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The Good Samaritan

Un da, un abogado le pregunt a Jess Maestro, la Ley dice que cada uno debe amar a su prjimo como se ama a s mismo, pero quin es mi prjimo? Entonces Jess le puso este ejemplo.
One day a lawyer asked Jesus, Master, the law says love your neighbor as yourself, but who is my neighbor? Jesus told him this story.

Un da, un hombre iba de Jerusaln a Jeric. En el camino lo asaltaron unos ladrones. Robaron todo lo que llevaba y lo dejaron medio muerto.
A man was travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho when he was attacked by robbers. They stole everything he had and left him half dead.

Por casualidad, por el mismo camino pasaba un sacerdote. Al ver a aquel hombre, el sacerdote se hizo a un lado y sigui su camino. Luego pas por ese lugar un ayudante del templo; el tambin se hizo a un lado y sigui su camino.
A priest went down the same road. But when he saw the man, he walked by on the other side. Later a temple helper passed by and did the same, leaving the poor man on the side of the road.

Luego pas por all un Samaritano, y al ver a aquel hombre tirado en el suelo, le tuvo compasin. Lo subi sobre su burro, lo llev a un pequeo hotel y all lo cuid.
Then a man from Samaria came traveling along that road. When he saw the man, he felt sorry for him. He put him on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him.

Al da siguiente, el Samaritano le dio dinero al dueo de la posada y le dijo: Cudeme bien a este hombre. Si el dinero que le dejo no alcanza para todos los gastos, a mi regreso yo le pagar lo que falte.
The next morning the Samaritan gave the innkeeper two silver coins and said, "Please take care of the man. If you spend more than this on him, I will repay you when I return."

El prjimo es cualquiera que necesite nuestro amor. Jess dice, Trata a los dems como tu quieres ser tratado.

Your neighbor is anyone that needs your love. Jesus says, Treat others as you want them to treat you.

Lawyer abogado Neighbor prjimo Robbers ladrones Road camino Priest sacerdote Temple helper ayudante del templo Samaritan Samaritano Inn hotel/posada Innkeeper dueo de posada

Visita www.freekidstories.com para disfrutar de ms cuentos bilinges para nios, historias de la Biblia, videos y paginas para colorear.

Illustrations Zondervan. Dramatization of the story from the Bible, Luke 10:25-37

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