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Fellow DPEA members, Your Association representatives have been asked the following questions concerning union membership and dues payments: 1. Why are we paying dues? 2. What do our dues pay for?

3. Can members choose to not pay dues?

Here are some answers:


We are paying dues because it is a condition of our contract extension. Aside from self-funding our insurance and our pay raise freeze, we get to keep (for 2 years) our sick days, our current contract hours and all of our other working conditions. Other districts with extended contracts have forced multiple changes to benefits and working conditions, such as: an extra class added (6), hours added to their work weeks, days added to the school year or in the summer, sick days reduced to 5 with 30 max, days added without pay in the summer, high deductible insurance plans, retirement benefits reduced or eliminated, seniority provisions altered or eliminated, etc. DPEA and the District were able to agree to a contract extension because of the productive relationship that exists between the parties. The DPEA salary schedule remains intact. Health insurance remains the same. Lane advancements are approved for this year. The extension includes contributions of 5.8% to WRS and 12% to health insurance. These are changes that were accepted by locals statewide. Dues payments continue for DPEA members as has been done in the past. In 2013, if the law is unchanged, the payment method for dues will change. We have labor peace in De Pere, in large part because of our union. Locals without contract extensions are getting "handbooked" right now. Member organizing (sign ups for unions) in the majority ofthose locals is going well because they are learning the hard way why their collective voice is so important. The BLUE UniServ, which represents 74 bargaining units in Northeast Wisconsin currently has 93% of its membership.


You pay dues for representation on all levels: Local, UniServ, WEAC and NEA. Local dues pay for DPEA officers and representatives and some charitable items like Meals on Wheels. BLUE UniServ provides a number of services to members, including representation and advice in legal matters, and PDP Workshops at little or no cost to members. WEAC also provides representation and legal services. Membership also includes NEA representation and benefits, including a million dollar liability policy. The NEA also put millions of dollars into fighting the anti-teacher agenda of the State's legislators. If you get in trouble, or accused of wrongdoing, you have legal representation. 4. Our contract is in effect until June 30, 2013. Individuals cannot choose to opt out of dues until that time. Individuals can, however, request PAC rebates and/or be fair share fee payers. Fair share fee payers are not considered members, cannot vote on Association members or hold Association office, and do not receive NEA liability coverage. (over)

A final note: When the unions were just getting started and were relatively weak in the 1960s, the state government gambled away everyone's pensions. This is why the state was paying the employee share. Scott Walker has publicly stated many times that he is going to look at privatizing our pensions, potentially lowering the payouts by $500,000 or more over the life of the pension (Jldefined benefit vs defined contribution") while giving higher fees out of our pockets to campaign donors. The recall elections may have delayed this from happening, but imposition of pension changes by this administration is a real threat. Before there were unions, teachers had no collective voice on issues related to wages, benefits and working conditions. Classloads, prep time, work hours, sick leave, wages, insurance, etc., were not bargained. If you feel you are better off without a union, history has not shown this to be the case. We have had an easy time because of the struggles of those who came before us and fought for the things we have today. We lost a great deal this year - it is be our turn to fight and get our rights and benefits back. DPEA schedules membership meetings during the school year. Stay informed and attend these meetings. Also, contact your Building Representatives if you have any questions or concerns.

Paul Roup DPEA President

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