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NICS aa rock- forming minerals Tan Nanterre 5 (eye) W.S.MacKenzie and C. Guilford Longman Scientific & Technical Longman Group UK Limited Longman House Burnt Mill, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE, England and Associated Companies throughout the world Copublished in the United States with John Waley & Sons, Inc, 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10258 Longman Group Limited 1980 All rights reserved : no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without either the prior written permission of the Publishers or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licencing Agency Ltd, 33-34 Alfred Place, London WCLE 7DP. First published 1980. ‘Second impression 1981 Third impression 1982 Fourth impression 1984 Fifth impression 1986 Sixth impression 1988 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data MacKenzie, William Scott ‘Atlas of rock-forming minerals in thin se 1, Thin seetions (Geology) — Pictorial works L Tile, IL Guilford, C Say.11d | QEAM ISBN 0-S82-4SS91-X Data MacKenzie, WS {Alas of rock-forming minerals in thin section. Includes index. 1, Mineralogy Pictorial works. 2. Thin sections (Geology}--Piciorial works. 3. Petrology-—Pictorial works. I, Guilford, C., joint author. TL Title, QEI63.8.M32 1980" S4gI14 79-27822 ISBN 0-470-26921-9 (USA only) Set in 9/10 pt, Monophoto Times New Roman Printed and bound in Great Britain by Willinm Clowes Limited, Beccles and London Contents Preface iv Invroduciion Birefringence chart — vi Olivine Monticstite 3 Chomirodite 4 Zircon 6 Sphere 7 Game Vesuvanive (Kdocrasey 9 Silimanite 10 Mullte 12 Andalusite 13 Andalusite & Silimaniteintergrowth 15 Kyanite 16 Topaz 17 Stwurolite 18 Chlorivoid 19 Supphirine 20 Fudialyte 21 Zoisite 22 Fpidote 23 Piemonte 24 Allunite (Orthitey 25 Lavsonite 26 Pumpeliyite 27 Meliite 28 Condierie 30 Tourmaline 32 Axinite M4 Ortbopyroxene Augie 36 Titanaugite 97 Clinopyroxene & Orthopyroxene intergrowth 38. Aegicine-augite 39 Jadeite 40 Scapolie 82 Wollastonite 41 Analeite $3 Pectolite 42 Corundum 84 Anthophillite-Gedrite 43, Rutile 85 Cummingtonite-Grunerite 44 Perovskite 86 Tremotite~Ferroactinolite a5 Spinel 87 Horablende 46 Brucite $8 Kuersutite 48 Caleite 89 Gluucophane 49 Dolomite 99 Artvedsonite $0 Apatite 92 Aenigmatite 51 Fluorite 93 Asirophyllite $2 Deerite 94 Lamprophyllite $3 Howieite 95 Museovite $4 Zussmanite 96 Bioite 35 Yoderite 97 Stilpnomelane $7 Index 9% Pyrophyllite $8 Tale 39 Chiorite 6 Serpentine 62 Preinite 63) Microcline 64 Perthite & Microperthite 65 Sanidine 66 Anorihoclase 67 Plagioclase 68 Quary 70 Myrmekite 72 Granophyric texture 73 Tridymite 14 Cristabalite 75 Nepheline 76 Samidine & Nepheline 78 Leucite 79 Nosean 80 Canerinie 81

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