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1t Fcot.Js !i|coc|!ci /io AP1 t-ttict

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TabIe of Content
Table of Content
About this book
Why the sudden, exponential popularity?
What does this book cover?
What does this book not cover?
Source code
Where will this book lead you?
Chapter Overview
Starting up
Understanding Basics
AP Quick Tour
Event Emitter
Low-level File System
TCP Server
UNX Sockets
Datagrams (UDP)
Child Processes
Streaming HTTP Chunked Responses
Making Modules
Automated Unit Testing
Callback Flow
Why the event loop?
Solution 1: Create more call stacks
Solution 2: Use event callbacks
Why Javascript?
How Learned to Stop Fearing and Love Javascript
Function Declaration Styles
Functions are first-class objects
Javascript versions
Handling callbacks
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Starting up
nstall Node
NPM - Node Package Manager
NPM commands
npm ls [filter]
npm install package[@filters]
npm rm package_name[@version] [package_name[@version] ...]
npm view [@] [[.]...]
Understanding the Node event loop
An event-queue processing loop
Callbacks that will generate events
Don't block!
Understanding Modules
How Node resolves a module path
Core modules
Modules with complete or relative path
As a file
As a directory
As an installed module
AP quick tour
File system
tls (ssl)
Slice a buffer
Copy a buffer
Buffer Exercises
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Event Emitter
Creating an Event Emitter
Event Emitter Exercises
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
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Escaping the event loop
A note on tail recursion
Low-level file-system
fs.stat and fs.fstat
Open a file
Read from a file
Write into a file
Close Your files
Advanced Tip: careful when appending concurrently
File-system Exercises
Exercise 1 - get the size of a file
Exercise 2 - read a chunk from a file
Exercise 3 - read two chunks from a file
Exercise 4 - Overwrite a file
Exercise 5 - append to a file
Exercise 6 - change the content of a file
HTTP Server
The http.ServerRequest object
The http.ServerResponse object
Write a header
Change or set a header
Remove a header
Write a piece of the response body
HTTP Client
HTTP Exercises
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Streams, pump and pipe
Wait for data
Know when it ends
Pause it
Resume it
Wait for it to drain
Some stream examples
Filesystem streams
Network streams
The Slow Client Problem
What can we do?
... and his cousin "pipe"
Making your own
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Write a string or a buffer
...and all the other methods
dle sockets
Delay or no delay
TCP client
Error handling
TCP Exercises
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
UNX sockets
Passing file descriptors around
Read or write into that file
Listen to the server socket
Datagrams (UDP)
Datagram server
Datagram client
Datagram Multicast
Receiving multicast messages
Sending multicast messages
What can be the datagram maximum size?
UDP Exercises
Exercise 1
Child processes
Executing commands
Spawning processes
Killing processes
Child Processes Exercises
Exercise 1
Streaming HTTP chunked responses
A streaming example
Streaming Exercises
Exercise 1
Public / private keys
Private key
Public key
TLS Client
TLS Server
TLS Exercises
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
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HTTPS Server
HTTPS Client
Making modules
CommonJS modules
One file module
An aggregating module
A pseudo-class
A pseudo-class that inherits
node_modules and npm bundle
Node built-in debugger
Node nspector
Live edit
Automated Unit Testing
A test runner
Assertion testing module
Assert truthfulness:
or untruthfulness:
=== true
=== false
equal (strict equality)
assert numeric range (inclusive) with within
test numeric value is above given value:
test numeric value is below given value:
matching rec+gular expressions
test length
substring inclusion
assert typeof
property existence
array containment
own object keys
responds to, asserting that a given property is a function:
Putting it all together
Callback flow
The boomerang effect
Parallel execution
Appendix - Exercise Results
Chapter: Buffers
Exercise 1
One solution:
Exercise 2
One solution:
Exercise 3
One Solution:
Chapter: Event Emitter
Exercise 1
One solution:
Exercise 2
One solution:
Chapter: Low-level File System
Exercise 1 - get the size of a file
One solution
Table of Content Table of Content 6/147
Exercise 2 - read a chunk from a file
One solution
Exercise 3 - read two chunks from a file
One solution
Exercise 4 - Overwrite a file
One solution:
Exercise 5 - append to a file
One Solution:
Exercise 6 - change the content of a file
One solution:
Chapter: HTTP
Exercise 1
One solution:
Exercise 2
One solution:
Exercise 3
One solution:
Exercise 4
One solution:
Chapter: Child processes
Exercise 1
One solution:
Chapter: Streaming HTTP Chunked responses
Exercise 1
One solution:
Chapter: UDP
Exercise 1
One solution:
Chapter: TCP
Exercise 1
One solution:
Exercise 2
One solution:
Chapter: SSL / TLS
Exercise 1
One solution:
Exercise 2
One solution:
Exercise 3
One solution:
Exercise 4
One solution:
Exercise 5
One solution:
Table of Content Table of Content 7/147
This secono revision ol this book coulo not have been oone without the the help ol Timothv Kevin
Oxlev. who co-revieweo eno eoiteo most ol this book.
About th|s book
This book was built using Nooe.js. Express. the ]aoe templating engine. wkhtmltopol. bash scripts. git
ano github.
Version: 1.1
I'm gratelul to mv oear wile Susana lor putting up with mv mooo swings about this book. to mv
Iather lor teaching me how to program Basic on a ZX Spectrum when I was 10 vears olo. to mv
Farents ano mv Granomother Maria oo Carmo lor ollering me mv nrst IBM FC clone a little later
ano to mv lrieno Feoro Menoes who gave me the ioea lor making this book.
Hands-on Node Credits 8/147
At the European ]SConl 2009. a voung programmer bv the name ol Rvan Dahl. introouceo a project
he hao been working on. This project was a platlorm that combining Google's V8 ]avascript engine
ano an event loop. The project then took a oillerent oirection lrom other server-sioe ]avascript
platlorms: all IO primitives were event-oriven. ano there was no wav arouno it. Leveraging the power
ano simplicitv ol ]avascript. it turneo the oilncult task ol writing asvnchronous applications into an
easv one. Since receiving a stanoing ovation at the eno ol his talk. Dahl's project has been met with
unpreceoenteo growth. popularitv ano aooption.
The project was nameo Nooe.js. now known to oevelopers simplv as 'Nooe'. Nooe provioes purelv
eventeo. non-blocking inlrastructure lor builoing highlv concurrent soltware.
Nooe allows vou to easilv construct last ano scalable network services.
Why the sudden, exponent|a| popu|ar|ty?
Server-sioe ]avascript has been arouno lor some time. what makes this platlorm so appealing?
In previous server-sioe ]avascript implementations. javascript was the raison o'etre. ano the approach
locusseo on translating common practices lrom other platlorms like Rubv. FERL ano Fvthon. into
]avascript. Nooe takes a leap lrom this ano savs: "Let's use the successlul event-oriven programming
mooel ol the web ano use it to make an easv wav to builo scalable servers. Ano let's make it the onlv
wav people can oo anvthing on this platlorm.".
It can be argueo that ]avascript itsell contributeo to much ol Nooe's success. but that woulo not
explain whv other the server-sioe projects proceeoing Nooe have not vet come close in popularitv. The
ubiquitv ol ]avascript surelv has plaveo a role. but. as Rvan Dahl points out. unlike other SS]S
attempts. a unilving clientserver language was not the primarv goal lor Nooe.
In the perspective ol this author. there are three lactors contributing to Nooe's success:
1. Nooe is Easv - Nooe makes event-oriven IO programming. the best wav to oo IO programming.
much easier to unoerstano ano achieve than ever belore.
2. Nooe is Lean - Nooe ooes not trv to solve all problems. It lavs the lounoation ano supports the
basic internet protocols using clean. lunctional AFIs.
3. Nooe ooes not Compromise - Nooe ooes not trv to be compatible with pre-existing soltware. it
takes a lresh look at what manv believe is the right oirection.
What does th|s book cover?
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We will analvze what makes Nooe a oillerent proposal to other server-sioe solutions. whv vou shoulo
use it. ano how to get starteo. We will start with an overview but quicklv oive into some cooe mooule-
bv-mooule. Bv the eno ol this book vou shoulo be able to builo ano test vour own Nooe mooules.
service prooucersconsumers ano leel comlortable using Nooe's conventions ano AFI.
What does th|s book not cover?
This book ooes not attempt to cover the complete Nooe AFI. Insteao. we will cover what the author
thinks is requireo to builo most applications he woulo builo on Nooe.
This book ooes not cover anv Nooe lrameworks. Nooe is a great tool lor builoing lrameworks ano
manv are available. such as cluster management. inter-process communication. web lrameworks.
network tralnc collection tools. game engines ano manv others. Belore vou oive into anv ol those vou
shoulo be lamiliar with Nooe's inlrastructure ano what it provioes to these builoing blocks.
This book ooes not assume vou have anv prior knowleoge ol Nooe. but the cooe examples are written
in ]avascript. so lamiliaritv with the ]avascript language will help.
This book has exercises in some chapters. At the eno ol this book vou can nno the exercise solutions.
but I aovise vou to trv oo them voursell. Consult this book or use the comprehensive AFI
oocumentation on the olncial http:nooejs.org website.
Source code
You can nno some ol the source cooe ano exercises useo in this book on GitHub:
or vou can oownloao it oirectlv:
Where w||| th|s book |ead you?
Bv the eno ol it. vou shoulo unoerstano the Nooe AFI ano be able to pursue the exploration ol other
things built on top ol it. being aoaptors. lrameworks ano mooules.
Let's get starteo
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Hands-on Node ntroduction 11/147
Chapter Overv|ew
While this book ooes not neeo to be reao lrom cover to cover. it will help since some common
concepts presenteo earlier in the book will probablv not be repeateo.
Whv ooes Nooe use event-oriven programming ano ]avascript together? Whv is ]avascript a great
Start|ng up
How to install Nooe ano get Nooe mooules using NFM.
Understand|ng Bas|cs
How Nooe loaos mooules. how the Event Loop lunctions ano what to look out lor in oroer not to
block it.
API Qu|ck Tour
Quick overview ol Nooe's core mooules.
Uselul Nooe utilities.
Learn to create. mooilv ano access buller oata. an essential part ol the Nooe lunoamentals.
Event Em|tter
How the Event Emitter pattern is useo throughout Nooe ano how to use it lor nexibilitv in vour cooe.
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Nooe's timer AFI. reminiscent ol browsers.
Low-|eve| F||e System
How to use Nooe to open. reao ano write nles.
Nooe's rich HTTF server ano client implementation.
The richness ol this great abstraction in Nooe.
TCP Server
Quicklv setup a bare TCF server.
UNIX Sockets
How to use UNIX sockets ano use them to pass nle oescriptors arouno.
Datagrams (UDPj
The power ol oatagrams in Nooe
Ch||d Processes
Launching. watching. piping ano killing other processes.
Stream|ng HTTP Chunked Responses
HTTF in Nooe is streamable lrom the get go.
How to provioe ano consume secure streams.
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How to builo a secure HTTFS server or client.
Mak|ng Modu|es
How to make vour app more mooular.
How to oebug vour Nooe app.
Automated Un|t Test|ng
How to unit test vour mooules.
Ca||back F|ow
How to manage intricate callback now in a sane wav.
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Why the event |oop?
The Event Loop is a soltware pattern that lacilitates non-blocking IO network. nle or inter-process
communication. Traoitional blocking programming ooes IO in the same lashion as regular
lunction calls. processing mav not continue until the operation is complete. Here is some pseuoo-cooe
that oemonstrates blocking IO:
l. var post = db.querv{`SELECT * FROM posts where id = l`};
2. // processing from this line onward cannot execute until the
line above completes
3. doSomethingWithPost{post};
4. doSomethingElse{};
What is happening here? While the oatabase querv is being executeo. the whole processthreao ioles.
waiting lor the response. This is calleo blocking. The response to this querv mav take manv thousanos
ol CFU cvcles. renoering the entire process unusable ouring this time. The process coulo have been
servicing other client requests insteao ol just waiting.
This ooes not allow vou to parallelize IO such as perlorming another oatabase querv or
communicating with a remote web service. without involving concurrent programming trickerv. The
call stack becomes lrozen. waiting lor the oatabase server to replv.
This leaves vou with two possible solutions to keep the process busv while it's waiting: create more call
stacks or use event callbacks.
So|ut|on 1: Create more ca|| stacks
In oroer lor vour process to hanole more concurrent IO. vou have to have more concurrent call
stacks. Ior this. vou can use threaos or some kino ol cooperative multi-threaoing scheme like co-
routines. nbers. continuations. etc.
The multi-threaoeo concurrencv mooel can be verv oilncult to conngure. unoerstano ano oebug.
mainlv because ol the complexitv ol svnchronization when accessing shareo inlormation. vou never
know when the threao vou are running is going to be preempteo. which can leao to strange ano
inconsistent bugs creeping up when the threao's interleaving is not as expecteo.
On the other hano. cooperative multi-threaoing is a "trick" where vou have more than one stack. ano
each "threao" ol execution explicitlv oe-scheoules itsell to give time to another "threao". This can
relax the svnchronization requirements but can become complex ano error-prone. since the threao
scheouling is lelt at the hanos ol the programmers.
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So|ut|on 2: Use event ca||backs
An event callback is a lunction that gets invokeo when something signincant happens e.g. the result ol
a oatabase querv is available.
To use event callbacks on the previous example. vou coulo change it like so:
l. callback = function{post} {
2. doSomethingWithPost{post}; // this will onlv execute when
the db.querv function returns.
3. };
4. db.querv{`SELECT * FROM posts where id = l`, callback};
5. doSomethingElse{}; // this will execute independent of the
returned status of the db.querv call.
Here vou are oenning a lunction to be invokeo when the ob operation is complete. then passing this
lunction as an callback argument to the ob querv operation. The ob operation becomes responsible
lor executing the callback when it completes.
You can use an inline anonvmous lunction to express this in a more compact lashion:
l. db.querv{`SELECT * FROM posts where id = l`,
2. function{post} {
3. doSomethingWithPost{post}; // this will onlv execute when
the db.querv function returns.
4. }
5. };
6. doSomethingElse{}; // this will execute independent of the
returned status of the db.querv call.
While ob.querv is executing. the process is lree to continue running ooSomethingElse. ano even
service new client requests.
Ior quite some time. the C svstems-programming "hacker" communitv has known that event-oriven
programming is the best wav to scale a server to hanole manv concurrent connections. It has been
known to be more elncient regaroing memorv: less context to store. ano time: less context-switching.
This knowleoge has been innltrating other platlorms ano communities: some ol the most well-known
event loop implementations are Rubv's Event Machine. Ferl's AnvEvent ano Fvthon's Twisteo. ano
there plentv ol others.
Tip: Ior more inlo about event-oriven server implementations. see
Implementing an application using one ol these lrameworks requires lramework-specinc knowleoge
ano lramework-specinc libraries. Ior example: when using Event Machine. vou shoulo avoio using
svnchronous libraries i.e. most libraries. To gain the benent ol not blocking. vou are limiteo to using
onlv asvnchronous libraries. built specincallv lor Event Machine. Your server will not be able to scale
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optimallv il the event loop is constantlv blocking which prevents timelv processing ol IO events.
Il vou choose to go oown the non-blocking rabbit hole. vou have to go all the wav oown. never
compromising. ano hope vou come out on the other sioe in one piece.
Nooe has been oeviseo as a non-blocking IO server platlorm lrom oav one. so generallv vou shoulo
expect evervthing built on top ol it is non-blocking. Since ]avascript itsell is verv minimal ano ooes not
impose anv wav ol ooing IO it ooes not have a stanoaro IO librarv. Nooe has a clean slate to
builo upon.
Why Javascr|pt?
Rvan Dahl began this project builoing a C platlorm. but maintaining the context between callbacks
was too complicateo ano coulo to poorlv structureo cooe. so he then turneo to Lua. Lua alreaov has
several blocking IO libraries ano this mix ol blocking ano non-blocking coulo conluse average
oevelopers ano prevent manv ol them lrom builoing scalable applications. so Lua wasn't ioeal either.
Dahl then thought to ]avascript. ]avascript has closures ano nrst-class lunctions. making it inoeeo a
powerlul match with eventeo IO programming.
Closures are lunctions that inherit the variables lrom their enclosing environment. When a lunction
callback executes it will magicallv remember the context in which it was oeclareo. along with all the
variables available in that context ano anv "parent" contexts. This powerlul leature is at the heart ol
Nooe's success among programming communities.
In the web browser. il vou want to listen lor an event. a button click lor instance. vou mav oo
something like:
l. var clickCount = 0;
2. document.getElementBvId{`mvbutton`}.onclick = function{} {
4. clickCount ++;
6. alert{`Clicked ` + clickCount + ` times.`};
8. };
or. using jQuerv:
l. var clickCount = 0;
2. ${`button#mvbutton`}.click{function{} {
3. clickedCount ++;
4. alert{`Clicked ` + clickCount + ` times.`};
5. }};
In both examples we assign or pass a lunction as an argument. which mav be executeo later. The click
hanoling lunction has access everv variable in scope at the point where the lunction is oeclareo. i.e.
practicallv speaking. the click hanoler has access to the clickCount variable. oeclareo in the parent
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Here we are using a global variable. "clickCount". where we store the number ol times the user has
clickeo a button. We can also avoio having a global variable accessible to the rest ol the svstem. bv
wrapping it insioe another closure. making the clicked variable onlv accessible within the closure
we createo:
l. {function{} {
2. var clickCount = 0;
3. ${`button#mvbutton`}.click{function{} {
4. clickCount ++;
5. alert{`Clicked ` + clickCount + ` times.`};
6. }};
7. }}{};
In line 7 we are invoking a lunction immeoiatelv alter oenning it. Il this is strange to vou. oon't
worrv We will cover this pattern later.
How I Learned to Stop Fear|ng and Love
]avascript has gooo ano bao parts. It was createo in 1995 bv Netscape's Brenoan Eich. in a rush to
ship the latest version ol the Netscape web browser. Due to this rush some gooo. even wonoerlul. parts
got into ]avascript. but also some bao parts.
This book will not cover the oistinction between ]avascript gooo ano bao parts.
Ior all we know. we will onlv provioe examples using the gooo parts.
Ior more on this topic vou shoulo reao Douglas Crockloro book nameo "]avascript. The Gooo
Farts". eoiteo bv O'Reillv.
In spite ol its orawbacks. ]avascript quicklv - ano somewhat unpreoictablv - became the oe-lacto
language lor web browsers. Back then. ]avascript was useo to primarilv to inspect ano manipulate
HTML oocuments. allowing the creation the nrst ovnamic. client-sioe web applications.
In late 1998. the Worlo Wioe Web Consortium W3C. stanoaroizeo the Document Object Mooel
DOM. an AFI oeviseo to inspect ano manipulate HTML oocuments on the client sioe. In response
to ]avascript's quirks ano the initial hatreo towaros the DOM AFI. ]avascript quicklv gaineo a bao
reputation. also oue to some incompatibilities between browser venoors ano sometimes even between
prooucts lrom the same venoor.
Despite milo to lull-blown hate in some oeveloper communities. ]avascript became wioelv aoopteo.
Ior better ol lor worse. tooav ]avascript is the most wioelv oeploveo programming language on Earth.
Il vou learn the gooo leatures ol the language - such as prototvpical inheritance. lunction closures. etc.
- ano learn to avoio or circumvent the bao parts. ]avascript can be a verv pleasant language to work in.
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Funct|on Dec|arat|on Sty|es
A lunction can be oeclareo in manv wavs in ]avascript. The simplest is oeclaring it anonvmouslv:
l. function{} {
2. console.log{`hello`};
3. }
Here we oeclare a lunction. but it's not ol much use. because oo not invoke it. What's more. we have
no wav to invoke it as it has no name.
We can invoke an anonvmous lunction in-place:
l. {function{} {
2. console.log{`hello`};
3. }}{};
Here we are executing the lunction immeoiatelv alter oeclaring it. Notice we wrap the entire lunction
oeclaration in parenthesis.
We can also name lunctions like this:
l. function mvFunction {} {
2. console.log{`hello`};
3. }
Here we are oeclaring a nameo lunction with the name: "mvIunction". mvIunction will be available
insioe the scope it's oeclareo
ano also within inner scopes:
l. function mvFunction {} {
2. console.log{`hello`};
3. }
5. {function{} {
6. mvFunction{};
7. }}{};
A result ol ]avascript treating lunctions as nrst-class objects means we can assign a lunction to a
l. var mvFunc = function{} {
2. console.log{`hello`};
3. }
This lunction is now available as the value ol the mvFunc variable.
We can assign that lunction to another variable:
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var mvFunc2 = mvFunc;
Ano invoke them just like anv other lunction:
l. mvFunc{};
2. mvFunc2{};
We can mix both techniques. having a nameo lunction storeo in a variable:
l. var mvFunc2 = function mvFunc{} {
2. console.log{`hello`};
3. }
4. mvFunc2{};
Note though. we cannot access mvIunc lrom outsioe the scope ol mvIunc itsell
We can then use a variable or a lunction name to pass variables into lunctions like this:
l. var mvFunc = function{} {
2. console.log{`hello`};
3. }
5. console.log{mvFunc};
or simplv oeclare it inline il we oon't neeo it lor anvthing else:
l. console.log{function{} {
2. console.log{`hello`};
3. }};
Funct|ons are rst-c|ass objects
In lact. there are no secono-class objects in ]avascript. ]avascript is the ultimate object-orienteo
language. where evervthing is inoeeo. an object. As that. a lunction is an object where vou can set
properties. pass it arouno insioe arguments ano return them. Alwavs a pleasure.
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l. var schedule = function{timeout, callbackfunction} {
2. return {
3. start: function{} {
4. setTimeout{callbackfunction, timeout}
5. }
6. };
7. };
9. {function{} {
l0. var timeout = l000; // l second
ll. var count = 0;
l2. schedule{timeout, function doStuff{} {
l3. console.log{++ count};
l4. schedule{timeout, doStuff};
l5. }}.start{timeout};
l6. }}{};
l8. // "timeout" and "count" variables
l9. // do not exist on this scope.
In this little example we create a lunction ano store it in a lunction calleo "scheoule" starting on line
1. This lunction just returns an object that has one propertv calleo "start" line 3. This value ol the
"start" propertv is a lunction that. when calleo. sets a timeout line ! to call a lunction that is passeo
in as the "timeout" argument. This timeout will scheoule callback lunction to be calleo within the
number ol seconos oenneo in the timeout variable passes.
On line 9 we oeclare a lunction that will immeoiatelv be executeo on line 1o. This is a normal wav to
create new scopes in ]avascript. Insioe this scope we create 2 variables: "timeout" line 10 ano "count"
line 11. Note that these variables will not be accessible to the outer scope.
Then. on line 12. we invoke the schedule lunction. passing in the timeout value as nrst argument
ano a lunction calleo doStuff as secono argument. When the timeout occurs. this lunction will
increment the variable count ano log it. ano also call the scheoule all over again.
So in this small example we have: lunctions passeo as argument. lunctions to create scope. lunctions
to serve as asvnchronous callbacks ano returning lunctions. We also here present the notions ol
encapsulation bv hioing local variables lorm the outsioe scope ano recursion the lunction is calling
itsell at the eno.
In ]avascript vou can even set ano access attributes in a lunction. something like this:
l. var mvFunction = function{} {
2. // do something crazv
3. };
4. mvFunction.somePropertv = `abc`;
5. console.log{mvFunction.somePropertv};
6. // #=> "abc"
]avascript is inoeeo a powerlul language. ano il vou oon't alreaov oo. vou shoulo learn it ano embrace
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it's gooo parts.
It's not to be covereo here. but ]avascript inoeeo has some bao parts. ano thev shoulo be avoioeo at all
One tool that's proven invaluable to the author is ]SLint. bv Douglas Crockloro. ]SLint analvzes vour
]avascript nle ano outputs a series ol errors ano warnings. incluoing some known misuses ol
]avascript. like using globallv-scopeo variables like when vou lorget the "var" kevworo. ano lreezing
values insioe iteration that have callbacks that use them. ano manv others that are uselul.
]SLint can be installeo using
$ npm install jslint
Il vou oon't have NFM installeo see section about NFM.
ano can be run lrom the commano line like this:
$ jslint mvfile.js
To the author ol this book. ]Slint has proven itsell to be an invaluable tool to guarantee he ooesn't lall
into some common ]avascript traps.
Javascr|pt vers|ons
]avascript is a stanoaro with it's own name - ECMAScript - ano it has gone through
various iterations. Currentlv Nooe nativelv supports evervthing the V8 ]avascript engine
supports ECMA 3ro eoition ano parts ol the new ECMA 5th eoition.
These parts ol ECMA 5 are nicelv oocumenteo on the lollowing github wiki page:
Hand||ng ca||backs
In Nooe vou can implement vour own lunctions that perlorm asvnchronous IO.
To oo so. vou can accept a callback lunction. You will invoke this lunction when the IO is oone.
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l. var mvAsvncFunction = function{someArgumentl, someArgument2,
callback} {
2. // simulate some I/O was done
3. setTimeout{function{} {
4. // l second later, we are done with the I/O, call the
5. callback{};
6. }, l000}
7. }
On line 3 we are invoking a setTimeout to simulate the oelav ano asvnchronism ol an IO call.
This setTimeout lunction will call the nrst argument - a lunction we oeclare inline - alter 1000
milliseconos the secono argument have gone bv.
This inline lunction will then call the callback that was passeo as the thiro argument to
mvAsvncFunction. notilving the caller the operation has enoeo.
Using this convention ano others like the Event Emitter pattern which we will cover later vou can
embrace ]avascript as the ultimate language lor event-oriven applications.
Tip: To lollow the Nooe convention. this lunction shoulo receive the error or null il there
was no error as nrst argument. ano then some "real" arguments il vou wish to oo so.
l. fs.open{`/path/to/file`, function{err, fd} {
2. if {err} { /* handle error */; return; }
3. console.log{`opened file and got file descriptor ` +
4. }}
Here we are using a Nooe AFI lunction fs.open that receives 2 arguments: the path to
the nle ano a lunction. which will be invokeo with an error or null on the nrst argument
ano a nle oescriptor on the secono.
Event Machine: http:rubveventmachine.com
Twisteo: http:twisteomatrix.comtrac
AnvEvent: http:soltware.schmorp.oepkgAnvEvent.html
]avascript. the Gooo Farts - Douglas Crockloro - O'Reillv -
]SLint http:www.jslint.com
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Hands-on Node Why? 24/147
Start|ng up
Insta|| Node
The tvpical wav ol installing Nooe on vour oevelopment machine is bv lollowing the steps on the
nooejs.org website. Nooe shoulo install out ol the box on Linux. Macintosh. ano Solaris.
With some ellort vou shoulo be able to get it running on other Unix platlorms ano Winoows
either via Cvgwin or MinGW.
Nooe has several oepenoencies. but lortunatelv most ol them are oistributeo along with it.
Il vou are builoing lrom source vou shoulo onlv neeo 2 things:
pvthon - version 2.! or higher. The builo tools oistributeo with Nooe run on pvthon.
libssl-oev - Il vou plan to use SSLTLS encrvption in vour networking. vou'll neeo this.
Libssl is the librarv useo in the openssl tool. On Linux ano Unix svstems it can usuallv be
installeo with vour lavorite package manager. The lib comes pre- installeo on OS X.
Fick the latest stable version ano oownloao it:
$ wget http://nodejs.org/dist/node~v0.4.7.tar.gz
Expano it:
$ tar xvfz node~v0.4.7.tar.gz
Builo it:
l. $ cd node~v0.4.7
2. $ ./configure
3. $ make
4. $ make install
Tip: il vou are having permission problems on this last step vou shoulo run the install step as a
super user like bv:
$ sudo make install
Alter vou are oone. vou shoulo be able to run the nooe executable on the commano line:
l. $ node ~v
2. v0.4.7
Hands-on Node Starting up 25/147
The node executable can be executeo in two main lashions: CLI commano-line interlace or nle.
To launch the CLI. just tvpe
$ node
ano vou will get a ]avascript commano line prompt. which vou can use to evaluate ]avascript. It's
great lor kicking the tires ano trving out some stull quicklv.
You can also launch Nooe on a nle. which will make Nooe parse ano evaluate the ]avascript on that
nle. ano when it enos ooing that. it enters the event loop. Once insioe the event loop. nooe will exit il it
has nothing to oo. or will wait ano listen lor events.
You can launch Nooe on a nle like this:
$ node mvfile.js
or. il vou wish. vou can also make vour nle oirectlv executable bv changing the permissions like this:
$ chmod o+x mvfile.js
ano insert the lollowing as the nrst line ol the nle:
#!/usr/bin/env node
You can then execute the nle oirecltv:
$ ./mvfile.js
NPM - Node Package Manager
NFM has become the stanoaro lor managing Nooe packages throughout time. ano tight
collaboration between Isaac Schlueter - the original author ol NFM - ano Rvan Dahl - the author ano
maintainer on Nooe - has lurther tighteneo this relationship to the point where. starting at version
0.!.0. Nooe supports the package.json nle lormat lormat to inoicate oepenoencies ano package
starting nle.
To install it vou tvpe:
$ curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh sh
Il that lails. trv this on a temporarv oirectorv:
l. $ git clone http://github.com/isaacs/npm.git
2. $ cd npm
3. $ sudo make install
NPM commands
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NFM can be useo on the commano line. The basic commanos are:
npm |s [|ter]
Use this to see the list ol all packages ano their versions npm ls with no nlter. or nlter bv a tag npm
nlter tag. Examples:
List all installeo packages:
$ npm ls installed
List all stable packages:
$ npm ls stable
You can also combine nlters:
$ npm ls installed stable
You can also use npm ls to search bv name:
$ npm ls fug
this will return all packages that have "lug" insioe its name or tags
You can also querv it bv version. prenxeo with the "(" character:
$ npm ls @l.0
npm |nsta|| package[@|ters]
With this commano vou can install a package ano all the packages it oepenos on.
To install the latest version ol a package oo:
$ npm install package_name
$ npm install express
To install a specinc version ol a package oo:
$npm install package_name@version
$ npm install express@2.0.0beta
To install the latest within a version range vou can specilv. lor instance:
$ npm install express@">=0.l.0 <0.2.0"
You can also combine manv nlters to select a specinc version. combining version range ano or tags
like this:
Hands-on Node Starting up 27/147
$ npm install sax@">=0.l.0 <0.2.0" bench supervisor
npm rm package_name[@vers|on]
[package_name[@vers|on] ...]
Use this commano to uninstall packages. Il versions are omitteo. then all the louno versions are
$ npm rm sax
npm v|ew
To view all ol a package inlo. Delaults to the latest version il version is omitteo.
View the latest inlo on the "connect" package:
$ npm view connect
View inlormation about a specinc version:
$ npm view connect@l.0.3
Iurther on we will look more into NFM ano how it can help us bunole ano "lreeze" application
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Understand|ng the Node event |oop
Nooe makes eventeo IO programming simple ano accessible. putting speeo ano scalabilitv on the
nngertips ol the common programmer.
But the event loop comes with a price. Even though vou are not aware ol it ano Nooe makes a gooo
job at this. vou shoulo unoerstano how it works. Everv gooo programmer shoulo know the intricacies
ol the platlorms he she is builoing lor. its oo's ano oon'ts. ano in Nooe it shoulo be no oillerent.
An event-queue process|ng |oop
You shoulo think ol the event loop as a loop that processes an event queue. Interesting events happen.
ano when thev oo. thev go in a queue. waiting lor their turn. Then. there is an event loop popping out
these events. one bv one. ano invoking the associateo callback lunctions. one at a time. The event loop
pops one event out ol the queue ano invokes the associateo callback. When the callback returns the
event loop pops the next event ano invokes the associateo callback lunction. When the event queue is
emptv. the event loop waits lor new events il there are some penoing calls or servers listening. or just
quits ol there are none.
So. let's jump into our nrst Nooe example. Write a nle nameo hello.js with the lollowing content:
Source code in
l. setTimeout{function{} {
2. console.log{`World!`};
3. }, 2000};
4. console.log{`Hello`};
Run it using the nooe commano line tool:
$ node hello.js
You shoulo see the woro "Hello" written out. ano then. 2 seconos later. "Worlo". Shoulon't "Worlo"
have been written nrst since it appears nrst on the cooe? No. ano to answer that properlv we must
analvze what happens when executing this small program.
On line 1 we oeclare an anonvmous lunction that prints out "Worlo". This lunction. which is not vet
executeo. is passeo in as the nrst argument to a setTimeout call. which scheoules this lunction to run
in 2000 milliseconos. Then. on line !. we output "Hello" into the console.
Two seconos later the anonvmous lunction we passeo in as an argument to the setTimeout call is
invokeo. printing "Worlo".
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So. the nrst argument to the setTimeout call is a lunction we call a "callback". It's a lunction which
will be calleo later. when the event we set out to listen to in this case. a time-out ol 2 seconos occurs.
We can also pass callback lunctions to be calleo on events like when a new TCF connection is
establisheo. some nle oata is reao or some other tvpe ol IO event.
Alter our callback is invokeo. printing "Worlo". Nooe unoerstanos that there is nothing more to oo
ano exits.
Ca||backs that w||| generate events
Let's complicate this a bit lurther. Let's keep Nooe busv ano keep on scheouling callbacks like this:
Source code in
l. {function schedule{} {
2. setTimeout{function{} {
3. console.log{`Hello World!`};
4. schedule{};
5. }, l000};
6. }}{};
Here we are wrapping the whole thing insioe a lunction nameo "scheoule". ano we are invoking it
immeoiatelv alter oeclaring it on line o. This lunction will scheoule a callback to execute in 1 secono.
This callback. when invokeo. will print "Hello Worlo" ano then run schedule again.
On everv callback we are registering a new one to be invokeo one secono later. never letting Nooe
nnish. This little script will just keep printing "Hello Worlo".
Don't b|ockI
Nooe primarv concern ano the main use case lor an event loop is to create highlv scalable servers.
Since an event loop runs in a single threao. it onlv processes the next event when the callback nnishes.
Il vou coulo see the call stack ol a busv Nooe application vou woulo see it going up ano oown reallv
last. invoking callbacks ano picking up the next event in line. But lor this to work well vou have to clear
the event loop as last as vou can.
There are two main categories ol things that can block the event loop: svnchronous IO ano big
Nooe AFI is not all asvnchronous. Some parts ol it are svnchronous like. lor instance. some nle
operations. Don't worrv. thev are verv well markeo: thev alwavs terminate in "Svnc" - like
ls.reaoIileSvnc - . ano thev shoulo not be useo. or useo onlv when initializing. On a working server
vou shoulo never use a blocking IO lunction insioe a callback. since vou're blocking the event loop
ano preventing other callbacks - probablv belonging to other client connections - lrom being serveo.
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One lunction that is svnchronous ano ooes not eno in "Svnc" is the "require" lunction. which
shoulo onlv be useo when initializing an app or a mooule.
Tip: Don't put a require statement insioe a callback. since it is svnchronous ano thus will
slow oown vour event loop.
The secono categorv ol blocking scenarios is when vou are perlorming loops that take a lot ol time.
like iterating over thousanos ol objects or ooing complex time-taking operations in memorv. There
are several techniques that can be useo to work arouno that. which we'll cover later.
Here is a case where we present some simple cooe that blocks the event loop:
l. var open = false;
3. setTimeout{function{} {
4. open = true;
5. }, l000}
7. while{!open} {
8. // wait
9. }
ll. console.log{`opened!`};
Here we are setting a timeout. on line 3. that invokes a lunction that will set the open variable to true.
This lunction is set to be triggereo in one secono.
On line 7 we are waiting lor the variable to become true.
We coulo be leao to believe that. in one secono the timeout will happen ano set open to true. ano
that the while loop will stop ano that we will get "openeo" line 11 printeo.
But this never happens. Nooe will never execute the timeout callback because the event loop is stuck
on this while loop starteo on line 7. never giving it a chance to process the timeout event
Understand|ng Modu|es
Client-sioe ]avascript has a bao reputation also because ol the common namespace shareo bv all
scripts. which can leao to connicts ano securitv leaks.
Nooe implements the Common]S mooules stanoaro. where each mooule is separateo lrom the other
mooules. having a separate namespace to plav with. ano exporting onlv the oesireo properties.
To incluoe an existing mooule vou can use the require lunction like this:
var module = require{`module_name`};
This will letch a mooule that was installeo bv npm. Il vou want to author mooules as vou shoulo
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when ooing an application. vou can also use the relative notation like this:
var module = require{"./path/to/module_name"};
This will letch the mooule relativelv to the current nle we are executing. We will cover creating
mooules on a later section.
In this lormat vou can use an absolute path starting with "" or a relative one starting with
Mooules are loaoeo onlv once per process. that is. when vou have several require calls to the same
mooule. Nooe caches the require call il it resolves to the same nle.
Which leaos us to the next chapter.
How Node reso|ves a modu|e path
So. how ooes nooe resolve a call to "requiremooule_path"? Here is the recipe:
Core modu|es
There are a list ol core mooules. which Nooe incluoes in the oistribution binarv. Il vou require one ol
those mooules. Nooe just returns that mooule ano the require enos.
Modu|es w|th comp|ete or re|at|ve path
Il the mooule path begins with "." or "". Nooe tries to loao the mooule as a nle. Il it ooes not
succeeo. it tries to loao the mooule as a oirectorv.
As a |e
When loaoing as a nle. il the nle exists. Nooe just loaos it as ]avascript text.
Il not. it tries ooing the same bv appenoing ".js" to the given path.
Il not. it tries appenoing ".nooe" ano loao it as a binarv aoo-on.
As a d|rectory
Il appenoing "package.json" is a nle. trv loaoing the package oennition ano look lor a "main" nelo.
Trv to loao it as a nle.
Il unsuccesslul. trv to loao it bv appenoing "inoex" to it.
As an |nsta||ed modu|e
Il the mooule path ooes not begin with "." or "" or il loaoing it with complete or relative paths ooes
not work. Nooe tries to loao the mooule as a mooule that was previouslv installeo. Ior that it aoos
"nooe_mooules"to the current oirectorv ano tries to loao the mooule lrom there. Il it ooes not
Hands-on Node Understanding 32/147
succeeo it tries aooing "nooe_mooules" to the parent oirectorv ano loao the mooule lrom there. Il it
ooes not succeeo it moves again to the parent oirectorv ano so on. until either the mooule is louno or
the root ol the tree is louno.
This means that vou can put vour bunole vour Nooe mooules into vour app oirectorv. ano Nooe will
nno those.
Later we will see how using this leature together with NFM we can bunole ano "lreeze" vour
application oepenoencies.
Also vou can. lor instance. have a nooe_mooules oirectorv on the home loloer ol each user. ano
so on. Nooe tries to loao mooules lrom these oirectories. starting nrst with the one that is closest
up the path.
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API qu|ck tour
Nooe provioes a platlorm AFI that covers mainlv ! aspects:
This book is not meant to be a comprehensive coverage ol the whole Nooe AFI. Ior that vou
shoulo consult the Nooe online oocumentation on http:nooejs.org.
Nooe allows vou to analvze vour process environment variables. etc. ano manage external processes.
The involveo mooules are:
Inquire the current process to know the FID. environment variables. platlorm. memorv usage. etc.
Spawn ano kill new processes. execute commanos ano pipe their outputs.
F||e system
Nooe also provioes a low-level AFI to manipulate nles. which is inspireo bv the FOSIX stanoaro. ano
is compriseo bv the lollowing mooules:
Iile manipulation: create. remove. loao. write ano reao nles. Create reao ano write streams covereo
Hands-on Node AP quick tour 34/147
Normalize ano join nle paths. Check il a nle exists or is a oirectorv.
Create a TCF server or client.
Receive ano seno UDF packets.
Create an HTTF server or Client.
t|s (ss|j
The tls mooule uses OpenSSL to provioe Transport Laver Securitv anoor Secure Socket Laver:
encrvpteo stream communication.
Implementing http over TLSSSL.
Asvnchronous DNS resolution.
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Nooe provioes a global "console" object to which vou can output strings using:
This simplv outputs the string into the process stdout alter lormatting it. You can pass in. insteao ol
a string. an object like this:
l. var a = {l: true, 2: false};
2. console.log{a}; // => { `l`: true, `2`: false }
In this case console.log outputs the object using util.inspect covereo later.
You can also use string interpolation like this:
l. var a = {l: true, 2: false};
2. console.log{`This is a number: %d, and this is a string: %s,
and this is an object outputted as JSON: %j`, 42, `Hello`, a};
Which outputs:
This is a number: 42, and this is a string: Hello, and this is an
object outputted as JSON: {"l":true,"2":false}
console also allows vou to write into the the stoerr using:
ano to print a stack trace:
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l. Trace:
2. at |object Context1:l:9
3. at Interface.<anonvmous> {repl.js:l7l:22}
4. at Interface.emit {events.js:64:l7}
5. at Interface._onLine {readline.js:l53:l0}
6. at Interface._line {readline.js:408:8}
7. at Interface._ttvWrite {readline.js:585:l4}
8. at ReadStream.<anonvmous> {readline.js:73:l2}
9. at ReadStream.emit {events.js:8l:20}
l0. at ReadStream._emitKev {ttv_posix.js:307:l0}
ll. at ReadStream.onData {ttv_posix.js:70:l2}
Nooe has an util mooule which which bunoles some lunctions like:
l. var util = require{`util`};
2. util.log{`Hello`};
which outputs a the current timestamp ano the given string like this:
l4 Mar l6:38:3l ~ Hello
The inspect lunction is a nice utilitv which can aio in quick oebugging bv inspecting ano printing
an object properties like this:
l. var util = require{`util`};
2. var a = {l: true, 2: false};
3. console.log{util.inspect{a}};
4. // => { `l`: true, `2`: false }
util.inspect accepts more arguments. which are:
util.inspect{object, showHidden, depth = 2, showColors};
the secono argument. showHidden shoulo be turneo on il vou wich inspect to show vou non-
enumerable properties. which are properties that belong to the object prototvpe chain. not the object
itsell. depth. the thiro argument. is the oelault oepth on the object graph it shoulo show. This is
uselul lor inspecting large objects. To recurse inoennitelv. pass a null value.
Tip: util.inspect keeps track ol the visiteo objects. so circular oepenoencies are no
problem. ano will appear as "|Circular|" on the outputteo string.
The util mooule has some other niceties. such as inheritance setup ano stream pumping. but thev
belong on more appropriate chapters.
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Hands-on Node Utilities 38/147
Nativelv. ]avascript is not verv gooo at hanoling binarv oata. So Nooe aoos a native buller
implementation with a ]avascript wav ol manipulating it. It's the stanoaro wav in Nooe to transport
Generallv. vou can pass bullers on everv Nooe AFI requiring oata to be sent.
Also. when receiving oata on a callback. vou get a buller except when vou specilv a stream
encooing. in which case vou get a String.
This wil be covereo later.
You can create a Buller lrom an UTI8 string like this:
var buf = new Buffer{`Hello World!`};
You can also create a buller lrom strings with other encooings. as long as vou pass it as the secono
var buf = new Buffer{`8b76fde7l3ce`, `base64`};
Accepteo encooings are: "ascii". "utl8" ano "baseo!".
or vou can create a new emptv buller with a specinc size:
var buf = new Buffer{l024};
ano vou can manipulate it:
buf|201 = 56; // set bvte 20 to 56
You can also convert it to a UTI-8-encooeo string:
var str = buf.toString{};
or into a string with an alternative encooing:
var str = buf.toString{`base64`};
UTI-8 is the oelault encooing lor Nooe. so. in a general wav. il vou omit it as we oio on the
buffer.toString{} call. UTI-8 will be assumeo.
S||ce a buffer
A buller can be sliceo into a smaller buller bv using the appropriatelv nameo slice{} methoo like
Hands-on Node Buffers 39/147
l. var buffer = new Buffer{`this is the string in mv buffer`};
2. var slice = buffer.slice{l0, 20};
Here we are slicing the original buller that has 31 bvtes into a new buller that has 10 bvtes equal to
the 10th to 20th bvtes on the original buller.
Note that the slice lunction ooes not create new buller memorv: it uses the original untoucheo buller
Tip: Il vou are alraio vou will be wasting precious memorv bv keeping the olo buller arouno
when slicing it. vou can copv it into another like this:
Copy a buffer
You can copv a part ol a buller into another pre-allocateo buller like this:
l. var buffer = new Buffer{`this is the string in mv buffer`};
2. var slice = new Buffer{l0};
3. var targetStart = 0,
4. sourceStart = l0,
5. sourceEnd = 20;
6. buffer.copv{slice, targetStart, sourceStart, sourceEnd};
Here we are copving part ol buffer into slice. but onlv positions 10 through 20.
Buffer Exerc|ses
Exerc|se 1
Create an uninitializeo buller with 100 bvtes length ano nll it with bvtes with values starting lrom 0 to
99. Ano then print its contents.
Exerc|se 2
Do what is askeo on the previous exercise ano then slice the buller with bvtes ranging !0 to o0. Ano
then print it.
Exerc|se 3
Do what is askeo on exercise 1 ano then copv bvtes ranging !0 to o0 into a new buller. Ano then print
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Hands-on Node Buffers 41/147
Event Em|tter
On Nooe manv objects can emit events. Ior instance. a TCF server can emit a 'connect' event everv
time a client connects. Or a nle stream request can emit a 'oata' event.
You can listen lor these events bv calling one ol these objects "aooListener" methoo. passing in a
callback lunction. Ior instance. a nle ReaoStream can emit a "oata" event everv time there is some
oata available to reao.
Insteao ol using the "aooListener" lunction. vou can also use "on". which is exactlv the same thing:
l. var fs = require{`fs`}; // get the fs module
2. var readStream = fs.createReadStream{`/etc/passwd`};
3. readStream.on{`data`, function{data} {
4. console.log{data};
5. }};
6. readStream.on{`end`, function{} {
7. console.log{`file ended`};
8. }};
Here we are binoing to the readStream's "oata" ano "eno" events. passing in callback lunctions to
hanole each ol these cases. When one ol these events happens. the reaoStream will call the callback
lunction we pass in.
You can either pass in an anonvmous lunction as we are ooing here. or vou can pass a lunction name
lor a lunction available on the current scope. or even a variable containing a lunction.
You mav also want to listen lor an event exactlv once. Ior instance. il vou want to listen to the nrst
connection on a server. vou shoulo oo something like this:
l. server.once{`connection`, function {stream} {
2. console.log{`Ah, we have our first user!`};
3. }};
This works exactlv like our "on" example. except that our callback lunction will be calleo at most
once. It has the same ellect as the lollowing cooe:
Hands-on Node Event Emitter 42/147
l. function connListener{stream} {
2. console.log{`Ah, we have our first user!`};
3. server.removeListener{`connection`, connListener};
4. }
5. server.on{`connection`, connListener};
Here we are using the removeListener. which also belongs to the EventEmitter pattern. It
accepts the event name ano the lunction it shoulo remove.
Il vou ever neeo to. vou can also remove all listeners lor an event lrom an Event Emitter bv simplv
Creat|ng an Event Em|tter
Il vou are interesteo on using this Event Emitter pattern - ano vou shoulo - throughout vour
application. vou can. You can create a pseuoo-class ano make it inherit lrom the EventEmitter like
l. var EventEmitter = require{`events`}.EventEmitter,
2. util = require{`util`};
4. // Here is the MvClass constructor:
5. var MvClass = function{optionl, option2} {
6. this.optionl = optionl;
7. this.option2 = option2;
8. }
l0. util.inherits{MvClass, EventEmitter};
util.inherits is setting up the prototvpe chain so that vou get the EventEmitter
prototvpe methoos available to vour MvClass instances.
This wav instances ol MvClass can emit events:
l. MvClass.prototvpe.someMethod = function{} {
2. this.emit{`custom event`, `some arguments`};
3. }
Here we are emiting an event nameo "custom event". senoing also some oata "some arguments" in
this case.
Hands-on Node Event Emitter 43/147
Now clients ol MvClass instances can listen to "custom events" events like this:
l. var mvInstance = new MvClass{l, 2};
2. mvInstance.on{`custom event`, function{} {
3. console.log{`got a custom event!`};
4. }};
Tip: The Event Emitter is a nice wav ol enlorcing the oecoupling ol interlaces. a soltware
oesign technique that improves the inoepenoence lrom specinc interlaces. making vour
cooe more nexible.
Event Em|tter Exerc|ses
Exerc|se 1
Builo a pseuoo-class nameo "Ticker" that emits a "tick" event everv 1 secono.
Exerc|se 2
Builo a script that instantiates one Ticker ano bino to the "tick" event. printing "TICK" everv time it
gets one.
Hands-on Node Event Emitter 44/147
Nooe implements the timers AFI also louno in web browsers. The original AFI is a bit quirkv. but it
hasn't been changeo lor the sake ol consistencv.
setTimeout lets vou scheoule an arbitrarv lunction to be executeo in the luture. An example:
l. var timeout = 2000; // 2 seconds
2. setTimeout{function{} {
3. console.log{`timed out!`};
4. }, timeout};
This cooe will register a lunction to be calleo when the timeout expires. Again. as in anv place in
]avascript. vou can pass in an inline lunction. the name ol a lunction or a variable which value is a
You can use setTimeout with a timeout value ol 0 so that the lunction vou pass gets
executeo some time alter the stack clears. but with no waiting. This can be useo to. lor
instance scheoule a lunction that ooes not neeo to be executeo immeoiatelv.
This was a trick sometimes useo on browser ]avascript. but. as we will see. Nooe
process.nextTick{} can be useo insteao ol this. ano it's more elncient.
setTimeout returns a timeout hanole that vou can use to oisable it like this:
l. var timeoutHandle = setTimeout{function{} {
console.log{`vehaa!`}; }, l000};
2. clearTimeout{timeoutHandle};
Here the timeout will never execute because we clear it right alter we set it.
Another example:
Source code in
Hands-on Node Timers 45/147
l. var timeoutA = setTimeout{function{} {
2. console.log{`timeout A`};
3. }, 2000};
5. var timeoutB = setTimeout{function{} {
6. console.log{`timeout B`};
7. clearTimeout{timeoutA};
8. }, l000};
Here we are starting two timers: one with 1 secono timeoutB ano the other with 2 seconos
timeoutA. But timeoutB which nres nrst unscheoules timeoutA on line 7. so timeoutA is never
executes - ano the program exits right alter line 7 is executeo.
Set interval is similar to set timeout. but scheoules a given lunction to run everv X seconos like this:
Source code in
l. var period = l000; // l second
2. var interval = setInterval{function{} {
3. console.log{`tick`};
4. }, period};
This will inoennitelv keep the console logging "tick" unless vou terminate Nooe.
You can unscheoule an interval bv calling:
clearInterval unscheoules a running interval previous scheouleo with setInterval.
l. var interval = setInterval{...};
2. clearInterval{interval};
Here we are using the setInterval return value storeo on the interval variable to unscheoule it on
line 2.
You can also scheoule a callback lunction to run on the next run ol the event loop. You can use it like
Hands-on Node Timers 46/147
l. process.nextTick{function{} {
2. // this runs on the next event loop
3. console.log{`vav!`};
4. }};
As we saw. this methoo is prelereo to setTimeout{fn, 0} because it is more elncient.
Escap|ng the event |oop
On each loop. the event loop executes the queueo IO events sequentiallv bv calling the associateo
callbacks. Il. on anv ol the callbacks vou take too long. the event loop won't be processing other
penoing IO events meanwhile. This can leao to waiting customers or tasks. When executing
something that mav take too long. vou can oelav the execution until the next event loop. so waiting
events will be processeo meanwhile. It's like going to the back ol the line on a waiting line.
To escape the current event loop vou can use process.nextTick like this:
l. process.nextTick{function{} {
2. // do something
3. }};
You can use this to oelav processing that is not necessarv to oo immeoiatelv to the next event loop.
Ior instance. vou mav neeo to remove a nle. but perhaps vou oon't neeo to oo it belore replving to the
client. So. vou coulo oo something like this:
l. stream.on{`data`, function{data} {
2. stream.end{`mv response`};
3. process.nextTick{function{} {
4. fs.unlink{`path/to/file`};
5. }}
6. }};
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A note on ta|| recurs|on
Let's sav vou want to scheoule a lunction that ooes some IO - like parsing a log nle - to
execute periooicallv. ano vou want to guarantee that no two ol those lunctions are
executing at the same time. The best wav is not to use a setInterval. since vou oon't have
that guarantee. The interval will nre no matter il the lunction has nnisheo it's outv or not.
Supposing there is an asvnchronous lunction calleo "asvnc" that perlorms some IO ano
that gets a callback to be invokeo when nnisheo. ano vou want to call it everv secono:
l. var interval = l000; // l second
2. setInterval{function{} {
3. asvnc{function{} {
4. console.log{`asvnc is done!`};
5. }};
6. }, interval};
Il anv two asvnc calls can't overlap. vou are better oll using tail recursion like this:
l. var interval = l000; // l second
2. {function schedule{} {
3. setTimeout{function{} {
4. asvnc{function{} {
5. console.log{`asvnc is done!`};
6. schedule{};
7. }};
8. }, interval}
9. }}{};
Here we are oeclaring a lunction nameo scheoule line 2 ano we are invoking it
immeoiatelv alter we are oeclaring it line 9.
This lunction scheoules another lunction to execute within one secono line 3 to 8. This
other lunction will then call asvnc line !. ano onlv when asvnc is oone we scheoule a
new one bv calling scheoule again line o. this time insioe the scheoule lunction. This wav
we can be sure that no two calls to asvnc execute simultaneouslv in this context.
The oillerence is that we probablv won't have asvnc calleo everv secono unless asvnc
takes no time to execute. but we will have it calleo 1 secono alter the last one nnisheo.
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Low-|eve| |e-system
Nooe has a nice streaming AFI lor oealing with nles in an abstract wav. as il thev were network
streams. but sometimes vou might neeo to go oown a level ano oeal with the nlesvstem itsell.
Iirst. a nice set ol utilities:
fs.stat and fs.fstat
You can querv some meta-inlo on a nle or oir bv using fs.stat like this:
l. var fs = require{`fs`};
3. fs.stat{`/etc/passwd`, function{err, stats} {
4. if {err} {console.log{err.message}; return; }
5. console.log{stats};
6. //console.log{`this file is ` + stats.size + ` bvtes
7. }};
Il vou print the stats object it will be something like:
l. { dev: 23488l026,
2. ino: 24606,
3. mode: 33l88,
4. nlink: l,
5. uid: 0,
6. gid: 0,
7. rdev: 0,
8. size: 3667,
9. blksize: 4096,
l0. blocks: 0,
ll. atime: Thu, l7 Mar 20ll 09:l4:l2 GMT,
l2. mtime: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 06:l9:47 GMT,
l3. ctime: Fri, l4 Aug 2009 20:48:l5 GMT
l4. }
stats is a Stats instance. with which vou can call:
Hands-on Node Low-level file-system 49/147
l. stats.isFile{}
2. stats.isDirectorv{}
3. stats.isBlockDevice{}
4. stats.isCharacterDevice{}
5. stats.isSvmbolicLink{}
6. stats.isFIFO{}
7. stats.isSocket{}
Il vou have a plain nle oescriptor vou can use fs.fstat{fileDescriptor,
callback} insteao.
More about nle oescriptors later.
Il vou are using the low-level nlesvstem AFI in Nooe. vou will get nle oescriptors as a wav to
represent nles. These nle oescriptors are plain integer numbers that represent a nle in vour Nooe
process. much like in C FOSIX AFIs.
Open a |e
You can open a nle bv using ls.open like this:
l. var fs = require{`fs`};
2. fs.open{`/path/to/file`, `r`, function{err, fd} {
3. // got fd
4. }};
The nrst argument to fs.open is the nle path. The secono argument is the nags. which inoicate the
mooe with which the nle is to be open. The nags can be 'r'. 'r-'. 'w'. 'w-'. 'a'. or 'a-'.
Here is the semantics ol each nag. taken lrom the lopen man page:
r - Open text nle lor reaoing. The stream is positioneo at the beginning ol the nle.
r+ - Open lor reaoing ano writing. The stream is positioneo at the beginning ol the nle.
w - Truncate nle to zero length or create text nle lor writing. The stream is positioneo at the beginning
ol the nle.
w+ - Open lor reaoing ano writing. The nle is createo il it ooes not exist. otherwise it is truncateo. The
stream is positioneo at the beginning ol the nle.
a - Open lor writing. The nle is createo il it ooes not exist. The stream is positioneo at the eno ol the
nle. Subsequent writes to the nle will alwavs eno up at the then current eno ol nle.
a+ - Open lor reaoing ano writing. The nle is createo il it ooes not exist. The stream is positioneo at
the eno ol the nle. Subsequent writes to the nle will alwavs eno up at the then current eno ol nle.
On the callback lunction. vou get a secono argument lo. which is a nle oescriptor- nothing more
than an integer that ioentines the open nle. which vou can use like a hanoler to reao ano write lrom.
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Read from a |e
Once it's open. vou can also reao lrom a nle like this:
Source code in
l. var fs = require{`fs`};
2. fs.open{`/var/log/svstem.log`, `r`, function{err, fd} {
3. if {err} { throw err }
4. var readBuffer = new Buffer{l024},
5. bufferOffset = 0,
6. bufferLength = readBuffer.length,
7. filePosition = l00;
9. fs.read{fd, readBuffer,bufferOffset, bufferLength,
l0. function{err, readBvtes} {
ll. if {err} { throw err; }
l2. console.log{`just read ` + readBvtes + ` bvtes`};
l3. if {readBvtes > 0} {
l4. console.log{readBuffer.slice{0, readBvtes}};
l5. }
l6. }};
l7. }};
Here we are opening the nle. ano when it's openeo we are asking to reao a chunk ol 102! bvtes lrom
it. starting at position 100 line 9.
The last argument to the fs.read call is a callback lunction line 10 which will be invokeo when
one ol the lollowing 3 happens:
there is an error.
something has been reao or
nothing coulo be reao.
On the nrst argument. this callback gets an error il there was an one. or null.
On the secono argument readBvtes it gets the number ol bvtes reao into the buller. Il the reao
bvtes is zero. the nle has reacheo the eno.
Wr|te |nto a |e
To write into a nle oescriptor vou can use fs.write like this:
Hands-on Node Low-level file-system 51/147
l. var fs = require{`fs`};
3. fs.open{`/var/log/svstem.log`, `a`, function{err, fd} {
4. var writeBuffer = new Buffer{`writing this string`},
5. bufferOffset = 0,
6. bufferLength = writeBuffer.length,
7. filePosition = null;
9. fs.write{
l0. fd,
ll. writeBuffer,
l2. bufferOffset,
l3. bufferLength,
l4. filePosition,
l5. function{err, written} {
l6. if {err} { throw err; }
l7. console.log{`wrote ` + written + ` bvtes`};
l8. }
l9. };
20. }};
Here we are opening the nle in appeno-mooe 'a' on line 3. ano then we are writing into it line 8.
passing in a buller with the oata we want written. an ollset insioe the buller where we want to start
writing lrom. the length ol what we want to write. the nle position ano a callback. In this case we are
passing in a nle position ol null. which is to sav that he writes at the current nle position. Here we are
also opening in appeno-mooe. so the nle cursor is positioneo at the eno ol the nle.
C|ose Your |es
On all these examples we oio not close the nles. This is because these are small simple
examples oestineo to be run ano returneo. All open nles will be closeo once the process
In real applications vou shoulo keep track ol those nle oescriptors ano eventuallv close
them using fs.close{fd|, callback1} when no longer neeoeo.
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Advanced T|p: carefu| when append|ng
Il vou are using these low-level nle-svstem lunctions to appeno into a nle. ano concurrent
writes will be happening. opening it in appeno-mooe will not be enough to ensure there
will be no overlap. Insteao. vou shoulo keep track ol the last written position belore vou
write. ooing something like this:
l. // Appender
2. var fs = require{`fs`};
3. var startAppender = function{fd, startPos} {
4. var pos = startPos;
5. return {
6. append: function{buffer, callback} {
7. var oldPos = pos;
8. pos += buffer.length;
9. fs.write{fd, buffer, 0, buffer.length, oldPos,
l0. }
ll. };
l2. };
Here we oeclare a lunction storeo on a variable nameo "startAppenoer". This lunction
starts the appenoer state position ano nle oescriptor ano then returns an object with an
appeno lunction.
Now let's oo a script that uses this Appenoer:
l. // start appender
2. fs.open{`/tmp/test.txt`, `w`, function{err, fd} {
3. if {err} {throw err; }
4. var appender = startAppender{fd, 0};
5. appender.append{new Buffer{`append this!`},
function{err} {
6. console.log{`appended`};
7. }};
8. }};
Ano here we are using the appenoer to salelv appeno into a nle.
This lunction can then be invokeo to appeno. ano this appenoer will keep track ol the last
position line ! on the Appenoer. ano increments it accoroing to the buller length that was
passeo in.
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Actuallv. there is a problem with this cooe: fs.write{} mav not write all the oata we
askeo it to. so we neeo to oo something a little bit smarter here:
Source code in
l. // Appender
2. var fs = require{`fs`};
3. var startAppender = function{fd, startPos} {
4. var pos = startPos;
5. return {
6. append: function{buffer, callback} {
7. var written = 0;
8. var oldPos = pos;
9. pos += buffer;
l0. {function trvWriting{} {
ll. if {written < buffer.length} {
l2. fs.write{fd, buffer, written, buffer.length
~ written, oldPos + written,
l3. function{err, bvtesWritten} {
l4. if {err} { callback{err}; return; }
l5. written += bvtesWritten;
l6. trvWriting{};
l7. }
l8. };
l9. } else {
20. // we have finished
2l. callback{null};
22. }
23. }}{};
24. }
25. }
26. };
Here we use a lunction nameo "trvWritting" that will trv to write. call ls.write. calculate
how manv bvtes have alreaov been written ano call itsell il neeoeo. When it oetects it has
nnisheo written ~~ buller.length it calls callback to notilv the caller. enoing the loop.
Don't be lrustrateo il vou oon't grasp this on the nrst time arouno. Give it some time to
sink in ano come back here alter vou have nnisheo reaoing this book.
Also. the appenoing client is opening the nle with mooe "w". which truncates the nle. ano
it's telling appenoer to start appenoing on position 0. This will overwrite the nle il it has
content. So. a wizer version ol the appenoer client woulo be:
Hands-on Node Low-level file-system 54/147
l. // start appender
2. fs.open{`/tmp/test.txt`, `a`, function{err, fd} {
3. if {err} {throw err; }
4. fs.fstat{fd, function{err, stats} {
5. if {err} {throw err; }
6. console.log{stats};
7. var appender = startAppender{fd, stats.size};
8. appender.append{new Buffer{`append this!`},
function{err} {
9. console.log{`appended`};
l0. }};
ll. }}
l2. }};
F||e-system Exerc|ses
You can check out the solutions at the eno ol this book.
Exerc|se 1 - get the s|ze of a |e
Having a nle nameo a.txt. print the size ol that nles in bvtes.
Exerc|se 2 - read a chunk from a |e
Having a nle nameo a.txt. print bvtes 10 to 1!.
Exerc|se 3 - read two chunks from a |e
Having a nle nameo a.txt. print bvtes 5 to 9. ano when oone. reao bvtes 10 to 1!.
Exerc|se 4 - Overwr|te a |e
Having a nle nameo a.txt. Overwrite it with the UTI8-encooeo string
Exerc|se 5 - append to a |e
Having a nle nameo a.txt. appeno utl8-encooeo string "abc" to nle a.txt.
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Exerc|se 6 - change the content of a |e
Having a nle nameo a.txt. change bvte at pos 10 to the UTI8 value ol "7".
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HTTP Server
You can easilv create an HTTF server in Nooe. Here is the lamous http server "Hello Worlo"
Source in file:
l. var http = require{`http`};
3. var server = http.createServer{};
4. server.on{`request`, function{req, res} {
5. res.writeHead{200, {`Content~Tvpe`: `text/plain`}};
6. res.write{`Hello World!`};
7. res.end{};
8. }};
9. server.listen{4000};
On line 1 we get the 'http' mooule. to which we call createServer line 3 to create an HTTF server.
We then listen lor 'request' tvpe events. passing in a callback lunction that gets two arguments: the
request object ano the response object. We can then use the response object to write back to the client.
On line 5 we write a heaoer ContentTvpe: textplain ano the HTTF status 200 OK.
On line o we replv the string "Hello Worlo" ano on line 7 we terminate the request.
On line 9 we bino the server to the port !000.
So. il vou run this script on nooe vou can then point vour browser to http:localhost:!000 ano vou
shoulo see the "Hello Worlo" string on it.
This example can be shorteneo to:
Source in file:
l. require{`http`}.createServer{function{req, res} {
2. res.writeHead{200, {`Content~Tvpe`: `text/plain`}};
3. res.end{`Hello World!`};
4. }}.listen{4000};
Here we are giving up the intermeoiarv variables lor storing the http mooule since we onlv neeo to
call it once ano the server since we onlv neeo to make it listen on port !000. Also. as a shortcut. the
http.createServer lunction accepts a callback lunction that will be invokeo on everv request.
There is one last shortcut here: the response.eno lunction can accept a string or buller which it will
Hands-on Node HTTP 57/147
seno to the client belore enoing the request.
The http.ServerRequest object
When listening lor "request" events. the callback gets one ol these objects as the nrst argument. This
object contains:
The URL ol the request. as a string. It ooes not contain the schema. hostname or port. but it contains
evervthing alter that. You can trv this to analvze the url:
Source in file:
l. require{`http`}.createServer{function{req, res} {
2. res.writeHead{200, {`Content~Tvpe`: `text/plain`}};
3. res.end{req.url};
4. }}.listen{4000};
ano connect to port !000 using a browser. Change the URL to see how it behaves.
This contains the HTTF methoo useo on the request. It can be. lor example. 'GET'. 'FOST'.
'DELETE' or anv other one.
This contains an object with a propertv lor everv HTTF heaoer on the request. To analvze it vou can
run this server:
Source in file:
l. var util = require{`util`};
3. require{`http`}.createServer{function{req, res} {
4. res.writeHead{200, {`Content~Tvpe`: `text/plain`}};
5. res.end{util.inspect{req.headers}};
6. }}.listen{4000};
ano connect vour browser to port !000 to inspect the heaoers ol vour request.
Here we are using util.inspect{}. an utilitv lunction that can be useo to analvze the properties
ol anv object.
Hands-on Node HTTP 58/147
req.headers properties are on lower-case. Ior instance. il the browser sent a "Cache-
Control: max-age: 0" heaoer. req.headers will have a propertv nameo "cache-control" with
the value "max-age: 0" this last one is untoucheo.
The http.ServerResponse object
The response object the secono argument lor the "request" event callback lunction is useo to replv to
the client. With it vou can:
Wr|te a header
You can use res.writeHead{status, headers}. where heaoers is an object that contains a
propertv lor everv heaoer vou want to seno.
An example:
Source in file:
l. var util = require{`util`};
3. require{`http`}.createServer{function{req, res} {
4. res.writeHead{200, {
5. `Content~Tvpe`: `text/plain`,
6. `Cache~Control`: `max~age=3600`
7. }};
8. res.end{`Hello World!`};
9. }}.listen{4000};
On this example we set 2 heaoers: one with "Content-Tvpe: textplain" ano another with "Cache-
Control: max-age~3o00".
Il vou save the above source cooe into http_server_5.js ano run it with:
$ node http_server_5.js
You can querv it bv using vour browser or using a commano-line HTTF client like curl:
l. $ curl ~i http://localhost:4000
2. HTTP/l.l 200 OK
3. Content~Tvpe: text/plain
4. Cache~Control: max~age=3600
5. Connection: keep~alive
6. Transfer~Encoding: chunked
8. Hello World!
Change or set a header
You can change a heaoer vou alreaov set or set a new one bv using
Hands-on Node HTTP 59/147
res.setHeader{name, value};
This will onlv work il vou haven't alreaov sent a piece ol the boov bv using res.write.
Remove a header
You can remove a heaoer vou have alreaov set bv calling:
res.removeHeader{name, value};
Again. this will onlv work il vou haven't alreaov sent a piece ol the boov bv using res.write.
Wr|te a p|ece of the response body
You can write a string:
or a an existing buller:
l. var buf = new Buffer{`Hello World`};
2. buf|01 = 45;
3. res.write{buffer};
This methoo can. as expecteo. be useo to replv ovnamicallv generateo strings or binarv nle. Replving
with binarv oata will be covereo later.
HTTP C||ent
You can issue http requests using the "http" mooule. Nooe is specincallv oesigneo to be a server. but it
can itsell call other external services ano act as a "glue" service. Or vou can simplv use it to run a
simple http client script like this one:
Source in file:
Hands-on Node HTTP 60/147
This example uses http.get to make an HTTF GET request to the url
You can trv it bv saving it to a nle nameo http_client_1.js ano running:
l. $ node http_client_l.js
3. got response: 302
Using http.request vou can make anv tvpe ol HTTF request:
http.request{options, callback};
The options are:
host: A oomain name or IF aooress ol the server to issue the request to.
port: Fort ol remote server.
method: A string specilving the HTTF request methoo. Fossible values: 'GET' oelault. 'FOST'.
'FUT'. ano 'DELETE'.
path: Request path. Shoulo incluoe querv string ano lragments il anv. E.G. 'inoex.html?page~12'
headers: An object containing request heaoers.
The lollowing methoo makes it easv to seno boov values like when vou are uploaoing a nle or posting
a lorm:
Source in file:
Hands-on Node HTTP 61/147
l. var options = {
2. host: `www.google.com`,
3. port: 80,
4. path: `/upload`,
5. method: `POST`
6. };
8. var req = require{`http`}.request{options, function{res} {
9. console.log{`STATUS: ` + res.statusCode};
l0. console.log{`HEADERS: ` + JSON.stringifv{res.headers}};
ll. res.setEncoding{`utf8`};
l2. res.on{`data`, function {chunk} {
l3. console.log{`BODY: ` + chunk};
l4. }};
l5. }};
l7. // write data to request bodv
l8. req.write{"data\n"};
l9. req.write{"data\n"};
20. req.end{};
On lines 18 ano 19 we are writing the HTTF request boov oata two lines with the "oata" string ano
on line 20 we are enoing the request. Onlv then the server replies ano the response callback gets
activateo line 8.
Then we wait lor the response. When it comes. we get a "response" event. which we are listening to on
the callback lunction that starts on line 8. Bv then we onlv have the HTTF status ano heaoers reaov.
which we print lines 9 no 10.
Then we bino to "oata" events line 12. These happen when we get a chunk ol the response boov
oata line 12.
This mechanism can be useo to stream oata lrom a server. As long as the server keeps senoing boov
chunks. we keep receiving them.
HTTP Exerc|ses
You can checkout the solutions at the eno ol this book.
Exerc|se 1
Make an HTTF server that serves nles. The nle path is provioeo in the URL like this:
Exerc|se 2
Hands-on Node HTTP 62/147
Make an HTTF server that outputs plain text with 100 new-line separateo unix timestamps everv
Exerc|se 3
Make an HTTF server that saves the request boov into a nle.
Exerc|se 4
Make a script that accepts a nle name as nrst commano line argument ano uploaos this nle into the
server built on the previous exercise.
Hands-on Node HTTP 63/147

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