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Video game history

Video game history

The history of the video game begins in 1962, with the creation of the little game SpaceWar.

For many, the first electronic game in history was developed in 1962 by Slug Russell, Wayne
Witanen and Martin Graetz, colleagues at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology),
USA. In order to create something useful for their spare time, the students conceived a
space battle game capable of running on archaic DEC PDP-1 computers: SpaceWar .

However, some historians say that the great-grandfather of the games was developed four
years earlier, in 1958, by physicist Willy Higinbotham, best known for being one of the
creators of the atomic bomb. It was a game of tennis shown on an oscilloscope and
processed by an analog computer, a kind of attraction for visitors to his laboratory.
In 1968 we have an important chapter in the history of video games, through the figure of the
German eradicated in the United States, Ralph Baer. After graduating in electronic
engineering and working in several radio and TV companies, Baer had the brilliant idea of
​creating a device capable of playing electronic games through television. This fact was of
great importance for the future of games due to the fact that, until that moment, games only
ran on computers and access to them was restricted to small groups of university students.
The German developed and patented a device called the “Brown Box”, capable of running
different types of games, a fact that made Ralph Baer the “father” of video games.

The first commercialized console in history was the Odissey , made by the Magnavox
company in 1972 in the United States. The device was sold in Brazil later, at the end of the
70's. Manufactured by Philco and Ford, the console became known as Telejogo, which
basically consisted of lines that went up and down to hit a square.


Shortly after the release of the Odissey , the phenomenon that everyone normally associates
with video game history appears: the Atari 2600 . Designed by Nolan Bushnell and released
in 1978 in the United States and in 1983 in Brazil, the console is considered a cultural
symbol of the 80s, a true sales phenomenon.
Atari 2600

Despite all this success, Atari experienced serious financial problems during the decade, at
the same time that the Japanese Nintendo began to build its empire. As Nintendo grew and
established itself as the largest in the world of consoles, SEGA, another Japanese company,
was also developing. To compete with the NES, the company launched the well-known
Master System . Leader Nintendo has obviously entered the fray and released one of the
biggest hits in all of video game history: the Super NES . This is one of the classic episodes
of the battle of the consoles.
Super NES

Nintendo surprised the whole world by announcing the N64 , with 64-bit graphics. Another
very important fact was the launch of Sony's Playstation , which, for having a large library of
games, became the sales leader and hit the incredible mark of 100 million consoles sold.

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