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Subject MAN 2120 Organizational Behaviour

Group Members Sherlene Gunanayagam (GUSSB81) Gimhani Amanda Senewiratne (SEGAC81) Rudy Weeramanthri ( WERVD81) Ayodhya Weerawardana (WEAID81) Lecturer Mr. Jeyaraj Class Saturday 8.30 am

1.0 Gender communication in work place and its relevance to OB

Disparities among males and females communicational styles in workplaces has resulted in a gap known as the Gender Communication gap. This has a direct impact on organizational behaviour. In an organizational environment such gaps have created constant workplace issues. Thus it is important to understand the relevance of it to the OB context and strategies that can be used to mitigate this concern.
1.1 Differences of cross gender communication

(Uman, 2006) describes of four main areas of such differences

Difference Giving/Sharing of information Listening Decision Making Men Give information as a way of showing expertise To solve problems Make unilateral decisions Comfortable giving and taking orders (from higher level males, in particular). Argue more and tend to disagree Women Share information to build relationships To gain understanding of a speakers experience More comfortable with giving and taking suggestions from men and women. Easily agree and see disagreement as a threat to relationships

Handling Conflicts

2.0 Implications of Gender Communication Gap on organizations and managers

2.1 Low morale-This occurs if managers are unable to understand the communication methods of the opposite sex. E.g if the manager is a male, he would tend to be direct, blunt, interrupt others when talking and be more commanding. But a female employee might be offended by such behaviours of a manger. . 2.2 Employment Interview-(Parsons & Liden, 2007) shows that females have been rated higher on nonverbal communication in an interview whereas men with high nonverbal skills were marked higher because they were not expected to have strong nonverbal communication skills. Women with stronger verbal skills were marked higher because that is not their genders stereotypical strength. 2.3 Work Team -Team work tasks must be allocated among team members according to their skills and gender characteristics. According to research women tend to be better at tasks which need to build rapport. (Carli, n.d) Thus they can be given public relations tasks. 2.4 Level of resistance to change Both genders may resist organisational change. Though men tend to be open about the resistance, verbally and through actions, women may not be so. Managers must find methods of finding out the opinions of female employees via personal interviews or questionnaires which do not require the respondents identity.

3.0 Strategies used to bridge the gender and communication gap according to (Lieberman, 2007)
Both men and women need to be aware of each others styles of communication both verbal and non-verbal in order to avoid miscommunication and work better together. Unconscious stereotypes and biases and be open to breaking past them in order to leverage each others strengths. Recognize that many different styles of leadership can be effective. Men, be aware of how much time and space in meetings or group interaction. Men should make room for the contributions of women. Learn about male and female styles of communication and be able to use both in order to deal with the complexity and diversity of situations in today's world both personally and professionally. Recognize differences so that it will be easier to have open discussions in order to find similarities and use those differences to achieve greater goals together.

4.0 What Are the Difficulties in Implement This Strategies

When management requires improving gender communication, the size and the composition of teams might change causing risks of losing top talent and dissatisfaction among employees. (Davidson, 2005) The perception of A Gendered power structure , which occurs due to the beliefs that merit is usually male defined and the male dominance in executive positions (Neuliep, 2007) Gender Communication is effected by situational factors including work setting, type and culture of organization, workers skill and knowledge on communication system and proportion of gender in the organization (Neuliep, 2007)

5.0 Advantages of Understanding Gender Communication Issues

Usage of Gender preferred language will enable to reduce conflict, miscommunication, and misunderstandings. (Cockburn, 2006) After bridging the gap of Gender Communication, the management will have improved access to a growing, well-educated segment of the female workforce. (Davidson, 2005) A culture where both men and women want to work could be created, which produces better performance. (Davidson, 2005)

Carli, L.L, (n.d). Gender issues in workplace groups: Effects of gender and communicatopm style on social influence. Retrieved on 11 January, 2010 from http://www.wellesley.edu/Psychology/Psych/Faculty/Carli/GenderAndCommunicationAt WorkDavidsonBarnett.pdf Cockburn, C. (2006). - In the way of women: Men's resistance to sex equality in organizations. Retrieved on 31st December 2009 from: http://books.google.lk/books? id=5dDehOyZ88kC&pg=PA59&dq=not+rewarding+employees&lr=&cd=1#v=onepage &q=not%20rewarding%20employees&f=false Davidson, M Barrett.M, (2005) - Gender and communication at work Retrieved on 4th January 1st 2010 from http://www.aare.edu.au/02pap/pet02184.htm Neuliep, J.M (2007) - Intercultural communication: a contextual approach Retrieved on 6th January 2010 from: http://books.google.lk/books? id=mrG7W5PsfpAC&pg=PA134&dq=gender+communication+benefits&lr=&cd=15#v= onepage&q=gender%20communication%20benefits&f=false Liberman, S (2007) Gender Communication Strategies and differences Retrieved on 12th January 2010 from: http://superperformance.com/gendercommunication.html Parsons, C.K., & Liden, R. C. (2007). Interviewer perceptions of applicant qualifications: A multivariate field study of demographic characteristics and nonverbal cues. Journal of Applied Psychology, 69, 557-568. Uman, K. (2006) - Cross-Gender Communication Differences: Understanding Them Can Help You Be More Effective, Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce Newsletter. Retrieved on 9th January 2009 From: http://www.exe-coach.com/CrossGenderCommunication.html

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