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Session format

The sessions are flexible but the basic format includes:

Finding our feet preparation sheet introducing the theme (can be used ahead of the session) DVD video main input by leading scholars & writers Breaking open the themequestions, discussion, responses. Living it Out - material to support devotion and action Quiet timeor contemplative prayer

in Glossop

Invitation to supper
For session 2-7 participants are encouraged to come at 6.30pm for a simple meal prior to the start of the session at 7.30. Tea and coffee will be available at 10.30, prior to session 1.

More information and discussion will be found at:http://ltqglossop.blogspot.com

a course to explore a meaningful faith in today's world and the future of Christianity


Living the Questions is designed to help people to explore the significance of Christianity in the 21st Century and what a meaningful faith can look like in today's world.
Many people sense that at its core, Christianity has something good to offer the human race. At the same time, they feel it lacks credibility in a secular and scientific world and is undermined by Christian fundamentalism. They may wonder if they are alone in being "thinking" Christians and that "salvaging" Christianity is a hopeless task. LtQ offers a safe environment where people have permission to ask the questions they've always wanted to ask but have been afraid to voice for fear of being thought a heretic. It consists of a 21-week study (7 fortnightly sessions each in autumn, spring and summer) using DVD and web-based small group activities. It goes beyond the dogmas and traditions in which so many people and local churches seem to be stuck. It gives learners access to new and exciting study and thinking from international scholars and writers. One participants comment, Why havent we been told about these things before, sums up the response of many. Another said, "Living the Questions is the most

Autumn Sessions
Session 1. An Invitation to Journey Saturday, 17 Sep 11.00am - 12.30pm (refreshments from 10.30) Session 2. Taking the Bible Seriously Wednesday 28 September 7.30-9.00pm Session 3 Thinking Theologically Wednesday 12 October 7.30 - 9.00pm Session 4 Stories of Creation Wednesday 26 October 7.30-9.00pm Session 5 Lives of Jesus Wednesday 9 November 7.30-9.00pm Session 6 A Passion for Christ: Paul Wednesday 23 November 7.30-9.00pm Session 7 Out into the World: Challenges facing progressive Christians Wednesday 7th December 7.30-9.00pm
Venue: Session 1 is at All Saints Parish Church, Old Glossop. Subsequent sessions (depending on numbers) will be at the Vicarage, adjacent to the Church (SK13 7RU)

extraordinary adult education material I have ever used. Life changing - personally and collectively! Thank you.

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