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Word Processing v Desk Top Publishing

Common features of a Word Processor and Desk Top Publisher.

When typing a document on a word processor it is possible to edit (or change) and
format (or alter the layout) of the text.

Feature Example
The cats sat on te mat (original)
Editing – Deleting or adding characters or
The cat sat on te mat (deleted character)
The cat sat on the mat (added character)
The cat sat on the mat (original)
Editing – replacing characters
The cat sat in the mat (replaced character)
The cat sat on the mat (original)
Editing – rearranging sentences
On the mat, the cat sat (rearranged)
Editing – copying blocks of text so that it The cat sat on the mat (original)
may be used or repeated elsewhere in the The cat sat on the mat (copied)
Editing – spellchecking or grammer the cat sat on tho mat
checking. Scanning the document or
selected text for basic spelling or Can be limited to words that are stored in
grammatical errors. A green squiggly line the dictionary and grammar checks can
under a word or sentence shows a show errors when in fact there are none.
grammatical error and a read squiggly line This is due to the fact that English
shows a spelling error. grammar is very difficult.
Formatting – Embolden characters to make The cat sat on the mat (original)
words or characters stand out The cat sat on the mat (emboldened)
The cat sat on the mat (original)
Formatting – Italics
The cat sat on the mat (italic)
The cat sat on the mat (original)
Formatting – Underline The cat sat on the mat (underlined)

The cat sat on the mat (comic sans size 10)

The cat sat on the mat (lucida handwriting
Formatting – Changing the font size and size 10)
the font
The cat sat on the mat (size
The cat sat on the mat (original)

T h e cat s at o n the m at

Formatting – Changing the spaces between

( e x pand e d s paci ng of
the characters and/or the lines

ch ar acter s and do u ble

li ne s paci ng )
Formatting – Changing the justification of Left justified means that it will line up on
the left hand side and be ragged on the

Centre Justified

the text Right Justified means that it will line up on

the right and be ragged on the left.

Fully justified means that the words will be

spaced out so that it is straight on both
the left and right hand side of the text.
Changing the size of the margins
• Bullet points or
1. Numbering

Formatting – extra features Page breaks – forcing the work to start on

a new page

Borders – putting boxes around text

Other features found on Word Processors

• Help facility
• Creating and editing tables (as above)
• Drawing tool so that you can draw your own basic shapes that can be grouped
• Inserting pictures/clipart
• Mail Merge – where a standard document can be merged with information from a
data source (eg database) and inserted into the document. Companies use this to
send out personalised letters to their customers – they write one letter and
merge it with their customer database.
• Word Count

Differences between a Word Processor and Desk Top Publisher

Word Processor Desk Top Publisher

You can start typing straight away on the You need to create a text box before you
page can start to type
Word wrap – words are never split up to Does not have word wrap – will usually split
start a new line the word or insert a hyphen when starting
a new line
Spell checker works through the whole of Spell checker only works in the selected
the document text box
Thesaurus and Grammar checks Not available
Can use Autocorrect to automatically Not available
correct basic spelling mistakes
Not available Ability to layer objects – place one on top
of each other or make one layer
Not available Ability to flip or rotate objects so that
pictures or text frames can be put onto its
side or diagonally

Remember that software is being developed all the time and although these differences
are generally true, this may not be the case in the future.

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