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Exercise 1: Knee-ups Simply sit on the edge of your couch with both feet flat on the floor.

For balan ce, place both hands on each side of your hip. Slowly raise both knees towards y our chest as far as they would go. Hold knee-to-chest position for 3-5 seconds, then slowly return to the original position. Repeat 20 times. Exercise 2: Leg Raises Lie flat on the aise then about ling until they that your legs floor, holding the sofa edge for support. Extend both legs and r six inches off the floor. Slowly raise your legs towards the cei form a 90-degree angle. Return to original position, making sure do not touch the floor when you lower them. Repeat 20 times.

Exercise 3: Cycles Placing your hands behind your head, raise your knees toward the ceiling and mak e cycling motions with your legs. Variations to this exercise are either doing 3 0-50 cycles or cycling continuously for a full minute. Exercise 4: Basic Crunches Position your legs on top of the couch. You can leave your hands by your side, p lace them behind your head or extend them in front of you like a swimmer prepari ng to dive into the water. When placing your arms behind your head for support, make sure not to pull your head up. Simply lift your shoulders off the floor slo wly, and just as carefully lower your torso back to the floor. Do 30-50 repetiti ons. For variation, you may decide to throw in a twist after 20 repetitions. As soon as your shoulders are raised, twist your upper body to each side before get ting back to the starting position. Exercise 5: Cool Down Lie flat on the floor with both hands by your side. Extend both legs then slowly raise them towards the ceiling. Hold for three seconds. Lower your legs towards your torso until your feet touch the floor just beyond your head. Hold this pos ition for five seconds. Raise your legs back toward the ceiling and hold the pos ition for three seconds. Repeat five times. Here's an additional tip, especially for beginners: before starting the routine, make sure that you are wearing light clothing that will allow you to move smoot hly and steadily. Exercise clothes made of lightweight material also makes movem ent more comfortable and allows more flexibility. Simple, short and hassle-free. That is the best way to describe the above routin e and by simply setting aside a few minutes everyday, you're on your way to gett ing abs that is good enough to flaunt anytime, anywhere. Now there's no longer a ny reason why we all can't get a fit and fab body when there's a routine that al lows us to develop great abs in 6 minutes

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