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Appendix:Latin first declension

Appendix:Latin first declension

Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary

1 Description 1.1 Peculiarities 2 Declension paradigms 2.1 stlla, -ae f. 2.2 Greek nouns 2.2.1 nymph, -s f. 2.2.2 comts, -ae m. 2.2.3 xiphis, -ae m. 3 See also

Latin words of the first declension have an invariable stem and are generally of feminine gender. The predominant letter in the ending forms of this declension is a. The nominative singular form consists of the stem and the affix -a, and the genitive singular form is the stem plus -ae. There is a small category of masculine exceptions which generally refer to occupations. These include 'farmer' (agricola, agricolae masc.), 'sailor' (nauta, nautae masc.), 'charioteer' (aurga, aurgae masc.), 'inhabitant' (incola, incolae masc.), 'pirate' (prta, prtae masc.), 'writer' (scrba, scrbae masc.), and 'poet' (pota, potae masc). The first declension also holds three types of Greek nouns, derived from Ancient Greek's Alpha Declension. They are declined irregularly in the singular. Occasionally, these Greek nouns may be declined as if they were native Latin nouns, e.g. nominative athlta may be used instead of the original athlts.

The older genitive singular termination is an s. This is often used with familia as in pater familis and mter familis. In poetry, the genitive singular occurs. Aquae becomes aqu. The genitive plural ending um replaces rum. This is actually a contraction. Puellum. Because first declension nouns and second declension nouns display an s in the dative and ablative plural, words like equus (horse) and equa (mare) will end up looking alike in these cases. However, if a distinction must be made, equs for 'mares' would become equbus in the dative and ablative plural.

Declension paradigms
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Appendix:Latin first declension

stlla , -ae f
Case Singular Plural stllae ae stllrum rum stlls s stlls s stlls s stllae ae stlls s

nominative stlla a genitive dative stllae ae stllae ae

accusative stllam am ablative vocative locative stll stlla a stllae ae

Greek nouns
nymph, nymph , -s f Case Singular Plural

nominative nymph nymphae genitive dative nymphs nymphrum nymphae nymphs

accusative nymphn nymphs ablative vocative locative nymph nymphs nymph nymphae nymphae nymphs

comts, -ae m comts , Case Singular Plural comtae comtrum comts

nominative comts genitive dative comtae comtae

accusative comtn / comtam comts ablative vocative locative comt comt / comta comtae comts comtae comts

xiphis, xiphis , -ae m Case Singular Plural xiphiae xiphirum xiphis


nominative xiphis genitive dative xiphiae xiphiae



Appendix:Latin first declension

accusative xiphin / xiphiam xiphis ablative vocative locative xiphi xiphi xiphiae xiphis xiphiae xiphis

See also
Latin second declension Latin third declension Latin fourth declension Latin fifth declension Wikipedia article on declension Retrieved from "http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Latin_first_declension" Categories: Latin appendices | Declension appendices This page was last modified on 27 August 2011, at 22:09. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details.



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