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Fried purple tomatoes United Kingdom October 22, 2008 Scientists have expressed genes from snapdragon in tomatoes

to grow purple tomatoes high in health-protecting anthocyanins. Anthocyanins particularly berries such cranberry are high as and naturally levels in Purple tomatoes high in anthocyanins

occurring pigments found at blackberry, chokeberry.

Scientists are investigating ways to increase the levels of health-promoting compounds in more commonly eaten fruits and vegetables. Most people do not eat 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day, but they can get more benefit from those they do eat if common fruit and veg can be developed that are higher in bioactive compounds, says Prof Cathie Martin from the John Innes Centre. Anthocyanins offer protection against certain cancers, cardiovascular disease and age-related degenerative diseases. There is evidence that anthocyanins also have anti-inflammatory activity, promote visual acuity and hinder obesity and diabetes. Tomatoes already contain high levels of the antioxidant lycopene. Highly processed tomatoes are the best source, or tomatoes cooked in a little oil, which helps to release the lycopene from cells. Flavonoids meanwhile are soluble in water, and foods containing both water soluble and fatdissolved antioxidants are considered to offer the best protection against disease. In this study the scientists expressed two genes from snapdragon that induce the production of anthocyanins in snapdragon flowers. The genes were turned on in tomato fruit. Anthocyanins accumulated in tomatoes at higher levels than anything previously reported for metabolic engineering in both the peel and flesh of the fruit. The fruit are an intense purple colour. The scientists tested whether these elevated levels actually had an effect on health. In a pilot test,

the lifespan of cancer-susceptible mice was significantly extended when their diet was supplemented with the purple tomatoes compared to supplementation with normal red tomatoes. "This is one of the first examples of metabolic engineering that offers the potential to promote health through diet by reducing the impact of chronic disease," says Professor Cathie Martin. And certainly the first example of a GMO with a trait that really offers a potential benefit for all consumers. The next step will be to take the preclinical data forward to human studies with volunteers to see if we can promote health through dietary preventive medicine strategies.

High anthocyanin purple tomato and red wild-type tomato

The orange, purple and green cauliflowers that scientists claim could be healthier for you By DAVID DERBYSHIRE

Cauliflower cheese will never be the same again. Scientists have developed amazing variants of vegetable where the traditional white florets have been changed to a garish orange, purple and green. The "rainbow cauliflowers" are said to taste the same as the normal varieties, but add a splash of colour to the dinner table. Some scientists have even claimed that they are healthier for you. Andrew Coker, a spokesman for the plant company Syngenta - which is developing the plants in Europe - stressed that the colourful cauliflowers were not the result of genetic engineering, but came after decades of traditional selective breeding. Scroll down for more...

Cauli-ful: The green, orange and purple varieties of cauliflower. Although its not the first time that orange and green cauliflowers have been seen in Britain, their creators say they will be the first to be commercially available in supermarkets and markets. They retain their colour even after cooking. "The pictures may look garish, but they are really are this colourful," said Mr Coker. "Consumers are looking for ever new experiences on their dinner plates and colour features very large in their desire for different things.

"These are the results of traditional selective breeding - where different strains have been cross breed and cross bred until these strains have been created. "We are now trying to ensure that we have the consistency of colour, taste and size before bringing them to the mass market. But you will find them in smaller outlets from this year." In tests, the garish cauliflowers have proved a hit with shoppers. While traditionalists may baulk at the unusual colours, it is not the first time that plant breeders have changed the appearance of vegetables. Until the 17th century most carrots eaten Europe were white, yellow or purple. The orange pigment was added by Dutch plant breeders looking for a way to celebrate Holland's royal family. The last few years has seen the introduction of purple carrots to supermarkets in Britain, along with yellow tomatoes and purple potatoes. In America, where colour cauliflowers have been available for several years, they have been a big hit with foodies. The orange cauliflower has higher than normal levels of beta carotene, a form of vitamin A that encourages healthy skin. The purple colour comes from anthocyanin, which may help prevent heart disease by slowing blood clotting. Tests of the orange cauliflowers in America found that they contained 25 times the concentrations of beta carotene in normal cauliflowers.

World's first blue roses on display in Japan The world's first blue roses have been unveiled to the public for the first time at an international flower fair in Japan, following nearly two decades of scientific research. By Danielle Demetriou in Tokyo The blue-hued blooms are genetically modified and have been implanted with a gene that simulates the synthesis of blue pigment in pansies.

The Blue Rose was developed by Suntory Flowers The flowers, which were on public display at the International Flower Expo Tokyo, will go on sale commercially in Japan in Autumn next year. "This is the first time that these blue roses have been put on display in public," said Megumi Mitsunaga, a spokeswoman for IFEX. "They are attracting lots of attention here because they are so unusual." The creation of blue flowers - historically viewed as a symbol of the impossible - was masterminded by a subsidiary of Suntory, the Japanese drinks company, which has invested three billion yen in the creation of blue roses, blue carnations and other blue flowers since 1990.

Its scientists successfully pioneered implanting into the flowers the gene that produces Delphinidin, the primary plant pigment that produces a blue hue but is not found naturally in roses. The world's first genetically modified blue roses were unveiled in the laboratory four years ago, although further research was required to make them safe to grow in nature. Following the cultivation of test batches in the United States and America, the company will be ready to sell them from next year and aims to open up a global market for blue flowers worth an estimated 30 billion yen. The blue roses were among 860 exhibits on display at the fifth annual IFEX, the largest flower and garden trade show which is expected to attract over 32,000 visitors over the weekend.

Other highlights included glow-in-the-dark roses showcased in an array of pastel hues in dark boxes, having been genetically modified to light up in the dark.

Researcher grows roots on upper part of plant The molecular cell biologist Pankaj Dhonukshe from Utrecht University has succeeded in growing roots on plants at places where normally leaves would grow. This important step in plant modification can be highly beneficial for improving crop yields and efficiency in the agricultural sector. This research was largely carried out in collaboration between Utrecht University (The Netherlands) and Ghent University (Belgium) with help from scientists in Japan, USA and Switzerland. The results of this research appeared as an advance online publication of the weekly science journal Nature on 26 October 2008. The plant hormone auxin plays a crucial role in coordination of stem cells and organ formation in plants. It promotes the formation of roots from stem cells and coordinates the growth of leaves and fruits. Auxin is produced mainly in young leaves, or shoots, and is then transported from one cell to the next towards the basal region of plant ultimately leading towards root formation. Roots above ground Pankaj Dhonukshe discovered a molecular switch to alter the auxin transport. By turning on the switch, Dhonukshe was able to reduce the extent of auxin transport towards the roots. The hormone then began to accumulate at the places in the young leaves where it is produced and roots began to emerge here where normally leaves would grow. Increased yields These results are an important step in our understanding of the way plants grow and create novel future possibilities to modify the positioning of various plant organs such as roots, fruits and leaves. This specific manipulation of plant architecture promises to enhance yield-traits and crop

harvesting. Molecular switches are particularly interesting for influencing plant forms, because utilization of traditional plant refinement approaches has certain limitations. The Utrecht research group is currently examining further interesting possibilities in this area. Collaborative Research Dhonukshe carried out the developmental biology research at Utrecht University, and the cellular biology research in cooperation with Ghent University. Life Sciences and Biocomplexity Utrecht University has organised its top-level research into fifteen focus areas, which are intended to promote high-quality research and contribute to solving major problems in society. The study described above falls under the category Life Sciences and Biocomplexity, in which research is being carried out into all the processes in the cell from the molecular scale to the creation of multi-celled organisms and the interaction among cells. Genomics and proteomics form an important part of this area. For more information, please visit www.uu.nl/EN/research/focusareas/. Caption The photo on the left shows a normal plant with normal leaves and a root and the photo on the right shows a plant on which root has started to grow at the place of young leaf. The shoot part is shown in orange and the roots in green. More information Pankaj Dhonukshe, University Utrecht, +31 (0) 64 83 81 812 ,P.B.Dhonukshe@uu.nl Roy Keeris, Utrecht University Press Office, +31 (0) 253 2411, r.b.keeris@uu.nl

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