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Today we are increasingly assailed and tempted by all sorts of inviting food.

Let me tell you something about the relationship between appetite and neuro-marketing (manipulation of the brain). Today, modern man is assaulted by a superabundant food supply, product represented invaded unnatural additives and flavorings in concentrations with questionable nutritional value, we disrupt the elections and disrupt the physiology of digestion, inducing feeding behavior disorders not found on our forefathers. The natural feeding behavior disturbance involved many factors. Addition of chemicals is one of the main factors that create dependency (sweetening agents, curing agents in taste and flavor, natural and artificial fats harmful, salt, colorings, preservatives, etc.), accounting for the emergence of conduct Addictive. These, in turn, determines food intake over requirements Physiologically, in the absence of hunger, leading to overweight and obesity. It should be noted that the mechanism regulating food intake is extremely complex, multifactorial and fragile. The human species is well adapted to manage poor food intake and nutrient deficiencies, but can not effectively remove excess calories are deposited in adipose tissue, especially in sedentary conditions current and the current glut of sedentary food calories cheap and low quality industrial nutrition. Thus, greed ancestral gene (the gene greedy), once useful survival today turned in industrial conditions over-dense foods, Cheap, a formidable enemy that we get sick by obesity. If we look only half a century ago we found radical differences between the lifestyles of our grandparents and those of modern humans, always shaken out of time, stress and tempted to obtain absolute comfort. Our grandparents had a more active lifestyle, were more resistant and healthier. This lifestyle is characterized mainly by: Moderate physical activity - intense (often walking on foot); positive thinking; Pay attention to weight classes (a ritual) and took a table in quiet, focusing on it; eat more natural food from several sources and less processed, chemical; cooked their food in the house and usually only for a day, maximum two; Do not use food additives, artificial fats, artificial sweeteners and refined sugar; Sites were crude oil, cold pressed; did not live in a perpetual holiday food! Consume less industrial prepared meat and very little meat, sausage, sausage, pate, sites (and they were prepared in households or in natural conditions than different from the current industry). Serving of meals at fast food can reach caloric 500-800 Kcal. A portion of healthy food, of natural foods, whole has about 150-200 Kcal. Moreover, global environmental pollution invariably and inexorably bring us these chemicals in the dish, sickness us. We have adopted a sedentary lifestyle, do not want any exercise, because obesity in children and adults has become epidemic, illness our type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases etc.

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