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curriculum and tikanga maori

Link to Strategic Plan: Goal 1: To focus on high quality learning and teaching and to encourage and support the growth of Tikanga Maori. Goal 3: To sustain, grow and further encourage whanau and community partnerships within our rural environment (whanaungatanga). Goal 5: To engage in regular self review to monitor and evaluate areas. Explanation: The New Zealand Curriculum sets the policy and direction for learning and teaching in New Zealand schools. It is a visionary document that allows schools the opportunity to design and build their own curriculum based on their community. We acknowledge that our children should have access to a broad curriculum through a variety of teaching and learning experiences. At our school we are committed to developing a deep understanding of the curriculum. Intended Outcomes: - Value and Key Competency focus each term to provide deeper understanding. - Planning that reflects the integrated nature of the curriculum. - Sustaining and embedding of the principles of formative assessment. - Further unpacking and understanding of the National Standards. - Use of te reo in classes and opportunities to seek partnership with whanau.
Action Staff consolidation and shared understanding of curriculum, learning and teaching and effective pedagogy. Building our school curriculum and initiating new professional learning. Who? Resources? When? How? Cost? Whole Staff Professional Learning Days - January. $4400. February - November Evaluation/Reection

Action Unpacking of the Values and Key Competencies. Focus on one Value and Key Competency per term that is relevant and meaningful to Concept.

Who? Resources? When? How? Cost? Leadership and Staff Professional Development Days and Staff Meetings January - December.


Specic planning for the Value and Key Competency each term. Active involvement of children with what each means. Conceptual Curriculum. Notion of the school working towards the same concept of learning with each class having the individuality of context. Engagement of children. Plan of Intent. Altering the Long Term Plan to align with our Conceptual Curriculum. Plan of Intent that is fully integrated and interwoven. Development of school wide writing improvement. Maintaing focus on developing childrens writing. Use of formative assessment to assist writing. School writing moderation.

Leadership and Staff February - December Leadership and Staff February - December

Angela and Staff January - Professional Development Day February - December. Leadership and Staff Professional Development Days and Staff Meetings January - December. Anne Giles (direction worx) $2530 Leadership and Staff Professional Development Days and Staff Meetings January - December.

Embedding the principles of Formative Assessment. Use of learning intentions and success criteria. Children involved with co-constructing SC. Use of self and peer assessment. Children reecting on their learning. Walkabouts. Critical Friend to support and assist with sustaining and embedding formative assessment.

Whole Staff Term 2 and Term 3 Reliever Cost

Action Learning Walks. Learning Walks conducted by leadership to provide coaching and mentoring of curriculum and formative assessment development. Provision for second language learning - NZ Sign language. Engagement of Children. Engagement Survey conducted in Terms 2 and 4 to contribute to longitudinal survey - how engaged are our children through the use of formative assessment? GATE. Establishment and monitoring of a GATE programme with specic goals and aims with evaluation and outcomes. Staff Text. Reading and unpacking The HIdden Lives of Learners. Identifying key messages and what we can take from this. School wide understanding and use of Koputaroa Inquiry Learning. Literacy Development Plan. Effective Literacy practice at our school. Numeracy Delivery Plan. Effective numeracy practice and beliefs at our school.

Who? Resources? When? How? Cost? Leadership Team


Regan and Angela Term 3 and Term 4 $500 Regan and selected students Term 2 and Term 4.

Regan and Sue May - December Whole Staff Professional Development Days, Staff and Team Meetings. January - December Angela Professional Learning Days Throughout the year. Beth Professional Learning Days Throughout the year. Regan Staff Meetings February - June

Action Engagement with Maori Community/Whanau. Community hangi at the beginning of the year. Reporting to Maori Community with achievement data twice throughout the year. Social Action/Public Performances of Kapa Haka perform at assemblies once a term? Sustain and embed the use of te reo in classes and in communication with community. Examine how we are giving effect to Ka Hikitia Adult Readers. Invite adults into the school who may be able to assist with listening to children read - boost reading mileage. Health Curriculum Statement. Develop a statement through consultation with the Community. Further unpacking and understanding of the National Standards

Who? Resources? When? How? Cost? Regan and Leadership May/June and October/November


Regan and Mikaere. Each Term. Whole Staff February - December Regan and Staff Term 2 Regan and Sue April - December. Beth Term 2 and Term 3. Leadership and Staff March - September

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