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1. A man spends 83% of his monthly income
and saves Rs.1190. What is his annual
1) Rs.7000 2) Rs.12500 3) Rs.84000
4) Rs.54000 5) None of these
2. If the price of sugar increases by 20%, by
what percentage should a family reduce its
consumption so that there is no change in
the expenditure on sugar?
1) 25% 2) 16

% 3) 20%
4) 33

% 5) None of these
3. If the price of an article is reduced by 20%,
the number of articles sold is increased by
30%. What will be the effect on the revenue?
1) 4% 2)10% 3) 6%
4) 15% 5) None of these
4. A man spends 25% of his monthly income
on rent, 20% on school fees, 30% on cloths
and saves the remaining. If he saves
Rs.1350 find his annual income.
1) Rs.13400 2) Rs.153200
3) Rs.160800 4) Rs.154000
5) None of these
5. A student scores 25% marks and fails by 38
marks while another student who scores
40% marks gets 7 marks more than the min-
imum required pass marks. What are the
maximum marks for the examination?
1) 700 2) 250 3) 400
4) 300 5) None of these
6. 800 boys and 600 girls appeared in an
examination. If 75% boys and 80% girls
passed the examination, find the percent-
age of students who failed the examination.
1)14.37% 2) 22.86% 3) 26.93%
4) 15.28% 5) 42.68%
7. Population of a town is 12420. If it increas-
es 15% in the first year and decreases 10%
in the second year, what was the population
of the town two years ago?
1) 12000 2)12800 3)11600
4)13100 5) None of these
8. A mixture of 90 litres of milk and water con-
tains 20% of water. How much water must
be added to mixture so as to make water
content equal to 25%?
1) 4.5 2) 10 3) 6
4) 5 5) None of these
9. The population of a town is 6000. In the next
year, if males increase by 8% and females
by 10%, the population becomes 6530. Find
the number of males in the town.
1) 2500 2) 3500
3) 2400 4) 3300 5) None of these
10. If 2 litres of water is evaporated on boiling
from 8 litres of sugar solution containing
30% sugar, find the percentage of sugar in
the remaining sugar.
1) 40% 2) 10% 3) 25%
4) 24% 5) None of these
11. A trader sells an article for Rs.2875 at a
profit of 15%. Find the rate at which he
bought the article.
1) Rs. 2400 2) Rs.2800 3) Rs.2350
4) Rs.2500
5) None of these
12. If a man buys 11
chocolates for
Rs.10 and sells 10
chocolates for
Rs.11 find his
profit/loss per-
1) 21% loss
2) 1%profit
3) 21% profit 4) No profit no loss
5) None of these
13. Due to 20% reduction in the price of sugar,
Abhi is able to buy 6 kg more sugar for
Rs.120. What was the original rate of
1) Rs.4 2) Rs.5 3) Rs.6
4) Rs.3 5) None of these
14. A shopkeeper sells two fans for
Rs.690 each. He gains 12% on
one and loses 12% on the other
one. Find the overall profit / loss
1) No profit no loss 2) 1.44%profit
3) 1.2% loss 4) 1.44%loss
5) None of these
15. Cost price of 18 oranges is same as selling
Price of 15 oranges. Find the Profit / Loss
1) 25% loss 2)20%profit
3)16.66% loss
4) Can't be determined
5) None of these
16. A shopkeeper purchased 40 dozens of
apples at the rate of Rs.40 per dozen. He
spent Rs.400 on transportation while 40
apples were spoiled. In order to earn a
profit of 10%, at what price per dozen
should he sell the remaining apples?
1) Rs.45 2) Rs.52 3) Rs.60
4) Rs.49 5) None of these
17. A dishonest dealer professes to sell his
goods at 25% profit but uses only 750
grams for one kilo weight. Find his overall
profit percent.
1) 58.33% 2) 56.25% 3) 50%
4) 45% 5) None of these
18. A trader buys an article for Rs.255. He
sells the articles at a discount of 15% and
yet gains 25% on it. Find the rate at which
he marked the article.
1) Rs.375 2) Rs.325 3) Rs.280
4) Rs.310 5) None of these
19. A trader sells 12 pencils for a rupee gain-
ing thereby 25%. How many pencils did he
buy for a rupee?
1)10 2)18 3) 20
4) 15 5) None of these
20. A certain number of articles were pur-
chased for Rs.144. Two more articles
could have been purchased for the same
amount if each article was cheaper by
Rs.1. Find the number of articles
1)18 2)15 3) 14 4) 12
5) None of these
What was the population of the town?
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KEY: 1)3 2)2 3)1 4)3 5)4 6)2 7)1 8)3 9)2
10)1 11)4 12)3 13)2 14)4 15) 2 16) 3 17)2
18)1 19)4 20)5.
1. He saves Rs.1190 which is (100- 83 = 17%)
His monthly income (100%) is
1190 = Rs.7000
Yearly income is 7000 12 = Rs.84000
2. Required percentage reduction is
100 x
here x is +20 (
sugar price increased)
percentage reduction =
20 2
100 = 16 %
120 3
3. Let the price of the article be Rs.10 and the
number of articles be 10
The revenue is 10 10 = Rs.100
New price of the articles is 80% of 10 = Rs.8
New number of articles is 130% of 10 is 13
New revenue is Rs. 8 13 = Rs.104
effect in the revenue is 104 - 100 = Rs.4
Percentage effect is 100 = 4%
4. Total expenditure is 25% + 20% + 30% = 75%
Monthly savings is 100 - 75 = 25%,
which is Rs.3350
Monthly income is 3350 = Rs.13400
Annual income is 12 13400 = Rs.160800.
5. 40% - 25% = 7 - (-38)
15% = 45
Total marks (100%) are 45 = 300
6. Number of boys
who failed is 25% of 800 = 200
Number of girls
who failed is 20% of 600 = 120
Total number of students
failed is 200 + 120 = 320
required percent is 100 = 22.86%
800+ 600
7. Let the population of the town 2 years ago
was x
115% of 90% of x = 12420
115 90
x = 12420 x = 12000
100 100
8. Milk quantity is 80% of 90
= 72 litres and water is 90 - 72 = 18 litres
after adding water,
water will be 25% and milk will be 75%
As there is no change in the quantity
of milk, 75% quantity is 72 liters.
25% (water) quantity is 72 = 24 litres.
Added quantity of water is 24 - 18 = 6 litres.
10. Sugar quantity is 30% of 8 = 2.4
sugar quantity will be the same in the
remaining solution as only water evapo-
rates when boiled.
required percentage of sugar is
100 = 40%
11. Cost Price = + P% Selling price
C.P. = + 15 2875 = Rs.2500
Shortcut: Profit = 15%,
therefore selling price will be 115%
If 115% is 2875, then cost price (100%) is
2875 = Rs.2500
12. LCM of 10 and 11 is 110
Cost price of 110 chocolates is
10 = Rs.100
Selling price of 110 chocolates is
11 = Rs.121
121 - 100
Profit percent is 100 = 21%
Short cut: 11 for Rs.10
10 for Rs.11
by cross multiplication,
cost price is 10 10 = Rs.100
selling price is 11 11 = Rs.121
profit is 21%
13. With 20% money he can buy 6 kg sugar
with 100% (Total) money
he can buy 6 = 30 kg
Original quantity of sugar is 30 - 6 = 24 kg
Rate per kg is = Rs.5
14. Cost price of first fan is 690
= 616.07
Cost price of second fan is 690
= 784.09
Total cost price = 616.07 + 784.09 = 1400.16
Total selling price = 690 + 690 = 1380
Loss% = 100 = 1.44%
When selling prices are same and profit &
loss% are also same, then
net result is % loss
(where x is profit /loss%)
here the answer is = 1.44% loss
15. Let the selling price of one orange be Rs.1
Selling price of 15 oranges is Rs.15,
which is equal to cost price of 18 oranges
Selling price of 18 oranges is 18 Rs. 1
= Rs.18
18 - 15
Profit% = 100 = 20%
Shortcut: Take selling price articles as cost
price in rupees and cost price arti-
cles as selling price in rupees.
16. Total cost price is 40 40 + 400 = Rs.2000
total selling price is 2000 = Rs.2200
Remaining number of articles is 40 12 - 40
= 440 apples = dozens.
2200 12
selling price per dozen is = Rs.60
17. By using 800 gms per kg the profit is 200
25% profit on kg means 250 gms
Total profit is 200 + 250 = 450
profit % = 100 = 56.25%
100 + profit%
18. Marked price = cost price
100 - discount%
100 + 25
M.P. = 255
100 - 15
M.P. = Rs.375
19. Selling price of one pencil =
1 100 1
125% value is , 100% value is
12 125 12
Total number of pencils bought is 15
20. Let the number of article purchased be x
144 144
- + 2 = 1 x = 16
x x
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