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Plan 1 October 2011

Plants contain two networks of tubes in their stems, leaves, and roots. One of these networks transports water, and the other transports food made in the leaves to the other plant parts. 1- Please, draw this double system of tubes

Parts of a Plant Roots

Water and nutrients from the soil enter the plant through the roots. Water tubes in the roots carry water to water tubes in the stems. The roots absorb water from the soil and fix the plant to the ground.

The stem helps to support the plant. Water tubes in the stem carry water to the leaves. Some of the water then evaporates into the air through a process called transpiration.

Leaves use light, the air and the water they receives from the roots to make food. They also do the respiration of the plant and the transpiration (they throw out the water that the plant doesnt need) Food tubes carry food made in the leaves to food tubes in the stem and roots. 2- Match in pairs They anchor the plant to the ground and take water and minerals. They hold the plant They make the plant reproduction They make the food for the plant

Flowers Leaves Stems Roots

Abencerrajes School

Fifth level

Plan 1 October 2011

3- The vegetables and fruit in the supermarket People eat many different parts of plants. We all know that an apple is a fruitit contains the apple tree's seeds. But can you guess which plant part each food is? Play the game and draw it in your notebook 4- Label the parts of a plant Label the plant (2) (select Activity) 5- Help the plants grow Give them light and water they need

6- Living plants Write in your notebook how plants work 7 What do plants need to live?

The flower
8- Complete the parts of the flower Male parts of the flower (Stamen): .............. and ................... Female part of the flower (Pistil): ................, ............................. and .............................. 9 Drag the label to the correct space 10 Play this game about the parts of the flower : pedundle, stamen, anther, filament, stigma, pistilo, ovulo, ...Look at the picture 11 Jumping the line We say parts of the plants or objects of the class

Fruit and seeds

Fruit provides a covering for seeds. Fruit can be fleshy like an apple or hard like a nut. Seeds contain new plants. Seeds form in fruit. 11- Write the information about how fruit and seeds work

Abencerrajes School

Fifth level

Plan 1 October 2011

Introduce yourself and ask information about your partner

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What's your surname (family name)? ,,,,,,,,,,, What's your first name? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Where are you from? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, What's your job? I'm a .. Have you got any brothers or sisters? What's your address? I live at number 34 Palencia Street, in Granada 7. What is your phone number? ... 8. How old are you? Im. 9. Do you like...? Yes, I do or No, I dont. 1 Practise all the questions with your partners! 2 Prepare a complete introduction about yourself Look at this example: My surname is Ramos and my name is Paco. Im from La Zubia (Granada). Im a student at Abencerrajes School. Ive got one sister, Luca. I live at number 24, Torre de los Picos Street, in Granada. My pone number is 958345674. Im eleven years old and I like sports and music. 3 Now, I give you the answers. Tell me the questions 4 Blindfolded conversation Ask questions to the secret partner and try to guess who he/she is 5 Now, introduce one of your friends to the rest of the class: He is my friend Juan. He is from Sevilla. .. 6 Play a game: Good morning, Mr Jones. Try to follow my instructions

Abencerrajes School

Fifth level

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