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Recycling of industrial waste

Industrial waste management essential

Industries are a major cause for environmental pollution. Reduce, reuse and recycle is the mantra for modern day waste disposal. Methods to reduce industrial pollution at source are available, says Mr. Nandakumar, Environmental Officer, Karnataka Pollution Control Board, Bangalore.

INEP: What are the types of industries we have and the kind of waste they generate? Mr.Nandakumar: Industries are classified as small, medium and large-scale. According to the types of waste it generates, it can be classified as industries causing air and water pollution, and industries producing solid wastes. Cement industries and thermal power units cause air pollution. Sugar factories, distilleries and refineries cause water pollution with their effluents. INEP: What is the composition of the waste? Mr. Nandakumar: Sugar factories produce more biodegradable wastes and they are easily treatable. But wastes from refineries and distilleries are difficult to treat because of their saline and alkaline contents. INEP: Are industrial waste reusable? Mr. Nandakumar: It is very rare that we find an industrial effluent which can be reused. It is one of the reasons why these industrial wastes have to be controlled at the source itself. It should not be allowed to merge with other effluents or emissions. If this is controlled at the source, then treatments of other effluents at the end point become easy.

INEP: What are the types of wastes in large industries? Mr. Nandakumar: They contain air pollutants, water pollutants and both hazardous and non-hazardous wastes. If the effluents of the water-polluting industries are segregated properly at the source, the treated water can be reused. Thus the pressure on water supply reduces. The BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) content of effluents from distilleries is high and hence it can be used to produce bio gas, which can be used in boiler plants. Some solid wastes from sugar factories can be used to produce organic manure. INEP: Can industries make a profit out of reuse of wastes? Mr.Nandakumar: Earlier no one thought about waste, let alone reusing it. Then they were too keen on getting rid of wastes. Now times have changed. The Clean Technology and Wealth from wastes concepts is in vogue. The technology is not allowing the waste water to go to the end of the pipeline but treating it at the source itself, thereby saving time, energy and money. INEP: Can the be used for irrigation? Mr.Nandakumar: Yes, provided the water is treated




according to the prescribed methods. In the treated water the presence of salt, ph factor, and acidity should be only in the quantity fixed by the experts. Only then can it be used. Recycled water, especially from sugar factories, are already in use in agriculture. Some industries have created a green belt area and garden in and around their industries using only recycled waster. Some farmers are of the opinion that recycled water has helped to gain better yields of crops. INEP: Do you think industries can make money out of recycling? Mr.Nandakumar: Yes, provided they change the technology, methods to control the waste and effluents, treat the waste water at the source instead of allowing it to reach the end of the pipeline stage. For example, coal, used in thermal power units, creates a lot of ash and sulphur. This immediately is converted into sulphur dioxide which is dangerous to human beings. But if it is mixed with another chemical, it can produce Gypsum, which can be used in Cement factory or in the production of chemical fertilizers. The ash can be made to go through electrostatic precipitator and reused to make bricks. Fly ash being loaded for transportation to cement factories INEP: Does your Board offer any guidelines to young entrepreneurs? Mr.Nandakumar: Earlier when new industries approached us for clearance, we would look at only at the effluents that come out of the unit and equipments installed to treat it. Now we look at the technology they use to produce a product, so that it can be modified to reduce pollutions at the source. Earlier distilleries were using Batch Process. Now continuous fermentation process is used which reduces pollution of water.



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