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Ostroumov S.A.

The theory of the hydrobiological mechanism of water self-purification in water bodies: from theory to practice // Abstracts of Proceedings of the 4th International Iran and Russia Conference in Agricluture and Natural Resources. (Shahrekord-Iran. Sept. 8-10, 2004. Eds. S. Sadatinejad, Sh. Mohammadi, A. Soltani, A. Ranjbar). 2004, p.1251 -1253. Bibliogr. 11 refs.; the text of the paper online: http://iirc.narod.ru/4conference/Section/sec4-2.pdf; See: http://scipeople.ru/users/2943391/; http://iirc.narod.ru/4conference/Fullpaper/40037.pdf (Proceedings of The Fourth International Iran & Russia Conference) This file: D:\2011\Publications.My.Texts\2004.Hydrobiological.mechanism.Conf.w.Iran\Hydrobiological.Mechanis m.Water.2004.docx Shahrekord University, Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy.

New data on effects of chemicals (surfactants) on water filtration by aquatic invertebrates are reported. The basics of the new theory of the polyfunctional role of biota in self-purification of water in aquatic ecosystems (lakes, rivers, man-made reservoirs) are formulated. The theory covers the following: sources of energy for the mechanisms of self-purification; the main functional blocks of the mechanism of water self-purification; the system of the main processes that are involved; analysis of the degree of participation of the main groups of aquatic organisms; degree of reliability and the main mechanisms providing the reliability of water self-purification; biotic regulation of the processes; the attitude of the mechanism of self-purification towards the external influences/impacts; applications and conclusions relevant to the practice of sustainable use of water resources, including some new approaches in preventing eutrophication and chemical pollution.

Key Words: pollution, water quality, water self-purification, lakes, rivers, aquatic, resources, ecosystems, sustainability, environmental safety, improving

A fragment of the text of the publication: "Introduction. Sustainable use of aquatic resources is based on the ability of aquatic ecosystems to maintain a

certain level of water quality. Water self-purification in both freshwater and marine ecosystems is based on a number of interconnected processes (e.g., Wetzel, 1983; Spellman, 1996; Ostroumov 1998, 2000). It is important to analyze the list of those processes and to find out whether at least some of them are vulnerable to manmade stress (Ostroumov, 2004)...." Continuation - see online: http://iirc.narod.ru/4conference/Fullpaper/40037.pdf

Relevant publications: Innovative conceptualization of how ecosystems improve water quality (water self-purification): http://www.scribd.com/doc/60659939/; Some Key papers: http://www.scribd.com/doc/52627327/2H469p203-Polyfunctional-role-wAddendum; http://www.scribd.com/doc/48099028/; Publications by the same author. Main Results. . : http://www.scribd.com/doc/59437439/; On the author. (...): http://www.famous-scientists.ru/3732/;

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