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THE SENSE OF LIFE The human condition- changeable, boredom, anxiety The human condition could be compared with

a mountain-rousse. Slipping from one state to another,the *moment * is the only true reality for a human being. So, the life is a permanent swinging .between truth and lie, beauty and ugly, love and hate, sadness and hope, renuntiation and success. We could also say that all his life, the human being is walking on a string. Taking risks, he is going on, due to a force much bigger than himself. The safety will be very well define happiness. The hesitation means breakdown. And if the happiness has a private sense, the breakdown is a general reality, unforseen and inevitable. The last one may signify the regress, the end, or the ticket to a superior existence. The first two ways are difficult to assimilate. It is very difficult to see us embodied into an animal as if it said in a theory named methempsihosis, according to it, the soul is transmigrating between all forms of life. And truly believing that the life has started in the sea, that the human race is a result of thousands of changes, and above all, that in the end all is a pile of bones, so all seems imposible, no matter what convincing would be the arguments which support the thesis of the British naturalist , Charkes Darwin. Because we have this ability of feeling some things above the physic, we are able to say that the * self * involves also the psyhic existence and also the spiritual existence. The natural anxiety towards the uncertainty of his existence, has been tormented the human being from ancient times. And taking into consideration the uncertainty and fears, the human being becomes easily manipulated and assimilates ideas that otherwise would be considered as groundless. In order to eradicate such situations, it is very important that the human being would receive an education. As much as the degree of culture and also the level of knowledge is high, the human being is separated from the mistique-darkness conceptions, becomes more conscious and finally more informed to develop his own ideas. * The education is the taming of a flame, not filling a vase*, Socrate was saying. So the education gives only satisfaction of the inborn desire of human being for knowledge. The philosophy means a ceasless search for answers which get us closer to the real sense of existence. It is a truth that we are not prepared for. As much as common and hillar would be cosidered such statement, it

represents only the pure truth. Any point of view we should consider and as much as we should advanced, we are still unprepared to face the truth like we did 2000 years ago. We cannot see our end in the earth. And we cannot really imagine a revival in a bug. And if Jesus Christ would come on Earth , could we believe? So the philosophy helps us to confront what we already know and to choose the idea that we hold:the human being a hazard of nature, submitted to an already set destiny or human being the creation. Or even to have a proper idea in what we can believe. And what the human being has to do only to believe in? In others ,or to start finding the own truth on which he can build his life. The weak people become apprentices. The strong people become philosophers, scientists, teachers. But in a world in which the psyhical force has the power, to face the dobtful realities is an Utopia. To sustain something that contradicts the general conception is a form of courage. *The intelligence of an individual can be measured in the quantity of uncertainties that he is able to tolerate*, is teaching us the philosopher Immanuel Kant. Also the common human being tends to ignore the uncertainties from his life and to rely on the immediate, practical things. We can state that nowadays society and also the ancient society judges and condemns, manipulates and gives verdicts when it is about the revolutionary theories.The Philosophy suffers of * being put off * and visionaries are in many cases criticized, censored and labeled as being deprived of practice. All under the sign of * progress * . In the contemporary society, there is usually expressed the idea of equality from the moment of birth. In my point of view, this idea is false. Due to a roulette of destiny, some people are borned with many posibilities than the others. And in the most cases, the time makes deeper the social gape. And if the world itself is a huge puppet show, the people are born *princes *, * beggars *, *wizards * or *Cinderellas *. The natural question is who pulls the strings? Who decides the chance of one in spite of another and on what criteria? On this point of view, the religion has the most elaborated answer. It is telling us about a reality in which we must deserve before we ask for. But the experience is tempting us to say that in many cases it is not like this. Many people *do not deserve*, but they have and other people *who deserve * but they die in misery. But are these the consequences of a society with altered perceptions? How would be the world if everybody respected the Christian law? In theory. a world of kindness, understanding, cooperation, love, hope and mutual help. In such world any problem could be

solved and death could be a gate to a better world. In reality, the human being does not want equality with his fellows, but he wants the social ascent, power and superiority, If the negative things that we could do in order to fulfill a desire would reach the purpose , we should have a kind of satisfaction, but we could not be happy. In most cases we are tempted to affect the others in our way to reach the success. But, in the moment we reach the target, this does not fulfill us as we expected. Platon illustrated this idea by this thinking: * To make an injustice is worse than to bear it * . The human being struggles between the moral law and the desire of succeeding in this social jungle. There is a gape between the assertion of human being towards perfection and his historical reality. So the human being is divided between his quality of being , the mirror of the image of the Creator and afterwards involution. In other words, between his inborn potential, a citizen of paradise, made after the divine model and the historical human being fallen from heaven , who has lost his resemblance with the divinity and it is now inclined to animal reactions. Because we are led by the passions and instincts, even if deep down in our soul we still tend to the heavenly happiness, to the silence of knowledge. This being interdicted to us, the human being is permanently searching to impose himself, to escape from the anonimity and he is devored by the desire to do something remarkable, the desire to be unique, to awake the envy and the admiration of others. Pascal named the human being * a not understood monster * (* the incomprehensible monster * ), not able to assert to knowledge, his life being under the sign of inconstant, boredom and anxiety. (*inconstance *,*ennui *, * inquietude *) The reality is that finally we reunite us, humble, ignorant, defeated by our own mistakes, divided between reason and imagination. And maybe in that moment we shall give us a break to discover ourselves by ourselves and to break free from the propaganda of a mean society which loses much of its identity. Maybe than we shall find again the moral values that really maters. Kant used to say : * The morality is not the doctrine that refers to the way in which we could become happy but the way in which we could deserve happiness * And in the moment in which we shall learn this, maybe we shall become better, we shall change our condition and by ourselves we shall influence positive the existence of others. Kant was advising us: * Act in a way in which the maximum of your actions can be imposed as universal law*. This principle of *categorical imperative * has been considered the base of morality.

In fact, this is the thing that makes us *superior *. The power of breaking the psyhical limits, not only to live immediatelly, to fly forward that our eyes can see. So you will deserve to be named human being. You must not believe me. You must convince yourself.

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