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Section 1: Project and Researcher

Title of Project: Name of main researcher Email Address: Are others involved in the research, i.e. as part of the research team? If YES, please indicate what their role in the research will be, and their affiliation if not KBS: Name Role

Is this research sponsored by any organisation by either the provision of access to data or by funding in cash or in kind? YES/NO If YES you must complete Section 6 Will the research be carried out on the premises of another organisation, e.g. in a supermarket or railway station? YES/NO If YES: please attach written permission from the organisation concerned to carry out the research on their premises Section 2: For Student Projects

Module Name and Number: Module Convenor or Supervisor: Email Address of Convenor or Supervisor: Section 3: Purpose of Project: Aims and Objectives

This should include a brief outline (one or two paragraphs) of the project written in laypersons language and assuming that the reader is not familiar with the area of the project. It should make clear what the outputs and benefits of the project are for the researcher (e.g., learning for a student; or contribution to knowledge for a PhD or member of staff) and for any clients or sponsors.

Please state if at any time the research will involve the use of affiliation to the University of Kent or Kent Business School.

Does the project involve the direct participation of people other than the researchers and supervisors? YES/NO
Note: direct participation means that people are actively involved, e.g. by being interviewed or questioned. It would not generally include passive observation of, for example, people in a queue. Exceptions to this would be if there were to be some direct or indirect effect on those being observed, or if those being observed could be individually identified in which case they become data subjects under the Data Protection Act (see question 6.4). If you have answered NO and you answered NO to the question in Section 1 on whether the research was funded, just complete Section 4 below. If you have answered YES to this question please complete all the rest of the form Section 4: Signatures

Principal researcher or student: Supervisor (for u/g, p/g, PhD students): Other researchers involved: Date:

Section 5:

Conduct of Project: Research Methodology

This should specify the start date and duration of the project, who will be involved, and a brief description of the research methodology (e.g. survey method and sampling technique, interview type and technique, analysis techniques)

Section 6:

Ethical Considerations

This section covers a range of ethical issues. If you answer YES to any of the questions you should a) provide details of the issue and how you intend to address it; and b) ensure the form is passed to the Director of Research for consideration by the Research Ethics Advisory Group. 6.1 Risk. Does the proposed research place any of the participants at risk of physical, psychological or emotional harm (including the potential to cause distress or embarrassment)? Yes (please provide details of the issue and how it is proposed to deal with it) No

6.2 Confidentiality. Does the proposed research raise issues relating to confidentiality, either during the collection of information or in the subsequent analysis thereof or dissemination of results? Yes (please provide details of how it is proposed to deal with this issue) No

6.3 Sponsorship. Is the project sponsored by an individual or organisation outside the University of Kent Yes No If Yes: 6.31 Will the project require the signing of a confidentiality agreement with an external organisation? (If so this needs to be agreed by the University Research Office) Yes (please provide details) No

6.32 Will the sponsor require seeing the data that you have collected or the report of your research findings? Yes (please provide details) No

6.33 Does the sponsor have to approve any reports/papers published as a result of the research before they allow publication of these reports? Yes (please provide details) No

6.34 Does the proposed research raise issues relating to impartiality (in the case of vested interests or funded research)? Yes (please provide details) No

6.4 Does the proposed research raise issues relating to culture, religion or gender? Yes (please provide details of the issue and how it is proposed to deal with it) No

6.5 Does the proposed research involve the use of inducements (payments or gifts) to participants? Yes (please provide details of how it is proposed to ensure that this does not affect the objectivity and impartiality of information provided/collected) No

6.6 Do you plan to provide participants with feedback on the findings of the research?

Yes (please provide details of what feedback you propose to provide and how) No (please provide an explanation for not providing participants with feedback)

6.7 Are there any other ethical issues that you wish to draw to the attention of the Research Ethics Advisory Group? Yes (please provide details) No

Section 7:


It is normally considered essential that all those who participate in research should do so voluntarily. For consent to be valid participants must be informed about the nature of the research; they must participate voluntarily; and they must be competent to understand the implications of their participation. At a minimum this section should address: 7.1 Details of how it is intended that informed consent be obtained from the participants. Copies of relevant documentation should be included, especially any explanatory material given to participants and the consent form.

7.2 Procedures for gaining permission from participants who are unable to give informed consent.

7.3 If it is intended to conduct research without the informed consent of participants, a detailed justification should be given.

7.4 Give a brief account of how the Data Protection Act will be complied with. In broad terms the DPA covers the collection and storage of any information that can be traced to a particular individual. If this applies to your research you should see the Universitys Code of Practice at http://www.kent.ac.uk/data-protection/Forms/DPA.BOOKLET.pdf. Please state if there are any other legal requirements of the research, e.g., licensing.

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