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CHAPTER 1 The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.

- Jean Anthelme Brillat Savarin (1755 1826), culinary writer FOODISM - prejudice against the food of others. CHEF - the person who is able to create & guide the creation of cuisine at a high degree of proficiency & profitability. I want to know if you are genuinely interested in food. I dont want to spend time training someone who has food limitations, who doesnt like this or that. A chef must be open-minded. If you have restricted ideas about food, then this is not the industry for you. - Chef Andre Guerrero, Max Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA


extremely popular snack at Southeastern United

HEAD CHEESE - a loaf of seasoned shredded meat set in a gelatin & sliced as an appetizer or luncheon meat. - in Swedish tradition, it is called SYLTA (SIL-tah).

EEL - the only fish tasty enough to be worth eating for the pilgrim colonist of New England. - it looks like a snake, but it is a fish.



LOBSTER - anthropods

CRAWFISH - anthropods

GRASSHOPPER - anthropods

SUSHI - (SOO-shee) - seasoned rice to which things are sometimes added.

SASHIMI - (sah-SHEE-mee) - raw fish

SALTY LICORICE called drop - number one snack in Holland


In the kitchen, at least were in the throes of an unprecedented multinational love affair. - Jerry Shriver, USA Today, July 2004 1000 BCE - HELLENES - ancient Greeks - are credited for creating CUISINE (kwih-ZEEN). - Athenian men spent hours discussing gourmet food items & recipes, including foreign food as well as native. 400 BCE - Greek philosophers discussed food as much as they discussed art, science, or love. - Men were considered to be the only people qualified to cook. - PRIESTS - respected cooks - they know how to fabricate meats for sacrificial ceremonies. - Greeks started the tradition of eating four times a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack & late dinner) 800 BCE 300 BCE - GREECE was a powerful nation. - it had colonies in the Mediterranean, Middle East, Africa and India. - Greek would bring exotic foreign foods and spices from the foreign lands to their homeland, in return they introduce Hellenistic foods and cooking standards. 200 BCE - Rome became the great force in the world. - they subjugated the Greeks, but they respected them for their knowledge. De Re Coquinaria (On Cookery) - oldest known cookbook - was created during the height of Roman Empire. - was written by the Roman Gourmet APICIUS (uh-PEE-see-us).

MARCUS GAVIUS APICIUS - Roman gourmet - wrote the force-feeding geese to enlarge their livers.

FOIE GRAS - (fwah-GRAH) - enlarged duck liver

16th CENTURY CATHERINE DE MEDICI - (MED-i-chee) - was wed to Prince Henry, heir to the French throne.

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