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of th
of th e
of' the
Wembo Nyama, Congo BeIge
August 14-20. 1938
of the
of th e
CONGO ~ t 1 I S S I O N
of the
Minga, Congo Beige
August 14-20, 1 38
of he
Sunday Services .... .. .... . , .... .. , ..... .. . " ..... " , .. ............. ' ... .. ... , ... ..... ... , ...... ........ 1
o ening Session, Roll Call .... .. .. ..... .. .... ....... ......... ... . ................. 1, 2
Native Preachers and Lay Delegates ..... , ....... .. .. ..... ".. " ....... .... , .. .. .. .2
Organizatio . ... .. ........... .... .. . , .......... ... . , . ... ...... ............ .... .. ... ...... ... ... .. ~
Greetings ... ...... ... ... .. ......... ...... .. '............... .. ....... .... ...... ...... .. ....... ...... 2, 3
Commit es...... ....... ... ,', ...... ..... ........... ..... ... ............ ... ,... .. .... .. ..... ,.... .. ......... 3
Otetela New Testament, .... .. ....... .... ..... . ....... ........ ..... ... .. ... .. . , .. ... .. 5, 6
Disciplinary Questions .. ... ,.. .. ... ... .... . , ...... .. .......... .... .. ..... ........ .. ... ...... 7- 9
Appointments .. ".. ........ .. .. ....... .. ........... .. ..... .. ............................ , ... ...... 9-12
Superintendents' Report-s .. ......... "." .. .. . " ... ... ".. ..... ............ , ... .....13-19
Traveling Preachers' Rep rts ".". . ... , ... ... . , .. .. . " ... .. .... .. " ... . 20. 21
Report of Committee on Missionary Societies ..... .. ""..... . ",. . . ... .... 21
Report of C mmittee on Church Schools ........ ....".. .. ...... . .. ....."... 22
Report of Statistical Comm'tt e '..... . " .. . .. ... ... .......... .. " ... ... "" ...22-24
Stat istics ... .. . . .... ... .... ... ..... ..." .. ", ... .. " .. ,,, ,... ".. ... .. "... .... ..... 24-26
Rev. A. J. Rei Chairman I
Miss Catherine Parham and Sha1lmba Pierre, Secretru'ies
Rev. E. B. SLilz and Unya Ngunga Paulu, Assistant Secretaries
Station beginning
over to religious
At the morning
Ephesians 6:10-20
the evil.
At four o'clock
for the members d
Lovell, and Ngan
At the evening
on following Jes
All the services \i
Opening Sessio)
The pening b ~
in t he Minga chm:
Hughlett, Chairm
devoti onal sernd
her talk on John
Roll Call:
The ecretru:y
was asked t o calJ
Missionari s:
Rev- H. P. Ank
Mrs. H. P. AnY
Rev. E. B. Stitz
Mrs. E. B. Stilz
Assistant Secretaries
S unday, August 14, 1938
CHURCH, SOUTH, met in its fourth annual session at Minga
Station beginning Sunday, August 14, 1938. The first day was given
over to religious services.
At the morning service Ngandjolo Mose gave us a message from
Ephesians 6:10-20, as to being fully armed for the conflict with
the evil.
At four o'clock in the afternoon a communion service was held
for the members of the Conference, conducted by Messrs. De Ruiter,
Lovell, and Ngandjolo.
At the evening hour Mr. Wheeler brought us a helpful message
on following Jesus.
All the services were in Otetela.
J. VIonday, August 15, 1938
Opening Session:
The pening business seRsion of the Mission Meeting was held
i n t he Minga church Monday, August 15, at 8:30 A. M., Dr. W. S.
Hughlet t , Chairman of the Executive Committee, presiding. The
dovotional ser vice was conducted by Mrs.W. B. Lewis, basing
her talk on Juhn 20:19.
Ro I Call:
The Secretary of the 1 st mission meeting, Miss Edith Martin,
was asked to call the roll:
Rev. H. P. Anke ' (ful'lough) Rev. E. H. Lovell
Mrs. H. P. Anker (furlough) Mrs. E. H. Lovell
Rev. E. B. Stilz Rev. Joe H. Maw
Ml's. E. B. Stilz Mrs. Joe H. Maw

Rev. J. J. Davis
Mrs. J. J. Davis
Rev. Henry C. Ayres (absent)
Mrs. Henry C. Ayres (absent)
Miss Dora J. Armstrong
Miss Mary Foreman
Dr. C. P. M. Sheffey (furlough)
Mrs. C. P. M. Sheffey(furlough)
Dr. W. B. Lewis
Mrs. W. B. Lewis
Rev. William De Ruiter
Mrs. William De Ruiter
Miss Annie Parker (furlough)
Miss Mary E. Moore (furlough)
Kimbulu Charles
Ngandjolo Mose
Shuku Josefu
Lumbelilu Nikolas
Lupanu Augusta
Wetshi Ukunda Augusta
Lay Delegates:
Shaumba Pierre
Utshudi Augusta
Djulu Danyele
Lusulu George
Rev. H. T. Wheeler
Mrs. H. T. Wheeler
Miss Myrtle Zicafoose
Dr. W. S. Hughlett
Mrs. W. S. Hughlett
Rev. Alex. J. Reid
Mrs. Alex. J. Reid
Miss Annimae White
Miss Dorothy Rees
Mrs. Ethel S. Smith (furlough)
Miss Ruth O'Toole
Miss Edith Martin
Miss Catherine Parham
Miss Lorena Kelly
Miss Norene Robken
Mr. C. W. Chappell
Lunumbi Andre
Mulenda FranGois
Lumumba Jerome
Luhata Danyele
Ngelesa Jakoba
Um'Okoko Mose
On'Uluki Andre
Unya Ngunga Paulu
Ulungn Ail.dre
Rev. Alex. J. Reid was elected chairman of the Mission Meeting.
Catherine Parham and Shaumba Pierre were elected secretaries.
Mr. Stilz and Unya Ngunga were chosen as assistant secretaries.
Bar of Mission Meeting:
The bar of the conference was S2t and all voting members were
Message from Bishop Moore:
The Chairman read a portion of a letter re.::eived from Bishop
Moore, in which he expressed regret that he was unable to come to
Congo this year. Bishop Moore sent greetings to the Congo Church.
Mes sage fj
The Se t't
William 1
WO.roell' s l
Mrs. J .
Alex. J.
Mr s. H. C.
Mrs. E. B. j
COl1.fer en c
Sunday S
Mrs. H
E. B. Stilz,
Sta t istics:
The follo
confer neel
,uc,_",,'u Meeting.
secret ries.
members were
from B i ~ h o p
1e to come to
Congo Church.
Mes age from Mr. & Mrs. Townsley:
The Secretary read am ssage received from Rev. & Mrs. Inman
Townsley, expressing their joy in the call to service in Africa.
The following committees were elected:
Evangelistic Committee:
William De Ruiter, Alex. J. Reid, J. J. Davis, Catherine Parham,
Ngandjolo Mose, Mulenda FranGois.
'Vomen's 'Vorl{:
Mrs. J . J. Davis, Mrs. E. H. Lovell, lVITs. W . S. Hughlett,
Lumumba Jerome, Ngelesa Jakoba.
Conference Committee of the First Year:
Alex. J. Reid, Joe H. Maw, E. H. Lovell, Catherine Parham,
Mrs. H. C. Ayres.
Conference Committee of Second Year:
\Villiam De Ruiter, Lorena Kelly, J. J. Davis, Mary Foreman,
Mr . E. B. Stilz.
Conferenc Comm' t tee of the Third Year:
Henry T. Wheeler, "William Chappell, Mrs. Alex. J. Reid, Edith
Mart,in, Annimae White.
Sunday School:
,hs. Henry T. W} ee1e1', Mrs. J . . J. Davis, Norene Robken,
E. B. Stilz, William De Ruiter, Djulu Danyele.
Lorena Kelley, Helll'Y T. Wheeler Dorothy Rees, Shuku Josefu,
Lumbelilu Nikolas.
Ki .bulu Charl es, C. W. Chap )el1, Dora J. Armstrong.
Hours of Meeting:
The [ollowin!! h01US were voted for subse luent meet ings of the
conteren e:
foming Sessions - 8:30 to 11:45
Afternoon " 2:00 to 5:00
Evening Ses ion 7:30
Report s:
The missionaries' reports were read and placed in the hands of
t he secretary.
Conference News to The \Vorld Outlook:
Mrs. W. B. Lewis was elected to report news of the present ses
sion of conference to the World Outlook.
Committee Meetings:
The conference voted to devote the afternoon to committee
meetings. The chairmen of the committees appointed the hours and
places for the various meetings.
Otetela New Testament:
It was voted that an account be written a:-ld present ed to the
conference of the translation of the Otetela New TestaJl1ent. The
Ilresident appointed lVIr. De Ruiter to prepare this paper.
Chief Miyanga, a Christian Chief from the Lodja District, was
pr esented to the conference.
The mornin session closed with prayer by Rev. C. W. Chappel!.
Afternoon Session:
The afternoon session was given over to committee meeting's.
Evening Service:
Mr. E. H. Lovell conducted the evening service. bringing lIS a
h elpf ul based on Matthew 10:34.
Tuesday, Augusl 16, 1,'J38
The conference <,onvened at 8: 80 A. iVI. Dr. l.ewis led the
rnnrning cl,:'I"tional service, r ead ing from I Cor. 14, 26. 27.
The chair appointed a committee of thrc' e to read and COlT ('t
thf' Eng'lish minute". Mr. Lovell. Mr. De Ruiter, and Mr. Whpe!er
compnsed the coml\ littee. Shaumba Pierre read the Otetela minutetl .
They WU.'l' op))l'oved as cor "ected.
The following l1IissiotJHl'ies reported on their work: Mary Foreman,
were rea
The mif
The co
Year, an
The chi
Dr. Lewi '
inves tig'aU
in the cIa
It was
The rna
Dr. W.
I Thes. 5
The rni
The ch

The in'
th cases
the First
r ecornrnen
because o!
Ser v ice
At t en
prepared t
have just
in the hands of
of the present. ses
to committee
the hours and
presented to the
New TestlAment. The
this paper.
Lodj a Di trict, was
Rev. C. W. Chappell.
mittee meetings.
ice, bringing I1S a
0)" August. 16, l!J38
Dr. J.ewi s led the
. 14, 26, 27.
to read and corr ect
, and Mt' . Wtweler
the Otetela minu te::J .
work: Mary Forem n,
Catherine Parham, Alex J. Reid. Reports of Mr. & Mrs. Ayres
were read by the secretary.
The mission traveling preachers made their l'epo!'ts. (See reports).
The committee of the First Year made its report on those to be
admitted on trial , those who at'e to be in the Class of the First
Year, and the characters of the local preachers. (See Disciplinary
ques Hons).
Committee of Investigation:
The chairman of the Mission Meeting appointed Mr. De Ruiter,
DI. Lewis, Mr. Davis, Ngandjolo Mose and Kimbulu Charles to
investigate the cases of Ut.uka Pierre and Oboi Pierre, two preachers
in the cl ass I)f the first year.
It was voted to spend th3 afternoon in committee meetings.
The morning session was dismi ssed with prayer by Rev. C, W.
Afternoon Session:
Committee meetings.
Evening Session:
Preaching Service conducted by Rev. Alex J. Reid.
W ednesday, August 17 1938
Dr. W. S. Hughlett led the morning devotional service, using
I Thes. as the basis for his r emarks.
The minutes of the of the previous day were read and
The chair resumed the asking of the disciplinary questions left
unfinished from the Tuesday morning's session (See Disciplinary
questiolls) .
The invei' tigation committee which was appointed to investigate
the cases of Utuka Pierre and Oboi Pierre brought in a recom
mendation that Utuka Pi erre be allowed to continue in the Class of
the First Year, but that he not be allowd to divorce his wife. This
rf' commenda tion was unanimously accepted. Utuka Pier"e was
instructed to this effect. The case of Oboi Pierre was not c0mpleted
because of lack of witnesses.
Servi ce of Thanksgiving for the Otetela New Testament:
At ten o' clock the calendar of business was tabled for a specially
prepared thanksg:iv:ng service for the Otetela New Testaments which
have just been received on t.he mission. Rev. William De Ruiter was
Rt"lJOrt uf Committee. :
Sur-uny Sclh)!' I Commill 'e:
til7. read the n porL or I h
J' pr.rL wa. fic"eptNI a: all. Mis. I {'Ily. .. COII"'1 11 (111 t
Jur the Ch llt'ch til (. 1'. and Itl' 1.11 l'd n[ :hl'i. iall
EIIII calloll, read floHlOn of a I LlLf f' III DJ'. Bo,.th of til.]
c, p, . &u day d I)i [ \, orl .
I'lr. Whcul"l' pr espn l Ii revised f01'm of thp
to he n. in l' 'lNr s 10 the ,,' (:!rIC .
\:..; pL d.
\Vomt'll'. W:)rk:
tc ti. tlC<: I blaak
The form W'!
MI".S . E. H. Lo\ ,11 rew1 Ihe I' port of 1)11 Will '11
wurk The repor t wa.s am:: pi> I corr ct d.
EI'ltng listie Committ{'c:
NgUIldjol 'Mase I he report 1,1' lip Evangelis ic (,Joll1mitl e.
It \\ as vot. 'd 1.0 con. id l' Ie reJ ON item by item,
Til' nOOJl hoor ll a\ in ... al'l'h eJ the me tin clospr\ tl\' raw'r.
It 'rnuon
wa. oTlenucl "it d(:orim:..! S01'\ c.cs Ie I
all 11 rth
I .11', ion
!vI ti
c: Ill'
l' gret
the p
'1'1 1
of the
() I \\" m >n ' ,
Me tinp; at I:J1i' tdl ville.
\Velliho nit \ S ehosen 8:" the me ting place for th 1939
con l('rellce.
I intbulu Charl s read th "l;!pol'l of the Re'(llu ions Com
It \'" Ilouuimotl 1: ac '''pted with votE".
It 'as vol d to send a I tt. t' to Mr, amI 1'8. t \ I es, ('xpressing
re ret thut \\ ere unable, on a 'count of illne . to altend
fh,.! pr ell I II C) t COl r"'lIce,
'I'll Tn inu l . \\ \".> r l j an I It
I, \:-; TO ItEI OUT
1. \ Ita r po t . d
'ec Sup.rinten l!IIIS' I' ports,
m, ecretary.
2. WI a r('port!' do the liQ ion 'I rnHling j'reachers make?
s c iOIl 'frarelillg Pr ell 1'S' r" Jon.
'!It t <,pot1
o the Ii rit! mal'c'f
:::lee Mi .. port. (filen but not printed).
4. Vlwt [('pori do th ' Native up rinlendents maJ{e?
11. A TO LO AL 'In.. l '
OJ. "ho are recommended Io Licen e t Pre. cit?
ki aM P' Ulll, nyn Ngungll P'ntluo ga Alufo o.
Jamba I 'aka, (Jlekol1 'ar' ulu. ShllnguJo efu TaPutu ilasi.
6. Ar th Lot'. I Pre. rher, blamel' in life and in the condud
Ilf lh 'ir dUtil ?
Tilt! !lame: of all Lu 'al l",j' were called and i hl:!ir
c1mracl ... Wert: I -sed. UIll, 1la A nch'e, Ta Diumi Pierre,
Lui '! r n II' . ElelllL Pierre, Lukandj u koba, Yaundu
A lo'ne, 1 Ii 11\'11 Paulu, Kinyambn PHulu, Unya Elia<;,
p n 1, .Joani lkelilie PULllu Lnhutn .Ioaoi, Tlllamba Andr ,
Ur IUrllbtl Andrr, A Him Pierre, LU'ldulu Dan,\'c1c, Mudirnbi
I):; , Otl)ko
7. , 10 ar' II mil (.c,1 on '1 rial?
UnHlIla Alld. 'fa Dlllmi Pit re, LlIhatn ndr!, Ell!mbo
Piln" , T'jny Illb,\ Paulll, Ok ode Pmdu, Unlllmbll Andre.
8. Who else is in the Class of the First Year?
Takoi Joani , Lukadi Jakoba, L(lkonga Mishele, Um'Okoko
Marcus, Oboi Pierre, Shaumba Pierre, Shutsha Pierre,
Utuka Pierre, Wemba Kungu
9. Who remain on Trial?
Takoi Joani, Lukadi Jakoba, Lokonga Mishele, Um' Okoko
Marcus, Ouoi Pierre, Shaumba Pierre, Shutsha Pi erre,
Utuka Pierre, Wemba Kungu Amandus.
10. Who are in the Class of the Second Year?
Lumbel elu Nikolas, Wershi Ukunda Andre, Ngelesa Jakoba,
Mulenda Fran<; ois, Wet shi Ukunda Augusta, AhukCl Paulu,
Lunllmbi Andre, Luhata Danyele, Nd,iati Augusta, Dikulll
Tomas, Fadial a Pi erre, Lumumba J erom,
J oani, Longengo Mateu, Let shu Andre.
11. Who are discontinued?
12. Who are admitted into Full Connection?
Ngandjolo Mose, Shuku Josefu, Mulenda FranGois, Lumbe
lilu Nikolas, Kimbulu Charles, Lunumbi Andre, Wetshi
Ukunda Augusta, Lumumba Jerome, Luhata Danyele,
Lupanu Augusta, Ngelesa Jakoba.
13. Who else is in the class of the Third Year?
Ngandj olo Mose, Shuku Josefu, Ki mbulu Charl es, Lupanu
14. Who are located this year?
15. Who are re-admitted'?
16. Who have withdrawn or been expelled?
17. What preachers have died during t h e year'?
18. W]
20. W1

21. WI
22. WI
23. W
Direct or 0
Teacher ir
Dir cLol' 0
Dean of M
As i tant
'1' acher it
Mishele, Um'Okoko
Shutsha Pierre,
MisheJe, Um'Okoko
1'e, Sbutsha Pierre,
Ngelesa Jakoba,
, Ahuka aulu,
Aagusta, Dikulu
FranGois, Lumbe
. Andre, Wetshi
Luhata Danyele,
18. Who are Mission Deacons of one year?
1 . Who else is in the class of the Fo t h Year?
20. What Mission Traveling preach rs have been elected
Mis ion Deacon s?
Shuku Josefu, Lupanu ugusta.
21. What Mission Traveling Preachers have been or
dained Mis s ion Deacon s?
Ngandjolo Mose, LLlmumba Jerome, Lunumbi Andre.
22. Wh at Mission Tr a veling Preachers and wha t Local
Preachers have bee n elected Mission Elders?
23. What Mi ssion Traveling Preachers and what Local
Prea ch ers have been ordained Mission Elders?
August 17, 1938.
Sllpel'int ndent
Director of J::)ible School
Teacher in Bil le School
Director of Normal and Supervi .r of
Regional Schools
Dean of Men and Bo. in Normal &Da
Rev. A. J . Reid
Rev. W. De Ruiter
Mrs. E. B. Stilz
1\1 iss D rothy Rees
Schools Rev. E. H. L o v ~ l i
Dli'e tor of C ntrl'l l h ols Rt;\' . E. H. Lovell
Assistan t in Central School s Mrs. E. H. Lovell
Teacher in Norm 1 School an 1 Music and
French i oth r Sch 018 on the St ti on Miss Lorena Kpii v
til' ls' IIome Miss Norene Rol;kcn
Social Worker with women Mis:; Norene R bken
Superi ntenden t Mary Long Hospita l Dr. . P . M. Sheffey
b.-ec tor of NUl"es M' ry Lon )' Hospital Miss Ruth QITool
Day NUL' el'Y Mrs. '. r. ::vI. She ffey
Woman's chool rvlis: Lorena K .Ily
Station Woma n's Work Mrs. W. De Ruit '1'
District Woman's Work ,Lt's. A, J . R'o:! i )
D a n of Wom n Mrs. Wrn. De Ruiter
In llstrial W ( rk Rt'v. E. B. "ti jz
Sup t" isor Mj, sion Bl ilding- PI' gram R v. W m. De Rui ter
P l'mti ng and Publ i ' t ions Rev. E. B. SU lz
Teacher for Missio }. ries Mrs. E . B Sti lz
Langua!!e Study Rev. & Mrs. I nman Townsh:y
Vlmhutb tl:!IDolial Church ,Hcspit' l
Lambuth emol'ia! Church Junior
and Stu ent Pa. tor
Uk itanR Il'cuit
Viii Circuit
Wemb(1 Nyama Circuit
O te
Ng ndempma
Koko Lum mi
Wembo Nyama School
ESl'l mangua
Okd,'OLet e
Ollgona Mvula
Shungn Koi
Kimbul u Charles
Shlltsha P ierre
Welshi Ukuntl a Augus ta
Lllmlw1i !u Ni kol as
huku JOl:elu
NganMmema J oani
A huka Pa Ii u
Longe. go Mateu
Ndjati Allgust a
Utuka P ietTe
Ll1kandju J akoba
Tulamba Andre
Luhata J a i
Penrle Joani
Nt.ljovu Paulll
Ukitana Paulu
Un.YR Ngung'a
Ukit'UJenga A l ufosn
SIl, rint O(let t
Superintend,nL f 1inga H)spitai
Dirpctor f Nut'. e
Rev. H. T.
Dr. W. S. Hllghld
Mis: Ma . , Foreman
Thy Nt
JnJu, td
kit' ]
Kit ngl:l
K rehe
Ukit.a ]
, 1I ' t Kn
I ireclo
Gi1' :,,'
MLo;;... j,) ,
lJi rie

P ne (
Ltlill ill
na Kpil v
ne Robken
orent Rohken
p, M. Sheffey
11th O' Toole
P. M. Sh" [fey
ICil y
De Rull r
B. ti l z
It Charles
UL\\111cla AtH(ll ' ta
tiu Nlkl)l as

J al\Ol 'l
Il,a Alufoso
Leper c lonv Dr. W. S. Hughl tt
Director r Mission '1'1' s:port Rev. J. H. Ma'vv
Director of C 'ntral and Regiol1" 1 Schools Mi s MYl'tl ' Zlcafoose
Girl ' Hom Mrs, J. H. M' w
W man's School Mi s Myrt le Zicafoose
Slati on Woman's Work Mrs. W. S. Hughlett
Day . Mrs. H. T. Wheeler
Di t!'ict Woman'!" Wor. 11' . H T. Wheeler
Tn tu trial 'York Rev. J . H. Maw
Wemba K'mgu Amaml us
Mi nga lat lOTl and Katehe Circuit
Lun' llnbi Andre
Ukil' Uku J a and La eru Circuit
On'Ufl in ga
Sarl angua
1\ .ulenda Fran ois
Mukundj i and Minga
Luhata Andre
Ki en Nganrlu
Ta Diumi Pierre
Ka tehc
I inyamba
lJ kila N j ka

Yanap '
'fa I,oi
Lupanu Augusta
1l':1 Knsongo
Rev. J. J. Davis
Supel'inLend nI
Dr. W. B. L vis
...,uperinte (lent of Tun a Hopital
Mrs. W. B. Lewi s
ir dOl' '!: Nul' ew
Miss Annimae White
Dire -tor of Cenlral Schools
Ml s Catherine Parham
Gir:<;' Hnnle
Mrs. H. C. Ayres
Station W O\TIfl n S Work
Mrs. n. C. Ayres
I ay Nursery
Mrs. W. B. Lewis
Orphan Bahi R
M1'5. H. . Ayres
Mis 'lOYl Trea:, mer
Mrs. J. J. avi
Udrd Wom<ln's Work
Rev. H. . Ayres
Inrlw"t rial W <Irk
Luhat a an pi e
TunJa S! ati n and Kibombo Circu
Lumum a Jerome
Emungu Circuit
Elembo Pierre
P 'ne OJ nga
Yaulldu AntOine
LUlll i nga
Superintendent Hev. C. W. Ch ppell
Director Educational and Girls Wor k Mi Edith Martin
Public Health Mi gs D ra Jane Armstrong
District Woman's Work Mrs. A. J . eid
Lodja Circuit and Fundji Umba Ng-andjolo Mose
Mbo Dj mba lsaka
Diumi Otoko Pi erre
Shutsha Ashiki Ngondo Oboi Pierre
Shutsha Yangunda Wetshi Ukunda Andre
Mende Taputu Silas
Wetshi Ndjadi Shungu j osefu
Kandolo Fadiala Pi erre
Kamba Asaka Pierre
Ulua Umumbu Andre
Katako Kombe S ction
Lutundula and Katako Kombe circuit Ngelesa J akoba
N gongo Omokoko Marcus
Mudimbi Lokonga Mishele
Uvungu Lllndula Danyele
Umana Lukadi akoba
Kitambala Umana Andre
Esonga Djinga Dikulll Tomas
Ngomba Letshll Andre
Utshudi Olekonya Paul u
lVIianga Mudimbi Mose
(Katako Komhe seeti on appea red ori ginally under appointments
and super ision of Wembo N y a n ~ a Dis t rict)
Rev. and Mrs. H. P. Anker
Miss Annie Par ker
Miss Mary Moore
Jane Armstrong
J . Reid
Ukunda Andre
Pif' lTe
under appointments
JULY 1, IH:1'i-JULY 1 1 a'
So far a w'" wer a!' we divided ur time and lahors during
the past year between the 7 mho Nyama and Lodja di. tricts.
While it has bU<1 a very unsatif ctory . rr gainst which
we h e oie d UT opiuion, ,crtl t:: ,o;e 'e tried to carty
fo v d the york in th' be t possible way until someon shoulU
b ','ven tl e supervision of t 1 W mho Nyarna Distri 'l In . pite of
in dequa ,e SUlJe i8i n the e hns been an increfl. e in the aver'age
ntt.e.ndllJlce at th rnriou8 of th 'hu1'('h, the daily, unri::e
pr y s"rvice, the C' "hi, m cl see, and the sabbath d, y services,
'I'h ore has liJ-ewise be n an incl'8"e in the offednga of the native
church. These in en"(s re lsrg ly due Lo tIl splendid spirit of
coop r.ttion ur Vembo Nyamll mi. sioDari S h V2 given to the
w rJ of t)e c lUl'ch, though nch werre. ponsible for lnhors
abundant in {)tller d artm( nl ,
OUI' mis ionaries ha\'e \i itcd practically all of the outvillages
of t.he d' l iet., baptiz d 82 dults and bnoi 8 and erved the
sa 'rrunent of he L rd's Supper 26 time' in various 'villages over the
di trict. They bav . sit.d in church COllstruction work, 8S well
s helped to estnhliR utvillage chool.;:. They have had the
regular meeting' of til 'laLi n mis i nary sod ty. They have
a si., d in our district n eetin s, cared ten'th y arly pastOl'S' school.
hdd pr -E ster r viva! , rvi es in conjunction with servi e'
commem ra'ing tb() Alders Tute exp >rience of 'Vesley, and
conducted the annual ten day carnr meetill." at Lhe close of the
onle)' 1 ce year.
Our native supervjsors and pastors 11 ve. as' ",hole, done ,ell
Uw t ks commHt d to thdr tru t and have ought to establish the
Church of Chri t ttl on a g d foundation. With an a gre sive faith
in Christ fuey 113ve sought to ach int new villages not being
san' d b
a pgular pust l' with Lh ult. t lat OUl1 60 preachers
al' p ach'ng Lhe g\ l'iou g. pel to some 99 l:onf:,TJ.egations.
WiLh all elatjon staff, f the wo 'k herelofor
11' 'e been more ar}'quat,!y "red foJ' Int'tog the p st
ye.,}'. M, LI H'll. .Ii '''; M Irtin. Mi:s Rees tI I/i Miss Kell,r h::tve
give 11 their time to tlk educational f, ntul' 01' onr mL sion work
Mr. Lo' ,11 whil ri ll; rt Lim, til \. n mg s udy h. s hi d harge
of h iOIl and No) ma . '1IJo\ 1(IY"!. t:ll1g-
n in Tormal
b id scaring i r I.nillg and tl'mti n of temporary
building, He h<'l. ' 11k !:"ivPQ :0 perVISlon lo th lhree reg'ional
school s f the cl is lrict. aMI spent ends in
itineI'aI"es, Miss Martin hus gi en full t i me to the directi on of the
tation woman's. PrI clll:ll',l and se ond degree school which ha e
an enroll ment of . Oint;! 440 stud This task f I' reparing
th f t ure Ie df'r of the church is one of great Importc1.nce and
re ir es los supervi sion a nrl ndless patien_e, Miss Ree.;;. whl ie
direct ing th N I mal school for t he. t r ining uf teac'ler' ha hud
to i\'ide her tim an En 'gies since th departure for furloug h
of rs. Anker. bet'v\'een t his school and t h' up r i. io n of the
horne vv' ith some H'Live gir ls, Each of t hese tasks could
easily ta.ke t he f ull ti m of a Del ry, Mis!'; Kelly has bf:>e ,
Leaching Fren h and mus ic in the and Bi bl e school s.
has be n tea ehini! dl'b. tll"tic:; a nd reading in th Ol'm I school a s
w 11 as giving part time t t he :Vuman's seh ol. Perh<l ps no pha 'e
of tll ' \Vor l h as shown m re r apid pro "'re!'R tha t la seH fOl'
singi n.r co, d ucted by l\l i 's Kell y. Bedutifu l and h rmoniuus si nging
is of gn a t },:'I'i st .n(' to a of tI le sud cts of t he cbureh.
The Bibl e L:honl for the fir t hal f f tlw ,)'eal Wtl!'; dil'e:::ted.
by Mr, An ker. At hi s dcvartll re for fll rlOl lgh MI', De Ruiter t, O
over sllpcl"visi n C) th work anrl I as carried it fnrl ard wit h
good s"ccess, Mr, il z ti n Miss Kelly a:,sis t ed b. If' acl various
cld5ses. Thirty- si. studellt!'l, inclucl 1l1g' four s.:irls, ,verc .'l'adllat rl
from the scholll dl n'jog- tll e year aid sent Gut t } th wnrk I)' Ihe
fOIlt' distrids. Be. Id es d it'ecti ng the I3i ' Je school worl", 1\11'. )e
R 'litcI' has carrietl fo), vanI a building prlJgral1l , eornplet i.l g t he
llri ck consLt' IICI'i rm WOJ'k of a l <lr![e ne w school building. The
sl.l'lIclur e i .' now reudy fot' lh _ roof and when comp l ted wi ll be
, wor thy rnernorial to t h Trini ty M thodic:;t C hnre h of Lc)s A I,' ele. ,
al. who have m de IJ us"i ble i t s consLTucli otJ, a d aftel' w\ :c 'm it
shall be named, With th', enhrg .d structure we :incerel y hope the
staff may be so enlal' , . 0 a: to provi<' fot' many rn r st uden ts [0
meet the mallY r fIJI' which 'ome from villages
over the four di,: t n'Ls of the
P el' h;l ps no ph. se of OI H' mis ion wnl'k reach " so f ar into t he
inter ior of (JUI' tl'ilJe or makes ' ''58 into u n;, ppl"o,lc hable <U"PH"
II I this "open sore of be w 'ld" as do the m ini ::itraLi' m s of our
dodor:. alld nurse::;. On " lit itineJ" r v inl the
we n\' e ev(-" r reached north of Lomeh. i n th e h( art
of the ' tropical fon, t sO llle 2 d 'Tees be iow the equator some
500 ki lometres llY auto 'oacl from Nvam hflspitc.li we
d is 'ovel'ed a 111 tI whv ha l jlls come from our W?mbo Ny Ina
t il (1
. t
t il
In thrf'e l'e,l!; ion I
k ends in (!8
thelirect' [l of the
school" whieh have
gre.lt ill1porta, nce Hnd
, Mls. I.V hil
of Leacl'lel'. has had
for fUl'l oulth
s u pervisio n of
f tht:!:e tasks could
Ke lly has lwen
rl Bible :lehonls,
J 'ol'mal l1ch 01 as
Perhap n0 p ha
lha t h d assel': fOI '
si ngi g
[ I, the churt:h,
.Iell t' ', \{;l' dired ,d
1\11'. De Ruiter tnok
!t for1v<lrd Wil h
IJV leachi 19' varioll s
, were
In the work IJf Ih
001 work, Mr, l.Je
. ('umpldi 19' the
building, The
completed wd l e
h of L ):l A ,, !!'ele,',
and af ler wi:<'tn i t
:m 'ert' J . hOT e the
mor e sl IrJent I
ODl e f rom vilbg'>s
hospital, cvel'Y onp Lhl" )u l.{h ut Lhat section of the country
km\V o the mir t!uloll he din).!: of thi s m>in, "Vh n r ' nnouncl.;d
I WH ' ffllm t h., \'C' l11ho Tya1 da Mi"'ion Lhrongs weI' , eager Lo
Conver e "ith n1(' a d ask :.rL f or an vangeU.5 t to t ell
them the ttwy of sfll vation, DUI the furlough of Dr, Sh fie\T,
Miss An strong "lth o('cHsif'llai vdts f rom Dr. Hughlett has
cal' 'ietl f orward the work f the W Inbo Ny me ho<;pi al. It is
a most di C'icult t.ask for a mm, to carry on lhe work of a
ht) ,piral Yi:'t Tong ll a.; done thi . in a must re
, [e m' nne', There areaL pr e .. en t 141 paj nts in th hospitaL
One of the mo L ne (. S('l I' Y a nd y t pe t' haps one of t l.e least
rmreciuted tas l( s carr ied on by our missionm'i is tba t of
pl'ovlJing hotl!:ling: qll art"I'S f r the mi s10l1 , I n our pat' of the
Congo prac:t i 'rlll,v {!\ eryt. hi ng nee sSHry f r cOI1Rtruction work must
be marle h eally, Trees must be c L a nd sawed into lumber , all
of l1tl ' fllrniture nmsl he made i1) OLlr , hops and all of our
hl' icks m ade and hurned in out' kilns, uildin g<; of a teT ) or r,v
structul'L: must be c nsta tl, !"" paired and re-t'oofed b cause f
t il destfLl ctive t ermi tes, M,', St ilz has carri ed on this work du ' jng
til vear, Th,' y ha\'e s'" d some 6,000 ft. of lurnLer and
burned 100.000 brick: s const.r ucti ng- aLe. orat' y Council
home and kit" h ' l1 , a B!ble School bu ilding and di rect ing t I, e
maki ng of furnitme and plani ng of bual' c1 i n t he shop, MI', Stilz
has al sl) direc t d t h prin t SI!Op W"rk where pl"acti"all y all of
our mLsion IitenLure is prin Led, The l'cglll ar m is,,,i on calendar, t he
Annual Mis:i oll M ,ting minute " the quru:terly Mi:,'lOn Messenger
a nd th quar t! S' 1I1day Scl 01 1 . 8 \v t, pl'i nte ' , 2000 copies
nfthel' s a Folk-Jol'() co{ of 117 pag s,
:won l:oni es, I a lJook f Biographies ot' ,(j pa 'Yes, Ue id 25,8CO
hI, nk ::; of 22 (lifferenL types w't"c p ri nt('d, In acl d'tion MI'. and
Mrs, Sti lz t o uuct reg'ul' J' SUl1day 8c 001 clClSS in h\ 0
Oul \ illages,
LI' he \vive.:; pf our mi ss ional'ie<:: hav(\ horn an important share in
the wor k of th st; t ion, Mr ', Loveil has cared for t h \ 'ork of the
station 1l1ls,' jnnal'Y ,ot: ler,V ami I'('cei,,"e/l and s It mil, besi de:.
t d{ inp; care of and a. fami ly of chil dren. Mt's, An!< 'I' !'aI t' c!
for thp gil'ls' hom and actc a' lea n of omen untli f urlough,
Mrs, De R uiter h;)5 tal e I1 OV"'l' t he vOl'k [ clean r w men ud
cured for the ed tl 'ati on Hnd h" L il g 01 a famil y ( f chil ren, M r ,
Stilz besides teaehi n)' in the Bi s 'hocl las tall gh t rf'gularly tw
of mi s::; 'ot) ri t' s in firsl sear Ot t -I a alld ne class in the
] ,
She worke lout thp COllI', of !'It'rrl , f,. Ill' cconrl
un I r the C'd "tort
A. J . Reid.
SU ERI. DE '1'" REPOR l' (,'
f)J "RIeT
UG. 15, )11:: .
TIl w( l'k r "'tatiull has 1 en cHcrie<.l on ],)" a tff (If
tnissionll ies. W n e Lwelw to dl' lh work w would Ii e
to S( [ICC IIlJ lish . TI e I" <'ld l,urse !la\ e b<:cn nv >rwu '1' tl
with the hOI pital and L 'TIer C I 11' . l'h Y hA\ e minist re fai I fully
t a tbnu or m 're at tiP ho llltal and two , tlmD huudre 1
I 'll I' at Lhe Lep l Co !Jny. They h IV Ill" ught '/!I flJrt an he ' r
to hundled. of . iek U d uffering humanity.
The wor k of til Girls' Homf' L . 11, t!n arri 110ft in a \"er'
cUi ient wal' by llr.', M; w. ,h has nN only tri ,d to II \)1- aIte'
III il' lodging, fet"tlinp- and cl )t.hing. 1ut h buile l' a III
rep ired and ha!'i hud the girls to hell) tlteir fo
. he hd' aLo made ' \ fait! IU] fi Irt to lll'l!) them al(lng:: irltllal
lint .
'1 h;: du atiolJal wort f 'tali n has been can'it'd on by
Miss Parker :
in putting u
work has be
girls have
of ver y pro
be going to
The work
feel, cl uri 11 g
two of our
have done s
as well as
very good
giving the p
inc1ustr. W
a new house
Offi cial poi n
to copy.
One of Ol
is not only
is doing a
possi leo H
the six or
We have
have opene
hundt"ed ki
for a preac
There h3
year and
repair WOI;
big churd
The two
work and Y
Some of
con"icier inl
they h ave
when we
Out" ChJ
see anothl
have Sunci
ab0ut t wo
III.\' r)r th -"cowl
UII er U'e
A. J. R it!.
G \ Dl. TRWI'
On I y a -sb ff nf'
{wk We wnuld li 'e
e been !. ' 'r\\ 111'k"d
Ini.-;l 't'" f.llWliully
I (l r tbre hUlldl'e I
'1') 111' rt and dIe r
,'j I f1 in a yel,\,
hJ If) I: after
built hOl '\!, at!
rllir-e tlt<:i[' fl,
lem :Ulmg l'\ irltua!
Miss Parker and Miss Zicafoose. The boys have done good work
in putting up a number of much ne2ded buildings. Sple:1did
work has been done in hand craft . and many of the boys and
girls have made good records in their studies. We have a number
of very promising girls and boys in our school, who will later
be going to Normal School at Wembo Nyama.
The work of tr.e Mi nga District has made some pl'ogr'ess we
feel , during the Conference Year. Thl)ugh we have dismissed
t wo of O Ul' workers on at-count of immor ality, most of our men
have done splendid w ric Natur ally, a few have not done quite
as well as we feel they can do. One of our olcer men has done
v r y good work on his charge, n t only as a -preacher, but also
gi vi ng the people of his village a splendid exam pie of t hrift and
industry. Wi th the aid of a friend of r,is village, he built him
a new house and rlid such a nice job of it that the Government
Offi cial pointed it out as a model house for the people of the village
to copy.
One of ollr younger men is also making a splendid reeord. He
is not only religious but he is working hard with his school, and
is doi ng a ldt to make his church as neGrly self-supporting as
possible. He has doubled the amount of native offerings during
the six or seven months he has been at. his new appointment.
We have tri ed to extend our borders some during the year and
have opened up work in five other villages. One of these is one
hundred kilometers from Minga and the people have been asking
for a preacher for a long time.
There have been four or fi ve new churches built during the
year and two new There has been quite a bit of
repair work on old churche and parsonages. There is another
big church in process of construction.
The two Regional Schools in our District have done splendid
work and have helped a great deal il1 OLlr Church work in
Some of our outvillage schools have done fairly good work
eonsidering' the quality of teachers and the amollnt of equipme t
they ha ' e had to wor k with. We will be glad to see the day
when we can have many more of the t g ional Schools in Minga
Our Church School work has not been as good as we hope to
see another day. Five or six of our strongest men have tried to
have Sunday School with about ten or twelve classes, with perhaps
about two hundred and thirty pupils.
There have been a few Missi onary Societies organized during the
year, but work along this line is so new and strange to the averag'e
native woman that we have not been able to do a grea t deal along
tlds line. However , in a few villages the women have done very
good work consideril1g their backgrounrl for missionary work.
There have been two revi,Tal meetings held during the year anci
much good was accomplished in these meetings. Many of the
p eachers have reconsecrated t heir lives to Christ, and have g-one
out with a renewed enthusiasm and zeal to do better work.
During the Conference year there have been one hundred and
sixty-foUl" baptized and taken into full member",hip in the Ch urch.
V.le now have one hundred and twenty-two persons on the proba ti on
roll. We could have more on our roll but we feel i t is best to go
carefully at this point and we try to impress upon them the serious
ness of taking the Church vows.
We are hoping for greater things in the future. Let all who read
this pray for the coming of the Kingdom of Christ 111 this part
of the Dark Continent.
Sincerely submitted,
J. J. Davis. Supt.
Sept. 1937 -August 1938
This year I have had charge of the wor k of the Industrial and
the Evangelistic Departments. Needless to say it is impossible for
one m(tn to adequately supervise the two depar tments, but we have
done what we could.
There are 50,952 people in our district with 134 large villab'es. We
are working in twenty-eight large villages and twenty-one smaller
ones. Truly the fields are large and invi t ing, but the laborers are few.
There were not m,my baptized this year , hut there are a good
many on probation waiting for and expecting' baptism when we come
for the district meetings. Owing to sickness w have no t been able
to hold some d the district meetings as we had planned. Mr. White
heLirl of Wayika assisted in some of these meetings, giving some very
helpful messages.
In the Industrial Department we have <'omparatively small number
of workmen, but they have done qLlite a lot of work. They have lllade
about 166,000 bricks the year; built a new kiln; sawed many
thousands of fe t of hardwood lumber; I e-roofed and made some
hanges in the Wheel er residence; several changes have been made
in the Council Home, an office and bath room and side porch made
of brick, a
floors laid
put on same;
remaining hOl;
In the Med'
been treated
fields of servi(
1. The new
more than tw
been ad mi tted
to the rlifficul
ment furnishe
to work there
2. The first
in the class. 1:
W e have bee
A plantation I
at presen t b\'
3. The thi rc
Rural Dispenl
messenger at
Miss O'Toole
In the Gil'
the station sc
duri ng t he yE
Parham is in
In the Edn
The idea in tl
and morally.
plant things.
and many of
Vve have a
t eachers in c
Miss Parhan
iz d during the
to thE' avel'ag'e
great deal along
have done very
onary 101' 1.
ng' the year and
Many of the
and have gone
hundred a nd
ip in lhe Church.
on the probat ion
it is best to go
the s"rious
who read
this part
I . Davis. Supt.
, Industrial and
impossi ble for
ts, but we have
villa;;es. We
ty-one smaller
aborers are fe w.
are a good
when we com
not been able
ed. Mr. White
some very
small number
have made
sa\ eel many
made some
been made
de por ch made
of brick, a number of rooms ceilpd with hardwood boards, cement
floors laid and magazine enlarged to include a garage and metall"oof
put on ame; the brick work has been finished on two of the fOUl"
houses of the Girls' Home.
In the Medical Department the usual number of patients have
been tl"eated the Hospital and but in addition new
fields of sel"vice have heen opened.
1. The new Leper Hospita l was opened. There are at present
m ore than tvvo hundred patients. Quite a number of others have
been admitted, but have become and left, due in part
to the flifficulty in supplying food to all who came. The Govern
ment furnishes all the drugs and al"e n::>w paying one aide infirmier
to work there. In addition twenty-five new houses were built this
2. The first class of nurses was g"aduated this year, eleven being
in the class. All of the class passed the Gov ernment examination.
We have been able to furnish two nur ses for Government ser ice.
A plantation has also asked for a man for medical work. There are
at presen t two classes being taught.
3. The third and most out-standing field to be opened is that of
Rund Dispenseries. Not counting the Leper Hospital, we have three.
The Government fur nishes the buildings and all the drugs and a
messenger at each place. Dr. Lewis has charge of this work, with
Miss O'Toole as assistant.
In the Girls' Home there are now forty-five girls. These attend
the station school regularly ann work in their gardens. Two married
during the year, and are attending school at Wembo Nyama. Miss
Parham is in charge of the Girls' Home.
In the Educational wor k the Moga system is being worked out.
The idea in this system is to develop the pupils mentally, physically,
neI morally. They are taught to take care of their houses, and t o
pJant things. A kind of banking system has been put into effect,
and many of them depo. it money for iutul"e use.
Vie have a regional school in t h village of Enyamba, with two
teachers in charge. Miss White is in charge of Educational work.
Miss Parham has the primary school at present.
Respectfully submitted,
Henry C. Ayres.
Reports Mission Traveling Preacher
Wembo Nyama District
Ki mbulu Charles told us of his joy in the work of the Lord.
"In the Mission village at Wembo Nyama there are young' men
with a desire to work for Christ. Also some of the workmen want
to follow Jesus. I try to put my strength in talking to people about
Jesus our Savior. Some days we had gatherings to remember tile
sufferings of Christ. Thirty-nine persons came to the altar and
< ccepted Jesus as their Lord. We were very happy on lh,lt account.
A hundred and forty-nine were baptized this year and there are
thirteen probationers. "
Shuku Josefu told us of his eagerness to do the work of the Lord
in the villagp. of Chief Wembo yama. The number of Christians
there is 120. "I chose seventeell probationers this year. Ol1r
preachers are doing- the work of the Lord well. There are yet other
viilages "vhich do not know of Chr ist."
Lumbelilu Nikolas told us of his joy in the work of t he,Lord in
his district. Many people have the desire to know Christ. He r eport
that +-he preachers in his district are a j (.y to him in that they are
faithful in the work of the Lore\.
Wet::;hi Ukunda Augusta told usofhisjoy in the wor k. He wants to
show Christ to people, 'vvithout fear or shame. "This year Mr . Lovell
st::trted a primary school in my village, and m' ny of the children
attend. I thank God that he help!S me in his worle The preachers in
this district are doing well in their work.
Tunda District
Lumumba Jerome told us or his joy in the worK of the Lord.
" There Hre thirteen preachers in m y rlistl'ict and they try to do the
work of the Lord from day to day. We al so have school and many
of the children attend. Vle are very sorry that there are not enough
preachers for the work. There are thirty probationers."
Mul enda Fr aI l ois tol d us of hiR joy because the missionaries have
helped him vel'y much in his work. Many people are to hear
lhe wOI"d of God. Thil't.\r-ni ne were bap ized and there are fift ,-two
l\finga District
Luhata Danyele told us of his joy in t he work of the Lord in the
1\1i !:li n vill age at Minga. "r did not find much time to go about
among the vill ages 011 account of the work of the village at Minga.
We had a good r vi ai, nd many people accepted Chl'ist."
Lunumbi An
the del th of Ih
am L'llall that G
di t;ricL are yer
There are f n\
There af four
LllplInu Aug'
MI tl'llda. " I n
the l H'e ch<>r',
to them to he p
selve p:at hu'
very '111
Ka ongo Barel
all my lr
l lan! a l'ccon .
tt'aehers. I ani
Ngeles<l Jul
LUl.undula . , \
erR. Thi:'l :'ar
We 11 nell wa
pCl(.ple thf're
Pre '\'yteriatl
a Illi..: ' i lI:1r')
I .
Th' 1'0110
1. Thal llter
That Mrs
gi nning- i T
the year
:3, That Olle
be cho
k of the Lord.
are young' men
workmen want
to people about
to remember the
to the altal' and
on t h" t a coun t.
l' and there are
work of t he Lord
bel' of Christians
thi year, Our
are yet other
of the Lord in
hris t, He' report
in that they are
H wants to
, ear Mr. Lovell
of the children
The preachers in
k of the Lord.
try to do the
and many
are not enou h
. sion3ries have
eRg'el" to hear
are fifty -t wo
Lunumbi And)" told u uf the hard tim he hall on accnun tot'
the death of tbe chief of the village in which he wa, "1
am g-larl that G d hdped me ill hi, work. The prl!'lcher in my
distrid are vl'ry lo work 1 r lhl' Lord from day to day.
Thel" al'e f rt.r -follr pronation rs and forty -two w re baptizeu.
Ther I'll' (ojUl' n"!w churches."
Ltlpanu Augusta told us his joy in the in the village of'
Mu lcnda. "in th.. t l' ction I lid not h:we the work of vi 'iting
the ImL ther are 'cvt!ral villag-es nearby. so I went
to them to help th 'm in the w rk of th Lor 1. The ns them
!:'e1ve at hert.:: I heir to help in the work of the LOld. I was
Vl.:!l'j happy .. n lhat ac ounl. These dRYS I am in t he new vi lIage of
r asongo Baletela. I W1l 11 L to try to do the of thl.:! Loru there
with all my l>Lrenglh."
Ngafl(ljnlo l\1os(' tr,ld L1S uf his joul'lle:vs in ort! r to lIulp p to
know ChrisL in I rr warts, "1 went. to lh yillagel:i ofElu' a Djamba
and Di...mbu. and to other place". Many P .ople are ea r to hear' lhe
Go:]! I of lilt! Lord Jems. We arf' lmly .'ony that lhereal'e notenough
Tlreach 1'8. "e m'>(1 [0 have tho' CIlli give u a missiullary t
haq: a se ond I]e rc :ell el, he 'all. th're are mall' pLlpIl s and no
tpucher . rurn h,tPPY H aL the r ,'tcher!; It ing well in thel!' work."
NO"elpAa Ju.J\Oba told u' (f his jl y in the wo"k in h "illulT' of
Lutullfluiu. f \ h:1\" Be\ enty ne meml 'rs, anti ninde n prubation.
ers. ThiA YC,ll' tlwy WI ve b '<l hundred and fi fly francs in
"!Ve do not want to give liP Lo l1(la to thf..l LIJ 1 Iis,;j n, b call. the
pe ).lIe til re . re tetel t. We do not. go t.h) people of the
Pn'shvtcrian Mis:ion. AlsIJ in tilt! rata oK\JllIbe secli n \"e !leerl
a nli' 'ionnry t rL a station alIlong us."
report of Committee on Mu 'iullary Societies
Minga, August Iii, 1938 .
The following r commenuations wer maut:
1. T lat lhel'e b a mudel homt! (In each stalion..
That Mrs. Wheeler makp out le.'s liS for thr e quarters b
ginoinn i ll .J anuury, and that Mr:. D Huiter make .f! m out for
the year following', from October 1939 to October 19 o.
3. That one .. 'oman from the 'Mis 'ionar,'r Society from eaeh Jistrict
be chosen as Ilelegate 0 the annual c
4. That Mrs. Reid ask Mr. Stilz for ruled sheets to keep th Mis
sionary Society roils.
5. 'mlat the Mis:;ionc ry Societies have uniform dues of not less
than t enty cen times for both whites and natives. Those de
siring to give mor e should consider it as a gi ft.
Mrs. Davis, Ch m.
Mrs. Love I, Secty.
Recommendations of the Committee on Church Schools,
Minga, August 15, 1938.
A report was made by the committee that had been appointed
to see to getting pictures for Sunda ' School work. This committee
was composed of Mrs. Wheler and Mrs. Davi. They had not
been able to get cuts of pictures to be printed here on account
of copyright diffi culties. a nd other picture!'! that they had inquired
about were t oo ex pen. ive to b e considered.
It wa r commen ed t hat Mr s. Wheeler and Miss Robken inves
ti gate other sources and btain pictures for th e children' s lessons,
to be paid for out of the appr priations for Sunday School work.
It was recommended that Miss Kelly continue to correspond
with the Secretary of Sunday School work in the Congo as to
th work here.
It was recommended that Miss Marti n be appointed to trar;slate
lessons to be printed on the backs of the pictures for the
children's lessons, when these are btained.
It was recommended t hat the InternHtional Lessons be used
for the adult classes, and that Miss Parham be asked to continue
to prep re comment. for t hese lesson..
It was reeommended that Sunday School eacher traini ng be
included in the Bible a nd Normal Scho Is.
H WRS r ecommended that workers in t he Educational Department
'ooperate in the Sunday School work, and that the Superintendents
put special emphasis on such work.
:Mrs. H. T. Wbeeler, Chm.
E. B. Stilz, Secty.
We, the members of the Statis tical Committee, ,vish to present the
st atistics for the y ar September, 1937 -August, 1938 (S e accompany
ing hlank ) .
The commi t tee wishes to rna e he following recommendations:
That there be made certain changp. s in the second, third, and
fou th sections of t he r port lank so that it wi ll r ead as follows:
umber 01
Number 1
T t al nu
Numb r 1
Numbel' r
Tot 1 nu
Numb T C
Num er
Tot al nun
Number 1
Number j
Total nUl
Total nu
Total n

N umber

Total n
Pre arE
Morni r
Evel1 it
N umb
l' umbl
d sheets to keep the Mis
unifo 'm dues of not JesQ
and natives. Those de=
t as a gut.
Mrs. D vis, Chm.
Mr . Lo ell, Secty.
n Church Schools
that h<d been appointed
001 This committee
. DavIS. They had not
printed hete On account
that th y had inquired
and Mi s Robken inves
the children's les: sons,
Sunday School work.
to correspond
In the Congo as to
be appointed to translate
. t he pictures for the
Inecl .
tional Lessons be used
be as ked to continue
teacher training b
Educational Department
t the Superintendents
. H. T. Wheeler Chm
B. Stilz, Secty. ' .
recommend tiOTl.:
econd , th ird, and
It will re td as follo l'Vs:
Number of ordained preacher s last year..... .. ....... ... ...... .... ... ... .... .. .. .
Numb r pl'eachers ordained t his year ... ... ........ .. .... ..... .. ... ......... ..
Total number ordained preach rs now .................... .. ..... .......... ..
Number f ull conference members last year .. ... ...... .. .. ....... .. ... ....... .
Number received into th conference this ye r ..... ... .. .. .. ... .. ........
Total numb r full confel'en e members now .. .. .................... ......
Number conference member ' on trial last year .. ... ... ....... ............
Number c nference m mbers received on trial t his year .... ..... ..
Total number conference members on trial now ... .. ... ..... ............. .
Number 10 al preachers last year .... .. .......... ......................... ... ..... .
Number local preachers received this year .. .. .... ...........................
Total number local preachers now.. ..... .... .. ........ ... ... ..... .... .. ... .........
Number exhorters laot year.. . .. . ....... ........... .. ..... .... .... .................. ..
Number exhorters received this year ............ ...... .. .. ... .. ... ... ..........
Total number exhorters now.. ............... ............ .. ... ....... ........ ....... ...
Total nunlber preachers . ............... ... ... ................... .. ............. .. ......
Number pastoral charges.. ,........ .... ............. ......... ..... .... ................. ..
N umber societies (congregations) .... ....... .. ..................................... ..
Number church members last year ............ ........................ .. ..... ..
N'1mber r el110 ed or died during the year ..................... ......... ...... .
N limber received by lett r . ... .. ...... .... ... ........... .. ........ .................
Number receivpd on professjon of faith .................... ... ...... ...........
Total number chur h member now.. ................... ..... .......... ........ ..
Preparatf)ry members on r 11 last year ........ ... ...... ....... ...... ........... ..
Preparatory members received during the year .. ................ ..........
Number prep atol'Y members baptized during year
JIien .............. .. ..... .. . .. .. .
wOlnen........ ............. ..
Number prep aratory members on roll now............... ....................
Num er babie baptized during h year ............ ...... ..... ...... ... ......
Nlim bel' District meetings.. .... ....................... ... ........ ......................... .
C3.techism classes (average attendance) .... ............... . .......... ...... .
Mor ning prayer service"" .. .. ..... ....... . ... .. .............. ..
Evening pl'ayer ser vice " " ..... .. .... .... .... .. .. .. .. ..... .... ..
Sunday service " " ...................... ........... ..
Number church school ... ... .. ....... .. ............. .. .. ... .. ... ....................... ..
Number offi cers and teachers i n cpurch schools.. ........................
Average attend nc church school:
Ol II . ................. . . . . .... .. . .. . . . ... .
WOl1len .... ... ......... ........... . .. .... ..
UlIY' ... ..... ...... .. .... ... ..... ........ .
girls .. ... .. ... .. _.. ............. .. ...... . ..
Numuer mif'sion, ry sociutie ..... ...... .. . .. .. ... .. ... .. ........................ .
Numb "I' Illl:mb r::> in Inl'sionary 'ocietie ............ .. . .. ... ........... ..
Num b'JI' 'j uj tiC! n f; 11111 es .. .. ..... . .. ... .... . .. ............ ......... .. .......
Number tldl'c in the" famili 5 ................ .. . . . ............. ......
Number childrell 1,01'11 into these t. mill .!) during t h' year ... .
Numb"r Christiall m,lrriag JW'illg the year ...... . . ........... ..
2. That all misJ;iunnri(: who wilil.le ex) CL d Lo hnnrl in
ar be given a COllY of the 'tatlstieul report bl.lllk aL I)llCC
Su that they will know e.. actly is e. Iwete!. uf them.
R ' '''Pt' etrully 5uhmil.ted,
LOl't.:na Kellv. Chail'DlIln
lIen!' '1'. WI1 del', Secntary
.. i ,ionaries in General Section
\V.N ama Iinl{a TUllda Loclja T tal
I "11 ! 3
Women :3 :.s :2
Mi 'sionaJ"i "s in Dept. of Woman's W 5 .J 2 1U
Native Workel
( relain d members 1 1 1 1 4
Full Conferenc memLeri! 4 2 2 1
Con fen nc . membC1'8 Oil trial
f) ()
Lucal pr 'achers 10
2 .n
f '
Exhorters 'i.
4 118
'f 1 1 number of !lleach 'I"'

Church Work
j o. pa loral charge,'
26 67 un
u. dislJ i 'l meetings 3
4 2 0
sOCl ,tong!' g, Liolls,
24 4!J 88 (I
Church memb rs 1I0W () n roll 1!)05
010 484 i5S!)
PrelJ8mt.ory members now on "oil 9,,8
2U01 31YY
" rec ired durWb year 110 ]64 :37 374 685
Tutal P1' paraLo' and lull emb 'l"S 28!J;:: 1032 572 35UO 8084
N o.

....o . ~ . . ' ... . 0 0 "0 _
'0 ... . ....... .. . . . . .
. e .................. . ..... . .
- .... . ... "0
.... .... ..... ............... ... . "
....... , ....... .. .... -......... .. . .
". .0 ....... .......... ..... . "' __
'eal ... ..
TllJ[lu Lodia Total
J ~ '2 ]1'
2 11)
2 2
:W _.J
26 !-8
1 .,
'8 2)0
:!UOI :U!)!J
'7 /i4
3 5 ~ ' U 8084
W.N ama Minga Tunda Lodj a Total
Baptized dur ing year : 183 164 46 286 679
Men 174 254
Women 2 6
Children 9 8 32
Catechism classes (average att.) 2036 663 729 3223 6651
Morni ng prayer service (" ") 2350 765 931 3720 7766
Evening prayer service (" ") 2530 3017 5547
Sunday service (average att. ) 4621 1359 1300 529712577
No. Church Schools 60 6 28 64 158
No. officers and teachers 70 18 48 64 200
Average attendance Church Schools 3359 468 1044 3971 8842
No. Missionary Societies 45 16 18 28 107
Membership in Missionary Societies 1060 526 503 792 2881
Church Property
No. brick church buildings 5 1 2 3 11
No. temporary "
48 24 14 74 160
Value of church buildings 150000 26000 6510 15000 197510
No. of parsonages 44 20 17 61 142
Value of parsonages 2200 2140 910 3050 8300
Finan ce
Native church offerings 7634.70 5733 3212.8010,572.90 27, ]53.40
Educati onal Work
No. out-village schools 47 12 29 56 144
No. pastor-teachers 47 12 27 56 142
1225 196 501 1659 3581
Average att. in out-village schools 837 118 493
. 868
No. Regional Schools 3 2 1 3 9
No. teachers in Regional Schools 6 4 2 6 18
Enrollment in
" 187 131 76 479 873
Average att. in
" "
149 112 64 255 580
No. teachers in Station Schools 18 13 12 0 43
Enrollment in " " 454 248 125 0 827
Average att in
435 244 133 0 802
No. Girls' Homes 1 1 1 0 3
Emollment in Gids' Homes 59 59 45 163
No. teachers in Normal School 1 1
W. Nyama Minga Tll nda Ldoja Total
Enrollmen t in Normal School 44 44
Average att. in" " 42 42
Enrollment in Bible choo 1 o 60
Averag att. in " " 59 5
Hospital Work
No. dispensary treatments 12675 33e0 14339
- 30394
No. adm.issions to hospital 247 286 811 1344
No. oper tions 3 57 271 331
No. obstetri al cases 2 70 12 102
No. visits to villages 250 10 139 39
N . Rural Dispen aries
0 0 3
N . Rur al Disp n ary treatments 0 0 11017 - 11017
N . peo Ie visit d in P bli Health work 0 1500 0 1500
" examined "
" 0
6700 0 6700
No. orphan babies
6 10 8 24
o. Leper Colonies 0 1 1 2
o. in Leper C Jonies 0 274 216 490
Alex. J. Reid, Chairman,
Catherine Parham, Secty.
O p ( ' ~
Tunda Ldoja Total
14339 30394
811 1344
57 271 331
70 12 102
10 139 399
o 3 3
o 11017 11017
o 150
o 6700
8 24
1 2
216 490
d, Chairman
oJ the
. l' ni g .... .. .. .. .. ... ....... .... .. ....... ...... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... . .... ....... .. ...... 29
O ffi cers . ..... .... ... . .... .... .... ....... .. .......... .... .. .. ... ...... .. ... .. ...... .. .. ... . 29
Co mitte s ..... . ... . ... .. ... .. ... ... ..... ........ ...... .. ...... .... ........... 29-32; 3 .: 7
ead ing of Com mittee Reports ... .... .. ............. ..... ..... .... . 30-32; 34, 35
tat-ion C lairmen ..... . .. . ....... ..... ....... .. ..... ... ... ... .. .... . ............... ...... . 7
Rep r t of E xecuti e ' mmittee .... ... .. .. ... .. . ., .... ... ...... ........ .. .. .... .. . . 37
" " Councillors to C..C . ..... .. .... .... .. .. .. ... ..... .. ... ..... ... ....... 38
" " D ialnond Ju bilf"e (; onfere nce ..... .... .... ........ .. ....... .. ... .......... 39
" "Union Mi ion Ilou ' e Trustee ... ... ... .... ........... ..... ........ .40
" "Lan Ll ag Com mi ee ........ .. ... .... ... ... .. ..... ..... ... .. ... 40. 4()
" l' COIl '0 Mlssion Ne \v" resT oncien t ." ..... ...... ... ... .... ... '10
" on Furle,ug h D " t e"l ... ... ..... . ... ... . ... . ... ...... .... . .... 41
" Gi' Rcpre. e talive ... ......... .. .. ... . .. ... .. ..... . .. 4_
" "Mediclil C OlTllfl ittet-' .. .. . . ... ... ....... .. ... .... . 42
" " ornmit ' U 1 E \' aI1geli '\11 .. ... .. ... .... ... .. .. ... ... .. .. ... .. ..... 4
" , A lldi jng -, m m i t t lc .. .. ... .... .. .. .... .. .. ...... .... .. . 4'
" " Co' " m;tt e n \Vom an' s " r k .. ......... .. ...... .... .... .. ...... 43
" n Erlu aLio a l C ID l i t ee ._ .. _,_ .... .. ....... ..... ..... .. . 44, 4,
. , nu ildi n '" C O(YIn ll Ltees .... .. ... .... .. .. . .. .... 47.48
" " Tl'an.' port Com ' lte ....... ... ................. .... .... . .. .. 47
" RC'. oll1 tio C mmttec .. .. .. .. .... .... .. . .... .... ..... .. ... . 48, 9
" "Per (ll1nel 'om lrtiLL e .. ... .. ........ ... . .. .. .. .. ..... ...... ........ ........ 49
" S )E:' ci al Commitee all A k'ngs ... ...... ........ . ..... ..... .. .. ... 50
Dr. W. S. Hughlett, Clla:irman
Rev. C. W. Chappell Secretary
Miss Lorena Kelly, Assistant Secre ry
o \j"
C ogo
a1 se
th t
on NG
August 18, 1938
Ope g Session.
The tw nty-second s ssion of the METHODIST EPISCOPAL
CO N 0 MISSIONARIES' MEETING was called to ordf.'r by Doctor
vViliiam S. Hu hIett, Chairman of the Executive Committee, at
eight -thirty A. 1., 18, 1938, at Minga Station, Belgian
Congo, Africa. M iss D lore Noreen obken conducted the devotion
al service. She brought a hel pful message, reminding the group
tha t along with being tools in the hands of Christ, we are I 0
with Hi m.
(See 11 Call of nli 'sionaries, Proceedings of Mission Meeting)
Elect ion of Officers:
Dr. S. Hughlett was e lected chairman of the Meeting.
Rev. . W. Chappell as elected secretar a nd Miss Lorena Kelly
\ as hosen as his assis tan t.
ommitt ee on Nominations:
The Executive Committee, acting in the capacity of the committee
on Nominal io s, rna 1e its r epor t. After a few c anges the report was
adopted as follows.
Evangelistic Committee:
Rev. Alex. J. Reid
Rev. J. J. Davis
Rev. H. T. Wheeler
Rev. C. W. Chappell
Educational Commi ttee:
Miss Dorothy
Miss Anni mae White
Miss Lorena Kelly
Miss Edith arti n
Medical Commttee:
Dr. . B. Lewis
Mi"", R ll t h ()''T' nn!p
Miss Delores Noreen R0bken
Miss Catherine Parham
Mrs. Alex. J. Reid
Miss Myr Lle Zicafoose
Rev. William De Ruiter
Rev. E. H. Lovell
Miss Dora J ane Armstrong
Rpv F. H S::t.il'Z
: 0
Dr. C. P. Sheffey
Transport Committe
Rev. Joe H. Maw
R v. J.1. Da\'is
Woman' Work Committee:
Mrs. Joe H. Maw
ML . Dorothy Rljes
Mi 's Catherine P rham
Mis Delores Norct!!1 Rol !'()n
Auditing Committee :
M iss Mary Fureman (Sub.Jtitute
fOl Dl. unlil he comt.. ") .
M,ss Ruth )'Tool'
Rev. H. 1'.
Mr . H. T. Whe 'h'l"
Mrs. Wi ll iam De Uuite'
Mrs. J. J. Davi
Mrs. W. B. TAlwis Re\,. Ale ' ..J. R<>id
M1SS E lith
Dr. Hughldt fe,ld a Jetter f!'om thn officf> in . ashville COl cc'rning
a Budding Commi ttee apprlintt'u by th l:Ionw OfficI:' . .!\II'. lJavis
moved hat t is body lect. a lluildi Ig Committee. The lllOtio II as
passe 1
The agenda as prepared and pre ented by the Executive Com
mittee wa accepted afOOl' being supplemented.
Hours of Meeting:
Morning Session: 0 :3011.45
The afternoon Se. sion!:! are to be given over to Committee
Meetings, beginning at two 0' hock.
Evening: 7:30 Devotional Services. It was moved und pas ed
t hat Business essions e held the Evening Dev tionals, t
adjourn at ten o'clock.
Time for Adjournment:
The motion was made and passed that lhe Missionaries' Meeting
adjourn Saturday A M.
TIl ' time and place for the VRl;OUS Committee Meetings were
announced by oa h chairm n.
An invitation t lea at P. M. was read and accepted.
Report of 'tanding ommittee:
'Ine Secrelary of tile Executiv Committee re. cl its report. The
report was adopted. See report No. l.
'Ihe Committee on the Prohlems of the Lodja Work hay no
rep 1'1.
Mr. Lovell gave the report of the C. P. C. Reur Liv Thp
report w
The c
voted on
Se ' repd
The re
report N
At th
31 I calle
1 ead the
M i -.ion
The ch
! ,00nn iLL
N\). 7.
for applI
of M.
b srive
they be
pI'j uti ng'
. The 1
the WI ll
,TlLll1 (Suh... tituto
UI Lil he ('omt:!s).
. WhE:der

. n De Ruiter
l yj He COliC min'"
ificf, MI. Da
. Til molio \V as
to CommitL e
."cu. ..:;,,' Meeting
w re
its report. The
Work have no
port was adopted. See report No. 2.
The councllloTs a numbe)' of re olul.iolls which were
voted on onp by one and with a few minm' changes were accepted.
See report No, ".
The I'el,ort (r ilie . r. H. Trustee was r 'ad all accepted. See
T(:>porl. I I. 4.
At the reqnest of lhc! chail'man the eCl'etn1'Y look th hair
an I calleri for the report of tllf' LnngllOlrP CommiLt e. Mise:; Marli u
read the l'('p;1rt and iL w... acllPted. 'e rt port N. n.
MiBS K<,' IJ.v read Lhe rei) rt of the Cone po lhmt t.o oflgo
ion New,. Toe repOl'l W ' l acceptl' I l' pod No. n.
Th ChaU"l)an "etllr I a'ld c. Ij ed H the report of Ex 'CU tive
IImmitLue nn Pm'iou h Uates. The I't'port was ndopb;d. See rq ort
No, 7.
It lVas moved an,l pa ':'led tint a Persunnel Commi lee b'
The" enda l'('arl and distributen to the \ ari u::; Committees.
De Ruiter moved that a 'ommitt b appI)jnt.ed t arrange
for appropia . measure' t) be taken t o celebrate the ... lIve J ubile '
of M. E. '. i1. be moti'm W.tS lM.:;-cd.
The ::)f'cr tary cal led aLL ntitln lo a IlIl tlon pass('d in th Mi si on
(tl'i<>s' Mee ing of Ja!'>t y a ' s! ,lllng that two c0pi > of rep()rts should
he given to the offic_'l'5. He also r quested tbat s far as possi ble
tlW,i' be typf'wt'itten in order to aid those wh will have cbarg ( f
pt-inting th minutes.
The meeting' ad,loUl'n d wi t h ll!'ay"1,' )y Mr. D Ruiter.
August 18, 1938
Mr. Chappell broilghL a message on the lext. "My meal i to d
the will of Him hat nt M , ann to fi ni 'h ills wO"k." Af ter the
sel' :ire Lht-! group conven ' ( fOl' a us ine s ,l's"io .
MI', S ilz I'end r port of the Legal Representative. The rep t't
waR a opLrsd. report No. i:!.
The {'halT appointed t he fu li owi ng Comlllittees,
Resolutions Commit e :
Mbs I 1'(1 Jant: AI'1Hl-llJ'ollg
TIt-v. E. B. Sti lz
MIs. E, H. Lov II
Per onnel Committee:
R"v. Alex..J. Reid
MISS Iar,\' F ,reman
Silver ,Iubilee Committee:
Mrs. H. ;. AvrL'S
,Ti..,,, T I pl lv
Miss DOl'olhy Rees
Dr. W. D. I.e -is
Mrs. J ..J. Davis
The l'eport of the Medical Commit te wa. r ead by Mis::; F reman.
A letter from M1'. Coxill concerning J: iss Al'mstr ng's possibility of
wor k wi th th State Doctor at Lodj a wa reac to the body. The
report was a lop ted. See report No. 9.
Mr. Davis r ead the report of the Evang-eli tic Committee. It was
acce ted item b item and then was adopt d as a whole. ee r eport
No. l O.
The Askings from the General Section of th 0 rd wer e I'eac.; and
were left incomplete until the Per .(lnnel Com! ittee "cports.
Since it was necess'lry to buil d the Guest OLlse at Min ' 8 b for e
the appropriations came ft'()m th home ffice in 01"81.' t entBt'tain
Conferenee, it was moved thAt a l' QU8:;t b sen t to Miss dac Kin non
asking that the Council appropr ia rhll1 fur t his project be sent to the
fiel d at once. The chair asked the assistant secl' et.m'y to write this
reqoest to Mis \1 (' Kinn n.
The Secretary was asked t n t if,1 t he 1'rea urer f the Mission
of the !fission's r f OL a cal' for E an. 'e lis tic \Ii rk at Lodja
at once.
It was voted that a reque'l t for t wo h ndred ollal's 0 complete
the Lodja home be sent to the Tre a t onee.
It was moved and carried that a special kin6' s Committee Le
appointed. The chair appointed the foll owing:
Dr, W. B. Lewis Rev. Alex. J. Reid
Miss Edith Martin Miss Delores Noreen Robken
Rev. J. J . Davis
The meeting closed with prayer by Miss Martin.
August 19, 1938
Th morning sesc;ion was opened with a WOrship ser vice led
by Dr. Hughlett. Fullo wing this service the minutes of the two
sessions of the pre vious day were r ead and after some correcti cns
were apPloved.
The chair made the following changes in the varIOUS eommittees
in order to avoid the oveTlappi ng of members:
Personnel Committee:
Mrs. Lewis was Gl PPQinted in th place of Dr. Lew s.
Mrs, Stilz was appoint d i n the vlace of Rees.
Special Askings Committee:
Mrs. Loy II was appointed in the pi ce of Miss Martin.
Mr. Wheeler was
The Askings froll
The problem of th
arrive on the field 1
the Special Askings
It was moved afi
Section for a build
It was moved an
Girl's Home at Lo
The motion
literature for \-Vem
mittee as the otbeJ!
same literature.
It was moved an
the Council for the
on the Lodja Distr
All in
this Committee.
The Chairmen
and place of tbeir
The chair asked
Committees to d
Committee consid
Health Work for
The chair sugg
be deferred until
Miss Rees mo\!
order to take piet
was carried. Th
Chairmen during
The meeting r
Mr. Stilz read
divorce. Mr. Whe
and circulated '
See Report No.
The chair ask
at the last year'
The rul e of om
The body realiz
party was entire
Superi ntendents
2acl by M is::; Forema n.
h'ong's pos. ibility of
read to the body. The
istic Com mittee. It was
a a whole. See l'epor t
- Board were I'ead an.]
lmi ttee reports.
Jl,JUse at Mi l1ga be fore
:1; in ol'd " b en ter tai n
ent to ivfi s MacKinnon
" project be sent to t he
secretary to wri te this
of t he Mission
gelisti c work aL Lodj a
'e oll al's to complete
Committee be
J . Reid
, Robken
August 19, 1938
worship service Jed
! minutes of the two
:'ter some corrections
! var:ous commi ttees
, Lewis.
s Rees.
SI'; Maltin.
Mr. Wheeler was appointed in the place of Mr. Reid.
The from the Woman's Section of the Board were read.
The problem of the salaries of the two new workers who are to
arrive on the field in 1939 was a bit confusing. It was referred to
the Special Askings Committee.
It was moved and passed that Minga's asking in the Woman's
Section for a builder be referred to the Committee on Personnel.
It was moved and carried that the askings for maintenance of the
Girl's Home at Lodja be referred to the Special Askings Committee.
The motion was made and passed that the askings for special
literature for Wembo Nyama be referred to the Educational Com
mittee as the other Stations would probably want to use some of the
same literature.
It was moved and passed that the question of how the money from
the Council for the Operating" Centers and Social Evangelistic Work
on the Lodja District is to be used, be referred to the Special Askings
All interested WEr':: asked to present their interests to
this Committee.
The Chairmen of the various committees announced the time
and place of their meetings.
The chair asked those who ha 1. any matters to present to these
Committees to do so. Mr. Reid asked that the Special Askings
Committee consider the providing- of funds for Educational and public
Health Work for this year for Lodja.
The chair suggested that the Askings from the Woman's Section
be deferred until the Special Askings CommitteE: makes its report.
Miss Rees moved that a recess of twenty minutes be given in
order to take pictures of the various Conference groups. The motion
was carried. The chair asked the Stations to elect their Station
Chairmen during this recess.
The meeting reconvpned at 10:15. Certain announcements were
Mr. Stilz read a paper on state Laws concerning marriage and
divorce. Mr. Wheeler moved that the report be translated into Otetela
and circulated among Ollr native people. The motion \vas passed.
See Report No. 11.
The chair asked for the group's interpretation of the law passed
at the last year',.; Missionaries' Meeting concerning divorce.
The rule of our Church is that the innocent party may marry again.
The body realized the difficult task of determining whether one
party was entirely innocent. Mr. De Ruiter moved that the District
Superintendents and an equal number of native leaders form a
committee to study the matter of divorce among the natives. The
members of the group felt that this was one of the leadi ng problems
that confronts us in our work among these people. COflsi del' ble
discllssion followed. It was sugg'ested that the head of the palaver
department of each StatIon di rect the investigation and decision
concerning non-christians employed on the Mission whose marriages
are broken. But in cases where either part T is a member of the
Church the case will be cared for accordin g to Church l<Jw. The
thought was brought out that our dealings with this vital probJ m
that presse' so heavily upon the hearts of the leaders of Ollr Church
here in this land must be a discipline of love with a passion to win
back to Christ those who hwe fallen. Me. De Ruiter' s rnotio:1 was
pa sed.
Mr. Reid moved that two c' rbon copie' accompany all reports
g'iven to the Secretaries. The motion 'was passed.
Miss Martin read the 'epon of the Auditing Committee. It
was adopted. See l' por t No. 12.
The Language Committee wa a ked to bring in recommendations
concerning the giving away of literature.
The meetin adjourned wit h prayer by Miss Rees.
August 19, 1938
:Mr. Davis conducted the devotional service and brought a helpful
message base on Romans 8:28.
The minutes of the morning session were read and approved.
In carrying out the recommendation of the Auditing Committee
the chair appointed an Auditing Committee which wiil continue for
the year. They were as follows :
1\11' . W. B. Lewis
Mrs. J. J, Davis
Miss Catherine Parham
Miss Rees presented the repo ' t of the Committee on Woman'
Work. It was adopted. See report Nv. 13.
The repc)l' t ofthe Ed \jcational Committee was read by Miss Mar tin.
The r ep rt was advpted. See reporl No. 14.
11iss Martin read the report of the Language Committe . The
r port was voted on item by item. The hour of adjournment having
arrived the ehair asked the memb 1'8 of t.he body if they wislwd
to extend the session. The mot ion \Va made and passed that the
tim nf adjournment be .extended until t he r ' por t of he Language
Committee was fini shed. With some changes t he repor t was adol ted
as a whole. ee report No. 1 .
In keepL
. Committ 1
f).' he c mmil
Mrs. A1
Miti S EI
:\e . v'i
in r gard
The meet
Mrs. De
a messa e
The min
Mr. Ma
was adopt
The rep
The repor
whole . ..,e
Mr. De J
by the Ho
The rel
The e
stating th
The Sel
from find
to m er
appoin tn
Ch irmar
t h thre
motion \
The r
It was
all reports
itin r Committee. It
in recommendations
Augu t 19, 1938
brought a helpful
and approved.
. Ct)mmittee
\\' iii continue for
b ' Miss Martin.
Committe . The
our nmen t havin
jf thev
pas -eel that t he
01 th . Languag
repor t was ado te
In keeping with the recommendation of the Language Committee
a Committee was appoin ted to prepare tracts for fl'ee distribution.
The c mmittee was as follows:
Mrs. Alex. J . R id
Miss Edi th Mar tin
e v. Wil liam De Ruiter
The chair appoi n ted Miss Rees as Corresponden t to Dr. Carpenter
in regard to the date of his visit to the mission.
The meeti ng aclj ourned with prayer by Miss Foeeman.
August 20, 1938
Mrs. De Ruiter conducted the devotional service and brought
a message on the ubject, "Let Gnd Come First in Our Lives."
The minutes of thp previous session were read and approved.
Mr. Maw read the report of the Building Committee. The report
was adopted. See report o. 16.
The report of the Transport Committee was rend by Mr. Maw.
The report was voted on item by item. It was then adopted as a
whole. See report No. 17.
Mr. De Ruiter read the reportofthe Building Committee appointed
by the Home office. The l'f'port was adopted, See report No. 18.
The repor t of the Resolutions Committee was made. It was
adopted. See report No. 19.
The Secretary was asked to write a lett er to Mr. Althorp
stating the of the mission concprning boundary lines.
The Secretary t ok the chair while Dr. Hughlett gave excerpts
f!'Om findings some of the members of the c,)mrnittee appointed
to ake r commendations c ncerning fees and rul es. He moved the
a ppointm ent of a committE-e to continue this work, that this
cOll11Y: ittee report its findings as soon as possible to the several
stations as information, ,mel that it pl"p.sent its report to the next
Missionaries' Meet ing. He moved that Mrs. Ayres be chosen
hair-man of this and that the incoming Executive
. mmitLee elect from th
Executive committee a representative from
the thl'e tations as the other members of the committee. The
motio passed. Dr. Hughlett returned to the chair. .
Tbe report of the Personnel Committee was read by Mrs. Strlz.
The report was adopted. See report No. 20.
.lrs. Davis rC' d t he report on the Speci al Asking - Committee.
It was voted on i tem b item. With some changes the report was
adopted. See report No. 21. The askings as a whole were accepted.
Mrs. Lovell moven that midI service from Wembo Nyama to Lodja
be made weekly. The motion was carried.
Mrs. Davis moved that there be made a memorandum to the
effect that the next Missionaries' Meeting be reminded of the nepd
of a Committee on Church School literature. The motion was carried.
Mr. Lovell moved that a Correspondent to "L'Evangile r.n
Afrique" be appointed. Miss Kelly was appointed.
Miss White requested th'lt the other stations be notified of all
literature prepared at Wembo Nyama.
It was moved and carried that the funds left over from the
Leopoldville Jubilee Conference trip made by the natives be usP(l
to help meet the expense of entertai ning the natives who al tended
the Mission Meeting of 1938.
It was moved ;md carrii'd that the Home Office be requested to
send t o the field money for a new truck which was appcopriated
for 1939.
The body voted that the Chairman of Lodja Distributing Center
was not by virtue of his office a member of the Executive Committee.
It was suggested that the members of the body in electing the
members of the Executive Committee cast a vote for at least olle
representative of Lodja. B'lllots were passed for the purpose of
electing members 0 E the Executive Co.n mittee.
Dr. Sheffey was c 1 0 s ~ n to succeed Dr. Hughlett on the
Language Committee.
The following persons were elected to serve on the Building
Mr. De Ruiter Mr. Stilz
Mr. Wheeler Mr. Maw
Mr. Ayres
Mr. E. H. Lovell was elected Trustee for the Union Mission House.
Mr. Lovell and Miss Rees were elected C. P. C. Councillors. Dr
Hughlett and Miss Parham were elected as alternates.
Miss Kelly was elected Church School Representative to the C.P.C.
Mrs. William De Ruiter was elected Correspondent to the
"Congo Mission News."
It was moved and carried that there be appointed a committee
to supervise the printing of the minutes of the Mission Meeting
and of the Missionaries' Meeting, if the minutes were printed at
Wembo Nyama. The following persons were appointed:
Mr. Stilz Mrs. Lovell
Miss Kelly
It w
ation j
t he M:
EX Jcu;
Th rt
I whole were accepted.
embo Nyama to Lodja
memorandum to the
reminded of the nepd
motion was carried.
t to "L'Evangile
be notified of all
left over from th
the natives be used
nati ves wbo al tended
Office be requested to
Distributing Center
Executive Committee.
body in electing the
vote for at least ol1e
for the purpose of
Hughlett on the
the BuildIng
It w s moved and carried t hat there be an e tension of the
session sufficient f r the finishing of the business.
The song, " Blest Be the Tie That Bi ds" was sung.
The body expressed to the chair, Dr. Hughlett, its deep appreci
ati for the sple did sel"vices he had rendered as Chairman of
the Missionari s' Meet ing.
The following issionaries were elected members of the x
ecutive C mmittee:
Miss Parham Mr. Lovell Mr. W heeler
Mr. Ch _ppell Mi s Rees Miss Martin
Dr. Hughlett, 'll' . De Ruiter and MI'. Davis are members of the
E . ecutive Committ ee by irt ue of b eir offi \:e a tation chairmen .
The minutes were re d and corrected.
The meeting w s closed wi th a pr ayer ed by Mr. Reid.
Dr. . S. Hughl tt, Chairman,
C. W. Chappell, Secretary.
port of t he Executive Committee
Your Executive Commi ttee be s leave to give the foll owmg report :
There were f our r gular quarterly meeti ngs held during the year.
The 'e were aho h old two spe 'ial cal led meet ings.
The EXfl c ti e om mittee was called upon t act as a Nominating
Commi t tee f or t he l i is ion Conference and for the Missionar ies'
Meeting, and submilled its nominat ions to the onfe rence and
Mis i naries' Meet ing.
The Executi ve Com mittee also met as a Committee on Askings
and submitted the as kings for 1940 to the Conference.
Some of the most important items of work during 1938 were:
1. Revision of constitution and by-laws of the mission and of
the MissionaTies' I eeting.
2. evision of courses of study for native preachers.
3. Co-operated wi t h the C. P.C. in making possible the Dia
mond J ubilee Conference.
4. Changed t b fur loup-h dates of mis ionaries t o onform to
the de ire of t he Boal'd for a unifor m furlough date (May
15- uly 15), su bject to appr oval of the con erence.
5. Nominated c mDlittees f or Mission Confe rence and Mission
aries' Meetin r, subject to approval of Conference.
6. Asked for $1000.00 for Lubondai ('entral Schl10l for mis!'don
aries' children. In the mean tim we ask that t It, Board
on ti ue l tS s upport of sp'cial a. he etofore.
7. onside "cd he 'ase of Mis Arm tl'ung's going to L dja
H()spital and 'a e permissiun fur her to make provi sionai
application .
8. Ref rred case f Nor th Sankoru Mission's boun ary line
alld demand for reconsidel'at ion of Lomela territory to
t his mee ing.
E. H. Lov II, Secretary.
Report Of Councillors To C.P.C
To t he Missionarie ' Meeting or lh M. E .C. M. in session at
Mi nga, August, 1938, we, your ol1!lcillors, make the following
At the Council Meeting in L',opold\il! th" foIlo'i i ng 't ms \ ere
especially culle t,) our aUen tinn:
1. The a ppoin menl: of Dr. a d Mrs. George Cal p nter vf the
A. B. F. M. S. as Educational Advi' r of Prote tant !llissi(Jll
Sch')ols (Our mi - ion hn made appr priatio IJ f . 200. 00 for
this item).
2. need for a U nion Torma1 Scho I in the Kas i-Sank ul' Ll
KaLa ng:t area. ( We !1evd to continu :! IV ork on this i Lern) .
3. The need of a me lieal hO!:itel f >1' P role t nnt mecli ca l students i n
The f o11m'i ng p rJ
l1 S e relari s of Committees of C. P.C.:
1. Education- Mi s Virginia Allen
2. L nguage- Kikongo, Mr. El'ickson ; Lir,gala, MI'. Guthr ie
3. Medic 1- Dr. E. R. Kellersbt:rger
4. N ti 'e Chunh- Re 1.A. MacB 'ath
5. unda\ Seho 1- Re\. N \ . 11 S. BU(1th
Wo Work- Mrs. H. W. C , i 1.
7. BOI)k St re Manag men - Mr. odergren, Mr. Juthl'ie. Mi'.
Ko u( son
Educational a nd Sunday Scho J S 'cretarie. wil l collaborat.e with
Dr. Carpenter.
:3tudy of Fren 'h Language (See Rep rt from Ml.. Coxi ll .
T' CouneiI l'ecomml' nus chat. plans b worked Gut in t he L ualaba
Tanganyika-Ki ru l' gion in .40 fOt' a Regional Conference.
The udget hag been inCi" ased 5,802.0 ,. 11 C>.i.
An insurance poli c was asked for M.r. CoxilJ until a pensi n plan
c' n be worked ou l.
The anpro
March. 19
Five main
1. The Fi
2. The
The h
" hl;!
(' hurd
5. Clo.'1
1' he fi ndm
We, Y(J
1. That
joy in
011' sinre
th ir neW
PDS5 i1)1
2. That
a Uni ,n
3. Th,
e.p. C i l
Stud tits
4. Tha.
the C. P.
5. Tha
to th CI
is d \'elo
l'esi lenc
6. Th3
R I.donal
7. 'fha
J ubilee G
and dist
C mmi lL
. ThaJ
Christi n
be e tabl
Central chnoJ for mis, ion
we! as! Lhat. the Goar I
:ectR us hel'etofol'e.
,JITOIlg' going t o Lt dj a
her 0 make provisional
boundary l ine
l\ of Lomela 1':: to
H. Lovell, S retary.
To C.P.C
. . E .C. M. in se. sian
lot's, malt lhe following
Gurge Cane .t(>r of the
of Pro esta n
. . of ' 200.00 f If
in the Kasaj.Sankurll
w(wk on this item) .
t medica! aLl dents in
f C.P.C.:
Lr. GULhl'ie, MI'.
wi!! collabol'at. with
f 111 Mr. Co ill ).
(.ut in tIl e Lualaba
gwnal Conference.
Th :l9pl'oximaL date for ne. t meeti ng was set for middle I) f
Marc!, <939.
Report Of Diamond Jubilee Conference
Five mai n t opic vere discussed. They were:
1. The Faith by which t h Church Li ves.
2. T he W itness of t h Chulch.
The Inner .Life f tbe Cht reb.
4. The Church and Environmen t.
4A. Church, Mi sion and Sta te.
5. Clo::;er Co perat i n .
The findings wi 11 be eire lat ed am ng- Lhe missionaries lat r.
We, your Councill ors, retomm.nd:
1. That our Conference expreSs t o Dr. and Mr . Carpen tor our
y i n seeing this new office I'rcated, and t h t we extend to th m
0, r ,in" l'est and be. t wU, s for a use ul career in the fiel d f
their new work. Further. that we invite t.h ill to visi us whenever
pJS:' iblc.
2. we conti nue to prRY amI work for the establi .. bnH>n of
a nion Normal School in the Ka ' ai -Sankul'u, (utang, region.
That we ask t he B() ard of Missions to co-operate wi th t he
C. P. C. in the e tabli:-hm nt of a hostel fm' Pl' testant Medical
Students at Le potdvilk
,1. T hat we co-uperatc wit h the of t h committees of
the C. P . C. in making rep l' ts, etc. t hat af asked.
. That e ask OUl' Board to r eqUIre all new '[j' ionarie' coming
to the Congo to aeql ire a knowledge f French Grammar i t he
homeland, t hen spend ne-hal f yeal'in Paris or Belg-iLUD (i f Alliance
i de elo[led ) for fu I th '1' of French, eeki ng to ti me t heir
here with t he tated scbool tE:1'll1S.
6. That we coopel'a t with the C. P C. in the pla.n ning for a
Regi onal Conferene in the Lualaba-Tanganyika-IDvu region f or
7. Thal we translate L1 nse parts r:;f tbe findings of he Diamond
Jllbfl Conference l hat would be helpful to our nutiveR, into Otetela
and d'stl'ibute to ar prenchcr.:; and others interested. Lan uage
Committee t o do t he t t'anslating.
8. t \\ e uo al1 we can to s trengthen t lw co-operation of all
Chri tian bodiel:i working in Congo t.hat the Church of Christ Dlay
be es lablis hed and strengthened.
E. H. Lovell.
Report Of Union Mission House Trustee
The Uni on Mission House is in good repair. and is paying for
itself. We received for the twenty-thr ee days whi('h our miSl' iooaries
spent there the share of ope!'ati ng profits 212. 10 francs. We have
a balance of 1,113.57 francs abuve OL1 r reser ve fund of 13000.00
Certain repairs are to be made, and .ars are to looked
after more carefull . Lutete was to be warned regarding carel essness
about certain things.
The hostel is in good condition. and a paying investment.
E. H. Lovell
Report Of The Language Committee
The Language Committee met only one time during t.he year
and made the followin
1. That Mr. Sti lz compile and pri nt an Otetela -French and Frl" l1cb
OteteJa dictionary.
2. That a first reader be printed to meet the needs of the
out-village schools.
3. That a book of biographies wr itten in thp Mission and
other that would be helpful to the natives be printed as
soon as
4. Tha t all who have an opportunity read make corrections
of the song book on or before September first of this yeClr.
5. Samples of OteteJa literature he sent to Madras, India, for
display at the International Missioll<lry Council the latter part
of the year.
Edith M rtin, Secretary
Annual Report Of
Correspondent To "Congo Mission News"
August, 1938
Articles sent in to the ' Congo Mission News" dut"ing the year
are as follows:
"Tunda Station Leper Colony" ... .. .... ..... ...... Dr . W. B. Lewis
"Some I tems of Christian Practice" .... ......... Mr. E. B. Stilz
"Camping Trip with Girls" .. ................... .. .. ... frs. J. H. Maw
News Items
"Tnnda St ation Leper Colo y" by Dr . L wis has already been
published. The news items have also appeared in the journal. There
has not yeL
in for them
At the Jubil
to end art!
informa hon CI
others throug
sharing it wi
The COlTeSl
topic dvsired
. 'Native A
f some of y
these subjec
The Ex u
flU'l,ugh rl at,
Al'n trong
For man

Zical'oo e
De Ruiters
Wh elers
, and is a. ing for
which ur
2.10 fl' ncs. e have
fund of 13000.00
time duri ng t.he year
-French and Fn' nch
t the needs of the
pa r er and
atives be pri nted as
and make corrections
e1' first of t his year.
Madras, India for
ncil the latter 'part
August, 1938
" during the year
... Dr, W. B. Lewis
_1\ l'. E. B. Stilz
_.Mrs. J. H. Maw
hus already been
th J nrnal. There
has not yet t:lapsed enough since the other articles ere sent
in for them to have been publi hed.
At the Jubil 'e Confer nce Mrs. Coxillliterally begged the wom en
to send in articles tor the Woman's Page. If any of you have a ny
information concerrung worn u which woul be of interest to
others throughout th Congo she would greatly appreciate your
haring it with them through he "Congo Mis!>ion News."
The Correspondent WI'ote to M '. Ohrncman asking him for
topics desiredfor !.he "Congo Misson News." He sent th . howing
"Development of Indigenous Church"
" Rural Schools in Relat ion to t he Chur 1"
"Native Arts and Crafts in t he School Work"
"Attempts t o e r e te 8 Indigenous Church AIchit cture"
If some of you would be 0 good as to write an articl on one of
these subjects the editor would surely be happy t recei e it.
Lore a Kelly
Report On Furlough Date
The C mmitLee recommend the folo.v-ing chan es in
f lTtough (1 tes:
from F brual'Y 1940 t May 15
July 15, 19 9
Kel b
" l!HO
" November 194.0" " "
" "1940" " "
" "
" "
For eman
" May" " " "
L-o i es
no chang l be made "
" "
" " "
Maws "
" " " "
" " " "
" "
l U-1l
Hughl Us
from UgLl 8t
1941 Lo "
AYl' !j
" Octo bel'
" "
" "

AI,ri t
" " " "
Aug 1St
" "
tI " " " "
Chappell "
" "
" " ,)
" "
O'T()olc "
December "
" " " "
Z.icllfoose "
Lovell "
AJJl' il 1942 "
August 1941 " "
July " " "
Septel bel ] "
" " "
Stil zes
N " mber" "
Dt Ruiters
" Feb -uat'y 19
13 "
" "
" "
" Ja uary " "
Report of Leg 1 Representative
The undersigned took over the duties of Legal Representative
about the first of the year, replaci Qg Mr. Anker, who le ft on fur
lough the first f March.
Ordy routine matters have been attended t.o, such as the making
of the Annual R<,port of the Missio:1 and the making out of de
clarations for taxes on autos, guns, bicycles, employes, etc.
Rain-guage and temperatul'e reports have been sent in each month.
Several have been regi tered at the American Consulate at Leo
poldville. In is urged hat Eac h one register at the Consulate, and
have on hand pictures so as to be able to get a passport if necessary
at any time to leave t he country. It is also urged that each one ;vho
has n t done so make out a will and file wit h the Le;;al Repl'esentati v
and with the Station Chairman.
Everyone ""ho dri ves a car should have a driv r s licens . This
may be obtained from the local official.
E. B. Stilz
Report of Medical Committee
This committee met at 2:30 P. M., August 18, 1938, with the follow
ing members present: Dr. Lewis, Chairman, Miss Ruth O'Toole, Rev."
E. B. Stilz, Mi ss Dora Jane Armstrong, and Miss Mar Foreman,
suhstitute for Dr. Sheffey.
Miss Mary Forem:1n was chosen Secretary.
The question of Miss Armstrong's application for a position in
Lodja State hospital was brough t up and after considerable discussion
the committee decided to recommend to the Mission Meeting that
this experiment be tried out.
The characters of the Nati ve nurses of the three stations were
pRssed upon. Some had Dcen di smis ed duri ng the year for bad
b ha ior and those remaining were repo ' ed to be in ood sta ndi ng.
. B. Lewis, Chai rm n
Mary Foreman, S cretary.
Report of Committee 0.n Evangelism
The committee recommend':
1. That only local preachers and those taking the
courses en{oll in the Pastors' Sc:h 01.
2. That Mr. Lovell act as d an of th P . stors' School.
3. 1 hat a sp cial reql est be made immedia tely fo1' a car fo Mr.
' h ppell to be uSe in eVllngeiistk worK at Lodja.
.Th a t t hi"O
t ha t in view Q
extending its
ny territor
5. That the
III 19 2.
The comm
Atp.tela peop
yet sufficienii
A:3 thi C
the meeting
continuing I
dnne before
We wish
books for m
from the B OI
ubmi L th
1. That in
among girls
chools be
dOl' i tories
2. That rvl
r eadi n! sys
3. That N
used in ad tl
4. That p
n tive gi.rL
5. That t
seeon deg
in the Wf;
edu ..tion.
Legal Representative
kel', who left n fur
, such as t he making
making out of de .
loyes, etc.
n sent in each month.
can Consulate a t Leo
at the Consulate, an
passpor t if necessary
that 8ch one who
Lpb'al Repl'eser tativ
driver 's license. This
E. B. Stilz
for a position in
iderable discussion
ion 1eeting- t hat
t hree stations Wer e
the year for bad
be in good tanding.
B. Le is, Chairman
Foreman, ecretary.
or Mr.
.Th at t hi s conference Wl' ite a lettel' to JIII r . Althorp stating
t hat in view of the fact the Bo I'd of Missions of our church is now
ex tending it work it thi" erl'itory we do not approve of ceding
any territory to the North Sankuru Mission.
5. That the bounder ies of the districts be retained as re 'ommended
in 1 32.
The committee considered the request for a preacher for the
Atp. tela people at Leopol dville and felt that our own field i:-; not
yet sufficien ly staf fed to send them a pas tor.
J. J. Davis, Chairman,
D. N. Robken. Secty.
Report Of Auditing Committee
A ' t his Committee is never able to function during the time of
the mee ti ng (If the Conference, we recommend that this be a
continuing Committee, ppointed annually. The work then can be
d0ne before the meeting'.
We wish t o state that the old indebtedness on the Treasurer's
books for many years has been (;ompletely liquidated by a check
from the Boa 'd of Mi s ions.
Mrs. W. B. Lewis
Alex J . Reid
Edith Martin
Committee on Woman's Work
Submit the following recommendations:
1. That in view of the fact that the school attendance and interest
among girls in out-villages is not as great as is desired the commitlee
recommends that the educational workers in charge of r egional
schools be permitted to investigate and experiment with girl '
dormitori s in connection with the schools.
2. That Miss Parham be authorized to work OU" the Laubach
readi ng syst m in aiult education.
3. That Mi ss Marti n work out a set of reading pamphlets to be
used in adult education.
4. That per mission be . i n t bltild a bouse at the lake for
native girls V l:I C bon home.
5. That the girls i r m the other stations who have finished the
second dell' ee s h ols be urged to come to Wembo Nyama and live
in the Wembo Nyama home and a tend the schools of higher
e ducation.
r s.M J . H. Maw, Chairman,
Dorot hy Rees, Se 'yo
Report Of Educational Committee
The Committee makes the following recommendation :
1. L oki ng fon, a.rd t 11 Cenual Training at Wembc>
yamu we l'ccomm"ntl th' t w hav eouc' tIll n: d worl\er Wilt) have
special preparation for t e' ching and mmlUal tr:!ining,
(a) . That \\ e ask OU I' B r f Missi ons if Mr, Wi lson m :' t Hke
peci al conr ses in agr icultur or manual tnini nf(, preferai ! '
both, bef0re cO(!1ing t o t he field. If t his i unwi;;t: we l"ecl)mlllend
that ath l' enu tiona! worker' be given specia l t railli ng alofl g'
these t wo lines.
2. That th Chait appoint omeone to wr ite Dr. Carpf' nt el' ,
Educational dvisor , t() visit our Mission oetwl'ell October 1 ' d
December 15 or bet \>\een February 1 and J Ull" 15,
3. That MISS K lIy compi! in E n li sh as much mater i:d as will be
suitable for an OLetela geography,
4. That the Missi n approv '. the publi.} ing f read{:ts for t he
D y
5. Th t all Stati 10 ' have a Ll nif orm ,.Istem of ree rds in order
t have uniform y arly con f renee repor . That Rt l1dents ,:110 re
main in school si x week have thelt' 'Ulmes re ta ine d 0 11 th 1' 011 ullt il
the end of the ter m.
6. That Re -ional Schools b tall "Rural Echoo ls" an t hat
villag-e schools be teehists' ' ,"
7. Tha t the c rt ifi ca es for t he I orma Sc 100] be ch anged to a
diploma and certifi cate combined.
8. That the. ission stabilile t he ha ndwrit in g y t he use of th
leLhod found in "Met ha e 'Ecrilure" b ' eh' rles Laurent, ahieJ"
No. 0, La Honde Moyen n "
9, Tha t the i fiss ion bEcome dai onsci us f the ope a n . and do ing
f the eho ls ; and t hat in as rar as pas ' I , respect t il Se dates
wit h refel'ence t o maki ng- oLher missio'l. plaus, 'fhat th e elate of
s ' ho l b from February 1 t o J line] 5 and f t'Otn A 19ust ] Lo the
Christ mas season.
10. That t ho e i n charge of Rural l!hools se!:ure permi, . ion fr0ID
til Rt ate to Elm-oil boys \\ h( have paid tax.
11. That we t he CUrl'lcul um as revised b. Mi s lVbrti n with
the xception of Fr nch whi ch, houJd begin in the II (b) (third
r eader) of the D<lgr . School
12. Tha t the new bool of biographies be !lsed in Lh program for
th Secon Degre School in the plac of il grim's an,) the
h School Less n5 and that i t b pu t in liI f' p1ace of 1h "Dike
ndji" and the Church Schoo Le. sons when P tl grilll ' Progrec;s is r e-
s tudent'
for Lhe"
14. T
in th
nth l ' iI
reau i
(a) ,
ML s .
an M
(b) .
pa e
of th
in a
1 "
to tl
.Ing at Wpmoo
"' !I: d IrQ)'kers who have
:: and roanual tra in ing.
if lr. Wi /son may t a ,e
trbining, p)'e rerably
is unWIse we rec mlllcnd
special L.ain ing alcng
te Dr. Carpf' ntel", C ngo
I)CLW(Jen Octob l' 1 and
June 15.
much matoriul as will be
i g of reaelHs for the
of records in or-del"
That tudent I. ' 11 0 re
d 11 the rol l 111 til
.... cLo(; 1 " tmel t.hat
chool be changed to a
'ting by the use of the
harles Laurent, camet
f the opel,i l1
an closil io'
e. respect th s dates
s. That th Jat of
August 15 to th
by Mi:-s l\tht'tin with
in the II (b) (tbird
in the progl'am fOr
m's Progress and the
th., place 01 the "Dike
Igrim' Pr ogr s hi re.
vised and pr inted.
1 . That dor mi ori. be buil t for t. h . Rur al Schools ; that the
tudents do the construction of th m and rec ive as rem un 'l'aLio n
for lh ir services t heir food dn ing t.he period of . ervice r ender ed.
14. That t he music for all the songs in th e hymn book be written
in the Sol Fa System. If some of these songs can be se ' ured f rom
ot.her hymn books in the Congo that n effort b made to do so, thus
reiuci ng amou nt of work to be done.
(a) . lV fur ther recommend that Miss Robken, Mis For eman,
Mi " Ken} . Miss Parham, Miss O' Toole. Mr s. Maw, Mrs. De Ruit er,
and Mrs. til z wri te the song;;; i n the Sol Fd S tem.
(b). W e &1 0 recommend that this system be introduced into th
educ tional system a, f ar as possibl ..
15. The Committee exami ned the 'haracter of the teachers a nd
p saed all except the following :
Wembo Nyama
Shomba Andre Um' Usl ngo Georges
Oketa Andre Luyuku Danyele (to be rein 'tated at
close of the year)
UI Ii nga Kasimi r
uwembo.r iehel
Penge J ak ba
Th e Commilt e recommend d th t Utuka Edouard f rom Tunda and
Ng n I Fr nc,;oi from Minga e l einstatcd.
16. That somt' a be worked out for deepening t he spit' itu ' I life
of t he student gr up in co- peration wit h t he evan elistlc worke .
17. That s much of the reade.r, "What I Am," as suitab e be us d
i 1\ a . er ies of charts.
18. Upon the recommenda tion that each Statiun work out and bri ng
to this Missio 1 Meeting a cost of the living seal for teacher and
s tUllents the foil wing was submitted:
C st of a leacher at Tunda i fran cs 4 ,40 per month
Cost of a man, wife, and child. at Wembo N a ma is f rancs
55, 00 per month.
Cos t of a sin 'le tudent at We ho N ' ama i francs 15,00
per month for food onl ,.
DOl'othy ees, Chait' man,
Edith Mart in, Secre tary,
Report of Language Committee to the Mission ries' Meet ing
Minr;a, August 19, 1938.
The Language ommittee ma es the following r ecommendations:
L 'Ih t a ll translation assignmell ts by the Co nmittc; e
at t he Missionari es' Meeting in 1937 be cominued until t.hey are
fi nished.
2. That there be included in OLll' new Otetela Hymn Book the
Ritu I. and 52 Re::;p nsi e Re ings from our ne w Methodist
f. yumal. '0 shortened as to r equire only about twent.y-five or
thu-ty pag . .
That we adopt the resol'l ti on of the Educational COl11mittet'
that Misses Parham, Roblcen, . dIy, Foreman, and O' Toole, and
Me::;dam2s Maw, De R iter. and Stilz be asked to write tlw Sol
Fa system in the new hymn Book. That the Printin . Department
m a kE: 4.000 copies of lhe hymn book.
4. That the school sonp:s be left out 0 f t. e new hymn boo:\.
5. That t he pr inting of our Mission Meetil lg and Missiollaries'
Ileeting f llinute8 be unti l urgent work is off the press,
carbon opies me;mt ime bei ng supplied for the sever al stations, an d
inv sti'ation pllrsued of the f easibility of printing them elsewhere.
6. That we hay . 2"' 00 copi e$ printed in Otetela of AJrica n Li fe Pr im ' 1'
tran I ted by Mi ss Rees.
7. That the fo llowini!,' I'ec
llnmendations be adopted concerning
language a nd translation assi gnments:
Miss Zicafoose, 3 r ead rs (Book of F' bles )
Miss I ee , 3 r eaders (The African Life Readers )
Miss ff artin, The African Life Reauers, 'rhird Rpariel'.
A book On the Christian Sabbath (C for Admission on Trial)
History of Methodism, McTyeire (3rd year olJ r se)
J'liss Kelly Geogral) hy
1r. Stilz The M nh()od of the Ma ter-- F osd ick
Mr. Reid The (Co r e fOl" Admis. 011 Trial)
Preacher's Liie and Work-J owett (1st Yr. Course)
Miss P arham hr isti al1ity as l'ganized - Tern (Course for
Admissio on T l' ia!)
Teachings of ,Je us--Branscomb (1 st Yr. ourse)
t Ml'. heeler Plain Ace unt of Chr istian Pel"iecLion-- We I y
(Courge EOl' mission on T ) jal)
Tonu of Fir e--ArLhur (3rd Y r Course)
M!'s. Stiiz Life of W sley (F'rst - ar C OUl'S )
MI". Lovell Per onal Sa lvation--Till ett(Firs Year Course)
MI'. e Ruiter Christ ian aith--Cul"tis(Second Year Course)
Mr. Da
Mr. Re
t eal:
e .
8. Th
9. T
10. T
11. T
12. T
" Ii
COI nj
t ake
4. n
6. '
aJ.'i es' Meeting
Auqust 19, 1938.
reeommendati 11 :>:
by the Co, ,1 mi U->e
Lleu until they are
Hymn Book t he
l' n \\' Methodist
t tweCl ty-five 01'
tiona I
nd 0 ' ollie, and
to wri te th P SoI
tin):, Department
off the l,fess,
ral stations, and
them el!1e wh re.
1 iean Life Primer
concer ning
on Trial)
11 Trial)
t Yr. Course)
(Course f or
r . oUI'se)
-- Wesley
Cour e)
Mr. Davis
Mr. Reid
Stud)' of Romans--Harl'ison (2nd Yl'. Cour 'e)
HL tory of Christi ' n Chul'ch--HurlburL (2nc1 Yr. )
Si x sermons by Wesley - (2nc1 YeaI' Cou rse)
Written Sermon on Regener ation (2nd Yr. Course)
Wr itten Ser mon on Faith ('kd Year C ur e)
t Amendment passed by Missionar ies' Meeting t ha t lVIr . he ler
choose nly one oE the e t transl a te. and that Mr. St ilz
be given the ot.her book to t.ranslat.e, but t hat Mr. Wheeler
t. ach both.
Miss \Nhite
Rev. C. \ .
8. That Mr.
gr mmar.
Life f St. Paul - Stalker (3rd Year Coun:le)
happell Christian Doctrine - Daie (3rd Year Course)
. 'The Ministry to the Congregation" - er n.
and Mrs. StiIz revise and mimeograph the Otetela
9. That the price of the New Testament be 9.00 francs.
10. That the " Di kendji" have a cover, and that the price be 40
11. That we courage the natives to buy t.heir own books.
12. That. a commitLe be by the chair t o prapare t racts t.o
be distribut d free.
E. B. Stilz, Chairman,
Edith Martin, Secl'etary
R I)Ort of Buil ding C\lmmittee
All the work that wa:5 c! ne during the was to pass 0 11 a
few pl an for temporary bu ilding-s, < S it was understGod t.hat. t.he
Committee appointed by the Boar el of Missions in Nashville was to
takl;) car e of all other affairs.
Joe H. Maw
Transport Committee
rye, t he Trunsport Committee, recommend:
l. That a ' fal' as pussi ble Wembo Ny{ma and Tunda be supplied
with t r l1l:\<;s.
2. That \Vembo Nyama make alt.ernate trips, every six weeks, with
Mi n ga, l .avi ng T und 'scal'g' at Onemaor carrying it on to Tunda.
:3. That a schedul e be macle and adhered to as elosely as possibl .
4. That a chauffeur be enga fed f or t.be mission.
5. That Mr. Moyes be askeu co do all our buying ; n addit ional sum
b pro irie( t.o take care of thi s adclitional work.
6. That. all bills be paid for t.hrough the office. Thi s to indude t he
nLail sel' ric .
7. TiLat the treasurer deelu t all bil ls from our salary a t the b gin
ni ng of ach qnar ter.
8. That the pt'esent rate of 30 centi mes be changed to 3 to take care
of the addJ t iona l cos r-e pen-es.
t' . Tbac' ll 0 del's be sent to :\Irt'. Moyes at least ten days or two
weeks in ad va nce to :Jl iow hIm ample ti me t o fill all orders.
10. T at ener-al repail shop be buill at Minga to take care of all
11. That Mr. Moyes be all we i to b y the old Mi n Ford, if he so
de ires.
12. That in L1 rance be t aken out if a native chauffeur is hired to
cover both truck and chauffeUl.
Joe H. Ma\'V'
Miss O'Toole
!o,lir. avis
Mr. v\ heeler
Report of t he Building CommIttee appoi ted
by Nashville.
Th ui lding Commit tee app0in ' d b the Nashvill offj e met
in April of 19' 8 and outlined the bu ilding program for all Stations
of the Mission. Sub-commi ttees were appointed for each bui lding.
Arrangement were mad for bri k pres. es where these weI' most
urgently eeded.
A Junu ,va:=; provid d for, by takil1 five pel' cent of all uilding'
fu (Is. ( J huy t h eq1l ipment, to ta ke " 1'e ofthe travel expf-nses
of the buil
lil1g supervisor , and for cc'ntinge ncies in the buil:ling
It as decided t hat before I' oceedingwi h any building for which
f unds are nut appr opriated by the Boar d of IIi sions, the tutal
amoun t neces ax)' t o comple te thE:' building must be a ail a ble or
g ua ran eed i n writi ng.
Plans for th fullowing buildings W 1' e ap. roved:
( l) Wem 0 Nyama GenerHl Board residence.
(2) Wernbo r yama Council residence.
(3) Lodj a Gener' I Board residt!nce.
(4) Minga "tati n hurch.
Dr. W. S. Hughl ett, C'l airman,
Will ia 1 De Ruitel', Ex. Secret r y.
Report Of The Committee On Resolutions
Missionaries' Meeting, A ugl t 20, 1938.
We, th members uf the Melhodi t Episcop 1 Congo Missi n,
now in sesslO
ation to all tIl
f or her
If your
And you
If your 5
Then COl
You mal
Or rest
Amid tl:
Which f
We also
the music an
We wish
and as a me
of Mr. Da
badin you a
1. I n vi ,
two buil d
General S
2. We
leave n
3. We
specials d
4. We l'e
for 1940 1
5. e
6. We
be ext en
studY of
For l, ' f he so
hir ed t o
N shvill e office m t.
f01 a! I Stat ion
or pa h uild ing.
tlwse were most
t ent of all buiidi ng
the travel
cles In the building
:' !'wil ding f r whi c.l
Missions, the utal
ll t be avai lable or
C ngo Mi::;sion,
now in session at Minga Station, wish to expr ss our sincere appreci
ation to all the members of Minga Station. Minga has long been noted
f or her hospitality, but she has outdone herself this time.
If you' heart is hungry for happy haunts,
And you are hunting for rest and peace;
If your spirits are sad and sinking,
Then come to Minga for release.
You may roam in the realms of rapture,
Or rest in this rare retreat,
Amid the fragrance of orchids and flowers,
Which the fortunate visitor greet.
We also wish to express our gratitude to all those who furnished
the music and thus made the Conference more pleasant and profitable.
We wish to take this occasion also to commend the spirit of love
and co-operation that has been manifested throughout this Conference
and as a motto we would recommend the latter part of the statement
of Mr. Davis in his devotional talk, when he said, "I can look at the
bad in you and hate you; or I can look at the good in you and love you."
Dora Jane Armstrong'
Mrs. E. H. Lovell
E. B. Stilz
Report Of The Personnel Committee
1. In view of the pressing needs for buildings we are asking that
two builders be sent out, one from the Council and one from the
General Section.
2. W e are in urgent of a doctor to be sent out in time to
complete all language study by June 1940, when Dr. Lewis is to
leav on furlough.
3. We would lik to ask that the t wo evangelistic men and two
educational mE:n \vho have been provided for under the approved
specials of 1939 be sent out as soon as possible.
4. We recommend that one of the workers asked for from the Council
for 1940 be a nurse, and the other be an educational worker.
5. We ask that a dentist be furnished the Mission.
6. We recommend that Miss Martin's and Miss Kelly's furloughs
be extended for a period of at least six months each to allow for the
study of French.
Alex. J. Reid, Chairman
Mrs. E. B. Stilz, Secretary.
Report Of Speci al Committ ee On Askings
We, the Committ ee on Asl ings, r commend the foll owing:
1. Salaries for tw new workers for 1940, $1800.00. We have
been informed that the salary in Euro e is $900.00 each per
year, but when they reach the field it drops back to $75 . 00
for the first ear.
2. That the mission ask for $250.00 for maintenance for t he
Gi rls' Borne at Lo j a pro ided the Home has been built
by 1940.
3. That we ask for $500. 00 for Educational Work at Lodj ,
also $300.00 for Evangelistic and Publi c Health Work.
4. That a special request be sent in for $300.00 for Educational
Work for Lodj a for 1939.
5. That the Council be a ked t o end out immediat ely t he
$200.00 that was cut off of 1938 ppr priation, in view f
the that t\.vo workers ha e be n a pointed to Lodja.
6. That the Treasurer be authorized to cable Miss MacKinnon
for the necessary funds to buy a car f r Council workers
at Lodja.
7. That t he Counci l spnd $300.00 to furnish the
Council Home at Lodj a.
General Section
1. That we ask the General Board to appropriate $1200. 00 to buy a
new ar for the v ngelist ic Work at odja, in 1939 in tead of
1940 as we have it in the Asl jags.
2. That i n the supplementary askings of the General Section and
Council for literature for nat ives in the schools the amount be
changed from $62.50 to $150.00 from each.
3. That the Treasurer of the mission be authori zed to furnish funds
for moving missionaries from the Field Off ice if possible and
ask t hat the Home Offi ce reimburse the Field Office.
4. That a commit t ee of the parents whose children go to Lubondai
S hoal study th qoestion of how to expend most wi ely the
$1 00.00 appropriated for the general upkeep 0 the Lubondai
W. B. ewis, Chairman
J. J. Davis, SecretarY.

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