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Each person’s story and journey to health and well being is unique to them and it would be foolish and
irresponsible to extrapolate that one specific illness is always the result of a particular set of
circumstances or childhood, or even past life, experiences and apply that across the board. However,
our experience that an energetic origin has been discovered in all the instances of chronic and less
serious physical symptoms (and emotional and mental ones too) that we have worked with over the
years, suggests that the idea of dis-ease or fragmentation of the soul or consciousness is the starting
point. That changing this energetic pattern of fragmentation can positively affect a symptom to a lesser
or greater degree reinforces this suggestion. The next step is to pursue is whether these patterns, often
created in the womb, contribute to or even lead to all physical, organic breakdown or abnormality.
But surely, as Eileen’s son said, something like the AIDS epidemic in Africa, cannot come from
everyone’s energy being fragmented or their souls suffering, or can it?! We think that it can. Chinese
medicine is linked to balancing aspects of the self and righting imbalances. The herbs used provide an
external vibrational as well as a chemical treatment.

What does science tell us? Well the geneticists have moved on from DNA, which seems only to reveal
part of the blueprint of life and our mechanical functioning. Dr. Candace Pert in her breakthrough book,
the Molecules of Emotion, traces the connection between illness in the body and unexpressed emotion,
drawing the conclusion that through the Neuro-peptide network, our body and brain are part of one
system, more properly called our ‘Mind’. Rather than ‘Mind’ we talk about energy/consciousness and
see our bodies as the grossest form of energy on a continuum from the most subtle creative force,
which we call ‘Source’ to the most tangible and dense. Most people have a hard job accepting that our
bodies are just a bunch of molecules and atoms held together by gravity or some other unifying force.
While we accept the existence of radio and microwaves, we have difficulty accepting the existence of
subtle energetic communications or energy expanded beyond the currently measurable electro
magnetic and bioelectric fields of the body. Most of the physical affects of these extended energies
within this larger energetic system tend to get lumped under the heading of the paranormal. And, while
this subject could take up a whole book and already has as you look down the bookshelves or watch on
TV, what interests us more is if a pattern exists beyond an illness or a symptom, how does one work
with that pattern. What do you look and listen for? How do you treat it at source?

What is interesting to us, is how particular language seems to show how the fragmentation of
Consciousness/Subtle Energy began and how it is structured and how the outward behaviour, the
illness, seems to correlate with the language.

When did the first split, fragmenting begin? The idea that we can sense the environment in the womb
and the energy around us will be new to many people. So many clients have been able to trace their
unexplained feelings in adult life back to their experience in the womb (and before!) that we have come
to believe that a rudimentary awareness exists and that fragmentation of energy/consciousness/soul
can begin from that time. Since we never used to introduce this concept to clients and yet they were
spontaneously sense/seeing themselves before birth, we now know to be alert to the possibility of an
early split. (See Tony’s Story - Page 80 of ‘The Missing Peace’ ISBN 1901564053 - and the effects on
him of part of him going outside his body in the womb.)

In some cases quoted below, we may have only worked with a client briefly, so we were not able to see
them through to full wholeness. In some cases, we have worked with people where we have not been
able to help in terms of physical recovery but they have been able to move on in life or to pass on from
life with some relief. What is interesting is not whether we can ultimately help ‘heal’ people, but how we
follow the language to find the structure and release it with whatever results are possible.

Multiple Sclerosis – “My mother and father separated. He kidnapped me once and when my mother
got me back, we began to move. Every few months, we moved address, changing schools, changing
friends. One day, I said to myself ‘I want to stop moving’.” – Rosemary.

I said to myself ‘I want to stop moving’ - We found the ‘I’, the ‘masculine energy’ in Rosemary’s left
hemisphere/brain that took that decision and the ‘myself’ who collaborated, aged 5 (in her spine), and
traced the deterioration in physical structure during her early 20’s. Uniting the energy the deterioration
slowed and ‘Rosemary’ found purpose in her life (sitting in a wheelchair) and became a healer/therapist.

M.E. (The search for ME!) – “My parents are very successful academics and at school, I shone at
everything I did. However, as I got into my teens, it became harder and harder to keep up the standards
I set myself. When I got to university, I just couldn’t go on, I seemed to have lost myself and I got
M.E. I was exhausted.” ‘Philip’.
‘I seemed to have lost myself and I got M.E.’ ‘I’, which Philip found in his left hemisphere/brain, was
exhausted – the 11 year old was there with his parents whom he was pleasing by passing exams. In
two places, the right hemisphere/brain and in the stomach, Philip found ‘ME’. ‘Me’ was lost and had
been missing since the age of 3 when his creativity, his expressiveness was squashed with the help of
his parents attitudes and inability to receive and value his bubbling energy and its expression. ‘Play’
was not valued, ‘study/reading/sums’ were valued. ‘ME’, ‘Myself’ was mothballed. Gradually loosing
steam, ‘I‘ continued to strive until he no longer could, his energy spent. M.E. struck and the search for
‘ME’ was signalled. ‘ME/Myself’ provided the doorway to a wellspring of energy and together with ‘I’’s
energy and the energy of the present Philip, a new balanced life was created and Philip went back to
university and completed his degree and learned to play jazz guitar!

When you think of his case of ME, just imagine an ‘elastic band’ with a three year old at one end and a
young adult and his 11-year-old driver stretching the rubber band until it will stretch no more. Either the
band breaks or one has to go back to collect the three year olds energy!

Eczema – “ I keep everyone away’. A workshop participant, Julian, was asked to draw an energy map
by scanning his body using his ‘inner eyes’. (See page xx Body Scanning & Energy Mapping). He drew
a red line all round his body, which correlated to the eczema, which he had suffered from for 18 years
and as he said, “It keeps everyone away”. Part of his work with us involved understanding why
‘suffering’ was important to him. The energetic red line responded to his questioning (once thanked for
it’s positively intended job) and explained that it was compressed energy keeping out his mother’s
energy (feeling anxious) and which his ‘energetic awareness had detected in the womb. Unconsciously,
he had formed an extra ‘skin’, not allowing his own skin to breathe. His Unconscious Equation (see
page xx for more on ‘The Unconscious Equation’) was that ‘Suffering (with Eczema) provided his identity
(some sense of selfhood)’.

Looking through the energetic layer of Red, then Yellow, he found Light (‘cool white light’). Freeing that
light and then bringing in more light, which had been kept on the outside (he was keeping part of himself
out there – included in the ‘I keep everyone away’), we all watched with some amazement as Julian’s
skin became very red, cooled, became supple and moist and the signs of eczema, over a 20 minute
period, faded away down to his finger tips, never to return. The eczema had been a ‘healthy’ allergic
reaction to being smothered by his mother’s feelings of anxiety. It was a survival mechanism, kept in
place by an unconscious decision that suffering (with eczema) was part of his freedom and self-identity.

Cancer – Stomach. “My body is not important, I am more than my body”. Grace was ill with a
cancerous growth. Over a two-month period, she came for sessions and discovered the little child who
had learned in the family that she wasn’t important and released her energy into the present. Her
condition improved. Then she stopped coming and in a home visit, she let slip that everyday she
chanted, “My body is not important, I am more than my body”. As part of her ritual, she focused on
rising out of her body (helpful in not feeling bodily discomfort) to a place above her head. After
meditating there, she returned to her body. She did not know that that place above her head was a
doorway to vast amounts of energy, light, for self-healing and that it needed to be drawn in. What she
did realise, too late, was that her relationship with this place was of ‘one up’ and ‘one down’. She had
attributed all the importance to the ‘higher self’ and no importance to her body, her ego/personality, and
her inner energies. She was beyond being able to do our work, so we simply were with her. Days later
she passed. Contrast this with Lacey’s case.

Cancer – Ovarian – Lacey had developed a sizeable tumour and she said ‘I know that I can beat this,
I won’t let it get me down’.

We found ‘I’ who was in the back of Lacey’s head, a 5 year old having to move from the county of her
birth, and who was angry and in adult life was part of a routine of driving myself’. 'UP’ above her head
we found ‘ME’ a ‘higher self’ (located higher, not superior, except it was behaving that way’), which
thought that it was helping by criticising her and trying to guide her from on high. In the ovary was ‘It’, ‘a
baby’, that could not get love or milk from its mother. Boy was it teed off! Just imagine the bile brewing
in the ovary! The higher self part of Lacey needed some convincing that it was better to come down
into its ‘vehicle’ which it deemed ‘a mess’ and Lacey was wedded to the idea that she needed to keep
the energy up there as she had better ‘in’-‘sights’ ‘into’ ‘the world’ (listen to the language) by staying
there. This was a ‘System’ in conflict. When the energy was released from the metaphysical ovary, and
enabled to expand and the energy from behind the head came down and joined it in the body, her
demeanour lightened and the light above came down and began to radiate through and expanded
beyond the skin line. This was the last time we saw Lacey, as she did not need the operation, since the
tumour had mysteriously shrunk back to the size if a small cyst which she then worked on
Pre-cancerous situation – Throat – Maxime has a pre-cancerous throat condition and said, “It feels
like something is stuck in my throat stopping me speaking out.”

Looking into her throat, she discovers her ‘mother’ when Maxime was a child. Her mother is deeply
religious believing that ‘suffering’ is a natural part of living and is strongly wedded to her faith and to the
advice of her church and its minister. A mother of several children, mother had little time for Maxime
and little Maxime had stopped speaking and had ‘swallowed her words’. What we found was so had
mother, and her mother’s mother, and her mother mother’s mother, back through time. Lining up ‘the
women’, Maxime found light out beyond the ‘Ancestral Line’ and one by one brought the light through to
radiate and dissolve the forms. Bringing all this light into the mother form, she was transformed and
Maxime cried her mother’s tears plus her own tears of relief. Little Maxime was then reconciled with her
mother, Maxime found her energy, radiated it and she became a beacon of light and all the energy
expanded in Adult Maxime’s throat – she coughed and felt her throat ‘enflamed’ momentarily until it
cooled to ‘beautiful stillness’. Within weeks, the pre-cancerous condition disappeared. More surprising
to her was that her estranged mother, living in another country, called after the session and announced
that she had put herself into therapy, something her version of her faith had never permitted. Healing
an ‘inner other’ often seems to affect the ‘other’ in the outer world.

Anorexia – “ ‘I feel starved of love’ yet everyone around me is very concerned for me.” Annie was
painfully thin and diagnosed anorexic, she had tried many ways of resolving her eating disorder.

After some searching we found Annie’s 5 year old self behind her, still in ‘Australia’ – this was the happy
child who had split because she was so upset at being forced to move continents, such that one 5 year
old went on to travel to the UK to become 28. Feeling something missing and eating to comfort herself,
then feeling disgusted with her physical appearance, which she perceived as ‘fat’, she relieved herself
of the food, the ‘weight’. Back in ‘Australia’, back in her past, literally located several feet behind her
body, the other 5 year old ‘waited’, ‘starved of company’, suddenly alone at 5, in limbo, existing but not
alive. Having her 28 year old self ‘travel to ‘Australia’ in her minds eye, she collected the 5 year old and
brought her to the present. In a second session, having had a week to get to know each other, she
integrated her energy fully into her 28-year-old self. The anorexia ceased. Annie told her story including
putting photographs of her previously emaciated body in a colour supplement to help others understand
her story and return to health. Annie gained appropriate body weight and took a job meeting the public.

Depression/Ambivalence as a Mother-to-be. “I feel ambivalent about being a mother.” Phoebe

was 7 months pregnant and had been a corporate client, who as part of a coaching programme, had
been surprised to find that her ‘warmth’ which she badly needed to balance her killer instincts as a
potential candidate for a Managing Director position, resided in the 8 year old inner her who had stayed
behind on the shores of another land when her parents went off to find a new life. They were integrated
and she got the job.

Phoebe, now pregnant confided that she felt ambivalent and a little depressed at the idea of being a
mother. She was very tired each day and had to go home to rest, something she never did normally.
The baby was lying uncomfortably to one side of her abdomen and it was difficult for her to walk easily.
Depression usually points to something down, it was not rocket science to think that we might need to
look into her tummy, so she was asked if she would like to speak to her baby and find out how it was ‘in
there’. ‘The baby’ replied that it was uncomfortable and that it could sense a ‘grey cloud’ around it (note
the word ‘about’ in the sentence – ‘I feel ambivalent about…’). Talking to the cloud, we discovered that
this was Phoebe’s mother’s feelings of ambivalence about having Phoebe, which she had
duplicated/matched in herself and held inside herself from foetal hood. She discovered that some
stomach problems through childhood stemmed from this. Looking into the grey, we found light, which
expanded. The next moment, the baby moved position significantly, bringing immediate relief to
Phoebe. The mother, as keen sportswoman, was able to continue some exercising each evening for
nearly two months from that day, and said that she had bags of energy, and felt deep warmth towards
her baby. The child was born in about 6 hours with minimum labour pains, something unusual for a first
birth, and despite some predicted birth difficulties, which did not occur. It was also noticeable that the
stomach problems ceased.

Suicidal – “I can see no point in living” A young successful businesswoman said. Batya had attempted

So who was speaking and where from. Over and over again we ask this question and in many cases
the answer will be from a part of the Self from this lifetime. In many cases, a person looking through a
physical ‘doorway’, a tightness in the chest, a feeling in the head, etc and spontaneously sense/see
another lifetime. In Batya’s case it was a little girl, in Victorian England, who had been assigned to a
teacher who brutalised her and she died. The teacher had killed himself. The guilt-ridden father who
had employed the teacher, the teacher and the child all needed healing, which in our case involved
finding and bringing out the light, but only after a lot of interaction and discussion, expressed anger and
then forgiveness between the three. Did we induce a trance; take her on a specific journey? No. Batya
spontaneously found in her/around her what needed to be healed. Batya realised that the words she
heard ‘there is no point in living were the words of this child’. In some circles this is called a Spirit
Attachment. We see it as part of the larger Self and by healing the forms and releasing the energy, it
can be recycled into the present bringing Batya, in this case, all the deep feelings of relief, peace and
understanding. That she decided to become a teacher was ironic but not surprising.

Chest Pains – Clive – We have included one of Clive’s own experiences as it illustrates how a ‘past life’
can permeate several realities. “I feel as if my heart is hurting”, he said.

Clive had awoken from a dream, where he was ‘murdering’ two children. Dream analysis usually
suggests that we are everything in our dreams and that they are a way of our unconscious signalling
something that needs to be cleared, and this dream was so vivid and the physical pain so real that we
did some work. I would stress that Clive had previously been for tests and his heart and lungs were
perfectly normal. Clive used his chest as a doorway and with inner eyes looked in. Beyond his back
(he could feel a sensation between his shoulder blades, he saw poster paint quality colours, first black,
then red, then green, then yellow, each a layer of protection, one behind the other. As each colour gave
way to the next, he felt the pain in his body go lower until it reached his stomach. Yellow opened to the
scene of the father and two children in plague–ridden Europe in the Middle Ages. The demented father,
dying with plague, and following his wife’s death, was putting the children beyond misery and burying
their bodies. Finding white light in the man and the children, which became one, this energy spoke of
it’s experience of being in body and how for 11 lifetimes after this one, it had stayed hidden causing
various physical and emotional problems. It showed Clive the intervening lives, many ordinary, some
highborn. When the light came through into Clive he spoke of his chest expanding. Whether one
believes this was just a story or it was the experience of light journeying into existence and finally being
found to complete the unification with the light in body, the symptoms disappeared. Each client will tell
you that these experiences are real and have real benefits.

Clive Digby-Jones & Eileen Watkins Seymour © 2003. Draft for our Book ‘The Missing Peace – an
advanced seeker’s guide to wholeness.’ Saffire Press, UK 2003. ISBN 1901564053. cdigby-

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