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BOT MED – October 31, 2006

FEMALE HERBS – refer to Hoffmann

Female reproductive system – large proportion are grown in North America

- herbs develop in response to human need

Emmenogogue: a herb that causes menses (regulate / re-establish NORMAL menses –

too far apart, has not had menses for a few months – NORMAL MENSES)
 CI in pregnancy – can cause abortion
 CI in pregnancy – anything that is teratogenic (especially during the 1st month)

Tenacetum vulgare – so toxic that it will likely cause an abortion, will cause menses but
not normal menses

28 day cycle – related to sun spot cycle – we are exposed to electron bombardment from
the solar flares

CI in pregnancy:
- bitters affect stomach muscle
- berberine – oxytoxic
- purgatives/ cathartics
- toxic herbs / teratogens

Symptoms during menses:

- water retention (abdominal, breasts enlargement/ tenderness, weight gain, feet) 
chloride shift and water follows – hyperaldosteronemia (stress, fatigue,
exhaustion – all affect adrenals) – KI pulses will be low (associated with worry –
SP dampness, internal dampness – manifests as water retention)
- menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea) – antispasmodics
o black cohosh/ Actea racemosa (MSK pain from any source) – heavy,
tensile pain
o Viburmum – relax uterine muscle
o Piscidia erythrina – for anxious women (Jamaican dogwood) – kills fish –
not local – muscle relaxant, analgesic, good nights sleep
o Causes: blood clots, weakness of uterine tone, poor circulation, stagnation,
deficiency of blood – loss of KI QI
- heavy bleeding – lack of adequate uterine muscle tone, involved with lack of
clotting (tissue and blood), lack of tone in arterial vessels that feed the uterus
o Mitchella repens – with Caulophyllum thalictroides
- PMS mood swings – Evening primrose oil (Oenethera biennis) – found in EFAs
o Imbalance of nervous system
o Usually a function of hormone levels
- Low energy – adaptogens (unless only occurs during menstruation)
- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
- Back pain – stagnation of QI/blood – referred pain to the lower back / knees

o Polyonum multiflorum
- Constipation
- Menstrual headaches
- Menopause (hot flashes, weight gain, loss of bone mass, lower libido, memory
loss, insomnia, vaginal/ skin dryness, confusion, emotional instability)
o Avg woman gains b/w 5-10 lbs – won’t be able to avoid symptoms if not
weight gain (spread evenly over body), increased libido but must have
sufficient KI essence
o Treat by restoring KI essence – KEY!!
o Need to support KI Yin (Rehmania gluatinosa) – Zhi Bai Wa Wei wan, Da
Bu Yin Wan, Lie Wei Di Huang Wan, Qi wan, Zho Kwei pills  Yi tonics
- Endometriosus – castor oil packs over area on the abdomen
- Fibrosus
- Poly cystic ovarian syndrome

- perimenopausal symptoms appear 10 years before menopause

4 types of PMS:
1. Estrogen excess – irritability
2. Progesterone excess - Weepy, vulnerable, very sensitive
3. Excess of both – Liver not working hard, isn’t removing hormones

Hormone Normalizers:
Vitex agnus-castus – works at all stages of life (better after menopause); generally all you
Angelica sinensis – child bearing years

If dealing with skin symptoms /lesions– target lymphatic system (lymphatic massage)

BOT MED – November 7, 2006

ANTHELMINTICS – they are toxic  hopefully kill parasites before they kill us
- people get parasites when they become devitalized

Case #32
- people separated from family travel without food, water, protection,
undernourished, lacking basic nutrients, living in unsanitary conditions (parasites
can multiply very quickly)
- examine healthy ecosystem, plants are vibrant – as trees become old and begin to
die you see various types of fungus growing (we use there as drugs), as the tree
falls over and lies on the ground it becomes a resource for others to house in and
gradually returns to the soil
- parasite is an end stage of breakdown in vitality
- viruses begin with simple viruses and then become more complex

- when you improve vitality of a person, you must follow-up and re-check to make
sure that the parasite has been removed
- talked about books written by Holda Clark  she created a Zapper can use to kill
parasites based on their frequency

Platyhelminthes (flatworm)
- flukes  trematode
- flatworms  cestodes (tapeworm)
- Randworm  nematodes (round worm)

- There are pathogenic organisms living in the joints of human beings (are they
causing the disease or are they there as a result of de-vitalization?)

Herb Constituent Chemical Class Effect Country

Artemisia cina Santonin Sesquiterpene Round worms Europe, Russia
(wormseed) lactone & thread
Chenpodium Ascoridol Unsaturated Round worms, Mexico,
ambrosodes terpine peroxide hook worms, Tropical, USA
small tapes
Curcubita pepe Curcurbitacins Tenoside – not Temperate
(pumpkin lethal zones
Dryopteris Flavosidic Phloroglucinol Taenifuge, Europe, Asia
filix-mas acids & derivatives Vermifuge
Juglans cinerea Juglone Naphthaoquinones Anthelmintic, Europe
& Juglans (cause mutations Vermifuge
nigra in DNA)
Punica Elligatannins Pelletierene Tapeworms Southwest asia
granatum alkaloids & India
Spegelia Spigeleine Alkaloid (disrupt Tenoside, Southern US
marilandica body chemically) Round worm
Tanacetum Thujone Essential oil Anthelmintic, Local
vulgare Insecticide
(tics, mites,
lice –

Ipecac – Rubiaceae
- From Brazil

Case #31
- Syrup of Cephaelis ipecacuanha
- When do you use an emetic? Not on a totally unconscious person
- 20 mins  make sure there is something to throw up (absorbed) – matter of
- But a lot of contra-indications with emetics: petroleum products (devastating
work on the LUNGS if inhaled, caustic products, sharp objects (pins, broken
glass, razor blades))
- Emetics are generally expectorants as well in high doses (isoquinoline alkaloids)
- Pea sized amount
- Emetic to prevent absorption
- Capable of irritating skin, mucous membranes, too much = activated charcoal can
absorb it, overdose may cause death

Case #32
- swollen stomachs due to number of parasites or malnutrition
- Ascaris – parasite caused by round worm – as eggs hatch they pass from small
intestine and into LU – malabsorption may result from heavy worm loads
- Spigelia marilandica, Artemisia cina, Chenopodium ambrosiodes

Case #33
- Tanacelum vulgare – quite poisonous when ingested but effective as an insect
repellent, can be put externally on animals as a powder
- Partially acts as a carminative
- CI – may cause abortions highly toxic
- Like little marigold plants (pungent aroma that keep the bugs away) – not true but
still have same range (volatile oils, fugone)

Case #34
- very toxic lifestyle – smokes, drinks
- obsessive compulsive personality
- man was already on a parasitic cleanse for a year
- Silybum marianum to help Liver
- Have to satisfy his desire to cleanse, introduce detoxification of the bowels (add
oatbran and flax seeds, apples, pears, blueberries), detoxification of the liver
- Berberis aquefolium – liver, bowel, good affinity for the skin

Case #35
- Tape worm head (proglotid – each section of the tapeworm – motile)
- May see these segments in bathwater
- Fish tape worm – found in infected fresh water fish – pt of entry is the mouth,
fresh water fish flesh
- Curcurbita (pumpkin seed) – one of the safest ones  tapeworm remedy that is
less powerful & extremely safe – GOOD FOR PREGNANCY, reduced state of
health, hepatitis and with children

- Dryopteris filix-mas (male fern) – drug of choice for tapeworms  best when
herb is fresh – toxicity is increased by castor oil
- Give male fern extract on an empty stomach followed by castor oil the next
- Punica granatum – alternative that you could use
- Tansy– not recommended for internal use but has been used – poisoning due to
thujone constituent

BOT MED - November 21, 2006


Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis)

- good for women who have excess of estrogen
- women feel vulnerable, lose self-confidence, identity, cry easily (these symptoms
are associated with elevated progesterone levels)
- some women have an elevation of both  liver has problems removing both
- 500mg, twice a day
- Ideal ratio of EFAs (omega 3-6-9)  look up

Silybum (milk thistle)  will aid in the removal of symptoms – reduces levels of toxins
and hormone residues

Herbs that help bowel function will help women with detoxification during menses

4 subgroups of PMS

1. PMS type A: anxiety, irritability, mood swings, nervousness, tension (estrogen

predominant, low progesterone)
2. PMS Type B: depression, crying, forgetfulness, confusion, insomnia (low estrogen,
high progesterone, elevated adrenal androgens testosterone)
3. PMS Type C: Cravings, increased appetite, headaches, fatigue, dizziness or fainting,
palpitations (Increased CHO tolerance, effects of prostaglandins on insulin sensitivity)
4. PMS Type H: Hyper-hydration (water retention) – fluid retention with weight gain
greater than 3 lbs, breast tenderness, abdominal swelling, bloating (not gas)

Case 46:
GLA to promote PGA1 synthesis
- Evening primrose oil

Male Herbs

2 main problems:
1) Prostate problems
2) Erectile dysfunction

Case #42 (compare with case #8)
- Problems maintaining erection
- Prostate & blood cholesterol normal (effects blood flow)
- As men age they have less sexual function, libido is reduced, cannot maintain
erections, tire more easily, cannot maintain erection
- TCM  depleted KI essence according to life cycle
- Main difference between case 8  aging process
- Case 42 – old, but wants to appear as if he is still 20  taken a lot of stimulant
drugs, ginseng
- Man was in real danger of a heart attack – excess use of Yang tonics
- Very dangerous state, over-stimulated
Pausinystalia yohimbe  very toxic herb, use with great care
- alkaloid: yohimbe
- toxicity: GI disturbances, HT, salivation, mydriasis, etc (hyper stimulated
condition which is quite dangerous, sometimes causes depression)
- Aphrodisiac, alpha-adrenergic blocker, stimulator
- Prolongs and stimulates erection, without increasing excitement
Tribulus terrestris – similar action to yohimbe
- contains ginseng (Yin tonic)
- allium sativum (antiseptic) – blood thinner, lowers cholesterol
- Skull cap - muscle relaxant, nervine
- Bee pollen – nutrient
Panax Ginseng
Schisandra – aphrodisiac

Total treatment approach

- helping him understand that as we age we lose sterility (ability to perform over
and over again)
- effects of sugar and fats in the foods we eat
- YIN tonic to build up his Yin since he’s been taking Yang tonics

Case #43
- developing atherosclerosis (interfering with elasticity of blood vessels  difficulty
having and sustaining an erection)
- increases blood flow
Pygeum africanum
- lowers cholesterol levels in the prostate  improves circulation & metabolism in
male organs
Serenoa repens  decreases size of the prostate
Allium sativum

Pumpkin seed formula Zinc is important for prostate health

Tier 2
- Restoration of erection / sexual function
- Increase blood flow
- Decrease cholesterol

Case #44
- Smilax for syphilis
- Abstain from food, alcohol, stay in warm room

Case #45:
- PSA (Prostate Serum Androgen) – normal level  important test, if levels are too
high then must take a biopsy of the prostate; this process creates inflammation
and swelling which leads to a further sequelae, also PSA results are highly
- This man has BPH (increase in number and size of cells in the prostate)
- Cause of symptoms  prostate pressing on the urethra and depresses it
- KI Yang is good for externalizing
Serenoa Repens
Pygeum africanum
Saphorilla – has steroidal saponins
Stinging nettle – anti-inflammatory & anti-allergic (useful in any type of swelling)


Tabebuia  constituents – antimicrobial – lapacol

Atemisia annua & absinthum  Tonics & anti-depressants, bitters, anti-parasitic
Rheum spp.  Will cause constipation because of tannins.
Acorus calamus  acerone = poison
Berberine  isoquinline alkaloids are oxytocic (uterine contractions)


- many botanicals that can be used to treat diabetes mellitus
- herbs that are treating the symptoms  modifying metabolism of sugar or the
functioning of insulin
- sugar diabetes  2 kinds:
1) Type 1 – childhood onset diabetes; not always childhood but it is an autoimmune
destruction of the beta-cells of the pancreas; insulin is no longer produced
- Dependent on insulin for the rest of their lives
2) Type 2 – adult onset; exhaustion of the pancreatic cells because of over
stimulation from the consumption of CHO/sugar (m/c in type O blood type)
- gain weight (obesity) and develop insulin resistance (cells no longer respond to
sugar) to high intake (insulin levels are high as a result, in addition to elevated
blood sugar levels)
- non-insulin dependent DM (NIDDM)

- seen in obese children who are exhausting insulin mechanism very early  true
addiction to carbohydrates

Diabetes neuritis – due to high blood sugar levels do the damage most monitor
carefully (high insulin levels follow – alters inflammatory function – eicosanoids 
target circulatory system therefore, destruction of circulatory system

Herbs can:
Mimic insulin
Alter absorption of glucose
Modify the way the liver breaks down sugars
Alter gluconeogenesis

Syzygium cumini

For symptoms:
Vaccinium myrtillus
Gingko biloba
Hypericum perforatum  good for retina of the eye, neurological symptoms
Prickly ash Zingiber, capsicum and allium also good herbs for circulation

Gymneema – India  stimulates insulin production & protects beta cells

- control of thyroid is many tiers
- TSH made by pituitary gland
- T3 (active) & T4
- TSH levels stimulated b/c T3 levels are low  lack of iodine, therefore use iodine
salt to help with low T3 levels
- Goiter = thyroid gland swells
- Hyperthyroid = too much T3 in blood, increased basal metabolic rate  dose of
iodine is used to treat thyroid storm (severe, acute attack of hyperthyroidism)
- Adding ordinary doses of iodine can be useful in treating thyroid function

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