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wul the
q( IIII!
of i/lf
Historical Note: The Central Congo PI'o\"isionai Annual Confel'ence
is tile continuation of five sessions of t..he Congo l\tli:;sion Meeting.
Held at
,lune 30- July 5, 1942
Pre idcnt: Bi hop.J hn!\1. I )'inger
I!:nglish Minut
tct 10 Minut : lU 1 u.l ani
A', istants - Anni L: "nfr'. E. B.
Stati tician E, H. Lov II
Tr asur r H. T. ih J r
A"sist:lLlt I. (1. T "n, 1("
. k. C. P M. '11 Ire.. MI'I'. I. U. fown.ley. Irs. M. W.
M. "tlr' ZH' ii, . and nativf' w men rI"iegat ' ..
Conference Board of StewRt'ds: rl. T. Wh' eler. Mr .
I veil, Luhala Danvele, r imhulu 'har! s,1lul nda Frl t1 f)is, N"elt"
onfel'cD('e Lommi tee of Inve tigation: H. P. nk 'r, H. T.
\' ler.A..1. (' ii, \ . De Ruil r.M. W. Lu'.'d) , Wctl'11i l kllnrl
LUTnumha .:'hukl1 Jo pit, Lumh '1,1t1 i .1"111
Ht'p 'e en ativ Superintendent - H, P . .Ar)- 'I'
Legnl R presentative E. H. Stilz
,-'oun iIlors for C. P. C. - E. H. Lovell, Lol' 'na Kplly
Union Mission HOUBe Trustee E. If. V) ",It
unday School Representative for C. P. C. - MI' . A. ,J. R .
CorrespondeDi for Co go J Ii . ion e's - _ ., . r. M. '!i'
Correspondent for Sonlh Africa .lissi n ry _ clvoc 00- K B.
Correspondent for L'Evan... i1e en Afr' ue - LOl' 'n'1 Kl.!ll:
Correspondent for World Outlook - A . .I. I 'id
Clerical Delegates
H. P. Ani er
j .J. Reid
Clerical Alternate
II. T. \vhetl r
P. 'rvL ShefT 'J
nnimae \Vhite
LllY Altenlatc
Kutht',Vn Ey('
W. Dc Huitel
NgamJjnln 1\ 1):-; ,
Lupanu AUf{ust
Lorena 1( Ily
Lukika All
1 )t . A. J. R..id
, hungll J. ni W.
Tuesday, June aO,l!} 2
Opening. TIll' Ct!ntl'lll Congo Annnnl ( onferen'e f
the M .tho list Church m ,t in it;.; third UDl1U 11 session 111 Lambuth
.Ie-mnrial Chureh at Wembo NYIlIna on Tu > '!Iay, .iun 30, 1942 at
: .. :0 .. M. with John M. Spri.ngel in th chait'.
P. C.
Ouse Trustee _ E:. fl. L \'.1 .Y
entative for C. P. MI',. A . J. t,id
onrroJIission Ne . - L C. P. M. Sh If
Lh Africa. lis ionnr' clvocut - E. B.
L'Evan!!it cn Mri ue Lor 'oa Kl'Ily
W rId Outtoo!- - A..I I /-1 I
I Deleg'lte
W. D> Huitt'"
Lupnnll Aug'us
L H'E'llH K!lIy
Lukika Alb .
11':. A. J. R'ill
, hUJlgU .J ani \ 7.
June ;-W, ]942
I Provi ,jooa/ Ann' al Cont' renee of
Illet 10 It" third <.tnnu lesion in LUlllbuLl
etnhn lay, June 30, 1912 a:
john 1. Spllllg r III he: ('hair.
- H. P. l"
- E. r.. ilz
- E. H. Lovell. L'l 'n K 11
acrmnenL of the Lord's upper. Til,' (l pning Il\'mn \"c. nil
n(Jullcen 'mel Lrlrcn; r 11y I d th Conflll' n'C ill 'ingillg 'Tbe)"1 i i1
FounlAin Filled with B (II I." rh' Sf'rip UI" ]':'< II war rO'at! , OOl
h i: II 'hapt'r r l;:I, li 'f!(It,,!'g J kuhn I d Ul f Tay rand
du was "ung by I' illlh,ilu .IE'1om' alld hi wife. PaIn E. eta. IJi8h"ll
communion nl 8'1 e" UR lak n rroll1 a PI'I" inn Ilj' J'lllah
5:3 :tnll dealt with (hd', gr at lov' to furgiv. lUr and the n(' !
flf f fR'iveuI:s' in QUI' uWTI hC:ll't. "'. De RuiteI' in erpl'o ten, '1 ht!
"Bl'eak ThOll the Bread of Lifl , " \\'11. th 'n SllTl'" and till'
acrament flhp LOl'd'"._up )prWil"adn ini. tpred by l3ish If! pringflf
anti 1. W. Lllvell. by A .1. Rd I. vv. R'lit t', f"illli'uiu
'hol'les, ,\lulp.ntla Fr Irlc,:')i L' " la Dany lu or! Ngandj"I(. \tIl. E
Alkr Lhe <,;OIl1IllUlliO-l S TVi<' til 'I" \\'1-\8 a inll'Uli:;silln a th ,In"
of \'hich the m 'l ..,.. n. L Vl"l' 01 l\{y .'l.u!. ,.
M!'.', H. P. Anker led in pl'aycr.
Holl Call. '11i(; Eishnp a_ . d that I hI. : '!.:1etar, of 1111' In' rfJ fl
f.J llt'e cull lht1 rolt tlnd til.' 1nllm ing- \ 'pre reconl 'rl 1rl'.' nt:
'I rica! Jl mbe['; II , P. Auker, rill1 Idu Chnricl'l, !..l1h.ll, I 1/1 ,1,
Lumbe1ilu Nkola<:, Lum Il!lbn .Tt'rnm', Lunullibi And.. L'IP nil
U rust, Mulenrja . Y'" dj'Jlo MI) 1', .., le':-\ .Iul r,bl , . .
l!t'id, Slmku Jo eph. \ 'et..-,hl T! lin1 Au 'ust, H. T. "he I I'. E. H.
Lllvell, Ah 11m P:U111l. Wpl hi hI An Ire. \Y. I)t> f'uit '1'. Tgund '.
II ("113 .roani, I. U. TOI n ,I M. \Y. L ,\ 'II, L Itt nga Mith 1, Shut ha
I'it'rre, Urn Ok(}ko IVhu'clIs. V mba KtI n rll Aman III "
l'rilbalion.>r:; Fadlala 1 i. rn, Dikulu Th r(l .. \lat 'I,
cljol i August. Lllknrli ,Ja"llm, hautnba P;c:rre, Pi,..}'!' ,
rGo 'amba PaulD, Luhata Antin', IJkiwli PL ulll, T kita Diunl1 11 I 1'1'
Tllana . nth' ,U/TIllm!Ju A dr , Lllkllndj'1 .lukoiJu, Lundula D;myel .
( ok!) Pi !'1'e. lJi Dany,] . l(asl;1 "c Basil. 1.1'1 Ii :\Jll'h i. 11,1
nya a Iu, ' hllllgtl .10 ni W" _nUl1g .J, ('I h, T'( h nga I Ip}lO/l '1
I' n 1mbn ;\10 'e. 'illellng" PIIl're. l I,YlIIIgunga p, ult!. U ungo PiliM
rlcnll.! ,krome. OJ llu 11, " , Djun Fa Pierr', 1'..:.1lh Ita' hdl, '
pted "upplv Pastr,/,: L i-lt: ns Palilu.
\11':, H. p, .\nker. B. St il:t. , Mary F. Forl'man,
MI", Eo 13. ...tilz. C. P. M. t:)1t /ley. \4, 13. Lewi:. :\-1I'S. W. B. L w
is, Mrs, W. Dc Ruit r .Iary E. -1001'11, H. T. Wb 'tler. Mr.
A, .J. itl. M,", E. H. Lovell. Ruth 0'1 nolf" AllIlhn P. \\ hite, M\'I
L1' Zicllfoo", , "'. p, 1'\'1. Sltefiey, Lorena Kelly, 1\[". L U.
TO\ n 1 y. Kathryn Eye. Annie L. Winfrey. 1\ r::. 1"1. W L .\''''11.
LaJ,r Delt'ga1t> : Lodja Dislrict - Lukala Alph n 'e, Wengele Apt i .
ne, Alii. a J iml Adis' T1\maL hu. Mings IJi tri - unda :hu
- Djulu II ny.le. jOt Ie PA,
S n.)il. LIII ita J ielle. D UIJ
Opening. Th C nt" fl'nc' , n 'on I an 1 tol' h l'1 1 r "P,,! ell)
'nme' and Ii Zicaf \\'U' callt:d on to Ie! d In prav')',
Committees. The. foil .. 'illg' \\ t:rl;! .. nr,millatc'l () fill
\' 11I(;i' Otl l:ommiu ' cs:
t . ,I. Reid frJ)' J, J . Dllvi 1 I .
ilh M, \ , I..,f)v{'U clccl-d chlllrrnnu.
I athryn E.\ for CutJler II P rll m.
J ani nnd Tuml t ;'hUllgt for LUllul1.l. i
! rill Evnng /ism,
L>{' l' I Rep.
t. Lh lo,'.u Sln >
(i\' nj'l r 8 .,'
fi II
Mrs. A. .J. Rpid, M"s. W. B, Lewi" and M. W. Lovell \\ l'rIC
nOlilinnL(' d on (;h C( mmi t ,, on Wo/',.
It was voted to confir'nl th above l1orlllnatillns.
Announcements. After all'I(lI lllcitlg' l h ' ! of meeting tlw
scsRi on adjourn d to !lIe!'! : l ' comlrult<:,c'-' .
Wedn \sda. ,.lujy 1,1942
Devotions, The opening .-ong. "To the Work," waR sung LUHl A
huka Pc ulu was asl'ed to ) ad in Tnp. d(lVO iOllal
en' Lhp Bishop was bpserl 0 11 \,1, eommissinn of .}('ShUR A. f ()U'ld in
t! Ilt's! chapter uf t. h bl)ok of .Jo. hu}\. :lIra. H. T. Wh,- ll'!' )', in
prayer and a quinletof \Vu lllen mi'-' . iOlluril's "lh h.\ lon,"
Minutes. E. H. Lllvl:!ll \Va, t o cl as int l'prf'tel' dUl'illJ,:' tit .
hu:inesr:; ::It:8'i n. TL mi nutl's in English a",l in Ot l la of UII'
day wcl'e and approved with eorrections.
Com.nritiee. The Bi"hop :1pplJill i ed the followlI g Jn'll1h r' (If
tIw Commltt(!(' 011 Accepted Supply P:l:tor...: A..J. R,id. 11. T.
Wfleeler, M. W. Lovell, W. Dt' lttl irl"', 1 IInbulu Ch:trles, LUnlll1:bi
Andre, Ngandjol , M os' ."1 !cl Luhah DanYl'1
Disciplinary Que tions. J 1 n . p"ns Ii) Q ' l E'S 'on, 1 and 2, t h
chal'act l'S 01 the four 'llpelilte'ld. nl.., \\ 'r... p:ts. "d, wI '1'1-.
IIPOH th Y . tlWt I' ' ,., t-'( I'Cpl 1'1' ill II,.. f ,1.)\ ing I I rl ).:
Minga District - H. l' Wh del' (,'. . R"pol'l Np, 1)
Lod,l<l Dis trict - W. n, R'lit
r - 'e R'I Jlll't N ).
TUllda District - A. ,1. Reid R 'port No. : I
\\ mbo Nyama Di:-;tricL - M. \Y. LO\'eU (Sec Rep,'l'l ,'I),
Visit of the State Official, the reading f t he first .. -P' ,1't
the lucal !';tal. ofHcial. M 'llsieU l' arrlv!_d and wa \', ('\conwri
b: appropriate word' fr"!! 1 Uw 'p, Ht rf! pund,'d hy PI altirlg'
bJ'i!ly tl) the <it'legll .c :"
Reports. After a irl'ieJ t he !troup l'eaS$( Ilibled and
sang "Maje"til: Sweetrl ( S5 ,'ii'" Lnlh"ufh;:d" al1d AnnHt lae rll1te [(d
in prayc.r.
Th 'emainingl' ports of the Oistl'ld 'uperJlltendenLsw\-re givPII.
The Bishop J'I'mal'k d on t he progress of Lhe work dur'jng tb pn. l
ear as sho n t,y the rep rLs.
Greetings. Thr> Bishop brought greetings from the ot her annual
conferences under his supervision.
Centra] Conference. Sinc(> the CenLral onference scheduled til
HE' t in 1H4 1 had to be pORl poti ed, t he DC W '3S set t nUH
for .Jllnt' H,4: . [t was decid '<I Lo select ne .., delcgate
on ThUl'Bday, wil h l he that the ne \\ (1(ll"!!,1tes woul
";1 ' , ve I event of a bri f po. tpont '1JPnt of h Crm (.'.' 'cnc' '.
Announcement s. These were maue wi : TC'l I'cnc-;: Lo he t i n
and p lace f mepti ng of t he varioUH COl mi' . ,1111 IJo:<lrds.
Tlw Il1 I:'tinv' wa. adjourned f or the mOT jilt; w' I l ,y U
P. Ank r.
Thur day, July 2, 1!>42
Devotions. The Confer ence met and sang " 1\ a.ll 'stil' '- Si'
Pr Yl' l' was led by Wl,tslt i L kurda Andre a nd a Dalile
ma le quartet sang " Willing to Take t h , ro. "." A, J. RCl d
lhe a h p I'rseal'ching- message fron . \cl dA-S m (J ur n
for thl' experience of he Holy ' h o t anJ l1 i,-; ScI' . g e' ! an
i (lrder fIJI' us tJ be tr ue no 1:l'ective servan t ,; or ('1 I L , 'r! d o:,")
til<:' devot ions wi th PI' y r.
Minutes . T to! mi nu les in botl En r} i sh l'lId ill O t l! t p l;) 11 1' t he las
ere l'ead an adopted.
Announcement . TheBis hllp th" l: e'N! II f prayer
during Llwst' days and ann ounced th:l t t w u roC) : ns "'lOU b noen for
prayer d uring the cla .
Di clplinary Question s. Qu"' s li n 1 O. :!. \\" u 8 m' ", h n th
four Di:trict per int ndents .t or l OW chfl raCIt-n:; (I f ril l til
p)'eacht in t heir di "tr icts. then' !1I.It hioL;" a2" 'lny 0
(hem. tho::- -hal". tel'S of al l w r ... pas::ied. ,
It wa,' Ilted to Lhe characters of thl' f, l l l (,wi " g cl ri cal
siil nar y nlt:' b r. : H. P . nker, J . J . Da\ is , E. H. LLv t:l l , 1.
Townsley. C W. Chappell and a lso the chClmt: t 1'S 1'\1' the ocher mis
T he foUowi n r qUI' -tions WPl' e f J" ll1l til>' l1i:cipli ,','. nd all " H e
ll nsweretl in the negi;\tl\.e: :). G,G, 7,8, H. 111, 12, 1:3 <U1d 1,1. Tn ,O!-:Wel"
l\I! tl . 1 i t Waf t ha t 'fnkni JUUI , j ad btc,
Recess. Afll:'r a shor t. intermis" ion t he C ...,f - ,_ {:' 1.et Ci ' id
"Sweet Houl" of Prayer" a nd 111'5. E B. Sli lz it.d in Tlrayer.
Delegates t o the Cen t r al Conference. On 1Tl/J tiOIl , 1 t \ as voted
to elec t t he t< t he 'entral CO: I by SI;cr!t ballot. T h)
motIon 1VCi s seconded and pusse<l t hat tlu L;Oilference lIt ct
theit full q uota at' eIght delegates. fOll l clerical, one t' \. hom was t o
be a nab' ,n<l l. a rl. four lay, one of whnmall;o '. as toLe a n"L!ODlll.
Diflciplinary uesti on. COfl c' Pl' lIing Que;:,ti il No. 17, t l e C m
In b(' iJ')Rt P'Il! d, the nf'W date was l';et tentativel
de 'ided to select ne\\ uch:g-ate. <It 10 0 C! t'd
the nnd rslandingo that th.., 11('\V del('go t el'; wnllid
'\ uri f fl
:tpone:l1C'nt of th!.! Confp"cnc .
. were mUde wi t I ref 'L DC' 1.0 Li e time
of the cmnmi tn" a I boar Is.
ad;ournerl for the mOf li li, r vi 1 IT
Thur day, July 2. 1. <12
fer encemet and aog "1\ lajl'stic (tne'sSit
.)' wa!l led by WE'tshi 'kUl cia A n( I'e nnd a nat \. ,
"Willing [0 Take the ern: :' A. J. Relil iJl'oucht
' n.'!' mes 'age fron! 1:4-8 on our Qf . (
of the Hol y Ghost and 1. t:-. I gtit anu guidanc.e
true and effective' Sel'va t"or"oUJ Lq 'l/ l-Ie
. ute: in both English uri " ' 1) Ol( tl"a ,,/' the In.r
adopted, .
The Bishllf' spoke CllfiCel n i n;! tlw IlPVel (If pray, r
lid announc<d two rO() lllS wou u be "P 11 fil l'
tions. QUc.>Rtion No. :!. \\.lS re"u _v ! when tht.'
tendents answered 101' tl 'haraclt- l'S oJ' ';lU the
l!'!trICL'l, Sinc!> wa- !Iutlli r a!!:-!!l1. l 'Illy or'
of all we... passed.
the charact 'r of lIw ng el r-rical 0-, i. _
P. Anker, J, J, Da is, E. H, Lwtl'. L C,
liP II and al 0 lh hal'<leters l r [he oLher mts
t ions Wel'(' read frum th lJi' ipr .e, rid al l \\'(In'
tr\c: :.5,6,7, 8, 10, L2, L ; nd 11. In
that Taiwi JO<llji lac! :I .
If!) l inl.cnni:;':lllTl tllC;: Cd '" t ' 1 lot aliu sun
'I'" <lnd MI'. E. B. S j/z led in 1
l'ayet'. ."
Central Conlerence. 011 waLio I,ll was voted
L the 'pn[ral COil rer Co: 'Y 'l ballot. The
tded and pa:sed tha t th} Cu.lf 'fenCe cIt cL
t clelegnt.e:-s, fOll!' ck:rical, one o t \ hom was lo
lay, on\:! (J f whom UlSO \\ flS t;o Le a national.
on. enJll' riling Que:tion No, 17, tl t:' COlD.
miLtee on Conference Rt'latlons recommendorj that the f()!lowing
TJrobationer lJe ulm; Ued inLo full co n " I ::1: Lokonga Mh!wl,
Oln' Okoko Marcus. Rhut"ha Pil'rrf' and Wenlba 1 Ull.l"lI Arnandn .
The COl1ference 'lil ted to th ir 'Itnratl('t's an I til thpfl1
Conference Membership of Missionaries. Tit, Bisilol} rl'ad I.h>
fr 1I (,wing ac tion of ti l!' Cl l! IDl.:tl (If Bl,.;hops in regard to dnuhlp ('(In
rm'l\e member. hi p o f c1el' ic'll ane;;;:
From tho r..ljllul',s of (hI! Cot lnci l of Bi hop.
" 19.J.J
Qu(!sllon: Can rt ti. _"l'\ !rIg i l l tht' f I!'cig-n ti ,'Jd hold
t10uule Coni -renCe II,t'nt
,pr"i1lp. naJlwly, upon till' nl>.ld ;It'd at
Ansv.' '1': Th.. :i[ UIlt.ioll :I) '1' eOlI'. 10 1(' al ,uIOIl! u, Lo thitl "I'
n embership in an Anr tl lUI Conu'renee of a prr a:: hpt' wh( is at
the same time a n cl1,hf'r oj' a n C(,l1 ( ' 1 enc", In tbE'
Missi on CIJOferellc ' . a mem bpl' IiHS all rig-lit." nioverl b' LI
m mb r of an Annllal Cun :' ,.. tle:... c_ CPi' { that fl1' ,opting t tl}'
del g' tes lo t ht, Goneml C. nfer lin' an \otlll;.! on ('ons iLlI
t ional q TIl().c pri ril," (.. h..... in th' nnual
Con I renc of \vhit, hI' 11 111 lllber.
111 ' iewofthlsacti(JTI the tha tht-
mO,11 hers of Annual COil fer(,I1l'I:'S in America and appointed lo thl 'fi lei
.\' ert:: also l li embero: of thiH Pnn i'1(J/ lalAllllual
Election of Cenh'sl Cnnfcl'cnce D leo-ates, Tlle Bil:!hop an
nflunceU lhat t he hour for I It "tl:\l1 11f' del 10 i he C 'ntral
I'.'rel e had al'l'lved n' preVti u ' Iy fixed llY l he COliC 1'l'1ll'P_ 'j h(
del'ical meml' rs anr! 18..\ .h[cgate. wer, ' ins'n.u:ted i>a<'j tn loct f OUl'
dE'It-gate. ' . Bot! 'lel'leal ilnd lay delegates, votillg Sl'P
llra' ;' ly, havmgca-\t thei ballot, _rlw t"I1<-,)"sr ' til' ' 1 to e' }llllt l he Vol".
A .J. Reid, H_ p, A!1kf\r and NI.! I!1cijolo Ml)se wcr:-' It'cted c:lprica j
ddegate!'lon tlllZ fil'HL halln' , W. ).. R ti f_'r was delJed lin t he fourth
hallot. The altel'na' . t r. ' , a...; (' (eterl . H. T. \Vhcclf'r and Lupaml
TI tullowing Wert' (If'cll,d hi . cl\:!l ':.ntf''': 1111 ' lac \\ hitt', C, P. M.
h ffey, L()rena Kelly and Lukika Ibert. with iUlLhryn Bye. M;
Foreman, Mr"l. A, J. Heid, Shungu Joani \V. as a! Lernate,'.
R'ports. H, T. Whe ir,t'. Conference Treasurer, read the report of
the COn'l't'D 'f.' Boal'l! oj S. "wards nnel it wa arlop ed, (See orl
No 5),
The report of tht Board of MiniEl','l'ial Training was read by E. H.
I.ovpll and ador1teo hy the (8 Rt'POlI No, (i i ,
Disciplinary Questions: No.2; was 'red, None. In rep:r.r
to No. the Hi hop ann unced that the Conference ,ommi tlee Il
nvestigabon would rem' in the sam{:as la. t "or, wil li thr excepti on
that A. J Reid would take t he pl ace of .J. J. Davi"
Announcements: The annOUOCl'rner ts !l lade in ppf,'1' t
thE time and lace of the mee ting of til bll:\rd" rmd t'C Ill mit! 'es.
Adjournment. It wal' voted t 'l(l Jo r'n thl' IlU t"l i i ng- 111.
thf' h -nf'dictiul! )ll'(JDollnced hy W. f'uik
F rid ay, J uly 3, 1942
The Conference convened at 8:: U . M. Thl" d( YOli lJl );1. / t'er l'C \ \ a:
conduded hy Bishop Spri ng r.
Mi nutes . Thl:! r 'ord of lh proc"'cdings of Thur d,l\ W(I .'" 1, ud ,md
i [ as vote t condense the DllDute' derui!l ' " vit h Lll . ,' Iectip 1 II f
del g-ate:; to the Conference. after whi h lhp. I w... ' adopt d.
Di 'ciplinary Questi ons. The Board ..r . {ill j" Lt'rial Training
In' ll tet.i t. he following numes in answC'r t) Q ! 15n as havi ll"
pI ted th studies () the fi rslyear: at krJ Pierre, L d\.a ; j Jakobll.
LlJkandju Jakoba, Lundula lhnyelp, and til .v Wl're pal'S;! i l lLJ tlw
!'I t udies uf t he :t: cond year.
QucstlUn 1511 W'IS atlswer('d, None.
Que. rion Hi,' . TI,e roll \\ ing 'H roe annOUllcfri <IS 1!;l\'ioJr t'omp el:t>d
1I e 'LUnic. f the t hird yell r a nd t he) were pn' ed i n () Lbp slu!iit's
of t he fourth y ar: Ngandern rna Joalli, Lunumbi l.uhata Oa.
Lumumba .Jerome.
Qu.. l ioll Hid. It was stclted that ra ncij())oMo3, Kimbnlu Ch cleii1
Sil ku ,Ios,'ph a nd Lupanu Augusl h d c,)mpl{,t"ri thl' st.udie' ()[' t h,
four h year anr! thus had fill i sht:'d 'ntire Conferenc.' 'OlU';;C 0
study. .
Q\l e,'tilln l(;a WID' rPHd a nd il le foll owing wen eli! ti llu<d in rh ..
:t Idies of t he ti l lit y'al': tTnyan!-.'1'UIlJTa Pu'tl u h ng'U JO<II i, Ol el l/
nnl Pa lu, T'Ulamba Kasongo Ba il. Shun " .J ( ",' ph. Dist]):; ;]
Danyel , Umeunga Pierre, T'OlenU'a Alph Lo 11 Michf' I, JSlI
ngo )Jim>, Taluhuta Ab le, Dende .Jl'l'on , Iljlil u Allw rt, Dj ung-Cl
Que'li n 16b. Tht! t olIowln?, wen' cOlltl llued in tile s udi . )f t h
.'econd yenr : Umana Andre, Elembo Pit"rre. Ukindi 1 aulu, Luhata
Annrt,), Urn mbu Andre Ukita Diullll Pi "Te, Kinyamba Paulu, "'ha.
umba Pierre. atoka P ielTe. Lukadi .fakoba, Lui' ndj u .Jakobfl . Lu
nllJl<! Dan.\' 1<,.
No. 25 was red, None. Tn rl.'grr .
1II.lunced that the Cum renee Committ e I)f
10 the RamE:as iHsl 'W'. with th I.!xccption
the place of J.J. Davi...:,
annuunc 'ments were IIlarif' ill /'1' 'n'nc(' lit
meetIng' of the !JonI'd" [lnd cOlillnitt!'e.'.
voted to adjolll'n t hl' morning : nr!
need hy \\'. Ill- } 11 ' 1 'r,
day. July 3, 194!>.
at 8::l(J A.M, TIll ' 11"/ .
,I ... Ice \\ a.
of th", pm
f-lcdil1gs Cl f TI Ul''''d, . .. 1
tl . . ,1\ V.fl . r at '!Del
le minutes. upaJIII wirh lilt' I eLi"n of f
nm', after which thf'.v W,'re adopt 'd,
The Board 'f .f . I'
, '. - 'rtal 11"lilliul!
IJames In answer to 'I t' I n 15 ., 1 .
' to P' ,t.t. la\ InIY
Irs year: t"lw Pi erI''' r o. ka '1' J I I
I , \. < '0)'
U a U tny Ie, and Wt'.e pos:-;:.;d illto til'
iJ g \(1l'e annOllllC' ol as hanng ('ompletl'd
yClll' and they pa:-;sed ,'n tl l j'
" 11" S UI Il'S
rOalll, Lunumhi Anch'e, LUhata DR
tllal j -ga I1djolo Mr).a.l\ imblJ! I, Chari '!o
had COIllp!f't I Lh'<! "tudi!:'. of tIl/:
IInJ hed the entir (' t'
... , un erenee COliI'Sl' of
and the following W'tr> cltntillued jn til,
UIlg-a hUflfTT' JO'!fl l' 01 I'
e K B " , , t \ q.
, a.'; II. , .To s 'pl., Dis;lt1 .i
TOIlDJ!B Alph IOS(', Lu II Miclw', tI.'u
Den Ie ,]eron,t', iJjuJu AJbt>I,t 1\'
. . , UJflDl!U
n.O' Wf:::"l' contlflll nd in the studi >, f' I
'e El I ,. u, 0 L It!
, "em IU r If'IT\: Ukindi P 1 L J
I 'ta I' . ,' au u , U latll
{l )IUllIl Plr'JTt', Ki nyalnba P u1 I
L k ..:/' ].1. B U., la
, u alii, ;U{oba, Lukanclju .Jakobll. Lu-
QIf S 'on We. The Ulllnwi ng were cOil tinf!l'd In the , tudi th
thil'i 'ear: LQkOIl 1 "'lie Um' I oko l ui" ' '; llut ha
ntb rungll Am, II I. N Ijati Auv,u.t. Fatli tlu I it'IT', ... '! nrc)
M r lI, IJil'ulu ThomM.
Question Wel, r I e foil win r wei',' 'Oil inn III s mli .. (f
fllurlh yetil': "cl hi UkUll.h Amll", N,;'el> a .Jnkob . AIm 'n Paulu,
Lumbelilu Nicola::;, MulelldaFr . t V L hi UkuI.ua )!8
Ildr"llernaJoalli. LUllllJnhiAnnn' Luhatn L: :.Illvel.,Lun1\1tnb d ron
Reports, The repnrto tht' D( ani of Edllcatiun wa. r ad find i [I r
minor ant .Tl 1m nt \\'a'" ao Illte I in full. ( e R 'pOl'l No. 'i ,
Al'L 'ran intel'llli"1 10 lurinl! 'hleb th Conf('n!HCe pictUf' \'<.1
tl ken lh rc'po t of !:b' t <li" Gil litt l' W:l' I'; and ad p
I, t:" Repurt Nt), 8).
'[ h Lrmgllag 11mmitt l' r' j wI \\ I r' ttl n 1 '0 ;10 Ii pI d, (:'f
Report No,
Discipliuar Question. Np. 18. TIll' t'oUO\\inJl"irav lin' I ru h
n; w'rt! rctomm ' Ilei '0 til he "II ctl'd d at:llfl un I Lhp Confer. Til' II
v 'd: Lokonga ]\II 'h >1, Urn' iwk" l\ ]'I'U . <..:Imb: hn Pienf. \V mh.,
I'U11 .,tl Amanrlll .
N" :,w. 1 he fOl'ClWilfg ira ling' prea 'her"" \V'1' i'pCOll1m ntl'd h
t h commiltee and it. wa '; .\t 1 t el ,t th 'm ,. 'Id ,',- od Y:1:. r
nojolo 1\1u:-;' an I KirlllJUill lIar1.
Memorial. A. J. HC'iri pI' '. tltl'd a m Il,nrinl whit.:h a k .. d in prim'
pLe that legis:iatioll I" (lna\ tNI ,,, I".'rmit II lal In ml er. hip
annual cnnferenc: Oil the ll1i ... ion ti 'ld anu i Am rit'a 't th
Lime It wa. \toted to ndupl it.
D' 'cipHnary Question,' , l '0, to, eie ,t a
Conrerl!nc' Lay t at thi bl l
should vclect Lay L au!'!'
. o. :32, Wembo \ " !
th ' next annual con fer 'n,''',
Aft"r lha ClmWUnCeTlll'nt.' ',\( rc mncLt \ 1, ], uit l' ,Ii
Ii ' mOl ning ses.'ion \\ ith pray ' r.
Saturday. July 19a2
The on r nc met at 8:' 0 A. 1\1. and 1\1. W, Lrp.cll 1(" th de
vol iOnic! !; r\,j 'e.
Minutes. 1he minutes of tile Ja ' l ,e" ion w re re. an allpl'OYI d.
Disciplinary Question_, No. 11, The fu11O\ 'in" weI' recommf;lId ,eI
,y tht' oDlTllittee 011 'onfcl'f'n e R lation: t.1l be' dmittpc1 int, 1I '
'onfl::n::1l(: ' un trial : 'raLuhuut Abell::, lJendC' .Jerome, r julu Alb'-'r,
Djunga PH rre. AJter they ha beel! call'd fon\'llrd ' nd 1('cd \,.1
fi tting word!'; of exhortatiun [rom t.he Bisll, p tile Conferen'p 'Ol l-' 1
III receive them on Lrial.
2Z and The CommiLt!'l' /Hl Accepted Suppl\ 1':1,;1, r
named lhefollllwlllg:Asak-aPierre, Ta Put 'ma., vV'mb'UluuJo:'n
Lukala Alphonse, Um'Okoko l\1;ll'CUS II, L'" Indj'lDumba Edl)ll;ll'd
On'U.umIJa Auolph, AdidiemaPaulu, Yangu .liL'hcl , Mundaln Alb rt.
O\l'Udinga I ann de, On'Udiligo U!<UIlJ,{I' Pauli l, J jil
Sam IVCH!, Unya Eliya, ULitana Paulu. Pudic IGl .Jo eph, L\l1 an
.JOtltll, Paulu. Yflunuu AnllliJl , arH! it \\,,/S \'Otlt! to p;
l heIt ebill'3l' tel''',
(jt1estioll 23 was n5wer d in lh ' negali \'&: . IS th, 1" 11 ') ,-\\',
c"llted Supply PHstnr' Ll:Iking' studic',
Reports. 'l'he f 1l0WlIIg' I' .port.: were I' : d ami fl,.' plfd;
Btlildlng Supervisor ( ee R('port No. 10) .
L . al Represen tative! de Report Ku_11 ."
Committee. Aftf'l' the mlermis.. I.m the commitlE'p e::ulI ' n.
' 1(: tel' I t'.I" of the Di trict nces V", anm'UI cJ a. (ul (}\".
E . U. LII,' II Mat' Fun>man, W, De Rui ltl.
The Woman's (,mmitt 'e l' -ad choir rer' rt -Illd it \\' .
adopted vi lh 'url'ecti, n after cOl1sid }able di cu (S(' Report
Committee. E. H. Whit' and 1"11 s. C. r
w n' appoint\:'d ali a committee to ecul'f' suitahle fo m:' 1'01' th
Mis"'ion UI use in 1'( cording Christi an lllarriagr'!-'.
Report. 'rhe Committe on Evangelism gave their rellOl'l rlmi it
va::: cldol't d a anwnJed. (See lie lorL No, 1:,).
'orumit.tee. The J'ollowing w re ' ppoinll'd to !-'. I' as I he 'm
m itLet:! ulIR :\11' -'. W, n. d }111,,da

Report.. The repi rr uf I he Stat'slidan was not it II as c1, cid
eLi to ha... e i pT l nt d in both tbe English al ill ()Lclela ']ourm!.-.
( \ :l' Report No. 14).
Committee. Those aplJoinled to isl' the tical forms w re
a' foi l(/\ 'So E, B. Stilz. E, H. Lovell. and A. ,T Rdd.
Letter to Mr. Moyes. It was vated t ha\ e tlw secretal'Y write a
lell' to MI'.andMI" , Mo,t')') exI n'e!' in/.:' heg.l'<'l-flllapprLciationol
the Mis. ion to them fill' Lh it- 01. ny and Ihful servicl;::S.
Prayer for Catherin Parham. At this time th Conference stooJ
and \' $ 1 Ii in PI'IlY(l1' for enth nnt.' Parhal who was then on the
: Tn LuhulU A b I .. IJuncle Jel"Om " Djuln Alb'..!rt
I b 'Y had been caJluu arHl n c, hL I
hOl'tation from the Hi }, P tile COil Ference 'otcd
The CommiLLf't' 1111 Al'cepted Suppl,\' Pm:l'Jr
AsakaPierr . Tn PuwSiln.-, V\Te/llb' 11IaJoani
Um'Okot..o Marcus II. l WIiIJ j'! slimba
i"anga 'hcl. Munt ala Alb rt
. On'Udil go Fral1l,'r)iJ:. 'allgn P. lilli, I
ly<J, Ukltana Pi ulu. PI !I i li,a In,eph. Lllhaw
lu. Yaundll Alll illtc', alld it \ ,t ' ot ,I tu P:1S.
IlIhW rd h Uw Ill',rralivl' as tit, 1' (' Werl n(, At:
ttlkillg :>LUdre-;,
owittg ['l'pun.' vere I'end :tnll HI,npl"rJ:
i8(1I' (':e' .H( /lOf't No. 101.
utiVI' (SdC 1 ,j,vlt NI). ] 1 .
rIll' Intermissi'lO lht' commir.t >e to e,'al1l1J!l'
jslrict olltel' 'OCl'S wa;,: arm('UlIced as f"l!o\\;:
J'\w ,lna , W. De Ruiter,
nan. I,mlllitl ee read l heir )ep. r L :llId it".. ,
.' aft -r consiriemb!e di:cu<: l(m. ( ('e Repm't
. .'til? ..\nnim::leWlIite, nd I" . C. 1'. Shefi'e\<
a (!ommiltec to secure .'uitahle forms for lh,>
ing Chrif:llJan rnal'riag 'S.
iltel' on Evang-eli,;m ,rave tnei!' rcport. and i
(... ee I{e Jort No. 1J).
Inwin,.:- Wet ' uppninh d ll) VI' (' as I he om
,11' , W. B. Lewis, rathrYI! Ey 'and 'luIl:'ncla
of rhc 'tallsLicil1n dccid
ill both the Engli il anrl Ol "lela Joum.d'.
apJlil'nt >d to J, ...... 18e lne :Latbtical furms were
11. II. Lovd!. nnll A. .J. Reid.
wa voted to ha\ e th eerl tar,\' write a
l\J1)) es ,pre. inv, till' grat.eful nppw:ciati Ht of
fnr eir IlIany .mtl faithful ervic..
Parham, Ai Ihis lime Ihe Conference ;;lood
for Cn! h 'rin . Parhnm whn \\ a::; thlm on t h
high returning- tn America.
New Work in the Katako-I<ombe kn. The'onfu'>nl ( Ll
\vent. on record as favoring thL or a Mi!;sil1T1 st: lion
iu the h.alako-Koml e s'"('Lion I. nd it wa, \'olcd tn rel\'l' the mattt r
to Field Commit {'e in ord{'1' that i l he pres to L1w Hoard
fOT lheir uctlOn,
1'emperance Pledge. E. B. titilz pre 'cnl ua pi llj!e or u mppr
ane and it waR voLt d to havl' copie, pdnted and dL tr'!,ul d 11111
lhn t.1l na!-ive" ue urged to sIgn tb(lm,
Officers Elected. A, .J, R id was {Iectcrl Stat'stieiHr and Hnd II.
T. Wheel r ('onfert'n"tc' TI'NI. Ilrer, wilh L U. To "nsleY Ul' assi!:ihlll
1-ht> secret ry of the C'ortl'er'nL'" war ('ho 11 to f'dit iliC' .Jolillnal and
E. 8, Sti17. the publisher.
Committees. It was \'01 d thai tile '( lmtniltep. :mJ 1);l1'r.L tor tllP
n. " on fcrence as they II en stl)od,
The Bishop :.1llClOUnCeo the Cummitt' lllre\ 'Ill'k tit school r 'a I 'I'
:i: Jollow : A, J. H il!. Anllie Laul'a Winfl't,." Myrtle Zicafo I'e and
H. P. Anker.
Adjournment. All tiL bu inf''''' til COII'f> hefol'l III ('onft'I'l'oc \
having eompleteri. it Wi' \' 0 d tn adjmrn,
Sunday Morning, July:), 1!)42
The service beg-an at .):(HI A. r. \\ ill l Bishop ,John M. Spl'ing I'
pre:iding. AJter Lhe IlP 'nirlg worship, the Bi:-hnp. 'leu by;\>1.
W. Loven, atimll11l"t'reu ht' l'iL of liapt.sm to Nt'IlIe cTanr= AnI.. l'
and th, n 'he and Mar ha Dl' Riliter w rL'l'pceivert in to tIll' member
ship oj' tlH' ChUlctl. Tile Bishop a.k,d that Bin'l Bptt:; '\\'11>t'll'l',
wh" had previClllsly jt iw-d th' Chlll'l! 1, . Lalld W1eh them,
Ordination Service. A clillll ' llg-ing mess:lge wa,: br(lu"hl til tl
C( nt'er OC' by Spring
"', llsing fI r hi tl'X D'llt 'onr ::i: 2
the 'people o(!Ptbel', nnd wnmt'n. 'llll' chiluren, and
th\ '<tran 'eI' that Wlthlll [Il l g lhn. fh( Illay h llI, rtf!
tbey may leal'n. and r oar the> L'll'd yuur Goel. and ObRl'T\'f.! til
do all the \\01'<1<: of law." \t the co Icln!'1ion of till ' t'1'I11(IO,
Lokonga Micbel. Um'Okokll hursha Pierrl!. Wemba Vunj..I"U
Amamlus. having b 'en "lec:Led hy Con Ceren\: '. wet(
(J1'Iillineu deacuns by Bishop Swinger.
lmlUl.!(hateiy follm\ ing till.! ordination of neaCllnS, r-imhulu
and Ngnndjolo Mt)se. havin),.':' been elected elder:: hy th l'Pl1CI '
\\ er' ordained elders by Bishop Springer. who \\'a as:-:l'Led I y H.
P. Ank 1', H, '1'. Wheelel' . A.J, Rid. W. De Rllitl:!r and M, W, II.
John M. Springc:r
lnmall U. Towlls! 'J'
This to (ertify (lint all l nday, July fifth, nitl teen '
hundred forty-two. in the Lambufh Mt n orial Churl h at
Wemha Nyama, Belgian C ngo I ordaiTH!.d flea ons: Lollo
/lga Michel. Um'Oknl.'o .1l-farcus. Shutslw Pierre. 'W(>mba
Kungu Ama.ndu.<:.
A. nd thai atthe same time and place. a si:.:t 'd y Elders,
'01'dailled Elders: Kimbultt Charles. NgandJolo _"'lose.
blameless in .theil' life and official
3, Wha P eachers hay died during the ye r'?
10 11\
... Who at' discontinu( d?
'un an I lh' b II 'dictio was prOD(m nc d
Con f renee lo cr.ll' .
\\ a: adj urnec,
.John M. prin er
P" :idf'll t;
Inml n U. Townsl \'
tl at on unday duly fifth, nin teen
ill th Lambuth Mw arial hur It CAl
'an Congo, lordaillf'CIDpQ ons: 1ok -
jY1arcllB. huts! a Pierre.
S of the District uperintendenls as to
ithin their Districts?
blameless . n their and official
died during the 'ear?
Tn 1 oi J ani.
G. 'Vho are lucatcd'/
No one.
6, Who hnv withdrawn or b en expelled?
N on.
7. Who are lran 'f<'rrcd to otl e Conference?
Nil (1n
. "ho are sup rnumcl'ary?
No one.
9. Who are retired?
'0 n..
10. Who are gl'3nt'd abbati!:ul Leav '!
No on .
11. Who are admitted 011 lriul?
1'a Luhu 8 -\.\JPle. Dende ,J rome, juju .\iberl. Iljun Pi'r
12. Who are readmitted?
No ..me'.
13. \ 'ho are recei ed from oth r Churche 8.l; Tra.... eling I'r h
No ne.
I , Who are r cei"ed tran r frum uth ' Conf 'encls?
Who have completed their tudies
(n) Of thl! fir"1tL year?
Otol'o Pi rre. Lnl Lnl,nrl Iju .31 !.Uil. I.undllia
(b) Of the s coml ...:
N 011(;0.
of the th'rd year'!
Ngaudemerna LUllliOlbi Andre. Lultalil 1 , L l'
tnLlmha .Ierome.
(d) Of the year'!
Killlbulu b'rle!'\, Ngan jel hul'l1 .lu ph. LUI', TIl
16. Who have b en continu 'c1
In) In tlleir studi'8 of lih fir t year'!
:ioUlli 7 .. '1"1
lambad.ose.l HsongoBasLl. hlUlgU Jo.. lph, lk;... hI I an) eic,
III unga Piel're. Alph.m. " L0di Michel, U
Piu:;. '1'-1 Lulllltn Abele. DClHle J ln1. Djulu Allpfl. DIU
nga Pi rr'.
<b) In their f;tudies of the s cond' 1"/
'munu Andre, Eleml Pi 1'1 GkindiI alliu. Lu lalfl Andr '.
Umullluu Andre kita 1 iumi PICfI'. Kiny' ml)a Paulu,
sJl'tumba Otnko PiPIT, LukacH .Jakoila, LlIl'all Iiu
t.L c.1Pre c cu. ave
'I Pi rr Wcmuu
nrljolo Mo::.e,
rge r' ttl "ng
l )J 111C I.oea1 Pre 'our e of ::; 'd. ?
Nt II "
2 Ar hI" ce t d UPI Jy Pa,lol blnn et s in tl j" ii"
and official admini l1': HOI .

:'3. What Preach 1'8 oming from u her ,hurch with recom
mendation from th Vi 'trictConference or arterly Confer
en 'e ha\'e had their Ora , r co "nizetl os L'lcal Dencons or
L ) 'at FAder.?
N '1 ,
2 .
'J ,

C ri' taking
11 eil' lif
orIn n1
of the Conf, rene fro ur r?
of th Sa ' 't.ic;a ?
o' l
o'th Cnfr{,ll'cb'be!
Pl)h"d h .
::;upp i:rl
. uJJpli
II prl:d i
1 in r Di
Kat h
I\iteng .1' 'andu
l"omb komb llppJieti by
Luber 1
Ukjlldj Paulu
.1ing:1 Slatir n
Pa 'tor
hildr 'n' Work in Mi slon Villa T'
Ml.. H. T. Whe 1
I tel' January 19.(3)
Mr, K H. LO\'E.-I!
Girl ' HI Jl1 '
1\'11' . . f. '1'. Whe ,I .,'
H"spitlil. Lep I' Col I1Y und
Dh'!tI'tor or 'ul"a
nil 1 OJ', )(.
{'hi 01.. :
& \\'lIl11un'"
Myl'U Zic r'l)::;c
( A fle r J:l ntH) J'y UJJ!1)
E. H Lc) 'ELJJ
W lrnan' W rl in j\Ij' inYl
Village Ml'S, 11. T. V\' Ie 1'1'
(A l r .January LUt:3)
1\11':. H. Lovell
Uh Jiumi Pierr.'
Onn Ka!';ong'(l
Suppli d
O:snng(, Ndju
Supplied hy
o Hngot Paulu
Shu hl'1
ViIlY::llll PUIII, !
T !tel'o Sui n by
O'in a 'Im\' ,Ie
U 'ita Nd'ka Suppli'd by
On' Ud Inga F.'aneo;.'
t dinga
Stlppll d 1 r
Adirli 'Illa Puulu
! kit' kunda
SlIpplie I hy Un a Eliyn
. Tunda - r atako- ruml e District
Sup lin emlIIL A. J, I EID
I l!o1tri 't Woman's WOl'k Mr'. A. ,1. Reid
Di ict EVallg('li;;1 LUHATA DAl YELE
Circui SH KU ,J I -EPII
Hiuti Tu b supplied
Kahudi SuPVlil:tl by Lukala Alphor..'
Kalonda Mudilll hi J\111f1 '
ri1nngnlanga l' aSOll t) 1: i I
I inlbi AHUl
l'iLnmbala Urnl nn lldre
Lufunguta \VE?1BA K N()
Lupanu Usu gu Pit,
Lutull uln NGEI..E A JAKOB!
MudiTllhi Supplied by Ta PuLu ilas
! Diku!u Thomas
1] lRhu Ii
"'upplil'd by
in 1i. IOn illRg'

lQrt\ and
LuhRtu Andr
LU. n lVIDA J )';RO)I E
J lundala Inert
Ukindi Prlulu
Mr,... - . T. \ '11 'l'ler
Mr." I" H. VI\ ell
Mr , H. '1. Whe 1'1
Ruth O"I'oole
\ illage
uppJi d h,
SUI pliL'd hy
Sup Iit!d !",
SUPl !it'd I y
uppll'd \'
up]Jli J by
'U}JpJied by
I'::!( n!;o
'(ljadi Oleka
Lolli 1 II c!
r Ih" 01 nga
EI mb J i'rr'
P n Sllla SuppJied by Yaullclu 1 ntllin .
fun,la Station
Swtion hsirmall \ ,B. Le\ is
Pn.;tor .Joalli
'irb' Home ;'vIr.'. A. J. R . I
H05pilal & Lep r Colony \\'. It Lewt.
1 il't!ctor of Nurs(>s . Mary E. MOl'
lndustrial 'Work until t.h . }durn. r
H. C. Ayres A ,J. I{EU)
ursery i\1l'S. \ . B. L . wi,..
'lalion &, Regional S b loIs Annit' Laura Win fl' y
IJmeunga Suppli '11 hy 011 U 'umba Adolph
Ulshwli OJ k1mya P"lulu
LJVl1ll ..';lI
LUlldula Dany .[ >
Wembo 'Yllma Disu'icl
Sup int ndent 1\1. W. LOVELL
t W man's Work Mr., M. W. L'n "II
E1111lngll '. Ilpplied by Ukitana Pallill
Bsamungun N Ijali AUg't1:-.l
r nko Lomami LlIkndi .Jakoh.\
Lukandju .J. kuhn .
uppJi 'd by PutiiC'nla ,Joseph
m rna
LClng-engo ivlat -'U
Ot13 Dil'OIldo
:5l1PI,li 1 I by Luhata .10: ni
.'hungu TTk li Suppli ,I lw Nd.iovu Pault!
Talllbula All Ie
Lk:lI1djalulm SlHITSHA P1ERRE
Den,1 .r l' m
l ki
Wembo 'yama :Latino j
'tation Chairman H,P. ANKEH
Pastor LambllUl .1emorial
& Ho pital Chap I KI. mULU CHARLES
De; n of Women J. Irs. If. P. Anker
Girl' Hum Lor na Kel1\!
bids' 1 White
Supcrint urlene Mar' L<lIlg Hospit<ll . P. M. helfey
SupC'Tintellllcot oi NUl's R arv For man
Industrial & Building Work Eo B.
, 'ursery Mrs. C. P. M. Sheffey
Printing and Puhlicati'Jn.'
E. B. 'till: .
Trinity Bible School
Director H.P.. NKER
Teach l' Mr . II. P. An"er
Teacher MJ' . E. H. Sli iz
1 each r Lnl'ena 1(e ll,\
l c, tl al chao!
DJI(>clol' 1. U. 'f( WN'LEY
T >acher' Annin ,Re Whi te
Tt!al hpj' LorenH I elly
'l'eacht!r Ml'>i. 1. U, Tf)Wn le\'
Regiunal Supel'\'isl r L( I' 'Tlll Kllly .
Lalion Scboul, Director Anninme Whit
W man' 'chool Mrs. H. I. Anker'
WIHnafl :0; Viork in Missi.m 1.11'8. b. R 'l'!Z
Special Appointments
Loaned til
en 1'111 'chonl for hulf
a year
E. H. Lt )VELL
Mr:-. b. H. Lov If
Bu'lding JI. '1.
DiI' dOl of Transport H. 1. WHEELER
(After Jt nuary 194'1) E. H. UNELL
Left without appomtmtnt to
one of our :-leho ,'haumba Pill"re
"l' spondent for ,Ol i gO Mission
New Mrs C. P.. 1. Phplfl'Y
"orre pnnrIent: for 'angile en Afriqul' Lr f('11tl fl y
("'1 respondent for 'outh Afrl "In Advocal E. B. Still:
C Te. ponch nt r Ot' Wl)rlJ Outlouk A. .J HElD
(ouncillor::! fur C. P. C. E. II. L()VELT , L. Kelly
Repl' sentaU\ E. B. Stilz .
1 of the Missi'Jn I . U. TOWNSLEY
. IiSR1<mal'1eS on Fu It u.. W. S, HUlrhlett, }1rs. W. S. Hughlett, J.
H. Maw, Mr.'. J. H. M'H', H. , AYRES, Mrs. H. C. J. J.
DAVr. IVIrs, .J. J. Ua\'i , C. W. eH \PPELL. Domthy Rees, EtliU,
.1artin, Norene Robk n, l alh l'me P'lrham.
lCnpita.ls Indicate Conference Member:;).
n For mall
E. r:. Stitz
Mrs. C. P. !\l . Shetfev
'E. B. 'ti1z .
i\f rl). H. P. An er
Mr . E. B.
LIII' na I{ II)
r. e.
Amlin ne While
LorerHl I"eJ!\'
1. U.
Lol'llua Kel!.,'
Alloinlra Whi
Mrs. H . .P. Ankel
Villa e 1I's. E. H. .'tilz
Eo H. Lc )VELL
lr . F. H. Lovell
,. M.r: C. P. M, ,h"ifc,
I" 'nng-lle . n V' rena Kdlv .
th Auj 'an drocat 1 E. H. Stilz
J Gud Ilk A .J REID
E. H. J ()VELI. L. K IIv
E. B.
: W. S. Hughlett, 11' . W. '. Hughlell J
H. C, Anms, Mr . H. C. Ayre., J.' J:
\ 1., C. W: CHAPPELL Dor.,thy Rees. Edith
n, u h nne Par/lallI,
lnriicrttf! Conference l'Vlt mbers) .
I CPOl't o. t
Yo}: year June 30, 1942
This annual rt caoll t be 3: I'Ppl"l with victori :- and .lll'
Cl5SP a. on I would onhll'a Iv Wiln tll Ill< k' al til <'n<l f th 'on
r YI'ar. There bay bl i.:n Yiclol'I(,S as well v..; SI)CCt'SSP.. hut ,
b'CUIl!';t' of RO few missioliHLY \ orh.!r , strength TId lim hav
llcnllitt..:d us t.o ! ro!"pt!l the work which three fnmiljp. and Wil
C'hritltian Srvi 'e r organized and carl'led I n II 'r 't f')re.
It a incel'e hock that /)111' wurk(.!l in lit homeland \II re not
. h1 'l return and h Ip a" wa." hou ,.ht III he a CI' ainry lasL t'( n
ft r 'lice inth 'y wert> nntabl,' to I'cturn bt'calls('> of war cOllditiolt.
;\li s Zicaff'ose. ailJ Mrs. a1ld r ha\ (I carl'ied on.
Evangelistic Df'pal'tment
WI!. have n I' juiced til 'hll\ s( m' f th... Til e; 'II l'
Lo carl'S on wpll m shollidering" added r 'SPO!l. ibiliti,'s. In ClDl'
11' p'ets a <:.hol'l.ag- of p l'snnnE'1 may c:lIt. l' u: to give I ur
morf' j'espollsibilities and thereb' lrain tliem mot' quickly for the
lrllligpuous Church which is . nd l11Juld iJe our goal. \\ haw fou
pl'each I'S in full conrlecti{'n and d ply appreciate th it' he1 J and
interest as tht'y have CO"dl\CI .. j t lem elv"s must w.,rthily. OUl' [our
men on trial an I ten u)ca1 Pre<tch 'I'S clluld Ita',' done wor:e consirJ
'ring th III agpr !lup'l'vision which th;.>,Y lJa\'e received from !h
lJi . lriet "'unerintenciellt. We W"'l'(' fqrcerl to ITil'iol1lUnw' twu of tll('m
fll!' lhc present bllt trust and Imy that th 'y m<t\' find their wav hnck
to G d and the minh:H1Y. OUt' ".-},Ol'lt:IS, ei rhteell in nllmb 1'. vlln:lrt'
rving chal'g s hav hpt'n f.drly faith I 11 tnll \\ I ulJ Ita \'1 don he r
with CIOSH SUI l'vbi(Jn Hntl m(li" 11 Ip in til 11' W()1'k.
We are ra her proud of tlw f'l t that 11 halt' ot' lh gl'( !iu' lin ..
cl s ill the Mission S -hunl this y( Ut' wert' from Olll' di:u'il'l.
W have several more fin> bny:-; in n;lining 'We b liev(l, thaI
thp\' have wha.t. it. III \- 11 imineu Spil'it-fiIJeu
preachel's and arc on (If th rnot urg'"'l1t Ill' our Q\;'ed:,
Ow' naHve 3;;sistallt j)istri't SUllH'lId.eml nt gl'l'nl neer! 1)('
hl'lp in making the round' . nel 11: Ihe re..:pel't anu clmfidenc of LIIL'
group as a wllCJle, T11 LriiluLe Illuch or the SUCCI:S which bas 11 'en
ible in "ork t.1I his faithruJllc' and wis 'OUIl ,I. Tti.
inter 'sti rlg' LO III 'l(? thal many of our (lutstanding men n:r 11I'paclli ng
1e Go;::p befo 'e "OlDP 01 tlR wen.' called to preach. We take Cllurag'
lilld thank (;od that the Gosp',1 has and doe' 'ork in ciumging
and sU:lainirrg tho. e who commit. lheir aULo Him,
Th Church Schoul and Mi i nary Soci ty work Iw' be n
normal. Mo. l of the have sorieh s alld m t.'l monlh1 but
it will be a long' time 11 ,furl' many fir th'lll l' whnt it is all
ab IlL, They I ave ')lown,11 we, "r. a renlurkubl >inl t in s n in
a large ])ol=ti n of tb it'Offering,; to hl!lp the sU'l.mdedmi:<sion: ill
lower Congo, 1n most place:.; as '0011 a)! th y understand that '(1l111'
of our Pr testallt missiuns are dC!'titllte ot r rud., Ilxcep H8 offering:.
ar given lh rn. cump. fl)l'wm d will Pl'll!'O al lo -ell J a le:.;t fift
per cent of tlwil' moncv in hand to help th til to Live ant.! carry In
their W L'k,
Edurational work
Tn our ::;taLi In cho)l W' ha... e an enrollm ol of t UI' bundr d
alld WO, Si.-ty-si. r the 'e Sl'e ML 'j n Bn ': in I he HOfu'c1ing. ch(lol
an I i 'ly-four of th's aI" in the St! 'oriel egl' School. Tltl y
Wl)l'k alld ",tudy in til> mOl'ning : nd allen!! d S f.'S III tile aHemll II,
,:e, al disllii Red thj,; term becau'-'c of IIttl ' stf'nhng' pahyE'rs,
pt'tlple arl' dl con ,titutpd tliat they do noL (. ,n, iller ,u ,II lllHtt
wrong pr wideLl the wllite Ulan elm',", not fi:ld iL (Jtlt. Tbu:o; II i: \'cry
I".. rd LII teach thes" childr n til really a enn CIl:l1Ce bout \\0'1'011'
de"d -,
'1 hI' girls from Girl . liol1le attl no! "with the boys anI]
villagE: children, A g(lod number art' in th ' II IJ -gorce Sell 1)1. hl!Y
do 1l1.l0U \yOl'k along' with the other. tilU 'II t " S, \' 't'al of I he . malll'r
girls are in the Kinliel'g'arten. Thp n IIPir I .irl" t.:lkf' th 'r turn in
tea 'hing them in the Kil,det'14nrtell School. Th 'I" . r' ai>l)Ul lJlII'tv
I iny tilt: In th'" Kindergnrl.. n alld their work alld lIla' al' s Ipen'is
by 1WlJ gil ::'adt \\ eek.
h:'!ve be 11 WOlilen in lll Woman'!; Schuol hen
un .'LaUon, They aLtend li)ur day per week. two fl /r sewing and
I he Ithe)' lwe, for duss work, Wheel'}' ha'" laughl Bible twice
a week while MISs O'Toole has had a in Illidwift'r,\' wllh tho.e
who had I,een in .(.'Ii(lll aL one tel'ln, Tb - n '\v 1111 had a cl
In th 'ar ot' their hun "R aud chik!rt"n by Ytlla who:, olle oj th
l!raduate nllrse',
Six of our p:l' 'ed th e.xanlinalll)ll:" for Bihle
and NOl'mid lTI'ungu Lua. frolll II, 'irI:,,' HO!!l!:'
finish 'd the 1I U 'gore' !::khool and expects III go I'll t\/ \VeliILJo Nya
JJ1a n ,'I; te rill ,
J egilll1al S -hools till continu-_ witll ltilth f'1Il'ullments. Th-,
have luul but lillie help l'r<\111 lhe Supervi or the pr.st six IDOIllh".
The teachers n 'eJ help but 'all manag_ l() gel ulollg \'cry well by
1..h ll1selves. Tlpre wcre twenly-lwll boy who Catlle in from Lhe
He 'ioDal Schools to hu\'e e,'unllnntion' \\-1lb our childn:n here for
l'ntranc inl!) the 1r Dt1-,'1'f'e . cbool. ThiS means Lhat they huv
clJlJlplet II two ye:ns r study ill their own
Th . women still att nd the schooL when in the Regional
'chool cent'rf;, Th 'ii' l'equire l\lu.:h of their lime out we feel
,h( .. \'er. a I' tI lUrkaIII illtei":"L ill n fin T
ffering: to h I" [I!, u'and d ill ll.'
acp,' a soon lh(,v understand that ,('Ill
",. dE'fltitutc of funds. except a, offering
I,)}, vLlrcl with n Pl'opo:oal to semi at len ,t tilt
ill hand to help th III to live ami canyon
hm e
that the effort mad!.! to h III th n I, 1Il',,,,t ""rtrl hwhill'
Industrial work
During-thenn.;tpart(,f IrwY"clr\\ccllTIlinll(,d wiLh lhe nn'Ir1.l'lh 11
of th Christia.n Wt>rkd'" Ilo.. p il t.o enmp' [ivll ,'(IVP for a
few mall matte!'s \\'hieh 'oldd not IlC, fini htld flll'lack arm lterial.,
1 h iirsL or April we be "an hac nsc!' Icrinn of :.- r18' Hom' Plrmt,
Thi plan calls fOl' ,>Icvl'n brick bll ilclings, Five baH! b.,,,n c(lmpl"j ((i
and t Ii ,ugh brick lOW!'" to pr,ct at Il'a:t more, Fol' III P'l,'t r w
mull we havt' 1I0l heen able t(l the actual ('on. trw,'LiflO IIf
bl fnr the lack III' tilt' nec' sity oj' takingcare r
r pair and many other Il"cessary jub!:!,
During th' hst few wet!k' \' . hav built:t tw nty-tive foot hf-!!l
h ',I'er in lh, oj' the '()mp lllnd which adds to the
appeaJ'l1nc" of the I Lion as a whu:c. rr mean;; abu rhat thl
hell hi heard much b llf'r Hnd i'al'tllPl' (han II naL
W' have al 0 buill kit ,hen and magaz'lie for rhl' old brito!, rf':i<i
ell" which Rud. to it" COTlVPnlcncc ;1Tl I cl,mfOl'l.
Transport Department
The Tran, port D 'pal'tment hU!l c'lrried out l'('gular thl \\ t (+l4
'hl'dule to Lusamuo und '<teh Ill' lht! nthe,' ,ns '"V >
W hu\' mnde many inl I'm diAry or 'pedal trip::. to Lu,-amho I h .
t,lrgo hus be<>n \ l'ry heavy du,.in!! lhe year.
Both our 1!);15 and 1!13 !nO lei ll'IICk: at bey ntl the av rag
limit and Iln\'c cost lJR:-ln unusllaL -urn !o!'eep the-Ill in repair.,
It will m(j!'t C rlainlv bt' lU 0111' advant gt' and fillflnClal intC'!'e t to,
,p!nt:'how or other. fi"1rl mOll' to buy, llew truck, The aver:lge !ir ..
of a lnH:k ovr.r the LUS3mhn hill: al' JUod thil ly-lh'e U:ou and mil .'
alld our Of st truck haS mude more than sixly kill In leI','.
During he yenr we hun' trail::; orted ,'i:dy t(}n' Ilf ,uilding
and personnl from Lu. ,1Illbn,
The oIeI trllck \\8:-; U:-I d n!ry t:'Xlen,-IVI ly for "lC. 111l11-po:es, ,'uch :l:-l
hauling brick. water. and "lc. 1'0(' (lUI' building program but sinl'1"'
upkel'p has 81) 'nsi\' \'.'l' linv,- (liscontil1t1l'(' hs 11'(' I'lIr
such purposes and Hr(' ing 10 do the work hy hand 11'Ut'k,
ledical Department
The Medical vVork huth ill thll GCI1 ral Hospital It ,d Ll'pt'r C(llony
bas beell C'U'l'ieJ on by o'lr nllrse n! native h tper3, Til" w 1'1 h}'
h en ntil'cly tl)(, milch but they h ''Ie carded I)n bravt:ly and weU. W
hnve had an epid Illic of 1111': ntile ParniY"l' and mallY other'l'
pid 'mics bu our medical staIr ha e. in most cases, been able III COP'
with henl.
The L p'r olnny ha built a new burnt schuoi pluut for til .
1 P ,. !':cho 1 I.:hildren. They arl' to he giv 'n sam ellucat i nIl
UppOi LtInltiefi a!'; those who are mure fort unate than they
Th head man at lhe Lep r Colony Scnga still on the job and
as fine as ever. It is mo" Ponc lll'sgi ng to have men like him nnc
some (If hI' \\ ho kn w the Lord and live lllle e ll istian liv s. I L'
'uch as th . who are ''The salt of the earth."
H. T.\Vh{ cl r
Report No. 2
Annual Report of Loc1jll Distrkt
For Year Ending June 30,19 .2
We want tu prai e God [01 the blessillg.;; H h as given
another y 'ur's labor in this neerly land.
The DisLl'ict Confertmce held in 1 \\ ... " of much h Ip tc
th Pl" aeller III giving Uwm aims f or ttl -II" \ 'ork, <lOd n SPIlse ui
rCilp0l1 81uility luI' the sti D unreached of this iarg'c Distritt.
The following a im::: se:t by the Cont'erlnc 1"0
' I li t: WI)1] ' of t he neW
.vear are alt'eady )earing fru it:
1. Preacbers must pray and 'carch lor . !JUlt!! tli en who will gi v!'
to t he mmi:; tn ,
i. Each preacher old l \\" IIr muT,' re\'j va Is till'
:.t An incr'ase inchul'ch l1Iembers abOH th,ILuf previ Dus year.
t A large in 'tea. e in offering' . ,0\ l it w plan for rt'cui di l!!!
Offel'1I1g"s was introdllced. )
fi, ches and Illust be k"pt ill r pair alld bUlU
filll'tl as Illllch f )
f'. A preachpl' \\ ho is moved mu;;t leaH! a good garden f01' h iS
I . t prL"wlwl' noL g I about 'arily 01' l eave hi
village without from his sliperintendent.
Th Native Chl llCh otfprings of21l79U. 1.0, show an iner as
f) f :1741 /I\.er last year. The 21(l mnrl lberi; recelv'd inl t he
d mrch ho'",,", a good increase even thOUgll no more worn n iii polyg"
ID lU ' art" b 'nJa mitted inw full 1n_lllbership. One urick
chtl l'ch. and twelvt: ut ileI' nt:w chllrch \\'t:re Olllit during t he yeilr,
r great need is more r for unreat:h d villag(.' '.
The work of th District W<J!' c I ned on LIl l With only t Wl,
flill ti me mil';:3lOlt.,ri . Miss Eye had ld1Pavy progrum i loukill g ufter
SIX Tt:gional schQub, dispen::;ary, obstetrical w; rd, o"l!hsl1s, and social
and public health work, The regional sch'JuIs n ow haw 001 !'Ituuents.
Th dispensal'y I.r for U1e year lI umLered 1597 T\' cl vl!
llIaternilycases wcr . cart'd for. and ight orphan abil:s \\ ere clot hed.
fe , and treat ed.
Mr:-l, De Ruit r }lllpf'l'vised the Girls' Home and looked a fter the
Di:trid Woman's 'vVork. Six n'w girls were added to the Hllme and
who /lr mOTt; fortunate than they.
.the L p 'I' Ct'lony.Senga 1 still on til - job and i
I mo. t LO have men like him and
00\:: the Lord and Jive (, u" Christian lives. It is
Thl' salt of the eartli."
H. 1'. del'
Report No. 2
al Repol't of Lodja District
Year Ending .June 30, 1942
. God. Co/' the He has given d ' T
In lhl.: needy land. unng
in I?ecf'mber wa ' f much help to
ng them rum: lor 1/, work, and a 'e of
stiLl unreac:hed mullltlldr's of this tar"" D' h.' t
et by the' f" ,., ISulC .
. ,on el'enc: !1jI' tilP wor k of the I'ew
I'ln r frUi t: '
st and sparch for "len who will giv .
the TUinISU'\'
,holJld hol:l' [WI) III' 1111'1', ' I' '\'I\' a ls dUI'ing rbl'
church Il1emUel" abO\'l' that of pr'-"\'l' O
, ff,' '"-' u. Lar,
. ill 0 'nng. 'A IIfW plan rOl' rt'corditw
111 t 1'00llclo!d. ) ...
ntlt. gu [Ihuut \JIll 'arily 01 leave hili
t pen?1' Ion from his sltpel'llllenrJer t.
01 ,L'rlJ.l
fl'anc:> sh()V\ an e
, .al. The 210 menlb !',j receiv('d ill LO the
11 a e no more women in polyg' _
Ill. 10[.0 fullul mb<ll'.'hip, One bl"c .
h , n \\ church Ii Were b lilt durwi! lh. "
PI' aehel's 1'01' unr achl'd VIII'}' yIMl".
' J '", ",
- rIC' Wa, on tl1 is - . 'I I
1\J"E I e .. 1 WII'1 on y twCJ
1&8 1 yt>. lad a h. a\'y [lJ'ogram in luokillg a fLeT
len ary,. obsletncaJ w:ft'd, ol'phans, and social
r s('h!lols n'JW have lOtH stnden L'
ments t01' th. :. ear /I umbered 1597.
01'. and eIght ol'phan were L!lothed.
1'\ the flame and looked after the
, IX new J!U'1 weI' > added to the Home and
.; \'era] other!'; \wr turner! away U II ' lack of buiJdilWS, W
hope soon to be ubi 10 be'gin work on lhf' ne:v p'rmaoent hom "
('bid hutsha offered us 3.11ditionn! land for this hoffi' _ and f, r garlil')I!';
for I he girl. . I
'fhe report for the Woman's Wo k :-;bt)wg LI at lile nUllIl CJ' 0, So
Cl II in('reu!'1ed thi: \ from 12 10 -9, Th :n:t 1;' franc in
offel'ings for ti l year' n-um til, 'r is lIol illdudt>rl in th
r gular chur 'b off ring' ind i.. bel '11{ fill' War Reli . \ TlII-k.
The building program \ 'as b'mporarily ::suspended last Y'aT h 'cau . ,
of [he 10 S flf mone\ ill Bei"ltlll1. \NlIl;'n we were that this
muney would be replaced, work was ag'lill resumed, '1 n W 'ouncil
Home no\\ well U li d "I' way a 1d w(' exnec t tn have j t; com pI >ted
bt!fol' til J 'ml of thi year, Tili' npw home rs being roofed w'th
liorE' - 'f.'ment <;hillgle which ar 1.)11 Lu lja ";lalioll .
Two Camp Meetmgs were hpl,t in May ann Juno> or thisYE!ar, The
Lodja mepti ng was one of the be" t c\ tr held ill this Di, trier. 'vV' hav,
been e ncourag-ed b\' the fuith alld of , 1111' C(II1Vt-'rt.' in lhi"
Di. trid,
Will, I n lit 'r
R('I ort 0 ,:1
Annual Report of Tunda lJi trict for the Y,'ar
Endint{ ;10 1942
f1'l1m t'ud()ugil Hftcr 8'lmC \l'nr time rlel::] '5, we WI" ('
to til TUl1dn dislrict. bl l'omplpte the t. 'l'm or Mr. [Jav;:,
wh went 1)11 fUrl011 Th III l!"rlv Mnrch, Wilh 1-", than (nur OJ nth'
lill conference tinlt", we were we cuuld not. do much hul Yo'
ha\:e tried to give (lllr:f;! 1 "s us be"t Wt' km'" hllw v the t . ,,1'
HiH Chul' 'h,
\Ve visited the t\\ ntY-fil'v.'n vdlag ':; of thi" district twice and
found most f the churcli : rllctUl'f'!-l in very good clmditlOn. indi
call1lg our predeC FSOl' had nmch lilH' in hard manllallabur
III rbi, very impol'tant p of I) P' (lutviIlag .. \\ nrk. But a:.; \' , tJ'a "
ded over the district w fountJ church builclinJ.'t in many villll<-,l2"
wherl! Lhere were no prl"acher..... We felt that the greatest Immt,tiale
need was l:l. Sf il'ituAl qui 'k ning amllng the- people .mrl the creaLion
of an illlpellinj!' among them L advance His cause (lII lhe
distrlcl, 't r one rourld of vi il,ltion on the district.
."t' call r( our pre<ichers lo unite with our Village people in a sel'i ','
of pn:!-Ea"'lel' rev!' a l s rvices in the beall li lll Rtation church, OUI'
l1.i",sional' i e manifesU:'d a he:mtit'ul and helpft'l spirit of coup n,
Many of nul' wel" graclollsly b lel'lseu abo It lhe altar of th
ellUl'ch und professed new <lUegial ce 1Il Chr.sl. upnn whi 'h JlrofeFsi n'
w hapti" d 1. adlllt... and o"bi(", 0 II 'r rru'! burnt! from tho
reviyal was while l>re' ntlng the call tn tht' Chr'istian Ministry 80m
Ii:; sLudents and 'Ii!lag.:rs b( m'd thL' DivlIlt' 'nil and COli. ('('rnt d
themselves to tll1l' huly task. We orgunlzpd t Ili'l1l if. I) h pr Hcll l;"
band anrl met \" ith them on 1vlonda ' e\ ening for "1' 'cal [J]l'uelrillg
alHl pr: bE; ;- 'r I hav ne\ el ' (1m nd 'ueh a I.!TOUIJ (If fin' yt U g
III n clearly t " tifYin:! to f he calt til th ?\I i Iii I ry. In a i'nl1I)W-W
',Imp, ign pi l'ersonal W(,' k. J callp-d e: cl <If our E.:siflTl bovs un
glrisof the htH einlo my (lmc' an dl-all wilh thm pel so' ,ally, Dur.
tb(\se conI. rences were I'ought ttl :(." : lid th
problems an 1 uel,ds of the YOllth pa"sing' lhNlrgh llti. pla:::'lic p '1'; )
lIt ",('hl}1I1 life. fi ll slioned hem 'oncernlng t'1cir failh ill 'hri,t
and their conviction'" of lhe majol' isslJes 01 I hI' Chl'i. LiRn Churc11
in Afri Ctl , As we df;l:I ll with Imf ,il age peoplp. w . felt t!ley W'I'C IIi!
bearing bl1rden i 0 the pr('lpag-aLion ,.1' the gd 'P I nrnon)!
th ,jr pt'opl'. WI;; hegan preaching on titbing, folJ.. in IIp S I'\'
i 'C, ' wilh aD t.'V )" In '!lib!:'!' pLt'dg III wh,f'lt!w 'pr,d hllndl'c I
made ple<lges ranging 1['om Lht! small slurl"n\r.:' of 1 tu
rntncs b the village men' pledges ruullin ' II '(;.'1' 100 fl':1nc', As a
dir' ,t IIuttllme thl ql1art'r a big jnne,.,' !;! I\\'(ll' quarter
llnd thi!' onfel'enl'eyear of 11 month s hows 1.1 tnne in('rea I!
on-r pn, t year.
Believing that ill\! only way t.o pr0pa.g-ute the (..lith <lui
build up Lhe w0rk in t'very sphf'r of inJiuence and SI'1' ice is hy r(',
deemed indivilluals going' out ttl tell ut hers the stfll',) , :,' hRS been Our
cllstom fur Lhese many YP.il l i n ongo, we plan lied on cI
silig out
the year with a Camp Me ti ng, cnmps we
have been !lble t(l illten-''''t many In Lhe claim of the Chl'islI<1n reli
t':lnn wh,) wfluld othl'nvise 1'( main unreachcd. We have been able Ll
: ee the cause of hrist aovsnceo int.o theou! villnge
SC I ilistr... ..
needful "f the blps, ings of the church, WI. h H'l' ,-(:Pl ! O'lr faitilJul
pl'cHrhers t.ncoul'aged in th i!' tasks as UJI'y l'itlW uthers 'nli, t in
'hrist's et\'iee.
Our viJ1ug p 'llpl', (,ur our' , tlJr\\-'nt",. nr! nul' Missi lnlt
ri 's g:l \ . such syrn!1alilelic and wholt! heHl' t' f s 'I'port to the undel'
taking thal the plan!; r r il as wdl !.' t I.pil PI'I,: 'clIli. n
l'Clmpnrative1yea y, 011 men ltnd l\Ii"8ion Hoy: qave i lluch
f1' timt! and 1,bar in d .... aring lh.. sit:>. tid in lhe construclion pfthe
tdbflmnc1e. Simply const l' uctt'd gra::-. thatelwd 'Ind walled
homes appeared II a)'ullt the sf'mi-circu1ar caJllp June ::l to I,!,
at the v ry beginning of Lbe dry se:.son not a ingle rain fell lQ
interrupt UI' sen ices unu 'Nt! found it th. warmest time of th yea!'
f)r an uutc\1 or m ling, The C'I'(.wds, ranging from 275 for the ti a,m.
:,wrvil" to il' 011 t ISO a \ Httendancc [0/ the ollwl' thl' I' (lail'
fl" b ,bie. OllH'r fruit bOl'ne frilm the
g he cldl to til> Christian Minisll'\" som!.!
It 'ard thl:' Divin(' call anr!
k. \V organized lhl rn into a PI'
II I Monday t'\'elli 19'. f(lr. p -cial preaching
fnlluci .;u 'h a IoH'(}UII of fin yl ung
h' call tot th rlli. lry. In .. flll!fl\V-UP
1 callr!d l' eh ,,1' Ilur u.;siull IJo\'8 lmd
.In I dt-a] t \\ Ilh them J.l I SOl ally. Dur
bl"<)ught tu SI'" ;JIld tilld rsLtl Id th
y) Ith pa'lHinl!' tlll'OIl this pIa, til.! p"rl(ld
'(/ lh rn COllcernlng (rlei!' failb il, 11I'i'l
lnajOl' is. Ill!": of I he Christian Chul'clt
,lUI' \ il age people We they were I O[
lh JlI'opagatil)n (1 r the g,)'p,'1 HllIllnl{
10 ti IlIll?" Ii 1I.,\ in T liP s'rv
eampuign I 1 whWII 'f ('r,t! hund!' \d
t ht- small l W It'n t .. ' Il f 1
pI dg('s running uvc 1/10 fhlD ',', A' a
.'r,ow, a big incre;:. e uve' la.;t I}Ulli r
11 months shows II tnlnc iner asc
t" propagate L1w Chri. tie n J aith lWei
of il1f:1u 'nee aId I'n'ice is hy rp.
I to Lit' 't. II'Y, :t:'i has heen Our
<lIlgo, W(' planned on ell sing Clot
jIcetrng-. ThrougJl tltc;-;e- camps w,
ny in chI> claim or tbe Chl'lSJlatl r li
, II lreache I. \V have been able to
I,d intf) the nul i1luJe-l ,'(1 1 i..:tr"'.'sin 'I
e ,'hoTch, WI' h'I:' 'e 11 0 It faith ft;l
Lasl's as tJwy uthers enli. tin
foUl studE'ot..; and Olll' !\:lissi IOa
whrJlc h"'al'l' I lIl'P tot tu the und 1'
liS wdl I hPj!, PIO,''' II Li 'n
n1pn and l'\il':,,;jnl1 goa e mud,
th and in the cun lr'.lclion ofth,
lilotclwd lInd grH.S w:,lIed
pmidrcular calilp site, June::; to 1 ,
Ie dry se; "lin nol a ing-h.l rain fell tu
f, und it Lh,' WClrtuest time of thl year
Il>wds, ranginj? from '2.7'5 for the ti a.m.
alt nrlcl1lc(' for the olher thn.'C' daily
ki IlJmerJ'es,
"'fbe group of over ninety Mission HI YR are on the \'hole a
l:oupel'ative aml lJbedient group, At the cbse of a serle. I r PI'
m .. lings abo\] t 59 liwir pl1rpo>,,, to lwcome pl-e::.!
Onc!.' each week from tl,al time on, Lhi:; ' L' udeul Vdlunte! I,J
mel for mutual strengthening under tIlt-' (IiI' l"iun uf Mr. RE'it!, Grrt
I'll I appreciation is extended to Mr. R_id fO!' hi:, 1'1 r.,onll l inll rpst
each one of th e :tuJent ,
' Vudng- thp yparone n \\. l" ginnal Hch"'JI \\1 ., ..;l n rl! d and anul
was 'lo:cd. Thus the numher' of schools t"!'muin" tlH' s.;me, but
t. /tflll'lIrollm nt largel. Wht'n two Normal. eft' 111 gm lLlLtlt S
lhe rank of lhe !'('gruna! 'chfJollt:at!her', fnl l r le',wi! W\'l" g'lll
fa' the wife of each nne is w<. II qualified til teB'1l and i.: dOIng
ti me \\01', in the class mom not (IDly willi till' women ann gi
hut in tIl" othe! cIas. e as well In mo't (,' I-V"; lhe sttJdt;nts
hu\'p ent t'ed the second dpgr" ticlwul em the sl.
im.! havt
r ruved l' lip vet' stn'lIg studellt '. ,.
Th J!irl' hump wilh it!'> .ixty-lhl"ee !fads bt:pn ,
dl d through tlw:>e years by Iills Pal'ham, \\ Ill! f"r hAr urI
ulIl a few befnr-e cOnfel' nee, Lo UUI' pe 'on.ll c nv 'l'.:ia
with each inwviuual J,!irJ, w fou;Hl that m .tiL )f th 1lI had com
know 'bn:! per.'onallya,' theIr SavJour, Thl'ough their ctlnlucts
l hE' missinn and lhir trail Lhey had been Ilr IUl-{hr. to abhor I
,in uf flolygam.v in whkh llIoSt nf them \\ ere I,orn and real' d.
pledged ant'''' never to (Inter into a poh'gamflUs niB
1'b,. fact that /lot a jng-Ie girl gradu; tiog from t home has
!t'!arriag vows be;-;peaks the tar-reaching influence of the life
la lors or the one who ha:::; g1\ en so freely of h('I'B .-If and h r
'1) thew Ifareol"thegil'lhuud anu womanhood uj thi;>.j'otl.
Thl:! olCdinu work ha. in lh . I:tl)s,'nce of Dr. Luwi bt'en arril.'d
b) Mis' With his retul'o lIwy have gone tOl"l\'ard in lrul:J
:pllerf! of Christian service. With their well trained corps of m
aSsl-tant., Dr. and Mrs. Lewis and Miss Moore have been brin",
healing help to those in !.his "Open Bore of the iVorld". Render
these ministT tions of mercy in thl:l name of Christ, the Great P
sieian, they have gained access no dou bt to souls otherwise
cessible. In the daily ervices conducted in the ho pital
many hear for the first time Lhe GO."3pel message, and
ar well return to their village!'! to tell others the story. Dr.
hus this to say about the medical work:
"As is usu lly the ase when the doctor goes on furlough.
was a decline in the admissions to the hospital for the last
quarters of 1!l41. Of eOUT. e th r'" Will;' no l")J>erativt: work done.
ninety ML. ion ilov ar on the '1 1
d' . \\ 10 e a nt,
lent grou[J. At the eLIsE' (,f fi erips o f pr ,r.', t
'Pl' ,. 1 11 . ,.IS er
. s II'lr ro b('come pr " ,;
on lhi' 't d' lH } .
, ' u en tV. ,lunt ' I'}' , gl'I)\lP
I' th rung under I, ... din c ion of 1\
'L n '1 G
d d ' nil 1\.E'll, 1'<' tl '
extcn c to Mr. fill' hi: plr"on II in I ret;l in
t .
Ollt! ntw regionAL SclllHI I \VR-< ' f'd and anvth I'
of .. eho( Is ['I 1I1uin" till s me bu t tl
. "Vllen [wo. 'urtllol . ell' (t! gT'ldll'lt' S J.. 1e
fln<li "chl)ol t a'" < , , ('In I(
e, C lers, Ill( r t"
i t l ' lt"
\\' ('l' '
. . g 'tJ P(
nn.... l ' Wt'll qualifie I til u'RC'h and iQ dOl " f Ii
IlS J'oom, not onlv wit I th. t.\ OIT1lm
sse. n: well. In IIIU ' 1 c[ c t.he SlUuL'nts ;
ntcred the second dE'gn'c 'c/ nul n tl '
I 'Ie ill 1
I j very l:ltnJIIg l:ltudl>rIL',..
th it. i:LY-lhl'ee "wl" ha .. btf'n ffi' -;
. b 'I' P ,e len'd han
y 1 I " nrham, \\' 110 IcJft i)1' }If>" 'u 1 h
" , r Dug
e 1n /)ur In1 ro .
r' I' ' 1 lOll
lr, Wt> fourrd hat t f tb II I h J
1 I at COllie tu
"n. t Srl\ioul', their' conln 'I I
lraillin II } 11 < C ,s Wlt 1
g-. ,leY lal )een brought to abhor thp
lleh must uf litem l \eT'e 1I0l nand real'ed I
I1l'vel' t . t . . ,anI
. (l pn m: In til Ii marriage
i-fll! gut graduatmg !'rom rlri$ homl has b k '
I. ') t ch' , 1'0 en
ar-rea' mg mfluence of the I'f ci
I ha" given . 0 fredy 11 1' hCl'selt and l ie an
II I el' menns
.ltlltl and womanhtlClr/ of this I;.nd. .
10 h ab:t'oce of DI'. Le vi, b 'en carri 'd
ruturo lh...y h " gOll e t ol'\\"u'd in tb:i on
ceo \Vith their vell trained oi' s nIt
Lew' d Mi 1\,r 1;' me lea
, an ss .l.Uoore huve been brin 31 "
m thIS Open sor", of the World" R d g, g
mel ' th ' en ermg
'cy m e name of C!1d t, the Great Phv
&.cce s no noubl to HO III otllC"'r.: .'
. ... e lnue
er,Ylces conducteu in the ho.,pital cha el
,tune til GO"pel message, and when the .
111age. to Lell thers the story D Le .y
medIcal wor] : . r. W1S
. when the doctor goes on furlough, t l
t'....uu""'UUl A to the hospi at tor the last
rse there wa.q no operati 'e work..:lo M
II ne, 1 R
Moore carried on Lhe work in an 'cellent manner and kept lip th
morale of the naii 'e . ssistants. They did go Jd vork and are to h
highly commended for th it' loyalty when oth'l's W(;ll'e receiving
suhstantial raises in pay they did not receive such rai e '.
"'::mce my l'etul'n there has been quite a bit of op rating to do as
well a a lal'ge num er of medical caseB to be handled. We have
eve . bed filled, some pali !lis waIting in nea.l'b villages fo th ir
The shortage of some drugs i. It 'ery ke nly, but so r l' \ 'e
hRve been able to make substitutions, Our great problem just now
i. buildings, \Ve have been told byth government thpt they d not
co our buildings to e in -'onditionfor Hospital IlS .
"l'lle Government returned t e thl'ec dispens!lI'ies to our care bUl
theyar sadly in need of supplies. The were
discouraged anu poop1 wel'e not applying for treatment!'! as th(!r'e
was nothing on hand to treat Lhem with.
"The Leper colony l'eceivt! 1 a serious s tback in the behaviour of
t'1e head nur e who has bt!en releas d from our e1'\'i<.'e. His moral
conduct caused quite a letting down in the morals of the h) pital,
but since his deparime we are beginningtu notice. orne impr 'nt,
W. have dismissed three as cnred thiti year, Th American Mi'sion
to L pets sent out a supply of treann t for Lo U as an
l'XpPTiment and thirty hav!' ber' n st"l !Ctcd 0 usc tu xperiment
witll ,"
The Leper Colony gnJup is alway" an int 'resting group to work
with and they are most apprl:'ciative f lind responsive to the appeals
of Ule Gospel. A few days ago I had the pri il ge of baptizing sam
18 preparatory members and r ceiving th 'm into th!' full me mb '1'
, hl P of the church.
WIth a deep sense of gr titud to God for His b'Tacious prov
idential care over us during- a long ocean voyage tl'rrough the AllanLie
during thesf> ten-ibly chaotic war times, and villi appreciation for
Lhe privilege of agl'lin taking up the w::;ks of Christ's kingdom among
th, se b'Teat Otetela pt::'ople whom we hav come to love, we ubmlt
this our first report of our third tenn of Missionary service.
A1t:xancll't' James ReId.
, I
Report '0.4
"1 llAL HEPO TOIl 1 HE W l ~ l mo AM DISTRICT
l'nllOllat fund wh'c 1 , .. s 1 .1'
U 1 " . 1al'eu m by
all Jy nil t 1C I a tOI':; \\ d. 5;2 J : 11 ' ,
"raCl' tllllDnJ( us,
DlU' lng he monl h Ii' .Iun(:' w,, heill Lhre rourc.!uv " 'eli Inal meeling.
with ourcvang li.'t nnd rh ,'r am' <l ') (,ther, in qeD lane,
A 'opy JC Al'thllr' ,. ron UP flf Fir" \\,.1 pit cedin the nand of l!Ver
p1"P uciler.Tll' therwe5lU,hlnn phit of G d
I) the 'oci thAt we might h "('Iollic'! with powm' fTC III on hi Th" for
tl, 'det'pening of our spit'iw I li . '; and fo!' he tn"k of t 'o!ll lheliing
anI I 'nlnl'rring the COIDl1lll11ily f,f heliever.. In each IIf th. VIllage in
",hid. we mel we had "an r li.:lic m witl! alLar 'CI'\ ice . GOlld
r 1111\\'cu the revi al ('lfu1'ls,
In the oUl-viliag > work \ 'C had L!'e fait h flll nnu abi . c IIlpcl'fltion
If lhrcf' n:ltivc ul'er ir tentl 'ilLs who hu\ t! been LlnLiI'ing in lhdr l31.)I)1'5.
At lhe. 'ation we hav.. hud th raithlul coopcrati n ufthenaliy
1L was quit a reli f to m whell Mis Kelly tllOk "yer the w(1!'k of
th th'(' l"gion'l) chl)o)- in the mon h of February, Sloe IWt> b II TI1lJ l..
Cl11hllil1 -til' an I :-o"!lf-::;a 'rifkin T in this work, One 01 the uti: tnndill r
hm. n I' uf I he y. r \\'as th' UI'OIlS1nJ.! of in rc t on th parr

It f a , umller of ' haols to build claliS-fOI)ill hu ildings. I n one cent!:' r
th J buildmg wa rl enlirely by thO;! teachers, pastor, and 1,it'
.; tndents. All 'xpense of carpeni t) ' WClt'k wa defrayed by the school
its"l f from the m'mey earnc1 from t il sal Jf handwor k. Other s"hools
vere so impressed wi 11 t e wor k of thi s scI 001 t hat t b \\' ant\" d tn
do Lhe srune thing. W 1"1, has already bE' n on t w other
btlil dings, and plan arc under way fol' til .... Ii I It .!!.
t t h do e f school all t hE.' t achers nt out into th IT reo
sp ctive st:! cti ns of the distr ict to d dt!pui .on work amo g the
pe pIe. Some ofthes t.eachers took t hem 'tudent assisted
in the d putation w r k and pre.'t>nh d a pagl 'a n in s mt: of t e il
lages visit d.
During the year the teacher s fi nd pre8chr'rs hay enlarged tlwrr
vision of their t ask as t ach ' r s t o include not only t he children ut
I'very man a n d wOman in t he village. In on. cent l' aPP1'oximatel}
two h UD red adults p"spond d to th op ortuni ties offel'ed by then
Rt ho 1. The major empha is of the adult W i rk has e 'n pl c-'d not
on r adi ng and wr iting but on ways and mean of helping th m to
im )TOVe th iT living conditions. At the c1 of t le second term
"e mmunity - Empb iR We..: " wa observed. j each vill g' . Thi
program in luded: general village impr ovement such us of
houses. cleaning yards and trimming building etc;
sec ndl y, a l'wival wi th three servic s a< h day and emphasized
pers nal wor k among- t he studer. t3; Lhirdly, wholesome entertain
ment including m ving' pictur eS, band concerts, galIles and pageads.
A splendid r espo e was fou nd i fl all of the villag s. I n part of t hem
alm st every viTI ager whethel' a member of lhe mi.ssion church or
not 111 red heartily in the comullity pT gr . Til T ug
1 111<'
-eviv 1 many children and a ults were drawn loser t o Christ.
This program as carrit' cl 011 wit h the as ist.ance IIf t welve Normal
Seh 01 studen ts, in SI me i n tances the
revi als) anel Mrs. Stilz who m ost g ner'l U ly of her tim and
t hought.
vVe are gt'atcful Lo our fpllow - l11issiunarif' s un the W embo Nyam
Stati n who have coo with th()s" i n charge of oUl - villagl'
wor k and who h ve carried on their regular work in t heir r pective
itep rtmenlS. On the station til newplan IJ fhaving t h F ' rst Degre
in t he aft rnoon a t he practice ell 101 fol' t h Nonual Sch() 1 .. : th
1 advanced, t de Ls as teachers has P"(!\ \:'d v ,y succ" sful under
t he able direction of Mis. Anni a:- Whit
Thi ha' made it po ,_ible
to 1""lease om ofthe tea hel's t help i t the Regional Schools
f thi c1 istri t :mn (' a Lodja. It g1\ es b ormal Scl100l 'ludents
"a uablc
The Second
bas in
i nterest in pag
;:;t denlg hllv . b1
here wer 33 I
ha l! nti nuerl
f u II nd De
'fhl' ). Tormal -1
n g oei y aI', W1
at d from 1
d lll'mg the C I
Thl:! Bible S
24 young men
Conferenc ye;
other s hel c')lr
and Mrs. Anl<el
taugbt mll

cour ses in the
the fil l t boy
of the sl udl:!D
and met in
de\ e llJpment I
Tl e school
held r
() . J)11rtng the
We ar\:! bapp
' \' OIY"-l O , esp C
t pach"T start.
( f t il year t
,lui 10 Lo thl
g it' n l!, and
he rul assi t:
The work c
E .H.LovelL 1
en e Year Ul
the Church. (
bel' '. All 01 t
' hurl'h mem
to build -lass-mom hu ildi Dg<! , I n 11 -en
l 'd by teachers, past.or, and tlw
of carpenter work was rlefray .r! by the s hool
E'arnu from the sale ,)f handwork_Other Rchools
t h the work r t his schuo] t ha t they Wart i fl d tn
o:rk ha already b"en stal't d on t wo othel'
ar' way for tht> t;'lIt"t h_
ho I all the teachprs out int o t il ir r _
district to do dl'putatlOl work a m ong t h t;'
t chers took wi t h t h\'m . tudent s who as i te
and pagt' tin s me f the vil
te her and reae. ,.>rs have enlarged ,hpj}.
teachers to include not only the childr en b ut
in the village, In one appr ximately
ponded t o th pportuni ties offered by their
hasis of the adult wU'k has e pl cf' d nol
ut on ways and means of ll elping tlwm t o
conditions. At t he close of lh se 0 d term
. e k" was 0 i'1 each village. Thi
I village improv J LE:nt 'uch as r -pairing of
and t rimmi ng tret's, building t oilet s, etc.;
th Lhree s rices ea( h day and em phasiz d
th studer t3; lhirdJy, wholesome en lertai n
pictures, band concerts, ga les and p gear] t .
found ill all of the villages. I n part of them
whether a. member 0 the mi ion church 0 1'
IIlo the ommuni ty program. hroug .... th(, L
afl d adult'S were dr vn closer to Ch i 1.
I,d on wi t h eh assistan -' of twelve Normal
p1' achers 10 '( me i nsl at1 es (for t he
'Nho Slave most genl-'l' ms]y of her tim nd
l ' fdlow - mi on lhE: Wemh Nyamu
ra.tt d wit h t hns
in <;hw-...n: of out - villag
dUll th<lirregularwork in theirrespe tive
11 the n w plan .)f 118. ving (he t Degree
practice chaol foJ' rhe Norm al Scho 1 with
s t eacher, h j proH'd vel YSUCCI'S: ul under
Allulma Whit:!_ T!liB I as made it po sibl
llhu teachers to hel p in r lie Region 1School.
j- Lodia. It gins th\, . Ol'mal Sell 01 :tudcnts.
val uable: expeTi ence under xcellent
The Secund Deg-I'(- Sehool undel' t h\' <lirt.: 'l' tlO nf Mr , Towldey
has jITown in enroll il lent anrl the an' OWl! (t mal'kpd
impro ;n their sLlI di es. Tlwl' e has been eVld n('(' (If a rt'al
in Lerest i n ts dLI thl:! second term and t Ie t ;athet an I
" udent h:-tve givl.'n se end excellenL rh'amalizatiol1 s nf BIble, t. ori s.
There were 33 to graduate dudo r he yea" The boardin depanm('llt
has c nti nued t1 e Lod' sl iidents un til t he .. re able to get lh ir
full S('cond Degree tal'ted,
Th. Normal Schoo l u nder Li1e dil't-' ctinn of E. H. Lovell ha. Inti
a good year, with e !J l'olil"d and with nrol le I i 'l t he prepat" ory
I. Problems of rll 'dplin e laVl' beell fe \ ... Seven 'Ludent gradu
alt'd from the Normal S<.: hool a n.} entered in to hf' work of t.ea,- l in .,.
dl l l' i ng the COllfE't' el1 e ye;-I l' .
1'he Bi bl School under Lh d irecli lll1 l )f Mr. Ank 'I' ba:; . p t nUl
2-4 Yf JUllg tT,en into t he angelist ic work of our Mi . jOI I durillg' the
j' t his nll mhel' 21 wert' gl' dU:l tecl, 1 he l hrer
others h d cnm pl eted several 'v PI'\ (' : f -t udy and v n t ou t ttl . ('I'Ve
a,' pvangelis t:. The total enroll eUi. f, r th \\ a .. 6:3. 1\1rs, Srllz
and Mrs. Anker asshted in t hl'!>l1g OU the yeru'. Mi .. Kell)
taught mnsic. hI student s al"o h cl tIlt> advanLng" of tahil go 'v ral
tour ' es in the ol' mal School. Som of t il I!I'adu_l es \\'t-re ulllnng
til fine t bovs to ha\e i t he B!ule S huo!. 'ome
of t e st.lIChnts erv d as pa<;tor. in : ur !'Oun dmg villuges; oth,!r'
taught Sun ay scho() i alld di d c: onslderabl e pel' : n: tl work,
and m etin ial pl'uyel' grou p:' f l' t he cul LI Vl:ltlOt l of tiw ir spintual
developm nt and in t e Intere-;t ( f.
'rhe school for vomen u d-,-t't.h (11" CliO [ Ml'':;, Anl er haf'; been
hel regularly t hroughou t the yeaI' \\ it h an average ,at tendence of
61. l>1ll'i ng 1 st terTn..t4 women had a per'feet lecol' d f IJi' attf'n l a.nct>,
We a re happy to l' 'port an increase in intlrest un the pal' t ot t.h
\ Ott1 ' n , e. pe ially i n t heil' l"c'ari anel s wing classes, One f' ffi ciell l
tea" h r tart d the ye' r wilh a clm;' rd' and at the elo. e
I)f thp yea\' the entir,> e1 ".ss harf advan - -r! to the pco d reader. In
addition t lhesubjecl ' menLioned wriLinJ!. 81'iLholPLI C flpf'lling.
hygiene. and music were tUli ghL Mr , ShdI .v and Miss "[1 \ '1'
assi tallce in teachi ng 1 ygi n and inn i '
The work oC the Girls' Home ha' been Ulld r t he (\1)' ctlOn of Mr.:.
E.H,Lnvell Fifty-five girls were ,At I t,lle close of the Cl)nf -r
enee Year t here were 47, Six w re matTI -'ll T nll'Le _n wer e takf'n InLI)
the ChLlI'ch, Otlll:rs \\ ere enr Iled in the class for prep rutory mem
bers. A ll ()\ the ,,';'l'ls asse eir gI'ade..; ,except five_ T!lO. e. arc>
church members h 'I'Pce ntly enrolled In t he Woman,; Ml ',mnary
citty of thf' :station. Tbl'matl'o! and I" r hu
nd r tit> clirC'ctjon t.r MI", tilz the primm:: schm 1 Wll
('omplderl illltlli. rt i 116 f(' l,divifi,,jint.o.i:: cIa .. 1"!om" a b'jl"
I uilrling wi th thatch fO f. Fl1l'nitu"cof "iff "cntkin Is ha' nwJ
illl U ling a lype CH e fill the print hop. Dl !ring lhi.- l")lll' ren"e 'ea
Ille t of the iTldu:trial wor]'wasc!flnelln ful' "mnl S 'hoo) huildll ,
Thewidlhorrlti. hllilding-i.;mfl'et i nsitl-andn Lo n of 1:10 fc LIn\!',
On' \ in}.!" 11' the briel' cl'lml'leted and P'II t C)f th' roof un, It i
heinl-! roof d \ ith cement tile, ,)fwhich nbouL lO,n I) 11m" b ( n 111:\ j',
\' are in lebtf'd t.1I Mr. lit" I uiter fo1' invl!nlill - ()]. lit igim tin\! th
formula 1)\ \ lich I h , til" are made,
In thePrintil g D 'PA1'lmE'Olth loll wing'b oksnnd papel'shuv(; n
I {I'l'e ", l-OOCOTli
of Fin', fiT page , 0 Cllpi ,
ti (;4 nei R,-nd -r, 12 lJ!-lge., c( pieH
JOIIl'naJ of.\nnIJalGunferenl.' ,45 page', 1 ' !IJi,
1\1 mIry Vt'rs s (r prin ). 41 .:!O I 'U ,i ''';,
CatE'chi In ( ,'eprin L). W small p. ges, 15( II COlli ' .
Bookl If ol13ible V . I ' small pal! 8, t' III C 'I,i!:-<.
Songbool' ;Jnrl in Ok 'Ia 1'1 ,'NuI'th tiaukuI11 In, ' 1
s, ,:,
Soci d S ','vice onl'l, I!) P' g " 40 CI'I i "
Sunday. chl.oJ lesson, ,lOit) c'Jpi 'S pal'll IllUft 'r, J pngl', ill 011.
Mi' irmal'Y less In', U r ag<'s, ;;00 c ,pi " ,
le'st:lIger ( Uikelldji). (our l';o;U" , 152 P !r . ir ::tIl. 115(
LarlEe and small calelld nO' lid (.rlw III is , lin It' U r',
F !lowing the onferenr:e of 1:111. Ai, ' I!J\ C 110', d 1 ( Lllli}(, and
in 0 'l her lis. !IIary l'ul'eman m to T 'mil, '\" ma a' di"dOl
nf the nurse.', ,'1)(' bl'UU rht ob.. 'af, quiprll 'Jlt with anll
Iht' 'e things hnv' he\'ll of mu<'h ,'f'rvi't' 11 ,t IInh in 'artng
lIati 'e 'as' bill <1:;0 ill the I divl'ry of om' ,r ',0 white patient-,
Ii'Ol' 'man bas givl!Tl sp tin! at 'ntiIJIl t,) h' ,,),st ,tl'lc'd d.p r[.
tn/-Ill and llumb ' " of deJiverius for he \' ar ha' C<.: ,tlc!cl
huno)'('d T\ 'II nalive w( men l,u\'L ell ill WI "k,
llIamba Pi"l'l'C, our II1t'dical assisl IlL, clout, CXCt>Ht'llt \ Irk
during Ihe 'HI' On n lea.:t t \0 veea ion he look charge (1' lhe
llospitlil when nf'it h 'I'DI', 'II ,trey tlor ForelllllB was on he
,tat.llIn, Ht, mad a lrlp W a Reet' II nbuul 35 mile .Iwav to cOlllb:.t
an 'pidemil: of ely: ut 1',Y and aLu UI crvi 'f"d t e \' ork at .l\linga
for a f,!\\ d1ldng the aus nce 01 MIs, O'To( Ie,
A mild epIC ,'mw of infantil' P J'aly is app ared in I'egioll around
a: a nu
We a
of wal'
l' God
Th m; tt")O n J \, r hu 'hand bave done g () I
J: It "age il l aiL
Wembo NV3In;1 (luring t he Ill tlnl h oi Febl'lHll'v and con ti nued f UI'
ahont t \\"o lIIunt hs. The ca::;es w rc ,'C tLt>I'ed, hr,w"vf'r. an 1 n1<. y
\\ (Ire ncvpl' VC1'y r .
In November 1.) 11 the ho- !'i tati e:,al1inf'd ;liJPlltWI) TJUti\'e m,'11
iOt idr>nt to the. ,'ecfuiting of "oldie.'" fly th go, lllDlt; It. alii I :\ few
a1,,0 in tl i. . edr, !vJ.ll'C rect:ntl, ' orne old sl .ldi Pl's \ 110 have bu'n
cii:,cllarg- d have IJC n examine, I , who will PI' _hably a' a (I t' t
of hom g uard and \dll r l'oba b not he , ent mtr 'dce,
Mubmdu Danyelc. one of the ;\lCl -illiirmiH' , w nt. to Leopol hjlle
in i Tnr(;h of thi. ear a nd is r ptlrted lo have pa" I,d the entrallc '
f'xamina illn..; of tile governnwnt schooj for u
.Teall, a former as 'istant at the Iwspit; 1 ;-(l1 d later a pread cr, L pre..
pal' ll1" himself wit h the idoa of entel'i" th school llc'xtyear. Tn the
mL'anhme he is ae ing s pastor' l the 1i('Sl ital chapel und sen' ing
as a nul' e in the
We (Ire hrr8tpfill to God t ha t i n a \ ,orld at wat" a nd with rllm
of wal ' \\ carl" al 1 to C;(l-r\ nn our \Vprl III pt'ace. Vp are grato> r I [
to) (J Ie] 101' th sb'ength has given us Lo do hi wurk and f lr the
fruitag"' Hf' h18 frun our IRborq,
M!l.r 'hall \V. Lr)\'ell.
Report No.5
Report of Conference Board of Stewards
The Confert!nce Board of e'Vltl'd'i wi -he_ 0 fnak . t he folhwing
report on the Sup't"ilnnuate E d I V fOnt Fund:-
Wpmbu Nynma District 56lt15
Mmga ,. ' ,
Lodi' ' , , 176..20
Tunda - no l'epor,_
fro', 9365 I
On hand frOID last yvar
5!J;.61 t
f1'8. 10;)4.55

During the yea.r till:l'e were no disbul'st!lll<'nl . ,'j no olle bC('n

givlli the, uperannudLt' l' lalion.
rrhf:'re il I' e frs, 30(.00 on hanli in lh Fun'l lUI' Central COflfi rem.',:
Henry T, \Vheelel', Tl,'a.'nrcl',
Report. No, 6
Report of the Board of Mil isterial Training
We your Board of Mil listerial Trai llillg have revitwcn I he WOl k
of 1be prC'ucl1 el' of the various of the Coniere le.-' and hs\'
\l8saed theil' ames aud ' S on to the Committle lin Con fcreII CC

We '"cj..,Tret t o report lhat thru the y we nnd that ,'ome ) I),
pT che-rs rre nnt applying tl totn"plvt's to t he study or th<: wor I I
COl rand thL, It'ids to pf)or work in t! j > of Ihe Ptl IIJI,..' Schllul
Unl they ('ontinu to snm ' .11' lli r. '( may !lnt he di, ible rnr
the offie ' of deacon" ' {ldel, and will cll" pi ut of the VI rk.
The Com it l('e \'ill nuke arran.C{'menc '()\' till' cia.... e, ./' th.
Pastors' School to be held on /U'iou. '(, tiOI )S a. her _I f' r.
Each .-itould I ave ('la::;ses for th ir Supply pn:,;t'l': in
hal'llIor y \\ilh the dl ci )i1nary re Iuiren ent -0 f the chu ch.
Report No.7
W. De Ruil r. Chai1'1l t ,
E. 1: Lo\ f-ll , Sec
nep 1 : of the Board of Education
E) e. II 1'1 Mr.'(' J , 11. ll'r
ay Schuol leS:l1n.
I.at .lis r.y J ,. ar...' th.'
r LI ru rh ye' rs \ 'l' find Lha t. J! (J l.r
plYl!1 'l' tl >m:'p.lv( t" tile Btudy of lll(, W )J.t , I
II) P orwOI'k In the cb'j 'e!::ll1f the &hnoI.
to s tidy, orne (If mny I]ot b .. eligil.l .. for
ddel, and will cl", II \ ut ,.f the work.
111 wake tlrl'an rfJmellLs f,"II' Lhe cia' e. (If Lh.
1 eld nn lhe 'ariau station' ; ' ::1 Itl>ret'{ f. I",
. Id, cia "t!,!-i for their SUII,ly pnsV'I'" in
lSClplillary r quu'ernents of til church.
\-V. De Ruit'r. eh: irm' 11
E, H, Lo ell,'
"h (If' Jilin/I'd 10 wOl'l 0 1 t 'Yor'hip Pru'
11 t! "fit Jl '1'1 I lwi, \ 'on, and will
tut hi rIll At'lI,all and Djam ba PIC'rre alld
.. "
llt"ir families L,.., ,ent til n 111 ( e8., (E, p. I.) r hi year,
10, W 'XDIllItI d t il dwracLcl' (r ti le Lenchel's pf the ml ::l ion,
,lll l l'(,(,Olllllll' nd:
l'h'lt Lullwga Dilnyple bl' I'p-in!'l:1 cd,
1. hat the tfdlowin r h,' disn:i 8' d:
W. lllklll! b, .Jq,'eph, lJt.'hudi Pi,t'te. LOlllue JU'ol1le .t
Lodja, UIUI1.'U Paul l1
Jingn, UlengH .J\I,ltt i
Tunda. !l:lllyel'. OIl'Uy. ]'iCl'i\, .... h. kasil -n Liel're. '
E. II, Lovel :, Chail'nl'ltl ,
Annimne "Vhite, eel' t<lI'S'.
r e
Repo t :0.
L nr!Uu e Committee R 'IHlrt
n ,t no'" ,.. in 1'1 h lust Cll l1 ff'l' 'm:',
.'lll 01 ya." /l., F. .2 , Ail tht'
W. It L wi,. r h' l l' man,
,,}J. 1\1. 'h"ff ', SCl'retul'Y,
of l LJOO copies.
It was move and pa'lsell that t he' Livre de Elf'm niall"
be reprin te d and t hat t he edi tion "htl uld (:oIDpl'L<;c
It was recommended t hat tbe w ,rkel'::' thl
' hurch RiLual and ubmit it a n:! the l'esp,MSivt' l' I'a. iog" f IT
in the per manent form.
Clla.. P. M , Shf'ffe. , Chairm'lD,
At. l"l ie Laur Winfr ey, SeLl l :IIY,
Report No. 10
Report of Building Supervisor
Because of 0111' li mitt'd personal we have 11(:>n ll n:tbl e to push tl
b uil dmg pJ' ogl'am a ' WP h , d hOf .e:i. II weV'l'. we beg t uiJmi.
t he foll ,winl; l" poJ'l:
Wembo N ynma
Mr, S tilz has g()n ahend wit h the Normal .:chord Bllil1ing- anft
has PI.H't of it lJ nil er }'oof. A. permanl' nt Lx Degr,..e Schulll wlit 1Rxll )
f <!tconsi:' t ing of s i ., cl assrooms '\:1S h twn arod cO I!] 11 ted,
The Hom [or the flivis ion 0" Cllli,;ti: n Servic,-, ' ()l1
h nuur\ :.w cl Nd.l1 the ('XC! ptiOll of [l 11 W :<1 1 il1: 1lL' "
Fh'c at t ht' Gil'l,, ' [,a ICl' bepl\ k d ancl lOll,Ul (l
bl'icks an' ready fOl' nth l '
A lntclwn a l\ d was bllUt t o t Iw old briek
A be I lower f eet hi gh at.; bt'glln (, lIl1lpi( l' I.
T Ul1da
Snme )u rll ber has b(Jen sawed 5
1,000 lwi/'k p' 1'<'1' t1(>
Ilew Lpwis Melllo jal Hospital, We hope t.) press II'l' of
thi s 1u<: h necde I hos pi ta l n us n 'W C.mi't'f,'n::c yen!' .
'l' h Home for lIe Div ision of Cltllsti 11 W<ll ke rs is tnrlving al on,_
icely untlel' t il<; l lrcdi(.!\ of :.vI,', h uit' l',
Henry T. \\ hr elf')'
Building SUPI!l'\' ; 0 1',
Report Nu.ll
Rerort oftbe I.e al Rep esl. ntative
It ,,\ i i I I t il< l'l' })111 t "0 1 1:,. t ,\fat tlta. I h(:.- TUl1fla
were(ll,tained::" m, ' ar <1/,-0. 'Ihlsst.: tPnJCllLW; s nol l'nl. irelyco1'l' C\'
Last y. al' ttl' 'I -," ;I,l sirV' 'y or the co Jcc::>:-.irms was made anli Wf' an
nt)W a\\ aiLing' I h fim.l! nrlp,"! .
A t lit reqUt': ! or Llw Field Committe.;, t : 'gethf'l' with Bis hop
all addillon t he present L"clja ('().le ,::."ion \ as ppli t',1 fot' from the
to l
f r 1

t c


r oof
t th
pal';s(Ad that the de NoLi ,118 Elpmentnjl'P,
tE:d and t hat the edicion should eomprisc 20JlI
df'd that the l:Y:lT1!!'el ist ic workers the
m, l it and the l'esp,msh'e l'padlngs I" or pl'inting
Cha:::. P. M. Sheffey, Chr iI'ID'In,
At ,nie L< ura \Vinfrt.'y, SCCl'd;IlY,
Repot'tNo. 10
of Building Supervi or
it'd pen',onaJ we h ve hcen 11n; lie to pU1'h the
h ct IlOpej, H Iwe-v.'r, we beg b) ,'uhmit
(, ail ad wit h the No. mal. chord Buil rlin T and
per al ,eniI,tDegr",'Schooluliit IH. ]11;
I .. clase; 1'01 ms was alld ' 0 !!I'lelerl.
Vll mnll: Division 1)1" Cltl'isti"11 Sen ice wa' con
/I tll the ,'CI'pt on of a ft'w m;;lttt'\'S,
'irl. ' Home huve h PPrl cOlI,plt tt:'d ar:d 10 J. or /)
I' hui ldinrrs.
zine was b lilt to tllP old briek r sidence-,
bigr \'a: bl{gtln :Inn t;umplct t',I.
sawc-d Hnd 50,OUll hI' ck fn!' Ihf>
fJospilal. We [lOpe l.> the \ fl'CtJn ll of
Illal tim; II '\\' ('.mL't'!' 'ne ' ,,'( m'.
Report No. J 1
oftht.> Legal Representativ
1'1 Iii') fOI 1, 1. '>'11' tim I h CdIlC(' ,'Of.S cllTunda
o. '1'111: S! :lt"nt('lll W; S nOI,'nl il'ely COl're('t, 1':::\
'urvl'y of tlte COl Cl.!:si\lu was made and WI.' are
Ficl ! ( .o.mmitte ,tr Jether with B" hOI; ringu',
t Lc.dju Cu \ 'as pplil:' ./ for ll'om ehe
Slal the rormnlitk 'one through, This audilion i t
lhe same size as the presf'nt l:onces i01l .
Routine mattcl': wel'e at teJJdt:d to, such a!:l Slatel'l'pol'ts, taxes on
huilding::;, HUt.O", 'lc. .
Rain guag and temperatLlI' ('I'ports were cnt.1n ea h tnullLh
E. 1.
Report No. 12
Report of Committee on Voman's \\ ork
'Ye recomml.nu
1. That greater' empha is b' Pilt on the Chri ti:m marriage. We
w'ge that th flltUl'C all t:hllrch II I mbers hnv<;: a Chr,istinJ1
anti that tty I f Itur pre. ent l'11Urch member who wIsh rt:'cugmtlOn
and regislralion of theil' marriage by Chl'istiau ritual b gWen that
2. 'l'hnt we contioue to give one-hall' of our dues for th ne.t y ar
to lhe VV3J' Rplief fund at Ll'opoldivilk
That wive::; C i 10rJual and Bible Schuol student b gil. en
course in Milhvifery. .
.1. That Mrs. Shdl'ey ' ....riLe the Jesson::; ror the Mi ional'Y SOl'ie
for 1!}4;1, and thut the Lh'mt' of the le:;:ons entered <"ound
hristian niahing' all(! the Chl'iRtlsn hi me.
!5, That w' ncourage the Wotnen of the Mi i ,nal'Y S)ei y to
,ign the pledge card and Lhae th4:y seek t) intluen
other women to leav oil' dl'illking \Vill'.
6. That a bOllk oj daily levot ions be 'HiUen in Otetela rot' thp
ye:u of HI4'; to ('l1courage fami ly wot'srup. Mr. Lewis WU:5 chosen
to collf'ct the UlatCl:W1:: ,
7. 'l'hat w' accept the following Standard of Efficiency. for Ih
mis::;ionary :;OCldy as pr ,_ en teel to the 'Noman's Omlllltte "
l. One me(ting each month using the lessons prepal' d.
Each III ur the Socidy tl at t a from t!
Bible <lcll we'k, Qt' orne (lne read it to her.
3. They oh 'el've the \\ urIc! day 01 Prayer.
4. Each pel1'On hring al lea't one woman inlo catcchi:-;m cla ':.
5. Euch pay .20 each month for 11m'..
Ci. EHCh SIgn the Temperance Pledge.
7. E'I(.:1I year til I "..;sons on Service Le taught and t'3ch
member ()f Soci ty at nd.
K Visit th> sick and h']p Lhe poor II I ':1st once 11 month,
D. B autilv the ' hw'eh and the g1'{lllllcL.
10. That avera
aLl"ndnnce he at.lea't 75 pel' cenL on Station'
:ml 5U PCl' c(:nt ill uUl-villng :,
/'. J . .r; ci I (Chairlllan
The (olio\: iog IS a trans!at"un of a lett r from the Administrat r
aL Katako-Kombe unrlerdate of ilie mnth of September, Hr38 in l"f'gard
LO missionariel:i \\ iLing Chri Linn marringe:or, and birlhs u!
cbildren of Christian paren . ill tbt:ir identification books.
"I have t he honur Lo inform YI,U that the Reverend missiona1'ies 1\
aLltho1'lzed to make the following inscriptions in lhe idenlitiication m
honks of lhl n, th es:
1. At t h (lee;, ion (If a'hri nlian marriage: the pIacl" the tlate thl'
ul'name and ,hri tic:tn name, of those joined in marriage. and eventu
;illy Lh ' numb'l' of the marriage In th I' .gi. ter of til "}lission.
Upon the occasion ora bapli-m or of a birth in a Chri'iuan family
the place. the date of birth of the infants, Lheir Chri!"ti:m . tL
I1fllJ lCS ann Chri tian nnnll'S of the parents, ill case these are nor
alreod:r written in the book,
These inscription, followed bytbe date anr! :-ignature, may b matll'
OIl th pages of t ho book "Indication:::; auh'es," to the defiinile
of thO' res 'fved to ille State. in wldh lhe items insctibed by
t.he authorized agents may not in any CaRe be canceled. stricken nut,
modified, 01' compleled,
1 would be gJad to have you bring the pre'ceding infurmation to I j,e
attention of the Reverend mL 'i narie:; at Wembo-NY8mH and Minga.'
The Head Administrator of the 1'erritOly
D... lcourt. L.
Report No. 13
Report of Committee on Evangelism
L We rccmTlhasize the action of the Conference of 1940 concernillg
olygamy and the ,'ec ption of people in p(IIygamoll marriages into
the W in8ist that this standard be held before the church
amI Lhat wherever possibl the 'alami' of Lh<; church be in a mono
gamous marriage.
We further re-emphasize the action Qr tllat Confer nee against
an} Lh rch member placing his daughter Ll1 a chIld marriage 01-
polygan1Clus marriage.
2. most earnestly urge tbat our preachers preach and t each
againsL the evil' of wine drinking. gambling-, and hemp 3l!loking.
We l'ecomm nd that tracts be printed concel'll ing these viIs and
concerning polygamy. Th.,.s tra ts are to be put into Lhe bands of
rhe preachers fo}' them to U!:;e ancl to circulate among the people.
3. We r commend that l'vL-. De Ruiter <:erve as chairman o ' a Com
mittee compl)sed of the mmisterial missionaries for r h purpose of
sele ting and tran.lating a l'Ommentary On lhe New Testa
We recommend that commentaries in Swahili and in Buluba be
made available for J)urcha e by the preaciwl' '
translarol1 of a letter from the Administrator
of1hc mnthof Seplembel', I!' :J8 in rl:'gord
Clui tian mllrl'ioges. baptisms, a nd birthl; of
parent:-, in identification book',
ttl inform Yl,U that the Rt'verend missionaries nr
t he following inscnntions in the id\ ntifiication
f a Chri 'tian marriage: the the date. the
numes of thos!'! joined in marriage. and eventu
marriage in the ft'giRterR r the Mi sion.
f fn bapti 'm or of a birtb in a Chl'istian family:
f birth of the infants, their Ch.l'i UAn nam R, the
nnnw IJf the narents. in case these a,re not
e book.
followed by tIle late ann signature, may b made
. Indica
iOll Rut!'es." to the rlefiini Le excll1sion
to the tall', In which the items inscr ib d h_
may noL in any c:a '0 be canceled. sll'icken out,
ave you bring the pnteding in formalion to the
at Wembo-Nyama and Minga.'
Th> Bet d Administrator of Lhe ']'erritory.
D 'lcOUt,!,. L.
Ueport No. l3
t of Committee on Evangeli m
the netion oCthe Confcrenrc of 1940 concerning
'f'pliou of PPI)IJlt: in p(llygamou maniuges into
that this standard be held before the church
bl the 'alami' or the church be in a mono
18 iz the action of that ConferC'nce against.
IJ"',<:llIl).:, his daughter in a child marriagl! 01' a
llJ'ge that our preachers preach and teach
dri rlking, gambling, and hemp
t.racts he print d concerning thesf' vil. and
'I'hl'g lr'al'ts me to be {lut into th hands ur
lu u::;e to circulate among the people,
MI', De Ruiter serve as chairman of a Com
mll1ist ri, I missionaries fOl' tIll.: put'pose of
g a ,imple commentary on the New Testa-
and in Buluba b
4. , We urge t hat
p;lIgn t hIS year anc "
effor ts in personal preacher rganize in his chu.l'h a
We als6 recommen ,1_ d tl at he with them use eHry avallabl.
group of personal WOIAers an 1
means to seek out t h Annie Laura Winfrey Secretary.
I'lJl tI':I!:;'; MI".'IO.. 1'110.,"
Repor t. No. 1
Stati tical Report
W. N.
!li ll ll.!ll Tot
.\11 "j,lIIar i '!li n

\ !I
I' 'VIII to uWll ,I"'I:S on rn il lll!ll rem' I lil
f'r. paruturv lI
emllel ('e ' iveli dUl'in '"' he :!:l: ;
lI. pr"par ILoI'" IIIprnh oaptizc<l duri ng 'r.
I II ilJ'qJ:I It" . y m"mlol'rs on !' .. 11 ttrl'.\' 11;
'II ltabi, ClILpL 'zed during- til . y 'ar
o. di, trid m " I
( teclli In <' la'\.'i ( f'H!ragc att I d; ne .. j 2 Ifi I
;\Iurniu r prayer fl..rvic. (rtv mge lJttl ndunce)
Evcn ing p,'aY('I' ..
( \" ,...
. ' fl. diLlT'h sl'honls ,I
" . ol ,j " ,uHl l":4<'lh:r," inchurc I srh"lJll< I:! t
A\, I' , . 'al tcmiall cl' uf chllt'<:ll Hehnrol!!
,'n IIllflSI(,nat', !lCl " ... 7!
'". nU!IlI""'rs i n missitmlll'Y sUIjpti{', l :!H6
brisdan marnag : rhf! car ,I
t1iUl , II PI Url.ItTY
' . hricl huilding:
.... L"ltlf 'I'; \ hl llidi ll "
. )
:.. 7


I dG

:! I
:l l
3 3
I j

ll O
11 I

2'!I "

:1 15

I i
I " ')!)

111 1".1

] Illi51

No. 1,J
Stati 'tical Report
w . . l\fin 'a 1 utn I
fi I
3 1
!t .j
1 .,
:3- L
t JU
Iii I

I I til
lilt IJd' flee) 2 II.:!
:; . .., If'
ar !I
Va lue' or ehUl'ch (f'l'ancs)
.I. To. of
Value' of pa rsunag' t's (francs)
. a tive chur ch offe l'ings
Sunda y" . , vf mlsslOnari
Missiunary society offerings
::lGG, 000
17. :)1;. ii:'i
S 1.ti!lli.OO
!)21 40
M 111 !I: , l Lodja T UJl du Tot " l
11 ;;,0(10 62,0(10 GO,OOO
27 110 :.!tfi
, (01) :1, 4(11) 21, !)( J(I
1<,1)4::'0,\ iO, 790, D. U IH. 2ii, hilt
4iu.no a7;) . t5 of) 2, m ,, 11I
:!.18. 70 176. 211
!'S.; 'I II
i i 62 19 1 2
22 li2 19
l R2
Ii H
1!147 :117 45(' 6

Ii (j
6 :t'l
100 1 214 :.!71' ()
fill!) !-illl 1!12
9 D
402 2fi5 If1'j
377 l44 979
I I 1
I;:! 21
(j I
1' 1
1.49,' 1, 097 7.73:- i I, 72!1
41!l 1.21-1;)
12 11
4!l i 1;0 71 1(1
'J 4
fi ,:):-: 1 :.!II Iti.)
:i:11 7fi1
:! 7:;" l, liOG
12 fi fi
I I 2
:Jl II 2G7 577


" )



J i"
79 I


...... I
Offerings for Superannua te Endowment, 562,05
:\fo. !I f out-vill ng c schools
l'\u. of pa:;tol'-tcachers ;
in e vangelists ' sL'hools
I n I'ural schools
Enrollment in out-vill age schools
vel'uge attendance in out-vill ag e
No, n ,gional schools
, '0, t ache !'s in ['0 2ion<l1
Enl'llilment in r egion,,1 school s
AVt'rag-c att e ndun('e in regional schools
teac h I" i n 5tation
Enrollme nt in dt at ion
Ave r' goe attendance in staLion "chool"
I '0. Girl s ' Homes
En['ollmPll in (; irls' Homes
:-..i ll, teaehcrs in Normal Sehoul
E;fIl'ollment in Norma l School
!<nl'ollm nt in ['I' t' pa .' atoI'Y ,' chou!
Cnrollnwnt in ]-lillIe S('houl
EIIl'oUm nl in StDtion WOI1lf'1l ':,< :'chouls
Enroll mt: nt III W Ollwn's Out-VillafO;c :-> ,
lUI 'l l lTAL WOl tK
, di sp" nsary t rcatmpnt;;
I u. to til e
No. opl'l'ations
No. obst et ri cal L';.t " ;;
No, vi sits to
,1 0 ,
". l' lI l 'HI tl' t'atm 'nts
!'<u peuple vis ited in Puldi('
Heal th WOI'k-
No. people xalnim' d in Pub,
, 0 , o['phan babies
10. le !'f' " (:oloni cH
:-10. ill It'pel'
school s \)1 i)

;, I
(i ;j
X:1, 017
1 ::1
I II!)
101, :1::;
H. WOI'k

Report No. 15
Res olutions
As we co e to the close of this, tht:' Third Al1ll u:Jl Sessi of l}w
Cer-itr ongo Provisional Conrerence he ld on the bcauti f lll com
pound of \Vern, 0 Nyama st a tion our heart..' . re heavy \ i t l: the news
of eath Cl 1 J all arou nd us. On land, on s a a nd in t lw
I, Jesu& our ,dOlll' , We r grateful fir!';t 0 all to our Father for
., m , ' , t." .('h others' (hroats and it seems our very f unda
tions r ' c> . 1:. ... tenth us. But w re more than ev t' alive to
tu' '1 (': , t , NOl'ld and that t he only hope f or a wo 'I d gone mal;,

Hi s gre t love to u ' and to all men. VYe t ha ll k Hiru here a nd now
f or the privilege whIch is our s in hol ,jiIlg up to a lost world
Chr ist of Calvary,
We re gl'a eful 0 our Bishop and is fle a helpmate wh came
to us undt!l' ifficuUles brincrin ... In 'r iradon ar,d guidance by t heir
])re: nee, We a l'e gl'lllel :11 to t Lir helpL'r Jacob wh bas brought
t!wm safely v 110.
We al'e gr t f 1 to a ll the people (If \Y'mho Nyama (,.r t h ir
bounti ftJl ho':; iialil) a nd Indl1es to us, w'1ich h"iped 10 mike tJl
t ks li teo!' a d our stay willi t ll I I a prt:'ci:1u memo. y as \ hay
prayed all c worhd LOgt:'UWI' t "ese detys lor lhc co!.ling of Hi
Kingdom in the h arts 01 . lH I !.
Mrs W, B. Lewis,
l hryu
Report No. 16
Committee on District Confe once ecords
YoU!' Cummitte
11 Dist rict Confere nce Re:>!:orti s s ubmit the
following r eport on the condition a nd t te r t he records of the
Distr ict Conferences.
We find th'lt the RE' cords c. f the ;Yem ho Nyama an Lodja
District Conferences are i n g' ood order, We ask j' haL t he r ecords of
Minga ant! 'l uuda Dis tl'icts be t ' ped Al l our r cords ." hnutd be kept
in permanenL fil p ,
The Committee of las t year r ports th ( all of th Recol'r! s of t he
District ,onfcrences were in guud ul' (kr t hose o r' the Tunda
District. W e ask t hat tl'ey be t yped Hnd put in lo th e permanent
E. 1L Lovell, Ch rman.
The ," i i.:::;ional'es as eJ :l bled in t he chool for thei r fi r st
session at Monday ev rung. The Bishop broug ht a plendid
message which was fo110\\ ed by a season of pr ayer.
R port No. 15
R esolution
of this. t lw Third An lJu,JI Session of the
nal C .nfl:' lence held n the beau ti f ld com,
. statIOn Ul' are hr avy wi th the news
around us. On la nd, on spa and i n t h.e
( t Il er 1hroat and it seems ur v ry [ou .d _
u" But w re more t han ever live to
:l od that t he hope for wor ld h marl
"Ie are gr teful first ot all to UI' a ther fO!:
. to all V thank Hi m here and 0
1S I) 1's 111 ho}dlOg up to a lost world Lhp
oP: his d('lD hel!,)n ate vh came
brlngmg JI1<.;fJ rat 'on lltld guIdance' by tl1 .
I I ' th J ) E' lT
te! I LL l' I Ie pl,;r .1acob who has brought
II the pe ple of V'mbo [ ( 11' t h"ir
1(.1 k l nrlnes tJ us w41ieh h.'lped r , m lk $U
wlLh thenl a p1'(>C!d IS memo"yas we hav"
;:thlt' U.elle d.l if)r h 011 ling of
o. 1l1<. 11.
Mrs \Y. B. Lewis,
K nl h , 'n Eyt' .
Report No. 16
DIStrict Con ercnt' Peeo ds
DiBt:'ict Conference s ubmit
t he
COIlCitt lO and sLate of l'ecord' of
cord, (: 1' t he Well1 ll() ya lna a nd Lodja
!n gooO ord er'. We ask that the n 'corcl s of
(s be t,\' ped. All 'JUr !' C01'US '3 hnul d be kerA
t ,\ car r eports t hat all of the Re('o)'ds of th
I II g'V()!/ 'Jrd,l' s:{ve o t" the Tu n'dn
h pcd a d plil i llLo th E' pe rmanent
E. H. L'Nell, eh i r man,
ill bier! ill ,t he Bible Sc 001 fur th; ir fi s t
r he Bishop br Il ghl a splen id
I'eel .v a :eason of prayel',
B l shnp S I,ringer presi ded over the m eeLiw.;'. Kathryn Eye
was eledcd secretary.
Ml'. Wheekl' 3ug-gest e to thE' group that a joint committee be
appointed to make a study of the Manual for the purpose of maki ng
recommendati on to the Board. An (l pcn discus:-;i nn f>lIowed: Mr.
Whe ler l'esta e the motion ha t a commi tt<::c be com of :3
rom each seetio to study t he Ianual a d draw IIp sUD'gesti oDs
or 1'e ommend' ti ol lS t the Board . l\liss W11ite 'econded the motion
and it wa ' cl1 lTied.
Bishnp SPI iog-er reminded 1he group t hat t here were 2 vacancies
Ull the Fi "ld C(J mmit t e ' y f urlollghs and that it was this grollp
who cbose otlwr to fill the e vacancies. Mr. Anker made the motIOn
tbat we v oL u pon t l}()se vac3.l1ci es immediatel y. Mr , Stilz seconded
the motion and It was ca rried. The ball ots were di , tributed and the
l'dmlt was as follow ': Dl', LeWIS i 1 plac of .J. J , Da' is and Miss
Kel ly in place of Mis ' Parham.
Bi:;11Ji-> S Jri ngel' lJ ,l<e Oi l h:s vol ley for [lis a hinet and sb ted
t h t du "in T hi rCI' m of ser vice when appuint ments Wf'l' discllssed
that he 1mnecl o IDcl luE:' ,mlbl')"s fl'O'l1 the Worn n ' s Division o n h is
;lp,)ointing Cabi n ,t. MI'. reminded the gl'Oup of the va ,an
ey on t he Buil 'ling COlYll lli tt 'e mJ.d t: ' .\' P arham's a bsence, but
attenti (lll was c; lI ed tr) t 1 ,ct t hat thi s c mmi ttee is selected by
tb ('bali' and not. voterl p n, A motion was made a nd that
we adjourn afler the qUtlrt etw s ,le(;tio n, Mr. Reid then dismissed
the grou p with a short prayer .
The se oll ci of the ML"jlJ nar ies' meeting met at the church
at ,!:::lll 1 ut!suay P.M. J un ' JL. f' ;..; h, 1) S ringer read a shor t passage
from Phil i11 )ian;; at er wille! Mr:. Sheil y led in prayer.
Tne I ' n 1 as cd th"t we r I ' ke u an ag ' nda a nd that we place
fi l"il t on Llw l i,-l a dl scussioll (If:
1. Furlou ' hs
;'J, Ypllow Sli p'>
-l. VacanCies, C. t>. C. - B uilding' alill c:oll mitt ee, .
:.J. La ke llouse I'm' va catlOnin:2'.
fl, Medie(d . Ilowal1ee
7. Invi tation LO DI'. Smith
H. 'fl " n"pol"t -Trllck
9, I ,ubon tai ((' acher
10. 'orrespond nt:-; to per iodic-a I,'
.\1r . E.H. Lovp[l rna e a motion that till' Bir. h.)j) wl'iLe to the Board
and ask fOt, a clari fying s L,ltement of t he financial standing of t he
mi ssionaric, of t h Gener a l D.i vi 'ion fr m t he time the new Board
tuok O\ l!t" and of t hei r s s tem of auditin'J', 1. 1'. Wheeler seconded the
m' tioo, and i \Va' carri d.
Bishop Springer presented the matter of a teacher fur the Lubondai
school, a nd explained t he situation and asked for su gestions fran;
the group.
Mrs. Lewis spoke on be half of her family. of the benefits received
and said that she a nd Dr. Lewis would volunteer to go.
Mr. Anker spoke a the best solution to the problem and how much
better it was to sen d one worker than to attempt to start a school here.
11'11'. Wheeler e. plained further points brought up in Board
Meeting. There was other general discu !"ion, Stl h as Ii \ ing
conditions fo r a ,-ouple and finances.
Mr. and Mr. E. H. Lovell offered to go.
Mr. Lov -nmade a motion that we send a teacher fOI' the nE'W tel'ln.
Mr. Anker seconded the motion. Miss O'Toole- spoke on the advisa'
bility of sending H person who was willing to go.
Mr. Anker asked thp. group to cooperate and to willingly abide by
the decision.
A mot io n was m de and canit: d that we adjourn.
he Miss'onari s me t in the Bibl e School for their :.k d
Fri day ev nin\{ () t 7: 0 o'clo k. fter a short devotio al period the
b !l 'iness \\,;1 i mmediately enter ed upon. The rep"rt was c' lied for
from the furloug h conlmi ttee and Dr. Sheffey r il d th .. r port. A
general di 'cussion iollow(Jd and aiter many slIgg(>stions wer e made
c avail able pi - Ct S f or ..: ho1't val.:atinns a mot ion was
made t o (l lJ lcnd the report of the committee, r ec()mmending that
fm'l sal ary and t ravel he gra nted f,)1' Ge net' al Board workers,
anr! tra vel and $30.00 rent per month be f':>r W lk rs of
Woman's Di viSIOn, for v; ,catioll s in Kivu and all places outsiri the
Cancro, a nd tray 1 only for short vaca ti ns tak n in the Cr.ngo. The
11loti.m IV a" s3conded and carried. '
MI'. Townsley. the Treasurer , r ead a Idter fl' om MI' .
explaining th a t the '(;: was a credit for 2G58,). UO hs. as r efund if Jl1
the bank I, n til .. /hh qUdnter J U10 1"emiLt ancc of the l' neral DiVIsion.
Mr . WheeL !' made a motion thot \\' 1" reeomrnend t hl'l t a por tio n of
the above a m ount be to a t e mprll'ary r est hOll ::;t: elt our
Missio n Lake with a dequate s('!' l' e ning' nnd a ki.tche n, which
will ena ble some wor ker s to t HI {' a vaca tion. The moti.on was seconded
and pas::1e d \ itlinut vo k.
l hL' n' . c il l' for' rati."11 wa ' that (If filli ng the v;lcancies
in vari ';l ls C() nm irt(!ps 1\ KfJ liy \, aoS ci1usen to be the C.P.C.
r e ["l'St at" liv i ll ,\11'-8 ar li<lm ',' placE' and .'.l is;; VVinfrey was elect
ed t l ) su.: c:eed paJ'ham Oil [he La nguage Cummittee.
. Stilz w S Eclected "l;1 . nt for the South Aft'jean
Advocate. Mr.. eid was cbo:5(m L) lJ the C.P f; . , undaY :-5chool
the m tter of a teacher f(Jl" Llle Lubondai
t situation a nd asked for sugg stions f rOlr.
behalf of hel' family. of the benefits j'ecei'v cd
Dr. Lewi would vOlunteel' to go.
the be t solution to the problem and bow much
worker than to atteml) to st art a school here
f urth ). poin t brought up in Board'
uther gener 1 discussion, such as Ii \ ing
and finances.
Lovel l offered to go.
that we . enr{ at acher for t he n w term.
e motion, Mis O'Toole spoke on the a v' sa
who Wl:\S willi ng to g .
t cooperate and to willingly abide by
alld earl'i"d that we <t djoul'll .
l in he Dible School for their 3rd meeting
o'clock Af ter a t- hort devotion 1 p ri oel the
tely enter,(j upon. T he repllrt w s c' lerl for
,mi ttee alld Dr. Sheffey read t he rt'pol' t. A
wed and af ter many sug'g' (J stions W I' e made
tl.li; l' s for f'hol't vac ti(ln.' a m o tiQIl \\',lS
purt ot' the commitlee, r' ('ommendi ng that
wei b granted f )l' Genel'al BCJarri worker. ,
r<.' nt per month be ,l! J'at ited f or workers of
v; ,c tion:; in KivlI a nd all pl ac S oLltsirj e th
fnr sh. r t \<3cations rak!::'l1 i n the" ngo. The

, t'e'lli a Ie'tler from MI'. McKel zi
Ct credit fOl' 2658). UO fl ',. a. refund f rom
t ntpr 'or til Ge nel' allJiv lsion,
motion t hat \\'e r ecomrnend t h r a portion of
VI!n to ere'La t e mp'wary re ' L h u t:' <It OU I'
uatt.' scr eening-Dnd p': r haps " kitchen, which
' f to t Bk(, a I' Rcali an. The mot.ion \Vas !1econuL' d
s::!"n in!! 1'01... .
Insid. d. ti" n \I <I S (\ 1' filling the
Kdly \\ as t: h'lsen to be the C. p, C.
PHrhilrtt ' tl IJ!aCp. all d W infr> . was 21 et
lalll I Ill he La g' uag Commi ttee,
s,.; tOI' the .'outh African
VI a cbo:1 n t, ) be t he C.P.C. S nda School
pray r.
The S ll1C' L nt 3:1/J a. :tft l'rloon for their' cio in
se,' on. Di hop Sprir.g\:l' appoin ted tIle lollowi ng'
arrang uu' ld ing a m(lre ad -'1uut bO ll S ' t e lal err
vacaf n!;: Mr. Wh cler, i. ' 'To' 1 " Mi ::; ,vinfrey. MI'. Ank 'r and
.. tilz.
Mi $ Y 11
An explanation of the foHo v'ng Chronologica1 Roll
\\'hcn Dr. W. C, Cram, General Secretary of the General Seeliol
of the of Missions of lhe i. E. Church. outh. visited OUI
1i .'IOt) in 19: 5, the Annual Met tin" of our 'Ii,sion f\!Ct!ived lwel\'e
indigenous preachers on Trial tln Mil). ion Tl"avt:ling Preachers, The
r 1I0wing year, 1936, umlel' tip i lelley of Bish p Arthul' ,1. Mo re
lh Annual Meeling M tile Mission wa.:; Qrganized imilar to h lh
, Dislri,t and an Annual Conrerenl! . All f the tw l\'e indigenoll
Ir acher' who had he 'n rei v rl on '1 rial as Mi sion Tra\ cling
re cil(;,I' ill IU35 were l'ecived into Full Connection and sr me oj
t1H:'tn wer orduind Deacons. Others who were received un Trial in
1936 weT receive I int.o FLlll Conne -tion in 1!J39, In 1910 Bishn[l
John II. Springer organized 0111' into a Pl'ovisional Annulli
Conference. 'rhe indigenuus preachers who hnd been l' 'ceived into
Full C\ nIl cLion in the Annual Meeting of our l\tisslon previolls 1i1
HI40 anti \\ 110 had c( ntinu d in tilE' work of the minisln'
I'cl'.r)'.lnized os membc-l'S of the Provisional Annual UonferellcC':OLher
\' t'e l'cceivcd into Full Connection in 1940 and H142.
Frna' 01 our missional'il'S who were on the field in 1931l and who
hac! heen received into 1''011 Connection in home T1revious
1M that yelir Wl r I' cognized as mini -terial members f the Annual
Meeting ot' Ollr Mission in 1036, Two others who came to the field
in \11,' e !'el' gnized B. millisterial member. in lik manne, In
HJ411 aU of thes.e werr- recognized as members of the l'l'ovisional
AnTlual Conference. rl'WII other" receh'eJ Full Connedion
b\ Thl! Central Congo Provisiollul Conference in 1940, one of whom
had been recch'ed on Trial in a home ne other who
had been received iul( Full CUl1l1ecllon ill a home Conferr!ncp was
recognizen u. a member IJf th Pl'uvi ional Conference in 1.941. The
missional'ie. who hav memb hip ill hOIl) Conf rences
r ::tin their membt!r,-hip in lhf.!ir rt! peclive home nf rences and
at amp tim!:'. recognized as member of The Central Congo
r l' "'ollf r"nc .
I\bbr... iationR u 'ed Oll I pposit page: E" E1fective; 31' and 4th,
T nrd and FoUl'lh Yeal' Clus es r spectively.




r: l-3 . h' CS n w - (M. ' ;;:... \.l... - '"'= ".. ..J VJ 0-:. :::.. rD en ...... 0
!:!'. c- c:J ;::r til :;:. S C a-.:. 0: :::: ;:= ::r '';1 :l , Cl> N 0 ,:2
<; r.> 0 0 Q' .-. f't).... ..... .... - ..... ;:s' W g E::: t!: '0 ::; 0 rr.: - 0
-- :s '"':J - .... ..." _. - It' til C. n . r-T 0. ' . oJ
!"! G C ... r: 0 0 r+ -. _ 00 III _ .... :l 00 t!: ::!. :-. ;l> tr.l t:S C c:J 0
J::I /1) r.;. ;::2 C ;"T >;-'::1 0 "'I ... _.::1 --: ...; -. Ca f:) CD 'C
(t;> .... -. i? 0 ;::: I't r.. f't) --. -' r.> 3 g w' ::I ; -. S ;:!. >-:l;;! .- Cj
tooS ::s tb - -. to-:. _. ... - . ., '""1 1.0 - CD _ .
Q. q;;; '. aon;()ros ..... /1)::l n:o ..... O"l!'::lrO.;::T'Cl>g .... ::l
- ... _ It' ::s ..... '::"\ n :l t::.: C _.
r; _ ;:: o . g c:i Ei 0 CI< Cl r.;!:. f't) :e c 21 5' e; "': :5 e.
t; r. 1lI, .... :::J -:: ::l fT '0 "1 It' :::. - 0 ::s -;., 0.. :=' f't) v: llo' :::,
0.. (') m m' f't) "'! =il f't) :n0 /tJ (l> ;l> "':::s 0 0..:: t1l > '"":3 rn l!' -. M'"' r:1Ic, .... - 0
::; g rJ 8 S fT. o'!'1 ::r: 5 =d g =-::l s ;;: 0 fA ? i{2 =
- - -

Chronologicnl Roll of Clcricn.l
in which
Virginia 1915
E. Kentucky
E. C. Congo rro\'. 1935 19:36

1935 1906
itl35 1936
1935 1936
lh 193f1 1936
4th ,.
1935 1936
E. Rentuclcy
1926 1fJ28 19:16 IfJ28
E. C. Congu Provo
1935 HlH6
Ul35 H136
E. West. Virginia 192G
1" Virginia 19:19 19:17
E. 1D28' I 1!l33
1 C1')l. 1933
'1 til O. Pt{\\. .193(; I IDa!)
H)39 ..
I 1910
Hh ..
1930 ]910
Pttclfic 19:37 \ 1910
1938 IUl40
19:11 IH,n
1 Q')ll 1933
G. COlI go. Pre"..
w:n 1942
tronolngicaJ Roll of 1"('U bert; on Trial,
Cia. 5 01 Third r ar
y,. r Admllte
1. Fudir la Pi rr J935
2. Dikulu Thorn'
19'{ .
3. Long ngo Mat u 193 j
4. NdJati August
Class of S. c nd Ye.nr
. , LulmrIi Jllknba
1. 37
G. h uml.n Pi rr

i. El mho Pi rre
Kin 'nmba P. ul 19:
Llilau, Andr'
Ill. Ukinfii
11. kitn iumi Pt"n"
12. Urnann Aud
1::. II1UalUU Andr
14. Lu andJu Jukoua
1-. Lundula Lauyel
lli. Ol( k Pierr
CIIl :; of Fit t Ycar
01. ashi Dany Ie W41
r asilu luH
L Idi Michel
01 'onya f alliu 1a 11
ti. hUllgu .Juani W l.HI
hungll .Jo fu 1911
la. T' 1 nga Aillholls 19 1
2 . rJP I Jamb Mo e 19-1
l meunga Pi 're 1'11
Uny n unga ,Joal i 19 1
}.i l HI 11
A. n nrIe Jprtlmp 19 2
Djulu Alhert L91::!
:: I. jnllga Pi 'l'e 1 12
:::1. 1alllhuta Ab"\e 19'2
In thi. I rovisiollnl w h' til irregult ri ics I f
retaining all the indig J uU' m mb r8 in -neh class of study
f( r nt Ie st two year' , nd of not r c iving all into Full Connee
ti n \,rho hav (omple cd th first t.wo years 0 study.

\' .

I .
011 of r ucher on Trial,
las of Third Y car
Y'at' Admitted
IH" )
'I of Second
J!I, B
('In of Fit: lear
I! 1
19 1
I '
n \ e ha \' the incf,"lll' I i. i's l
igCll U til mbC! in eh 'I" ' of tu!
. nd 0 not fee " ing aU into Full onn:'
Ie cd t he two y 1'8 of study,
;, l
Roll Of Missionaries Not Members Of An Annual Conference


Nrune Arrived on the field
Mrs. 11. P. Anker 19LI)
E. B. Sti lz 1911)
Mri', J. J, Davis 1UzU
Mary E. Foreman 1920
Mrs. E. B. Stilz
P. M. \ hctfey
W. B. Lewis
Mrs. W. B. Le\\is 11)2
H. C. Ayr s IH24
Dora.J ane A'mslrong (Resigned) 1925
Mrs. W. DE'Ruiter 1926
Mary E. Moore 1927
J H. Maw 1928
Mrs. H. T, V\ heeler 192
W. S. Hughlett *
l\Ilrs. W. S. Hughlett ' 1929
Mrs. A. J. Reid
Mrs. E. II. Lovell ]laO
Dorothy * 1930
Mrs. Shuler "mith Ayres * Hl81
Edith Martin .' 1931
I uth O'Toole 19:n
Catherine Parham * 19:n
White IHal
Myrtle 1931
Mrs. C. P. M. Sheffey 19:32
Mrs. J. H. Maw * HI:!!
Lorena Kelly
Norene Robken * UKl7
Mrs. 1. U. Townsley
Kathryn Eye
Annie Laura Winfrey
Mrs. 1\1. W. Lovell 194()
lOll furllJugl
UQard of E tucatio of
Board of Ministerial Training, l'epol'l of
Building Supervisol', rcpor , 0 f
('en tl'al ('ohicrence, del(gate 0
ertificate (If Ordination
hronol gica Roll
Church School Correspondent
Chur('h Sch 01 1.', writ "'rs at
on Accepted Supply
Committee on Building Work a Lake !vI kamba
C. rnmjLl<:t' " E\,sngt1i ", report of'
Committee n TIeCtlrdh of Di. t1'ict Confere.nces
Committee on Record 0_' Di-'ll',ct ('onD'l ences, report of
( oOlmiLL 0 on j{... frc'il 'I' 'lIr es

(\)mnll tlt'e '\lI 1 f' olution;;
Comnl'ttt!l' f n V(,n1:ln': \\' rl'o r of

( 01 m'l 1011 3I- rt'cl)rIltnpndtlion:- ill I'q! Id t Jl h,'M !lu'l
L'Olll lllJl to rev]:" II \J ,1,isLicnI1 arm ..
('ommi rtt;e lo l't--work ,1 l"Li eJ
;ommit t, e to ' cure fc,rl11,'; for U 11'IS( ian III lrri W'S
Communi n en i 'e
ConferellN! Roar of ,-'t"wilrd , 1'1 IllJl't I) f
COld, r 'ne . Cc1!llU,iu"l!, ond Uoa
ClIO ft'l'l' nt, n iI' uf
1 l ItO I I
,p, C' ,
nlilv PI'O
Disc'lIdin, I'Y uo':-I ill/:--
7, ", 111,
1", 'l,lannLi'm 0 1 \':.11 I II' 1 1',,11
( 1'1' ,till):!: , unci II 11 ,>.1u '!llIll ,
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1':1.lako-l umhe, n,'\\" \, Ik ',r
Lantu: go C OI I IIDI I 'c, n'li() rl "t'
IP'7ai Rio-I" l 'I n ta II \ C, 1 1_ ( l't It'
.1 cit" l, lI!lil ,:",!" PI,t tI
. iCIU,"r.al ,!, J I',,; 0 II; nCt, 1, I ,' P
! 1
,iltinu\ 0 "I " jOd'j s' vi
1\1 ',J. "yes, j, 'I 1'1' Lu
( ! i ' . '
1..-- leer.: clecli ull of
. rei Hwt 0 r
tiel ep;, teb to
'J lh M
r pmt. of
I trrnining, repOIt of
llU I

J' ,
( .
7. ,10, 1. 1

:>., r
. ?
, (l
Ol'dinati< n 1'\ i .
l rganiz ti n
Praver for Mis' Parham
R"'ports, giving of
R.. pots of District. uperintendt.-nts
. ollltions
Roll 'all
';;latlti 'II Report
Su nday :servi e
T np anCe Pledge
Vue tion poli ies
21.11, 30

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