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Section A

1. (a) An acid that dissociates/ ionises completely in water 1

to form a high concentration of hydrogen ions 1
(b) pipette 1
(c) From pink to colourless 1
(d) (i) HCl + NaOH  NaCl + H2O 1
(ii) 0.1 x 20 = 1 1
Mb x 25 1

25 Mb = 2
Mb = 0.08 mol dm-3 1
(e) (i) 10 cm3 // half the volume of hydrochloric acid 1
(ii) Sulphuric acid is a diprotic acid whereas hydrochloric acid is a 1
monoprotic acid.
So, the sulphuric acid used has twice the number of hydrogen ions 1
compared to hydrochloric acid .

Total 10

2. (a) (i) Zinc 1

hydrochloric acid / suphuric acid 1
(ii) Zn + 2HCl  ZnCl2 + H2 1
(b) (i)

Empirical formula is MO2 1

(ii) MO2 + 2H2  M + 2H2O 1

( c) The air in the combustion tube must be displaced before lighting the 1
hydrogen gas// The heating, cooling and weighing is repeated until a
constant mass is obtained

(d) No. 1
Magnesium is more reactive than hydrogen. 1

Total 10

3 (a) Propene 1
Vinyl chloride // Chloroethene 1

(b) Advantage: Light // Cheap // convenient 1

Disadvantage: Non-biodegradable // produces toxic gas when burnt 1

(c) i Increase hardness // reduce corrosion / rusting // improve the 1
appearance//to make it more attractive

ii To make Medals // swords // statues // bells 1

iii Copper 1


iv Atoms/particles in copper are arranged in an orderly manner in layers. 1

The presence of tin atoms disturbs the orderly arrangement of copper

atoms. 1
This will make it difficult for the layers of tin atoms to slide on each
other. 1

Total 10

4 (a) 1

(b) i Isotopes are atoms (of the same element) with the same number of
protons/proton number but different number of neutrons/nucleon
number. 1

ii Any example of isotope 1

Sample answer; carbon-14,cobalt-60, sodium-24 etc

(c) i 12 1

ii 23 1
11 Y

(d) i Liquid 1

(ii) 1

iii Becomes faster/ more active 1

iv correct curve 1
Temperature / C boiling point 1


Time / min

Total 10

5 (a)

The stopper is drawn in the correct position(half in, half out)

refer the diagram

(b) 2HCl + CaCO3  CaCl2 + H2O + CO2 1

(c) 32 cm3 1
50 s
= 0.64 cm3s-1
(d) (i) Both axes are labelled with the correct units 1
scales are suitable(cover ½ graph paper) 1
All points are transferred correctly 1
Smooth curve 1

(ii) A tangent is drawn on the graph 1

Calculation 1
0.246 cm3s-1 + 0.024 // range [0.222 - 0.270] 1

Total 10

6 (a) Hydrogenation// addition (of hydrogen) 1
(b) (i) Phosphoric acid // H3PO4 1
(ii) C2H4 + H2O  C2H5OH 1
(iii)Fermentation 1
(c) (i) Ethanoic acid 1
(ii) Acidified potassium dichromate(VI) solution // Acidified potassium 1
manganate(VII) solution
(d) C2H5OH  C2H4 + H2O 1
(e) (i) Esterification 1
(ii) - has a sweet smell// fruity smell 1
- a neutral compound
- colourless liquid
- slightly soluble in water
- readily soluble in organic compounds
[ Choose any one ]
(iii) 1

H–C–C–O –C–C–H


Total 10

Section B

7 (a) Hydrogen(gas) 1
2H+(aq) + 2e  H2(g) 1 2
(b) Properties Cell A Cell B
1. Type of cell Voltaic cell Electrolytic cell
2. Energy change Chemical  electrical Electrical  chemical 1
3. Electrodes Positive terminal: Anode: Copper 1
Copper Cathode: Copper
Negative terminal: 1
4. Ions in electrolyte Cu2+, SO42-, H+ and OH- Cu2+, SO42-, H+ and OH-
ions ions
5. Half equation Positive terminal: Anode: 1
Cu2+ + 2e  Cu Cu  Cu2+ + 2e
Negative terminal Cathode:
Mg  Mg2+ + 2e Cu2+ + 2e  Cu
6. Observation Positive terminal: Anode:
Copper plate becomes Copper 1
thicker dissolves//become
Magnesium becomes Cathode: 1 8
thinner/dissolve Copper becomes thicker
(c) (i) Improve the appearance//to make it more attractive 1
To prevent/ reduce corrosion/ rusting 1 2
(ii) Procedure:
1. Iron ring is then connected to the negative plate on the battery
while the silver plate is connected to the positive terminal of the 1
battery//Iron ring is made as cathode while silver plate is made
as anode
2. Both plates are immersed into the silver nitrate solution.
3. The circuit is completed 1

Functional apparatus set-up

Label correctly:
silver plate
Silver nitrate solution
Iron ring
Cathode: Ag+ + e  Ag 1
Observation: Grey /silvery solid is deposited
Anode : Ag  Ag+ + e 1 max
Observation: Anode/silver become thinner//dissolve 1 8/9
Total 20

8 (a) (i) Atom R is located in Group 17, Period 3 1
(ii) Electron arrangement of atom R is 2.8.7. 1
It is located in Group 17 because it has seven valence
electron. 1
It is in Period 3 because it has three shells filled with 1 5
(b) (i) Atoms P and R form covalent bond. 1
To achieve the stable electron arrangement, 1
atom P needs 4 electrons while atom R needs one electron. 1
Thus, atom P shares 4 pairs of electrons with 4 atoms of
R, 1
forming a molecule with the formula PR4 // diagram


(ii) Atom Q and atom R form ionic bond. 1

Atom Q has the electron arrangement 2.8.1. and atom R
has the electron arrangement 2.8.7. 1
To achieve a stable (octet )electron arrangement,
atom Q donates 1 electron to form a positive ion// 1
Q Q+ + e

Atom R receives an electron to form ion R-//equation and 1

achieve a stable octet electron arrangement. 1
R+e R-

Ion Q+ and ion R- are pulled together by the strong 1

electrostatic forces to form a compound with the formula
QR// diagram



(c) The ionic compound/ (b)(ii) dissolves in water 1
while the covalent compound / (b)(i)does not dissolve in water. 1
Water is a polar solvent that can cause the ionic compound to
dissociate into ions. 1
Covalent compounds are non-polar and can only dissolve in
organic solvents. 1 4


The melting point of the ionic compound/ (b)(ii) is higher than

that of the covalent compound/ (b)(i) . 1
This is because in ionic compounds ions are held by strong
electrostatic forces. 1
High energy is needed to overcome these forces.
In covalent compounds, molecules are held by weak 1
intermolecular forces.
Only a little energy is required to overcome the attractive forces. 1 max
1 4/5

The ionic compound/(b)(ii) conducts electricity in the molten or

aqueous state
whereas the covalent compound/(b)(i) does not conduct 1
This is because in the molten or aqueous state, ionic compounds 1
consist of freely moving ions.
Covalent compounds are made up of molecules only 1

1 4
Total 20

9 (a) (i) Based on the equation, iron(II) ion is oxidised to

iron(III) ion 1
So, iron(II) ion acts as a reducing agent 1
(ii) Based on the equation, iron(II) ion is reduced to 1
So, iron(II) ion acts as an oxidising agent 1 4

(b) Mg → Mg 2 + + 2e 1
Oxidation number of magnesium increases from 0 to +2, So
magnesium undergoes oxidation 1
Cu + 2e → Cu 1
oxidation number of copper decreases from +2 to 0, so copper(II)
ion undergoes reduction 1 4

(c) (i) Reduction is a reaction that involves gain of electron. 1

Oxidation is a reaction that involves loss of electron. 1 2

( At the negative terminal:
ii) Iron(II) ion releases one / loses one electron and 1
is oxidised to iron(III) ion. 1
Fe2+  Fe3+ + e 1
The green coloured solution of iron(II) sulphate turns brown. 1
The electron flows from the negative terminal// carbon 1
immersed in iron(II) sulphate solution to the positive
terminal// carbon immersed in bromine water.

At the positive terminal:

Bromine accepts electron and 1
is reduced to bromide ions, Br- 1
Br2 + 2e  2Br- 1
The brown coloured bromine water turns colourless. 1
The deflection of the galvanometer needle shows that there is 1 10
a flow of current

Total 20

10 (a) Exothermic reaction is a reaction that releases heat to the 1

The energy content of the products is lower than the energy 1
content of the reactants
Endothermic reaction is a reaction that absorbs heat from the 1
The energy content of the products is higher than the energy 1 4
content of the reactants
(b) A reacts with B to form C and D 1
A and B are the reactants while C and D are the products 1
Heat energy is released //The reaction is exothermic 1
Total energy content of A and B/reactants is higher than total 1 4
energy content of C and D/products



Copper container


Spirit lamp

250 cm3 of water is measured using a measuring cylinder and is 1
then poured into a copper container.
The copper container is placed on a tripod stand. 1
The initial temperature of the water is measured and recorded. 1
A spirit lamp containing ethanol is weighed and recorded. 1
The spirit lamp is placed directly below the copper container(as 1
in the diagram.)
The wick of the spirit lamp is lighted. 1
The water is stirred using a thermometer. 1
When the increase in water temperature is 30 oC, the flame is put 1
off and the highest temperature reached is recorded.
The spirit lamp is weighed again. 1
Initial temperature of water = t1 oC
Highest temperature of water = t2 oC
Rise in temperature = (t2 - t1)oC = T oC 1

Mass of lamp + ethanol before combustion = m1 g

Mass of lamp + ethanol after combustion = m2 g
Mass of ethanol burnt = (m2 – m1) g 1

Number of mol of ethanol = (m2 – m1) = n 1


Heat change = 250 x 4.2 x T 1

= qJ

Heat of combustion = - q kJ mol-1 1

n x 1000 Max

Total 20

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