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In the Beginning . . .

Growing into a Life of Faith


Creation Station

God Made Everything: Days 67

Key Concept
God made everything.


Every time you say the key concept during the lesson, use these motions: God [point up] made everything [reach arms forward and move them out to the sides].

Bible Summary
Genesis 12 God created everything in six days, including light and dark, the water and the sky, the land and plants, birds and fish, animals, and His most wonderful creation: people. On the seventh day, God rested.


(Labeled items below can be found in the Lesson 3 Visual folder on the Summer Quarter CD.) CD player Music for singing The Beginners Bible Felt board (or white board covered in black felt) Small box with lid (optional: decorate it in an artsy style) Creation felt pieces: Large light-colored piece to cover entire white board Large black piece for darkness Blue sky, clouds, rain drops, blue ocean Green land, plants, trees, flowers Sun, moon, stars Fish, bird, bear, pig, elephant, cat, cow Boy, girl Face with brown hair, face with blonde hair Face with blue eyes, face with green eyes Face with freckles Beret and smock (or bright, artsy clothing) for Teacher and Helper (optional) Flashlight or lamp (optional)

Children will hear the whole Creation story. The focus will be on Days Six and Seven, when God made the animals to fill the earth. With His hands, He made people to be friends with God. Then, God rested and said, It is very good.

Children will learn that God made everything, including animals and people.

Bible Verse
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

Children will participate in activities to identify various kinds of animals. They will review that God made people (including boys and girls), and He wants us to be friends with Him. Note: This reinforces the WHY God made usto be in relationship with Him

Spiritual Formation

People Needed
Teacher, Helper

Summer Quarter

2007 Willow Creek Community Church / Sunday School Teachers Guidebook / Lesson 3


Creation Station Notes:

For each child Person outline (Lesson 3 SG 4) Key Concept sticker (Lesson 3 SG 5)

Two-sided take-home coloring sheet (Lesson 3 SG 6 and Lesson 3 SG 7) Snack

In Advance
Recruit a Helper to operate the music CDs. The Helper also has a number of lines during this lesson, and will help hand felt pieces to the Teacher during the story. Make sure your Helper is comfortable doing this. Determine which songs you will use and be prepared to lead the children in singing. Song suggestions: Upbeat song for transition from Activity Stations to the Creative Bible Teaching Seven (Touch the Sky CD) God Made Me (Reach Up High CD) Dance, Shout & Sing (Touch the Sky CD) Gather the supplies listed above and arrange your classroom as follows: Designate one area or corner of the room as your teaching area. Set up props that will be used during the lesson and consider covering them with a sheet or a large piece of fabric to keep them from curious kids during Activity Stations. Also consider placing a line of tape on the floor to help keep kids out of the teaching area. For the lessons in Unit 1, the teaching area is Creation Station. Decorate the space as an artists studio. Place art supplies of all kinds on a small table or desk and paint, finger paint, or draw a splashy, bright-colored backdrop on butcher paper to hang at the back of the teaching area. Consider hanging the kids artwork from Activity Stations on the walls, as well. Hide the Bible in or under something in the room. Use a felt board or fully cover your white board with a large piece of dark-colored felt. (It is easier for children to make out the felt shapes on a dark background.) Put all the Creation story felt pieces in the artists box. You may purchase or cut out your own felt pieces; or cut pieces out of colored construction paper or cardstock and affix them to the (uncovered) whiteboard with small pieces of tape or sticky tack. See Unit Overview for suggestions. Prepare the materials that will be given to each of the children. To prepare the stickers, print or copy the pages onto Avery label sheets #5294. Consider cutting the stickers apart for easier distribution. Print out the lesson and practice the teaching time.

Summer Quarter

2007 Willow Creek Community Church / Sunday School Teachers Guidebook / Lesson 3


Creation Station

Teachers Prep
REVIEW GENESIS 12. God created everything in just six days, and He saved the best for lastus! God created an elaborate, beautiful universe just by speaking it into existence. Its beyond comprehension. But even more mind blowing is the manner in which He created man and woman. He did more than just speak us into existence. He created us with His loving hands. We were brought into existence in the palm of Gods hand. From the moment of mans first breath, we knew Gods touch. God created us to be in relationship with Him. He made us in His image. We were made for Him. We are His pleasure and His family. Spend some time this week in the loving hands of your Creator, reflecting on your relationship with Him.

Activity Stations

Choose which Activity Stations you will use from the list included in the Activity Stations folder.

Creative Bible Teaching


[Play upbeat music as children transition to the teaching area. Encourage kids to clap their hands along with you. Clap in a variety of styles like overhead, on your knees, on your belly, etc.]

Hello, everyone! My name is ___________________, and I am so excited youre here today. Today we are going to learn all about creation here at Creation Station! When you create something, that means you are making something. When we are at Creation Station, we get to learn about how God created everything. Creation Station is a fun place where we can come and make all kinds of fun things, like paintings and drawings. We also come to Creation Station to play games and sing songs. Lets all stand up and sing a song to God right now.

Song Suggestion: Seven [Invite kids to sit down on the count of three. Helper joins the Teacher up front.]

We are going to do lots of fun things today. We get to hear a great Bible story about all the things God made! Do you remember how many days it took God to make everything? [Kids respond.] Thats right. Seven days. Lets count to seven. Ready? [Count on fingers.] Lets count: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Seven days! How many days? [Kids respond.] Good job! Today Im going to use something very fun and special to tell the Bible story. _______________ [Helper], can you help?

Summer Quarter

2007 Willow Creek Community Church / Sunday School Teachers Guidebook / Lesson 3


Creation Station



I just need to get out my very special picture board and my special artists box. [Bring out felt or white board and artists box. Place the box on the table.] You can help me sort out these pieces when I need them. Now, I just need to find my Bible, and then we can get started! [Look in or under something in the room.] Oops! I found my toothbrush, but Ill save that for later. Right now, I need to find the Bible. Let me try over here. [Look in or under a second place.] My teddy bear! But thats not what Im looking for, either. I think I know where the Bible might be. [Look in a third place.] Ah, I found it. Click on your listening ears, friends. Click! Click! [Tug on each earlobe.] Now lets put on our special eyes. Shookum! Shookum! [Hold hands to eyes, one at a time, shaping glasses. Show Bible.] Okay, I think were ready to get started. * * * * * * *

In the beginning, there was nothing on the earth. The earth was empty and very, very dark. God had a plan! On Day One [hold up one finger] . . . friends, can you hold up one finger? _______________ [Helper], get ready. On Day One, God said, Let there be light. [Helper switches on a high-powered flashlight or lamp, if available.]

And there was light! God called the light day, and He called the darkness night. After God made the light, He said [pause and give a thumbs up], It is good.

On Day One, God made the bright light and dark night. *

On Day Two [hold up two fingers] . . . friends, hold up two fingers. On Day Two, God made the beautiful blue sky. [Helper hands over the appropriate felt pieces as the Teacher mentions them throughout the Bible story.]

[Place blue felt sky and white felt clouds on the felt-covered white board.] He also made the water that comes from the sky [place rain drops falling below clouds] . . . and the water thats in the big ocean and the smaller seas [place blue ocean at the bottom on one side]. When God saw [point] the beautiful blue sky and the oceans and seas, He said [pause and give a thumbs up], It is good.

On Day Two, God made the sky of blue and water, too.

Summer Quarter

2007 Willow Creek Community Church / Sunday School Teachers Guidebook / Lesson 3


Creation Station


Thats right! On Day Three [hold up three fingers] . . . friends, hold up three fingers. On Day Three, God made the land. [Place green land on felt board.] God made all the plants, flowers, and trees that grow on the land. [Place plants, trees, and flowers on the board.] When God saw the land with all the plants, trees, and flowers, He said [pause and give a thumbs up], It is good.

On Day Three, God made the land, plants, flowers, and trees. *

Exactly right! On Day Four [hold up four fingers] . . . friends, hold up four fingers. On Day Four, God made a big light called the sun. [Place yellow sun on board.] God also made the smaller light, called the moon [place moon on board] to shine up in the sky at night. And God made the smallest lights in the nighttime sky that twinkle, called stars. [Place several stars on board.] When God saw the sun, the moon, and the stars, He said [pause and give a thumbs up], It is good.

On Day Four, God made the sun so bright and the moon and stars at night! *

You got it. On Day Five [hold up five fingers] . . . friends, hold up five fingers. On Day Five, God filled the water in the ocean with lots of fish. [Place fish on board.] He made big fish and small fish. On Day Five, God also made lots of birds. [Place birds on board.] All the birds were made to fly up in the sky. When God saw the fish and the birds, He said [pause and give a thumbs up], It is good.

On Day Five, God made fish, big and small, and birds, one and all! *

Way to go! On Day Six [hold up six fingers] . . . friends, hold up six fingers. On Day Six, God made all the animals that live on the land. He made animals with fluffy fur, like bears [Place bear on board.] He made animals with no hair at all, like pigs. [Place pig on board.] God made big animals with trunks, like elephants. [Place elephant on board.] And He made animals like cows with black spots and cats with pink tongues! [Place cow and cat on board.] God made something else on Day Six. He made something very, very special. He made people! [Place boy and girl on board]. He made a man and a woman. And He made them with His very own hands. He made some people with blonde hair. [Put face with blonde hair on board.] He made some people with brown hair. [Put face with brown hair on board.] He made some people with blue eyes. [Put face with blue eyes on board.] And people with green

Summer Quarter

2007 Willow Creek Community Church / Sunday School Teachers Guidebook / Lesson 3


Creation Station

eyes. [Put face with green eyes on board.] And He made people with freckles. [Put face with freckles on board.] God made all kinds of people. God made people so they could be His friends. People were Gods most special creation. God loved all the things He made, but He loved people more than anything else! When God saw the animals and the people, He said [pause and give a thumbs up], It is very good. Lets say that again, It is very good.

On Day Six, God made animals on land and a woman and man. *

Thats right. God made people so they could be His friends. On Day Seven [hold up seven fingers] . . . friends, hold up seven fingers. On Day Seven, God stopped making things, and He rested. On Day Seven, God took a rest! Friends, lets take a rest. Lets stretch those arms way up high [stretch], and lets relax and rest. Ahhh. [Hum for a few seconds. Point to board.] Look at all the wonderful things God made. I love this story because we learned that God [point up] made everything [reach arms forward and move them out to the sides]! Friends, say that with me. God [point up] made everything [reach arms forward and move them out to the sides]. Lets say that together in our squeaky voices. God [point up] made everything [reach arms forward and move them out to the sides]. Now, lets try that in our low voices. God [point up] made everything [reach arms forward and move them out to the sides]. God [point up] made everything [reach arms forward and move them out to the sides], and He did it all in seven days! Lets stand and sing!

Song Suggestion: God Made Me [Invite kids to sit down on count of three.]

Summer Quarter

2007 Willow Creek Community Church / Sunday School Teachers Guidebook / Lesson 3


Creation Station

Life Application Activity


Lets say our special words, everyone. God [point up] made everything [reach arms forward and move them out to the sides]. Now lets say our fun creation poem and remember all the things God made. Ready? [Point to items on the board as you mention them. Hold up the appropriate number of fingers, and encourage the kids to do it with you.]

On Day One, God made the bright light and the dark night. On Day Two, God made the sky [reach up high] of blue and ocean [make waves with your hands], too. On Day Three, God made the land, plants, flowers, and trees [pretend to grow like a tree]. On Day Four, God made the sun [make a sun with your hands] so bright and the moon and stars [twinkle fingers] at night. On Day Five, God made the fish [pretend to swim] big and small, and the birds [flap arms like birds], one and all. On Day Six, God made the animals on land and a woman and man. On Day Seven, God took a rest! Great job, friends! God [point up] made everything [reach arms forward and move them out to the sides].

Lets play a game that will help us learn more about the things God made on Day Six and Day Seven. First, were going to listen to some animal sounds. ______________ [Helper] is an excellent animal noise maker. Lets see if we can guess the sound of the animal that God made. Ready? Lets make sure our special listening ears are still stuck on tight so we can hear the animal sounds. [Tug on right ear lobe.] Klook, klook, klook, klook, klook. [Tug on left ear lobe.] Klook, klook, klook, klook, klook. There, I think were ready! Lets listen. [Helper meows like a cat.]

What animal makes that sound? [Kids respond.] Thats right. God made cats. [Point to cat on board.] God [point up] made everything [reach arms forward and move them out to the sides]. Lets listen for another animal sound. [Helper oinks like a pig.]

Friends, what animal makes that sound? [Kids respond.] Thats right. God made pigs. [Point to pig on board.] God [point up] made everything [reach arms forward and move them out to the sides]. Lets listen for another animal sound. [Helper moos like a cow.]

Summer Quarter

2007 Willow Creek Community Church / Sunday School Teachers Guidebook / Lesson 3


Creation Station


Friends, what animal makes that sound? [Kids respond.] Thats right. God made cows. [Point to cow on board.] God [point up] made everything [reach arms forward and move them out to the sides]. Great job, everyone. __________ [Helper], you made great animal sounds! Lets look at the most special thing God made: people! People just like you and me! [Walk out among kids and point to four or five different children. Say, This is _____________, and God made him/her! If you have a small group, you may wish to point out every single child instead of leaving just a few out. Return to the front.] God made every single one of you. He made each person special. He wanted people to be different and look different. God made you special! God made all of us so we could be His friends. God wants to be your friend. God [point up] made everything [reach arms forward and move them out to the sides]! Lets stand up and sing to God.

Song Suggestion: Dance, Shout & Sing [Invite kids to sit down in a circle. Teacher and Helper pass out the person outline sheets and crayons.]

You are special. God made you. You are going to make a picture of yourself. [Teacher and Helper encourage children to draw eyes, nose, mouth, hair, and clothes. Write each childs name on his or her paper and tell each child individually that they are special, because God made them.]

Lesson 3 SG 4

Friends, God [point up] made everything [reach arms forward and move them out to the sides]! We can celebrate and thank God for giving us all these things! Lets pray and thank God for everything He made right now. [Do Open them, close them. Children will say the finger play with you and repeat each line of the prayer after you.] Open them. [Open hands.] Close them. [Close hands.] Open them. [Open hands.] Close them. [Close hands.] Give a little clap. [Clap hands.] Open them. [Open hands.] Close them. [Close hands.] Open them. [Open hands.] Close them. [Close hands.] Fold them in your lap. [Fold hands in lap.] Dear God, Thank You for making animals and people. Thank You for making everything! Thank You for our snack. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Summer Quarter

2007 Willow Creek Community Church / Sunday School Teachers Guidebook / Lesson 3


Creation Station

Snack and Coloring Activity


This is the time for you and the children to build community. A great way to let the kids know you care about them as individuals is to ask them questions about themselves.

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The Beginning (Genesis 1)

Lesson 3 SG 5

GIVE each child a snack to eat. GIVE each child a Key Concept sticker to put on their shirt while they are eating their snack. READ the Bible story from The Beginners Bible, if time allows. GIVE each child a coloring sheet to color while they are waiting to be picked up. ASK each child a question or two: What is your favorite animal? What is one way God made you special?

God made everything.

Lesson 3 SG 6

Summer Quarter

2007 Willow Creek Community Church / Sunday School Teachers Guidebook / Lesson 3

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