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How I survived a psychiatric assassination attempt

A high tech expos of psychiatry and law being used as a weapon.
Simon Kaiwai 5/30/2011

A story with evidence exposing the use of psychiatry as a weapon to silence free thinkers, suppress responsible actions (activists) and enforce cultural genocide by agents of the Crown.

Table of Contents
Political blacklist of essential services enforced in New Zealand........................................................... 3 Arbitrary Arrest causing traumatic brain injury .................................................................................... 4 Incarceration without due care for circumstances or physical well-being. ............................................ 4 Denied bail despite unlawful arrest by Police ....................................................................................... 5 Who is the New Zealand Crown? ......................................................................................................... 5 Uninformed drugging prior to mental assessments in the Crown justice system .................................. 7 How I avoided the first attempt to forcibly medicate me. .................................................................... 8 Cultural wolves amongst the psychiatric fold ....................................................................................... 9 Divine intervention ............................................................................................................................ 10 Imposition of foreign and unlawful beliefs ......................................................................................... 11 Psychiatric hit team ........................................................................................................................... 12 Conflict of opinions between Physicians and Psychiatrists ................................................................. 13 Ministry of Health and Commissioner acts only for Crown interests................................................... 14 Is psychiatry and its law rotten to the core? ....................................................................................... 15

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Political blacklist of essential services enforced in New Zealand

Background: On November 24th 2009 two members of New Zealand Police broke and entered onto private property with the intention of arbitrarily arresting me and enforce a blacklist of an essential service. The NZ Police had no warrant or valid reason for being there. They were accompanied by two electricians who similarly had no reason to be there nor had provided notice but were there just the same to remove the electricity supply with prejudice. This is a recording from the court registrar Tania Parker who was implicitly involved in the conspiracy to cover the event up and silence me.

At the time my family was expecting to have a home birth. We were living in a rural setting and also had a 2 year old. Later the electricity companies have all denied commissioning the work including: Contact Energy who had confirmed a valid account of the landlord 6 days previously who cited an incorrect reason being unpaid bills to Top Energy, Trustpower who owed my family $95 from the previous account blamed Contact Energy. Top Energy blamed Contact Energy, the electricity wholesaler who performed the work and later extorted $650 to reconnect the account and demanded that we no longer live there. Their worker Terrence price admitted that there was no need for the Police and that they did a number on me as you can see in this video which was shot some months later. The gate was locked and there were no trespass signs up with a phone number to call for an appointment. By lawful standards they were trespassing and I could have used reasonable force to eject them. Instead of this I intended to film and question and was caught by surprise when tackled backwards without explanation. Later, when laying a later complaint to police, Detective Beatson admitted he would have greeted such a visit with a shotgun. Given the trauma and hopelessness of relying on Crown justice I can see the merit of Detective Beatson's approach, prevention being better than cure after all. NZ Police have refused to state who sent them there other than identifying unpaid bills with the Electricity Board as the reason. The Electricity Board of NZ was a publicly owned entity that was transferred into the names of two Crown ministers without public consent then using this legislated autonomy to sell this infrastructure to their preferred private parties. Reference the unlawful State Owned Enterprises act 1986. The Police and a Crown agent refer to an Electricity Board. It is this entity that is maintaining a blacklist of an essential service with no social controls or judicial oversight. Many would know this as the Zeitgeist agenda.

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My family is apparently on this blacklist with no evidence or even a sworn statement to support it. Indeed the state of New Zealand is applying guilt on accusation powers even to agencies and private corporations. They even openly admit the treaty of Waitangi is a fraud and that they are working for <foreign> corporations. My subsequent incarceration was then used to create an opportunity for the Crown to silence me through psychiatric assassination. Prior to this I had been involved with indigenous groups (Hapu) that were asserting their rights to occupy their customary land (Rohe). This Hapu were taken off the land the same day that I was arbitrarily arrested in my home.

Arbitrary Arrest causing traumatic brain injury

During the arbitrary arrest I was beaten repeatedly around the head with various metal weapons including an extending baton (ASP) and handcuffs used as knuckle dusters. I was knocked out during the initial stages of the assault as I do not remember the blows to the head from the ASP. I received approximately 15 such blows. The assault left me in a highly concussed state and required stitches for where the handcuffs were used. Click here to see the more detail as to the arbitrary and unlawful basis for this arrest. According to jail and prison studies, 25-87% of inmates report having experienced a head injury or traumatic brain injuries as compared to 8.5% in a general population reporting a history of TBI. Given my experience, it would be valid to ask how many of these were caused by the Police.

Incarceration without due care for circumstances or physical well-being.

Prior to being taken to court I was detained in the Kaitaia Police station during which time I was denied legal advice. The subsequent medical attention I received at Kaitaia Hospital ignored my complaints of pressure and heat on the inside my head and omitted to report any of my expressed symptoms of concussion. These symptoms were persistent and identifiable some 6 weeks later by Dr Brace. Detective Gorrie of the Crown NZ Police was of the opinion that my knowledge of the corporation Her Majesty the Queen in Right of New Zealand listed on Reuters and posing as the New Zealand Crown was a distorted perception of society. This was the primary reason for the NZ Police opposing bail. Given the overwhelming evidence of this corporation it seems I was to be silenced for exposing this fact. The initial cause of my action was to expose privatisation without our specific consent as a fraudulent practice. It is

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being conducted by corrupt politicians in collusion with private business interests. When considering bail New Zealand legislation is meant to require respect for personal circumstances. This appears not to be the case in practice given that my wife was overdue, likely to be distraught and left at home with no electricity in a rural setting. We had planned to have a home birth and I was looking forward to being support for her. A year later Senior sergeant Geoff Ryan, who was in charge of this police station at the time of my arrest, admitted quite openly that the NZ Police are working for corporations and openly mocked the supposed treaty between the indigenous and the Crown.

Denied bail despite unlawful arrest by Police

Judge De Ridder ignored the extenuating personal circumstances that I needed to attend to my pregnant wife at home. He confirmed that I was highly unlikely to assault members of the NZ Police. He ordered my imprisonment on remand for a psychiatric evaluation when I confirmed my knowledge of the Crown being a US based corporation named Her Majesty the Queen in right of New Zealand. Judge De Ridder claimed that the NZ Police were acting within the confines of their duty when clearly they were not. He stated that he was satisfied that I had legal advice when I specifically informed him I had not received any. Further he was of the opinion that I was likely to re-offend based on my belief that human rights should upheld. Is it any wonder why New Zealand is attracting international criticism for the public servants disrespect for human rights. These facts are evidenced in his decision.

Who is the New Zealand Crown?

The Crown is a belligerent foreign corporation that is listed on the Reuters exchange that is posing as the Crown and claiming to be the trustee for the citizens organisations and state of New Zealand. The agent for this company is Merrill Lynch which is owned by Bank of America. Our present Prime Minister John Key was hired by Merrill Lynch to access our markets i,e. have us privatise to them. There has been a gradual takeover of government by the Crown and now includes NZ Treasury Evidence Company posing as NZ Govt.jpg Reuters owns Brookers which the Kaitaia Court Registrar Tania Parker admitted is the foreign company writing New Zealand laws.This was recorded secretly on the 4 Aug 2010. The Crown is claiming to be the trustee for the state and citizens yet is saving at the citizens expense

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The Crown is also transferring national assets to foreign companies and agreeing that they can use force in our nation by implementing legislation under their guidance. The Crown also owns the Reserve Bank of New Zealand that prints legal tender and self regulates its own banking. This has resulted in the erosion of household liquidity to create a hyper sensitivity to interest rate increases.

Such is planned to wipe out the middle class and consolidate power into the hands of the few. The Crown aslo appoints the Governor General meaning that we are living with a corporate autocracy.

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The Crown companies have many fronts and end up going through the City of London, Vatican and Washington interests.

Uninformed drugging prior to mental assessments in the Crown justice system

After bail was denied I was held in the Kaitaia Police station for up to 24 hours more. Just prior to being moved to Nga Wha prison I was given a cup of coffee from a female working at the station. I was then up into a confined and poorly vented van for transportation to the prison. During this ride I began to have difficulty breathing, my thought patterns became confused beyond the influence of concussion and my eyes rolled into the back of my head at least once. There was no way to communicate with the driver in the front. I had to fight back a wave of panic and try to relax. On arrival I was then presented to a nurse at Nga Wha prison who belittled my medical complaints and opinion that I was in no condition to contract (i.e. had no capacity). Immediately after this she offered a contract to me that would have given my consent for the prison system to drug me. In my poo r condition I got confused by her statement "as you can see here you don't need to sign this, please sign here" and almost signed. Thankfully I had enough restraint not to. The special needs cells in Nga Wha prison are confined and poorly shaped to allow for a personal exercise routine. To do press ups one must have their head right next to the toilet. The prisoners that are kept in this unit are kept in solitary confinement and only allowed out for 15 minutes per day. Food and drink is typically brought to the cell.

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New prisoners are stripped naked and given a loose fitting stitched gown that is another demoralising factor. After spending a night in one such cell I was given a cup of coffee before transportation to ACRP prison. As I was drinking the coffee I noticed an increasingly strong chemical smell and taste. I could not finish the coffee and remember the realisation that it must have had drugs in it. Soon after this my mind became muddled again, racing at an incredible speed, hearing became delayed, speak unintelligible in the echoing prison and my vision was going in and out of focus. During this time I was very stressed for my wifes' situation and desperate to get out to be there for the birth. It dawned on me that the Crown was trying to frame me with a mental illness to justify incarcerating me for longer and even electro-shocking me into submission. One of the psychiatrists (Dr Himadri Seth) tried to create an excuse for this kind of "treatment" upon me. See further down. It was in this condition that the prison presented me in front of the first Mason clinic psychiatrist Dr Grant Galpin.

How I avoided the first attempt to forcibly medicate me.

I had been transported to Auckland Central Remand prison and was taken to see the first psychiatrist. Dr Grant Galpin refused to allow any kind of witness to his assessment. I was suspicious of this so had prepared a written statement attesting to: - my circumstances requiring me to be at home supporting, - my willingness to appear in court for the next hearing, - of my belief in God and respect for Gods' laws I believed the above should have been sufficient to release me on bail. It was also a move in desperation and was to suffice as my communication to the psychiatrists. Dr Galpin was assessing for "perceptual disorder" which contravenes freedom of belief. He was from the City of London and was of English descent. How such a man is qualified to assess the beliefs of tangata whenua is beyond me, perhaps he was testing to see if I had the mainstream illusion or was delusional (without the illusion). I refused to engage in oral discourse due to my diminished state and the absence of witnesses. As a result Dr Galpin he did not have enough to make an adverse assessment as I suspected was the intention. The Crown was holding me under was the Criminal Procedure (Mentally Impaired) Act 2003. As I did not have legal advice or access to legal resources I was unaware that these psychiatric assessments were not

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to take place until after I was judged to have been likely to have performed the acts in question. FYI - I would cite the relevant legislation throughout this article if the Crown agents respected its own rules but they don't. I have evidenced 16 breaches to the Bill of rights 1990, undue process of law and various causes for miscarriage of justice but it makes no difference. Crown agents and many others know they are perpetuating a fraud upon a sovereign nation. It is us to choose the law of our society. At present many are upholding the lie by their belief and actions in submission to the Crown. It only takes a cursory look at the differences between Tikanga and Admiralty / Crown law to realise that Tikanga would benefit us all equally. I appreciate that justice for all may not be attractive for those in the seat of power or that desire self fish enrichment at the expense of others needs. I had been accused of assaulting the Police in the performance of their duty. Case law supported that it was not their duty to debt collect, be involved in the disconnection of electricity or be on private property when no breach of the peace had occurred. In short, it was impossible that the charges were valid and the initial judge had even noted that I was unlikely to assault members of the Police. It took me some days to recover my senses after the drugging (back to my recently brain damaged state). The meals in the special needs unit of ACRP were delivered together and not specific to any person. We also made our own cups of tea. As a result the prison system had no opportunity to drug me without my knowledge. As my mind cleared I pieced together the occasions that I was likely to have been drugged and became more cautious of the Crowns attempts to frame me. Aside from a three minute call out every time I was moved my only form of communication was written. I was writing almost daily to my wife, trying to assure her and giving her instructions to prepare evidence for my defense. Every day after I sent such a letter I would be called in to meet the prison "nurse" who was there with another two witnesses and would casually ask remarkably pointed questions that related to my case with astounding insight. Of course the mail was being scanned.

Cultural wolves amongst the psychiatric fold

While I was incarcerated in Auckland Central Remand prison I was called in to see the cultural advisor whom I had requested to see. He was accompanied by another man. I asked who he was and he identified himself as a Dr Ian Goodwin, a psychiatrist also from the Mason Clinic. I informed him of my physical condition and the fact that I had already made a written statement to psychiatrist Dr Grant Galpin. There was no way I was going to consent to another assessment or his presence during what was intended to be a private discussion with the Iwi cultural advisor. I requested for Dr Ian Goodwin to leave. On the way out I made a complaint about the nurse in Nga Wha. He took no notice of the complaint and had a very aggressive posture while I addressed him. On the basis of this two minute interaction Dr Ian Goodwin recommended that to the court that they attempt to get me into a Mason Clinic bed. Unbeknown to me this Dr Ian Goodwin had called members of my family and was suggesting to them that I was delusional. This suggestive technique is being used in an attempt to solicit agreement from them. If any one of them had of agreed this would have been used as justification to deny me a trial and hold me for up to the maximum sentences of the charges I faced. That was 5 years. Thankfully my family are supportive of me and confident that I was rational, caring and an upstanding member of society. My later references included from my mum, family, friends, community leaders, doctors and wife. The Crown employees were informing

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my family that I had denied bail for myself. My family were very upset to learn of this deception on my release. The cultural advisor remained in the room and we discussed He Whakaputanga 1835 (the Declaration of Independence for Nu Tireni). King William IVth has recognised our nation as sovereign with a society comprising sovereign Hapu (decentralised direct governance). This document is a perpetual invitation for us to form our society in what I believe is a better way. It stands as the foundational constitution of our nation. The Cultural Advisor, Raymond Hall also worked for the Mason Clinic. He reported "What he could recall and did know of <He Whakaputanga 1835> was adequate." My understanding of He Whakaputanga 1835 was considerably more than the common knowledge yet this man surpassed my knowledge of this document and knew more of alternative history. Raymond questioned if I knew that Maori were descendants of the lost tribe of Ephraim. I did not know this and wanted to know more but it seemed the purpose of this discussion was to assess how much I knew that would threaten to expose the fraudulent expansion of the Crown onto our land. This is his report.

Divine intervention
I was transported back to the Nga Wha prison and kept in solitary confinement within the special needs unit. On the morning that I was due to go into court I was called from the cell and put before the guards where some pre-buttered toast and cereal awaited me. Although I was suspicious of the toast, because the butter usually came in its own container, I ate all that was before me. Kaitaia Police station only offered wheatbix and micro waved mince pies to eat and even that begrudgingly. You get tired of it pretty quickly. The toast has a slightly abnormal taste to it and a little while after eating it I started to get a strange sensation in the upper regions of my jaw and my mind started to speed up again. Incredibly I had been drugged yet again and this time just before trying to win my freedom in court so that I could meet my newly born son and support my wife. I had been kept in prison two weeks and had missed the arrival of our son. It took immense belief and an appeal to the Devine for my head to clear on the journey from Nga Wha to Kaitaia. The Crown forensic team were at court and I was later to learn that they did not have the two psychiatric opinions they needed to hospitalise as per Dr Ian Goodwin's report. They intended to have me committed on a compulsory treatment order. Forensic Nurse Richard Firth was recorded as saying "...our advice is to pursue the issue of assessment in the mental health act with a view to committal <hospitalisation>. We're intending on doing it ..but were not successful <in meeting him at Nga Wha prison>." 09 Dec 09 Bail hearing Things were not looking good for me in the court. My wife and newly born son were a mere ten meters away as I argued for my freedom. I believe it would have been hopeless had I not paused the proceeding and said a karakia (prayer) asking for the Divine to touch every ones heart and grant me freedom. My prayer was granted. Immediately things softened in the court, the man acting as judge, a man acting as a lawyer and the forensic team were guided to assist my release conditional to seeing another psychiatrist. 09 dec 09 bail decision The Forensic team needed a second opinion in order to commit me, at least this time I would have opportunity to prepare for it.

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Imposition of foreign and unlawful beliefs

Later it became evident that the Electricity company actions were dependent upon the accusation of a Crown agent in community. This man (Gregor Ostwald), of East German origin, had lived in New Zealand illegally for ten years. He appears to have a deep seeded fear of authority and exhibits a highly colonised mind. Some of his beliefs included: - the right for him to impose his beliefs on others even at the expense of removing a father from his family, - that the government are not public servants, - that New Zealand is lawfully exersizing Crown law and that some people are not bound by common law (for a comparative analysis see here), - that it is okay to defame someone in community with lies and dishonest means while avoiding open discussion for resolution, - that because he was supporting the Crown interests it is okay for him to claim to be a registered electrician despite evidence to the contrary. I say this with confidence because it is all contained in the 67 page book he compiled and then circulated in surrounding community with a view to ostacising myself from the community and pressuring my wife to leave me. Here is a copy with my insertions so that the reader is not mislead (20MB file). He did not provide a sworn statement to support his accusations but did confirm that there is a blacklist of electricity supply. This blacklist was the in fact what I wanted to expose and prevent from perpetuating into the future. He was given access to court, police and electricity company records that related to my case that even I was denied access to. When I summonsed him to court the Crown allowed him to return to Germany. Working in concert with the Crown agenda he even put a sign on our gate while I was in prison inferring that I had gone insane. The landlord was also a foreign born immigrant who chose to break our lease agreement in support of these beliefs. This action made our family homeless with a new born in the peak holiday season. The point I am trying to make is that our society is being shaped by foreign modes of thinking that are taking us away from justice, concepts of responsibility and morality. If I am a guest in a country then I must respect the laws of that land. Additionally, just because we may have different beliefs it doesn't justify breaking contracts. Unfortunately Crown immigrants are being asked to swear an oath of allegiance to the Crown and its foreign corporate Crown law. If the Crown succeeds they will eliminate equal rights and common law from our land. I recommend we all take the time to assess the implications of the increasing differences between Crown law and Common law. This foreign culture of non-transparent and indirect personal attacks is the opposite of Tikanga and the way of whanau Hapu o Nu tireni.

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The efforts of the Crown agent and others he managed to convince were hurtful in many ways including the societal pressure it put on on my family and by belittling what I was trying to do, which was to raise awareness of a major issue which we could correct (foreign takeover of our country, unlawful privatisation and the risk of prejudice of essentials). Instead, the agent made it a story of his personal inconvenience, suggesting it was a racist cause and essentially theft. Others were critical because of the attention it could attract to the area or because they perceived I had less rights than an absent crown title holder. I relate to the words of Einstein when he commented that there was a general state of psychosis across Germany around 1929. This is evident in the mainstream western psyche at this time and similarly happens to be just prior to the inflationary stage of a global economic depression. For many people it will not matter that there is evidence to support what I am saying, they will make excuses even against their own human interests. A common excuse in this case was that I hadn't paid my bill. Here is a copy of the refund from six days prior to the arrest. I had deliberately over paid the account to show the immoral use of a blacklist for essential services. The Crown is openly announcing its plans to privatise (piratise) water. What would you do if you were blacklisted for water? Would you rather deal with the risks of such practices or simply stand up now and prevent it from happening?

Psychiatric hit team

It felt like I had only just got home to my family when court appointed Forensic Nurse Richard Firth called to notify of an appointment some 3 hours away in 4 days time. He was inflexible and threatening in his manner. This is the transcript of the recorded phone call. It seemed the Crown wanted me to see a specific psychiatrist and quickly. The man I was to see was another foreign immigrant psychiatrist going by the name Dr Himadri Seth. He was accompanied by Julie Dakers. It seemed that I had been assigned a forensic hit team that did a lot of work together and even spoke at psychiatric events together at the Australia New Zealand Psychiatry and the law association (ANZAPPL). New Zealand was founded as a company out of New South Wales in Australia and it appears that this organisation is there to protect certain secrets that jeopardise the illusion of Crown legitimacy in our land. I went to the assessment on 21st Dec 2009 but this time armed with knowledge of the act I was being charged under and a hidden recorder. The court appoints Forensic psychiatrists for these assessments. Forensic means they are also expert in the law. It did not seem to matter to Dr Himadri that the assessment was a breach in due process of law even after I referenced the specific section of the relevant act. Here is the recording 21st Dec 2009 <21 MB> After the assessment Dr Himadri Seth tried to ignore my repeated requests to see his report. It was my right under several acts. Eventually I received it after pressuring the court and sure enough it contained gross misquotes and provided latitude for a judge to commit me.

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I pointed out the errors to Himadri Seth and requested he correct them. He ignored this request and was still unaware that I had an audio record of the entire 2.5 hour meeting.

Conflict of opinions between Physicians and Psychiatrists

It seems pretty logical to me that, if one wanted to assess someones normal sanity, that you would wait until they were in a normal condition. To do otherwise is rather like trying to find an excuse to medicate with the very real possibility that the drugs, electro-shocks and loss of liberty psychiatry being imposed was completely unnecessary. Yet legislation in New Zealand allows forced treatment of someone charged for up to the maximum sentence without a trial. The stigma and trauma of being detained in such a way would be very hard to shake off. It has the very real potential to ruin peoples lives. They may lose their family, job, confidence in their own abilities. Therefore this psychiatric wildcard should be played very carefully i.e. when it is clearly needed. Yet clearly psychiatrists feel they can assess people even when they are temporarily physically impaired. The survey response of the Vice President of the Australia and New Zealand psychiatry and the law society confirms this. While I was in the hands of the Department of Corrections my physical symptoms were downplayed, ignored and misreported. During the only physical assessment in Auckland Central Remand Prison, the doctor, also being from the England, sat with arms crossed in front of the computer screen while I told him of my symptoms. He was blatantly disinterested in anything that could jeopardise the Crown's intention to commit me. All of the court appointed Forensic psychiatrists ignored my complaints that I was not in my normal state of mind. These assessments were forced upon me and I clearly notified them of my physical impairments. In fact these physical impairments were caused by Crown agents who then took me from my home to have me committed. While I was incarcerated my symptoms included: - pressure and heat on the inside of my head - diminished vision and difficulty focusing - delayed hearing and difficulty comprehending speak in rooms with an echo (prison) - a racing mind It is unclear how much influence the uninformed drugging had on the above abnormalities to my normal state. On my release I sought the opinion of independent community based physical doctors. Dr Brace identified consistent symptoms to traumatic brain injury and could still feel the lump on the left side of my head some 6 weeks after the incident. Both Dr Brace and Dr Van Dorp found no sign of mental illness and were of the opinion that psychiatric opinions were questionable while someone had a head injury.

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So many of the people that were associated with this conspiracy to commit me worked for the Northland District Health Boad (NDHB) that I could not bring myself to trust them for a head scan that Dr Brace was good enough to arrange for me. It is a terrible feeling to know that the state mechanisms view you as an enemy. Personally I feel this is a matter of common sense and justice. How would you feel if Police could come to your home at any time, beat you senseless, lay charges on you and then, because they had done a good job at beating you up have the courts deny you a trial and forcibly detain you as if you were guilty? If you have a similar story I encourage you to step forward for the benefit of all.

Ministry of Health and Commissioner acts only for Crown interests

In my desperation to expose the bad faith of Dr Himadri Seth and out of concern that he was likely doing this to others I contacted the Minister of Health then Tony Ryall and asked for an investigation. The Ministers office refused and said that they referred the complaint to the Health and Disabilities Commissioner. Health workers were regulated under legislation that named the Health and Disabilities commissioner as the party responsible party holding practitioners to good faith and respect your rights. Complaints to this Crown commission were actionable if they were accompanied with a qualified opinion. Good faith is about the only stated protection against human rights abuse in New Zealand. It is evident that widespread bad faith is being exercised upon us. Yet when I complained twice to the Health and Disabilities Commissioner they refused to investigate despite a referral from the Minister of Health and a professional opinion confirming the validity of the complaint. All of these arms, agencies and privatised companies of government are protecting the Crowns interests irrespective of human rights, legislative limits, personal oaths of public or professional duty or the truth of the matter. The Crown courts tried to frame me for committal treatment three different times, blocked my right to orally cross examine, allowed the Police to change their statements, had me as guilty on accusation with no evidence to support the charges and doctored documents. I put it to you that such is the nature of the Crown's New Zealand. It uses force to suppress knowledge of our true history and lawful sovereignty of Man. It has mechanisms to remove anyone espousing true indigenous ways or believing in human rights and equality. Perhaps it is time we independently evaluated the legitimacy of the Crown and consequences of our inaction caused by the Crowns' ultimately destructive corporate agenda. An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. Ghandi

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Is psychiatry and its law rotten to the core?

Fearing the worst and with a court date on the horizon that could result in my incarceration, I hired a contractor to compile a list of Psychiatrists in New Zealand. She came back with seventy seven who were either a qualified psychiatrist of psychologist. On approaching them I found that no independent Psychiatrist would evaluate me once they knew it was in defense of Crown allegations for the purposes of committal, even though these psychiatrists charge up to $350 an hour and the assessment would have taken 4 hours. I excluded the Forensic psychiatrists as they were proving to be servants of the Crown. To get around this hurdle I decided to write a survey using things in my case as case studies of the way that I had been handled and circulate it to the people with the relevant qualifications. I called the survey "Conscionable practices survey for mental health assessments" faxed and emailed it to the list of mental health workers. After sending a reminder notice I received only one response, but it was enough to confirm "unreasonable distress" had been caused concerning practices were being used by Dr Ian Goodwin, "possible discrimination" "bias"and "valid cause for mistrust" by Dr Himadri Seth, and "unreasonable" handling of my case by forensic Nurse Richard Firth. The respondent, a Dr Justin Barry Walsh, happened to be a leading psychiatrist in New Zealand and the Vice Presient of ANZAPPL. It was surprising to see that he was also of the opinion that psychiatrists can assess a mans' sanity before awaiting physical recovery. On this point physical doctors and psychiatrists seem to have divergent views as seen by this Doctors opinion. My physical symptoms and speech functions were still affected some 6 weeks later as evidence in this independent Doctors report. When I notified Dr Justin Barry-Walsh that the survey was based on real events with the pressing risk of splitting my family apart Dr Justin Barry-Walsh unfortunately did not honor his stated duty to report the unconscionable behavior. It is concerning to see this ANZAPPL organisation claim in its constitution the right to "have all the powers of a natural person." Indeed this is a key clue as to the whole system of deception. It is based on the inverse of reality and requires one to turn their own back on their birth right and duty as kaitiaki (guardian of life) within creation. Do we actually believe the Crown laws of these psychiatrists that suggests we, living breathing natural persons, do not have the right to self defense? I personally tried it their way and it almost cost me everything. Only psychiatrists can answer the title to this section and they can do it by professionally and publicly ostracising the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity.

Please sign the petition to clean up psychiatry.

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