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8:30 Holy Eucharist

St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church San Francisco, California

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rev. 7/12/07

SCRIPT ASSEMBLY: insert 8:30 Music Selection sheet here

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Pre-Liturgy Setup
Rotunda (lights off)
! ! ! ! Icon on wooden stand Gospel book on wooden stand Lit candle on tall candlestand chairs for disabled set just inside wooden floor perimeter

Welcome Table
! ! ! ! ! ! ! Guestbook Requests for Office clipboard Button Requests clipboard Name tags Markers & pens Collection basket with handles (for children) Deacons candle on table, lit

Altar Table
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! vested with cloth 2 or 4 chalices (if more than 25 people, use 4 goblets) 1 or 2 patens (if more than 25 people, use 2 patens) red Lords Prayer collect book 2 palls folded on right and left of the Table Altar lamps filled and lit processional cross stand (with hole sized to fit cross) below right edge of Table holder for chiefs stick set near processional cross stand; chief stick moved to kitchen

Seating Area (lights on)

! Music books w/inserts at peoples seats ! Menorah, lit ! Iron music stand with cloth cover at end of solea rug

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Presiders Chair
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Large brass candlesticks, lit Processional cross in stand Handbells Kleenex Pen Cough drops Script Glass of water 3 smaller pot bells in a row and striker on edge of platform to Cantors right largest bell on floor to left of Cantors chair tuning fork at Cantors chair

! flagon with 1/3 to /1/2 bottle wine in it ! 1 paten with 1 or 2 loaves of bread

! ! ! ! Sunday school notifier to tell teacher that sermon has ended & bring 3-4 MFLs to class Reader (can be recruited ahead, or on the spot during Psalms) Person for announcements (before liturgy begins!) 2 people to carry chiefs staff and gifts at Great Entrance

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Opening Rites
Acclamatory Noise and Greeting

The Vested Party assembles near the entrance doors: Presider Deacon 2 Deacon 1 holding Cross holding Candle holding Gospel Book

Presider and Deacons greet people as they enter

sounds pot bell Presider Deacon 1 Deacon 2

Please stand.

leads procession to solea and stands at end of rug, facing Wedding Icon. stands at Presiders left. stands at Presiders right.


!Blessed be God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!

!And blessed be Gods kingdom, now and forever, Amen.


Well sing number_____ in your books, _________(name of hymn) number_____. [for short pieces of music only: Well sing it
three times through, the first time in unison, the rest in harmony.] Cantor Presider Deacon 2 Deacon 1 intones first phrase, then leads music. moves to Presiders chair, puts cross in stand, and stands facing congregation. places Candle on stand, then goes to seat at Presiders left places Book on lectern, then goes to seat at Presiders right.

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ASSEMBLY: insert Invocation Hymn

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Erasmus Prayer
Cantor offers Presider a pitch


!The Lord be with you!

!And also with you!


!Let us pray!
O God of love, you are the true sun of the world, Evermore risen and never going down. We pray you to shine in our hearts, that the darkness of sin and the mist of error being driven away, we may this day and all our life long walk without stumbling in the way you have prepared for us, which is Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God in glory everlasting.



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Liturgy of the Word

Psalms and Reading Deacon 1 Please take your seats. Well sing todays psalms, found on the (color) sheets in your books, beginning with Psalm number_____. Well sing the psalms antiphonally, one side of the church singing to the other. Each side will sing a verse, beginning with this side, and pausing for a full natural breath at the asterisk. We will pause briefly between the psalms.
Cantor leads the congregation in the psalm tone for the Hallel: Well



stand to sing the Hallel, the psalm of praise, in the same manner as weve been doing, however the side that is not singing will bow and touch the knee, like this: (Cantor bows) while the side that is singing will simply stand. Please stand and sing the Hallel.
Deacon 2 (during Hallel) chooses and escorts Reader to Lectern; both stand there during the silence that follows.

Deacon 1

when psalm is finished Cantor Presider

Please take your seats.

rings pot bell observes

TWO minutes of silence and rings handbells

Deacon 2

Hear a reading from ______________________.

After the reading: Deacon 2 Cantor Presider thanks Reader and returns Book to Presider. rings pot bells. observes

TWO minutes of silence and rings hand-bells.

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Sermon Presider

Please share a word or phrase from the Psalms or reading that caught your attention.
Congregation shares at will, the Presider being neither first nor last. Cantor Presider Presider rings pot bells. observes TWO minutes of silence and rings hand-bells. asks a question (in non-theological, plain English e.g. Who do you trust? rather than Think of a time you trusted God. preaches for FIVE minutes, always including: preachers interpretation/commentary on reading a narrative from the preachers own experience cues Cantor to ring pot bells; observes TWO minutes of silence and rings hand-bells Presider repeats the question s/he had asked at the beginning, as an invitation for the people to share their experience,

Congregation shares at will at end of sharing:


Thank you all.

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NEW MEMBERS: Insert after this page the New Members welcome from appendix M-1 and M-2 (SCRIPT ASSEMBLY: keep this page on a left side, even-numbered page)

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Procession to the Table Deacon 1 Please stand. Well go up to the Table together, following the cross, singing number_____ in your books, _______________________ (title), number_____.
Cantor Deacon 1 Presider intones and leads Tripudium. keeps the Vested Party IN PLACE until the beginning of verse 2, when the Presider leads the procession to the Table. leads procession at verse 2.

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ASSEMBLY: Tripudium hymn

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Lords Prayer
After everyone has reached the Table:

Deacon 2

Well sing the Lords Prayer responsively, using the ancient Syrian prayer gestures. ____(Leader)____ will sing a phrase, and well repeat it. You wont need your books, so please put them on the floor.
Cantor Presider People offers a pitch, After deliver us from evil, stands and prays Collect from red missal, ending at through Jesus Christ our Lord finish prayer by singing Doxology Vested party model gestures following Cantors lead

SCRIPT ASSEMBLY: insert Lords Prayer in Cantors script only.

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Lords Prayer

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BAPTISM COLLECT: insert after this page the Baptism Collect from appendix B 1-2 (SCRIPT ASSEMBLY: keep this page on a left-side, even-numbered page)

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Great Entrance
Deacon 2 goes to kitchen to get Bread and Wine with volunteers to help carry bread and beaded staff.

Deacon 1

Christ is among us! Well sing Number ____ as we welcome Bread and Wine to Christs Table. Number ____.
Cantor Deacon 2 intones, then leads the music. During the singing: brings gifts from kitchen, led by beaded staff, circling altar until reaching Presider and presenting gifts. Places staff in stand beside altar.

After hymn, and as soon as Gifts are on Table,


Christ has come, bringing us peace here and now. Turn to those near you and share it. The Peace of the Lord be with you all!
And also with you!
All exchange the Peace freely.


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ASSEMBLY: insert Great Entrance music

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As the Peace is calming down: Deacon 1 Deacon 2 stands at Presiders right and hands her/him cross for blessing. stands at Presiders left, pointing book as needed

Cantor Deacons

!Well sing from number _____ in your books,

please turn to number _____.
Gesturing for people to come closer

!Draw near! Draw near!

Strong singing voice)

!Parents, take your children in hand...

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!God whose love knows no limit,

when you spoke your Word into darkness sun, moon and stars shone forth, seas teemed with life and the play of Leviathan. Mountains rose, earth sprouted grass and trees; birds soared, lambs jumped, lions roared, and people joined in singing creations hymn as now we praise and bless you.


!We praise you, we bless you

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!Faithful and merciful God,

your promise is true: as once you redeemed slaves into freedom, in the fullness of time you sent your son Jesus to fulfill the prophets and free all humankind You anointed him with your Spirit to preach good news to the poor and make the broken-hearted whole. He healed the sick and gave sight to the blind. He freed people from demons and oppressors. He proclaimed the time of your favor, welcoming sinners and righteous to feast together in your friendship. Blessing just and unjust alike, he revealed your perfection and taught us to be like you.

Deacon 1

Now giving thanks for Jesus work, let us pray for the poor, the sick, and the dying.
free prayers from People

Deacon 2

Pray for prisoners, and all who suffer at others hands

free prayers from People


!Healing God, in the wholeness

of your love, we praise and bless you.
!We praise you, we bless you

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!Father and Mother of all, your son Jesus

served and loved us till the end. On the night of his passion, knowing he would suffer and die for his friends, Jesus kept his feast and commanded us to remember him always when we receive this broken bread and shared wine, his body and blood poured out for us all. That night before his friend betrayed him and enemy soldiers took him away to be killed, he knelt down and washed his friends feet, so we pray to love one another as he loved us: bring us together, God, and make us one in your love.

Deacon 1

Pray for enemies and friends.

free prayers from People

Deacon 2

Pray for peacemakers and soldiers.

free prayers from People


!Reconciling God, in our many voices

hear your own harmony, as we sing to praise and bless you
!We praise you, we bless you


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!Living God, you raised Jesus from the dead,

now show us all you have promised: Your Spirit filling the whole world, and conquering death. Show us here the Body and Blood of Jesus your Son, whose breath and heartbeat move through all creation. Nourish and transform us through this bread and wine which give life to the world. Open our eyes to see your work around us that we may join in with all who have gone before, living as Jesus lives, and loving as he loves.

Deacon 1

Give thanks for Gods work where we see it.

free prayers from People

Deacon 2

Pray for those who have died and for those who mourn them.
free prayers from People

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BAPTISM PRAYERS: insert after this page the two additional Deacons prayers from appendix B 3-4

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!God who unites us,

we pray that all our work all our thanksgiving, and all our praise may find in your embrace communion with Mary Jesus mother, with Gregory and Theosevia his wife, [_______] and with Gods beloved people in every time and place as we join with them in the angels song:

Deacon 2

Remove Presiders script and/or altar book

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Servant of God
Cantor Presider Deacon 2 Deacon 1 leads congregation in singing Servant of God breaks bread pours wine into chalices assists Presider with breaking of bread

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Deacons, Presider, Chalice bearer raise paten and chalices high, turning clockwise


Deacon 1

Jesus welcomes everyone to his table by name, and so we offer the bread and wine which are Christs body and blood to everyone, without exception.
offers bread and wine to the Presider saying

___________(Presiders name), the Body of Christ. (Amen) The Blood of Christ. (Amen)
Presider communicates Cantor, Deacons Deacons, Presider, Chalices Bearer communicate congregation


As we share communion with each other, well sing number_____ in your books, ____________________(title), number_____.
Presider and Deacon 1 start at crosses and move right; Deacon 2 and Chalice Bearer start at crosses and move left. Deacons arrange chalices and paten neatly after communion, then cover with palls

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ASSEMBLY: insert Communion hymn

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Baruch Prophecy Presider Arise Jerusalem and stand on high, and look about toward the east and behold your children, gathered together from the rising to the setting sun at the word of the Holy One, rejoicing that God has remembered them. For they went out from you on foot led away by their enemies, but the Lord will bring them back to you riding high in honor as children of the kingdom. Blessed ! be the name of the Lord, henceforth and for ever more. Collection Deacon 1 Now seeing how greatly God loves us, let us share freely in the good things we have received so the whole world may know Gods love. Put your gifts of money for the work of the church in the baskets as they come around, and bring gifts for the poor to the altar. If this is your first time at St Gregorys, we invite you to be St. Gregorys guest as well as Jesus. Save your offering today, and spend the week noticing all the ways God blesses you. Then come back and give generously, so the whole church can give thanks.


As the plate comes around, well sing number_____ in your books, _______________, number_____.
Deacons help someone to collect/place baskets on altar-table

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ASSEMBLY: BAPTISM LITURGY: insert after this page appendix B 5 B 14.

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ASSEMBLY: insert Collection hymn

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As soon as offertory music is finished,

Deacon 2

Is anyone celebrating a birthday or anniversary or some other important event today or in the coming week? Please come to the Table so we can sing to you.
Deacon 1 gathers people around Table for Polychronia, getting names for Presider or Cantor


Well sing the Polychronia; the words are very simple: God grant them many years which well repeat three times:
Deacon 1 bring drum and stick to Rick, if presiding,


!To ______________, _____________ , ____________

may the Lord grant long life and peace and protection and many years!


blesses each person with the cross

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As applause from Polychronia dies down:

Deacon 1

Please listen to a few brief announcements. reads from

sheet and/or introduces someone to make announcements

Carol Deacon 2 Well sing the carol, found on

___ _____________ .

Carols are sung dances, so well dance this carol to a step that ______________ will now show us. Teacher Please put your right hand on the shoulder of the person to your right. Starting on your right foot, the step goes like this: Walk right, left, right left knee up and down, right knee up, step back, feet together. Walk right,
Cantor gives pitch and leads carol as Carol ends:

Deacon 1

The feasting continues! Coffee, tea and refreshments are on their way! Please stay for conversation, and dont forget to sign our guestbook. And

All Vested: Let us bless the Lord!

All Thanks be to God!


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ASSEMBLY: insert Carol

NOTE: start New Members in a different color; insert on right-hand side

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