces testing and programming preparation time, and required disk space. Programming Flash devices requires DSM. ISP devices can be programmed with or without DSM.


GR228X Test Software

When you use DSM, data is loaded into memory once, independently of the driver/sensor memory, and is separated from the test preparation process. If the data changes from device to device but the device configuration remains the same, the test preparation process does not need to be rerun. The data representation is more compact than what is used in the programming language, which reduces the required disk space. However, the bursts that result when you use DSM are very large. If the configuration changes when you use DSM, the preparation process must begin again. The Onboard Programming Solutions tools implement onboard programming of Flash and ISP devices using a graphical interface. Flash memory devices are nonvolatile storage devices that allow memory writes and reads while the devices are assembled on the board. The Flash tool, which is shown in Figure 39, simplifies programming your Flash devices.

Figure 39

Flash Tool Main Window

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Insystem programmable (ISP) devices are logic devices that can be electronically erased and reprogrammed after they are installed on a board. Because programming these devices requires that power be applied to the board, the board should be checked for shorts and other defects that could cause damage when power is applied. The ISP tool shown in Figure 310, in conjunction with a vendor tool, simplifies the process of programming ISP devices.

Figure 310

ISP Tool Main Window


GR228X Test Software

Power Supply Editor

You use the Power Supply Editor to describe UUT power supply requirements for testing the UUT. You access the Power Supply Editor from the Start menu or by clicking its icon from the GR228X Program Launcher. Figure 311 shows the Power Supply Editor main window. You can also access the Power Supply Editor from the TestFlo interface or from the GR228X POWER monitor page interface. The Power Supply Editor can generate the: z GR228X test programming statements to power up, power down, and discharge the UUT power nodes. z Fixture Wiring Instructions (.fwi) file, which contains informational messages and instructions to the fixture assembler on how to wire the power supplies in the test fixture. z Power Test Program (.ptp), which is a standalone program that can be translated and run to verify that the fixture has been wired correctly and that the proper voltages are being applied to the UUT. You can also choose to automatically merge the .ptp file with the output of the test generators to produce a stand-alone test program. z Automatic Test Options (.ato or .atx) file which is input to the Automatic Test Generator (ATG). It can also contain power supply statements that are automatically included in the Test Program file (.tpg or .tpx). For a detailed discussion of the Power Supply Editor, refer to the online help topics.

Figure 311

Power Supply Editor Main Window

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Test Generation Tools

The test generation tools enable you to generate the test program that identifies UUT device faults. These tools include the: z Automatic Test Generator z Preprocessor z Scan Pathfinder z Nail Assignment z Translator

Automatic Test Generator

The Automatic Test Generator (ATG) uses the circuit description file (.ckt) and the library files (.atl, .acl, .dtl, .htl, and .bsl) to generate the test program automatically for each device on the printedcircuit board (PCB), otherwise called the Unit-Under-Test (UUT). Generating a test program is a multiple step process that you control using the ATG options shown in Figure 312. For detailed information on using ATG to generate your test program, refer to the GR228X Test Program Generation Manual.

Figure 312

ATG Monitor Page

ATG may not be able to generate tests for certain component types or device configurations not contained in the library. There may also be configurations in which ATG detects a potential for component damage or excessive error if an attempt is made to test a particular component. In these circumstances, ATG will not generate a test. You can however develop a test for that component using the test language. For detailed information about the test language refer to the GR228X Test Language Reference Manual.


GR228X Test Software

The preprocessor is a general purpose interpreter program that converts flagged statements in a file to GR228X test programming statements that the translator understands. The preprocessor simplifies complex programming sequences, eliminating the need for creating tests for specific components. The preprocessor contains three interpreter programs (.IEE) files: system, update, and user. For more information on using the Preprocessor, refer to the GR228X Test Program Generation Manual.

Scan Pathfinder
The Scan Pathfinder software is a separately licensed option that can generate boundary scan test programs for UUT scan chains that are IEEE 1149.11990 boundary scan compliant. This option comes integrated with the GR228X software You access Scan Pathfinder from the Start menu or by clicking its icon from the GR228X Program Launcher. Figure 313 shows the Scan Pathfinder main window.

Figure 313

Scan Pathfinder Main Window

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


The Scan Pathfinder software: z Performs fullaccess opens testing of individual ICs as well as more complex interaction and interconnect testing of limitedaccess, mixed boundary scan boards. z Verifies the syntax and structure of Boundary Scan Description Language (BSDL) models. It also verifies the IDCODE, USERCODE, and RUNBIST instructions. z Integrates the boundary scan test generator with the Automatic Test Generator (ATG), and provides a separate boundary scan diagnostic generator that communicates with the RunTime System (RTS) software. z Contains a graphical user interface that you use to select boundary scan tests and options. z Generates boundary scan reports that provide details about the UUT boundary scan configuration, generated tests, fault coverage, and nodes where access is not required. z Contains automatic adaptive pattern test generation to resolve ambiguous short faults and to produce accurate pinlevel diagnostics. z Contains a boundary scan debug mode to help identify test problems. z Contains a boundary scan library with BSDL models for a number of commercially available Boundary Scan parts. Scan Pathfinder generates boundary scan test programs that can detect these UUT interconnect faults: z Test Access Port (TAP) pin stuckat failures. z Faulty scan paths through the UUTs Instruction, Bypass, or Boundary Scan Registers. z Incorrect IDCODE or USERCODE values in Boundary Scan parts. z Opens at nailed UUT Boundary Scan pins. z Boundary Scan parts that fail their built-in self-test. z Shorts between nailed conventional nodes and unnailed Boundary Scan nodes. z Shorts and opens between unnailed Boundary Scan nodes. For more information regarding modeling and testing of boundary scan components, refer to the GR228X Scan Pathfinder Users Guide.


GR228X Test Software

Nail Assignment
The nail assignment tool automatically assigns all test nails and produces fixture wiring reports. It supports SHORT_WIRE nail assignment, which is used to build shortwire fixtures. It also supports new fixture development as well as modifications to an existing fixture resulting from an ECO. The NAIL_ASSIGNMENT monitor page produces the report files used to build a fixture. Use NAIL_ASSIGNMENT to: z Obtain an accurate fixture wiring list. z Obtain a cross-reference of the assigned nail, node name, and nail interconnection. This data is useful during fixture debug and test program debug. z Modify diagnostic files to improve the failure report data. z Modify a test set to reflect changes as the result of an ECO. NAIL_ASSIGNMENT also offers panel test and Opens Xpress capabilities. For more detailed information, refer to the GR228X Test Program Generation Manual.

The Translator uses a source test program (.tpg) file as its input and produces an object file (.obc ) file as its output. The .OBC file is a compact binary file that the tester uses to test UUTs. The Translator: z Locates and reports program format and syntax errors. z Creates an error list (.lis) file. z Checks the language structure, syntax, and nail multiplexing for conflicts as the statements are translated. z Reports error messages which include the statement where the error was recognized. A caret is inserted under the point of error recognition. The location and type of error are also listed below the statement. NOTE Each .tpg must be translated for the target tester on which it will run. Therefore, if you have more that one GR228X Test System, you must have an .obc file for each test system that will run the test program.

For more detailed information, refer to the GR228X Test Program Generation Manual.

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Test Debug Tools

The GR228X system has easy to use debugging tools that can decrease the time you spend debugging your test programs. These tools include: z Program Xplorer z Autodebug z Digital Waveform Display z Measuring Fault Coverage (ALLFAULT) z Floating Point Array Display All the debugging tools are described in detail in the GR228X Test Program Debug Manual.

Program Xplorer
The Program Xplorer is a graphical debugging tool for analog tests within the GR228X test program. Before using the Program Xplorer, you should: z Run ATG and nail assignment z Build and debug the test fixture z Obtain one or more UUTs that you can use for debugging the test program and fixture The Program Xplorer display, shown in Figure 314, provides a window environment that enables you to: z Modify GR228X instrument statements z Determine which nodes surround the Device Under Test (DUT) z Plot measurement readings z View graphical views of mux connections The Program Xplorer relies on information stored in the .idd and the .wor files, both of which are created from the .ckt file. For detailed information on debugging with Program Xplorer, refer to the GR228X Test Program Debug Manual.


GR228X Test Software

Figure 314

Program Xplorer

Autodebug is a debugging tool that uses the Run-Time System (RTS) to debug your test program without programmer interaction. Autodebug performs the actions that you would interactively perform using RTSs Debug mode. Autodebug assumes that the test program, not the UUT or fixture, is the cause for a test that does not pass. You can edit the Autodebug command file (.ADC) to control which debug changes are performed. When you debug a test program using Autodebug, it recognizes the type of test and applies a sequence of debug commands that attempt to pass the test. The tasks Autodebug can perform on analog tests include: z Changing the values of analog test parameters z Swapping source and measure z Adding a small delay to adjust the guard set z Modifying instrument parameters For digital tests that fail or have unknown output states, Autodebug can: z Initiate the learning of output states z Insert faults using the Digital Fault Insertion (DFI) feature Most of the debug actions that Autodebug initiates require data contained in the in-circuit diagnostic data file (.idd). Although an Autodebug session can be performed without an .idd, useful results generally occur only when an .idd file is supplied. For detailed information on debugging analog tests with Autodebug, refer to the GR228X Test Program Debug Manual.

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Digital Waveform Display

When you test a digital component using the DIAGNOSE monitor page set to Debug mode, a waveform display of the driven and sensed logic states displays as shown in Figure 315. You can view digital debug information by using: z Test statement z Digital waveform The test system also offers unique debugging features for bursts that contain CRC collection and indirect addressing statements.

Figure 315

UNTRANSLATE Display and Waveform Display


GR228X Test Software

Waveform Display Capabilities

Interpreting data in an array often depends on the ability to display a waveform or part of a waveform and to quickly find what you are looking for. These are the systems waveform plotting capabilities. Capability Multiple windows XY Coordinates Multiple waveforms in a single window Window size Waveform attributes Selecting the amount of data to plot Saving, loading, and printing Magnification Log10 mode Scrolling Help Description Enables you to display up to 20 plot windows at a time. Each window has a unique title. Uses crosshairs to read XY coordinates. Enables you to add waveforms to an existing window, delete waveforms, lock waveforms, and hide waveforms. Enables you to change the Plot window size. Enables you to select a waveform, change its color, point size and shape, and the type of lines it uses to connect points. Enables you to plot an entire array or a portion of an array (subarray). Enables you to save data from a plot window for a future display. You can load previously saved plot data or print a plot. Enables you to focus (zoom) on a particular portion of the window. Enables you to convert the display to log10 mode. Enables you to scroll (shift) the waveform display left, right, up, and down. Provides online help for the plot window.

The PLOT system subroutine and the debug PLOT command only display the values at the time the plot was made.

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Measuring Fault Coverage (ALLFAULT)

The GR228X software provides test techniques to handle the many types of components used on printedcircuit boards. ALLFAULT is a Run-Time Debug command that analyzes your test program and generates a report indicating how effective the test is at detecting potential faults. The ALLFAULT generated report can provide: z Digital Fault Insertion results for all digital components that are tested within a burst. It also flags device pins that can not detect open and stuck pin faults. z Results for all test program BUSTEST and FORCE sections. It flags BUSTESTS that fail and identifies disable and FORCE sections that have incorrect current measurements. z A test summary for each component tested using analog instruments. This data is derived from running the analog component tests many times, then reporting the min, max, and standard deviation of the collected measurements. The flags for this test can indicate when a test failed, is measuring too close to a measurement limit, or is unstable from test to test. z UUT Fault Coverage Summary section that identifies: Board summary of digital fault insertion results Digital Bursts that failed and had no fault inserted Digital Bursts that had faults inserted, but failed during reruns UUT components tested using the Opens Xpress technique Bustest statistics information Analog tests that contain problems which should be debugged UUT components that are not tested using any technique Nodes that are missing from the shorts and contact tests The ALLFAULT Test Coverage Report can be used by several different departments to improve production and product quality. z The Test Engineer can use the report to identify tests that may need more debugging, or identify components that are missing tests, and can be used to document the test program for other departments. z The Manufacturer or Customer receiving the test program can use the ALLFAULT General Summary section at the end of the report to determine the fault coverage provided by the incircuit test program. The report identifies components that may require additional testing after incircuit test. Functional tests or system self tests can be created for areas of the board that are not fully tested during incircuit testing. z The Repair Technician can use the ALLFAULT General Summary to help troubleshoot difficulttorepair boards. The report lists the type of test used, any problems with the test, and any untested components. NOTE The ALLFAULT command uses the ATG internal work (.wor) and the in-circuit diagnostic data (.idd) files to obtain circuit connection and component information.

The test information for each component will vary depending on the test technique used. For detailed information on using ALLFAULT, refer to the GR228X Test Program Debug Manual.


GR228X Test Software

Floating Point Array Display

There are two ways to plot an array or a subarray. You can use the PLOT system subroutine within a test program to automatically plot waveforms, or you can use the PLOT debug command while stepping through a test program. Test programs can use arrays of data that can contain up to 65535 floatingpoint numbers. A test program can use arrays, for example, as a multitone signal input to the Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG). The output of a DUT can be sampled with the Digital Multimeter (DMM) and saved into an array for examination; this is called digital signal processing (DSP). Common applications using waveforms include measuring gain, frequency response, and settling time. One way of examining an arrays data is to plot its contents. The plot provides a visual representation that confirms the data and displays trends. You typically plot arrays during the debug phase of test program development. In both cases, the plot displays in a plot window. There can be more than one array plot window during a session, and each windows graph can include multiple array plots. The GR228X software permits you to manipulate the views. You can issue a PLOT command from the debug prompt to send a plot to a plot window created by a CALL PLOT system subroutine. Similarly, by specifying a particular plot window name in a CALL PLOT system subroutine, you can send a plot to a plot window that you created in debug mode. Refer to GR228X Advanced Applications for information about the use of arrays when converting between the time and frequency domains.

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Array Plot Window

Figure 316 shows the main parts of a plot window.

Figure 316

Plot Window

The plot window has a menu bar that permits you to perform activities such as saving and printing a waveform, altering the view of a waveform, and obtaining online help. You can operate on the entire display, for example, using features such as scrolling and resizing. You can select an individual waveform within a plot by changing its attributes (color, dot size and shape, line thickness) or hide it from view. You can customize the plot window to include multiple waveforms. You can select an individual waveform and alter its attributes to distinguish it from other waveforms. To focus on particular data, you can change the view by zooming and scrolling the plot. You can update the display, while keeping portions and removing other portions. The plots provide you the capability to manipulate the display to help you interpret the data.


GR228X Test Software

Generating a Plot
You can generate a plot during test program debug using either a system subroutine call from within the test program or by stepping through the test program and running the PLOT debug command. The two methods are interchangeable and yield the same display. The result is a graph of an array in a window. Both methods permit you to select the amount of data, the plot window to which it is displayed, and whether to retain previously generated plots in a selected window.

Test Execution Tools

The GR228X system test execution software includes: z Standard test software z PinPoint Guided Probe z Panel Test, Split Fixturing, and Serial Numbering z TEST XPRESS

Standard Test Software

Production testing is performed using the DIAGNOSE Monitor page in Test mode. Test mode executes the test program and provides comprehensive diagnostic messages to the operator, identifying failing components. The diagnostic data can be tailored to the application The standard test software includes these diagnostic techniques: z Limited or unlimited access mode z BUSTEST z Softprobe z Scratchprobe

Limited or Unlimited Access Mode

A privileged user can set the access mode. Automated testing can be set up using a batch process that allows options to be set without operator intervention. Limited access mode allows you to limit operator access to testing. This means the operator can only test the UUT, use Scratchprobe, obtain test diagnostics, and log test data. Unlimited access mode allows full use of the DIAGNOSE page which includes access to all the debugging options and all the other monitor pages. Refer to the GR228X Test Program Generation Manual for more information about access modes.

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


The BUSBUST test technique is used to detect and diagnose device defects on bus nodes. The BUSBUST Diagnostic Routine can isolate a BUS node defect to the device output pin that is causing the GO/NOGO test to fail. A test program can contain many BUSTEST sections which include two tests that are performed in this order. z The GO/NOGO test verifies that the bus nodes can be disabled by placing all the device outputs connected to the bus nodes in a highZ state. The bus nodes are pulled high and then pulled low to verify that all the devices can be disabled from the bus. If the GO/NOGO test: Passes, the devices can be BURST tested later in the program. Fails, the devices are marked as UNTESTABLE. z Measure the device output driver currents using a force high and force low test for each device output connected to the bus. The forces must be properly written to allow accurate diagnosis, should the GO/NOGO test fail.

SoftProbe is a diagnostic technique that can identify multiple open or stuck input and output pins on a wide variety of digital ICs using normal incircuit test vectors. SoftProbe test procedures use Digital Fault Insertion to verify the fault coverage and build a knowledge database. The most accurate diagnostic messages are the result of high fault coverage of the test vectors. SoftProbe detects open pins by first recording the failing component signature, then successively rerunning the component test while simulating open input failures. After each run of the test, the new failing output signature is compared to the original signature. If a difference exists between the two signatures, the pin is not open. If there is no difference between the two signatures, the pin is open. While the diagnostic data is being collected, it is constantly compared to the digital component knowledge database to eliminate false diagnostics.

ScratchProbe is a diagnostic technique used after all the digital ICs are individually tested. This second level digital diagnostic tests each IC that failed. This technique uses a hand-held probe to assist in determining whether a fault is caused by a bad IC, open connecting circuitry, or a bad nail. Scratchprobe can be invoked by the user, the diagnostics, or the test program. To verify connectivity between a suspect IC pin and a system driver, you lightly scratch the probe continuously along the length of the side of the IC. If continuity is found, the IC is bad. If no continuity is found, you can choose to probe other pins on the node. When you select the full monitor option, continuity is tested between the suspect device and the suspect nail on the node. If continuity to some of the devices on the node is discovered, an open track exists. If no continuity is found, the nail contact is bad or the IC pin is bent.


GR228X Test Software

PinPoint Guided Probe

The PinPoint Guided Probe enables you to develop test programs that execute an arbitrary number of functional block tests (bursts) on functionally or topologically partitioned UUTs. The PinPoint Guided Probe feature consists of various software modules within the GR228X Program Preparation and RunTime software. The feature prompts the test operator to probe the nodes that logically influence the faulty node. Once the source of the failure is determined, the operator can print a report detailing the problem, place it with the PCB, then test the next PCB. A mechanism is required to develop source files for functional block tests for use by the GR228X Program Preparation software. While these files can be developed manually, it is often necessary to use a simulator to model the functions they are based upon. Probing is an interactive process between the operator and the system that aids in the diagnosis of a failing UUT. Guided probe operation requires that the system have a database that contains the circuit description of the UUT and fault free probe values for every node. The guided probe process uses this information to find the failing node. Refer to the PinPoint Guided Probe Users Guide for detailed information.

TEST XPRESS is a suite of tests that identify open circuits (such as solder opens) and/or improperly oriented components. These options are separately licensed: z Junction Xpress z Opens Xpress z Cap Xpress z Orient Xpress NOTE TEST XPRESS is not available for GR2288 test systems.

The TEST XPRESS options require these elements: z Test Instruments You need a stable ac source and flexible sensitive sampling ac voltmeter which is supplied by systems containing an ICA module, an AFTM module, or ATM, AMM, and APM modules. The ACZ device used by systems with a measure cage is not sensitive enough to use with the TEST XPRESS options. z A path connecting the DUT to the test instruments The TEST XPRESS options used for establishing the path depend on the option selected. Option Junction Xpress How connected Applies an AC voltage with DC bias to pins on IC that have a diode path to ground. Does not require special fixturing hardware. Places an opens probe above the DUT to capacitively couple pins on the DUT to the sampling voltmeter. Requires a special overclamp fixture.

Opens Xpress, Cap Xpress, and Orient Xpress

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


z Access to the pins of the DUT The UUT in-circuit test fixture provides the required access to the pins of the DUT. You will need to create a Device Probe Information (.dpi) file along with the .ckt file when generating the Device Probe Report (.dpr) for the fixture vendor. For detailed information on using the TEST XPRESS options, refer to the TEST XPRESS Users Guide.

Junction Xpress
This option is a licensed feature that generates tests that identify open pins on ICs. No special fixture wiring is required to use Junction Xpress. Junction Xpress testing is recommended for testing: z Ceramic or shielded device packages, or devices with heat sinks. z Devices that have a high pin count. z Marginal solder joints. z Devices that do not have device models available. z Devices that would add considerable cost because they require special fixture hardware.

Junction Xpress Predictor

This tool helps the test programmer decide whether to test a particular component using Junction Xpress or Opens Xpress. The tool examines the circuit description contained in the .idd file and makes a prediction regarding the testability of each pin on a component. The accuracy of the prediction for each pin is limited because it is based on an analysis of the circuit description and not on actual electrical measurements, as is done by the TEST XPRESS POLEARN command. However, the assessment of the testability of the component itself will usually be accurate.

Opens Xpress
This is a licensed option that generates tests that identify opens on connectors, sockets, and ICs. To use Opens Xpress, special hardware must be added to the test fixture. Opens Xpress testing is recommended for testing: z Nonsemiconductor devices. z Analog and mixedsignal devices. z Whether the fixture is properly contacting the UUT.

Cap Xpress
This option generates tests that identify misoriented polarized capacitors. Cap Xpress uses the Opens Xpress modified test fixture.

Orient Xpress
This option generates tests that identify misoriented integrated circuits (ICs) that contain multiple asymmetric power and ground pins. Orient Xpress uses the Opens Xpress modified test fixture.


GR228X Test Software

Panel Test, Split Fixturing, and Serial Numbering

The Panel Test and Split Fixturing features enable you to speed up your production testing time. The Serial Numbering feature enables you to track a board through your production process. Refer to the GR228X Panel Test, Serial Numbering, and Split Fixturing Manual for more information about these features.

Panel Test
The Panel Test software enables you to test a homogeneous panel of boards. Testing boards while still on the panel decreases the handling and throughput time. The Panel Test software supports: z Prepending and/or appending a user-specified prefix or suffix to each board in the panel. z Passing and failing data collection. z Fixture reports that encompass all boards on the panel.

Split Fixturing
Split fixturing combines two smaller, identical, independent board test fixtures with a standard test fixturing casing. Using a split fixture enables you to increase board test throughput. The split fixture operates by alternating between the right-hand and left-hand side of the fixture when testing. This approach eliminates waiting for one test to complete before you setup and test another UUT. You can alternate between the right and left sides for testing the UUTs.

Serial Numbering
In typical testing, serial numbers are used with some form of data collection. You can use serial numbering to electronically collect data and print the serial number on the repair ticket.

Test Analysis Tools

The test analysis tools enable you to collect data during testing, then generate reports based on the information you select. The tools that enable you to analyze the collected data include: z Real time data collection z Data Display

Real Time Data Collection

The GR228X system software can record test data and generate reports to help you analyze the tested component data. Analyzing the collected component data can assist in test development and manufacturing by producing reports that let you view board failure and pass ratios.

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Table 31 provides you with a brief description of the data logging options that are selected from the DIAGNOSE monitor page as shown in Figure 317. Each option produces a .log file with a varying degree of information. Table 31 Logging Options Logging Option Standard Description Collects data for all components on the UUT. The amount of test data collected for the components determined by the Logging options. The Standard Logging combination of +PASSES option and LOG page PLOTS generation is commonly used as a debug tool and is sometimes used as acceptance criteria for Analog tests. The ALLFAULT command on the lowerlevel DIAGNOSE monitor page can also be used to characterize test program measurements and produce fault coverage reports. Refer to the GR228X Test Program Debug Manual. Selective Data (SEL) Real-Time Data Collection (RTDC) Enables you to select the components you want logged and the amount of data logged. Selective logging requires a Selective Options file (.sel) as input. Provides the most comprehensive data collection control. You can select sampling intervals. RTDC is commonly used in a realtime network environment as it allows for transfer of Log data at the end of each test run. RTDC requires a Data Collection Options file (.dco) as input.

Figure 317


After you have run the test program many times and have collected data on the components tested in the program, you are ready to analyze the collected component data. The collected component data is placed into a formatted ASCII file with a .log extension during testing. The data that is stored in the .log file is not sorted or statistically processed.


GR228X Test Software

Summary Reports
Summary reports are formatted ASCII files with a specific number of statistical entries. You use summary reports as input for further processing. The three summary report types generated by the .log report generator are: Report Type Statistics Description Contains boardlevel data for analyzing the current data or summary file. It includes the: z Time period for which the report was generated z Number of failing, passing, and total boards tested z Total testing, waiting, and elapsed times z Average passing, failing, and actual board test times z Throughput per hour z Total faults and faults per failing board, if failure data was collected Contains current failure data on a component level in addition to boardlevel statistics. The information includes the total number of failures and faults per failing board for each failing component. Also, you can generate a failure trend analysis in this mode if you specify the .LOG and .SUM files to be used in the comparison in the LOG = fields. Both current and summary failure data are reported, and any significant difference in failure rates for a component are flagged to bring attention to it. Component plots generate a distribution of test measurements over a range on the componentlevel in addition to total number of failures and boardlevel statistics. The range is determined by the component test limits and measured values for all logged current data. No trend analysis is performed in this mode.

Failure Data

Component Plots

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Data Display
Data Display (datad) extracts process performance statistics from the test system log file. It identifies trends or deficiencies in particular components by analyzing the failures that occur when you test a board. Collected data can also be graphed and plotted using the Data Display graphical software. You access data display from the Start menu or by clicking its icon from the GR228X Program Launcher. Analyzing test results with Data Display requires you to import the files you want to analyze, then choose the type of report you want to generate. Data Display offers these features: z Custom report generation z Multiline color charts z 3D bar charts z Run Chart z Userannotated charts z Hard copy reports Use Data Display to generate these reports and charts: z Tester Yield Report z Test Times Report z Passing Board Volume Report z Parts Overview Chart z Top Failing Parts Chart z Top Failing Components Chart z Measured Values Chart For detailed information about Data Display, refer to the GR228X Production Test Users Guide.


GR228X Test Software

Off line Programming

GenRad offer these separately licensed software products that you can use on off-line programming stations. z ATG Xpress z TRACS III z GRXpert

ATG Xpress
ATG Xpress is a separately licensed option that enables you to develop a test program off-line on a PC. For more information, refer to the ATG Xpress Users Guide.

TRACS III is a process information system designed to give you a clear and comprehensive picture of your manufacturing operation. TRACS III links all of your test processes together which enables you to determine what is actually occurring in your manufacturing processes. You can obtain reports on a wide range of data, such as defects and yields. For more information, refer to the TRACS III documentation.

GRXpert is a software translation tool that converts HP3065/3070 or Schlumberger Technologies Series 30 incircuit test programs to GenRad GR227X/228X language. The program is designed to facilitate the smooth transfer of previously debugged HP3065/3070 or Schlumberger Technologies (Factron/Fairchild) Series 30 test programs to GenRads GR227X/228X platforms. GRXpert translates HP incircuit test program files (TESTPLAN), wirelist files (WIRELIST), digital executables (all digital ASCII source files under the BOARD digital directory) and their associated circuit description files (.BCF) to GenRad GR227X/228X circuit descriptions (.CKT) and test program (.TPG) files. GRXpert also translates Schlumberger Technologies incircuit test program files (.BA), CHIPS digital test routines (.SR), and their associated circuit description files (.FX) to GenRad GR227X/228X Circuit Descriptions (.CKT) and Test Program (.TPG) files. For more information, refer to the GRXpert Users Guide.

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Migrating from One Test System to Another

At times you may want to move a test set to a different system model in the GR228X family. It is possible to use a GR228X test program and fixture that was developed for one type of GR228X Test System on a different type of GR228X Test System. The process of transferring the test program and fixture from one system type to another is called migration. In most cases, a test set developed on a GR227X Test System can be used on your GR228X Test System. These test sets can be transferred and modified as necessary. Table 32 identifies which GR228X test sets can be migrated to GR228X Test Systems. Table 32 Supported Migration to GR228X Testers
GR228X Target Test System Source Tester GR2270 GR2271 GR2272 GR2275 GR2276 GR2280 GR2281 GR2281A GR2282 GR2283 GR2284 GR2285 GR2286 GR2287 GR2287L, GR2287LX GR2287A GR2288 GR2289

2280 Y Y Y

2281 Y Y Y

2281A 2282 Y Y Y Y Y

2283 Y Y Y

2284 Y Y Y

2285 Y Y Y

2286 Y Y Y Y Y Y N N

2287 2287L 2287A /LX Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

228 8 Y Y N Y Y N N N N N N N

228 9 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y





















Y  Y  Y


Y N  N

























Limited due to converter wiring and target test system pin count limitations. Limited due to target test system pin count limitations. System tests analog components exclusively, it does not support digital component testing. Requires a fixture converter that has 1-to-1 nail mapping. There is also a constraint on the number of source test program nails (1 -1152). Not supported because there is a greater multiplexing ratio. Requires any SET TIMING statements be rewritten as SET CLOCK statements. Tests must have 5MHz capability.

For a detailed explanation on migrating a test set from one system to another, refer to the GR228X Migration Users Guide.


GR228X Test Software

Windows NT System Environment

This chapter provides a brief description of the Windows NT-based GR228X system environment tools which include: z Editing Tools z User Interfaces z Help Tools For more information on the Windows NT-based GR228X system environment, refer to the GR228X System Administration Users Guide, or the non-GenRad documentation that shipped with the test system.

The GR228X software is shipped with these text editors: z Programmers File Editor (PFE) z emacs z vim In addition, Window NT provides text editors such as Edit, Notepad, and WordPad. Refer to the Windows NT online help for more information about these editors. You can also install third-party text editors such as MicroSoft Word or EDT.

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


PFE Editor
The Programmers File Editor (PFE) is a 32bit, largecapacity text file editor. Its capacity is limited only by the total amount of memory available on your system. There are no editorimposed limits on the number of files that you can edit simultaneously, nor on the number of edit windows that you can have open. There is no limit on the size of file that can be handled, and no limit the number of lines that a file may contain. PFE adheres strictly to the Windows MDI conventions. Some of the feature of PFE enable you to: z Invoke most commands and facilities from menus z Navigate with a mouse or with keyboard shortcuts z Cut and paste from the clipboard z Reconfigure the use of keys z Run DOS commands, such as compilers, and to capture their output into windows for inspection z Define sets of templates that you can insert into the file youre editing. z Group templates into distinct files and load them for use automatically. The documentation describing how to use PFE is available via online help topics. Click the Help menu for the available help options.


Windows NT System Environment

emacs is a powerful text editor that is distributed through the Free Software Foundation, which develops GNU software. emacs contains many powerful features and it has been tailored to work well under the Windows environment. When you run emacs, a separate emacs window is created, complete with menus that permit you to enter emacs commands with the mouse. GenRad recommends that you become familiar with emacs and use it as your default editor because it is fast, powerful, works well in a Windows environment, and is available on a number of different operating systems. Refer to the GR228X Test Program Generation Manual for more information that can assist you in learning the emacs editor. In addition, refer to the online help for emacs.

vim is a displayoriented text editor that is available for WindowsNT. Expert vim users can make editing changes very quickly; however, beginners find vim difficult and hard to use. A brief list of common vim editing commands can be found in Appendix E. Also, more information about vim command line options, refer to the online help. There are two modes in vim: z Insert mode Insert mode enables you to add text to your file by typing at the keyboard. z Command mode Command mode enables you to enter vim commands using the keyboard. You are placed in command mode when you first enter vim. Refer to the GR228X Test Program Generation Manual for more information. In addition, refer to the online help for vim.

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Choosing a User Interface

The GR228X Test Systems offer two user interfaces: TestFlo and the GR228X Monitor. You can use either TestFlo or the monitor as your default user interface when you are developing new test programs. You must use the GR228X monitor page interface when migrating a test program and fixture from one test system to another.

TestFlo Program Preparation Manager (PPM)

The TestFlo user interface is an easy to use environment that helps you develop test programs without needing to know all the details of the individual files. TestFlo brings you through the test development process in the sequence necessary to generate an accurate and complete test set. It conveniently manages much of the complex test development process for you. Figure 41 shows TestFlos main window. NOTE If you have a GR2281A, or GR2287A Test System, the default user interface is TestFlo.

You can use TestFlo for developing test programs for new PCBs as well as performing an ECO. You cannot use TestFlo to migrate to another GR228X Test System. Refer to the GR228X Test Program Generation Manual for a detailed explanation of the TestFlo Program Preparation Manager interface.

Figure 41

TestFlo PPM Main Window


Windows NT System Environment

GR228X Monitor
The GR228X monitor user interface helps you to develop and debug test programs, perform production testing, and collect test results data. When using the monitor pages, you control every detail of the test development process. This amount of control is often desired by experienced users of GR228X Test Systems. You require complete control of the test system environment when performing ECOs or migrating to another GR228X Test System. NOTE If you have a GR2280, GR2281, GR228X e-Series, GR228X i-Series,or a Windows NT PC Retrofitted Test System, the default user interface is the GR228X monitor.

The test development process for generating an accurate and complete test set is the same no matter which interface you choose. During the test development process, you will use several monitor pages. Figure 42 shows the DIAGNOSE Monitor page which is the default when you access the GR228X monitor page. The monitor utility pages are described in the GR228X System Administration Users Guide. Most of the monitor pages are described with their corresponding function in the GR228X Test Program Generation Manual. Some monitor page descriptions are presented in the GR228X Documentation as they are used during the test development process.

Figure 42

GR228X Monitor Page Interface

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Online Help
There are a variety of online help options available to you within the GR228X Test System Environment. The GR228X Test Systems contain these on-line help tools: z GR228X monitor page help z Online help topics z Online manuals

Monitor Page Help

Monitor help is available for both command mode and screenediting mode. In command mode, you can invoke monitor help by: Action Typing Help at command prompt Clicking PF4 from VT100 keypad Typing Help optionname at command prompt Description Displays monitor help. Press the space bar to page through monitor help. Press Return to quit help. Displays monitor help. Press the space bar to page through monitor help. Press Return to quit help. Displays monitor help for the specified option. The help displays in the bottom three lines of the monitor page. To clear option help, click PF4 from the VT100 keypad.

In screenediting mode, you can toggle the display of monitor option help for the selected option by clicking PF4 from the VT100 keypad. When option help is enabled, the option help changes when you move from one field to another.

Online Help Topics

There are several levels of GR228X online help. You can access: z All of the help topics for the GR228X system To access all of the help topics for the GR228X system, click Start and point to Programs. Then, point to GenRad 228x and click GR228X Help. z Help topics for a particular application The help topics for a particular application, such as the Library Toolset or the Power Editor, are available from the applications Help menu by double-clicking the Help Topics option. z Context Sensitive Help For most applications, clicking the F1 key or a toolbar icon enables context sensitive help, which enables you to get specific help information for parts of the graphical user interface. In addition, some application Help menus provide access to specific help topics.


Windows NT System Environment

Figure 43 shows the help topics window for the GR228X online help. This window has three tabs: z Contents z Index z Find

Figure 43

Help Topics Window

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Contents Tab
Figure 43 shows the help topics window with the Contents tab selected. This tab displays help topics organized by category. Doubleclicking a book icon shows the help topics for that category. Doubleclicking a document icon displays the help text for that topic. You can doubleclick an open book icon to close it. Figure 44 shows the organization within a typical category.

Figure 44

Help Topics Window with Contents Tab Selected


Windows NT System Environment

Index Tab
Figure 45 shows the help topics window with the Index tab selected. This tab displays the help index. To find a topic you want, type its name in the search edit box. Or, you can scroll through the list of index entries. Click the entry you want, and then click Display to display the help text for the selected entry. Alternatively, you can doubleclick the entry to display its help text.

Figure 45

Help Topics Window with Index Tab Selected

Find Tab
Selecting the Find tab enables you to search for specific words or phrases used in the help topics, instead of searching by category or index entry. Before using Find for the first time, you must create a database of the words used in all of the help topics. You have three choices for creating the database: z Minimize database size (recommended) z Maximize search capabilities z Custom search capabilities Be sure that you have sufficient disk space available for creating this database.

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Online Manuals
The GR228X software manuals are supplied in electronic format and are available from the GenRad 228X menu. With manuals in electronic format, you can navigate quickly through the documentation and locate specific information. The online manuals can be viewed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0. You can use Acrobat to view, navigate, and print documents, which are stored in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat Reader 4.0 and the online manuals are provided and installed on your system, if you choose to install them, during the GR228X installation procedure. The online manuals are available from the Start menu, in the GenRad 228X menu. The Acrobat Reader allows you to perform full-text searches over the entire set of GR228X online manuals using the Search command. A master index of the GR228X online manuals is provided for this purpose. Also, Search provides a number of ways to limit or expand your search. For more information about using the Acrobat Reader, refer to Acrobats Reader Guide, which is accessible by click Help > Reader Guide.


Windows NT System Environment

Documentation Quick Reference

Use the tables in this chapter to quickly locate detailed information that will help you to understand and perform GR228X Test System tasks. Use the Table of Contents or Index of the document referenced to find the chapter or page where the task starts, or refer to the Master Index.

Hardware Documentation
If you want information on ... System site requirements System and peripheral installation procedures Preparation and wiring of a test fixture System configuration and functional description, preventive maintenance, system verification program, and automatic calibration Servicing information, diagnostic procedures, removal and replacement, and calibration System diagrams and related part lists Refer to your systems ... Site Preparation Guide Installation Manual Test Fixture Manual Maintenance Manual

Service Manual Diagrams and Parts List Manual

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems


Software Documentation
If you want information about... The process of preparing and developing a test set Debugging test programs Performing production tests How to write library routines How to create a new test program or modify an existing test program, and GR228X language commands Device library models that currently exist Advanced applications and test methods Managing the system and its user accounts, file transfers, backup, software installation, system error messages, and system startup/shutdown How to test panels of boards, how to use serial numbers, and how to use a split fixture Converting test program files, device libraries, and test fixtures from one type of system to another system Developing test programs for use with the guided probe which execute an arbitrary number of functional block tests (bursts) on functionally or topologically partitioned PCBs AFTM hardware and software DSM hardware and software How to use Scan Pathfinder software Testing for open pins without power or vectors Using Xpress Model to develop DTS models using regular and pseudorandom pattern techniques Hardware and software features for GR2285 and GR2289 10MHz systems Software to generate digital test source (DTS) models that comply with the IEEE 1149.1 1990 standard How to use the Import CAD Data subflow within the TestFlo user interface. The various data importers that create a GenCAD file from CAD file(s). Refer to the... GR228X Test Program Generation Manual GR228X Test Program Debug Manual GR228X Production Test Users Guide GR228X Test Library Programming Reference Manual GR228X Test Language Reference Manual

GR228X Device Library Reference Manual GR228X Advanced Applications Programming Guide GR228X System Administration Users Guide

GR228X Panel Test, Serial Numbering, and Split Fixturing Manual GR228X Migration Users Guide

Pinpoint Guided Probe Users Guide

GR228X Analog Functional Test Module (AFTM) Users Guide GR228X Deep Serial Memory (DSM) Users Guide GR228X Scan Pathfinder Users Guide TEST XPRESS Users Guide Xpress Model Users Guide

GR228X Xtended Performance Operation Manual BasicSCAN Users Guide

Importing CAD Data Tutorial CB/Test Users Guide


Documentation Quick Reference

If you want information about... GR228X test system architecture, standard and optional hardware, and features of the test program developement software. The Multi-Protocol Instrument module, which provides functional test capabilities for a GR228X test sytem. The installation, setup, and use of the Frequency/Time Interval Instrument as well as the test language system subroutines that support it. The installation, setup, and use of the Vehicle Control Interface module as well as the test language system subroutines that support it

Refer to the... Introduction to GR228X Test Systems

Multi-Protocol Instrument Users Guide

Frequency/Time Interval Instrument Users Guide Vehicle Control Interface Users Guide

Third Party Documentation

If you want information on... The DEC PC Instructions for running and analyzing the QAPlus diagnostics Installation, operation, and preventive maintenance procedures for the Magnetec printer Installation and preventive maintenance procedures for the Microline printer Installation, preventive maintenance procedures, and troubleshooting for the Seiko printer Setup, operation, and troubleshooting of Uninterruptable Power Supplies Software for the Battery Backup/Uninterruptable Power Supply Refer to the... DECpc 400ST Series Users Guide DIAGSOFT QAPlus Manual GenRad Magnetec Model 960S Printer Manual

Okidata Microline 320/321 Printer Setup Guide Seiko DPU5300 Line Thermal Printer Users Guide SmartUPS 600 Battery Backup/Uninterruptable Power Supply Owners Manual PowerChute Plus for Windows NT Manual

Introduction to GR228X Test Systems

















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