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Ref. 116 47269 VIDAS Constellation Center 2 Supplément pour Manuel Utilisateur User Manual Supplement 2 bioMérieux bioMérieux sa 69280 Marcy-I'Etoile / France Tél. 78 87 20 00 - Fax 78 87 20 90 Télex 330967 | Imprimé en France / RCS! Lyon 8 673 620 399 Informations Les caractéristiques de l'ordinateur livré avec votre VIDAS ne correspondent plus a celles décrites dans le manuel d'utilisation référence 99 034-B. Vous trouverez dans ce supplément les principales infor- mations concernant ce nouvel ordinateur. Pour plus d'informations, vous voudrez bien vous reporter aux différents manuels constructeurs joints. thothetrdekanspoaaesE pH apps The characteristics of the computer delivered with your VIDAS instrument do not correspond to those described in the user's manual reference 99 035-B. You will find enclosed in this supplement the main information concerning this new computer. For further information, please refer to the different ‘manufacters manuals enclosed. ‘Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS / VIDAS User Manual Supplement 039 Sommaire / Table of Contents Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 1 Introduction .... ak 1 Tableaude Bord oo... 0.001. i 2 Vue Arrigre .....0.. z 3 Connecteurs 4 Unités de Stockage :8 Lecteur de Cassette : :6 Conseils d'Utilisation 2, 6 Introduire une Cassette . : 6 Retirer une Cassette ....0..... 6 Protéger une Cassette en Ecriture iy, Lecteurde Disquette ..... +8 Conseils d'Utilisation . +8 Introduire une : 8 Protéger une Disquette en Ecriture . 9 Lecteur CD-ROM... 10 Manipulation des CD «2... 10 Introduire un CD . 10 Retirer un CD .... : : : 10 Ecran Couleur. ett ala aa Seed 21 Procédurede Miseen Route ........ : 2 Sauvegarde Manuelle 3 Introduction .. 3 Démarrer I'Utili B Sauvegarde Automatique 5 Introduction . 5 Programmation Horaire 5 Démarrer I'Utilitaire 16 Restauration .....csecsecsrcsees 20 Constellation Center 2Computer . . 25 Introduction ......s.cceeeeesees 25 Control Panel «os... sceccsecees 26 Rear View . 27 Connectors... 28 Storage Devices .... 29 Tape Drive Dies 30 Handling Tips 2.02.0... i. 30 Inserting a Tape tieetereees 30 Removing a Tape. 30 Write-Protect a Tape 31 Floppy Drive . ae 32 Handling Tips vo... .cccccss 32 inserting Floppy Disk 32 Write-Protect a Floppy Disk 33 CD-ROM Drive ... a 34 Handling CDs... 34 Inserting a CD 34 Removing a CD 34 Color Monitor. 35 Startup Procedure . 36 Manual Backup .... 37 Overview 2.0... 7 Selecting Tape Drive Utility 37 Automatic Backup 39 Overview 39 Timing ...... Sette 39 Selecting Tape Drive Utility <0. 20.00.02. 40 Restore .. seen “4 ‘Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS/ VIDAS User Manual Supplement 0336 vA Liste des Figures / List of Figures Ordinateur Constellation Center2 ..... Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 taal Vue Avant du CC2 Ordinateur C2... Vue Arrigreduccz Connecteurs CC2 a Protection en Ecriture d'une Cassette destinée au CC2 Disquette cc2 .. Protection en Ecriture d'une Disquette C2 ....... woveuwne Constellation Center 2Computer ...... 25 Figure8 CC2 Front View ... eo 25 Figure9 _CC2 Control! Panel 26 Figure 10 CC2RearView . 27 Figure 11 CC2 Connectors ......- 28 Figure 12 CC2 Write-Protect Tape 3 Figure 13 CC2 Floppy Disk .. debt ae 32 Figure 14 CC2 Write-Protect a Floppy Disk .. vee 33 v2 ‘Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS / VIDAS User Manual Supplement Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Introduction La figure suivante illustre un ordinateur CC2. + Liordinateur CC2 possade : ~un disque dur, -un lecteur de disquette, -un lecteur de cassette interne et, -un lecteur de CD-ROM. 2 Ses |5 Figure 1 : Vue Avant du CC2 Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.96 Tableau de Bord Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Tableau de Bord La figure suivante illustre le tableau de bord ou panneau de commande de V’opérateur situé a l'avant du CC2. nin tlsation et Bouton Interrupteur Win erate ERAS Se, na Temoin Bouton _—‘Témoind’utilsation Ejection en urgence Ejectionen Autilsation d'une d’ejection dune cassette dela cassette urgence du CD disquette dune disquette Ejection dela cassette Figure 2 : Ordinateur CC2 interrupteur de marche/arrét Permet de mettre sous tension et hors tension l'ordinateur. Ejection en urgence du CD Introduire l'extrémité d'un trombone dans cet orifice pour éjecter un CD quand le bouton d'éjection du CD ne fonctionne pas. Bouton d’éjection du CD Libérele CD du lecteur de CD-ROM. Ce bouton ne fonctionne que lorsque le CC2 est sous tension. ‘Temoin d'utilisation d’un CD-ROM Clignote lorsque le lecteur de CD-ROM est en service Bouton d’éjection d'une disquette Libére une disquette du lecteur de disquette de 3,5 pouces. Témoin d’util tion d'une disquette S'allume lorsque l'ordinateur lit ou écrit sur une disquette. Témoin d’alimentation Lorsque ce témoin est allumé, il indique que l’ordinateur est sous tension. Témoin d'utilisation d’un Support ‘scsi S'allume lorsque I'ordinateur lit ou écrit sur le disque dur. z : ‘Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 0296 Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Vue Arrigre Vue Arriére La figure suivante montre l’arriére de l’ordinateur CC2. ! Commutateur _Connecteur parallle Connecteur Emplacements desélectionde 25 broches video d'adaptateurs tension optionnels Prise destinge au cordon d'alimentation Figure 3 : Vue Arrigre du CC2 Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.36 3 Vue Arrigre Connecteurs La figure suivante présente les connecteurs situés a l'arriére du CC2. « Connecteur du clavier © Connecteur de la souris Connecteurs série 4 9 broches Connecteur SCSI-2 Connecteurs Connecteur pour Connecteur d'entrée/sortie ——casque audio dela souris audio ©@ © Imma oGive eGiye OO / = Entrée Connecteur Connecteur Connecteur Connecteur microphone SCSI série2 série1 du clavier Figure 4: Connecteurs CC2 a ‘Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.96 Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Unités de Stockage Unités de Stockage Unité de disque dur Lecteur de cassette Unité de disquettes Lecteur de CD-ROM. Le disque dur est situé dans le boitier de ordinateur, les utilisateurs ne peuvent ni le voir, ni y aceéder. Le disque dur stocke de fagon permanente les logiciels de votre configuration. Il fournit également l’espace nécessaire au stockage des données EN LIGNE (internes). ~La totalité du logiciel est stockée dans le disque dur. Le lecteur de cassette sert principalement a créer et restaurer des sauvegardes du systéme et des données, Les disquettes servent principalement a mettre a jour le systéme avec les nouveaux logiciels. Les petites mises a jour ne nécessitant pas un CD vous seront adressées par courrier sous forme de disquette. Ces logiciels doivent étre exécutés une seule fois pour charger la mise a jour sur le disque dur. Le lecteur de CD sert principalement a mettre a jour le systéme avec de nouveaux logiciels qui vous seront adressés par courrier sous forme de CD. Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.96 5 Lecteur de Cassette Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Lecteur de Cassette Le CC2 est équipé d’un lecteur de cassette interne. Le lecteur de cassette permet de stocker des données externes de fagon permanente. Le lecteur de cassette sert principalement 4 créer et restaurer des sauvegardes du systéme et des données. Conseils d‘Utilisation « Conserver les cassettes a l’abri de la chaleur, de la lumiére solaire et des sources magnétiques. Ne pas toucher la surface recouverte d'oxyde métallique (bande). « Lorsque vous ne les utilisez pas, rangez les cassettes dans leurs bottiers protecteurs. Ne pas coller d’étiquette sur la surface métallique de la cassette. Cette zone permet la mise a la masse de la cassette et empéche ainsi Paccumulation d’électricité statique. Introduire une Cassette « Introduire en douceur partiellement la cassette dans le lecteur. Une fois la cassette partiellement engagée, le lecteur la tire entiérement a l'intérieur. Lorsqu’une cassette est introduite et le plateau refermé, la bande est automatiquement réenroulée. Retirer une Cassette Jere étape Pousser le bouton "EJECT". Lorsque vous eppuyer sur le bouton, Ia eassette est éjectée pour permettre de la retirer. e Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.96 Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Lecteur de Cassette Protéger une Cassette en Ecriture tere étape Repérer la languette RECORD de la cassette. Consulter la figure ci-dessous. 2ame étape « Faites entigrement glisser la languette sur la droite pour protéger la cassette en écriture. Figure 5 : Protection en Ecriture d’une Cassette destinée au CC2 Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.95 7 Lecteur de Disquette Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Lecteur de Disquette Les disquettes, minces supports recouverts d’une couche magnétique que l'on glisse dans le lecteur de disquette de Yordinateur, constituent un moyen fiable et compact de stockage des données. Conseils d’Utilisation Les disquettes peuvent étre endommageées facilement si elles ne sont pas manipulées correctement. Voici quelques conseils pour les conserver en bon état : « Les conserver a l’abri de toute source magnétique. Ne les posez pas sur le terminal. « Les conserver a Pabri du soleil, des radiateurs, des lampes, ete, Elles risquent de se déformer. « Les introduire et les sortir bien droites du lecteur. Une manipulation précipitée risque de les tordre ou de les rayer. Ne jamais retirer une disquette du lecteur lorsque le voyant est allumé. Introduire un Disquette Introduire la disquette en l'orientant de fagon a ce que I’éti- quette soit vers le haut et le volet métallique dirigé vers Tordinateur. Fleche indiquant lesens diintroduction Volet métallique Fenétre de e protection —>| (J | en écriture Etiquette Figure 6 : Disquette CC2 ‘Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.96 Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Lecteur de Disquette Protéger une Di juette en Ecriture Jere étape 2ame étape 3eme étape Orienter la disquette conformément a la figure ci-dessous. Fenétre de protection en écriture Figure 7 : Protection en Ecriture d’une disquette CC2 Repérer la fenétre de protection en écriture. Déplacer la languette située a l'arriere de la disquette, de fagon a ouvrir la fenétre de protection en écriture et protéger ainsi la disquette. Si vous pouvez voir a travers la fenétre, la disquette est protégée en écriture. Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.96 3 Lecteur de CD-ROM. Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Lecteur de CD-ROM. Manipulation des CD tere étape 2ame étape Nota: Introduire un CD tere étape 2ame étape 3eme étape 4eme étape Same étape Retirer un CD tere étape 2eme étape Beme étape « Tenir toujours les CD par les bords. « Les CD sont livrés dans un boitier protecteur dont le couvercle est en plastique transparent. » Ranger les CD dans leurs boitiers lorsque vous ne les utilisez pas. « Nettoyer régulitrement vos CD de facon a ce que le lecteur fonctionne correctement. Pour nettoyer un CD: ¢ Saisir le CD par les bords. * A l'aide d'un chiffon doux non pelucheux, « Essuyer le CD depuis le centre vers le bord externe. « Ne pas nettoyer un CD avec un mouvement circulaire, cela pourrait I'endommager et entrainer une perte de données. Votre lecteur de CD-ROM a son propre dispositif de nettoyage. Lors de chaque introduction d'un CD, une brosse nettoic les lentilles optiques. Ouvrir le coffret contenant le CD. « Retirer le CD de son boitier protecteur en appuyant sur le support central et en soulevant le CD par les bords. « Assurez-vous que l'ordinateur est sous tension puis, + Appuyer sur le bouton "EJECT" pour dégager le plateau & Placer le CD sur le plateau. « Repousser doucement le plateau a CD pour le fermer. Assurez-vous que l'ordinateur est sous tension. « Appuyer sur le bouton "EJECT" et le maintenir enfoncé. e Saisir le CD par les bords et le ranger dans son coffret. ‘Suppiément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.96 Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Ecran Couleur Ecran Couleur Votre systéme est équipé d'un écran couleur. Vous pouvez modifier les dimensions, la position, la couleur et la luminosité de l'image a l’aide des commandes situées derriere la porte de la face avant du moniteur. Pour les réglages de la position, dimension et forme de Kimage, se reporter au manuel utilisateur du constructeur. Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.96 i Procédure de Mise en Route Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Procédure de Mise en Route tere étape 2eme étape 3eme étape 4ame étape Le CC2 est automatiquement initialisé lors de sa mise sous tension. Au cours de la séquence d’initialisation, le CC2 charge son systéme d’exploitation dans la mémoire vive et exécute iiverses verifications nécessaires au bon fonctionnement du systéme. « Appuyer sur linterrupteur d’alimentation situé sur la face avant de lordinateur pour le mettre sous tension. Le témoin d’alimentation s‘allume et le systéme commence un test automatique de mise sous tension. L’cran affichant I'invite disparait et devient noir pendant quelques instants. Une fois la séquence d’initialisation du CC2 terminée, le message de connexion apparait a l’écran. Aumessage: login « Taper: videt, Appuyer sur . Aumessage: vid's password Appuyer sur . Aumessage: vid> © Taper: videt, « Appuyer sur . Le Menu Principal VIDAS apparait. R ‘Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.96 Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Sauvegarde Manuelle Sauvegarde Manuelle Introduction Nota: Les sauvegardes peuvent étre exécutées manuellement ou automatiquement. Avant d'effectuer une sauvegarde, assurez-vous que d'autres utilisateurs ne sont pas connectés au systéme. Avant de commencer, insérer une cassette formatée dans le lecteur. Démarrer I’Utilitaire + Si vous étes dans l'un des Menus VIDAS, pour retourner au prompt "vid>", © Sélectionner & partir du Menu Principal VIDAS : "12) Sortir du programme" ‘Au prompt "vid>", @ Appuyer sur D. Le message suivant apparait : login: Au message "login:", « Taper: root et, Appuyer sur . Le message suivant apparait : root's Password: Aumessage "root's Password:", Taper: vitek et, Appuyer sur . Le message suivant apparait : # (ou £) Aumessage "# (ou £)", « Taper: tape et, Appuyer sur . Le Menu Utilitaire Cassette apparait : UTILITAIRE CASSETTE 1) Inittaltsatton d'une nouvelle cassette 2) Sauvegarde d'une cassette 3) Restitution sur disque dur 4) Programmation de sauvegarde automatique sur cassette 5) Test lecteur /enregistreur de cassette 6)-Réenroulenent e Ta cassette 7) Effacer 1a cassette a) quitter Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.96 B Sauvegarde Manuelle Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Tere étape +A partir du Menu, pour sélectionner la sauvegarde, « Taper: 2 Le message suivant apparait : ATTENTION : Toutes les données présentes seront effacées Voulez vous continuer ? (0/n) 2eme étape Taper: 0 pour continuer la sauvegarde. Taper: n pour arréter la sauvegarde. Si vous avez tapé "o", le message suivant apparait : Sauvegarde systéme : encours... xLorsque Ja sauvegarde est terminée, le message de confirmation suivant apparait : Sauvegarde validée Temps écoulé: 9 min 32 sec. La durée de la sauvegarde peut varier. 3eme étape Pour retourner au Menu Utilitaire Cassette, « Appuyer sur . 4eme étape Pour retourner au Menu VIDAS, © Taper: q Le message suivant apparait : # (ou £) « Appuyer sur D. Le message suivant apparatt : Login: « Taper: vid et, Appuyer sur . Le message suivant apparait : vid's password Appuyer sur . Le message suivant apparait : vid> « Taper: vid et, « Appuyer sur . ‘Le Menu Principal VIDAS apparait. a Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.96 Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Sauvegarde Automatique Sauvegarde Automatique Introduction La fonction de sauvegarde automatique effectue une sauve- garde en votre absence et assure une sauvegarde réguliére sans risque d'oubli. Pour paramétrer le calendrier de sauvegarde, insérer une bande. Le systéme effectuera réguliérement la sauvegarde. Si vous le souhaitez, le systéme vous confirmera la bonne exécution de chaque sauvegarde grace a l'impression d'un message. Programmation Horaire Quelle est Ia programmation la plus adéquate pour l'exé- cution de la sauvegarde par le systéme? Bien que vous puissiez programmer une sauvegarde& ‘importe quel moment, nous vous recommandons de choisir tne Reure ou Pactivite du systeme est moindre. Vous pouvez par exemple programmer la sauvegarde automatiquement vers le milieu de la nuit lorsque vous n'utilisez pas votre VIDAS. Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.96 Td SP eet atest abate batted oP Toto ot oth Sauvegarde Automatique Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Démarrer Utilitaire 4 Si vous étes dans I'un des Menus VIDAS, pour retourner au prompt "vid>", « Sélectionner a partir du Menu Principal VIDAS: 12) Sortir du programme" Auprompt "vid>", Appuyer sur D. Le message suivant apparait : login: Aumessage “login:", « Taper: root et, Appuyer sur . Le message suivant apparait : root's Password: Au message "root's Password:", « Taper: vitek et, Appuyer sur . Le message suivant apparait : # (ou £) Aumessage "# (ou £)", « Taper: tape et, Appuyer sur . Le Menu Utilitaire Cassette apparait : UTILITAIRE CASSETTE 1) Initiatisation d'une nouvelle cassette 2) Sauvegarde d'une cassette 3) Restitution sur disque dur 4) Programmation de sauvegerde automatique sur cassette 5) Test lecteur / enregistreur de cassette 6) Réenrovlement de 1a cassette 1) Effacer 1a cassette a) Quitter 6 ‘Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.96 Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Sauvegarde Automatique tere étape 2ame étape 3ame étape «A partir du Menu Utilitaire Cassette, pour sélectionner la programmation de sauvegarde automatique sur cassette, Taper: 4 L'écran suivant apparait : Programmation de Sauvegarde Autonatique sur Cassette Jour de 1a semaine : ii Houre : 23 Impression de 1"état de Ta Sauvegarde : Out utiliser 1a flache pour déplacer 1@ curseur. FL selectionnera : SELECTIONNER ou NE PAS SELECTIONNER ce jour. CCTRLDA active/Désactive tous les jours Appuyer sur ENTREE pour sélectionner I'neure Lebas de I'écran affiche des instructions pour le paramétrage. ¢ Sélectionner le(s) jour(s) de la semaine pendant lesquels une sauvegarde sera effectuée en utilisant les touches ci- apres : La touche fléche gauche <-> etla touche flache droite <>> déplace le curseur de gauche a droite. A sélectionne ou désélectionne tous les jours de la semaine. sélectionne ou désélectionne un des jours de la semaine. Liécran affiche les jours sélectionnés en’ par exemple ffi sur l’écran ci-dessus. Pour sélectionner le champ "Heure", « Appuyer sur . Le curseur se déplace sur le champ "Heure". L'écran affiche 'heure actuelle de la sauvegarde. Vous pouvez garder I'heure affichée ou la changer. Programmation de Sauveparde Automatique sur Cassette Jour ée 1a ser Lun Nar Ner Jeu Ven San Impression Choistr 1a nouvelle heure (0 @ 23), puis appuyer sur ENTREE (ou appuyer directement sur ENTREE pour maintenir 1’heure initiate) Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.36 7 SS eee Sauvegarde Automatique Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 deme étape Pour garder l'heure affichée, ‘© Appuyer sur . Pour changer I'heure, © Taper l'heure de la sauvegarde et, « Appuyer sur . Le systéme utilise une numérotation horaire de 0 24 heures. L'cran vous demande si vous désirez imprimer une confirmation d'exécution de la sauvegarde et affiche l'état actuel de cette possibilité "Ou" ou "No! seme étape Pour garder l'état affiché, ¢ Appuyer sur . Si vous désirez obtenir une impression de confirmation lors de l'exécution de la sauvegarde, Taper: 0 et appuyer sur . x Si vous ne désirez pas d'impression de confirmation, Taper: n etappuyer sur . Le message suivant apparait: [sJauver les changements. [mJodifier. ou [q]uitter sans sauvegarde ? 6eme étape Choisir une des possibilités suivantes : Pour sauvegarder vos changements et retourner au Menu Utilitaire Cassette, « Taper: $ Pour revenir sur les champs permettant la programmation automatique de facon a modifier votre programmation, Taper: m «Pour garder la programmation telle qu'elle était précé- demment, Pour quitter I'écran Programmation de Sauvegarde Auto- matique et, Pour afficher le Menu Utilitaire Cassette, Taper: q Le programme de sauvegarde automatique formate la cassette, exécute la sauvegarde et vérifie le bon déroulement de la sauvegarde. Si la sauvegarde a échoué une premiére fois, le systéme exécute automatiquement cette procédure une seconde fois. 18 Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.96 Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Sauvegarde Automatique Teme étape * Pour retourner au Menu VIDAS, Taper: q Le message suivant apparait : | # (ou £) ¢ Appuyer sur D. Le message suivant apparait : Login: « Taper: vid et, « Appuyer sur . Le message suivant apparait : vid's password Appuyer sur . Le message suivant apparait: vid> | | | Taper: vid et, | Appuyer sur . Le Menu Principal VIDAS apparait. | | Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.96 19 ttt ttt) Restauration Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Restauration ATTENTION I ere étape 2ame étape 3eme étape 4eme étape Utiliser cette procédure pour restaurer une cassette contenant la sauvegarde complete de votre systéme. Ne PAS restaurer_ une sauvegarde sans instructions spécifiques dun technicien bioMérieux. « Appuyer sur le bouton "EJECT" du lecteur de CD-ROM. Le plateau sort du lecteur. e Insérer le CD-ROM CCCBASE dans le plateau et le refermer. © Mettre l'ordinateur CC2 hors tension. © Attendre environ 5 secondes et remettre l'ordinateur sous tension. * Aprés quelques instants, un écran similaire a I'écran ci- dessous apparait : "Please define the System Console Type the F1 key and press Enter to use this system console. Typ een Fi en druk op Enter om deze terminal als de systeemconsole to gebruiken. Skriv tallet Fi og trykk pas Enter for ae bruke denne terminalen som systenkonsoll. Pour définir ce terminal come console systéme, appuyez sur FL puis sur Entrée. Taste Fi und anschiiessend die Eingabetaste druecken, um diese Datenstation als Systemkonsole zu verwenden. Promere 11 tasto Fi ed Invio per usare questo teminal come console. Eseriba F1 y pulse Intro para utilizer este terminal como consola del sistena, Tryck paa Fi och sedan paa Enter om du wil) att den heer torminalen ska vara systeakonsol minal as the « Appuyer sur la touche puis sur . x Aprés quelques instants, I'écran suivant apparait : >>> 1 Type 1 and press Enter to have English during install. 2 Typ 2 en druk op Enter om tijdens het installeren het Nederlands te krijgen 3 Entrez 3 pour effectuer Iinstallation on francais. 4 Fur Installation in deutscher Sprache 4 eingeben und die Eingabetaste drucken 5 Immettere 5 € premere Invio per 1'installazione in Italiano. 6 Escriba 6 y pulse Intro para usar el sdfoma espago! durante 1a instslacisn 7 Skriv 7 och tryck net Enter = Svenska vid insteliationen 88 Help? >>> Choice [1] Le 20 ‘Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.96 Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Restauration seme étape Game étape Tame étape + Pour effectuer installation en frangais, « Sélectionner l'option "3" et appuyer sur . L’écran suivant apparatt : ‘Systéme d'exploitation de bi Installation et maintenance 2 Te numéro voulu et appuyez sur Entrée. Votre choix est signalé par >>: >>> 1 Lancement de I'installation avec paramétre par défaut 2 Modif /affich des paramatres d' installation et installation 3 Activation du mode maintenance pour Ta reprise 88 Aide? 90 Menu préck: nt >>> Chota [1]: # Ignorer le message d'avertissement. ¢ Taper: 3 etappuyer sur . L’écran suivant apparait : Maintenance Tapez le numéro voulu et appuyez sur Entrée. >>> 1 Acc’s & un groupe de volume Root 2 Copte de cliché systame sur support amovible 3 Accés aux fonctions de maintenance avancées 4 Installation a partir d'une savvegarde systéne 88 Aide? 980 Menu précédent >>> choix (1): Pour installer la sauvegarde de votre systéme, © Taper: 4 et appuyer sur . L’écran suivant apparatt : Choix de T'unité de bande Tapez Te numéro de unite Anstaller et eppuyer sur Entré nde contenant 1a sauvegarde du systéme a Unite de ban Chemin d'acces >>> 1 Tapo/sest/ost /dov/ rato 88 Aide? 90 Menu précedent >>> Choix C1]: ‘Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.96 2 Pett od Restauration Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Same étape « Insérer votre cassette de sauvegarde dans le lecteur. Nota: Ne pas continuer tant que la cassette n'a pas été correctement insérée danse lecteur. 9eme étape Pour sélectionner l'option par défaut " © Appuyer sur . Le systéme accéde au lecteur et le message suivant apparait : /usr/bin/ksh: /preload: not found « Ignorer ce message. x Aprés quelques instants, l'écran de sélection de la langue apparait a nouveau (voir 48me étape). « Sélectionner la langue voulue. ‘Le Menu d'Tnstallation réapparait : Systome d'exploitation de base Installation et maintenance Tapez Te numéro voulu et appuyez sur Entrée. Votre choix est signalé par >>? >>> 1 Lancement de I'installation avec paramétre par défaut 2 Modit/affich des parametres d'instellation et installation 3 Activation du mode maintenance pour la reprise 88 Aide? 90 Menu préceaent >>> Choi [1]: 10éme étape Pour sélectionner l'option par défaut "1", « Appuyer sur . Un écran de confirmation apparait : Installation - Avertissement AVERTISSEMENT : L’ installation du BOS risque de détruire des données ou de rendre leur récupération impossible. Avant de 1a lancer, 17 est consei11é 4’ effectuer une sauvegarde du systéme >>> 1 Suite de D installation 88 Arde? 90 Menu prececent >> Chotx [1] : 2B ‘Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.96 Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 Restauration Teme étape 12eme étape 13éme étape 14eme étape x Pour sélectionner l'option par défaut "1", Appuyer sur . L'écran affiche l'état de l'opération d'installation de votre sauvegarde : Installation du systéme d'exploitation de base Veuillez patientez. Environ Temps écoulé X effectué (s) (on minutes) 36 2 Création des volumes Togiques L'installation dure environ 30 minutes. » Lorsque I'installation est terminée, un écran final apparait : Lrinstettation du systeme d'explottation de base est terminge. Veuillez effectuer les opérations ct-apras pour activer les modifications apportées lors de 1’ installation, 1 Remove the intaTlation media. 2 Press the ENTER key to restart (reboot) the system. Appuyer sur les boutons "EJECT" du lecteur CD-ROM. Le plateau sort du lecteur. « Retirer le CD-ROM et la cassette de leurs lecteurs. Refermer le plateau du lecteur de CD-ROM. Ranger le CD-ROM dans son boitier. Appuyer sur . Le systdme se réinitialise. Pendant le processus d'initialisation, le systéme affiche une date et une heure et vous demande de confirmer. ‘Supplément Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.36 23 Restauration Ordinateur Constellation Center 2 15eme étape Cette étape comporte deux options : x Si la date et I'heure affichées sont correctes, © Taper: y et, « Appuyer sur . x Sila date et I'heure ne sont pas correctes, « Taper: n et, « Appuyer sur . « Entrer la nouvelle date et heure en respectant le format : MM/DD/YY ,HH: MM « Appuyer sur . Le processus de réinitialisation se termine par le message "Login". 24 ‘Supplement Manuel Utilisateur VIDAS 03.96 Constellation Center 2 Computer | Introduction The figure below shows the front view of the CC2 computer. * The CC2 computer has: -ahard drive, -a floppy drive, -an internal tape drive and, -a CD-ROM drive. ® S14 | Figure 8: CC2 Front View VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.96 ry Control Panel Constellation Center 2 Computer Control Panel The figure below shows the operator control panel located on the front of the CC2. Power On ‘SCSI Media CD-ROM CD Eject Power Light In-Use Light In Use Light Button ‘Switch 4 —< 4S Z | o g 4 \ ea Diskette Drive. Diskette ‘Tape Emergenc) clit ond Incse ight Reet Button InUsetight Tape ect cet Tape ject Figure 2 : Ordinateur CC2 Power Switch Turns computer power ON and OFF. Emergency CD Eject Insert the end of a paper clip to eject a CD when the CD eject button does not work. CD Eject Button Releases CD from CD-ROM drive. The CD eject button works only when the CC2 is powered on. (CD-ROM Drive In-Use Light Blinks when CD-ROM drive is in use. Diskette Eject Button —_ Releases diskette from 3.5 inch diskette drive. Diskette Drive In-Use Light Iluminates when computer is reading from or writing to a diskette. Power-On Light Illuminates when computer is ON. SCSI Media In-Use Light Illuminates when computer is reading from or writing to the hard disk. 26 VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.96 Constellation Center 2 Computer Rear View Rear View The figure below shows the rear view of the CC2 model. Voltage 25-Pin Parallel Video Optional Selection _ Printer Port Connector Adapter Slots ‘Switch \ ° \ ° ° = Power Cord Receptacle Figure 10: CC2 Rear View . VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.96 D7 Rear View ion Center 2 Computer Connectors a figure below shows the connectors on the back of the ¢ Keyboard connector © Mouse connector ¢ 9-pin serial connectors e SCSI-2 connector Audio input/ Headphone bien Output Ports Port Connector hf ecencl nae Microphone SCSI Serial Serial Keyboard Connector Connector2 Connector 1 Connector Figure 11: CC2 Connectors 28 VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.96 Constellation Center 2 Computer Storage Devices Storage Devices Hard Disk Drive Tape Drive Floppy Disk Drive CD Drive The hard drive is enclosed inside the computer box, and cannot be seen or accessed by users. The hard drive permanently stores the system-operating programs. It also provides space for storing ONLINE data. All the system software is stored on the hard drive. The chief use of the tape drive is to create and restore system and data backups. The chief use of the floppy disks is to update the system with new software, Smaller updates that do not require a CD will be mailed in the form of floppy disks. These need to be run, just once, to load the update into the hard disk. The chief use of the CD is to update the system with new software that will be mailed to you in the form of CDs. VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.96 23 Tape Drive Constellation Center 2 Computer Tape Drive Your CC2 computer comes with an internal tape drive. The tape drive lets you store data permanently OFFLINE. The chief use of the tape drive is to create and restore system and data backups. Handling Tips | « Keep tape cartridges away from heat, sunlight, and magnetic sources such as transformers or CRTs. Do not touch the metal oxide (tape) surface on the cartridge. Keep the cartridges in their protective cases when not in use, * Do not apply labels to metal surface of the cartridge. This are a grounds the cartridge, which prevents static build- up. Inserting a Tape * Gently insert the tape partially into the tape drive. Once the tape is partially inserted, the drive pulls the tape the rest of the way into the drive. Once a tape cartridge has been loaded and the tape tray closes, the tape automatically rewinds to the beginning. Removing a Tape Step 1 e Push the tape "EJECT" button. %* When the button is pressed, the tape is ejected through the tape door for removal. 30 VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.96 | Constellation Center 2 Computer Tape Drive Write-Protect a Tape Step 1 Find the RECORD tab on the tape. See the figure below. | | Step 2 « Slide the tab all the way to the right to write-protect the tape. Figure 12: CC2 Write-Protect Tape VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.96 3M Floppy Drive Constellation Center 2 Computer Floppy Drive Floppy disks, the slim diskettes coated with magnetic film, which you slip into the computer floppy disk drive, are reliable, compact media for data storage. Handling Tips Floppy disks are easy to damage if handled incorrectly. Here are some tips for keeping them in good condition: « Keep them away from anything magnetic, including power or CRT transformers. Dont lay them on the data terminal. « Keep them out of the sunlight, away from heaters, light bulbs, ete. They can warp. « Move them carefully straight in and straight out of the disk drive. If you're in a hurry and handle them roughly, you risk bending or scratching them. Don't move a floppy disk in or out of the disk drive when the floppy light is on. Inserting Floppy Disk Insert the floppy disk so the label faces up, inserting the metal shutter first. Arrow showing the sense of —» Metal insertion shutter Write-Protect — Window Label Figure 13: CC2 Floppy Disk 32 VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.96 Constellation Center 2 Computer Floppy Drive Write-Protect a Floppy Disk. Step 1 « Orient the floppy as shown in the figure below. Write-Protect Window Figure 14: CC2 Write-Protect a Floppy Disk Step2 Locate the write-protect window. Step 3 Move the plastic square on the back of the disk so that the write-protect window is open. The disk is write-protected. If you can see through the window, the floppy is write- protected. VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.96 3 CD-ROM Drive Constellation Center 2 Computer CD-ROM Drive Handling CDs Step 1 Step2 NB: Handle CDs by the edges only. CDs are shipped in a protective case with clear plastic cover. «Use the case to store the CD when you are not using it. ¢ Periodically clean your CDs so the CD-ROM operates correctly. * Toclean a CD: ¢ Grasp the CD by the edges only. Using a soft, lint-free cloth, ‘« Wipe the CD from the center to the outer edge. « Donot clean a CD ina circular pattern. This could damage it, resulting in a loss of data. Your CD-ROM drive has its own cleaning feature. Each time you insert CD, a brush cleans the optical lens. Inserting a CD Step1 Step2 Step3 Step 4 Step 5 Removing a CD. Open the protective case containing the CD. « Remove the CD from the protective case by pressing down on the center hub and lifting the CD by the edges. Be sure your computer is turned on; then press the “EJECT” button to extend the CD tray. ¢ Place the CD on the tray. « Gently push in the CD tray to close. Step 1 Be sure your computer is turned on. Step 2 « Press and hold the "EJECT button. Step3 © Grasp the CD by the edges and place it in its protective case. 34 VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.96 Constellation Center 2 Computer Color Monitor Color Monitor The computer comes with a color monitor. The image size, position, color and brightness can be altered by using the controls located behind the door on the front of the monitor. + See the user's manual that comes with your color monitor for information on using the monitor. VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.96 35 Startup Procedure Constellation Center 2 Computer Startup Procedure Step1 Step2 Step3 Step4 The CC2 boots itself, automatically, whenever the AC power comes on. During the boot sequence the CC2 loads its operating system into active memory, and it performs various operations checks necessary toTun the system smoothly. Press the power switch located on the front panel to turn the computer ON. ‘The power indicator comes on and the system starts a power- on self test. The screen with the prompt will disappear and the screen. will become black for a few moments. When the CC2 has completed the boot sequence, the login prompt appears. Atthe "login:" prompt, Type: vid and, Press . The "vid's password" prompt appears. Atthe "vid's password” prompt, Press . ‘The "vid>" prompt appears. Atthe "vid>" prompt, Type: vid and, « Press . ‘The VIDAS Main Menu appears. 36 VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.56 Constellation Center 2 Computer Manual Backup Manual Backup Overview Backup may be manual or automatic. NB: Always make sure that other users are not on the system. Load a formatted cartridge into the tape drive before you start. Selecting Tape Drive Utility x Ifyou are at a VIDAS Menu, to return to the "vi d>" prompt, « Select from the VIDAS Main Menu: "12) Exit Program" Atthe "vid>" prompt, Press D. ‘The following message appears: login: Atthe "login:" prompt, Type: root and, © Press . The following message appears: root's Password: Atthe "root's Password:" prompt, Type: vitek and, ¢ Press . The following message appears: # (or £) Atthe "# (or £)" prompt, Type: tape and, « Press . The Streaming Tape Utility Menu appears: STREAMING TAPE UTILITY 1) Initialize a new Tape Cartridge 2) BACKUP 3) RESTORE 4) ic Tape Backup 5) tridge 8) 6 Cartridge 7 cartridge a) VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.36 7 Manual Backup. Constellation Center 2 Computer Step 1 * From the Menu to select backup, « Type: 2 The following message appears: CAUTION: All Data on the Tape Cartridge will be ERASED. Do you wish to continue? (y/n) Step 2 Type: y tocontinue the backup. Type: n toabortit. x Ifyoutape "y" the screen flashes the message: SYSTEM Backup: Working... % When the backup is completed, the following confirmation message appears: BACKUP Successful TIME ELAPSED: 9 min 32 sec. Elapsed times for backups will vary. Step3 To return to the Streaming Tape Utility Menu, « Press . Step 4 To return to the VIDAS Menu, © Type: q ‘The following message appears: # (or £) Press D. The following message appears: Login: Type: vid and, Press . The following message appears: vid's password Press . The following message appears: | vid> Type: vid and, @ Press . The VIDAS Main Menu appears. 38 VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.96 Constellation Center 2 Computer Automatic Backup Automatic Backup Overview The automatic backup feature performs backups in your absence and it ensures backup consistency because it will not forget to do them. You set the schedule, load a tape, and let the system perform regular backups. If you wish, the system will confirm each backup with a message to the printer. Timing What is a good time to schedule backup? Although you may set automatic backups for any day or hour that you wish, we recommend choosing a time of day when system activity is very low. Many labs schedule automatic backups during the middle of the night when technologists are unlikely to be using the VIDAS. VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.36 39 ‘Automatic Backup Constellation Center 2 Computer Selecting Tape Drive Utility x If you are at a VIDAS Menu, to return to the "vid>" prompt, # Select from the VIDAS Menu: "12) Exit Program" | Atthe "vid>" prompt, | « Press D. | The following message appears: | login: | | Atthe "login:” prompt, e Type: root and, « Press . The following message appears: root's Password: Atthe "root's Password:" prompt, | * Type: vitek and, # Press . The following message appears: # (or £) Atthe "# (or £)" prompt, © Type: tape and, « Press . The Streaming Tape Utility Menu appears. STREAWING TAPE UTILITY 1) Initialize a new Tape Cartridge 2) BACKUP 3) RESTORE 4) Scheduie Autonatic Tape Backup 5) Test Orive & Cartridge 8) Rewing the Tape Cartridge 7) Erase the Tape Cartridge a) Quit a VIDAS User Manual Supplement 0396 | Constellation Center 2 Computer ‘Automatic Backup Step1 % From the Menu to select Schedule Automatic Tape Backup, o Type: 4 The following screen appears: SCHEDULE AUTOMATIC TAPE BACKUP Use the ARROW keys to move the cursor. FA (blue) will either SELECT or DESELECT that day arrow key and the right <> arrow key move the cursor left and right. A toggles to back up all days or no days. toggles to select or deselect a day. The screen marks selected backup days in STMZEMIEES, like on the screen above. Step3 * To select the "Hour" field, Press . The cursor moves to the "Hour" field. The screen displays the current time for the backup. You can keep the time shown, or change the time. SCHEDULE AUTOMATIC TAPE BACKUP Select the new HOUR (0 to 23), then press RETURN (or just RETURN to retain value) ‘VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.96 at Automatic Backup Constellation Center 2 Computer step 4 To keep the time shown, Press . To change the time shown, Type the time for the backup in the Hour field and, Press . The system uses 24-hour time where 0 is midnight and 23 is 11pm. The screen asks whether you want a backup confirmation sent to the printer and displays the current print backup status as either "Yes" or "No". | Step 5 %& To keep the status shown, | © Press . | x Ifyou want confirmation of the automatic backup, e Type: y and press . x Ifyou do not want confirmation, e Type: n and press . The following message appeal [s]ave the changes. [mJodity. or [q]uit without saving? step6 Choose one of the following: * To save your changes and return to the Streaming Tape Utility Menu, © Type: s To move the cursor to the Type of Backup field so you can modify any of the fields on the schedule, Type: @ To quit the automatic schedule screen, leave the fields as they were when you entered, and display the Streaming Tape Utility Menu, Type: q The automatic backup program always formats the tape, forms the backup, and checks the tape to confirm that the ackup is successful. If the backup is not successful, the system automatically performs this process a second time, a VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.96 Constellation Center 2 Computer ‘Automatic Backup Step7 * To return to the VIDAS Menu, © Type: q The following message appears: # (or £) « Press D. The following message appears: Login: Type: vid and, Press . The following message appears: vid's password « Press . The following message appears: vid> Type: vid and, ¢ Pross . The VIDAS Main Menu appears. VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.96 a Restore Constellation Center 2 Computer Restore WARNING! Step1 Step2 Step 3 Step 4 Use these procedures to restore a tape containing a full system backup. Do not restore a system backup tape unless you have instructions from bioMérieux. © Press the "EJECT" button on the CD-ROM drive. ‘The tray should slide out. Insert the CCCBASE CD-ROM in the tray and close it. « Turn power to the CC2 computer Off. Wait 5 seconds, then turn the power back on. * After a few moments, a screen similar to the following will appear: 8 the System Conso Type the FI key ang press Enter to use this teminal as the system console Typ een F1 en druk op Enter om deze te systeemconsole to gebrutken. ‘Skriv tallet Fi og trykk pas Enter for aa bruke denne termineten som systemkonsol! Pour détinir ce terminal comme console systéme, appuyez sur Fi puts sur Entrée. Taste Fi und anschliessend die Eingabetaste druecken, um diese Datenstation als Systemkonsote zu verwer Premere 11 tasto Fi ed Invio por usare questo ter ‘cone console. Escriba Fi y pulse Intro para utilizar esta termina? como console del sistema Tryck paa FL och sedan pas Enter om du will att den haor terminalen ska vara systemkonsol. nal als de nat « Type the key and press . + After a few moments, the following screen appears: >>> 1 Type 1 and press Enter to have English during install. 2 Typ 2 en éruk op Enter om tijéons het installeren het Nederlands te krijgen. 3 Entrez 3 pour effectuer 1'instellation en francais, 4 Fur Installation in deutscher Sprache 4 eingeben und die Eingabets rucke 5 Innettere § © prenere Invio per I'installezione in Iteliano. 6 Esertba 6 y pulse Intro para user 1 idioma espago! durante 1a instelacisn. 7 Skriv 7 och tryck net Enter = Svenska vid installationen. 88 Help? >>> ches} cy: VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.96 Constellation Center 2 Computer Restore Step 5 Step 6 Step7 To select the default option "1", « Press . The next screen appears: Welcome to Base Operating Syston InstaTiation ané Maintenance Type the number of your choice ané press Enter. Choice is indicated by >?> >>> 1 Start Install How with DerauTt Settings 2 Change/Show Installation Settings and Install 3 Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery 88 Help? In invalid disk (00-00-0S-00) 90 Previous Menu | Jocation field of the data 11) 1s specified in tng >>> chotee [1]: « Ignore the warning message. Type: 3 and press to start Maintenance Mode. The following menu appears: Maintenance Type the nuaber of your choice and press Enter. >>> 1 Access @ Root Volune Group 2 Copy @ System Dump to Removable Media 3 Access Advanced Maintenance Functions 4 Install from a System Backup 88 Help? 90 Previous Nenu >>> Chetes [1]: To install a system backup, « Type: 4 and press . The following screen appears: Choose Tape Drive Type the number of the tape drive containing the system backup to be instelled and press Enter. Drive Path Nene /sesi/ost /aov/emto Herp? 80 Previous Menu >>> Choice [1]: VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.96 a5 SS EEE SSS SS SS SS SSS SS SS SSS SSS So Restore Constellation Center 2 Computer Step 8 « Place your system backup tape in the tape drive. NB: Do not proceed until the backup tape has been properly inserted into the drive. Step 9 x To select the default option "1", Press . The system accesses the tape drive and the following message appears, but it can be ignored: /usr/bin/ksh: /preload: not found In a few moments, the language selection menu appears again (see Step 4). Select English. The main installation menu reappears: Welcone to Base Operating System Installation and Maintenance Type the number of your choice and press Enter, Choice is indicated by >>> >>> 1 Start Install Now with Derauit Settings 2 Change/Show Installation Settings and Instat? 3 Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery 88 Help? 90 Previous Nenu >>> Choice [1]: Step 10 To select the default option "1", Press . A confirmation screen appears: Installation Warning WARNING : Base Operating System InsteTiation m ‘impair recovery of your system. troy or 8, Before instelling, you should back up >>> 4 Continue with InstelT 88 Help? 80 Previous Menu >> Choice [1]: rr VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.95 Constella n Center 2 Computer Restore 118me étape Step 12 Step 13 Step 14 To select the default option "1", Press . The screen begins to display the status of the software install operatioi Install ing Base Operating System Ploase watt... ‘Approximate Elapsed time % tasks complete (io minutes) 38 2 Restoring base operating systeh ‘The installation takes about 30 minutes. * When the installation is complete, a final screen appears: Base Operating System installation is complete @ perform the following si ‘the changes made during this instatiation, 1 Remove the intallation media. 2 Press the ENTER key to restart (reboot) the system. e Press the "EJECT" button on the CD-ROM drive. The tray will slide out. « RemovetheCD-ROM and the backup tape from their drives. @ Close the CD-ROM tray. e Store the CD-ROM in a protective case. Press . ‘The system reboots. * During this reboot process, the system displays a date and time and prompts you for confirmation. VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.96 a7 Restore Constellation Center 2 Computer Step 15 ‘This step has two options: x If the date and time displayed are correct, « Type: y and, Press . x Ifthe date or time is incorrect, e Type: n and, © Press . Enter the correct date and time in the format: MM/DD/YY HH: MM « Press . The reboot process ends with the "Log in” prompt. Be VIDAS User Manual Supplement 03.96 Ref. 4501-665/666 EN ADDENDUM VIDAS software version VID-R@5.1. VDM-RQ5.1 PTC-ROS5.1 (to be inserted in the VIDAS Procedures Manual) bioMérieux bioMérieux sa 69280 Marcy-l'Etoile / France Tel. 04 78 87 20 00 - Fax 04 78 87 20 90 Telex 330967 Printed in France RS /Lyon 8 673 620399 Table of contents General information on the use of the VIDAS 1 Loadhelp screen «2.0.4... alee ttc 1 Optimizing sections .......... eee eee i Assay /Instrument configuration ........ ee eroeT eS 3 End of run beepoption .........0005 oie cory 3 | Requesting patients from menu 2: automatic work list creation ...... see Using the VIDAS with a Laboratory Information System (LIS) ........ 5 Data transmitted by the computer (menu 7-6) . eet ee ree eeee eee, 5 Configuring the VIDAS for connection . See eeeees seeeeeeeeee 5 Using menu 1 “enter patient information" ... se eeeneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee & Using menu 2 “create work list” ......... Z ie 6 Load helpscreen ... abeeee 7 6 Verification after analysis .. eat 7 ‘Addendum - VIDAS Procedures Manual ef. 4507-665/666 EN va v2 ‘Addendum - VIDAS Procedures Manual Ret. 4507-655/665EN Addendum General information on the use of the VIDAS x The following appear on the screen: -assay names, - sample volume, - dilution factor, -patient name and/or sample IDs (depending on the option selected in menu 11-2) shown in the work lists, with the Load help screen | | positions reserved for those assays. sample must be dispensed are displayed in reverse video. Depending on the option selected in menu 11-12, either the {you enter the patient or sample ID, the strip into which the patient name or the patient ID will appear. | Patient name Id. Patient Assay / sample vol. Assay / sample vol. ‘Sample 1D (12 characters) ‘Sample ID (12 characters) Patient name(8 characters) / Dilution factor Patient ID (8 characters) / Dilution factor Optimizing sections This only concerns menu 1 "Enter patient info". Three possibilities are available using menu 11-3: 1)Disable automatic work list creation: All assays requested will be stored in the instrument memory (queued). Subsequently, it is possible to specify the order in which assays are to be performed and to group them in series. To do this, fo into menu 2 (create work list) of the Main ‘Menu and call up the required assay. All the patients concerned will be displayed in the work list. This is a way of working by series of dosages which nonetheless retains all the advantages of menu 1 (enter patient info). The assays entered can be found in menu 7-6. ‘Addendum - VIDAS Procedures Manual Ref. 4501-665/666EN 7 General information on the use of the VIDAS ‘Addendum 2) Automatic work list creation mode for full sections only: The VIDAS creates work lists in such a way that the number of compatible tests is a multiple of 6, ie. only full sections (A, B, C, D, E) are shown on the work list. The remaining tests are queued. The queued patient records can be called up: x Either from menu 1 "Enter patient information” if you reply “yes” to the following question: "Load tests from previous session”. The VIDAS will ask you then: "Do you want a workflow optimization" Ifyou reply "no", work lists will then be created according to the protocols requested, even if some sections are not full. If you reply "yes" and if there are not enough tests remaining to complete at least one section, no work list will be created. * Or from menu 2 (create work list), as for option 1 (deactivate . work list creation). 3) Automatic work list creation mode for full and partial | sections: The tests requested for each patient record from menu 1 are automatically loaded into a work list by protocole type. A number will be assigned to each work list, The order in which assays are performed depends on the order in which they were entered. NB: We recommend you not to use option 2) "Automatic work list creation if full section” when assigning an assay to several analytical modules. z ‘Addendum - VIDAS Procedures Manual Ref, 4501-665/666EN Addendum. General information on the use of the VIDAS Assay / Instrument configuration xIf several analytical modules are connected to the same Workstation, assays can be assigned to each module (menu Example: T3 test code instrument priority (VIDAS module number) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Sth old priorities current new priorities 1__2 Explications: The TS assay was configured on the "current" VIDAS (i.e. | the one on which the work list was created). As a new priority it is first configured on the VIDAS 7 and then, if there is no space available, on the VIDAS 2. The key enables you to enter the "current" option ie. the assay is performed on the VIDAS that appears on the screen, The R key deletes the line of new priorities so that the "current" option can be entered in its place. wThe P key makes it possible to print the whole assignment list of assays per instrument and their priorities. This command does not appear on the screen. When creating a work list (from menu 2), if an assay is requested but not assigned to the current VIDAS, it can be | added to this work list by replying "yes" to the following question: Testnot set up for current VIDAS. Add to work list anyway (y/n) It is nonetheless necessary to calibrate the VIDAS. End of run beep option If the "end of run beep" option is enabled (menu 11-13), the VIDAS will signal the end of the work list analysis and the result printing by a series of 10 beeps. /IDAS Procedures Manual Ref. 4501-665/656 EN 3 General information on the use of the VIDAS Addendum Requesting patients from menu 2: automatic work list creation x If you call up an assay for which there is no queued analysis, the following message appears on the screen: currently 4 HCG tests on file Enter number of tests to run At this stage, you can perform: - All queued assays by pressing , -Some of the assays: either by entering the number of tests required and pressing if you do not want to select particular files among the remaining patient files. or by choosing patient files by pressing and selecting each patient file using the space bar. - Ifyou wish to disregard them: Type: 0 (zero) The VIDAS asks if you wish to add other patients. . The following message appears on the screen: Enter the assay code Enter number of HCG Stds/Ctis The VIDAS will display all the requested assays (queued + ew request) and will suggest identifying the new patient files. The IDs of queued patient files will be displayed subsequently. a “Addendum - VIDAS Procedures Manual Re a501-655/666EN Addendum Using the VIDAS with a Laboratory Information System (LIS) Using the VIDAS with a Laboratory Information System (LIS) Data transmitted by the computer (menu 7-6) The patient identification (pi), sample identification (ci) and the assays to be performed appear on this screen. ‘The requests are continuously received from the Laboratory Information System. They are sorted by: 1) patient identification (pi) 2) sample identification (ci) The pi and ci fields can inelude up to 12 characters. The pi field is used in menu 1 "Enter Patient Information". The ci field is used in menu 2" Create Work List”. The pi and ci fields must be identical to allow the user to choose. In practice, the pi and ci correspond to the barcode of the sample tube. Configuring the VIDAS for connection Menu 11-2: Demographic data entry option DISABLED: Only the patient identification (pi) will be used when entering data manually or when reading bar codes in the case of a unidirectional connection where results are sent to the LIS. ENABLED: After the (pi) bar code has been read, the patient name (on) and the sample identification (ci) are entered automatically in the case of a bidirectional connection. Menu 11-3: Automatic work list creation 1) DISABLED: To work from menu 2 "Create Work List" 2) AUTOMATIC IF FULL SECTION: To work from menu 1 “Enter Patient Information" with automatic work list creation in multiples of 6 tests ; the remaining tests are queued (menu 7-5). 3) AUTOMATIC: To work from menu 1 "Enter Patient Information" and create a work list automatically. ‘Addendum - VIDAS Procedures Manual Ref. 4507-665/666 EN 5 Using the VIDAS with a Laboratory Information System (LIS) Addendum. Menu 11-4: Work list validation mode A CONNECTED VIDAS must be in DISABLED validation mode. Menu 11-11: Assay / Instrument configuration A multi-modules configuration must be customized to avoid having to calibrate the different modules on a single parameter. Menu 11-12: Load help configuration You can choose to display either the patient identification (pi) or the patient name (pn) on the "Load Help Screen". Only the first 8 characters will be displayed. A barcode with more than 8 characters will use the correponding sample identification (ci) . Using menu 1 “enter patient information” ‘The use of a bar code reader is recommended. After patient information has been entered, work lists are created automatically. + If the option is enabled (menu 1-2-3), and the optimization of the work lists has been confirmed, the lists become multiples of 6 tests; the user is informed that the remaining tests have been queued. The next time you enter information, you have the possibility to load the tests of the previous session so that queued tests can be included in new work lists. x Jn a multi-module configuration, work lists are assigned to the corresponding module. Using menu 2 "create work list” * When loading a work list, the imported data can be selected so that this list only includes the tubes received. You must check whether the test you want has been assigned to the module in which you entered the work list. If not, you will be informed. However, you can create this work list but you will have to calibrate the corresponding parameter. Load help screen For each test, the following information is displayed: 1) test name / sample volume to be distributed. 2) sample identification (ci) with a maximum of 12 digits. 8) either the first 8 digits of the patient identification (pi) / dilution rate (if there is one), or the first 8 characters of the patient's name (pn) / dilution factor (if there is one). When the bar code is read, the exact position of the sample(s) in the VIDAS is displayed 6 ‘Addendum VIDAS Procedures Manual Ret, 45 ‘Addendum Verification after analysis Verification after analysis When analyses are completed, the section indicator light flashes: e Remove the reagent strips that have been used. « Remove the SPRs and check they still have their colored sticker. CAUTION! It a SPR no longer has its colored sticker, do not take the result into account. Clean the SPR compartment and make sure the SPR seal is clean. Perform the analysis again for the faulty SPR. Inform your bioMérieux Technical Assistance Department. ‘Addendum - VIDAS Procedures Manual Ref. 4507-665/666EN Product No. 99035 - B REV 02.94 VIDAS Procedures Manual With Data Management (VDM) bioMérieux bioMérieux sa 69280 Marcy-I'Etoile / France Tél. 78 87 20 00 - Fax 78 87 20 90 Télex 330967 Printed in France / RCS / Lyon 8673 620 399 Australia Unit 176 Gladstone Road Caste Hill NSW 2154 tel (02) 899 4600- fax (61 2) 899 1232 ust bioMérieux Austria GmbH Lamezanstrasse 17 ‘a-1232 Wien ‘tal (1) 61555 19 - fax (1) 61555 19-33 Belgium bioMérieux Benelux s.a/nv. rue Victor Hugo 215 - 1040 Bruxelies ‘tel (02) 736 59 48- fax (02)733 55 97 - telex 61909 Bras Biolab MérieuxS/A Estrada Mapua 49) Jacerepgua 22713 Riode Janeiro RJ tel (21) 445 5454- fax (21) 445 6099 - telex 21312111 Canada bioMérieux Canada, Inc. 8114-8 Route Transcanadienne StLaurent- Québec H4S 1MS tel. (514) 336 7321- fax (514) 336.6450 ‘Av. Ricardo Lyon 1899, Provide Casa 2281 - Ck. Santiago de Chile ‘el, (562) 251 40 47- fax (562) 209 16 0664813 France bioMérieux sa 69280 Marcy-"Etoile tel. 7887 2000- fax 78 87 2090- telex 330967 Germany bioMérieux Deutschland GmbH ‘Weberstrasse 8- D 72622 Nurtingen tel, (07022) 3007 0 fax (07022) 361 10- telex 726741442 Hong Kong - China blondrioux vite Hong Kong Ld IF, Parkview Commercial Bul 3:11 Shetter St causeway Bay Hong Kong tel (952) 880 6067 fax (852) 8955178 aly bioMérieux Italia $.p.A. Via G. Moscati 9- 00168 forma tel, (06) 30 14 454 - fax (06) 30 50079 - telex 625458 Distr Japan bioMérieux Vitek - Japan Ltd. Yanagisawa bldg, 14-12 Hirakawacho 2-chome Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102 tel. 03 (5210) 3221 - fax 03 (5210) 3150 Korea bioMérieux Korea Suit 1012 Samhung Bldg. 705-9 ‘Yuksam-Dong- Kangnarn-Ku-Seoul ‘el, (82) 2 562 8260- fax (82) 2 562 8262 Mexico bioMérieux México s. Ay. Cuauhtemoc N" 1338. oi. Santa Cruz Atoyac- Benito Juarez €P.03310 México, DF. ‘tel & fax (525) 604 02 43 ‘The Netherlands bioMérieux Benelux BV Bruistensingel 620 5232 AJ's- Hertogenbosch, tel. (073) 44 18 18/ fax (073) 242211 Poland bioMérieux Polska Sp. z 0.0. ul. Zelazna 68 00-856 Warszawa tl. (22) 20.40 81-20 30 76 -fax(22) 24.24.34 Portugal bioMérieux Portuguesa Lda Calgada de Santa Catarina, 9Cr/cDto Cruz Quebrada - 1495 Lisboa tel. 41502 78-fax 41501 18 telex 64813 ‘Spain bioMérieux Espafa s.a, Manuel Tovar 36 - 28034 Madrid ‘tel (91) 358 11 42- fax (91) 358 06 29 - 46520 Switzerland bioMérieux Suisse s.a. 51, avenue Blanc. 1202 Geneve tel (022) 732 57 60- fax (022) 738 88 42 United Kingdom bioMérieux UK Limited Grafton Way, Basingstoke Hampshire RG22 6HY te. (0256) 461 B81 -fax (0256) 816.863 Usa bioMérieux Vitek, Inc. ‘595 Anglum Drive - Hazelwood ‘Missour 63082-2395, tel 314731 85 00- fax314 731 6800 in over 130 countries. ‘The contents of this Manual are based on Software versions VID-RO4.1 and VDM-RO4.1 ‘This document will be updated on each Software modification or any other change. Liability disclaimer: BIOMERIEUX SA will concede no formal or implicit warranty, as regards this Manual, its quality, performance or appropriate use in any type of specific application. ‘This Manual can be modified by BIOMERIEUX SA without notice, and represents no commitment or liability whatsoever from BIOMERIEUX SA. COPYRIGHT, BIOMERIEUX SA. BIOMERIEUX SA does in no case concede users of this Manual any right for reproduction, adaptation or translation, by any process and in any country. ‘As the Law of March 11th, 1957 authorizes first "copies or reproductions strictly reserved for the private use of the copists and not intended for collective use” and second, analyses or short jotings intended for examples or illustrations, “any representation or reproduction, whether integral or partial made without the author's or owners’ consent is illegal”. (Articles 40 and 41, Law of March 11th, 1957). Such representation or reproduction, by any process whatsoever, would therefore be considered asa fraudulent imitation penalized by articles 425 et seq of the French Penal Code. 0293 ‘CONCESSION AGREEMENT FOR UTILIZATION RIGHTS CONCERNING SOFTWARE User: Program: Computer: Printer: Floppy disk reader: IMPORTANT: Use of the enclosed Program is strictly subject to the conditions set out below. Agreement BIOMERIEUX SA hereby concedes utilization rights, non transferable, non exclusive, of the enclosed Program. You are thus undertaking, for yourself and on behalf of your collaborators, not to copy, sell, reproduce and rent all or part of the enclosed material, consisting of the Program's floppy disks, manual and corresponding documents. You acknowledge to have been informed that the software herewith could belong to the IBM company or to other third Companies, and you undertake for yourself and on behalf of your collaborators not to copy, sell, reproduce and rent all or part of this software knowing that IBM or the other Companies only concede {anon exclusive utilization right of their Programs. Program Property : Concession of the utilization rights of the Program does not involve any transfer of property, BIOMERIEUX SA. keeping the ownership of the Program and all related rights. Consequenti, any copying or reproduction, in whatever form, is forbidden except the essential procedure of loading this Program into a computer in order to useit ~ Conditions of use. ‘The Program and relative documents should be used with only one computer. The Program can be materially transferred from one computer to another, provided that it is used with only one computer at atime. ‘THE PRESENT AGREEMENT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO NEITHER REPRODUCE, MODIFY NOR TRANSFER THE PROGRAM. Warranty BIOMERIEUX SA does not warranty the performances or results which may be obtained by using this Program. ‘The risks concerning the commercial possiblities for this Program or its aptitude to meet a particular requirement are totally your own responsibility. Consequently, if the Program should prove to be unsuitable, all intervention and modification costs would remain at your expense. BIOMERIEUX SA warrants the magnetic floppy disks for 90 (ninety) days against any flaw or hidden defect only after receipt in the 10 (ten) days following delivery of this duly signed Agreement. In the event of a defect being declared during this period, return the floppy disks, along with a copy of your Program’s invoice to: BIOMERIEUX SA Instrumentation Technical Assistance 69280 MARCY L'ETOILE - FRANCE, or to any approved distributor in your country, who will replace it free of charge. The present warranty is only applicable where the floppy disks are used under normal conditions, and excludes any replacement caused by wilful damage, misuse or accident. BIOMERIEUX SA shall not be held responsible for any modification made to the Program without their express authorization and intervention, or for the consequences of installation of other software on the same hardware 2s the present Program, without the intervention and/or prior authorization of BIOMERIEUX SA. Made in onthe day of Signature COPY TO BE RETURNED TO BIOMERIEUX SA bazss CONCESSION AGREEMENT FOR UTILIZATION RIGHTS CONCERNING SOFTWARE User: No. : Program: Version: Computer Mark: Printer: Mark: Floppy disk reader: Mark: IMPORTANT: ise of the enclosed Program is strictly subject to the conditions set out below. reement BIOMERIEUX SA hereby concedes utilization rights, non transferable, non exclusive, of the enclosed Program. You are thus undertaking, for yourself and on behalf of your collaborators, not to copy, sell, reproduce and rent all or part of the enclosed material, consisting of the Program's floppy disks, manual and corresponding documents. You acknowledge to have been informed that the software herewith could belong to the IBM company of to other third Companies, and you undertake for yourself and on behalf of your collaborators not to copy, sell, produce and rent all or part of this software knowing that I8M or the other Companies only concede anon exclusive utilization right of their Programs. Progr Concession of the utilization rights of the Program does not involve any transfer of property, BIOMERIEUX SA keeping the ownership of the Program and all related rights. Consequently, any copying or reproduction, in whatever form, is forbidden except the essential procedure of loading this Program into a computer in order to set Conditions of use ‘The Program and relative documents should be used with only one computer. The Program can be materially transferred from one computer to another, provided that itis used with only one computer at a time. ‘THE PRESENT AGREEMENT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO NEITHER REPRODUCE, MODIFY NOR TRANSFER THE PROGRAM. Warranty BIOMERIEUX SA does not warranty the performances or results which may be obtained by using this Program. ‘The risks concerning the commercial possibilities for this Program or its aptitude to meet a particular requirement are totally your own responsibility. Consequently, if the Program should prove to be unsuitable, all intervention and modification costs would remain at your expense. BIOMERIEUX SA warrants the magnetic floppy disks for 90 (ninety) days against any flaw or hidden defect only after receipt in the 10 (ten) days following delivery of this duly signed Agreement. In the event of a defect being declared during this period, return the floppy disks, along with a copy of your Program's invoice to: BIOMERIEUX SA Instrumentation Technical Assistance 69280 MARCY L’ETOILE - FRANCE, or to any approved distributor in your country, who will replace it free of charge. The present warranty is only applicable where the floppy disks are used under normal conditions, and excludes any replacement caused by wilful damage, misuse or accident. VeLiability BIOMERIEUX SA shall not be held responsible for any modification made to the Program without their express authorization and intervention, or for the consequences of installation of other software on the same hardware as the present Program, without the intervention and/or prior authorization of BIOMERIEUX SA. Madein ... 199 smenmnmnne onthe day of Signature ‘COPY TO BE KEPT BY USER Table of Contents ist of Figures... Warnings ........seeeseceeeeee ee Graphic Symbols ... 1. How To Use This Manual... Introduction ......... Finding Topics or Procedures... Typographic Conventions . Procedures .......... 2. Getting Started .........005 Introduction... : Starting the VIDAS Software Using the VIDAS Screens ... Nerve Center I Boot Procedure Starting the System ..... Shutdown ........ Modifying the Date and Time Using the VIDAS Menu System Switching to Another VIDAS Module Entering Data. Accessing Help Screens .... Basic VIDAS Work Flow ..... 3. VIDAS Main Menu Introduction ....... Creating a Work List ...0.os.. Reetaeee Patient Mode - Entering Patient Demographics and Tests ....... Patient Mode - Work Lists from Previously Entered Patients . Patient Mode - Work Lists for Data Downloaded from an LIS Batch Mode - Ente TOSS oeeseeeseeeee seater ee eeee Batch Mode - Creating Work Lists from Downloaded Tests Editing Patient Data . Using the Load Help Screen Running a Work List ........00. Running a Work List with Status Running a Work List with Status Halting a Work List. Modifying a Work List Deletinga Test .. Exiting the VIDAS Progra Reserved (RSVD) DA 32 3417 3.24 332 3-40 3-46 3-46 347 3-50 3-52 3-58 3-62 Table of Contents 4, Directories Menu .. Introduction at Accessing the Assay Directory 44 Accessing the Patient Directory ......-..60ec0se008 fete 6 Accessing the Work List Dit sctory ‘Accessing the Stored Standards Directory ..........sscssseee ant Accessing the Patient Queue Directory... 7 413 ‘Accessing the Download Directory ..s...sssescsecseeee 4s 5. Validation and Report Menu .. nee 51 Introduction .....eeeeee oe ue we S41 Validating a Work List seseeeesueeeerenereersnseneseceensseessseses So Reviewing/Printing Results for a Work List 56 Reviewing Patient Results ........... oes 57 Reprinting a Work List Fill Report 2.00... 00 .ccceseeeeeseeneeeneneee 5-11 Reprinting a Predefined Work List Report . 5412 Rerunning a Work List 1... .eseeseeescaeees seen eesenenereeneenenenee 5-13 Resending Work List Results to an LIS . 5-16 Generating aFTIReport 6. Calibration Menu .. Introduction Entering Master Manual Entry Using the Keyboard ....... Automatic Entry Using the Master Lot Entry (MLE) Card Correcting Data Entries from a Master Lot Entry Card Displaying a Stored Curve Recalculating Results Using a Different Stored Standard or Curve Replacing a Stored Standard or Curve . Deleting a Stored Standard or Curve Displaying the Stored Standards Directory . 7. Instrument Handling Menu ........eeseeeeseeeeee TA Introduction Seen aeea acer LP Requesting Instrument Status 18 Resetting aSection ........ 1S Placing a Section Online/Offline Checking instrument Temperature va VIDASIVDM Procedures Manual vi 0254 Table of Contents 8 ErrorReporting Menu ...........0+ at Introduction BI Examining Bar Code Errors. 85 Examining Substrate Errors 89 VIDAS Standards Errors ..... + 810 Examining Standards Errors : 8-10 Correcting a Standards Error by Modifying the Work List. 8-12 Correcting Standards Errors by Entering Master Lot Data. fee 86 Examining VIDAS Instrument Errors. ....... road 818 Running aWork List .......scceeseseeeeeee + B19 Halting a Work List. Eid deridteeritsh tase 8:20 9, Configuration Menu .. ot Introduction ........0005 teeters 9 Entering VIDAS Report Header Text ........... : 94 Setting the Demographic Data Entry Option ........cccceeseeeeeceseerses 96 Setting the Automatic Work List Creation Option pte OF Setting the Work List Validation Mode Fl eldest 98 Changing the Sequence Number Print/Noprint Option ......6.es00cessss00e2 99 Changing the Number of Standard Replicates for an Assay = 910 Setting Dosage Units foram Assay .....2..sssseecesesseessesssetesseesssees OAZ Setting the Automatic Patient Report Generation Option ........ccccrseeee 14 Setting the FTI Euthyroid Reference Value ............ 9-16 Enabling Half-page Printing .. Taine tlslt toy 10. Appendices .......sseceseeeeeseeeers + Appendices-1 ‘Appendix A ee AT Specifications .......0...6665 At Appendix 8 ..... B4 VIDAS Assays B-T Appendix C .......cseecesesesesseeecsees ct Preventive Maintenance Schedule teens ct ADPENGIXD ...eesceceseseeessssscsseeseseerseeeeeesessseseeseecee cesses DA User Error Messages. : Appendix ... erreaa seeeetieeeeteetserseeteetentersees EA Batch Report Error Messages Bl 11. Glossary ....... s+ Glossary-t Zindex ... NOTES ....seceseeeee seeteetteeteeesssesieeeeees Notes] Decontamination Labels 1D; rocedures Manual VB 0254 Ve va NDASIVDM Procedures Manual v8 02.34 List of Figures Figure Description Page 1. How to Use This Manual oT Sample Data Terminal Display .........ssese+0+ 16 2. Getting Started 24 VIDASScreON oes esesecceseseeessteseseee 24 2-2 Nerve Center il Rear Panel ..........s0ceceeeeseenene ence 26 23 Nerve Center Il Front Panel . seeenessecnersecsssscnsssesesses 26 24 Nerve Center Initialization Messages tie 28 25 Startup Messages .......cccssseeeeesesseee 28 26 Nerve Center Il Rear Pane seeteseeeeseeenereeeeeeess 210 27 VIDAS Menu Structure «6... 2. ceeeseeeeeee wee DAB 28 Basic VIDAS Work Flow senveeeseceeeeeseesreenenees 220/221 3. VIDAS Main Menu a4 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 3410 341 312 33 314 35, 316 347 3418 349 3-20 3:21 VIDAS Main Menu . VIDAS Menu Scruture i Display of Downloaded Patient Data ¥ Creating a Work List Screen . , Entering the Assay Code + 25 Entering the Sample ID . 3:26 Creating a Work List Screen - 3-32 Entering the Assay Code : 3:33 Entering the Sample ID ..........+. 335 Entering the Assay Code 337 Patient Data Screen .... 3-40 Patient Data Editing Window . 340 Load Help Screen 344 Load Help Screen . 46 Runa Work List Screen ....sseeseseeees see HAT Work List Directory ....cccscscsesssessscssssecesesssesssssseeseses 387 Halt a Work ListScreen ....ccscsesssessessssssssesesesessssssrseseses 350 Modifying a Work List Screen 0... e see see een ee seseeeees 352 Selecting the Modify Mode . 1 383 Selecting a Work List ..... Selecting the Delete Mode .......eeeeeeeeeeeeceeereeeeneetenertenes 359 4, Directories Menu at 42 43 a4 4s 46 a7 48 49 Directories Menu .. 43 VIDAS Menu Scruture 43 Assay DireCtOry seeeseeeesseeseeseeseeseeseessseseeeeteeseeseeeeess Aedl Patient Directory Search Criteria ....seeececeeseeenecneees 46 Patient Directory .. 48 Work List Directory .sesssssesseteeseeseersesereaeeseeseeseenscen 49 Stored Standards Directory ant Patient Queue Directory Download Directory ... ‘VIDASTVDM Procedures Manual vB 0238 Liste of Figures 5. Validation and Report Menu 54 Validation and Report Menu .. a 53 5.2 VIDAS Menu Scruture ........2.ceccseseeeeseees 53 6. Calibration Menu 61 ration Menu. Tapia pti sees GB 62 VIDAS Menu Scruture .......... 63 Master Lot Data Entry Screen ..... 64 Display of Master Lot Data ........ 65 Master Lot Data Correction Screen 66 ‘Sample Standard Curve ......-..++ 67 Stored Standards Directory 7. Instrument Handling Menu 7A Instrument Handling Menu 72 VIDAS Menu Scruture 73 Instrument Temperature Display 8. Error Reporting Menu 84 Error Reporting Menu sda tara: 82 VIDAS Menu Scruture 83 Bar Code Error Display ....... a4 Manually Entering Bar Codes. 85 Substrate Error Display 85 Substrate Error Display 86 Standards Error Display . 87 Modify a Work List Screen... 88 VIDAS instrument Error Display a9 Run a Work List Screen 810 Halt aWork List Screen... 9. Configuration Menu of Configuration Menu ... 93 9:2 VIDAS Menu Scruture 93 93 Report Header Screen . 9-4 4 Demographic Data Entry Option Screen ttt 96 os Automatic Work List Creation Option Screen ....... 97 96 Validation Mode Option Screen 98 97 ‘Sequence Number Print/Noprint Option Screen 9.9 98 ‘Standard Replicates Option Screen 9-10 99 Dosage Units Option Screen 9.12 9-10 Selecting Dosage Units .... 9.12 ont Automatic Patient Report Option Screen .. 914 912 FTI Euthyroid Reference Value Option Screen 9-16 913 Half-page Printing Option Screen 7 9.17 Ve VIDASIVDM Procedures Manual vib 0284 Warnings CAUTION! IMPORTANT! CAUTION! CAUTION! IMPORTANT! The following warnings are used throughout the manual for safety reasons (warnings beginning WARNING, DANGER) or to allow optimum use of the VIDAS system (warnings beginning with CAUTION or IMPORTANT). Read through these notes careffully before using your VIDAS system. The date and time must be correct. The VIDAS software depends on these parameters to function correctly. After the date has been accepted, a series of figures is displayed. After initialization, the message in figure 2-5 appears. (Page 2-9) It is very important to respect the required volume indicated in the technical sheet of the tests. (Page 2-17) Itis very important that all of the SPRs are properly placed in the SPR block. The VIDAS Module cannot detect the presence or absence of SPRs. The prepared sample and Reagent Strip may be wasted if you do not follow this step. (Page 2-18) Make sure the SPRs are in sections before you start the work list. (Page 3-22) Do not enter Patient ID's of patients in the Patient Queue. The program will enter them automatically. (Page 3-36) VIDAS/VDM Procedures Manual v8 0234 See Vi Warnings IMPORTANT! WARNING! CAUTION! IMPORTANT! Make sure that the modifications have been saved correctly. To do so, it is imperative that you print a fill report, when you create several Work Lists, and then check the following: - Patient ID - Patient Name - Sample ID ~ Assay Code and Dilution Factor If any of the above data is incorrect, use the "Modifying the Work List” Menu to correct it. (Page 3-43 Before you perform any decontamination procedures, please adhere closely to these precautions to minimize health risks. (Page C-2) Be careful not to allow any disinfectant solution to spill into the electrical components of the instrument. (Page C-2) Do not use a spray cleaner of any type on the instrument. (Page C-3) IDASTVDM Procedures Manual vs 0294 Graphic Symbols Here is a "visual lexicon" of the standard symbols used for our systems: Direct current Alternating current Both direct and alternating current ‘Three-phase alternating current Earth (ground) TERMINAL PROTECTIVE CONDUCTOR TERMINAL Frame or chassis TERMINAL Equipotentiality ON (Supply) OFF (Supply) Equipment protected throughout by DOUBLE INSULATION or REINFORCED INSULATION (equivalent to Class II of IEC 536) Caution, risk of electric shock (Background coulour: yellow, symbol and outline: black) Caution (Background coulour: yellow, symbol and outline: black) Easily-touched higher temperature parts. For Homologations/Safety Standards see Appendix A Specifications TOR lanual Ve 79a VIDASIVDM Procedures Manual vb 0254 1. How to use this Manual Introduction Scope of the Manual This manual covers a set of procedures for the major functions of the VIDAS system. This includes the VIDAS software and selected procedures for the computer. With these procedures you can perform all the functions required to run a test on the system, including «System and software configuration «Entry of required data © Creation and processing of Work Lists «Generation of reports ‘As you become more familiar with the system, you will learn that some of the programs contain a level of flexibility that allows several modes of opera- tion. While procedures for some of these modes are included in the manual, a complete set covering all possible operations was not feasible. VIDAS7VDM Procedures Manual Vi 0254 TAT Introduction How to use this Manual Organization of the Manual Following this chapter is Chapter 2, Getting Started. It contains an overview of the system. Chapters 3 through 9 are each dedicated to a specific menu in the VIDAS system. All procedures in a chapter relate to system functions found on that menu. The structure of each chapter is the same. There is an introductory section containing the following material: List of procedures in the chapter List of function keys used in the procedures * Asection called “Where to Begin,” which shows how to find in the VIDAS menu system the procedures in the chapter The procedures follow the introduction. Some of the procedures are divided into sub-procedures. Following the procedure chapters are the appendices, which contain the _ following information: © Appendix A provides specifications for the Test Kitand VIDAS Module. © Appendix B lists the assays and their corresponding codes. * Appendix C provides a preventive maintenance schedule for VIDAS equipment. © Appendix D lists alphabetically error messages that could appear on the User Interface portion of the VIDAS screens, along with explanations of those messages. Following the appendices is a glossary of terms, and a special section on the operation of system's computer. VIDAS/VDM Procedures Manual v6 02.54 How to use this Manual Finding Topics or Procedures Finding Topics or Procedures There are four devices in the manual to help you find what you are looking for. The first three are used to find procedures and the last, the Index, is used to search for topics. Table of Contents The main table of contents for the manual is located ‘on page V-1 thru V-4, in the material preceding this chapter. It lists each chapter and the procedures within each chapter. List of Figures Pages V-5 to V-6 contain a list of the figures of the manual. Warnings All the warnings in this manual are grouped together on pages V-7 to V-8. They should be read carefully before intervening in any way on your VIDAS system. Graphic Symbols This "visual lexicon” of the standard symbols used for our systems can be found on page V-9. Chapter Contents Every chapter containing procedures begins with a mini table of contents specifically for the chapter. . These tables also list any sub-procedures that may be present. Page Headers Every page in the manual has a header and a footer. Page numbers are found in the footer, but the headers also contain a device for finding a procedure. A header is made up of two parts. One is the chapter title. This title is always found on the inside part of the page, where it is attached to the binder. The outside portion of the header contains | the title of a procedure. This title can be found on every page that includes the procedure. It is located on the outside of the page so that you can “thumb through” pages to locate a procedure. | Index A standard topical index is located at the back of . the manual. Use it to locate a procedure or a | particular topic that may be part of a procedure. VIDAS Procedures Manual v3 0234 TH ‘Typographic Conventions How to use this Manual Typographic Conventions The following typographic conventions are used throughout the VIDAS Procedures Manual. The ENTER Key An instruction to use this key ALWAYS takes the form Press . NOTE: On some data terminals, this key may be labeled “RETURN.” The function of the two keys is identical. Function Keys Function keys include all control keys, the ESCAPE key, and the SHIFT key. They are capitalized and enclosed in angle brackets. Example: U, , The control key, , works like the key. You press the key labeled “CTRL” while pressing the other designated key. Instructions for using function keys ALWAYS start with “press.” Example: Press P to print the screen, Data Entry Data entered into the system via the keyboard or the optional bar code reader is ALWAYS shown in bold italics. Instructions for making a data entry begin with “type,” and conclude with “press .” Example: Type the Work List ID number and press . Exception Single-key entries may not require pressing . Such entries begin with “press” and are enclosed in angle brackets. Example: Press to quit. 4 VIDAS Procedures Manual vi 02.94 How to use this Manual Typographic Conventions References References to the VIDAS Reference Manual or to other sections in this manual are denoted by a star. Notes and Cautions NOTES are separate paragraphs containing special information. A CAUTION is used to warn you about a possible hazard or about other extremely important information. VIDAS Procedures Manual va 029 TS | Procedures How to use this Manual Procedures Several elements are used in the procedures. Each relates to what you see on your data terminal as you use a program. Screens A procedure often includes a reproduction of a yroas 1 - oK STATUS — WLIO RVD (36 screen display, as in the figure below. VEDAS STATUS. SUNMARY POS 1 PoSz2 POSS POS 4 POSS RBG RBG RBG RBG TH. Rsv RsvD RSV SVD 36 37 38 39 TK6 cuve RBG cmv 16 cHve m6 CHV cwvs = cHvG cH cows vroas MAIN MENU Enter Patient Information te a Work List, Holp Screen. Run @ Work List Halt @ Work List. Modify a Work List. 7) Directories Menu 8) Validation and Report Menu. 9) Caltbration Menu. 10) Instrument Handling Nonu. 11) Configuration Nenu. 12) Exit Program. Enter selection (1-12) Figure 1-1 Sample Data Terminal Display Often as you go through a procedure, only a portion of a screen changes. in that case, the figure of the screen displays only the changed portion, and is reduced in size accordingly. 1 —VIDASIVDM Procedures Manual vip 0254 How to use this Manual Prompts Defaults Steps Procedures A prompt is a line of text on the display that requests you to enter something via the keyboard or the optional bar code reader. There are two types of prompts. One is usually in the form of a question and asks for data to be entered. In the procedure these prompts are indented and in a different type face. For example, Enter the Work List ID The other type of prompt is rarely written in the procedure but is seen on almost every screen in a program. This is the function key prompt. It has this name because it tells you which function keys are active at that point in a program, and what each one does. These prompts are always displayed in reverse video on the bottom line of the data terminal screen. For example, reer Some screen prompts have defaults, entries already programmed into the system. Defaults are enclosed in square brackets. Example: Do you want a fill report (y/n) Cy]. (y/n) indicates the acceptable entries. {y] is the default. To ask for a fill report you can type a y and press , or simply press to accept the default. A procedure consists of a series of steps. These are clearly labeled and numbered. The first sentence of each step is the instruction for what you should do. The remaining text usually describes what happens after you perform the instruction. VIDAS: rocedures Manual Vi 0294 a TT TID Procedures Manual VE 0258 2. Getting Started Introduction What You Will Learn This chapter contains an overview of the various topics you need to begin using the VIDAS system: Starting the VIDAS Software Using the VIDAS Screens «Nerve Center Il (NCII) Boot Procedure - Starting the System - Shutdown @ Modifying the Date and Time Using the VIDAS Menu System Switching to Another VIDAS Module Entering Data «Accessing Help Screens @ Basic VIDAS Work Flow VIDASIVOM Procedures Manual ve 0236 a Introduction Getting started = VIDASIVDM Procedures Manual VB 0254 Getting Started Starting the VIDAS Software Step 1 g the VIDAS Software All VIDAS functions and operations are contained within a single program. To start the VIDAS program: Type vid at the vid> prompt and press . The following message appears: Initializing, please wait. In a moment, the Status Summary display and the VIDAS Main Menu appear. NOTE: If your system has more than one VIDAS module, include the appropriate identi number in the entry in Step 1. For example, typi vid 2 would start you with the #2 VIDAS module. VIDASIVDM Procedures Manual v8 0234 Using the VIDAS Screens Getting Started Using the VIDAS Screens When you start the VIDAS software, the following screen appears: MIDAS 1 ~ Ok vipa SEC STATUS LID POS 1 A AVAIL AVAIL AVAIL AVAIL AVAIL STATUS SUMMARY 08-07-91 14:80, POs 2 POS 3 POS 4 POSS POSE ETC [main] 1) Enter Patient Information. 2) Create a Mork List. 3) Load Hetp Screen. 4) fun # Work List. 5) Halt a Work List. 8) Modity & Mork List. VEDAS MAIN MENU. 7) Directories Menu. 8) Validation and Report Menu. 8) Calibration Menu. 40) Instrument Handling Menu, 41) Configuration Nenu. 12) Exit Progran. Figure 2-1 VIDAS Screen While you are using the VIDAS, the screen contents change. However, practically all screens have one thing in common.’ The screen is divided into two portions, the Status Summary (top portion) and the User Interface (bottom portion). IDASTVDM Procedures Manual v6 0294 Getting Started Using the VIDAS Screens Status Summary User Interface This portion of the screen gives you the status of the VIDAS Module. Most of this section is composed of a table representing the five Sections, labeled “A” through “E,” and the six Positions, labeled “POS 1" through “POS 6." This area displays the Work Lists that represent the tests you run in the system. The column labeled Status shows the progress of each Work List as it runs. This field is also used to display error codes and is an integral part of the VIDAS troubleshooting system. Finally, there are two fields in the first row. On the left is the Module Status field. Normally, this field displays “OK,” showing that the VIDAS is working properly. In the event of a problem, error codes are displayed. The other field is the current date and time. This field is updated whenever any portion of the Status Summary screen changes. This portion of the screen is where you interact with the VIDAS software. It displays all of the VIDAS menus, but it is also where you see the various messages, fields, and prompts that are the normal parts of the system. All of the entries that you make into the system therefore appear here. VIDASIVDM Procedures Manual vie 0234 2 Nerve Center Il Boot Procedure Getting Started Eee es me Pradecnncaaeo au oS PRATER RESET 0st my “er a . Proceed to step 8. «Ifthe date and time are incorrect, Type n and, Press . The following prompt appears: Enter the date and time (Lmm/dd/yy] [hh:mm[:ss]) ‘Type the date and time by using the format: month (1-12), date (1-31), year (00-99) hour (0-23), minutes (0-59), seconds (0-59) Separate the parameters of the date using */" and separate the parameters of the hour using ":". The parameters in square parentheses e. facultative. The date and time are separated by a space. Press . The date and time must be correct. The VIDAS software depends on these parameters to function correctly. After the date has been accepted, a series of figures is displayed. After initialization, the message in figure 2-4 appears, Login : is displayed on the last line of the screen. Type vid and press . The terminal displays the password prompt. Press . The terminal displays vid>. VIDASIVDM Procedures Manual ve 0294 3

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