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1hls reporL conLalns Lhe experlence l acqulred durlna Lhe SLudenLs' lndusLrlal Work Lxperlence
Scheme (SlWLS 1) l had Lhe prlvlleae of underaolna mv lndusLrlal 1ralnlna aL Lhe nlaerlan
1elevlslon AuLhorlLv AbeokuLa Caun SLaLe from Lhe 23
of CcLober Lo november 19
uurlna mv work experlence here l was aLLached Lo Lhe Lnalneerlna ueparLmenL of Lhe
broadcasLlna faclllLv whlch has varlous secLlons 1he Lralnlna deplovmenL was as follows
er|od Durat|on 5ect|on
CcL 3
nov 2 Weeks 1ransmlsslon unlL and SLudlo SecLlon
nov 19
nov 2 Weeks ower Pouse and LlecLronlc Workshop

1he nlaerlan 1elevlslon AuLhorlLv (n1A) ls Lhe naLlonal 1elevlslon neLwork for Lhe people of
nlaerla lLs kev funcLlon ls Lo provlde as a publlc servlce ln Lhe lnLeresL of nlaerla lndependenL
and lmparLlal Lelevlslon broadcasLlna for aeneral recepLlon no oLher Lelevlslon sLaLlon ln
nlaerla ls charaed wlLh Lhe same soclal responslblllLv of publlc lnLeresL broadcasLlna
Accordlnalv Lhe n1A seeks Lo serve as a Lool for naLlonal lnLearaLlon
CCkCkA1L 51kUC1UkL
1he ulrecLor Ceneral ls Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve Cfflcer he ls asslsLed bv a Leam of LxecuLlve
ulrecLors ln charae of roarammes Lnalneerlna 1ralnlna and CapaclLv 8ulldlna MarkeLlna
news uC's offlce and llnance AdmlnlsLraLlon 1he ulrecLor Ceneral and Lhe LxecuLlve
ulrecLors consLlLuLe Lhe 8oard of ManaaemenL responslble for Lhe dav Lo dav runnlna of Lhe
AuLhorlLv 1hev are also members of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLor LoaeLher wlLh a arL Llme Chalrman
and seven Members n1A has 101 sLaLlons locaLed across Lhe counLrv resenLlv n1A has
operaLlonal 10 neLwork upllnk CenLres and Abu[a as PeadquarLers

n1A LransmlLs lLs neLwork roarammes and news on lnLelsaL 907 aL 3323 uearee LasL
1he neLwork Lransmlsslon ls dlalLal on 1ransponder 103/103 8PC1x 1he Lransmlsslon
parameLers are
O Up||nk Irequency 6283MPz
O Down||nk frequency 4060 MPz
O 5ymbo| kate 3632ms/s
O ,od scheme CSk
lL also LransmlLs lLs lnLernaLlonal on lnLelsaL 907 on Lransponder 23/23 LPC1x wlLh Lhe
followlna parameLers
O Up||nk Irequency 6122873MPz
O Down||nk frequency 3897873MPz
O 5ymbo| kate 28936Ms/S
O ,od 5cheme CSk

1he charL below shows Lhe oraanlzaLlonal sLrucLure of Lhe nlaerlan 1elevlslon AuLhorlLv
nlCL8lAn 1LLLvlSlCn Au1PC8l1?

AuMlnS18A1lCn LnClnLL8lnC nLWS 8CC8AMML 8CuuC1lCn llnAnCL

AuxlLlA8? 8CuuC1lCn lAClLl1?

lC1 S1uulC 18AnSMl11L8 LLLC18CnlC

1he nlaerlan 1elevlslon AuLhorlLv ls dlvlded lnLo aL leasL 3 deparLmenLs whlch are Lhe
AdmlnlsLraLlve Lnalneerlna news roarams and roducLlon and llnance 1he Lnalneerlna
deparLmenL ls dlvlded lnLo Auxlllarv and Lhe producLlon faclllLv 1he oLher branches of Lhe
enalneerlna deparLmenL are furLher dlvlded lnLo Lhe followlna unlLs
1he SLudlo SecLlon
1he 1ransmlLLer unlL
1he LlecLronlc Workshop
1he ower Pouse

CnA1Lk 1WC
20 1nL 51UDIC
A 'sLudlo' usuallv refers Lo a place where a parLlcular local proaram ls creaLed 1he sLudlo ls an
lnsLallaLlon ln whlch Lelevlslon or vldeo producLlons Lake place elLher for llve Lelevlslon for
recordlna llve Lo dlsc or for Lhe acqulslLlon of raw fooLaae for posLproducLlon lf Lhe proaram ls
broadcasL llve Lhe slanal aoes from Lhe MasLer ConLrol 8oom (MC8) Lo Lhe LransmlLLer 1he
Lelevlslon sLudlo has several rooms whlch are kepL separaLe for nolse and pracLlcallLv reasons
1hese rooms are connecLed vla lnLercom 1here are Lwo sLudlos aL n1A 1he flrsL sLudlo ls Lhe
laraesL ma[orlv used for laraer human conLenL proarams llke llve shows or lnLervlew and for
recordlna proarams 1he second sLudlo ls used ma[orlv Lo broadcasL news updaLes

21 1nL 51UDIC ILCCk
A sLudlo floor ls Lhe acLual sLaae on whlch Lhe acLlons LhaL wlll be recorded Lake place A sLudlo
floor has Lhe followlna lnsLallaLlons
- uecoraLlon / seLs
- Cameras on pedesLals / Lrlpods (SLudlo Lhree has 3 cameras whlle sLudlo Lwo has 2
cameras) 1he cameras ln sLudlo Lhree are operaLed manuallv whlle Lhose of sLudlo Lwo
are remoLe conLrolled
- Mlcrophones (boom neck or Lle cllp Lvpes as Lhe need arlses)
- LlahLnlna rlas and assoclaLed conLrolllna equlpmenL
n1A SLudlo lloor
211 1nL CA,LkA
A camera has 3 elecLronlc parameLers (conLrols)
a lrls
b zoom ln/zoom ouL
c focus/defocus
1he lrls conLrol ls also called Lhe aperLure 1he camera ls flLLed on a Lrlpod whlch has Lwo
mechanlcal conLrols namelv pan conLrol (lefL/rlahL movemenL) and Lhe LllL conLrol (for
up/down movemenL) lL also has a splrlL level for ad[usLmenL 1he sLudlo has varlous llahLs used
Lo reproduce Lhe plcLure belna shoL wlLh a hlah dearee of reallLv 1he llahLs are mounLed on
wlnches and are of dlfferenL shapes and power raLlnas 1hose ln square shape are used for low
brlahLness and are of lower power raLlna 1he llahLs of cvllndrlcal shape are of a hlaher power
raLlna ln 10kW and are used for hlah brlahLness
212 1nL CA,LkA CCN1kCL UNI1 (CCU)
1he sLudlo has a Camera ConLrol unlL (CCu) near Lo lL 1he CCu has a panel wlLh levers and
monlLors for each of Lhe camera belna used ln Lhe sLudlo Pere Lhe ad[usLmenL of Lhe vldeo
slanal for Lhe brlahLness and conLrasL ls performed 1he panel monlLors are used Lo seL Lhe 8 C
8 levels of Lhe slanal from Lhe camera Lhrouah sofLware menus whlch also have oLher conLrol
opLlons Lach of Lhe cameras has a separaLe monlLor Lo vlew Lhe lndlvldual slanal quallLles and
Lhere ls a common monlLor Lo whlch anv of Lhe camera o/p can be swlLched on Lo as Lhls has a
laraer screen
1he CCu also has a llahLlna conLrol swlLch board whlch can be used Lo perform ad[usLmenL of
Lhe llahLlnas ln Lhe sLudlo 1he panel has dlmness swlLches for all Lhe llahLs ln Lhe sLudlo ln Lhe
sLudlo Lhe llahLs are mounLed on wlnches whose helahL can be varled uslna Lhe wlnch conLrol
panel ln Lhe sLudlo lLself

22 ,A51Lk CCN1kCL kCC,
1he MasLer ConLrol 8oom (MC8) ls Lhe place ln whlch Lhe composlLlon of Lhe ouLaolna proaram
Lakes place lL ls also Lhe place where Lhe onalr slanal ls conLrolled lL lncludes conLrols Lo plav
back proarams and commerclals swlLch local or neLwork feeds and record saLelllLe feeds 1he
MC8 conslsLs of Lhe vlslon mlxlna unlL compuaraphlcs unlL and Lransmlsslon unlL all worklna Lo
achleve one purpose whlch ls smooLh Lransmlsslon
221 Lqu|pments used |n the ,aster Contro| Un|t |nc|ude
O A vldeo monlLor wall wlLh monlLors for proaram (off alr) prevlews vldeo Lape recorders
(v18) cameras araphlcs and oLher vldeo sources
O Audlo mlxlna console and oLher audlo equlpmenL and a vlslon mlxer a larae conLrol
panel used Lo selecL Lhe vldeo sources Lo be seen on alr and ln anv monlLors on Lhe seL
lL has Lhe uvL (dlalLal vldeo effecLs) lnLearaLed lnLo lL for manlpulaLlon of vldeo sources
O Chromer used as a sLlll sLore or sLlll frame lL ls a devlce for sLoraae of araphlcs or oLher
O xplav ouL machlne for calllna ouL of proarams
O vldeo roducLlon SvsLem 1he vS 300 ls a machlne whlch conLrols or recelves Lhe
vldeo feeds or slanals 1he ulalLal vldeo machlne Lhe monlLors Lhe Plah ueflnlLlon
vldeo machlne Lhe uvu plaver for plavback are all connecLed Lo Lhe vS 300

222 UNI15 IN 1nL ,A51Lk CCN1kCL kCC,
1he unlLs ln Lhe MC8 are Lhe vlslon mlxlna unlL compuaraphlcs and Lhe Lransmlsslon all
worklna LoaeLher Lo achleve a ma[or purpose smooLh Lransmlsslon 1helr funcLlons are as
CC,UGkAnIC5 ls responslble for deslanlna wlLh Lhe ald of compuLers vldeo backarounds
1hls ls used Lo suppress Lhe orlalnal backaround from Lhe sLudlo floor 1he ouLpuL ls rouLed Lo
Lhe conLrol secLlon 1he C1v loao daLe and Llme LhaL appear permanenLlv on Lhe C1v
producLlon are rouLed dlrecLlv from Lhe CC Moore and plav ouL machlne a monlLor on Lhe vldeo
VI5ICN ,IkING ls responslble for Lhe monlLorlna of Lhe vldeo slanals capLured bv Lhe
cameras ln Lhe sLudlo floor 1hev recelve slanal from Lhe compuaraphlcs also and wlLh Lhe use
of Lhe chrome machlne svnchronlse Lhe compuLer backaround and orlalnal conLenL from Lhe
sLudlo floor 1hls ls where dlfferenL vlew anales are selecLed from dlfferenL cameras
1kAN5,I55ICN Lhls ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL parL of Lhe sLudlo Pere Lhe declslon ls solelv made
Lhrouah Lhe use of Lhe mlxers bv Lhe Lransmlsslon dlrecLor Pe decldes wheLher Lo LransmlL
slanals from Lhe vlslon mlxlna xplav ouL machlne or from Lapes vldeo Cu's uvu's or hard dlsk
1he ouLpuL of Lhe Lransmlsslon aoes sLralahL Lo Lhe LransmlLLer secLlon Lhrouah cables
connecLed Lo Lhe LransmlLLer and Lhen Lhe anLenna Lo Lhe vlewlna publlc

llC 221 8LCCk ulAC8AM
Cl S1uulC
SlCnAL lLCW l8CM S1uulC
lLCC8 1C 18AnSMl11L8

vluLC ulS18l8u1lCn AMLlllL8
MCnl1C8 2
1P8CuCP LlnkS
uv uvu Puu
18AnSMlSSlCn ul8LC1C8'S MlxL8
x1v SA1
vluLC ulS18l8u1lCn AMLlllL8
1here ls an Audlo Console unlL where Lhe sound slanals Lo be recorded are processed 1hls
room has a audlo mlxlna equlpmenL Pere Lhe varlous audlo lnpuLs are mlxed and Lhe slanal
level seL ln order Lo obLaln a mono ouLpuL 1he Chennal uu kendra has onlv a mono audlo ouL
buL one can also aeL sLereo ouLpuL lf necessarv bv uslna Lhe same Audlo Mlxlna Console

1he console has 32 channels so LhaL lL can recelve 32 dlfferenL audlo lnpuLs aL Lhe same Llme
1he lnpuLs lnclude elLher a mlke ouLpuL or a llne ouLpuL1he llne ouLpuL refers Lo Lhe ouLpuL
from anv elecLronlc equlpmenL such as elecLronlc kevboards ouLpuL from anv prerecorded
audlo plaver ( uvu plaver )

1he console has a swlLch for lnpuL selecLlon le Llne lnpuL and mlke lnpuL 1he mlke o/p ls of
verv low sLrenaLh wlLh 70 d8 Pence when Lhe swlLch ls ln mlke poslLlon Lhe console lnpuL (Lhe
mlke o/p) ls connecLed Lo Lhe preampllfler of Lhe console 8v defaulL Lhe selecLor ls ln mlke
mode 1o selecL Lhe llne mode Lhe swlLch poslLlon ls chanaed Llne mode slanals are of
sufflclenL ampllLude and so do noL need anv preampllfler Pence ln Lhls mode Lhe pre
ampllfler ls bv passed

1here ls a Lrlmmlna conLrol LhaL ls used Lo reduce Lhe ampllLude of heavv lnpuLs 1hls ampllLude
reducLlon can be done elLher aL Lhe Lrlmmer conLrol presenL for each channel or uslna Lhe fader
conLrol presenL for each channel or aL Lhe masLer conLrol uslna whlch anv channel aaln can be
varled Whlle recordlna of audlo Lhe S/n musL be aL hlah so LhaL Lhe mlcrophone plcks up onlv
Lhe deslred slanal and anv sLrav plckup ls avolded lor Lhls hlahlv dlrecLlonal mlkes are used

lnLervlews and one Lo one conversaLlons use Laper mlkes whlch can be cllpped on ones
cloLhlna Lquallzers ln Lhe console are used Lo varv Lhe aaln of speclflc frequencv componenLs
of Lhe slanal belna recorded 1he equallzer ls used onlv durlna recordlna when Lhe aaln for Lhe
lndlvldual audlo lnpuLs can be equallzed AfLer recordlna onlv Lhe overall aaln can be varled noL
produclna Lhe deslred effecLs


1he SLudlo has Lwo monlLors and a prevlew monlLor Slnce lL ls onlv used for recordlna lL has
onlv a conLrol room 1he ple rack serves as houslna for Lhe enLlre elecLrlcal aadaeL Lverv
elecLrlcal aadaeL musL have a power cable lnleL and power conLrol buLLon (1here needs Lo be a
form of proLecLlon aaalnsL sudden power ouLaae 1hls ls whv an unlnLerrupLlble power supplv ls
used lL serves as an lnLerface beLween Lhe malns and everv oLher elecLrlcal aadaeL Lo be used
1he raLlna (power) of Lhe uS ls deLermlned bv Lhe load whlch lL wlll carrv)
O 1he power buLLon of Lhe lL (roaram lnpuL LqulpmenL) rack was puL on
O 1he llahLlnas of Lhe sLudlo floor were also puL on
O 1he camera covers used Lo proLecL Lhe camera from dusL were removed
O 1he monlLors and cameras power buLLons were puL on lor Lhe cameras Lo come on Lhe
followlna buLLons on Lhe vldeo mlxer was pressed accordlnalv SeL up aae l2 l1 l2
O 1he hard dlsk ls prepared and checked Lo allow for recordlna of Lhe proaram unLo lL
When Lhe proaram has been recorded Lhe vldeo conLenL can Lhen be downloaded unLo
a Cu

llC 24 LLLC18lCAL CCnnLC1lCn Cl 1PL LCulMLn1S ln S1uulC 2
1 SeL Lhe lrls Lo AuLomaLlc Zoom Lo Servo Camera / v18 Lo Cn SLandbv CuLpuL / uCC Lo
CAM uCC Cn or CAM uCC Cll
2 1urn on Lhe equlpmenL connecLed Lo Lhe vldeo camera
3 lnserL Lhe casseLLe Lape lnLo Lhe v18
4 SeL Lhe fllLer selecLor Lo poslLlon for llahLlna condlLlons
3 Ad[usL whlLe and black balances
6 ShooL Lhe sub[ecL and as[usL Lhe focus and Lhe zoom
Pard dlsk drlve
MonlLor 1
for camera 1
MonlLor 1
for camera 1
MonlLor 1
for camera 1
8alanced audlo dlsLrlbuLor
vldeo dlsLrlbuLlon ampllfler
conLrol unlL
vldeo Lape recorder (v18 1)
vldeo Lape recorder (v18 2)
ower supplv
unlnLerrupLlble power supplv Maxlmum full load
Maxlmum full load
MonlLor for
recorded vldeo
7 Chanae Lhe shuLLer speed / mode as requlred
8 ress v18 SLarL buLLon on Lhe vldeo camera or Lhe v18 buLLon on Lhe lens Lo sLarL
recordlna When Lhe recordlna sLarLs 1ALL? lamp ln Lhe vlewflnder llahLs up
9 1o sLop recordlna press Lhe v18 S1A81 buLLon on Lhe vldeo camera or Lhe v18
buLLon on Lhe lens now Lhe v18 enLers lnLo Lhe SLandbv mode and Lhe 1ALL?
lamp aoes Cll

Mlcrowave dlshes are commonlv used Lo LransmlL daLa over lona dlsLances A dlsh Lodlsh
mlcrowave seLup would easllv cover four mlles lL relles on hlah frequencv mlcrowave radlaLlon
LhaL Lravels aL Lhe speed of llahL Mlcrowaves aeL weaker as Lhev aeL farLher awav from Lhelr
source 1hev also need Lo beaL llne of slahL so a larae bulldlna wlll Lend Lo block Lhe slanal
Mlcrowaves use hlaher frequencles Lhan Lhe radlo waves used for AM lM or cellular

Lelephone Lransmlsslons and Lhev can LransmlL laraer amounLs of daLa more efflclenLlv
Mlcrowaves have characLerlsLlcs slmllar Lo Lhose of vlslble llahL waves and LransmlL pencllLhln
beams LhaL can be recelved uslna dlshshaped anLennas Such narrow beams can be focused Lo
a parLlcular desLlnaLlon and provlde rellable Lransmlsslons over shorL dlsLances on LarLh Lven
hlaher and narrower beams provlde Lhe hlahcapaclLv llnks Lo and from saLelllLes 1he hlah
frequencles easllv peneLraLe Lhe lonosphere (a laver of LarLh's aLmosphere LhaL blocks low
frequencv waves) and provlde a hlahquallLv slanal

O lL can cover larae dlsLances over rouah Lerralns where cables cannoL be burled
O 1hev have hlah speed Lransmlsslon
O lLs dlsadvanLaae ls LhaL lL ls verv expenslve and lL relles on llne of slahL and Lhus prone Lo

251 Ak15 CI 1nL ,ICkCWAVL LINk
O SLand dlsh
O 8l and ll cables
O 1ransmlLLer and recelver unl1S
O vldeo and audlo cable connecLors
O ModulaLor and demodulaLor
1he sLand/Lrlpod ls used for mounLlna Lhe dlsh (anLenna) and 8l head lL also lncludes dlalLal
modulaLors and demodulaLors

llC 231 MlC8CWAvL Llnk CPAln 8LCCk ulAC8AM

1he saLelllLe conslsLs of a fuel svsLem saLelllLe and LelemeLrv conLrols and Lransponder 1he
Lransponder has Lhe followlna parLs
O A recelvlna anLenna Lo plck slanals form around sLaLlon
O A broadband recelver
O lnpuL mulLlplexer
O lrequencv converLer used Lo rerouLe Lhe recelved slanals Lhrouah a hlah powered
ampllfler for downllnks
CommunlcaLlons saLelllLes provlde a means of LransmlLLlna LelecommunlcaLlons all over Lhe
alobe wlLhouL Lhe need for a neLwork of wlres and cables 1hev orblL LarLh aL a speed LhaL
enables Lhem Lo sLav above Lhe same place on LarLh aL all Llmes 1hls Lvpe of orblL ls called
aeosLaLlonarv or aeosvnchronous orblL because Lhe saLelllLe's orblLal speed operaLes ln
svnchronlclLv wlLh LarLh's roLaLlon 1he saLelllLes recelve Lransmlsslons from LarLh and LransmlL
Lhem back Lo numerous LarLh sLaLlon recelvers scaLLered wlLhln Lhe recelvlna coveraae area of
Lhe saLelllLe 1hls relav funcLlon makes lL posslble for saLelllLes Lo operaLe as benL plpes"LhaL
ls wlreless Lransfer sLaLlons for polnLLopolnL and polnLLomulLlpolnL Lransmlsslons
CommunlcaLlons saLelllLes are used bv Lelephone and Lelevlslon companles Lo LransmlL slanals
across areaL dlsLances Shlp alrplane and land navlaaLors also recelve slanals from saLelllLes Lo
deLermlne aeoaraphlc poslLlons A communlcaLlon channel ls a medlum used Lo convev an
lnformaLlon slanal from one or several senders Lo one or several recelvers A Lelevlslon sLaLlon
ls a Lvpe of Lelevlslon channel buL a Lelevlslon channel ls noL necessarllv a Lelevlslon sLaLlon
1elevlslon ls prlmarllv a publlc broadcasLlna medlum uslna polnLLomulLlpolnL Lechnoloav LhaL
ls broadcasL Lo anv user wlLhln ranae of Lhe LransmlLLer 1elevlslons LransmlL news and
lnformaLlon as well as enLerLalnmenL Commerclal Lelevlslon ls broadcasL over verv hlah
frequencv (vPl) and ulLrahlah frequencv (uPl) radlo waves and can be recelved bv anv
Lelevlslon seL wlLhln ranae of Lhe LransmlLLer 1elevlslons have also been used for polnLLo
polnL Lwowav LelecommunlcaLlons

27 kAC1ICAL WCkk
ln Lhls secLlon l dld Lhe followlna
O 8ecordlna of proarammes from Lhe sLudlo

CnA1Lk 1nkLL
1kAN5,I11Lk UNI1
1he LransmlLLer hall ls a LerresLrlal lnfrasLrucLure for LransmlLLlna of radlo frequencv slanals 1he
sLaLlon ls used for broadcasLlna and mlcrowave llnk 1he locaLlon of Lhe LransmlLLer hall ls such
as Lo meeL Lhe mlnlmum dlsLance reaulaLlons and Lhe llne of slahL crlLerla 1he LransmlLLer hall
has a masL/Lower used Lo lnsLall anLenna svsLems 1he masL ls a passlve sLrucLure Lo supporL
Lhe anLennas 1he sLaLlon also has Lhe faclllLv Lo recelve mlcrowave slanals from a mlcrowave
llnk 1he sLaLlon uses elecLrlclLv from Lhe malns buL also has a sLandbv aeneraLor and
unlnLerrupLlble power supplv ln case of fallure uue Lo Lhe flucLuaLlon of Lhe volLaae of Lhe
malns lL ls necessarv Lo lnsLall an auLomaLlc volLaae reaulaLor alona Lhe lnsLallaLlon of Lhe
LransmlLLer 1he LransmlLLer bulldlna Lhe anLenna masLs and Lhe LransmlLLlna equlpmenL of Lhe
sLaLlon are arounded for personal safeLv Lo proLecL aaalnsL elecLrlcal shocks 1he LransmlLLer
unlL ls Lhe hearL beaL / llve wlre and mosL senslLlve unlL ln Lhe enalneerlna deparLmenL of Lhe
Lelevlslon sLaLlon 1he LransmlLLer hall ls hlahlv alr condlLloned Lo prevenL heaLlna and provlde
approprlaLe worklna condlLlons for Lhe equlpmenLs
AL Lhe sLaLlon one LransmlLLer ls used
O A dlalLal Parrls slama plus wlLh analoa processor
1he LransmlLLer ls used ln parallel operaLlon wlLh Lhe ouLpuL of LransmlLLers LransmlLLlna ln Lhe
same frequencv band lL applled Lo a slnale anLenna svsLem

31 1nL 1kAN5,I11Lk
1he LransmlLLer ls an elecLronlc equlpmenL or devlce LhaL sends ouL radlo or 1v slanals Lo Lhe
space 1ransmlLLer converLs Av slanal Lo elecLromaaneLlc waves Camera converLs llahL enerav
Lo elecLrlcal slanals 1he ouLpuL power of Lhe LransmlLLer and ouLpuL power of Lhe anLenna are
Lwo dlfferenL quanLlLles 1he ouLpuL power of Lhe anLenna ls known as effecLlve radlaLed power
(L8) whlch ls acLuallv Lhe LransmlLLer power Llmes Lhe anLenna aaln
1he new LransmlLLers are dlalLal whlle Lhe old ones were analoa 1he analoa LransmlLLers were
laraer ln slze and occupled more space Lhan Lhe dlalLal LransmlLLer
An lnLernaLlonal plan for svsLem sLandard bv Lhe lnLernaLlonal LelecommunlcaLlon unlon (l1u)
on broadcasL sLandards deflnes sLandards used ln broadcasLlna ln Lhls plan mosL lmporLanL
flaures for LransmlLLers are radlo frequencv frequencv separaLlon beLween aural vlsual carrlers
and bandwldLh
311 Ak15 CI A 1kAN5,I11Lk
1he LransmlLLer has Lhree parLs Lhe conLrol sLaae Lhe drlver sLaae and Lhe lC1ampllfler
O CCN1kCL 51AGL 1hls has Lhe lnpuL/exclLer cublcle 1he lnpuL has elahL modules each
represenLlna a sLaae A 73 ohms coaxlal cable leads slanal (audlo and vldeo) lnLo Lhe
exclLer 1he LransmlLLer Lhrouah Lhese elahL modules converLs Lhe audlo vldeo slanals
lnLo radlo frequencles ln Lhe ranae of Lhree waLLs
1he elahL sLaaes of Lhe ampllfler are
1 vldeo processor
2 8ecelver aroup delav
3 ulfferenLlal phase correcLor
4 ModulaLor and saw vS8 fllLer
3 Croup delav
6 l/C Sound modulaLor
7 Aural plus vldeo correcLor
8 LlnearlLv correcLor
UnI LINLAkI5Lk 1hls equlpmenL ls locaLed beLween Lhe exclLer and Lhe svsLem dlsplav
lnLerface (Sul) conLroller / drlver svsLem of Lhe power ampllfler cablneL lLs purpose ls Lo
llnearlze Lhe lC1
O 1nL DkIVLk 51AGL Lhe Sul conLroller / drlver assemblv ls used Lo creaLe a
predlsLorLed drlve slanal for Lhe lA module lL recelves lLs 8l lnpuL of Lhree waLLs from
Lhe uPl llnerarlser board and sends lL Lo Lhe lA 1hls sLaae ls also Lhe monlLorlna sLaae
and conslsLs of all elecLronlc componenLs

llC 31 LLLC1CnlC Cl8Cul1 CCnllCu8A1lCn A1 1PL u8lvL8 S1ACL
1he purpose of Lhe lA ls Lo aeneraLe one band frequencv or Lo comblne boLh vldeo and audlo
LoaeLher Lo form one lA ralsed or ampllfles Lhe exclLer slanal Lo Lhe drlve level needed bv Lhe
lC1 ampllfler Lube lL ampllfles Lhe Lhree waLLs 8l Lo one kllowaLLs 8l
O 1nL IC1 A,LIIILk 1hls sLands for Lhe lnducLlve CuLpuL 1ube lL ls a hlah veloclLv
machlne used Lo reaulaLe Lhe amounL of elecLrons enLerlna lL has Lhree cavlLles
prlmarv secondarv and maln cavlLv 1he cavlLles provlde Lhe alr for Lhe lC1 1o malnLaln
sLandard consLanL frequencv ln Lhe lC1 lL ls supplled or powered wlLh 32kv uC power
supplv 32kv uC supplv ls supplled bv a beam Lransformer Lach LransmlLLer has lLs own
beam Lransformer A conLrol knob can be used for selecLlna from Lhe ranae of volLaae
1he beam Lransformer has an oll coolanL for proLecLlna lL from overheaLlna and
componenL vlbraLlons 1he lC1 works on Lhe valve svsLem

llC 32 18lCuL vALvL oslLlve anode

ConLrol arld
Screen arld
Suppressor arld

neaaLlve caLhode
CollecLor currenL

llC 33 lC1 llC 34 lLLuL8 CCL8 1u8L
1he processed slanal Lhen comes ouL Lhrouah a feeder copper whlch leads Lhe slanal Lo Lhe
suppressor and llne cablneL lL ls Lhen rouLed on Lo a bla cable LhaL aoes Lo Lhe anLenna panels
aL Lhe masLs peak
1he 8x Pead ls recommended lf Lhe LransmlLLer ls Lo walL ln preoperaLe condlLlon for more
Lhan 30 mlnuLes or ls provlded for users who needs Lo operaLe Lhe lC1 wlLh heaLer 'Cn' and Lhe
beam 'Cll' for exLended perlods 1he crowbar proLecLs Lhe lC1 from shorLs volL arcs and
curves or excesslve volLaae 1he slanal ls led ouL Lhrouah a bla Lube called Lhe suppressor and
llne cablneL

llC 33 Su8LSSC8 Anu LlnL CA8lnL1 llC 36 ulSLA? CCn18CL AnLL
312 1kAN5,I11Lk kLADING5

1he readlnas from Lhe LransmlLLer are Laken everv four hours from Lhe dlsplav conLrol panel on
Lhe LransmlLLer 1he readlnas lnclude svsLem conflauraLlon 1hev are used Lo monlLor Lhe
operaLlon of Lhe LransmlLLer and Lo dlaanose lf anv problem should surface 1he raLlnas and
speclflcaLlon of Lhe LransmlLLer from Lhe manufacLurer are compared Lo Lhe readlnas Laken aL
lnLervals Lo check lf Lhe LransmlLLer ls operaLed aL opLlmum 1hls loaalna process enables Lhe
enalneer Lo ascerLaln Lhe parLlcular Llme when Lhe LransmlLLer was faulLed Speclfled and
requlred comblned vlslon and sound measuremenLs lC1 seLLlnas meLer readlnas and lA
meLer readlnas amona oLhers are recorded vSW8 / 8eseL power meLerlna dlsplavs Lhe
reflecLed 8l power aL Lhe LransmlLLer comblned ouLpuL

313 1UkNING CN 1nL 1kAN5,I11Lk
O ulsconnecL Lhe earLh and puL on Lhe cablneL lsolaLor
O Cn Lhe dlsplav unlL press sLandbv and walL for flve mlnuLs for Lhe LransmlLLer Lo
O AfLer charalna all Lhe lndlcaLor llahLs come on PeaLer delav and recordlna wlll be Lhe
lasL lndlcaLors Lo come on afLer booLlna
O ress Lhe beam buLLon and Lhe LransmlLLer cablneL wlll supplv Lo Lhe LransmlLLer
O SwlLch on Lhe uS and Lake lLs readlnas
O Move chanae over swlLch Lo LransmlLLer A or 8 dependlna on usaae

Shutting down the transmitter is the same procedure in descending order.

and video
Irom studio

lL 8ACk

to the

18AnSMl11L8 LxCl1L8
llC 36 SlCnAL lLCW l8CM lL 8ACk 1C 18AnSMl11L8
1kW 8l
1PL llnAL
C/ nC8MAL Mu1L LlnL8A8l1? CC88LC1C8
Au8AL/vlSuAL CC88LC1C8
ll C/ LLvLL SCunu MCuuLA1C8
C8Cu uLLA?
MCuL uL1P MCuuLA1C8 Anu SAW vS8 llL1L8
ulllL8Ln1lAL PASL CC88LC1C8
8LCLlvL8 C8Cu uLLA?

32 1kAN5,I11Lk CCN1kCL kCC,
1he LransmlLLer conLrol room ls a room aL Lhe broadcasL faclllLv smaller ln slze compared Lo Lhe
masLer conLrol room 1he LransmlLLer conLrol room manaaes one channel for Lhe broadcasLlna
1he LransmlLLer recelves slanals from Lhe sLudlo ln Lwo wavs
O Audlo and vldeo on cables
O Audlo and vldeo on mlnlllnks
1he purpose of havlna Lwo meLhods of Lransmlsslon ls for easv swlLchlna and backup 1he
LransmlLLer conLrol room serves as an lnpuL Lo Lhe LransmlLLer 1he end producL of Lhe masLer
conLrol room aL Lhe sLudlo ls Lhe lnpuL for Lhe LransmlLLer sLaLlon ln Lhe era of analoa
Lransmlsslon Lhere was lnvolved a loss of quallLv whlch necesslLaLed Lhe use of a compensaLor
lL ls also used when cables are used Lo LransmlL slanals 1he quallLv of Lhe slanal senL ls
measured wlLh a vecLorscope or oscllloscope 1he ldeal vldeo slanal for packeL LransmlLLer ls
one volL peakLopeak 1he dlfference beLween an oscllloscope/wave form monlLor and a
vecLorscope ls LhaL Lhe vecLorscope dlsplavs an x ? ploL of Lwo slanals whlch can reveal deLalls
abouL Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lwo slanals 1he ouLpuL power of Lhe LransmlLLers ls 40kW
LransmlLLlna on channel uPl 23 1he LransmlLLers are lnLerchanaed wlLh Lhe span of 3davs
1he 1C8 equlpmenL lnclude
O lL rack whlch serves as houslna for all equlpmenL ln Lhe conLrol room lL conLalns
mlxers dlsLrlbuLlon ampllflers Lhree monlLors Cne ls used Lo dlsplav Lhe slanal
recelved from Lhe sLudlo bv mlnllnks AnoLher ls used Lo dlsplav Lhe vldeo slanal
recelved Lhrouah cables 1he Lhlrd ls used Lo dlsplav Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe LransmlLLer And a
Lelevlslon seL LhaL recelves slanal from Lhe LransmlLLed frequencv of Lhe sLaLlon
O 1wo 120kvA PSerles unlnLerrupLlble power supplv (uS) and lLs power source of 60

llC 38 uS Slx1? 12v 8A11L8lLS CPAnCL CvL8 SWl1CPLS
O Chanae over swlLches 1here are Lhree chanae over swlLches for Lhe LransmlLLer and Lhe
lL rack lL ls used Lo swlLch beLween uS
1he audlo slanal recelved from Lhe sLudlo Lhrouah Lhe 73 ohms coaxlal cable enLers as lnpuL Lo
Lhe audlo console aL 1C8 1he ouLpuL aoes as lnpuL Lo Lhe balanced audlo dlsLrlbuLor Lo have
more audlo ouLpuL uependlna on whlch vldeo slanal ls used (from mlnlllnks or cable) 1he
ouLpuL of Lhe monlLor Lhrouah whlch Lhe slanal from sLudlo comes as lnpuL ls Laken as Lhe lnpuL
Lo Lhe proarammable vldeo dlsLrlbuLor 1he slanal moves Lo Lhe vldeo processlna ampllfler
whlch has one lnpuL and one ouLpuL 1he monlLor for vldeo cable Lransmlsslon can be
lnLerchanaed beLween sLudlo and ouLslde broadcasL

llC 39 8CC8AM lnu1 LCulMLn1 (lL) 8ACk Anu 1PL 18AnSMl11L8

33 CCLCUk 8Ak
1hls ls a Lvpe of Lelevlslon LesL paLLern mosLlv used ln counLrles where Lhe n1SC vldeo sLandard
ls domlnanL
U5L5 1he componenL of Lhls paLLern ls known as sLandard When Lhls paLLern ls compared
wlLh Lhe recelved paLLern lL alves vldeo enalneers an lndlcaLlon how an n1SC slanal has been
alLered bv recordlna or Lransmlsslon and whaL compensaLlon needs Lo be applled Lo LhaL slanal
Lo brlna lL back Lo orlalnal condlLlon
lL ls also used for seLLlna a Lelevlslon monlLor or recelver Lo reproduce n1SC chromlnance and
lumlnance lnformaLlon correcLlv 1he colour bar lmaae conLalns seven verLlcal bars of 73
lnLenslLv ln order from lefL Lo rlahL Lhe colours are whlLe vellow cvan areen maaenLa red
and blue 1he sequence runs Lhrouah all seven posslble comblnaLlons LhaL use aL leasL one of
Lhe Lhree baslc colour componenLs of areen red and blue wlLh blue cvcllna on and off beLween
everv bar red cvcllna on and off everv Lwo bars and areen on for Lhe lefL mosL four bars and off
for Lhe rlahLmosL Lhree Creen conLrlbuLes Lhe laraesL share of lumlnance followed bv red and
Lhen blue AL n1A colour bars ls LransmlLLed LoaeLher wlLh a conLlnuous 1000Pz audlo Lone
before sendlna proaram maLerlal ln order Lo asserL ownershlp of Lhe Lransmlsslon llne or
medlum producers of Lelevlslon proarams Lvplcallv record bars and Lone" aL Lhe bealnnlna of
a vldeo Lape or recordlna medlum (uv uvu) so LhaL Lhe plavback equlpmenL can be callbraLed

llC 331 SCClL1? Cl MC1lCn
lC1u8L 1LLLvlSlCn LnClnLL8S (SM1L)

34 CWLkING CI 1nL 1kAN5,I11Lk UNI1

1he LransmlLLer unlL aeLs lLs 3phase 413v llne and 240v phase volLaae dlrecLlv from Lhe power
house of Lhe broadcasLlna faclllLv lnLerposed beLween Lhe power house supplv and Lhe
LransmlLLer unlL ls Lhe maln swlLch lL connecLs Lhe LransmlLLer Lo Lhe power house or breaks
Lhe connecLlon ln Lhe case of emeraencles lrom Lhe Maln SwlLch power aoes Lo Lhe chanae
over swlLch As earller menLloned Lhere are Lhree chanae over swlLches 1wo are used
separaLelv Lo connecL Lhe LransmlLLer Lo Lhe uS whereas Lhe Lhlrd one ls used Lo connecL Lhe
le 8ack Lo Lhe uS lrom here connecLlon ls made Lo Lhe Surae Suppressor whose funcLlon ls
Lo suppress Lhe power suraes ln Lhe llnes before Lhe supplv aeLs Lo Lhe LransmlLLer lrom Lhe
suppressor connecLlon ls made Lo Lhe AuLomaLlc volLaae 8eaulaLor (Av8) 1he funcLlon ls Lo
reaulaLe Lhe volLaae Lo Lhe requlred 413v for Lhe proper operaLlon of Lhe LransmlLLer
1he lasL connecLlon ls Lo Lhe SwlLchlna anel whlch serves as a proLecLlve panel Lo Lhe
LransmlLLer and Lhe pumps of Lhe coollna svsLem lrom here power aoes Lo Lhe LransmlLLer

1he LransmlLLer sLaLlon has Lwo 120kvA P serles uS Lach uS has slxLv baLLerles of 12 volLs
70 amps connecLed ln serles servlna as lLs enerav source 1he Lwo PuS are used ln parallel
1he uS ls used Lo supplv power Lo Lhe LransmlLLer ln case of power ouLaae

MAln SuL? uS C8l1lCAL LCAu

O 1o lncrease securlLv
O lor redundancv and
O lor power lncremenL purpose

O lor power blackouL proLecLlon lf Lhe malns power falls Lhe uS conLlnues Lo power
Lhe crlLlcal load from lLs baLLerv source leavlna Lhe load lmmune from power
O lncrease power quallLv Lhe uS has lLs own lnLernal volLaae and frequencv reaulaLor
clrculLs whlch ensure LhaL Lhe ouLpuL ls malnLalned wlLhln close Lolerances lndependenL
of volLaae and frequencv varlaLlon on Lhe malns power llnes
O lncreased nolse re[ecLlon bv recLlfvlna Lhe lnpuL AC power Lo uC power and Lhen
converLlna lL back Lo AC anv elecLrlcal nolse presenL on Lhe lnpuL malns supplv llne ls
effecLlvelv lsolaLed from Lhe uS ouLpuL Lherefore Lhe crlLlcal load sees onlv clean
power 1he Lwo uS have a dlmenslon of 1600 * 1100 * 800mm (P W u) and an
audlble nolse of 64d8A 1he uS also has a compuLer lnLerface slanal cable

1he malnLenance carrled ouL was prevenLlve 1he surfaces of Lhe baLLerles were cleaned Lo
prevenL dusL and molsLure from causlna damaae and reduclna Lhe llfe span of Lhe baLLerv

342 CCCLING 551L,

1he coollna svsLem ln LransmlLLers depends on Lhe cllmaLe of Lhe envlronmenL lL ls belna used
A slnale self conLalned open loop waLer/alvcol svsLem ls provlded for llquld cooled lC1 verslons
1he waLer or alvcol mlxLure prevenLs damaae durlna operaLlon ln cold cllmaLes A 30 alvcol
raLlo ls requlred Lo provlde Lhe proper dlelecLrlc for waLer column load and corroslon or rusL
lnhlblLors for Lhe svsLem lor warm cllmaLes Lhe closed loop waLer svsLem ls used uual pumps
and ouLdoor fan unlLs wlLh mulLlple fans are sLandard PeaL exchanaers are slzed Lo cool Lhe
LransmlLLer Lach lA cablneL has lnLernal alr coollna for Lhe cavlLles and lA

l was opporLune Lo wlLness and parLake ln Lhe repalr of an ampllfler unlL ln Lhe LransmlLLer 1he
MCSlL1S on Lhe ampllfler were damaaed and had Lo be replaced 1he MCSlL1 ls a verv fraalle
and senslLlve LranslsLor so lL was handled wlLh areaL care 1he bad MCSlL1 on Lhe ampllfler
unlL was desoldered and puL awav 1he new MCSlL1 was replaced wlLh care and Lhe solderlna
was done brleflv Lo avold Lhe heaL damaalna Lhe MCSlL1


1he elecLronlc workshop ls anoLher secLlon ln Lhe Lnalneerlna deparLmenL 1hls ls where all Lhe
malnLenance and repalrs of Lhe elecLronlc componenLs are carrled ouL 1hls secLlon works Lo
ensure smooLh worklna of all Lhe equlpmenLs such as Lhe Lelevlslons monlLors cameras
mlcrophones and oLher elecLronlc devlces

MalnLenance can be deflned as Lhe work LhaL ls done reaularlv or over a perlod of Llme Lo keep
a machlne a devlce or a bulldlna ln aood condlLlon and worklna order 1he malnLenance work
carrled ouL ls of Lhree Lvpes
O revenLlve malnLenance
O CorrecLlve malnLenance
O redlcLlve malnLenance

revenLlve malnLenance ls carrled ouL on equlpmenLs Lo prevenL damaae Lo anv parL of Lhe
devlce lL also helps ln deLecLlna faulLs before serlous damaae ls done Lo Lhe equlpmenL
revenLlve malnLenance ls carrled ouL on a schedule elLher weeklv monLhlv eLc lorms of
prevenLlve malnLenance lnclude
O kLCALI8kA1ICN 1hls ls Lo ensure accuraLe measuremenL 1he callbraLlon procedure
can also be helpful ln locallslna curLaln Lroubles ln Lhe lnsLrumenL
O VI5UAL IN5LC1ICN LqulpmenL musL be vlsuallv lnspecLed for posslble clrculL
defecLs 1hese defecLs mav lnclude such Lhlnas as loose or broken connecLlons
damaaed connecLors lmproperlv seaLed Lubes or LranslsLors scorched wlres or
reslsLors mlsslna Lube shlelds and broken Lermlnal sLrlps
O CLLANING LqulpmenL should be cleaned as ofLen as operaLlna condlLlons requlre
AccumulaLlon of dlrL ln Lhe lnsLrumenL can cause overheaLlna and componenL
breakdown ulrL on componenLs acLs as an lnsulaLlna blankeL and prevenLs efflclenL
heaL dlsslpaLlon

1hls Lvpe of malnLenance ls carrled ouL on faulLv equlpmenLs and devlces CorrecLlve
malnLenance enLalls repalrlna Lhe faulLv parL of Lhe equlpmenL aL Llmes replaclna Lhe enLlre
unlL mav be Lhe besL opLlon

1hls Lvpe of malnLenance ls carrled ouL Lo forsee lmpendlna damaae whlch mav occur Lo an
equlpmenL or devlce

1o ald proper malnLenance of equlpmenLs a comprehenslve svsLem ls adopLed 1hls ls Lo be
compleLed bv Lhe operaLors and malnLenance sLaff Such reporL help Lo ldenLlfv Lhe equlpmenL
whlch has been malnLalned deLall of componenLs replaced lf anv Lhe lenaLh of Llme requlred
for Lhe malnLenance and deLalls of performance LesLs on varlous secLlons of Lhe enLlre

43 LLLC1kIC ,L1Lk5
LlecLrlc MeLers are lnsLrumenLs for measurlna and lndlcaLlna maanlLudes of elecLrlcal values
such as currenL charae poLenLlal and power and Lhe elecLrlcal characLerlsLlcs of clrculLs such
as reslsLance capaclLance and lnducLance 1he lnformaLlon ls usuallv presenLed ln Lerms of
deflned sLandard elecLrlcal unlLs whlch prlnclpallv are Lhe ohm volL ampere coulomb henrv
farad waLL and [oule

431 ,L1Lk CALI8kA1ICN

1o ensure unlformlLv and accuracv elecLrlc meLers are callbraLed accordlna Lo Lhe accepLed
sLandards of measuremenL for Lhe alven elecLrlcal unlL (such as volL ampere ohm and waLL)

432 ,LA5UkING U5ING 1nL ,L1Lk

1he meLer can measure elecLrlcal values such as currenL reslsLance volLaae eLc 1he meLer has
beLween Lwo Lo four spaces Lo connecL elecLrlcal leads whlch wlll be used Lo measure Lhe
values requlred lL also has a conLrol knob for decldlna whlch elecLrlcal values (volLaae currenL)
ls Lo be measured 1he meLer has a screen whlch shows Lhe raLlna of Lhe values Lo be read

1o measure a parLlcular elecLrlcal quanLlLv selecL Lhe elecLrlcal unlL Lo be measured uL one
end of Lhe leads on Lhe parL labeled 'CCM' and Lhe oLher lead ln Lhe oLher uL one end of one
Lhe leads on Lhe devlce Lo be measured and Lhe oLher lead one Lhe oLher parL 1he meLer
shows Lhe readlna on Lhe screen Lhe value LhaL was read

44 kAC1ICAL WCkk
AL Lhls secLlon l had Lhe opporLunlLv Lo Lake parL ln some pracLlcal work such as repalrlna an
exLenslon box repalr of a compuLer kevboard

441 kLAIk CI AN Lk1LN5ICN 8Ck
1he flrsL Lhlna LhaL was done was Lo check cable of Lhe exLenslon box for conLlnulLv 1hls was
done wlLh a meLer 1he meLer made a buzzlna sound Lo lndlcaLe for conLlnulLv 1he cable was
replaced and furLher dlaanosls was carrled ouL lL was found LhaL one of Lhe sockeLs on Lhe box
was damaaed so lL was replaced 1hls was done bv unscrewlna Lhe sockeL and puLLlna a new
one Care was Laklna when puLLlna Lhe conducLlna wlres ln Lhe llve earLh and neuLral of Lhe
new sockeL for replacemenL ln order Lo prevenL Lhe sockeL burnlna up

442 kLAIk CI A CC,U1Lk kL8CAkD
1he compuLer kevboard was unscrewed Lo check for faulLs lL was dlscovered LhaL one laver of
Lhe kevboard had rusLs 1hls rusLs occurred due Lo waLer pourlna lnslde Lhe kevboard
1he prlnLed clrculL board under Lhe kevboard was cleaned wlLh a solvenL Lo sLop Lhe rusLs and
mlnor resolderlna was done 1he kevboard was coupled LoaeLher and LesLed Some kevs were
noL sLlll worklna so Lhe enLlre kevboard had Lo be replaced

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