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Nu am uitat de promisiunea pe care am facut-o de a trimite imagini cu simptome ale bolilor virale la vita de vie.

In aceasta vara nu am facut poze noi, deoarece nu am observat simptome nici la plantele din colectie, nici in camp, pe cale le diagnosticasem anterior cam fiind virozate. Nici soiul FN nu a prezentat simptome de inrosire cauzate de infectia cu virusuri ale rasucirii frunzei. Lipsa simptomelor virale a fost confirmata de amelioratori pe vita-de- vie din tara. have not forgotten the promise I made to send pictures with symptoms of viral diseases in vine. This summer I took photos of us, because we have not noticed any symptoms on plants in the collection, nor in the field, a little about them previously diagnosed as viral. Neither variety FN showed no symptoms of redness caused by infection with viruses of leaf rolling. Lack of viral symptoms was confirmed by breeders on the grapevine in the country.

Nicotiana tabacum morphogenetic callus was used to study the stimulative effects of external alternating electric currents of low level and low frequency on the cytodifferentiation processes. The N. tabacum calli were grown on standard medium for shoot regeneration and subjected to electric currents (50 Hz, 0.150 A) during the whole period of treatment (30 days). The number of shoots, total mass, DNA and protein content were measured for each callus sample at the end of the experiment. The number of shoots increased by up to 300% for the samples stimulated with 50 A although no significant changes were noted in total mass, DNA and protein content in the stimulated samples compared to control. We suggest that in the presence of the external electric current, the callus cells become more sensitive to chemical signals (hormones and/or ions) in the culture medium. A series of changes in the activity of membrane components, as a consequence of the modulation of membrane potential by the external electric field, could support our hypothesis.

Alternating electric currents (50 Hz, 0.150 A applied for 30 days on Nicotiana tabacum calli induced a significant stimulation of morphogenetic processes. The number of shoots increased by up to 300% for the samples stimulated with 50 A; although, no significant changes were noted in total mass, DNA and protein content in the stimulated samples compared to control. Thus, it was suggested that the presence of the external electric current, the callus cells become more sensitive to chemical signals (hormones and/or ions) in the culture medium. A series of changes in the activity of membrane components, as a consequence of the modulation of membrane potential by the external electric field, could support the hypothesis.

Cogalniceanu, G., Radu, M., Fologea, D., Moisoi, N., Brezeanu, A. 1998: Stimulation of tobacco shoot regeneration by alternating weak electric field. Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics. Vol. 44, 2: 257-260

Auto-ironia dusa la superlativ - Woody Allen Am niste copii superbi. Slava domnului ca m-a inselat nevasta-mea... Pina la noaptea nuntii, nevasta-mea se temea de intuneric. Dupa asta m-a vazut pe mine gol si de atunci se teme si pe lumina... Nevasta mea este cea mai neispravita bucatareasa. Noi ne spunem rugaciunea intotdeauna dupa cina... Odata cineva ne-a furat masina. Mi-am intrebat nevasta daca a vazut cumva cum aratau hotii. Mi-a raspuns ca nu, dar a notat numarul masinii... Intr-o zi, mi-am sunat sotia si i-am declarat: Draga mea, ma gindeam la tine si m-a lovit brusc o pofta nebuna de amor. La care ea a intrebat: Dar cine-i la telefon? I-am spus dentistului meu ca mi s-au ingalbenit dintii. Sfatul lui a fost sa-i asortez cu o cravata maro... Azi e o zi absolut nefasta. M-am sculat de dimineata, am luat camasa si i s-au rupt doi nasturi. Am pus mina pe servieta - i s-a rupt minerul. Acum ma tem sa mai merg la WC...

I-am spus psihiatrului meu ca sint trist, intrucit pe mine toata lumea ma detesta. Mi-a raspuns sa nu fiu penibil, deoarece nici nu m-am intilnit inca cu toata lumea... Cind eram copil parintii mei se mutau adesea dintr-o casa in alta, dar eu i-am gasit de fiecare data... Eu si sotia mea am trait fericiti 20 de ani. Apoi ne-am intilnit unul pe altul... M-am dus la psihiatrul meu si i-am povestit: Doctore, in fiecare dimineata cind ma uit in oglinda ma apuca brusc o senzatie cumplita de voma.Ce crezi ca am? Mi-a raspuns: Nu stiu, dar cu vederea - cert - stai impecabil!

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