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NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

NimbleKit SDK

Version 1.9.7 Created on 25.03.09 Last modied on 28.06.11 Authors: Alexander Voloshyn! Eugen Belyakov !! Editors: Anna Novikova! ! ! novikova@nimblekit.com ! ! voloshyn@nimblekit.com belyakov@nimblekit.com

Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!

NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

NimbleKit SDK Documentation!
Overview! Requirements! Compatibility and Dependencies! Documentation! Quick Start! Registering NimbleKit!

13 13 13 13 13 13

NKTabBarController class reference!

Overview! NKTabBarController()! destroy()! setTabBarForPage(page, title, image)! setBadgeCountAtIndex(badgeCount, index)! selectTabAtIndex(index)! getTabPotionsArray()! setMoreBarTintColor(red, green, blue)! setOnTapCallback(callback)! getSelectedTab()! setTabForPageDisabled(page, disabled)!

14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15

NKNavigationController class reference!

Overview! setTitle(title)! setImage(imageName)! setTintColor(r, g, b)! hide()! show()! addNavigationItem(title, callback, image)! removeNavigationItem()! gotoPage(pageName)! setStyle(style)! goBack()! setUsesPreloading(isUsePreloading)! Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!

16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 2

NimbleKit SDK! destroy()! setTitleForPage(title, page)! popToRootView(isAnimated)! 17 17 17

v. 1.9.7



NKInternetPlayer class reference!

Overview! NKInternetPlayer()! playFromURL(url)! stop()! mute()! notifyPlayingStarted(callback)! notifyPlayingStopped(callback)! seekToPosition(seconds)! getDurationInSeconds()! getCurrentPositionInSeconds()! setVolume(volume)! getCurrentMetaString()! forceDecoderFormat(format)! setMaximumBuffersCount(count)!

18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19



NKApplication class reference!

Overview! setStatusBarStyle(style)! setIdleTimerDisabled(isDisabled)! vibrate()! setBadgeCount(count)! iPhoneOSVersion()! getCurrentLocale()!

20 20 20 20 20 20 20

Overview! init(x, y, width, callback)! show()! hide()! setValue(value)! Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!

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NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

Overview! init(x, y, isHorizontal)! show()! hide()!

22 22 22 22

bannerViewDidLoadAd()! didFailToReceiveAdWithError(error)! bannerActionShouldBeginWillLeaveApplication(isLeaving)! bannerViewActionDidFinish()!

22 22 22 22

Please see callbacks usage in the sample code below!


Overview! init(x, y, width, height, callback)! show()! hide()! setImage(imageName)! setTitleColor(r, g, b)! setTitle(title)!

24 24 24 24 24 24 24

Overview! init(y)! show()! hide()! addButton(title, imageName, callback)! insertButtonAtIndex(index, title, image, callback)! addDoneButton(title, callback)! addFlexibleSpace()! setStyle(style)! setTintColor(red, green, blue)! destroy()! removeButtonAtIndex(index)!

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26

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NimbleKit SDK! Overview! init(x, y, width, height)! show()! hide()! setString(value)! getString()! setFontSize(size)! setEditable(value)! 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27

v. 1.9.7

Overview! init(x, y, width, height)! show()! hide()! setString(value)! getString()! setKeyboardType(keyboardType)! setTextChangeCallback(callback)! setBorderStyle(style)! setPlaceholder(placeHolder)! dismissKeyboard()! showKeyboard()! setSecure(isSecure)!

28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29

Overview! init(x, y, width, height, value)! show()! hide()! setString(newValue)! setTextFontSize(size)! setTextColor(r, g, b)!

30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Overview! init(x, y, width, heigh, style)! show()! Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!

31 31 31 5

NimbleKit SDK! hide()! setEditing(isEditing)! setUserCanEditRows(canEdit)! insertCategoryNamed(name)! insertRecord(title, subtitle, image, sectionNumber, rightImage, callback)! bindToDataBase(dbName, tableName, optionalQuery)! commitDatabaseChanges()! setShowsIndex(indexAllowed)! setRowHeight(height)! insertRecords(records)! setOnRowRemovedCallback(callback)! 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32

v. 1.9.7

Overview! show()! dismiss()! addControl(control)!

34 34 34 34

Overview! init(x, y, width, height, imageName)! show()! hide()! setImage(imageName)! setOnClickCallback(callback)!

35 35 35 35 35 35

Overview! init(x, y,callback)! show()! hide()! getState()! setState(value)!

36 36 36 36 36 36

Overview! init(x, y, width)! show()! Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!

37 37 37 6

NimbleKit SDK! hide()! setPosition(value)! 37 37

v. 1.9.7

Overview! init(x, y, size, style)! show()! hide()! stop()! spin()!

38 38 38 38 38 38

Overview! contacts()! searchContact(argument)! showPeoplePicker(callback)!

39 39 39 39

Overview! loadFile(leName)! loadFileFromDocuments(leName)! play()! stop()! pause()! resume()! getDurationInSeconds()! setPositionInSeconds(seconds)! getCurrentPositionInSeconds()! setPlayingFinishedCallback(callback)! setLoopMode(isInLoop)! setVolume(volume)! dispose()! setIgnoreLock(isIgnored)!

40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 41

Overview! openURL(url)! openFileName(leName)! Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!

42 42 42 7

NimbleKit SDK! play()! stop()! 42 42

v. 1.9.7

Overview! init(x, y, width)!

43 43

Overview! init(callback)! addButtonWithTitle(title)! setStyle(style)! setTitle(title)! setRedButtonIndex(index)! setBlackButtonIndex(index)!

44 44 44 44 44 44 44

Overview! open(leName)! openFromDocuments(lename)! read(position, length)! position()! close()! size()! deleteFile()!

46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46

Overview! getValueForKey(key)! setValueForKey(value, key)!

47 47 47

Overview! openURL(url)! start(leName)! stop()! getProgress()!

48 48 48 48 48

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NimbleKit SDK! Overview! openDatabase(name, rewrite)! executeSQL(query)! getResults()! closeDatabase()! 49 49 49 49 49

v. 1.9.7

Overview! init(x,y,width,height)! show()! hide()! showUserlocation()! setMapType()! getUserLocation(callback)! isUserLocationUpdating()! setDisplayRegion(lat, longtitude, latDelta, longtitudeDelta)! addAnnotation(lat, longitude, title, subtitle, image, color, callback)! selectAnnotation(title)! setDelegateCallback(callback)! clearAnnotations()! getDisplayRegion()! setCenterCoordinate(latitude, longitude, isAnimated)!

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 51 51 51 51

mapTouchedAtCoordinates(latitude, longitude)!


Overview! getAvailableProducts(callback, productIDs)! requestInfoForProductAtIndex(index, callback)! buyProductWithID(identicator, callback)!

53 53 53 53

Overview! getString()! setString(value)! getURL()! setURL(value)! Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!

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NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

Overview! loadURL(url)! loadFromDocuments(leName)! loadFromBundle(leName)! loadFromBase64(base64String)! getBase64(compression)! setSize(width, height)! saveToLibrary()! saveToDocuments(name)! getSize()! rotate(degrees)!

55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55

Overview! show()! setSubject(subject)! setRecipient(recipients)! setCC(value)! setBCC(value)! setBody(body)! addImage(image)!

56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56

Overview! setRecipient(value)! setBody(text)! show()!

57 57 57 57

Overview! init(contentPage)! show(x, y, width, height)! hide()! setContentSize(width, height)!

58 58 58 58 58

Overview! Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!

59 10

NimbleKit SDK! init(x, y, width, height)! show()! hide()! loadURL(url)! setScalesToFit(isScaled)! loadHTML(html, baseURL)! loadFromBundle(name)! goBack()! goForward()! reload()! setOnFinishCallback(callback)! setDetectsPhoneNumbers(detectionAllowed)! 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59

v. 1.9.7

NimbleKit functions!
NKGetUniqueIdentier()! NKGetDeviceType()! NKSetPageOpaque(page, isOpaque)! NKSetBackground(leName)! NKIsInternetAvailableViaCellularNetwork! NKIsInternetAvailableViaWi ! NKAlert(title, message)! NKMoveToPageAnimated(pageName, animation)! NKOpenURLInSafari(url)! NKOpenDocument(name, source)! NKStartPreloadingPage(pageName)! NKReloadPage(pageName)! NKGetLibraryVersion()! NKSetWebViewBackgroundColor(red, green, blue, alpha)! NKGetParameter(name)! NKLog(message)! NKConrm(title, message, bTitle1, bTitle2, callback)! NKExecuteJavascriptOnPage(jscode, pagename)! NKGetAppVersion()! NKPreloadPage(pageName, callback)!

61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 63 63 63

General Native Controls functions!

Overview! Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!

64 11

NimbleKit SDK! NKNativeControlRotate(control, degrees)! NKSetControlAutoresizingMask(control, mask)! NKNativeControlSetAlpha(control, alpha)! NKNativeControlEnable(control, isEnabled)! NKControlSetBackgroundColor(control, r, g, b, a)! 64 64 64 64 65

v. 1.9.7

Location services usage (GPS)!

Overview! NKUpdateLocation(callback)!

66 66

Photo library/camera support!

Overview! NKTakePicture(callback, source)! NKPickImageObject(callback, source, x, y, width, height)!

67 67 67

Orientation support!
NKIsPageSupportsAutoOrientation()! pageWillRotate(degree)! pageDidRotate()!

68 68 68

Application Events!
OnApplicationQuit()! OnApplicationPause()! OnApplicationResume()! onPageShown(caller)! onPageHidden()!

69 69 69 69 69

1. How to add fullscreen company logo on application start?! 2. How to set image behind page so it is visible when user scrolls page?!

70 70

Overview! Threading!

71 71

Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!


NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

NimbleKit SDK Documentation

NimbleKit SDK is a library which simplies development for iOS platform allowing to create full featured applications using just html and JavaScript.

Mac OS X 10.6.2 or newer iPhone SDK 4.2 or newer

Compatibility and Dependencies

Products created with NimbleKit SDK will run on Apple devices with iOS 3.0 and newer.

Documentation updates with every release of NimbleKit, for an updated documentation please visit http://nimblekit.com and download latest version.

Quick Start
After you installed Nimble SDK there will be added new Xcode template which has to be used to create Nimble Kit based applications.

Registering NimbleKit
After NimbleKit SDK is purchased, projects can be activated to run on iOS devices. To do that open project and navigate to le named YOUR_APPLICATION_NAMEDelegate.m and enter serial in serial eld for example:
Nimble *nimble = [[Nimble alloc] initWithRootPage:@"main.html" window:window serial:@"YOUR-SERIAL-HERE"];

Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!


NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

NKTabBarController class reference

TabBarController class is used to manipulate pages giving user more freedom in navigation.

Creates and initializes NKTabBarController object also makes empty tab controller to appear on screen.

Completely removes controller from page

setTabBarForPage(page, title, image)

Every tab should be created using this method, normally current page, for instance main.html, should be setup rst.

page - name of page to be displayed when tab selected title - title to be displayed on tab icon image - image to be displayed over tab title, if you want to use standard iPhone images, you can specify image number from the list instead of lename:
UITabBarSystemItemFavorites = 1 UITabBarSystemItemFeatured = 2 UITabBarSystemItemTopRated = 3 UITabBarSystemItemRecents = 4 UITabBarSystemItemContacts = 5 UITabBarSystemItemHistory = 6 UITabBarSystemItemBookmarks = 7 UITabBarSystemItemSearch = 8 UITabBarSystemItemDownloads = 9 UITabBarSystemItemMostRecent = 10 UITabBarSystemItemMostViewed = 11 Example:

var tabController = new NKTabBarController(); tabController.setTabBarForPage("main.html", "Home", "home.png");

setBadgeCountAtIndex(badgeCount, index)
sets badges count for tab at given index (small red circles shown on top of tabs)

selects tab at given index

returns javascript array of tab pageNames sorted in order as user reordered them having "more" tab, used to save the positions of rearranged tabs and be able to restore same order on next application launch.

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NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

setMoreBarTintColor(red, green, blue)

sets color of the navigation controller which appears when More tab pressed (if you have more then 5 tabs More tab will appear automatically).

sets callback to be called when user taps on tab bar, callback format is following callback(pageName), where pageName is the name of the page been taped.

returns a le name of currently selected tab, for instance main.html
var tabController = new NKTabBarController; var settings = new NKSettings; var array = settings.getValueForKey("tabOrder"); if (array.length>0 && array!="(null)") { ! for (i=0; i<array.length; i++) ! ! tabController.setTabBarForPage(array[i], array[i], ""); } else { ! tabController.setTabBarForPage("main.html", "main.html", ""); ! tabController.setTabBarForPage("1.html", "1.html", ""); ! tabController.setTabBarForPage("2.html", "2.html", ""); ! tabController.setTabBarForPage("3.html", "3.html", ""); ! tabController.setTabBarForPage("4.html", "4.html", ""); ! tabController.setTabBarForPage("5.html", "5.html", ""); ! tabController.setTabBarForPage("6.html", "6.html", ""); } function OnApplicationQuit() { ! array = tabController.getTabPositionsArray(); ! settings.setValueForKey(array, "tabOrder"); }

setTabForPageDisabled(page, disabled)
sets tab disabled or enabled page - page name of tab you want to set state for disabled - state you want to set. pass true or 1 to disable, false or 0 to enable
var tabController = new NKTabBarController; tabController.setTabForPageDisabled(main.html, true);

Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!


NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

NKNavigationController class reference

NKNavigationController class allows to make navigation in application.

Set navigation controller title for current page.

Set navigation controller image for current page.

setTintColor(r, g, b)
sets tint color for navigation bar.
Parameters: red, green and blue component of the color

Hides navigation bar.

Shows navigation bar if it was hidden.

addNavigationItem(title, callback, image)

adds a button to the right side of navigation controller.

title - a string title to appear on button callback - a string function name to be called when user pressed navigation item image - name of the image to use or index of the image from standard icon list starting from 1:
UIBarButtonSystemItemDone, = 1 UIBarButtonSystemItemCancel, UIBarButtonSystemItemEdit, UIBarButtonSystemItemSave, UIBarButtonSystemItemAdd, UIBarButtonSystemItemFlexibleSpace, - does nothing UIBarButtonSystemItemFixedSpace, - does nothing UIBarButtonSystemItemCompose, UIBarButtonSystemItemReply, UIBarButtonSystemItemAction, UIBarButtonSystemItemOrganize, UIBarButtonSystemItemBookmarks, UIBarButtonSystemItemSearch, UIBarButtonSystemItemRefresh, UIBarButtonSystemItemStop, UIBarButtonSystemItemCamera, UIBarButtonSystemItemTrash, UIBarButtonSystemItemPlay, UIBarButtonSystemItemPause, UIBarButtonSystemItemRewind, UIBarButtonSystemItemFastForward, UIBarButtonSystemItemUndo,! ! // available in iOS 3.0 UIBarButtonSystemItemRedo,! ! // available in iOS 3.0

removes navigation item added by addNavigationItem() method

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NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

navigates to given page creating back navigation button to allow to go to the previous page you also allowed to pass GET parameters to pageName, for example page.html? id=35&name=me, see NKGetParameter function for retrieving parameters.

pageName - name of the page to navigate to

sets the style of navigation controller

style is one of two values available: Default and Black (not case sensitive).

returns to previous page

manages state of automatic page preloading isUsePreloading can take state yes, no, 1 and 0.

completely removes controller from page

setTitleForPage(title, page)
sets navigation controllers title for specied page

returns to the rst page in pages stack either animated or instantly, can take parameters yes/no or 1/0 Examples:
<html> <head> <meta name = "viewport" content = "width = 320, initial-scale = 1.0, user-scalable = no" /> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" src="NKit.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var navController = new NKNavigationController(); navController.setTitle("Colored"); navController.setTintColor(0xFF, 0, 100); </script> <a href="#" onClick="navController.gotoPage('nextPage.html')">Go forward</a> </body> </html>

Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!


NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

NKInternetPlayer class reference

Internet player allows you to played streamed media. MP3 and AAC streams supported.

creates and initializes InternetPlayer instance, which acts as singleton, so if you created InternetPlayer before current instance will just reuse resources.

tries to play streamed media from given URL

stops current InternetPlayer, does nothing if no media

mutes current InternetPlayer, does nothing if no media

noties when caching is nished and actual playback started, callback is a string name of the function to be called

noties when playback stopped, callback is a string name of the function to be called

seeks to specied position in seconds, works when playing le from internet, does not work on real streams.

returns duration of the streamed le in seconds (duration may change during playback and is approximated)

returns current position in streamed le, this value is approximated

callback - javascript function to be called when playback started, should not contain any parameters.

sets volume for current audio stream

volume - volume value [0..100]

returns current streams metadata (StreamTitle and optionally StreamUrl). Works with Shoutcast and Icecast stream services
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NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

species decoder format to use, this is often an issue for AAC or AAC+ streams when server does not provide information about decoder to be used, can take values aac and mp3.

sets maximum buffers to use, consider using smaller amount for real streamed audio (2-16) and bigger amount for static les hosted in the web (16-128). Each buffer has size of 32 Kilobytes. Default value is 64 buffers, which is 2Mb cache and most suitable for most cases. Examples:
function playRadio() { var radio = new NKInternetPlayer();

} function { }

radio.notifyPlayingStarted("stopLoadingIndicator"); radio.forceDecoderFormat("aac");
radio.playFromURL("http://radio.myserver.com:8080"); stopRadio() var radio = new NKInternetPlayer(); radio.stop();

Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!


NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

NKApplication class reference

Used to modify application global behavior and appearance. Works as singleton, you can create instance of this class in any page.

sets the color and style of topmost status bar

style - can be one of three available values: Default, Black, BlackTranslucent (not case sensitive).
Example: var application = new NKApplication(); application.setStatusBarStyle("black");

Controls applications idle timer. You should set idle timer disabled only if its really necessary and be sure to enable idle timer when the need no longer exists. By default idle timer enabled.

isDisabled - boolean value to specify idle timer state

Makes iPhone device to vibrate

sets number of application badges (shown on application icon in red circle)

retrieves string which represents iOS version (i.e. 3.0)

returns current locale (i.e. en_US, etc)

Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!


NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

Creates native Cocoa Touch slider. Control is created on the top layer of page, so if there are html elements on given coordinates control will overlap them.

init(x, y, width, callback)

Initializes slider

x - left coordinate of the control y - bottom coordinate of the control width - horizontal size of the control callback - javascript function to be called when slider changes value. This callback uses 2 parameters - absolute value of slider value and controlID which is an ID of the control, in case you have one callback for many controls.

shows initialized slider, does nothing if its shown already

hides initialized slider, does nothing if its hidden already

sets current value [0..100]
Example: function VolumeChanged(volume) { radio.setVolume(volume); } var slider = new NKSlider(); slider.init(20, 325, 280, "VolumeChanged"); slider.setValue(20); slider.show();

Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!


NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

NKBanner class is used to add advertisement to iPhone apps running iOS 4.0 and newer (iAd).

init(x, y, isHorizontal)
initializes advertisement view with given coordinates, multiple calls to this method change only position without reinitializing the control (hidden by default). isHorizontal parameter can take values "yes"/"no" or 1/0 which is used to specify orientation for the banner requested.

shows initialized banner view (banners are initially hidden)

hides advertisement view Callbacks:
All callbacks have to be implemented on the page where specic NKBanner was created, they will be called automatically. bannerViewDidLoadAd()

called when iAd banner is loaded and ready to be shown. Usually only in this method you need to show the ad. If you show the banner before then application can be rejected in the App Store.

called when error happened during iAd retrieving. This method must be implemented and if case error happened and invoked error must be processed and appropriate actions taken otherwise the application may be rejected in the App Store.

this callback is called when iAd banner was clicked. isLeaving parameter can be either YES or NO means either ad needs to quit the application to proceed or ad can show the information without closing the application.

called when banner action view has been dismissed and the application is active again.
Please see callbacks usage in the sample code below Sample usage:
var banner = new NKBanner; banner.init(0, 0); function bannerViewDidLoadAd() { ! NKLog("We have the banner loaded, now we can show it"); ! NKLog("Btw, after creating we still can reposition it by calling init function"); ! banner.init(0, 410); // show the banner at the bottom ! banner.show();

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NimbleKit SDK!
} function didFailToReceiveAdWithError(error) { ! NKLog(error); } function bannerActionShouldBeginWillLeaveApplication(isLeaving) { ! if (isLeaving == "YES") ! { ! ! NKLog("iad quits this app to proceed"); ! } ! else ! { ! ! NKLog("iad clicked, but the app is still remains launched"); ! } } function bannerViewActionDidFinish() { ! NKLog("Banner action is finished and now we returned back to the our application"); }

v. 1.9.7

Available only on devices running iOS 4.0 or newer, added in NimbleKit version 1.9.2 iAd callbacks added in v 1.9.3

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NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

Creates native Cocoa Touch button. Control is created on the top layer of page, so if there are html elements on given coordinates control will overlap them.

init(x, y, width, height, callback)

Initializes button

x - left coordinate of the control y - top coordinate of the control width - horizontal size of the control height - vertical size of the control callback - javascript function to be called when slider changes value. This callback has one parameter - controlID, which is an ID of the control, in case you have one callback for many controls

shows initialized button, does nothing if its shown already

hides initialized slider, does nothing if its hidden already

sets the image to be displayed over the button, images are not scaled and appear in real size.

setTitleColor(r, g, b)
sets the color of the button title, specied in r, g, b, as color components of red, green and blue. Parameters can take values in range [0..255].

sets the title to be displayed over the button
function playRadio() { var radio = new NKInternetPlayer(); radio.playFromURL("http://myradio.com:8000"); } var playButton = new NKButton(); playButton.init(15, 390, 60, 20, "playRadio"); playButton.setImage("play.png"); playButton.show();

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NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

Class is used as an utility toolbar

Initializes toolbar with vertical position y

shows initialized toolbar

hides initialized toolbar

addButton(title, imageName, callback)

creates button on toolbar

title - button title to be displayed (ignored if imageName specied) imageName - the lename of bundled image to be displayed on button (discards title) callback - javascript function name to be called when button pressed

insertButtonAtIndex(index, title, image, callback)

creates button on toolbar

index - index, used to specify button position, count starts from 1 title - button title to be displayed (ignored if imageName specied) imageName - the lename of bundled image to be displayed on button (discards title) callback - javascript function name to be called when button pressed

addDoneButton(title, callback)
creates blue button on toolbar, which has same style is used for Done buttons

adds exible space into toolbar, used to align buttons

sets the style of toolbar, possible values are: black, blacktranslucent, default

setTintColor(red, green, blue)

sets color for the toolbar, color components are values in range [0..255]

removes and destroys toolbar and resources allocated for it.

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NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

removed button at specied index (starts at 0)

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NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

This control is used to display large amount of text.

init(x, y, width, height)

initializes text view with given coordinates and size

shows control (not creating)

hides control (not destroying)

sets string value in control

synchronous method returning contents of the control in string form (if you need other type please use parseInt, parseFloat, etc)

sets the font size for initialized view

enables/disables ability to edit for user. Variable value can take following values: yes, no, 1, 0.
var textView = new NKTextView; textView.init(0, 0, 320, 100); textView.setEditable("no"); textView.setString("HELLO WORLD HELLO WORLD HELLO WORLD HELLO WORLD HELLO WORLD HELLO WORLD"); textView.setFontSize(20); textView.show();

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NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

This control is used for user text input

init(x, y, width, height)

initializes text eld with given coordinates and size

shows control (not creating)

hides control (not destroying)

sets string value in control

synchronous method returning contents of the control in string form (if need you other type please use parseInt, parseFloat, etc)

sets the type of keyboard

keyboardType: the type of keyboard to use, available values are: ASCII, NumbersAndPunctuation, URL, NumberPad, PhonePad and EmailAddress, from iOS 4.1 DecimalPad also available, if the device has older OS NumberPad will be used automatically instead.

sets the callback which will be called every time text eld is modied, format is following callback(newValue), where newValue is the new modied value of the text eld

sets border style for the text view, possible values are: "none", "line", "bezel", "rounded", the default value is "rounded".

sets placeholder string which will be shown before user input starts Available in NimbleKit 1.7 or newer

dismisses text eld keyboard

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NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

makes text eld rst responder. Should be used ONLY after all controls are created, for example if you call show keyboard and then create new button then it wont work. Available in NimbleKit 1.7 or newer

sets the secure type of keyboard, all input will be replaced by bullets. Takes parameters yes or no. Available in NimbleKit 1.7 or newer
var textFied = new NKTextField(); textFied.init(20, 120, 200, 30); textFied.setKeyboardType("PhonePad"); textFied.show();

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NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

NKLabel class is used to display static text

init(x, y, width, height, value)

initializes NKLabel with its frame and initial value, this method is mandatory to call right after class creation.

shows initialized label on current view

hides initialized label from current view

sets new value to the labels text

sets the font size for initialized label

setTextColor(r, g, b)
sets the color of the text using red, green and blue components [0..255]

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NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

TableView objects are used to present hierarchical lists of information.

init(x, y, width, heigh, style)

initializes table view object with initial frame, where it will be displayed.
style - table style. Can be grouped or plain

shows initialized table view on the screen

hides initialized table view (allowing click-though)

switches tableview to editing mode, where user can manipulate table rows, reorder and remove any rows. Parameter isEditing can be either yes or no.

enables/disables ability to delete rows using swipe gestures, be default this is disabled.

inserts new category/section in table view with specied name.

insertRecord(title, subtitle, image, sectionNumber, rightImage, callback)

inserts new row to the table.

title - rows main title subtitle - rows subtitle, usually it is a description for the title image - NKImage instance, which represents the image to be displayed in the left part of the row. Images larger then row height will be down scaled to row height. Images smaller then row height will appear at their original size. sectionNumber - number of the section where the row must be inserted (starting from 0). rightImage - small image to be displayed in the right part of the row, usually showing that the item is clickable, if empty then default OSs action image will be used. callback - is a real javascript code to be executed when the item is clicked.

bindToDataBase(dbName, tableName, optionalQuery)

binds tableview to the given database using its table as datasource, binding the database will destroy all the content in table view which was added earlier. optionalQuery is an optional parameter used to specify raw sql query to select table's content from database, for example: "SELECT * FROM products WHERE category='Fruits'". Of course you can use the query to load data sorted and to do other things which are allowed by SQL SELECT queries. To let NimbleKit know how data in a table view must be presented you need to have 6 columns in the database table, which
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v. 1.9.7

are named exactly like following: category - name of the category to which the row is related (for example Fruits) title - Rows main title (for example Apple) subtitle - Rows subtitle/description (for example Nice green fruit) image - the name of the image le which will be used in the left part of the row, can be the name from application bundle, documents folder or even an url to the image in the internet. right_image - the image name if the small image to be displayed in the right part of the row, usually showing that the item is clickable, if empty then default OSs action image will be used. Can be the name from application bundle, documents folder or even an url to the image in the internet. js - javascript code to be executed when the row is clicked. This is very useful as it will be loaded much faster then the code on the page, making application more responsive and page to load faster improving user experience. If you want to apply lter or resort data in table view you can call bindToDatabase multiple times with different "optionalQuery"s.

ushes changes made to the table view (using setEditing) into the database. This method isnt must have, on application quit changes will be ushed anyway, however different situations may occur. This function works only if database has been bound to the table view. Warning: if you quit iPhone simulator using CMD+Q then changes arent written into the database, make sure your either using commitDtaabaseChanges or quit simulator app using home button, this warning is only applies for iPhone/iPad simulator.

allows showing/hiding index in table view. indexAllowed can take values yes and no

sets the row height for all rows in table. height - rows height in pixels

inserts array of records to the table records - array of records

adds callback to be called when user manually removed a row in the table view (setUserCanEditRows is enabled). The callback itself is a string name of the function which takes 2 parameters: section number and row number.

! ! ! ! ! ! !

var tableView = new NKTableView(); tableView.init(20, 20, 280, 300, 'plain'); tableView.show(); tableView.insertCategoryNamed('FirstGroup'); tableView.insertCategoryNamed('SecondGroup'); tableView.setOnRowRemovedCallback(itemRemoved); var image = new NKImage();

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! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! image.loadFromBundle('arrow.png'); var firstRecord = new Object; firstRecord.title = "Record1"; firstRecord.subTitle = "subtitle" firstRecord.imageID = image.id;//note image ID is used firstRecord.rightImageID = image.id;//note image ID is used firstRecord.section = 0; firstRecord.callback = "onRowClick()"; var secondRecord = new Object; secondRecord.title = "Record2"; secondRecord.section = 1; var records = new Array();! records[0] = firstRecord; records[1] = secondRecord; tableView.insertRecords(records); function itemRemoved(section, rowInSection) { NKAlert("Row removed", "at section:"+section+" row:"+rowInSection); }

v. 1.9.7

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v. 1.9.7

This class is used to present modal dialogs and wait screens when user should not access any other controls except those placed on modal window

shows modal window on top of all controls

removes modal window from the screen

adds control to the modal window, can take value of standard NimbleKit controls, like NKActivityIndicator, NKButton, NKLabel, etc
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! modal = new NKModalWindow(); modal.show(); var indicator = new NKActivityIndicator(); indicator.init(90, 165, 30, "white"); indicator.show(); indicator.spin(); modal.addControl(indicator); var label = new NKLabel(); label.init(140, 158, 140, 40, "Please wait..."); modal.addControl(label); label.show(); var button = new NKButton(); button.init(120, 210, 100, 40, "buttonClick"); button.setTitle("Dismiss"); modal.addControl(button); button.show();

// This example shows modal window with 3 controls on it

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v. 1.9.7

Image view class is used to display images on top of a web view.

init(x, y, width, height, imageName)

Initializes new NKImageView control with given size, position and image (can be URL to image in the internet)

shows on screen initialized NKImageView class instance

hides on screen initialized NKImageView class instance

sets new image to be displayed, can be either name of the bundled image or URL to the image in the internet. From v 1.7 this API is deprecated, use setImageObject instead

Sets the callback to be called when user taps on image view. Callback is a string name of javascript function to be called (i.e. myOnclickHandler())

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v. 1.9.7

This control is used as switch which has boolean value

init(x, y,callback)
initializes switch control with given coordinates and callback (name of the function as string) to be called when switch value has been changed, callback format should be functionName(newValue, controlID), "newValue" can be either 1 or 0 and controlID is an ID of the control, in case you have one callback for many controls.

shows switch

hides switch control

asynchronous method which returns state of the switch (0 or 1)

sets the state of the switch with animation
<script type="text/javascript"> var uiswitch = new NKSwitch(); uiswitch.init(20, 70); uiswitch.show(); </script> <a href="#" onClick="uiswitch.setState(!uiswitch.getState());">Switch State</a>

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v. 1.9.7

Creates native Cocoa Touch progress view. Control is created on the top layer of page, so if there are html elements on given coordinates control will overlap them.

init(x, y, width)
Initializes progress bar

x - left coordinate of the control y - bottom coordinate of the control width - horizontal size of the control

shows initialized progress bar, does nothing if its shown already

hides initialized progress bar, does nothing if its hidden already

sets position of the slider.
var progress = new NKProgressBar(); progress.init(70,70,100); progress.setPosition(35); progress.show();

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v. 1.9.7

Creates native Cocoa Touch activity indicator. Control is created on the top layer of page, so if there are html elements on given coordinates control will overlap them.

init(x, y, size, style)

Initializes activity indicator

x - horizontal coordinate of the control y- vertical coordinate of the control size - vertical and horizontal size of the control style - species the color of the control, can be one out of two values: grey, white.

shows initialized and stopped activity indicator

hides initialized activity indicator, no matter which state it has

stops controls animation, does nothing if its not animating

starts controls animation, does nothing if control already animating
In this example activity indicator created and started when play button pressed and stopped when radio finished caching and started to play var indicator = new NKActivityIndicator(); indicator.init(10,10,20,"white"); function radioStartedToPlay() { indicator.stop(); } function playRadio() { var radio = new NKInternetPlayer(); radio.notifyPlayingStarted("radioStartedToPlay"); indicator.show(); indicator.spin(); radio.playFromURL("http://myradio.com:8000"); }

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v. 1.9.7

Used to retrieve information from address book

retrieves all contacts from address book and returns them as a string in format name, phone<br>

searches for specic contact which has occurrence of argument in name or phone number

shows modal dialog with contents of address book, when phone selected callback functions will be called with 3 parameters: name, phone number and e-mail.
var addressBook = new NKContact(); document.write("<a href=\"#\" onClick=\"addressBook.showPeoplePicker ('personSelected()')\">Show People Picker</a>"); function personSelected(name, phone, email) { NKAlert("Person selected", "Name: "+name+" phone: "+phone+" email: "+email); }

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v. 1.9.7

Used to play audio les bundled in the application

Loads the content of le specied by leName parameter and prepares it to play

Loads the content of le and prepares it to play, looking for given le name in documents folder

starts to play loaded le

stops currently playing audio

pauses currently played audio

resumes playback from paused state

returns integer value specifying duration in seconds of the loaded audio

sets playback position in seconds

returns current position measured in seconds

Used to get information about when playback nished

callback - function name to be called when playback nished

sets if player should repeat loaded le, can take argument yes, no, 1 and 0

sets current volume for player, parameter has to be in range [0..100]

disposes resources allocated for player
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if this function is set to yes then application will still continue to play even if user locked the phone. Available in NimbleKit 1.7 or newer Example of controlling one player from different pages page1.html:
var player1 = new NKAudioPlayer(); player1.loadFile("music.mp3"); var settings = new NKSettings(); settings.setValueForKey(player_id,playerID); //save player1.id in NKSettings

var player2 = new NKAudioPlayer(); player2.dispose(); // release second's player resources as we will use resources of the first player var settings = new NKSettings(); player2.id = settings.getValueForKey(playerID); player2.play(); // launch play of the first player

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v. 1.9.7

Class is used to play video les in iPhone compatible format. Be advised that supported formats are: H.264 Baseline Prole Level 3.0 video, up to 640 x 480 at 30 fps. Note that B ! frames are not supported in the Baseline prole. MPEG-4 Part 2 video (Simple Prole) Also this class can open and play audio les including AAC-LC audio at up to 48 kHz.

opens video stream from URL

opens video le stored in application bundle

starts video playback

stops current video playback

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v. 1.9.7

This class is used to control iOS sound volume

init(x, y, width)
initializes and shows UI control to control system sound volume, looks similar to progress bar. Can be called multiple times to reposition control if needed.

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v. 1.9.7

This class is used to conrm user destructive actions or provide a choice between different actions.

initializes alert sheet with callback, which to be called when any button clicked on alert sheet. The function callback has to take one parameter which is an index of clicked button.

adds button to alert sheet with specied title

sets style of the alert sheet, by default style is automatic, possible values are: black, blacktranslucent and automatic.

sets the title of the alert sheet.

sets the index of button to be shown as red button, this button has to have destructive sense and used only when user is going to loose data or application closed, etc.

sets the index of button to be shown as black button which used as cancel button in most of the dialogs.
Example: function actionSheetButtonPressed(number) { ! NKAlert("Button pressed", number); } function showActionSheet() { ! var sheet = new NKAlertSheet(); ! sheet.init("actionSheetButtonPressed"); ! sheet.addButtonWithTitle("ok"); ! sheet.addButtonWithTitle("no way"); ! sheet.addButtonWithTitle("I don't know"); ! sheet.setStyle("black"); ! sheet.setTitle("Make your choice"); ! sheet.show(); }
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v. 1.9.7

Used to read les bundled in the application

Opens le with given lename for reading, should be just name and le extension, returned value is either 1 or 0 identifying if le was opened.

Opens le with given lename for reading which located in documents folder, should be just name and le extension, returned value is either 1 or 0 identifying if le was opened.

read(position, length)
Returns buffer of bytes read from given position in the le and with given length

Returns the value identifying current offset in the le

Closes le and frees all resources allocated for it

Returns size of the opened le in bytes

deletes current le, can only be used on les opened from documents folder. Bundled les are read-only.
Discussion (possible crashes): NKFile should be used carefully, because all methods of this class are synchronous and may result main thread to freeze for more then 5 seconds, which is time maximum allowed for javascript function to run. In case if 5 seconds limit reached unpredictable situations can appear. Please refer to Troubleshooting section for solution.

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v. 1.9.7

Used to save application settings

Retrieves saved value for specied key (can be javascript object from v1.6.2)

setValueForKey(value, key)
Saves value in application settings for specied key (can take any object value staring from v1.6.2)
In this example we use NKSettings class to save/retrieve username from application settings. var settings = new NKSettings(); settings.setValueForKey("UserName", "user"); var username = settings.getValueForKey("user");

Discussion (possible crashes): To be safe it is better to call settings before creating interface, as NKSettings methods work synchronously and they would wait until all all interface elements loaded which can cause javascript function to be canceled as it takes too long.

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v. 1.9.7

This class is used to download les from internet to documents folder (later those les can be opened with NKFile).

Initializes current downloader with url

Starts asynchronous download process.
lename - name of the output le to be created in documents folder

Stops download

Returns percentage of downloaded data or -1 if error occured Example:
var download = new NKFileDownloader(); download.openURL("http://www.nimblekit.com/nimblekit.dmg"); download.start("nimblekit.dmg"); setTimeout(updateProgress, 1000); function updateProgress() { var progress = download.getProgress(); if (progress == -1) { NKLog("Could not download file"); } else { NKLog("downloaded: "+progress); if (download.getProgress()<100) setTimeout(updateProgress, 1000); } }

This example will download nimblekit.dmg le to iPhones Documents folder

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NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

This class is used to access database and use sqlite databases. NKSQLite is global singleton class so you can access opened database from any page, but if you open new one, previous will be closed automatically. So its preferable to use 1 database with multiple tables to open/close database only once.

openDatabase(name, rewrite)
opens database with given name and rewrites it if rewrite is set to 1 or yes.

SQLite database le is stored in application bundle, but the location is not writable so when we call openDatabase NimbleKit tries to open database with this name from writable location in documents folder of iPhone, it there is no such le - NimbleKit copies it from bundle to writable location and opens again. So once you opened your database on current device, database le in bundle wont be accessed, but of course if you changed tables or put new data in initial table you can put rewrite variable to 1 or yes to rewrite database at writable location.

executes standard SQL query, (i.e. SELECT * FROM mytable)

returns the result as javascript array of dictionaries (This API was redesigned in v1.7, please update old code)

closes current database
var database = new NKSQLite(); database.openDatabase("nk.sqlite", "no"); database.executeSQL("CREATE TABLE todo(pk INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, text VARCHAR(25), priority INTEGER, complete BOOLEAN)"); database.executeSQL("INSERT INTO todo(text,priority,complete) VALUES('Take out the trash',3,0)"); database.executeSQL("INSERT INTO todo(text,priority,complete) VALUES('Do Computer Science homework',1,0)"); database.executeSQL("INSERT INTO todo(text,priority,complete) VALUES('Learn Objective C',1,0)"); database.executeSQL("INSERT INTO todo(text,priority,complete) VALUES('DIGG this tutorial',2,0)"); database.executeSQL("SELECT * FROM todo"); results = database.getResults(); for (i=0; i<results.length; i++) { ! document.body.innerHTML+="<p>"+results[i].priority+" | "+results[i].complete+" | "+results[i].text+"</p>"; }


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v. 1.9.7

Overview init(x,y,width,height)
initializes map view with given width, height and coordinates on webview

shows initialized map view

hides initialized map view

triggers core location services to track user location and show it on the map, can take parameters "yes" or "no"

sets the map type, can take parameters "standard", "satellite", "hybrid"

retrieves current user location, takes callback parameter of format callback (newLocation), new location returned as callback argument

indicates if CoreLocation is turned on to update user location, returns "1" or "0"

setDisplayRegion(lat, longtitude, latDelta, longtitudeDelta)

scrolls the map so specied location could be visible in span

The amount of north-to-south distance (measured in degrees) to use for the span. Unlike longitudinal distances, which vary based on the latitude, one degree of latitude is approximately 111 kilometers (69 miles) at all times.

The amount of east-to-west distance (measured in degrees) to use for the span. The number of kilometers spanned by a longitude range varies based on the current latitude. For example, one degree of longitude spans a distance of approximately 111 kilometers (69 milies) at the equator but shrinks to 0 kilometers at the poles.

addAnnotation(lat, longitude, title, subtitle, image, color, callback)

adds marker on the map on given coordinates with specied title and subtitle color is an index of standard colors for annotation pin, can take 3 values [0..2], callback is a javascript function name to be called when user taps on annotation pin. Image can be either bundled image name or NKImage object instance.

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v. 1.9.7

selects annotation with the title specied when annotation was added, do not use this method directly after annotation was added as it has no time to initialize, use setTimeout function to select annotation after a small delay like half a second.

sets delegate callback to be called when map is loading, loaded or failed to load. The callback format is following "callback(state)", where state can take following values: 0 for loading, 1 for loaded and -1 if loading failed

removes all annotations added to the map previously

returns display region which is visible to the user at the moment, the region returned as a string with 4 components divided by comma: center longitude, center latitude, span longitude delta and span latitude delta, for example: 102.122,34.65,12.1,2.06

setCenterCoordinate(latitude, longitude, isAnimated)

Changing the center coordinate centers the map on the new coordinate without changing the current zoom level. It also updates the values in the region property to reect the new center coordinate and the new span values needed to maintain the current zoom level. Callbacks:
mapTouchedAtCoordinates(latitude, longitude)

Implement this callback on the page where NKMapView was created and it will be called automatically every time user touches the map returning latitude and longitude as callback parameters. If you dont need user input just ignore this callback and dont implement it. Example:
var map = new NKMapView(); map.init(0, 100, 320, 460); lat = 50; lon = 30; map.setDisplayRegion(lat, lon, 0.007435, 0.003130); map.showUserLocation("YES"); map.addAnnotation(lat, lon, "Here", "subtitle"); map.show(); setTimeout(selectAnnotation, 500); //wait for half second function selectAnnotation() { ! map.selectAnnotation('Here'); }

Example 2: Use NKMapView as gps without showing map on screen, we check here for new coordinates every second until they are obtained
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var oldLocation = "0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000"; var mapView = new NKMapView(); mapView.init(0, 0, 320, 420); mapView.showUserLocation("YES"); checkIfUpdated(); function checkIfUpdated() { mapView.getUserLocation("alertLocation"); } function alertLocation(newLocation){ ! if (newLocation != oldLocation){ ! ! oldLocation = newLocation; ! ! var location = new Array(); ! ! location = newLocation.split(" "); // now location is an array with 4 elements: x, y, precision and speed ! } ! else ! ! setTimeout(checkIfUpdated, 1000); }

v. 1.9.7

function mapTouchedAtCoordinates(latitude, longitude) { ! NKLog("Latitude: "+latitude+"Longitude: "+longitude); }

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v. 1.9.7

This class is used to make in-app purchases

getAvailableProducts(callback, productIDs)
this function returns it's value via callback only when products are requested and updated via internet.

name of the function to be called when product list is updated, function prototype is following callback(productsCount)

the list of product identiers for the products you wish to retrieve descriptions of, it needs to be in format of a string where all identiers separated by blank space, for example "my.company.prod1 my.company.prod2 my.company.prod3" will try to retrieve 3 products with given IDs.

requestInfoForProductAtIndex(index, callback)

index of a product in returned via getAvailableProducts methos


callback to be called with product information, format of callback is following: callback (title,description,productID,price)

buyProductWithID(identicator, callback)
attempts to buy selected product

unique product ID

a function name, which will notify if transaction was successful, will return either unique product ID or -1 if transaction failed, format is following callback(result).

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v. 1.9.7

this class is used to work with pasteboard

returns a string which was previously copied to clipboard

copies given string value to clipboard

returns url previously copied to clipboard

copies given string value of url to clipboard

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v. 1.9.7

NKImage is a class that used to represent, modify and save images. It is used by various classes as input or output, for example when you pick picture from camera it is an output object, which can be used as input object for NKImageView.

load image from specied URL

loads named image from documents folder

loads named image from application bundle

loads image data from base64 encoded string

returns base64 representation of jpeg image, compression is used to specify output quality (and size) can take values [0..1]

setSize(width, height)
resizes image to gives rectangle

saves valid image object in iPhones photo library.

saves the image as a le in the documents folder with specied name

return current size of the image in format of the string where width and height are divided by comma, for example 800,600

rotates the image with and angle specied in degrees parameter. Available in NimbleKit 1.7 or newer.

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v. 1.9.7

Composer is used to send e-mail messages without leaving the application and having content, subject and recipient pre-lled.

shows modal mail composer on top of application pages, call this after you already lled all elds you need (like subject, body or recipient).

sets mail composer subject

sets recipients as e-mail addresses, can take many addresses at once divided by comma.

sets carbon copy addresses divided by comma

sets blind carbon copy addresses divided by comma

sets the body of the message.

adds image to composed e-mail, can be called multiple times to add many pictures. Image parameter is an instance of NKImage class.
function showComposer() { ! var composer = new NKMailComposer(); ! composer.setRecipient("a.voloshyn@gmail.com, voloshyn@me.com"); ! composer.setSubject("subject");! ! composer.setBody("message body!"); ! composer.show(); }

Class Available in NimbleKit 1.7 or newer

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NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

This class is used send SMS messages with the ability to compose or use precomposed messages as message body.

sets recipients as phone numbers, can take many phone numbers at once divided by comma.

sets the text of SMS body

presents mail composer UI as modal view controller. Class Available in NimbleKit 1.9.4 or newer

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NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

You use popovers to present information temporarily but in a way that does not take over the entire screen like a modal view does

initializes NKPopoverController with a page that represents popovers content, can be called again in order to change the page in already initialized controller

show(x, y, width, height)

shows initialized popover controller pointing with its arrow to the rectangle specied in the parameters x, y, width, height. Note, this rectangle does not have any inuence on the size of popover controller, use setContentSize method in order to change popovers size.

hides initialized and shown on the screen popover controller.

setContentSize(width, height)
resizes content size of the popover controller. Can be called in any state when controller is hidden or shown (when shown it will resize animated).
Sample usage:
! ! ! ! var popover = new NKPopoverController(); popover.init("popoverContent.html"); popover.setContentSize(100, 200); popover.show(200,300,100,100);

Class Available in NimbleKit 1.9.4 or newer and requires iPad, any calls to this class are ignored on non-iPad device.

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v. 1.9.7

WebView native control which allows you to load external URLs and show its content in your application.

init(x, y, width, height)

Initializes newly created WebView with position and size.

shows initialized WebView (initially all native controls are hidden)

hides initialized WebView

loads given URL

sets if WebView should scale page to t or display the page in its original size

loadHTML(html, baseURL)
directly loads specied HTML code using baseURL as base URL for the content

loads html le from application bundle

loads previous page from history

loads next page from history

reloads current page

sets the callback which will be called when the page is loaded in the current web view. Callback is a string function name to be called.

enables/disables telephone numbers detection, can take values yes and no
var webView = new NKWebView;

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NimbleKit SDK!
webView.init(0,0,300,300); webView.loadURL("http://nimblekit.com/"); webView.setScalesToFit("yes"); webView.setOnFinishCallback("testcallback"); webView.show();

v. 1.9.7

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NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

NimbleKit functions
Returns devices unique identier based on hardware serial number.

returns device type, possible values:
iPhone 1G iPhone 3G iPhone 3GS iPhone 4 iPod Touch 1G iPod Touch 2G iPod Touch 3G iPod Touch 4G iPad iPhone Simulator

NKSetPageOpaque(page, isOpaque)
Controls opaque state for specied page. isOpaque can be yes, no, 1 and 0. Set opaque to no when you want the page to be transparent. Available in NimbleKit 1.9.4 or newer

sets background behind the web page (visible if the page is transparent of user bounces the page)

Returned value can be either 1 or 0 which represents if internet access available using Cellular data network.

Returned value can be either 1 or 0 which represents if internet access available using Wi-Fi network.

NKAlert(title, message)
Shows alert with provided title and message

NKMoveToPageAnimated(pageName, animation)
Used to navigate between pages without navigation controller

pageName - name of the html page to move, can accept parameters (i.e. next.html? id=25&name=user), see NKGetParameter function for retrieving parameters. animation - name of the animation to use, currently supported animations: Fade, PushLeft, PushRight, FastPushRight, FastPushLeft, FlipLeft, FlipRight. In version 1.7 added slidedown and slideup animations. In version 1.9 added curlup and curldown animations.
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v. 1.9.7

opens given URL in mobile Safari browser

NKOpenDocument(name, source)
Opens the document in the applications which registered to support that kind of document (i.e. pdf in iBooks or GoodReader, etc).
name - name of the le or documents URL source - species where to look for your document, can take 3 values: NKBundle, NKDocuments, NKURL

this function preloads the page with given name. Please be advised that loading many pages simultaneously can cause application to start very slow or greatly decrease performance. It is recommended to preload only pages critical to be preloaded. Example:
! NKStartPreloadingPage("page2.html");

Reload page specied (useful if you want tab content reloaded)

returns library version as string, for instance 1.6.3

NKSetWebViewBackgroundColor(red, green, blue, alpha)

sets background of the current webview, can be seen if scrolling used. All parameters are oating point variables and can take range [0..1]. Example:
NKSetWebViewBackgroundColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); // this line will make background yellow

retrieves parameter passed as GET variable to the page, for instance navcontroller.gotoPage(page.html?myVar=hello); in page page.html you can use NKGetParameter(myVar); to retrieve the value of variable.

logs provided message in the application run log or iPhones console log, used for debug purposes only. Available in NimbleKit 1.7 or newer

NKConrm(title, message, bTitle1, bTitle2, callback)

Shows an alert similar to NKAlert function with given title and message, bTitle1 and bTitle2 are titles for the buttons on alert, bTitle1 is necessary, but bTitle2 can be an empty string if you want just one button. callback is a function name to be called when user clicked a button on the alert, the format is callback(buttonIndex) where buttonIndex is a number of the button was clicked, count starts from 0.

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v. 1.9.7

NKExecuteJavascriptOnPage(jscode, pagename)
executes provided javascript code on specied page

returns the version of the application (specied in info.plist le or set in Xcodes target properties) Available in NimbleKit 1.8.3 or newer

NKPreloadPage(pageName, callback)
starts asynchronous preloading of the page, taking as parameters name of the page to preload and a callback, which is a javascript function name, to be called when preloading is nished.

Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!


NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

General Native Controls functions

Functions in this section will work with all native controls

NKNativeControlRotate(control, degrees)
rotates native control (like NKTextField, NKButton, etc) with given angle specied in degrees.

NKSetControlAutoresizingMask(control, mask)
sets the autoresizing mask of native control, which controls automatic autoresizing on device rotation control - control for which you want to set autoresizing mask mask - autoresizing mask. Can be one of or any combination of following constants.
NKControlAutoresizingNone The view does not resize. NKControlAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin The view resizes by expanding or shrinking in the direction of the left margin. NKControlAutoresizingFlexibleWidth The view resizes by expanding or shrinking its width. NKControlAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin The view resizes by expanding or shrinking in the direction of the right margin. NKControlAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin The view resizes by expanding or shrinking in the direction of the top margin. NKControlAutoresizingFlexibleHeight The view resizes by expanding or shrinking its height. NKControlAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin The view resizes by expanding or shrinking in the direction of the bottom margin.

function createToolBar() { ! var toolbar = new NKToolBar(); ! toolbar.init(0); ! NKSetControlAutoresizingMask(toolbar, NKControlAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | NKControlAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin) ! toolbar.show(); }

this will make tab bar with exible width and will make it glue to the top of the screen (as bottom margin is exible and top margin is not).

NKNativeControlSetAlpha(control, alpha)
sets the transparency of the native xed iPhone control (like NKButton, NKSlider, etc) using provided alpha, value must be in range [0..1]. Available in NimbleKit 1.9 or newer

NKNativeControlEnable(control, isEnabled)
Controls enabled/disabled state of the native control. isEnabled can take values: yes, no, 1 and 0. Available in NimbleKit 1.9.4 or newer

Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!


NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

NKControlSetBackgroundColor(control, r, g, b, a)
Sets native controls background color using 4 color components. All components are values in range [0..255]

Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!


NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

Location services usage (GPS)

Using location services you can obtain current latitude, longitude, precision and distance if coordinates changed after last update. Every time you want to update current location use NKUpdateLocation() function

- callback is the name of a function callback to be called when device nished updating location, function has to take 5 parameters: latitude, longitude, precision, distance and error (0 returned if no error).
NKUpdateLocation("locationUpdated"); function locationUpdated(x, y, precise, moved, error) { NKAlert("Location updated", "x: "+x+" y: "+y+" precision: "+precise+" moved: "+moved); }

Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!


NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

Photo library/camera support

NimbleKit allows to retrieve photos from your iPhone library or camera.

NKTakePicture(callback, source)
This function pops up standard image picking dialog or photo camera dialog to choose/ take picture

- callback is a name os function to be called when user picked picture, has to have 1 parameter to receive base64 encoded image is jpeg format. - source is a name of source from which to take image, can take values: PhotoLibrary, SavedPhotoAlbum and Camera. Please be advices that you can not take pictures from camera on iPhone Simulator as there is none. This API is deprecated in NimbleKit 1.7, use NKPickImageObject instead
<center> <div id="mypicture"></div> </center> <script type="text/javascript"> NKTakePicture('picturePicked', 'photolibrary'); function picturePicked(imageBase64) { var node = document.getElementById("mypicture"); node.innerHTML = "<img height=\"300\" width=\"200\" src=\""+"data:image/ jpg;base64,\n"+imageBase64+"\"/>"; } </script>

NKPickImageObject(callback, source, x, y, width, height)

This function pops up standard image picking dialog or photo camera dialog to choose/ take picture

- callback is a name os function to be called when user picked picture, has to have 1 parameter to receive NKImage object. - source is a name of source from which to take image, can take values: PhotoLibrary, SavedPhotoAlbum and Camera. Please be advices that you can not take pictures from camera on iPhone Simulator as there is none. - x, y, width, height are the parameters used for iPad implementation only and specify the frame where popover controller must point to. These parameters are optional.
NKPickImageObject('picturePicked', 'camera'); function picturePicked(imageObj) { ! imageView = new NKImageView(); ! imageView.init(10, 10, 100, 100); ! imageView.setImageObject(imageObj); ! imageView.show(); }

Available in NimbleKit 1.7 or newer

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NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

Orientation support
iPhone application can change orientation, this sections describes how use this feature.

This function must be implemented and return no if you dont want to some specic page to have orientations supported. By default auto orientation is supported and possible orientations are read from your application plist le (in xcode4 those can be set in editor graphically)
function NKIsPageSupportsAutoOrientation() { return "no"; }

implement this function in order to receive information when iPhone is about to start orientation change to orientation specied in parameter.
Degree - can take 4 values:

0 - portrait -90 - landscape left 90 - landscape right 180 - portrait upside down

implement this function to receive notication when orientation transition is complete

Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!


NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

Application Events
This callback is called right after application started quitting. Please do not use any alerts or similar UI actions as till the moment this function called there will be no application UI on the screen. Callback is called on every page, be sure not to overwrite many times your settings.
function OnApplicationQuit() { var settings = new NKSettings(); settings.setValueForKey("saved!!!", "isSaved"); }

This callback is called when application goes to background mode. You have to save your settings in this call back as application can be terminated by OS while in background without notication. Please do not use any alerts or similar UI actions as till the moment this function called there will be no application UI on the screen. Callback is called on every page, be sure not to overwrite many times your settings.

This callback is called when application returns to foreground mode from background mode.

This callback is called right before page is shown (but is fully loaded).
caller - the object which moved page in front, can be tab_controller, nav_controller or

Example: function onPageShown(caller) { ! NKAlert("Alert", "Page shown"); }

this callback is called when page lost focus. When UI is constructed can be called multiple times as if you create navigation controller page will be removed from the window and placed in navigation controller, so this function will be called when this happens.

Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!


NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

1. How to add fullscreen company logo on application start?

You need to add le Default.png image to the project, it will be used automatically ! by iPhone OS
2. How to set image behind page so it is visible when user scrolls page?

You need to add le nk_background.png image to the project, it will be used automatically by NimbleKit engine

Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!


NimbleKit SDK!

v. 1.9.7

This section describes common problems and solutions for them

10 seconds javascript limit There is a limit of 10 seconds for all javascript functions to run. Some NimbleKit functions are asynchronous and some of them synchronous, main problem here is even if you use synchronous function which runs for less then 5 seconds it still can be executed for more then 5 seconds if before there was a call to asynchronous functions which are still executing, synchronous function will have to wait for them to nish. For instance all functions related to interface elements are asynchronous and used during loading time to build interface. All of those functions will return immediately, but in background will still work, which means if you call something like le reading during load time you can end up with crash because all le operations are synchronous and it will wait for all background functions to nish. Solution to this problem is simple, load all interface elements in <head> section and if you need to do some synchronous operations on load time move them to separate function and specify it to onLoad property of <body> section, so its called after all interface is loaded.

Copyright VolnaTech 2009-2010!


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