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Halloween Full Moon Ritual Altar set up: Hecate, Hermes, 4 elemental candles, Athame, Chalice, Etc, Halloween

Decorations. Women enter the circle wearing their conical hats as the men enter in the circle wearing hooded cloaks with the hoods up. -When the circle has gathered they join hands and walk in a clockwise motion around the altar 3 times -Circle caster comes forward and casts circle -Quarters come forward carrying broomsticks brush down. --AIR: (salutes with broom stick) Hail to the Ancient Powers that dwell in the East. Powers of Intellect and Intuition. We welcome the changing winds into our circle. (Air then takes the broom and sweeps the path in front of them three times then turns and salutes the altar.) --FIRE: (salutes with broom stick) Hail to the Ancient Powers that dwell in the South. Powers of Emotion and Desire. We welcome the burning flame into our circle. (Fire then sweeps the ground in front of them three times and turns and salutes altar.) --WATER: (salutes with broom stick) Hail to the that dwell Ancient Powers that dwell in the West., home of the Ancestors Powers of Cleansing and Ambition. We welcome the crashing wave into our circle. (Water sweeps the ground in front of them three times and turns and salutes the altar.) --EARTH: (salutes with broom stick) Hail to the Ancient Powers that dwell in the North. Powers of Birth, death and Rebirth. We welcome the world into our circle. (Earth sweeps the ground in front of them three times and then turns and salutes the altar.) -The four then come forward and place the broomsticks on the ground brush to handle in a circle and step back into place. -Invoke Hecate -Invoke Hermes -Invoke the spirit of Kentucky -Call down the moon -Call down the sun -HP: Tonight on the night of the blood moon we honor the god in his death and give thanks for his sacrifice. We bless him as he grows his horns and leads the wild hunt. -Sacrificial Animal wearing fur or horns steps into the circle of broom sticks and acts animal like (prancing, walking, and galloping) -The Hunter now takes walks forward carrying a small pole with padding on the end the hunter then spears the animal (animal dramatically falls to ground) -HPS: As was done in centuries past we call to the gods of the hunt. May our sacrifice please them as we pray that they bless our weapons and empower our hunters. -HP: With this sacrifice we pray that the hunt is victorious. There shall be food for all and none shall go hungry. -HPS steps forward and raises hands over the fallen animal -HPS: As green turns to red. The time of the planting is passing and the time of the hunt drawls near. As the light turns to the dark the time of blood is upon us. I as the crone bless the hunt and make it a fertile endeavor. -HP places hands over blade (coven Athame) As the time changes and dark does rule, I as

the lord of the wild hunt bless the weapons of this clan. May their magick guide our hunters to ensure a victorious hunt. -Athame is passed around the circle and each member present kisses the blade and passes it one. -HPS: May the strength of our hunters grow. May their actions be swift and deadly and may their aim be true. The Hunt will be victorious. -HP and HPS close out with own words or messages from the gods. -Libation -HPS takes chalice and pours the rest of the contents on the ground In honor of the goddess in all that is all that was and all that shall be. Blessed Be -HP takes a piece of bread and sprinkles the crumbs on the ground. In honor of the god in all that is all that was and all that shall be. Blessed Be -Release God, Goddess and Spirit of Kentucky -Release quarters by quarters coming forward and picking the broomsticks off the ground still holding them handle to brush as they chant: We release the Ancient Powers of the north, west, south and east. Blessed Be. Broomsticks are brought up as the quarters stomp the ground. -Release Circle -Closing

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