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There are signs that the US is planning, or trying to plan a war against the PRC.

It could be just some form of limited war, or an all-out war designed to totally ruin the peoples republic. In any case, the war would be a surprise war, or a surprise attack or a sneak assault. But a very painful one. Perhaps a very, very painful and deadly one. The very unmistakable signs are all out there. The provocative military air and sea intrusions in sensitive areas, the unceasing and highly toxic stream of very mendacious propaganda, the greatly intensified pace of weapons development and deployment especially in the Pacific, the push for alliances around the vast periphery of the republic, the introduction of space weapons in the US arsenal, and the increased budget for the Pentagon despite the demise of the Eastern bloc and the end of the Cold War amid the very unfettered rise of global unipolarism. The rise of the republic has been quick, in fact too quick for the comfort of the US generals and politicians. Therefore, if a war has to happen, it has to take place now. Wait too long and the quarry could simply become too large or too big to swallow or even bite at. The US is now trying to perfect its orbital and suborbital weaponry in addition to the perfecting of conventional weaponry. The USAF has just ordered a class of bunker buster weaponry that is capable of destroying deep underground caverns and hangars (which are so plentiful in the republic) and thick reactor shrouds. Also, the US has enlisted the help of other nations, e.g. Japan to enhance the power, accuracy and lethality of its much vaunted missile systems which have no equal in the rest of the world. At the same time, Tokyo is being asked to pour out noxious and vicious fake hostile propaganda against the republic. Not satisfied, the US is trying to whip up tensions over internal issues, especially over the Taiwan Island issue. The US is brazenly behaving like a double-dealing demon in this regard. (Could the PRC behave likewise towards Kabul ? ? ? ) The urgency to wage war against the republic is very reminiscent of the state of mind that afflicted the Jap imperialists of the thirties. The PRC is so big, it just must be reduced to more manageable size. Moreover, the safety of US carriers has brought so much unbearable anxiety. Already too much to bear even today. Action must be taken now. Carriers are sacrosanct. Any threat to them must be eliminated or at least cut down to size immediately. It is why the US is planning a secret holy war to be initiated at the right moment. The US is also very unhappy over the fact that the republic is now top lender. So much debt that it can never be repaid. The only way to wipe the slate or plate clean is to wage war.

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