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Like the above picture of my Property? Up front. This may seem like mad rambling, but the rambling here is to get the magnetic forces working in each of us to protect what we barely have due to the blatant arrogance by many who placed us in this situation. Understand and you will know what matters most. The mobile home is a piece of crap. It is falling apart. Thats another story, told once before. Most have asked why I havent walked away from it. I am amused with their mentality, for they know not what they said. For me, it is a matter of principal. I am expected to follow the law and I do so. There may have been times that I slipped on a law I didnt understand, but I forgive myself. As I am expected to follow the law, so I expect those who use the law to govern me to do the same. What I am trying to get across is; You may or may not be involved in losing your home. But do not think you are not involved. U.S. taxpayers foot the bill for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Wall Street, and the big banks. You pick the order how you like, taxpayers are paying for extravagance of these Ungodly people. You may or may not have purchased a home. If you do have a mortgage and are in hot water up to your neck, join the crowd. There is no need to explain or give excuses as to why. Excuses are like a nose, everybody has one. It was planned. I read an article today that made me think about this mess and how we are overlooking an important factor in the success of winning this futile battle between us, our elected officials, wall street and the big Alvie Campbell - 2011 P.O. Box 291, Coupland, Texas 78615 AlvieC 1

banks. The article was about the Earths gravity is due to electromagnetism. Seems like a long time to finally get this? Newton defined gravity as a force: one that attracts all objects to all other objects. You can see gravity at work every time you drop a book, cut down a tree or shoot a gun up into the air. It has a constant presence in our lives and we never even comprehend the mystery of it. The Feather and the Rock This has been a gravitation test for many. Of course the rock always wins out, unless the feather was allowed to land first. I ask you now, what are you comprised of? Minerals, like iron, magnesium, etc.? We make good magnetic material, huh? We are made of atoms and molecules. Way more than the minerals, because the minerals are made of atoms and molecules. In science it is explained that the magnetic field is a combined force of atoms and molecules. I hope your catching on? Magnets combine their strength when they are together. Just as the Earths gravity is caused by an electromagnetic field, everything seems to be glued to the ground so to speak. So in this corny way of explaining this, we need to be positive instead of negative to pull our gravity or levitation in our favor. We know something is wrong. We wonder how it got that way. Well, we can go on wondering all day long. That is exactly what is inspected of us. Whoever it is that has us in servitude, they counting on the isms, especially ignorantism. The ignorantism doctrine suggests that ignorance is a favorable thing. This global financial crisis we witness today is not just some type of accounting error. It is the largest ponzi sheme Adam has ever known. Magnetism at Work We are not one and the same. We are just two magnets of many that came together.

Alvie Campbell - 2011

P.O. Box 291, Coupland, Texas 78615


I met a man who explained this ponzi scheme to me. I suggest sincerely that you read what he has written. If you want to receive light (knowledge), read and understand. He has explained it in so many ways, one of them are bound to make sense to you. Thank you James McGuire. These articles and charts worked for me to understand. My messages, in the forms of videos or articles, such as Alvie Explains It come from the understanding in the education Mr. McGuire has provided to the world. Although many may see an education I received from Mr. McGuire, but what many may not see is the education he gave me in emotions. You cant have them. Why? Because we are dealing with a machine, a system that has no emotions. You do, it does not. Think of it this way. I am sure most have probably dealt with collections, or even support from some corporation with things like the phone, electrical, water, computer or such. How did you feel after the support call? Even though you may have dealt with a warm body on the other end of the line, they forgot about you not long after they hung up the phone. On to the next. Who is left feeling angry, disgusted, happy? You still carry the baggage of emotions, they do not. It is a machine, a system. Humans dont think much about Earth`s gravity because they can pick things up. The human body is made of tiny magnets (atoms and molecules) and humans are inside of Earth`s magnetic field, so the magnetic field of Earth is inherited into the human body and it evens out the human body, so to speak. Thus allowing humans to lift small objects with the strength of Earth and the strength of the human body combined. Get the point? Look at it this way; We the People are the magnets. We are in a time that We the Magnets come together to salvage our country. When was the last time you felt proud of singing America? Or do you even know the words to it? Here; My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims' pride, From ev'ry mountainside Let freedom ring! My native country, thee, Land of the noble free, Thy name I love; I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills; My heart with rapture thrills, Like that above. Alvie Campbell - 2011 P.O. Box 291, Coupland, Texas 78615 AlvieC 3

Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees, Sweet freedom's song; Let mortal tongues awake; Let all that breathe partake; Let rocks their silence break, The sound prolong. Our fathers' God to Thee, Author of liberty, To Thee we sing. Long may our land be bright, With freedom's holy light, Protect us by Thy might, Great God our King.

Mr. Smith wrote this back in 1831 according to volume 20, New York: Oxford Press. He got the idea from some German school songbooks. They say he liked the tune of Muzio Clementi's Symphony No. 3, so he wrote the lyrics for this song. It only took him thirty minutes. It was first played publicly on July 4, 1831 in Boston and first published in 1832. Since then, Americans have proudly sang this song, but Ive noticed lately, that hearing this song seems to be a thing of the past. It is because most Americans feel our peoples elected into our government have abandoned us? We no longer feel free? Did we wake up from that American dream, only to find it the American Nightmare? We are entering upon a time where those who have been elected into office, that completely forgot about us, have and will begin to spew words that we want to hear, so you will re-elect them. The problem with this is, as in the past, how many of the false promises did they keep? Now that we are waking up to this American Nightmare, we should be asking some serious questions, rather than the questions they only allow when they have a public speaking engagement. Of course they will either ignore you or spout off something like elected John McCain did when people were at some of his public speaking engagements and asking real questions. Ole John is not the only one. I challenge you to look up the past and see what you have been missing. Our Forefathers warned us that this would happen if we let our guard down. A few of our past Presidents warned us, but they were either put out of the picture one way or the other. Read, dont take my word for it. And if you want to get Religious, read the warnings in those books too. Darnedest thing though, we sure did what they said we were going to do. Come Together Alvie Campbell - 2011 P.O. Box 291, Coupland, Texas 78615 AlvieC 4

So much for just speaking to one set of citizens. This is Global. If one thinks they are immune, think again. Stocks are everywhere. What ones are good and what ones are bad, is the investors determination. Yet, they think the guy who helps them invest surely knows what is best. Wrong. They may appear to be smart, however, they appear to have missed something or they would not have suggested their client delve into to mortgage backed securities. I do not care where you live, what city, state, country, village, hut, I dont care. I do care that you are involved in something that was made so complicated that you wouldnt understand it. This is why I have created this magnetic article, because I understand the mysteries. Argue if you want, you are still reading this. That is how simple a magnetic works. Headlines across the globe IMF calls on Europe to get "act together" on debt Greek Default Would Hit German Banks and Taxpayers Greek Minister: Participation In Euro Zone "Irreversible" Choice Bank of China Halts Forex Swaps With UBS, BNP UBS Loss Reveals Gaps ABS Conflicts, Investment Advisers, Swiss Risk: Compliance Im sure there are many more to read. Most in this cruel world have lived in fear from one thing or another. We are pitted against each other. We are taught to hate each other. We have learned how to be hateful to each other. We have either learned to be disrespectful or just gave up and decided to be that way. I know it is not our intentions, but it has happened to us. What ever our Creators name is, should not be an issue to dislike each other. What do we really know of our Creator? In a court of mans laws, it would be called hearsay. Because we were not an actual witness to what we have been told. Understand this message. It is easy to believe those whom we thought would guide us to a better life. Has that happened?

Alvie Campbell - 2011

P.O. Box 291, Coupland, Texas 78615


Those whom created this global nightmare achieved it by the method of a system, a machine that has no compassion for anyone except those who are involved at the top of their food chain. Look back and think about this; Our grandparents worked very hard to make a better life for their children. Their children, our parents worked even harder to try to make a better life for us, and we are working even harder to try to make a better life for our children. Hard, harder, very hard. Is it any different where you live? Only the rich could say yes. Ask yourself; Is this the way we should be headed? Look at America; until 2000, the debt was somewhere in the range of 3-4 trillion dollars as far as we know. 3-4 trillion dollars of a period of a few hundred years. Today our debt is over 14 trillion. In ten short years, our debt has exploded. Why? Securitization and the laws they dont have to support them. Im sure other countries are in the same boat as we are. If not, they will find out before long. Our Creator I do not believe our Creator, whatever you want to call him, as we all belong to him, intended this to happen. But we were warned, does not matter what belief we have, we were warned. Not only by our ancestors, but also along the way by our forefathers. Call it the Big Bang, or what ever you want to call it, this Earth was created. Does it matter how it was created? Only science is the curious kitty. We just walk on it. Or in it. The thing to understand is it was created, it is electromagnetic, and we are the magnets that make it stronger. We either continue to throw negative fields at each other, or we turn around and start using the positive fields to make it stronger. Come together brothers and sisters. Lets stop all the negativity we were trained to use. This world is much better than this. Stop trying to reason with forces that are outside our understanding and start learning. Start learning that we are with each other, not against. You are being led into a path of destruction. Look around you. There is more misery and hatred, murder and adultery, and probably no more than there was back in the days of old. It is just a different time.

Alvie Campbell - 2011

P.O. Box 291, Coupland, Texas 78615


Why do we continue to follow this path of destruction? For the sake of Who? All that comes to mind is; You generation of Vipers. How long will you continue to be this way? Know the mysteries of what you were not taught. Ive made my attempts to explain what Mr. McGuire has explained to many who have read his educational material. I again, attempt to get you to understand that we have been led to slaughter. We are the sacrifice for those who continue to purge the good people of this planet we call Earth. Because I know of the authority within me, I now bring this authority to you. You have always had it. You just were not told how it works. Beware of those in sheeps clothing, for you are sent out as sheep amongst the wolves. Now is the time for all the Creators children to come together and work as the powerful magnet we are. You have heard it before; there is strength in numbers. And remember, violence it not the way to accomplish anything. It is through the pen. It is through a peaceful, yet authoritative manner. It is no longer just We the People, It is We the Creators children . . . Good does triumph over evil. Have faith. Arise and fear no more.

Read Mr. McGuires materials at www.scribd.com/alvie Or www.OurLemon.com

Bring the magnetic force together, make this a better world for all of us. Stop seeking a sign. The only signs are the signs of destruction. Beware of the unleavened bread you have eaten from. For the bread you were fed, was not of good quality.

Alvie Campbell - 2011

P.O. Box 291, Coupland, Texas 78615


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