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The Art of Body Spirit Healing

The Art of Body Spirit Healing

Peter Williams


This booklet is devoted to the art of ‘Body Spirit’ healing, and its purpose is to
inform and provide those who possess the desire to ‘heal’ - that is, a desire to
improve the health and condition of fauna and flora less fortunate than they are, or
to raise the ambience of a place - with an avenue they can pursue. Always
assuming that after reading this that desire remains.
You will not find any link whatever to the constraints of organised religion
within these pages. Of course, if the practitioner believes that the use of his or her
concept of faith is a necessary tool in the process of focussing the mind, or as an
element of visualised channelling, I would be the last to criticise. However, the
application of religion in itself can misdirect, for healing emanates from within, not
without, and does not require belief in an external ’Godhead’. Such a construct can
be less than fruitful as it incorporates an element of ego, an extra step. The real
source of the energy utilised by healing practitioners is a separate issue, and is the
subject of a later chapter.
Self styled ‘specialists‘, and ‘experts’, appear as soon as a method that aids
the health of humanity and its associates becomes popular. In order to avoid that
label with regard to my own efforts, I have priced this booklet to cover only the costs
of its production, without recompense for the time I have spent - and angst
experienced - living with it to the point of publication.

What is ‘Healing’?

It is extremely difficult to arrive at a precise definition of the term ‘Healing‘,

for it means all things to all ‘conscious’ beings. To professional conventional
medical practitioners – Doctors – it is a ‘Medicine’, a cultural aspect in the same ethos
as religion, but perceived in a different way. Modern medicine evolved from the
healing art, to become a parallel discipline, firmly embedded in the engineering of
life and its systems for the benefit of Mankind, with branches that specialise in other
Fauna and Flora.
Body Spirit Healing is a concept that is far older than the foregoing, having
existed since the dawn of Man, and is perceived by its practitioners to evolve and
progress with each application of the Art. Body Spirit Healing is a ‘whole body’
discipline, (something only recently understood and now being applied by the
practitioners of Modern Medicine), and does not utilise any ‘outside’ agency in the
form of manufactured palliatives or drugs.
However, and in my view unfortunately, as with the majority of beneficial
elements of our lives, as soon as it arrives as a positive influence for good,
‘specialists‘ and ‘experts’ crawl out of the woodwork and financial return becomes a
The Art of Body Spirit Healing

major consideration. Such is the case with Body Spirit Healing, and there are many
plausible inept, untrained, and incapable individuals very willing to ‘heal’ you - at a
price, of course!

I define ’Healing’ as:

‘The discovery by an individual of the ability to direct to other Fauna, Flora
or Place, an energy intended for use by the recipient to increase and improve the
efficiency of their immune system so that bodily balance or the elimination of illness
or dis-ease can be achieved without the use of manufactured palliatives.’
Healing is the attempt by an individual, or group, to bring about an
improvement in the condition of another individual or group. Similar results occur
with animals, plants, or places, such as dwellings or communal areas.
Administered by channelling energy via or through the healer into the patient,
similar to the act of charging of a battery by connecting it to a charger, or attaching to
it a battery that is fully charged, it can take place ‘face to face’ or at a distance, when
the term ‘Absent Healing’ is applied.
Depending upon one’s society, culture, upbringing and education, it is given
as, (or in the form of), ‘Love’, and is a much wider concept than that existing between
two emotionally involved people. It is not necessary that you, personally, feel the
accepted version of that emotion for your patient, any more than Doctors, Physicians,
Carers and anyone else whose vocation it has become, and who are involved at any
time with another individual or the administration of our society, can and do
provide healing. More often than not, they accomplish the act unbeknownst to the
recipient or even themselves. Frequently, it is enough to consciously ’Care’ about
the condition or future of the object of their concern.
From the foregoing, it will be understood that the concept of ’Healing’ means
different things to each practitioner. Everyone, and I mean everyone, at some time in
their lives, will be or has been a healer in the broadest sense of the word, for at some
time in our lives we all fall in love or care deeply for another life, be it a particular
animal, plant or inanimate object or a even a specific location.
When you first read the previous paragraph, you may consider it foolish,
but if you are honest with yourself, you will be aware, and agree, that such an event
has already occurred at least once in your life to date, and you may even be living
through such a situation right now!
The manner in which healing occurs is also myriad. In many cases the
patient who is in receipt of a placebo from the Doctor often returns an improvement
in the treated condition, simply by believing they are being treated by the real
medicine, and so it is with healing. The fact that someone may care for the health of
another is often enough to produce this ‘placebo effect‘, prior to any actual healing
taking place. It manifests itself in Friendship; in all kinds of physical interaction, be
it with; flora, fauna, the animate or inanimate; in the projection of personality; or the
emotions of Compassion, Concern and Care. There are in fact, no limits to the ways
or the manner in which healing will effectively manifest itself. All that is required
as a precursor to the act of healing is ‘Intent‘.
It is my sincere belief that Life cannot exist without ’Body Spirit’ healing
occurring every moment of its existence in this universe. Injuries repair themselves
The Art of Body Spirit Healing

and illness is overcome because there is, intrinsically, a healing element to, and
within, Life itself. What ‘Healers’ really do is ‘boost‘, or ‘fine tune’ something that
already exists in a broader context.

How does it work?

Very simply. Those amongst us who enjoy good health are fully charged
batteries, containing within ourselves sufficient energy for our needs and a little
more for emergencies. If we partake of a balanced intake of fuel (I will discuss this
in greater detail later), any energy depletion is easily and quickly replenished, in
much the same way as one puts a battery ‘on charge’ to bring its energy content back
up to its designed level.
This energy state provides us with the ability to channel healing energy to
others. The ‘Intent’ comes from the act of ‘Caring’ about the condition, emotionally
or physically, of the being, object, or place that is the focus of our concern.
Often it is enough that you are there, interacting with the patient’s Aura
whilst experiencing those feelings, which is enough to effect a transfer of your
energy into the focus of your concern. At other times, the act of touch - gently
resting your hands on their shoulders - will be more effective, perhaps as a hug or
caress - a simple kiss of friendship or a clasping of hands.
There exists about all forms of life a web of energy that we refer to as the
‘Aura‘. Recorded by the aid of ‘Kerlian’ photography, a method that illuminates the
field occupied by the energy of the Aura, this method also shows that the energy
field of the Aura persists even after amputation, explaining why feelings of pain
occur where the original injury occurred, even after the removal of a limb. Anyone
can see the Aura once made aware of its existence. Every healer I have ever met is
aware of, and uses, the Aura, and I give here a brief description of it, taken from
David Tansley’s book ’Radionics and the Subtle Anatomies of Man‘:

Aura. ‘… can best be described as a field of energy that underlies every cell of the
physical body, permeating and interpenetrating every part of it, and extending
beyond to form what is generally called the ‘Aura’. The Bible refers to it as ‘The
Golden Bowl’. To those with the visual acuity, it is perceived as a web or network
animated by light’.
I further enlarge upon the origin and purpose of the Aura in Chapter 22 of
my book ’Religion as Myth’, Cameraderie Press, 2007). (This is my first commercial
At an unconscious level, everyone - humans and animals - can see the Aura.
This is the reason why the impression created when first meeting someone is so
important. You may be aware that upon first meeting someone, your relationship
with that person is often set before you even speak or shake hands. This is because
each person’s Aura extends past the physical confines of the body, and it becomes
the point of ‘first contact’, generating in the subconscious a like or dislike reaction.
Consciously this fact may not be accepted, and so, for many, because Auras are never
The Art of Body Spirit Healing

seen, all evidence is refuted.

What are the origins of the ‘Healing’ discipline?

From the moment that a mother began to nurture the very first offspring born
to the world, healing has been a fact. The ‘Intent’ was there as an overwhelming
desire to perpetuate the species in a manner that meant the odds against survival fell
in proper favour. Evidence discovered in Neanderthal sites infer injured or aging
members of their society were fed and cared for, even though at that time the
requirement for every member to make a useful contribution to the continued
survival of the tribe was paramount.
The healing act has been part of the human subconscious right from our
beginning, although when it actually became a function of higher consciousness is
It is only in relatively recent times that Man has begun to attempt to
determine whether we are really ‘conscious’. We believe we are, but the real
question is, how can we be sure?
Not withstanding the foregoing, ‘Body Spirit’ Healing did not become a
recognised discipline within the ranks of ‘Complimentary’ or ‘Alternative’ medicine
until the twentieth century, and it was from that point on that training in the Art
became generally available.
I myself trained under the auspices of the Federation of Spiritual Healers in
Plymouth, but left them toward the end of my training because of the religious
overtones attending the discipline, and completed my training at a private
religion-free venue.
Religion of any shade is not a prerequisite for the operation or application of
Body Spirit Healing. In fact, because it constitutes an additional step in the
discipline, and therefore a change in focus, it can actually inhibit the efficacy of the
act. Many readers will disagree with this, but you must understand that Man
imposes religion upon Mankind from without. Like it or not, that is my view, and I
have arrived at that viewpoint after many years of research. (My second
‘commercial break’: See again ‘Religion as Myth’, published by Camaraderie Press,
What are the Physics that govern the Art?

The whole universe exists because it adheres to certain physical laws. This
also applies to Life in all its myriad forms, and those same laws dictate every aspect
of our existence. It is the same with Body Spirit Healing. Physics cannot, must not,
be forsaken in favour of a ‘leap of faith’ or mysticism. I am sorry if by stating this,
you believe I am attacking your belief system, but nothing in this universe can
function without it adheres to prescribed Physical Law as understood at this time.
Research into the discipline of healing at the UCLA in America found that
The Art of Body Spirit Healing

Earth Energies are very necessary the act of healing.

We are all aware that the Earth’s electro-magnetic field protects her from the
Cosmic Radiation that bombards her continually, radiation generated throughout the
universe during the death throes of suns at the end of their lives, and that this
protection is accomplished through the good offices of the. Generated in the Earth’s
core, this protective field manifests itself in the magnetic lines of force that currently
travel from the North Pole to the south, deflecting this celestial bombardment away
toward those poles.
All life on this planet dwells within this magnetic field, and it is this field that,
being the source of the energy healers’ use, has the greatest effect upon the
application of the Healing Art.
Researchers at the UCLA have confirmed that healers worldwide tap into the
Earth’s magnetic field, and that shortly after they complete their preliminary
routines, their minds actually begin to operate at the same frequency as that field, 7.8
to 8.0 Hertz. Even more startling from the researchers’ point of view was the
discovery that the mind of the patient also moved into this same frequency shortly
after the healer commenced the act. This phenomenon enables the transfer of
energy from the Earth’s electro-magnetic field, through the healer to the patient.
The healer maintains the flow until the patient can maintain its continuation
unaided. This also demonstrates that Mother Earth uses this energy to protect all
life on this planet. The patient’s system has fallen out of synchronisation with the
Earth’s magnetic field, and the healer ‘retunes’ it via interaction with the Aura.
As previously stated, all life demonstrates the existence of the Aura, and Dr.
Harold Burr at Yale University, has confirmed this. He refers to it as a bio-field that
extends some distance around the body. The measured weaknesses in this field
pre-date and confirm physical dysfunction or abnormality, and indicates the health
of the physical body.
Healers have observed that by using the Aura projected by all living matter, it
is possible to ascertain the place on the body most in need of attention. This has also
confirmed at the UCLA in their finding that in areas of greatest dis-ease, the Aura
presents a weaker aspect. In fact, the strength of the Aura, measured by
instrumentation at the surface of the skin, showed weaker readings in areas of
I have spoken at length to healers who, like me, use the Aura as the medium
for perceiving and rectifying injuries and illness, and we all find that the hands and
fingertips are sufficiently sensitive to pick up subtle changes in the patient’s Aura,
and this allows us to locate and concentrate upon the weaknesses we identify.
Furthermore, those healers who are able to discern colour in the Aura, (I,
unfortunately cannot) all claim that the colours perceived bear a direct relationship
to the state of health of the physical body, and that the muddier colours indicate
areas in need of attention.
Because of the importance of the Aura, and the possibility that it provides the
matrix upon which life itself is built, I again recommend you read this author’s book
‘Religion as Myth’, Chapter 22. (Cameraderie Publishing, 2007). This may be my
last commercial break!
It is important to realise that everything in this universe is affected, or itself
The Art of Body Spirit Healing

affects, all other matter contained within it to a greater or lesser degree. The Milky
Way Galaxy, of which we are a part, conforms to the influence of other galaxies and
the energies that originated the universe. Our Sun acts in accordance with the
diktats of the galaxy within which it exists. Mother Earth herself orbits within the
outer reaches of the Sun’s atmosphere, or penumbra, and we are, as residents on this
earth, influenced by these facts. An awareness of this can influence favourably our
ability to apply Body Spirit Healing.
We all maintain a reservoir of the energy generated by the various
interactions of the matter within this universe, and I refer to this reservoir as ‘The
River of Life’.
Energy is energy; it is neither ‘Good’ nor ‘Evil’. Just as the sun gives life, so a
surfeit will bring death. Energy merely provides the power that runs the dynamo of
life. It does not and cannot differentiate between the bullet and the wheelchair.
Only Man can take this energy and apply it according to the balance of positive
(good) or negative (evil) energy residing within him.
Healers must be ever mindful of this fact and, therefore, must be very careful
in channelling energy to another, being sure that the patient has given permission,
and thereafter maintaining a frame of mind that does not misuse, abuse or

How do I begin?

You have already started. As I have said previously, at some time in your
life you have cared deeply for the well-being of another life, whatever form it took.
You probably continue to care. You are already a Healer. All that remains for you
to do is to consciously apply your energy in such a way that focuses upon the
perceived dis-ease and assists in the rebuilding of the patient’s immune system,
re-aligning it within the Earth‘s magnetic field.
All that remains is to learn the technique or method best suited to your
personality, one that allows you to channel most effectively the energy into the
patient whilst at the same time conserving your own reserves.
Your technique must be comfortable for you, for you may be required to
apply it over quite extended periods throughout any given day, and most
importantly, it must not discomfit the patient. Extremes of activity and
mumbo-jumbo will leave you fatigued and your patient edgy and stressed - the
reverse of the result you should be seeking.
Because I consider the technique you ultimately adopt very much personally
your own, I will not provide you with a ‘one-size-fits-all’ technique or method. You
will, with your growing understanding of the Art and the practising you will be
doing, automatically develop your own, ably assisted by your subconscious.
I will explain my technique to you so that you may receive a more
comprehensive understanding of what needs to be done and how I, just one
individual, achieves his goals. If you find that my method suits you, feel free to
utilise all or part of it. It is not for you to copy slavishly, but to direct you toward
The Art of Body Spirit Healing

the practise you will ultimately devise and acquire.

It would be as well at this point to include for your guidance a few rules for
determining when and where healing should take place, and to restrain you from
experimentation until you complete the reading of this booklet:

 Always wait permission. In the case of a human being, never assume they
subject want (or need) your attention. Make them aware of your willingness to heal
them, but never act without consent. Where an animal is involved, await the owner’s
permission. If the animal is not willing, it will make its wishes known to you. Animals
lack a vindictive trait, although those in close proximity to humans do learn their
characteristics, but generally live as dictated by their instinct and genes. Respect that!

All healing requires that you work within the Aura of the patient, even
when ‘Absent Healing’, and this represents an invasion of privacy if permission is
not first given, or healing is not first requested.
As you progress within the art, you will come to realise that the Aura reveals
much about the individual that is private and not open for discussion. You must
respect this and treat all that you learn as a confidence given in the same way that a
doctor or priest deals with you.
Once a healing act has been agreed, it signifies two things; a willingness on
the part of the healer to do his or her best in the interests of the patient, and the
patient has committed to the desire to recover from whatever dis-ease afflicts them.
I make this statement based upon actual experience. I have, on a number of
occasions, given healing to patients who profess a desire to get well, but who in fact
are still ’in love’ with their illness. They have not progressed beyond the sympathy
and empathy their dis-ease generates in themselves and close members of family and
Unless you are aware of this fact, they will drain your energy reserves to
maintain their state of dis-ease. This is not a conscious act on the part of the patient,
but the demand for energy will outstrip your ability to channel, and you will
supplement the supply from your own personal store. The patient tasked with it,
would deny it, but you can probably identify a few such cases, and may even
recognise an element of yourself in there somewhere. You must remember, this is
usual, and is normally an unconscious and not deliberately selfish act. It is,
however, a purely human trait, and never one that you will encounter in animals of a
lower order.
As a healer, you must be aware that the healing act will fail if carried out
incorrectly, or for the wrong reason. This applies to both parties, and you could
both suffer a reduction in the efficiency of the Aura. This could also have the effect
of reducing the efficiency of your immune systems, resulting in a greater risk of
contracting infection. Remember, healers are seldom so well qualified as to be able
to diagnose the true source of the ailment of which the patient complains, or the
manner of its manifestation. Never hesitate to recommend your patient to a Doctor.
You should consider to the following elements, as I consider them essential to
the proper and effective performance of the contract you enter into with your patient:

The Art of Body Spirit Healing

 Venue. Always ensure that the location in which you intend to work is secluded
and private. Where possible, make your healing venue a haven of peace and tranquillity
using natural light whenever possible and music that echoes in the heart and mind. Try
to avoid working in the same room as other healers, as the activity of others, besides
reducing your ability to focus, may detract from, and affect the application of energy to
your patient. Having said that, many healers, myself included are, because of our
accrued experience, able to heal in and under conditions that the novice should avoid, at
least until they are able to properly focus their minds and energy under less than ideal

Many healers operate messily, with little consideration for the effect they
have on others nearby; others require an audience to massage their. You will, at
some point in your career encounter those who operate in a flamboyant manner that
will disrupt your energy feed.
Natural light is best, as its frequencies are naturally contrived. Ordinary
incandescent bulbs will suffice when and where natural light is not available, but
always do your best to avoid fluorescent lighting, which broadcasts only manmade
frequencies and will disrupt the body’s rhythms. Full frequency lighting is
available, but it is also expensive, and therefore beyond the means of the average
healer not operating for a profit.

 Trappings and ‘show‘. I refer here to the flamboyant mysticism charlatans most
often employ. They operate in an ’over-the-top’ way in order to hide their lack of honest
intent and integrity. Outlandish clothing, elaborate mannerisms, and a venue bedecked
with occult symbolism are not conducive to good healing practice. Such methodology,
designed to misdirect and bemuse, is not an aid to the healing process, being better suited
to fairs and circus sideshows.

The use of ‘Props’ is frequently the preserve of those people unwilling to give
of themselves, either in time, learning or understanding, that which is essential in the
healing art, specifically the desire to help and restore, rather than show a profit.
There is no shame in recovering expenses, or even making a living from the art, as
long as you never ignore the core concept.
I repeat again, the healer must ‘love’ the patient and want to assist or restore
the patient’s immune system. You cannot heal anyone. All you can do is to provide the
sufferer with the means for him or her (or even ‘it’) to apply the energy given toward their
own recovery. Healers do not work miracles. Such phenomena exist only outside
the physical world, in the realms of imagination and dreams.

 ‘Tools’. These are simple and few. A chair or stool in or upon which your patient
can be ‘comfortable’ and still allow you easy access to their Aura. The needs of the
patient will be dictate which piece of furniture you use. I emphasise the word
comfortable because you will encounter some patients who will fall asleep during your
ministrations and others who will become quite emotional and burst into tears. Both
outcomes are different sides of the same coin, and represent the release of emotional
tension. We all deal with stress in subtly different ways, and its release can take
The Art of Body Spirit Healing

different forms.

Do not over-react to either of these release mechanisms. Treat everything

you encounter with calm equanimity, as something quite normal. A word of
caution here, please do not join in. During the early days of your healing practice,
you may find my advice to be impossible. Do not worry overmuch about it, you
will learn to isolate your own emotions soon enough. When you find yourself
becoming emotional along with your patient, simply bring the session to a close, and
empathise with the patient. If you continue in the healing act, you will find yourself
unable to properly channel or direct the energy, and could prolong the patient’s
Emotional release of this sort is part of the healing process and is usually a
short-term phenomenon, and once over it, the patient will find recuperation much
I recommend you end the session at the point the patient breaks down, or an
outside distraction disturbs you, because further healing will not occur and any
progress you may have made will have ceased at that moment. It is much easier
and more beneficial to reschedule than to continue.
When you encounter the patient who falls asleep, and I am one such, you
may continue to channel, but do not attempt to ‘direct’ the energy. The patient’s
subconscious will take care of that. It knows best what it requires. The body’s
somnolence is yet another road toward recovery, and be allowed to run its course.
At some point into the session, you will become aware that the energy you
were freely channelling has stopped flowing. When you do, stop the session for
you have progressed as far as the patient’s dis-ease wishes to go along the road to
When the patient has regained their equilibrium, arrange another
appointment, but only if it is the patient’s wish. Often the patient or you will leave
without having made an additional appointment, but do not worry, the phone will
ring and another appointment will be made, usually within two weeks of the first.
The other ‘Tool’ is Water. This should be readily available to both you and
the patient. Its provision is of paramount importance for the following reason:
The majority of life is composed mostly of water, being the electrolyte used to
facilitate the functioning of the body’s cells and neurons and, by inference, the
efficient channelling of healing energy into the patient. Part of the healing act is to
restore balance to the immune and autonomic nervous systems. Water should also
be present close by in an open topped bowl, and its purpose is to absorb the airborne
toxins released during the healing act and to prevent their re-absorption by the
patient or yourself.
Finally, at the end of the session and immediately prior to the departure of
the patient, impress upon them the need to drink a substantial quantity of water
before retiring for the night. It will assist in flushing from the body the toxins
released from the cells and tissues during the healing act and which continue to leach
from the tissues for some time thereafter.

The Art of Body Spirit Healing

 Protection. It may seem odd that I should now speak of protection at a time when
we should only be concerned with the welfare of others, but it is a necessary precursor to
the act of healing. Not everyone you encounter is personally well disposed toward you or
your patient, and the healing act will founder and misfire unless you take proper care of
the healing environment.
Protection inhibits the imposition of healing from those who attempt to assist
you unasked, even though they may be well intentioned. Such assistance will
deplete your energy reserves because you will find yourself trying to keep the
healing energy flowing, as you desire, whilst ‘holding off’ the effects of the ‘help’ you
are trying to exclude.
The method of protection I favour and use most often is the simple ‘Egg-
shell‘. I envisage the patient and myself enclosed within a translucent shell that
allows free passage of air, warmth, and light, but inhibits the ingress of malevolent
or other unsuitable or un-requested energies. Within this shell are peace, love and
harmony, and it is in this environment that I carry out the healing act.
The purpose of the shell, other than for the reasons already given, is to reflect
back unwholesome energies toward their source. Like the military stealth
technology, I do not wish to return it all to the source at the strength with which it
arrived, but in sufficient quantity for the originator to have to learn to deal with their
own projections.
To digress slightly in order to illustrate this point, I once worked in the
insurance industry for a superior who was not a nice person in any way. In fact, he
was a very aggressive ‘target’ oriented man who employed derision and anger to
subdue those who worked under him. During those years, commission levels
generated by sales dictated our income. As his income also depended upon the
efforts of those working under him, it was a constant cause of disagreement, and I
always left his presence feeling physically ill and very depressed.
It was during this time that I became a healer, and one day whilst sitting in
my car rehearsing my presentation before the time of my interview arrived, I thought
suddenly that I should protect myself as I did whilst healing.
I entered his office clad in my eggshell and made my report. All went well
until he began to criticise and berate my performance and the level of sales achieved
by my branch. (Mine was the smallest branch in the company, but the fifth largest
producer. His own branch was larger and produced less). Within minutes of the
increase of his calculated anger and denigration of our efforts, he went quite grey
and rose to leave, dismissing me peremptorily. He was away for three days with no
reported illness, and upon his return continued to treat other branches as he had
done previously. I never met with him face to face again, and he did all his
administration of my branch by polite letters. He would not even talk to any one
within my branch on the telephone.
Such is the power of efficient and correct protection. I use some form of
protection whenever I find myself moving outside my personal ‘comfort zone’.
With regular practise in the visualising and creating of a protective shield, it becomes
second nature.
Remember this, though. You and your patient are inside your protection.
Should your patient be unable to ‘give up’ their dis-ease because they are still
The Art of Body Spirit Healing

enamoured of the sympathy their condition generates in friends and loved ones, the
energy you attempt to channel will be used to maintain their condition. You must
not involve yourself in this uphill struggle. Bring the session to a close and excuse
yourself as being unable to enter into the correct healing mode at that time. Do not
criticise the patient, it is not intentional and is without malicious intent. All illnesses
have a period where they thrive, for whatever reason, and the patient must be
subconsciously ready to ‘let go’ in order for healing to succeed.

Becoming a Healer

It is always best to search out and register with a school that itself is a
member of a recognised authority. One such I mentioned earlier, the NSFH, The
National Federation of Spiritual Healers. Although they tend to accept that a belief
in a Deity can be of assistance in the healing discipline, they do present a very high
level of integrity in their methods of tuition. They are amongst the best-placed
organisations available to help you develop and strengthen your innate healing
Having learned the ’nuts and bolts’ of the art, you are then ready to step out
and assist that and those which is and are less able than you to redress the balance
within their being and lives.
Confidence in one’s own ability to help rather than an ego-assisted certainty
is essential, and this will grow during your initial training course. You will learn
during this time the method of healing best suited to you. I believe all healers
utilise the Aura in some way or fashion, and there is no reason to believe you will be
an exception.
It is worthy of note that the Aura is a tool of social importance across the field
of life. Whenever you meet someone for the first time, you will have had a feeling
of acceptance or rejection even before you shake hands or even speak. Our Aura’s
extend outside our bodies for a considerable distance depending upon our state of
health and joy of life. When two Aura’s outer envelopes interact, there is an
exchange of information that results in the ’First impressions’ we experience and in
which we set so much store.
With this in mind, always endeavour to focus and be critically objective
regarding the effect you have on your patients, and this is best learned from practice,
initially on members of family and friends, whom you will find to be direct and
helpful in their assessment of your methods and capabilities. Never set yourself up
as able to cure anything. Remember, you supply the energy that the patient can use
toward their own recovery, and it will only work if recovery is their desire. Your
intent is to help, and you can best do this if you do not attempt to force a cure on the
patient, or criticise the mental presentation of their dis-ease.
You should consider the act of healing as being akin to love, in that both are
personal to the two people involved. With healing, the compliance and complicity
of both parties is necessary. It is very personal inasmuch as the healer has to enter,
not only the personal space of the patient, but also that persons Aura is required to
The Art of Body Spirit Healing

intermingle with that of the healer. As with the act of love, so with healing. Patient
and healer forge a temporary liaison, the purpose of which is to exchange energy.
I stress the personal aspect, because the Aura pervades every cell of the body,
and is the culmination of the differing vibrations of every organ, the embodiment of
all that is contained within the body.
Although the act of healing requires something of you, give of your own
‘energy of life’ sparingly. Your purpose is to use the patient’s Aura to determine the
extent and location of the dis-ease, and in doing this you will give a little of yourself.
However, as soon as you have made this determination, you change your attitude
and become a ‘channel’ through which the energy of the Earth’s electro-magnetic
field can be directed into the patient in the area or areas for the purpose previously
determined. The patient, not you, decides the amount of energy required for this
purpose, and it is a subconscious decision. You will become aware of a lessening or
even the cessation of the flow of energy once the patient has received sufficient for
their needs at that time,
The length of the session required can vary dramatically from five minutes
upwards. I find that for patient comfort (and my own), my sessions last for a
maximum of forty to forty five minutes, at which time I call an end to a session and
arrange a new meeting approximately one week ahead. I do this for two reasons: I
do not want to fatigue myself unduly, and nor do I want to overload the ability of the
patient to put to use the energy supplied. A little and often is better than an
overwhelming blast.
There will be rare occasions where the patient is unwilling to let go of their
malady, whether it is because their dis-ease has not yet become a recognised
imbalance, or they have not yet reached the point in the cycle where they really want
to let go of the sympathy and empathy their disability generates in those around
them. You will need no education to determine such a circumstance. The
realisation that your personal energy store is being plundered will alert you to this
event. Terminate the healing session immediately. Do not criticise, but arrange a
new session in the near future.

How do I ‘Heal’?

‘You’ do not heal anyone, ever. The term ‘Healer is really a misnomer, for all you
do is to provide the means by which the patient’s immune system can obtain the
energy necessary to bring itself back in to a state of grace, or balance.
As you gain experience, you will find that you can determine where in the
body the greatest imbalance exists. You will do this by using the sensitivity of your
hands and fingers to locate weaknesses in the Uric field, and you may then be able to
‘massage’ those areas with energy and bring them back to a level, which accords
with the rest of the Aura. Even then, you do not heal. You merely provide that
determined area within the Aura with the energy the patient’s immune system can
put to use at that location.
I have mentioned the term ‘Channelling’ frequently and the time has come
The Art of Body Spirit Healing

for me to reveal how I accomplish it. You may, and probably will, find and
experience other ways to achieve the same results!
Visualise yourself and your patient immersed comfortably in a warm slow
moving river. The reality is that the river envisaged is the Earth’s electro-magnetic
field. You, with your mind and body open and receptive to the flow, are able to
redirect it into the patient within whose Aura your hands are moving.
It is quite probable that you will experience a feeling of flow from your
Crown Chakra to your hands, although more often I find the flow does accord with
this path, but then passes from my right hand through the patient into my left. As I
move my hands down through the patient’s Aura, I experience changes brought
about, I believe, by the differing densities of the bones and organs through which the
energy flows. While this is happening, I build the impression that my feet (I never
wear shoes during healing) are in contact with the Earth.
The ability to visualise the state you wish to experience is very important.
With continued practise, its achievement will be easily gained and relatively quickly.
Do not ever pretend to the state for the sake of appearances. Should you
do so, you will probably draw energy from your patient that he or she can ill
afford, and you may even exacerbate the problem.
To make every healing session as successful as is possible, you should adhere
to the following pointers - placed for your guidance:

 Put aside personal problems and other worries. They will interfere with your
ability to channel, and perhaps even negate it altogether.

 Dispense with the influence of the ego. The well-being of the patient is
paramount. They will use the energy you channel according to their priorities,
not yours.

 Make sure your personal energy levels are equal to the task. Spend time before
the session in meditation in order to build your reserves.

 Avoid healing in areas of man made electro-magnetic disturbance. The most

frequently over looked is the area under high voltage cables. The field
generated causes malfunctions in the human bio-field. The artificial is not
compatible with the real thing. A frequency of 7.8 to 8.0 Hertz is essential!

 Avoid healing during intense physical dieting. Dieting seldom reflects the true
condition of your metabolism, causing more harm than benefit. A balanced diet,
avoiding those artificial foods - particularly additives - not suited to your
digestion and well-being, and portions of smaller size than usual is all that is
required to maintain your physical presence at an optimum level. Eat little and
often is far better than three good meals a day. This applies to both you and
your patient.

 Remember to protect yourself and your patient at all times. Outside influences
never announce themselves before hand, but they will act to the detriment of
The Art of Body Spirit Healing

your performance.

 Continuing the session past the point where healing energy ceases to flow will be
a pointless exercise.

 Do not prolong the session beyond the comfort point of the patient or yourself.
As soon as you or your patient experience any discomfort, wrap it up. Less and
often is far better.

To be a Strong Healer

Regardless of how good you become at channelling energy on behalf of your

patients, there will always be a trade off. There are no free lunches to be had
anywhere in the world, and you will always expend some energy during the healing
act. That is a fact of science. The trick is to minimise its effect.
Ensuring that you maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle is the only way to do
this. If you were dieting for medical reasons, it would be better for all concerned if
you refrained from, or seriously reduced, your healing activities for the duration.
You, as a healer, must remain robust in health and stamina, and quick in mind. To
be less is to jeopardise the health of your patient.
Forensic Pathology has long recognised that the perpetrators of crimes leave
behind traces of their presence at the crime scene and take with them traces of their
victims. This interchange of ’information’ is universal, a scientific fact. As a healer,
there must be something of yourself left with the patient, and something of the
patient with you. This is the reason you must be healthy and maintain a vigorous
immune system.
Liken yourself to a fully charged battery when about to commence your
immersion into the river of life. Only then can you channel energy easily into your
patient without first topping up your own energy levels.
Wise healers take the time to meditate prior to the healing act in order to do
just that, but in addition, the healer must observe the following:

 Healers must love life in all its forms, Human, Animal, and Vegetable, and feel a
deep regard for them all.

 Do not judge or condemn the patient’s Religion, Politics, Lifestyle choices, or

position on the evolutionary scale.

 Do not discriminate or select. Who among us has the right to sit in judgement
outside a court of law?

 For the duration of the act, the healer must ’love’ the patient. To do less will
detract from your ability to achieve alpha wave synchronisation and therefore
reduce the effectiveness of the healing energy transfer.
The Art of Body Spirit Healing

Absent Healing
There is another aspect of The Healing Art yet discuss. It, as the heading
suggests, concerns the method used when it is not possible for both parties to be
present at the same venue at a time when healing is required or requested.
It is often referred to as ‘Distant Healing’, but I feel this is a misnomer, for it
implies ‘distance’ and infers ‘healing‘, when we are already aware that as ‘Healers’
we channel healing energy into the patient for the immune system to use as the
subconscious dictates. We do not ‘Heal’.
I use the term ‘Absent Healing’ advisably, for with healing, distance is as
irrelevant during the act as is elapsed time. Healing energy transfer acts in real time
just as sub atomic particles react simultaneously when separated by the universe in
the world of quantum mechanics. That is to say that when a particle is interfered
with here, an identical particle, the first one’s twin, reacts simultaneously trillions of
kilometres away. It follows therefore, that an act of healing energy transfer by you
will have its arrival at the patient celebrated at precisely the same time. It does not
matter if the bulk of the world is between you.
This manner of channelling, although similar in many respects to your
regular sessions, requires minor changes in the way you visualise the transfer of
energy and its method of transmission.

 Arrange for you and your patient to organise yourselves similarly in quiet
comfortable areas. Meditate beforehand, and listen to the same music.

 Set a precise time and date for the session, and allow for time zone differences, as
healing does not adhere to local-time physics. Quantum mechanics has proved
that a particle activated here, will generate a reaction in a twin particle trillions of
kilometres away, so this is important. Healing is not constrained by our concept
of time.

 Ensure - at both venues - that a glass of water is to hand, and use it frequently to
flush your system. Also, ensure a small open bowl of water is close by, to
absorb airborne toxins.

 Orient yourself toward the patient’s home, and commence the healing session.

 As with a normal session, visualise you are both protected and immersed in the
River of Life, and build a ’bridge’, a rainbow of light and energy between your
hands and the patient’s Crown Chakra. Open yourself in the usual way so that
the energy flows from your Crown Chakra through your hands, and ’push’ the
channelled energy along the rainbow bridge toward your patient.

 Continue only as long as the energy flows comfortably, and then bring the
session to a close.
The Art of Body Spirit Healing


In closing, I reiterate something I stressed earlier. Healers are to be found

everywhere, and come from all lifestyles and professions. It only requires desire,
intent, and some basic ground rules:

 Try to avoid all signs of external ‘ritual’, religious or otherwise. Relegate

ritual of a flamboyant nature to the fairground.

 Do not aggrandise the healing act. It is as natural as breathing and just as


 As a healer, you will work with many different nationalities and religious
denominations. To channel healing energy to a believer of a different faith may
cause offence if you do so whilst calling on the name of any other deity.

Forgive me if I have sometimes made the act seem complicated. If I have, it

is because the simplest acts are the hardest to put into words.

Ultimately, it all comes down to a one-to-one situation between Healer and

Patient; anything else merely detracts from the Intent and the Act.

To be a good Body Spirit Healer, be honest with yourself and your patient!



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