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2800 0AF0
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3000 0BB8
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16614 4.00E+07 P0230
16618 40EA P0234
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16702 413E P0318
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16751 416F P0367
16752 4170 P0368
16764 417C P0380
16774 4186 P0390
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16801 41A1 P0417
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16842 41CA P0458
16843 41CB P0459
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16846 41CE P0462
16847 41CF P0463
16854 41D6 P0470
16855 41D7 P0471
16856 41D8 P0472
16857 41D9 P0473
16864 4.10E+01 P0480
16865 4.10E+02 P0481
16873 4.10E+10 P0489
16874 41EA P0490
16875 41EB P0491
16876 41EC P0492
16882 41F2 P0498
16883 41F3 P0499
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16981 4255 P0597
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17022 427E P0638
17023 427F P0639
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17075 42B3 P0691
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17081 42B9 P0697
17082 42BA P0698
17083 42BB P0699
17084 42BC P0700
17085 42BD P0701
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17119 42DF P0735
17120 4.20E+01 P0736
17124 4.20E+05 P0740
17125 4.20E+06 P0741
17127 4.20E+08 P0743
17130 42EA P0746
17131 42EB P0747
17132 42EC P0748
17133 42ED P0749
17134 42EE P0750
17135 42EF P0751
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17137 42F1 P0753
17140 42F4 P0756
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17145 42F9 P0761
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17147 42FB P0763
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17152 4300 P0768
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17175 4317 P0791
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17200 4330 P0816
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17281 4381 P0897
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17303 4397 P0919
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17315 43A3 P0931
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17481 4449 P1073
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17504 4460 P1096
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17513 4469 P1105
17514 446A P1106
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17520 4470 P1112
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17525 4475 P1117
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17527 4477 P1119
17528 4478 P1120
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17531 447B P1123
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17535 447F P1127
17536 4480 P1128
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17542 4486 P1134
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18615 48B7 P2183
18616 48B8 P2184
18617 48B9 P2185
18619 48BB P2187
18620 48BC P2188
18621 48BD P2189
18622 48BE P2190
18623 48BF P2191
18624 48C0 P2192
18625 48C1 P2193
18626 48C2 P2194
18627 48C3 P2195
18628 48C4 P2196
18629 48C5 P2197
18630 48C6 P2198
18631 48C7 P2199
18663 4.80E+08 P2231
18664 4.80E+09 P2232
18665 4.80E+10 P2233
18666 48EA P2234
18667 48EB P2235
18668 48EC P2236
18669 48ED P2237
18670 48EE P2238
18671 48EF P2239
18672 48F0 P2240
18673 48F1 P2241
18674 48F2 P2242
18675 48F3 P2243
18676 48F4 P2244
18677 48F5 P2245
18678 48F6 P2246
18679 48F7 P2247
18680 48F8 P2248
18681 48F9 P2249
18682 48FA P2250
18683 48FB P2251
18684 48FC P2252
18685 48FD P2253
18686 48FE P2254
18687 48FF P2255
18688 4900 P2256
18689 4901 P2257
18690 4902 P2258
18693 4905 P2261
18702 490E P2270
18703 490F P2271
18704 4910 P2272
18705 4911 P2273
18706 4912 P2274
18707 4913 P2275
18708 4914 P2276
18709 4915 P2277
18711 4917 P2279
18725 4925 P2293
18726 4926 P2294
18727 4927 P2295
18728 4928 P2296
18729 4929 P2297
18730 492A P2298
18732 492C P2300
18733 492D P2301
18734 492E P2302
18735 492F P2303
18736 4930 P2304
18737 4931 P2305
18738 4932 P2306
18739 4933 P2307
18740 4934 P2308
18741 4935 P2309
18742 4936 P2310
18743 4937 P2311
18744 4938 P2312
18745 4939 P2313
18746 493A P2314
18747 493B P2315
18748 493C P2316
18749 493D P2317
18750 493E P2318
18751 493F P2319
18752 4940 P2320
18753 4941 P2321
18754 4942 P2322
18755 4943 P2323
18756 4944 P2324
18757 4945 P2325
18758 4946 P2326
18759 4947 P2327
18760 4948 P2328
18761 4949 P2329
18762 494A P2330
18763 494B P2331
18764 494C P2332
18765 494D P2333
18766 494E P2334
18767 494F P2335
18768 4950 P2336
18769 4951 P2337
18770 4952 P2338
18771 4953 P2339
18772 4954 P2340
18773 4955 P2341
18774 4956 P2342
18775 4957 P2343
18776 4958 P2344
18777 4959 P2345
18778 495A P2346
18779 495B P2347
18832 4990 P2400
18833 4991 P2401
18834 4992 P2402
18835 4993 P2403
18836 4994 P2404
18845 499D P2413
18846 499E P2414
18847 499F P2415
18848 49A0 P2416
18849 49A1 P2417
18853 49A5 P2420
18854 49A6 P2421
18857 49A9 P2425
18858 49AA P2426
18859 49AB P2427
18884 49c4 P2452
18885 49C5 P2453
18886 49C6 P2454
18887 49c7 P2455
18965 4A15 P2533
18967 4A17 P2535
18971 4A1B P2539
18972 4A1C P2540
18973 4A1D P2541
18974 4A1E P2542
18975 4A1F P2543
18995 4A33 P2563
18996 4A34 P2564
18997 4A35 P2565
18998 4A36 P2566
19032 4A58 P2600
19033 4A59 P2601
19034 4A5A P2602
19035 4A5B P2603
19058 4A72 P2626
19061 4A75 P2629
19064 4A78 P2632
19065 4A79 P2633
19066 4A7A P2634
19069 4A7D P2637
19140 4AC4 P2708
19143 4AC7 P2711
19146 4ACA P2714
19147 4ACB P2715
19148 4ACC P2716
19149 4ACD P2717
19155 4AD3 P2723
19156 4AD4 P2724
19157 4AD5 P2725
19158 4AD6 P2726
19164 4ADC P2732
19165 4ADD P2733
19166 4ADE P2734
19167 4ADF P2735
19219 4B13 P2787
19221 4B15 P2789
19456 4C00 P3000
19457 4C01 P3001
19458 4C02 P3002
19459 4C03 P3003
19460 4C04 P3004
19461 4C05 P3005
19462 4C06 P3006
19463 4C07 P3007
19464 4C08 P3008
19465 4C09 P3009
19466 4C0A P3010
19467 4C0B P3011
19468 4C0C P3012
19469 4C0D P3013
19470 4C0E P3014
19471 4C0F P3015
19472 4C10 P3016
19473 4C11 P3017
19474 4C12 P3018
19475 4C13 P3019
19476 4C14 P3020
19477 4C15 P3021
19478 4C16 P3022
19479 4C17 P3023
19480 4C18 P3024
19481 4C19 P3025
19482 4C1A P3026
19483 4C1B P3027
19484 4C1C P3028
19485 4C1D P3029
19486 4C1E P3030
19487 4C1F P3031
19488 4C20 P3032
19489 4C21 P3033
19490 4C22 P3034
19491 4C23 P3035
19492 4C24 P3036
19493 4C25 P3037
19494 4C26 P3038
19495 4C27 P3039
19496 4C28 P3040
19497 4C29 P3041
19498 4C2A P3042
19499 4C2B P3043
19500 4C2C P3044
19501 4C2D P3045
19502 4C2E P3046
19503 4C2F P3047
19504 4C30 P3048
19505 4C31 P3049
19506 4C32 P3050
19507 4C33 P3051
19508 4C34 P3052
19509 4C35 P3053
19510 4C36 P3054
19511 4C37 P3055
19512 4C38 P3056
19513 4C39 P3057
19514 4C3A P3058
19515 4C3B P3059
19516 4C3C P3060
19517 4C3D P3061
19518 4C3E P3062
19519 4C3F P3063
19520 4C40 P3064
19521 4C41 P3065
19522 4C42 P3066
19523 4C43 P3067
19524 4C44 P3068
19525 4C45 P3069
19526 4C46 P3070
19527 4C47 P3071
19528 4C48 P3072
19529 4C49 P3073
19530 4C4A P3074
19531 4C4B P3075
19532 4C4C P3076
19533 4C4D P3077
19534 4C4E P3078
19535 4C4F P3079
19536 4C50 P3080
19537 4C51 P3081
19538 4C52 P3082
19539 4C53 P3083
19540 4C54 P3084
19541 4C55 P3085
19542 4C56 P3086
19543 4C57 P3087
19544 4C58 P3088
19545 4C59 P3089
19546 4C5A P3090
19547 4C5B P3091
19548 4C5C P3092
19549 4C5D P3093
19550 4C5E P3094
19551 4C5F P3095
19552 4C60 P3096
19553 4C61 P3097
19554 4C62 P3098
19555 4C63 P3099
19556 4C64 P3100
19557 4C65 P3101
19558 4C66 P3102
19559 4C67 P3103
19560 4C68 P3104
19561 4C69 P3105
19562 4C6A P3106
19563 4C6B P3107
19564 4C6C P3108
19565 4C6D P3109
19566 4C6E P3110
19567 4C6F P3111
19568 4C70 P3112
19569 4C71 P3113
19570 4C72 P3114
19571 4C73 P3115
19572 4C74 P3116
19573 4C75 P3117
19574 4C76 P3118
19575 4C77 P3119
19576 4C78 P3120
19577 4C79 P3121
19578 4C7A P3122
19579 4C7B P3123
19580 4C7C P3124
19581 4C7D P3125
19582 4C7E P3126
19583 4C7F P3127
19584 4C80 P3128
19585 4C81 P3129
19586 4C82 P3130
19587 4C83 P3131
19588 4C84 P3132
19589 4C85 P3133
19590 4C86 P3134
19591 4C87 P3135
19592 4C88 P3136
19593 4C89 P3137
19594 4C8A P3138
19595 4C8B P3139
19596 4C8C P3140
19597 4C8D P3141
19598 4C8E P3142
19599 4C8F P3143
19600 4C90 P3144
19601 4C91 P3145
19602 4C92 P3146
19603 4C93 P3147
19604 4C94 P3148
19605 4C95 P3149
19606 4C96 P3150
19607 4C97 P3151
19608 4C98 P3152
19609 4C99 P3153
19610 4C9A P3154
19611 4C9B P3155
19612 4C9C P3156
19613 4C9D P3157
19614 4C9E P3158
19615 4C9F P3159
19616 4CA0 P3160
19617 4CA1 P3161
19618 4CA2 P3162
19619 4CA3 P3163
19620 4CA4 P3164
19621 4CA5 P3165
19622 4CA6 P3166
19623 4CA7 P3167
19624 4CA8 P3168
19625 4CA9 P3169
19626 4CAA P3170
19627 4CAB P3171
19628 4CAC P3172
19629 4CAD P3173
19630 4CAE P3174
19631 4CAF P3175
19632 4CB0 P3176
19633 4CB1 P3177
19634 4CB2 P3178
19635 4CB3 P3179
19636 4CB4 P3180
19637 4CB5 P3181
19638 4CB6 P3182
19639 4CB7 P3183
19640 4CB8 P3184
19641 4CB9 P3185
19642 4CBA P3186
19643 4CBB P3187
19644 4cbc P3188
19645 4CBD P3189
19646 4CBE P3190
19647 4CBF P3191
19648 4CC0 P3192
19649 4CC1 P3193
19650 4CC2 P3194
19651 4CC3 P3195
19652 4CC4 P3196
19653 4CC5 P3197
19654 4CC6 P3198
19655 4CC7 P3199
19656 4CC8 P3200
19657 4CC9 P3201
19658 4CCA P3202
19659 4CCB P3203
19660 4CCC P3204
19661 4ccd P3205
19662 4CCE P3206
19663 4CCF P3207
19664 4CD0 P3208
19665 4CD1 P3209
19666 4CD2 P3210
19667 4CD3 P3211
19668 4CD4 P3212
19669 4CD5 P3213
19670 4CD6 P3214
19671 4CD7 P3215
19672 4CD8 P3216
19673 4CD9 P3217
19674 4CDA P3218
19675 4CDB P3219
19676 4CDC P3220
19677 4CDD P3221
19678 4CDE P3222
19679 4CDF P3223
19680 4CE0 P3224
19681 4CE1 P3225
19682 4CE2 P3226
19683 4CE3 P3227
19684 4CE4 P3228
19685 4CE5 P3229
19686 4CE6 P3230
19687 4CE7 P3231
19688 4CE8 P3232
19689 4CE9 P3233
19690 4CEA P3234
19691 4CEB P3235
19692 4CEC P3236
19693 4CED P3237
19694 4CEE P3238
19695 4CEF P3239
19696 4CF0 P3240
19697 4CF1 P3241
19698 4CF2 P3242
19699 4CF3 P3243
19700 4CF4 P3244
19701 4CF5 P3245
19702 4CF6 P3246
19703 4CF7 P3247
19704 4CF8 P3248
19705 4CF9 P3249
19706 4CFA P3250
19707 4CFB P3251
19708 4CFC P3252
19709 4CFD P3253
19710 4CFE P3254
19711 4CFF P3255
19712 4D00 P3256
19713 4D01 P3257
19714 4D02 P3258
19715 4D03 P3259
19716 4D04 P3260
19717 4D05 P3261
19718 4D06 P3262
19719 4D07 P3263
19720 4D08 P3264
19721 4D09 P3265
19722 4D0A P3266
19723 4D0B P3267
19724 4D0C P3268
19725 4D0D P3269
19726 4D0E P3270
19727 4D0F P3271
19728 4D10 P3272
19729 4D11 P3273
19730 4D12 P3274
19731 4D13 P3275
19732 4D14 P3276
19733 4D15 P3277
19734 4D16 P3278
19735 4D17 P3279
19736 4D18 P3280
19737 4D19 P3281
19738 4D1A P3282
19739 4D1B P3283
19740 4D1C P3284
19741 4D1D P3285
19742 4D1E P3286
19743 4D1F P3287
19744 4D20 P3288
19745 4D21 P3289
19746 4D22 P3290
19747 4D23 P3291
19748 4D24 P3292
19749 4D25 P3293
19750 4D26 P3294
19751 4D27 P3295
19752 4D28 P3296
19753 4D29 P3297
19754 4D2A P3298
19755 4D2B P3299
19756 4D2C P3300
19757 4D2D P3301
19758 4D2E P3302
19759 4D2F P3303
19760 4D30 P3304
19761 4D31 P3305
19762 4D32 P3306
19763 4D33 P3307
19764 4D34 P3308
19765 4D35 P3309
19766 4D36 P3310
19767 4D37 P3311
19768 4D38 P3312
19769 4D39 P3313
19770 4D3A P3314
19771 4D3B P3315
19772 4D3C P3316
19773 4D3D P3317
19774 4D3E P3318
19775 4D3F P3319
19776 4D40 P3320
19777 4D41 P3321
19778 4D42 P3322
19779 4D43 P3323
19780 4D44 P3324
19781 4D45 P3325
19782 4D46 P3326
19783 4D47 P3327
19784 4D48 P3328
19785 4D49 P3329
19786 4D4A P3330
19787 4D4B P3331
19788 4D4C P3332
19789 4D4D P3333
19790 4D4E P3334
19791 4D4F P3335
19792 4D50 P3336
19793 4D51 P3337
19794 4D52 P3338
19795 4D53 P3339
19796 4D54 P3340
19797 4D55 P3341
19798 4D56 P3342
19799 4D57 P3343
19800 4D58 P3344
19801 4D59 P3345
19802 4D5A P3346
19803 4D5B P3347
19804 4D5C P3348
19805 4D5D P3349
19806 4D5E P3350
19807 4D5F P3351
19808 4D60 P3352
19809 4D61 P3353
19810 4D62 P3354
19811 4D63 P3355
19812 4D64 P3356
19813 4D65 P3357
19814 4D66 P3358
19815 4D67 P3359
19816 4D68 P3360
19817 4D69 P3361
19818 4D6A P3362
19819 4D6B P3363
19820 4D6C P3364
19821 4D6D P3365
19822 4D6E P3366
19823 4D6F P3367
19824 4D70 P3368
19825 4D71 P3369
19826 4D72 P3370
19827 4D73 P3371
19828 4D74 P3372
19829 4D75 P3373
19830 4D76 P3374
19831 4D77 P3375
19832 4D78 P3376
19833 4D79 P3377
19835 4D7B P3379
19836 4D7C P3380
19837 4D7D P3381
19838 4D7E P3382
19839 4D7F P3383
19840 4D80 P3384
19841 4D81 P3385
19842 4D82 P3386
19843 4D83 P3387
19844 4D84 P3388
19845 4D85 P3389
19846 4D86 P3390
19847 4D87 P3391
19848 4D88 P3392
19849 4D89 P3393
19850 4D8A P3394
19851 4D8B P3395
19852 4D8C P3396
19853 4D8D P3397
19854 4D8E P3398
19855 4D8F P3399
28673 7001 U0001
28700 701C U0028
28772 7064 U0100
28773 7065 U0101
28775 7067 U0103
28776 7068 U0104
28783 706F U0111
28787 7073 U0115
28793 7079 U0121
28795 707B U0123
28798 707E U0126
28800 7080 U0128
28818 7092 U0146
28823 7097 U0151
28827 709B U0155
28836 70A4 U0164
28907 70EB U0235
28974 712E U0302
28987 713B U0315
28989 713D U0317
28993 7141 U0321
29076 7194 U0404
29077 7195 U0405
29087 719F U0415
29089 71A1 U0417
29093 71A5 U0421
29696 7400 U1000
29697 7401 U1001
29698 7402 U1002
29699 7403 U1003
29700 7404 U1004
29701 7405 U1005
29702 7406 U1006
29703 7407 U1007
29704 7408 U1008
29705 7409 U1009
29706 740A U1010
65280 Ff00
65281 Ff01
65282 Ff02
65283 Ff03
65284 Ff04
65285 Ff05
65286 Ff06
65287 Ff07
65288 Ff08
65289 Ff09
65290 Ff0a
65291 Ff0b
65292 Ff0c
65293 Ff0d
65294 Ff0e
65295 Ff0f
65296 Ff10
65297 Ff11
65298 Ff12
65299 Ff13
65300 Ff14
65301 Ff15
65302 Ff16
65303 Ff17
65304 Ff18
65305 Ff19
65306 Ff1a
65307 Ff1b
65308 Ff1c
65309 Ff1d
65310 Ff1e
65311 Ff1f
65312 Ff20
65313 Ff21
65314 Ff22
65315 Ff23
65316 Ff24
65317 Ff25
65318 Ff26
65319 Ff27
65320 Ff28
65321 Ff29
65322 Ff2a
65323 Ff2b
65324 Ff2c
65325 Ff2d
65326 Ff2e
65327 Ff2f
65328 Ff30
65329 Ff31
65535 Ffff
Types of errors
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 0A
11 0B
12 0C
13 0D
14 0E
15 0F
16 10
17 eleven
18 12
19 thirteen
20 14
21 fifteen
22 16
23 17
24 18
25 19
26 1A
27 1B
28 1C
29 1D
30 1E
31 1F
32 20
33 21
34 22
35 23
36 24
37 25
38 26
39 27
40 28
41 29th
42 2A
43 2B
44 2C
45 2D
46 2E
47 2F
48 thirty
49 31
50 32
51 33
52 34
53 35
54 36
55 37
56 38
57 39
58 3A
59 3B
60 3C
61 3D
62 3E
63 3F
67 43
68 44
69 45
70 46
71 47
72 48
73 49
74 4A
75 4B
76 4C
77 4D
78 4E
79 4F
80 fifty
81 51
82 52
192 C0
193 C1
194 C2
Types of errors
1 1

End of output
Brake control unit
Gearbox control unit
Control block
The control unit for engine operation on gas - J 659
Spanish electric motor for the rear right flap of the heating of the legroom / defrost- V 195
Spanish electric motor for the rear left flap of the heating of the legroom / defrost- V 196
Cold air damper actuator motor - V 197
Warm Air Actuator- V 198
Executive motor of the right flap defrosting and deflector- V 199
Executive motor of the left flap of the defroster and deflector - V 200
Executive motor for the right warm air damper at the rear of the center console - V 201
Executive motor for the left warm air damper in the rear of the center console - V 202
The executive motor of the right cold air damper in the rear of the center console - V 203
The executive motor of the left cold air damper in the rear of the center console - V 204
Executive motor of the right flap defrosting and deflector- V 205
Executive motor of the left flap of the defroster and deflector - V 206
Executive electric motor of the left decorative panel - V 207
Executive electric motor of the central decorative panel - V 208
The executive electric motor of the right decorative panel - V 209
Left rear window defrost key - E 299
Key for defrosting the right rear window - E 300
Front Left Deflector Control Button - E 301
Front left center deflector control button - E 302
Front Right Center Deflector Control Button - E 303
Front Right Deflector Control Button - E 304
Key for setting the temperature difference between the legroom and the upper part of the passenger compartment -  E 305
Button for controlling the rear left baffle on the center console - E 306
The button of management of a back right deflector on the central console - E 307
Inside door lock key - E 318
Actuator motor for airflow uniform distribution flaps - V 213
Left-hand parking lamp - M 43
Lamp for the right parking lamp - M 44
Check 1 actuator group
Check 2 groups of actuators
The electric motor of the sliding nozzles of a washer of the left headlight - V 248
The electric motor of the sliding nozzles of a washer of the right headlight - V 249
Heat exchanger temperature sensor, left - G 306
Heat exchanger temperature sensor, right- G 307
Evaporator Temperature Sensor-G308
Footwell temperature sensor in the rear left of the car - G 309
Footwell temperature sensor in the rear right-hand side of the vehicle - G 310
Temperature sensor in the rear left of the center console - G 311
Temperature sensor in the rear right of the center console - G 312
The motor for locking the rear left door from accidental opening from the inside - V 142
Interior temperature sensor fan - V 210
Actuator motor for strut flap B and legroom, right- V 211
The relay of heating of glass under wiper blades- J 582
Terminal 30 Interior lighting
Fog lamp
Footwell lights
Chassis Functions Request
Reversing Light Switch - F 4
Actuator motor for strut flap B and legroom, left - V 212
Footwell heating element in the rear left-hand side of the passenger compartment - Z 42
Footwell heating element in the rear right-hand side of the passenger compartment - Z 43
Consumer 1
Consumer 2
The motor for locking the rear right door from accidental opening from the inside - V 143
Starter Battery Voltage
Fog Light Button-E315
Rear Fog Light Button - E 314
Storage Box Key-E316
Socket Fuse 1-S184
Socket Fuse 2-S185
Socket Fuse 3-S281
Wiper Limit Switch-F229
Battery isolation relay 2-J7
Interior Lighting Switch-E317
Request for sunroof function
Undervoltage Seat Heater Disconnect
Generator terminal 61
Pressure line of the fuel pump
On-Board Battery Switch Relay - J 579
Starter Battery Switch Relay - J 580
Relay for parallel connection of batteries - J 581
Terminal 30 for connecting consumers affecting start-up
Starter Battery Charge Control
Monitoring wires connected to starter battery terminal 30
Starter Battery Terminal 30 Power Cable
The signal about the key in the ignition
Starter Battery Temperature Sensor - G 331
Terminal 15 for connecting consumers affecting start-up
The electric motor of the central lock in the rear left door LOCK - V 214
The electric motor of the central lock in the rear right door LOCK - V 215
Electric motor for the implementation of the SAFE function of the central lock in the driver's door - V 161
Electric motor for the implementation of the SAFE central locking function in the front passenger door - V 162
Electric motor for implementing the SAFE function of the central lock in the rear left door - V 163
Electric motor for implementing the SAFE function of the central lock in the rear right door - V 164
Button of an internal blocking of doors from outside the driver - E 308
Key for internal door lock on the front passenger side - E 309
Button of an internal blocking of a back left door - E 310
Key for the internal lock of the rear right door - E 311
The key to unlock the filler cap of the fuel tank- E 319
Signal of the central lock SAFE / LOCK on the driver's side
Central Passenger Lock Signal SAFE / LOCK
Signal central locking SAFE / LOCK rear left door
Signal central locking SAFE / LOCK rear right door
Indicator repeater lamp in the exterior mirror housing on the driver's side- L 131
Indicator repeater lamp in the exterior mirror housing on the front passenger side- L 132
Control lamp of an internal blocking of a door of the driver - K 174
Control lamp of internal blocking of a door of the forward passenger - K 175
Control lamp of an internal blocking of a back left door - K 176
Control lamp of an internal blocking of a back right door - K 177
Telephone key on the front passenger side - E 320
Telephone key, rear left - E 321
Telephone key, rear right- E 322
Driver defrost enable key - E 323
Key defrost enable the front passenger side - E 324
Exterior Warning / Driver Door Sill Light
Exterior Warning / Passenger Door Sill Light
Exterior Warning / Rear Left Door Sill Lamp
Exterior Warning / Rear Right Door Sill Lamp
Door control unit communication cable - driver door closer
Door control unit communication cable - front passenger door closer
Door control unit communication cable - rear left door closer
Door control unit communication cable - rear right door closer
The control lamp of telephone communication on the side of the forward passenger - K 178
Illumination of the internal handle of the rear left door - L 133
Illumination of the internal handle of the rear right door - L 134
Outside door handle light / driver side mirror light
Exterior door handle light / passenger side mirror lamp
Outside door handle light / rear left mirror lamp
Outside door handle illumination / rear-view mirror lamp, rear right
Wheel Acceleration Sensor, Front Left - G 337
Wheel Acceleration Sensor, Front Right - G 338
Wheel Acceleration Sensor, Rear Left - G 339
Wheel Acceleration Sensor, Rear Right - G 340
Body Acceleration Sensor, Front Left - G 341
Body Acceleration Sensor, Front Right - G 342
Body Acceleration Sensor, Rear - G 343
Front Left Wheel Damping Control Valve - N 336
Front Right Wheel Damping Control Valve - N 337
The valve of adjustment of damping of a back left wheel - N 338
The valve of adjustment of damping of a back right wheel - N 339
Power supply front right / rear left acceleration sensor
Supply voltage front left / rear right acceleration sensor
Starter Battery Charging Voltage Converter- A 15
Missing line break character
Reliability of the brake booster system data
ADR System Data Reliability
Front passenger side wiper control unit J 584
Wiper Motor Driver's Side - V 216
Wiper Motor Front Passenger Side- V 217
Communication of control units on the driver and front passenger side
Submission of a control signal to the wiper pump
Terminal x
Dimming requirement
Dimming Reduction Requirement
Brake booster adaptation
Brake booster system test
Adaptation of the brake booster control unit failed
The programming of the operating points of the brake booster control unit is in progress
The control unit for monitoring the battery - J 367 is operating in emergency mode
Gear recognition switch P and N
Access switch and start authorization - E 415
Key 5
Key 6
Key 7
Key 8
Key 1 is not programmed
Key 2 is not programmed
Key 3 is not programmed
Key 4 is not programmed
Key 5 is not programmed
Key 6 is not programmed
Key 7 is not programmed
Key 8 is not programmed
Antenna on the driver's side of the access control system and the right to start the engine- R 134
Antenna on the front passenger side of the access control system and the right to start the engine-  R 135
Antenna in the rear bumper of the access control system and the right to start the engine- R 136
Antenna in the luggage compartment of the access control system and the right to start the engine-  R 137
Antenna 1 in the passenger compartment of the access control system and the right to start the engine-  R 138
Submission of a control signal to the engine start / stop button
Supply of a control signal to the power relay, cl. fifteen
Supply of a control signal to the power relay, cl. 15SV
Supply of a control signal to the power relay, cl. 75X
Supply of a control signal to the power relay 1, cl. fifty
The supply of a control signal to the power relay 2, cl. fifty
Touch Sensor Outer Door Handle Driver G415
Touch Sensor Outer Door Handle Front Passenger-G416
Touch Sensor Outer Handle, Rear Left Door-G417
Touch Sensor Outer Handle, Rear Right Door-G418
Locking device for removing the key from the ignition
Power supply potentiometer interior rearview mirror
Potentiometer for adjusting horizontal position of interior mirror-G353
Potentiometer for adjusting the vertical position of the interior mirror-G354
Auto-dimming interior rearview mirror-Y7
Interior Lighting Key, Front-E326
Interior light switch, rear-E327
Reading Lamp Power Button, Front-E328
Reading lamp power key, rear-E329
Sunroof Control Switch-E8
Sliding sunroof control key-E325
Warning lamp for garage door opener-K179
Supply of a control signal to the internal rear-view mirror engines
Humidity Sensor Heater-N340
Glove box illumination terminal 30
Terminal 30 for vanity mirror
Supply of a control signal to the front interior lamps
Supply of a control signal to the rear interior lamps
Supply of a control signal to the front left reading lamps
Submission of a control signal to the front right reading lamps
Supply of a control signal to the rear left reading lamps
Submission of a control signal to the rear right reading lamps
Anti-Glare Mirror Dimming Signal
Supply voltage on the air humidity sensor
Humidity Sensor-G355
Clearance change included to facilitate loading
Sunroof connection
Connection to the interior security system
Rain sensor connection
Warning lamp for vehicle tilt sensor-K188
Trunk lid lock included
Separate the tailgate lock
Damping Control Indicator Lamp-K189
Damping Setting Key-E387
Ride height control button-E388
Refrigerant pressure
Selector Switch P Position-F305
Engine data block error
Gearbox Data Block Error
Adaptive Cruise Control Sensor Range Locked
Adaptive Cruise Control Settings Changed
Adaptive Cruise Control-E357 Power Button
Antenna 2 in the passenger compartment of the vehicle access control system and the right to start the engine-R139
ABS Left Front Brake Solenoid Valve-N59
Front Right Wheel ABS Solenoid Valve-N58
ABS Solenoid Valve Rear Left Wheel Brake-N57
ABS Solenoid Valve Rear Right Wheel Brake-N56
Traction Control Pressure Control Valve-N238
Throttle Control Valve-N237
Motor brake
Supply voltage of valves ABS front right + rear left wheel
Supply voltage of valves ABS front left + rear right wheel
Mass valve terminal ABS front right + rear left wheel
Mass terminal valve ABS front left + rear right wheel
Transmission Switch-E206
Air Recirculation Fan Regulator Function Confirmation
Off-Road Mode Switch-E207
Fuel Level Sensor 4-G393
Combination lamp, rear left
Combination lamp, rear right
Vehicle traction control not configured
ABS valves
Refrigerant Pressure and Temperature Sensor-G395
ABS intake valve in the front left brake circuit-N101
Solenoid Valve 1-N88
ABS intake valve in the front right brake circuit-N99
Solenoid valve 2-N89
ABS intake valve in the rear brake drive-N103
Solenoid valve 3-N90
Solenoid valve 4-N91
ABS exhaust valve in the front left brake circuit-N102
Solenoid valve 5-N92
ABS exhaust valve in the front right brake circuit-N100
Solenoid valve 6-N93
Exhaust Valve, ABS, Rear-N104
Solenoid valve 7-N94
See repair group 01
Disabling the function due to electromagnetic interference
ABS intake valve in the rear right brake circuit-N133
ABS intake valve in the rear left brake circuit-N134
ABS exhaust valve in the rear right brake circuit-N135
ABS exhaust valve in the rear left brake circuit-N136
ABS intake / exhaust valve in the front left brake circuit-N137
Main valve ABS-N105
Differential lock valve 1-N125
Differential Lock Valve 2-N126
Motion Speed Sensor-G68
Throttle Regulator-V60
Front Left Wheel Speed Sensor-G47
ABS intake / exhaust valve in the front right brake circuit-N138
Front Right Wheel Speed Sensor-G45
ABS intake / exhaust valve in the rear left brake circuit-N139
Rear Right Wheel Speed Sensor-G44
Steering column lock actuator-N360
ABS intake / exhaust valve in the rear right brake circuit-N140
Rear Left Wheel Speed Sensor-G46
Pressure Sensor-F116 / Warning Sensor-F117
Pressure level in the pressure fluid supply system
Multifunction Switch-F125
Pressure sensor 1 for determining the state of the gearbox
Pressure sensor 2 determine the condition of the gearbox
Intensive Acceleration Switch (Kick-Down) -F8
KP-G38 shaft speed sensor
Differential lock switch-E121
Program Switch-E122
Oil temperature sensor in KP-G93
ABS-V39 Return Pump
Relay for solenoid valve ABS-J106
Function Selector Switch-E91
Supply of a control signal to the supply fan controller
Fuel gauge signal
Secondary air supply system, 1 row of cylinders
Secondary Air Supply System, 2 cylinder row
Power supply for sunroof motors / sunroof
Cleaning agent dosing pump-V135
Catalyst Temperature Sensor 1-G20
Tire inflation hose connection
Catalyst Temperature Sensor 2-G132
Two-way valve exhaust gas recirculation OG-N161
Connection to the sunroof
Luggage compartment lid control unit-J605
Supply voltage on the luggage compartment lid control unit
The electric motor of a hydraulic actuator of a back door-V241
The valve of a hydraulic actuator of a back door-N346
Rear Door Hydraulic Sensor-G383
Interior Protection Switch-E267
Car Tilt Sensor-G384
Key to disable the vehicle tilt sensor-E360
Rear Window Lower Key-E361
Anti-Theft Alarm Emergency Stop Switch-E362
Sliding sunroof opening signal
Control signal for unlocking the rear window
Control signal for unlocking the rear door lock
Rear Wiper Interval Signal
Rear wiper signal for washing and cleaning the glass
Submission of a control signal to the gas tank flap lock
Supply of a control signal to the door closer relay
Supply of a control signal to the rear window heating element, stage 2
Submission of a control signal to the taillights
Rear light control signal
Supply of a control signal to the driver's door lamp
Submission of a control signal to the front passenger door light
Supply of a control signal to the back left door lamp
Submission of a control signal to the backlight of the rear right door
Supply of a control signal to the tailgate (OPEN)
Supply of a control signal to the tailgate (CLOSED)
Submission of a control signal for folding the tailgate lock
Submission of a control signal for resetting the tailgate lock
Submission of a control signal to unlock the tailgate
Submission of a control signal for locking the tailgate
Solenoid valve 8-N281
Solenoid valve 9-N282
Solenoid valve 10-N283
Ground wire for modulation valves
Intermediate Shaft Speed Sensor-G265
Terminal 30A
Supply fan controller confirmation signal
Voltage converter for heating element of a windshield-A18
Front Left Deflector Actuator Motor-V237
Front Right Deflector Actuator Motor-V238
Supply of a control signal to the air recirculation fan regulator
Supply of a control signal to the shut-off valve of the cooling system
Front Left Deflector Temperature Sensor-G385
Front Right Deflector Temperature Sensor-G386
Heater, auxiliary heater-Z35
Rear Left Actuator Actuator-V239
Rear Right Side Actuator Actuator-V240
Terminal 15 Slave
Communication wire interior security system -input
Communication wire interior security system -exit
Left Front Shock Absorber
Left Front Shock Absorber
Front Right Shock Absorber
Right front shock absorber
Rear Left Shock Absorber
Rear Left Shock Absorber
Rear Right Shock Absorber
Rear Right Shock Absorber
Submission of a control signal for opening the left exhibition glass
Submission of a control signal for closing the left exhibition glass
Submission of a control signal for opening the right exhibition glass
Submission of a control signal for closing the right exhibition glass
Terminal 58s
Control unit for special vehicles-J608
Instrument cluster data bus
Rear Rear Air Bag Squeeze Driver-N343
Rear passenger side airbag igniter, front passenger side-N344
Optical data bus
Positive Voice / Phone Audio Channel Out
Negative Voice / Phone Audio Channel Output
Positive output audio channel navigation messages
Negative audio output of navigation messages
Headphone output 1 left channel
Headphone output 1, right channel
Headphone output 2, left channel
Headphone output 2, right channel
Display test, black segments
Display test, white segments
Display test, red segments
Display test, green segments
Display test, blue segments
Illumination to facilitate boarding and disembarkation
Lighting confirmation signal
Acoustic signal for confirming the inclusion of direction indicators
Acoustic signal generator
Heating element for additional air heater-Z35
Sunroof Motor-V1
Electric motor for rear sunroof-V146
Sliding sunroof motor-V260
Hall Sensor for Sliding Sunroof Motor-G402
Hall Sensor, sunroof motor, rear-G403
Hall Sensor Sliding Sunroof Motor-G404
Sunroof switch, the signal from the emergency button does not turn off
Roof sunroof pre-selection signal
There is a constant signal from the curtain button
CAN Low Bus Wire
CAN High Bus Wire
CAN Bus Low Wire
CAN wire High
Thermal protection of the sunroof engine
Two-way speaker (mid and bass), front left-R101
Two-way speaker (mid and bass), front right-R102
Mid-range speaker, front left-R103
Mid-range speaker, front right-R104
Mid-range speaker, rear left-R105
Mid-range speaker, rear right-R106
Thermal protection of the sunroof shutter drive motor
Parking Sensor Clock Control
Parking Assistant Pointer Test
Indicator Lamp ESP-K155
Check Parking Sensor Connection
Checking the operation of the parking aid sensor
Parking Assist Indicator, Front Left-Y13
Parking aid indicator, front right-Y14
Parking Assistant Indicator, Rear-Y15
Signal voltage and buzzer for parking aid
Parking Assistant Power Button-E266
Parking Assist Sensor, Front Inner Left-G332
Parking Assist Sensor, Front Inner Right-G333
Parking Assist Sensor, Rear Inner Left-G334
Parking Assist Sensor, Rear Inner Right-G335
Fuel Level Sensor 2-G169
Fuel Level Sensor 3-G237
Additional fuel tank sender-G292
Fuel Tank Float Position Sensor-G293
Fuel Pump Terminal 87F
Auxiliary Tank Fuel Pump Fuse-S266
Submission of a control signal to the fuel pump of an additional tank
Refrigerant loss
Limited operation due to insufficient voltage
Operation limitation due to too high voltage
Haldex-V181 Coupling Booster Pump
Booster pump on
The booster pump is off
Four-wheel drive clutch open
Four-wheel drive clutch engaged
Restriction of work due to overheating
AWD control system
Access control and start authorization control unit connected to CAN-comfort-J518
Access control and start authorization control unit-J518
On-board power supply control unit-J519
Battery Control Module-J367
Control unit for front control, display and information display J523
Control unit for rear control panel, display and information display-J524
Front passenger seat adjustment control unit (with memory function) -J521
Rear seat adjustment control unit (with memory function) -J522
Digital Audio Control Unit-J525
Control unit with display for radio and navigation system-J503
Phone / System Control Unit Telematik-J526
Steering Column Control Unit-J527
TV tuner-R78
CD-ROM drive-R92
Infotainment information command system data bus in single wire mode
Common concern data bus Comfort in single-wire data transfer mode
Control unit for electronic damping control EGD-J250
Brake booster control unit-J539
Electromechanical parking brake control unit-J540
Immobilizer control unit
Sliding Door Control Unit-J558
Fuel pump control unit-J538
Control unit for front control panel, display and information display. J523, connected to CAN comfort bus
Control unit for rear control panel, display and information display. J524, connected to CAN comfort bus
Central locking remote control control unit-J276
Instrument Cluster-J285 Control Unit Connected to the CAN-Infotainment Bus
Traffic Receiver Control Unit-J559
Rear display for TV and video-R97
Auxiliary heater control unit
Vehicle Position Sensing System Control Module-J603
The key of the central lock in the outer door handle on the driver's side-E369
The key of the central lock in the outer door handle on the passenger side-E370
The key of the central lock in the outer handle of the rear left door-E371
Central locking key in the outside handle of the rear right door-E372
Rear Left Deflector Temperature Sensor-G405
Rear Right Deflector Temperature Sensor-G406
Check that the speed sensors on the control unit are connected correctly.
Body roll angle from the ride height control control unit
Sensor Unit ESP-G419
ESP Sensor Block: Node Selected Wrong
ESP Sensor Unit, Supply Voltage
Front ride height sensors
Rear ride height sensors
On-board voltage indicator-Y11
Oil Temperature Gauge-Y12
Oil level warning lamp-K38
Immobilizer Warning Lamp-K115
Control signal to injector pump valves
Valve for pump injector 1-N240
Valve for pump injector 2-N241
Valve for pump injector 3-N242
Valve for pump injector 4-N243
Valve for pump injector 5-N244
Valve for pump injector 6-N245
Fairing Motor-V252
Hall sensor not set to reference mark
Engine Speed Sensor-G28
Ignition Torque Sensor-G4
Hall Sensor-G40
Throttle Switch (Idling) -F60
Full Load Sensor-F81
Throttle Potentiometer-G69
Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor-G71
Air mass meter / Potentiometer air mass meter-G70 / G19
Adjustment Potentiometer CO-G74
Coolant Temperature Sensor-G62
Intake Air Temperature Sensor-G42
Knock Sensor 1-G61
Lambda probe g39
Brake Light Switch-F
Intake manifold temperature sender-G72
Height Sensor-F96
No speed information
Throttle Control Potentiometer-G88
Air flow meter reference voltage
Supply voltage
Idle control
Oil Temperature Sensor-G8
Primary ignition control by knock
Secondary ignition control for detonation
Lambda regulation
Reference voltage
Fuel Temperature Sensor-G81
Knock Sensor 2-G66
Spool stroke potentiometer-G99
Injector Needle Stroke Sensor-G80
Maximum speed exceeded
Maximum boost pressure exceeded
Electrical connection between engine and gearbox
Damaged data wire
Pressure Sensor ABS-F137
Fault memory power
Flow signal
Injection start regulator
Catalyst overheating
Air Flow Meter-G19 Potentiometer
Air mass meter-G70
Lambda regulation 2
Lambda Sensor 2-G108
Exhaust Gas Recirculation Potentiometer OG-G212
Power Steering Pressure Sensor-F88
Mixture Control Limit Poor Mixture
Mixture Control Limit Rich Mixture
Exhaust gas recirculation system
Mixture adaptation
Temperature and Oil Level Sensor-G266
Current Fuel Consumption Indicator-Y10
Automatic gear selector
Climatronic-E265 rear control and display panel
Power Steering Mode
Submission of a control signal to the electric motor of the electric power steering
Position Sensors on Electric Power Steering Motor
Power steering electric motor current
Power Relay Electric Motor Relay-J509
Management communication
Steering Wheel Sensor-G268
Cornering torque sensor-G269
Drive motor is on
Intake manifold pressure
Terminal 15
Knock control cylinder 1
Knock control cylinder 2
Knock control cylinder 3
Knock control cylinder 4
Knock control cylinder 5
Knock control cylinder 6
Knock control cylinder 7
Knock control cylinder 8
Temperature sensor in exhaust gas recirculation system OG-G98
Exhaust gas recirculation control
Mixture Control Limit
Driver airbag igniter-N95
Airbag igniter 1 front passenger airbag-N131
Pyro cartridge 2 airbags for the front passenger-N132
Driver Seat Belt Lock Switch-E24
Passenger Seat Belt Lock Switch-E25
Passenger Seat Limit Switch-F151
Airbag ignition circuit
Impact data saved
Valve short circuit
Wheel Speed Pulse Mismatch
Faulty hydraulic or mechanical system
Signal accuracy at the pneumatic / brake light switch
Temperature Control Valve Actuator Potentiometer-G92
Center Flap Actuator Electric Potentiometer-G112
Potentiometer actuator motor footwell flap and defrost flap-G114
Footwell flap actuator motor and defrost flap-V85
Potentiometer for Actuator Actuator-G113
Two-way valve switching supply ventilation / air recirculation-N63
2 way coolant shutoff valve-N147
Outside temperature gauge-G106
Load Sensor-G119
Ignition Lead 1
Ignition pin 2
Ignition pin 3
Ignition 4
Ignition pin 5
Ignition pin 6
Ignition terminal 7
Ignition pin 8
Left airbag deceleration sensor-G104
Right airbag deceleration sensor-G105
Sensor Wiring Harness, Left
Sensor Wiring Harness, right
Pressure Relief Valve-N155
Removing water from the fuel filter
Electrical connection ABS and gearbox
Air conditioner compressor intervention
Speed signal
Glow plug warning light-K29
Liquid Level Sensor-G120
Control action control
Sensor on the brake pedal-F47
Air conditioning on
AC Connection - Motronic
Climatronic instrument cluster interface
Socket Leads / Deceleration Sensors
Ballast Resistance EDS-N159
Lambda probe heating element in front of the catalyst
Acceleration Sensor, Front Right-G121
Acceleration Sensor, Rear Left-G122
Electrical connection 2 engines and gearboxes
Deceleration Sensor-G123
Relay, heating element, lambda probe-J278
ATF temperature
EDS Changeover Valve, Front Right Brake Circuit-N166
EDS Exhaust Valve, Front Right Brake Circuit-N167
EDS changeover valve in the front left brake circuit-N168
EDS exhaust valve in the front left brake circuit-N169
Electrical connection 1 ABS-ASR / engine
Electrical connection 2 ABS-ASR / engine
Lambda probe heating element after catalyst
ABS intake and exhaust valves in the rear brake circuit-N160
Clutch Pedal Switch-F36
Ignition wires
Gear Shift Control
Reliability of the data from the automatic gearbox / gearbox selector
Driver belt pretensioner igniter-N153
Front passenger belt pretensioner igniter-N154
Front passenger seat occupancy sensor-G128
Central Deflector Actuator Motor-V102
Control Panel
Self test
Kick-down switch / throttle potentiometer
Temperature gauge
Speed sensor
Fuel gauge
Seat Belt Warning Lamp-K19
Outside temperature alarm
Vehicle voltage, terminal 30
Second emergency lamp-K97
Throttle Control Sensor-G127
Cruise Control Switch-E45
ABS hydraulic pump with added resistance
Apply brake
Brake off
Vh. trans. lion.: 0V
Vh. trans. lion: batteries
Vh. trans. lion: batteries
Vh. trans. lion: batteries
Lambda probe heating element 2 in front of the catalyst
Vh. trans. pr: 0V
Vh. trans. Ave: Battery
Vh. trans. Ave: Battery
Vh. trans. Ave: Battery
Lambda probe 2 heating element after catalyst
Vh. rear lion.: 0V
Vh. rear lion: batteries
Vh. rear lion: batteries
Vh. rear lion: batteries
Intake air intake
Vh. rear pr: 0V
Vh. rear Ave: Battery
Vh. rear Ave: Battery
Vh. rear Ave: Battery
Lighting / switches and front panel
EDS Valves / Hydraulic Pump: U Battery Locked Front Left / Front Right Wheel
Pressure Relief Valve, Left-N170
Pressure Relief Valve, Right-N171
Increased current consumption by the control unit
Lambda Sensor After Catalytic Converter-G130
Lambda probe 2 after catalyst-G131
Checking coolant overheating
Fuel Composition Sensor-G133
Idle position recognition Throttle potentiometer / Throttle position switch
EDS Valves / Hydraulic Pump: Battery-Wheels Locked
Radiator Fan Relay (Speed 1) -J279
Radiator Fan Relay (Speed 2) -J513
Central Deflector Valve-N236
CAUTION! The fan turns on
Solar Intensity Photo Sensor 2-G134
Defrost Flap Actuator Motor-V107
Left Side Footwell Heating Actuator Electric Motor-V108
Footwell Heater Actuator Motor Right-V109
Executive electric motor of the left central deflector-V110
Right Side Deflector Actuator Motor-V111
Rear Deflector Actuator Motor-V112
Recirculation Air Actuator-V113
Absorber Actuator Actuator Motor-V114
Left Upper Deflector Switch-F179
Right upper deflector switch-F180
Left Lower Deflector Switch-F181
Right lower deflector switch-F182
Left Central Deflector Switch-F183
Central Right Deflector Switch-F184
Rear Left Deflector Switch-F185
Rear Right Deflector Switch-F185
Rear Deflector Central Switch-F187
Defroster Flap Actuator Motor Potentiometer-G135
Central Left Deflector Actuator Potentiometer G136
Potentiometer of an executive electric motor of a central right deflector-G137
Central Deflector Actuator Potentiometer-G138
Potentiometer Actuator Motor Left Footwell Flap-G139
Potentiometer Actuator Motor Right Footwell Flap-G140
Rear Deflector Actuator Motor Potentiometer -G141
Central Deflector Potentiometer-G142
Air Recirculation Flap Actuator Potentiometer G143
Activated Carbon Filter Valve Actuator Motor Potentiometer-G144
Left Heater Control Valve-N175
Right Heater Control Valve-N176
Coolant circulation pump -V50
Cylinder recognition sensor 1-G145
Brake pedal position control
Battery Ventilation System
Battery Vent Sensor-G146
Battery temperature controller
Insulation control
Battery Section Failure
Battery Temperature Sensor, Front-G52
Rear Battery Temperature Sensor-G53
Ventilation hatch
Emergency lamp
Traction battery capacity indicator
Fan and battery heater
Electrical connections for transmitting wheel speed pulses
Incandescent lamp
Oil Pressure Warning Lamp-K3
Left vent temperature sensor-G150
Temperature sensor right vent-G151
Additional air supply system
The temperature regulator of the air leaving the left deflector-G155
The temperature regulator for the air leaving the right deflector-G156
The error is stored in the memory of the engine control unit
Gas pressure sensor (driver's side) -G147
Gas Pressure Sensor (Passenger Side) -G148
Displacement sensor for adjusting spool-G149
Front Deflector Temperature Sensor-G152
Rear Evaporator Temperature Sensor-G153
Rear Heat Exchanger Temperature Sensor-G154
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor-G82
Coolant Temperature Sensor Exiting Radiator-G83
Fuel Level Sensor-G
Oil Pressure Sensor-F22
Oil Pressure Sensor-G10
Rear Left Level Sensor-G76
Rear Right Level Sensor-G77
Front Left Level Sensor-G78
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor-G79
Steering Angle Sensor-G85
Outside temperature sensor-G17
Vertical Acceleration Sensor-G90
Front left sp. electric motor-V76
Front right sp. electric motor-V77
Rear left sp. electric motor-V78
Rear right sp. electric motor-V79
Front Panel Temperature Sensor-G56
Roof Temperature Sensor-G86
Supply air intake duct temperature sensor-G89
2-way valve for footwell and defrosters-N118
Reverse Switch-F41
Fresh air damper / air recirculation
Evaporator Temperature Sensor-E33
Air conditioning pressure sensor-F129
Brake Pedal Position Sensor-G100
Hydraulic Pump Sensor-G101
Rear Acceleration Sensor-G102
Temperature Sensor Fan-V42
Solar Intensity Photo Sensor-G107
Segment test
Coolant Temperature Sensor-G110
Temperature Sensor for Fan-G109
High Pressure Sensor for Electromagnetic Clutch-F118
Air conditioning low pressure sensor-F73
Front A-pillar travel sensor-G116
Front A-pillar travel sensor-G115
Valve, front left strut-N148
Valve, front right suspension strut-N149
Valve, rear left strut-N150
Valve, rear right strut-N151
Brake booster ESP
1/2 pressure sensor in the brake circuit
The system is not ready for polling
Brake Pressure Regulator Electromagnet Coil Switch-F84
Brake Pressure Sensor 2-G214
Solenoid Coil Brake Pressure Regulator-N247
Sensor in the brake booster for brake recognition-F238
Power Steering Sensor-G250
Power steering fuse
Evaporator outlet temperature sensor-G263
High Pressure Sensor-G65
ESP-F83 System Braking Detection Sensor
Antenna 2 radio-R93
Pairing a digital acoustic package with a radio
Front Left Line Out
Traction Control Warning Lamp-K86
Driver Seat Cushion Heating Element-Z6
Front passenger seat cushion heating element-Z8
Radiator Fan Relay-J26
Radiator Fan Relay (Speed 3) -J135
Heater Control Unit-J162
Folding Roof Actuator Control Module-J256
Radiator fan control unit, speeds 1 + 2-J293
Control and Display Panel-E87
Windshield heating enable signal
Rear window defroster signal
Connection to convertible roof drive control unit
Gear Selector Valve 1-N284
Valve 2 gear selection-N285
Valve 3 gear selection-N286
Valve 4 gear selection-N287
Relay for hydraulic pump KP-J510
Pressure sensor in the hydraulic system KP-G270
Control unit fur. Gearbox with electronic control
Selector Potentiometer (Forward / Backward) -G272
AKP-F257 selector groove recognition sensor
Automatic gear selector recognition sensor in position N-F258
Sensor of recognition of position of Stop of the selector AKP-F259
Consumer Shutdown Relay-J511
Start-stop switch-E262
Contact S of the ignition switch and starter-D
Control output of the active amplifier of the radio
Speakers front
Speakers rear
Radio display output in instrument cluster
CD changer connection
Radio antenna
CD changer-R41
Connection between the ZF output of the radio and the antenna amplifier
Front Right Line Out
Rear Left Line Out
Connecting to a navigation computer
Navigation Antenna (GPS) -R50 / R52
Antenna 1 for TV-R55
Antenna 2 for TV-R56
Antenna 3 for TV-R57
Antenna 4 for TV-R58
Connection to ABS control unit
Angle Sensor-G208
Rear right line exit
Subwoofer, front left-R21
Subwoofer, front right-R23
Subwoofer, rear left-R15
Subwoofer, rear right-R17
Tweeter, front left-R20
Tweeter, front right-R22
Tweeter, rear left-R14
Tweeter, rear right-R16
Connection to the front left speakers
Front right speaker connection
Connection to the rear left speakers
Connection to the rear right speakers
Remote control program selection-E200
Ignition and starter switch-D (Terminal S)
Ignition and starter switch-D (Terminal X)
Ignition and starter switch-D (Terminal 50)
Direction Switch-E2
Hazard warning light switch-E229
Intermittent Wiper Switch-E22
Horn Switch-H
Key for turning on the heated rear window-E230
Button for unlocking the luggage compartment lid-E233
Luggage compartment latch unlock key-F248
Key for unlocking in the handle of the tailgate-E234
The key to turn on the heated exterior mirrors-E231
Adaptive Cruise Control-E45 Control Panel
Luggage compartment door closing actuator-F256
Windshield Washer Pump-V5
Submission of a control signal to the air conditioning compressor
Wiper Motor Fuse-S128
Beep and Two-Beep Beep Fuse-S194
Reversing lights
Luggage compartment lid release remote control fuse-S195
Exterior Mirror Fuse-S196
AKP-S197 selector lock fuse
Reverse Light Fuse-S40
Beep and two-tone beep-H1
Load regulator intervention
Wiper Motor Control Unit
Wiper Motor-V (1/2 speed)
Warning light warning light-K6
A control lamp of a heating element of a back glass-K10
Front Left Power Window Switch-E40
Front right power window switch on driver's door-E81
Rear Left Power Window Switch on Driver Door-E53
Rear Right Power Window Switch on Driver Door-E55
Rear Power Window Lockout Switch-E39
Wiper Interval Regulator
Terminal 31
Rear Window Wiper Motor-V12
Exterior Mirror Heating Elements (Z4 / Z5)
Control lamp for heating elements of exterior mirrors-K153
Intermittent Wiper Switch-E22 (Speed1)
Intermittent Wiper Switch-E22 (Speed12)
Headlamp Cleaning Relay-J39
Fuse (30) for interior lighting-S261
Terminal 30
Terminal 30 Right
The drive of the central lock of the driver's door-F220
Front Passenger Central Door Lock Drive-F221
The drive of the central lock of the rear left door-F222
The drive of the central lock of the rear right door-F223
Driver Side Power Window Motor-V147
Power window motor, front passenger side-V148
Rear Left Power Window Motor-V26
Rear Right Power Window Motor-V27
Power window switch on the front passenger door-E107
Rear Left Power Window Switch-E52
Rear Right Power Window Switch-E54
Driver Side Mirror Motor-V149
The motor for adjusting the position of the mirror from the front passenger side-V150
Driver folding side mirror motor-V121
Electric motor folding mirrors on the front passenger side-V122
Outside Mirror Heater Driver Side-Z4
Outside Mirror Heater, Passenger Side-Z5
Shock Sensor-G190
Interior light-W
Luggage compartment lid release switch-E188
Sunroof closing signal
The electric motor of the central lock in the luggage compartment lid-V53, LOCK
The electric motor of the central lock in the luggage compartment lid-V53, UNLOCK
Luggage compartment lid release relay-J398
Signal: driver's door open
Limit the time for turning on the light in the cabin
Starter Lock Relay-J433
Key 1
Key 2
Key 3
Key 4
The control lamp of inclusion of the SAFE mode of the central lock-K133
Central locking switch, driver's side-F59
Front passenger side lock-F114
Alarm from roll sensor
Signal wire to roll sensor
Signal on opening the driver's door; a plus
Anti-Theft Alarm Sound Fuse-S158
Direction Fuse-S151
Left direction indicators
Right direction indicators
Rear window defroster fuse-S41
Relay, heating element, left side of the windshield-J410
Relay, heating element, right side of the windshield-J411
Rear Window Defroster Heating Switch-E15
Windshield Heating Element Switch-E180
Rear Window Defroster-Z1
Control lamp for a heating element of a windshield-K122
Left + right low beam
Left-hand dipped beam bulb-M29
Dipped Right Headlight Bulb-M31
Left-hand dipped-beam fuse-S152
Right-hand dipped-beam fuse-S153
Left Parking Light Fuse-S154
Right Parking Light Fuse-S155
Rear Left Side Marker Lamp-M4
Rear Right Tail Lamp-M2
Brake Light Fuse-S156
Left Brake Light Lamp-M9
Right Brake Light Lamp-M10
Consumer Shutdown Fuse-S153
Consumer disconnection
Interior lighting
Consumer shutdown enabled
Disconnecting consumers is not enabled
Sensor for adjusting the height of the front of the driver seat cushion-G215
Rear seat cushion height adjustment sensor-G216
Sensor, headrest height adjustment, driver's seat-G217
Electric motor for adjusting the longitudinal position of the driver's seat-V28
Driver backrest adjustment motor-V45
Electric motor for adjusting the height of the front of the driver seat cushion-V29
Electric motor for adjusting the height of the rear of the driver's seat cushion-V30
Driver's head restraint adjustment motor V103
Key for adjusting the height of the front of the driver's seat cushion, up-E208
Key for adjusting the height of the front of the driver's seat cushion, down E209
Rear seat cushion height adjustment button up E210
Rear seat cushion height adjustment button down E211
Key for adjusting the longitudinal position of the driver's seat, forward-E212
Key for adjusting the longitudinal position of the driver's seat, rear-E213
Note: The emergency switch is on!
Sensor for adjusting the longitudinal position of the driver's seat-G218
Sensor for adjusting the position of the back of the driver's seat-G219
Key for adjusting the position of the headrest of the driver's seat, up-E214
Key for adjusting the position of the headrest of the driver's seat, down-E215
A / C compressor load signal
End stage of the fan thermostat
Supply of a control signal to the radiator fan
Air Suspension Relief Valve-N106
Air Suspension Compressor-V65
Radiator Fan-V7
Coolant Pump-V36
Differential Lock Indicator Lamp-K81
Interior light, image in the instrument cluster
Buzzer / buzzer-H3
Rain Sensor-G213
Faulty emergency lamp control
Evaporator Fan, Rear-V20
Rear Hot Air Fan - V47
Fan Relay-J323
Air conditioning relay-J32
Central locking button on the driver's side, locking
Central locking button on the driver's side, unlocking
Central locking button on the front passenger side, locking
Front passenger lock key, unlock
Power window fuse on driver side on
Power window fuse on front passenger side on
Rear Left Power Window Fuse Enabled
Rear Right Power Window Fuse Enabled
Central locking thermal fuse
Coolant Temperature Sensor-G2
Electrical connection 2 ABS and gearbox
Invalid ASR System Information
The control unit is not encoded
Control unit: wrong software version
Incorrectly coded control unit
Tiptronic-F189 Switch
Warning Contact Brake Light - K32
A control lamp of a dual-circuit brake system and a manual brake-K7
Diesel Engine Electronics Warning Lamp-K104
Vehicle voltage, terminal 50
Glow plug control
Executive electric motor for fuel quantity control system-V117
Load Signal Potentiometer-G157
Injection Advance Control Valve-N182
Power Relay Terminal 30-J317
Fuel Start Sensor-G158
Appointment: equalizing charging
Purpose: constant voltage charging
Purpose: DC Charging
Rotor Position Sensor-G159
Winding Base Temperature Sensor-G160
Winding Front Temperature Sensor-G161
Battery Down Current Signal
AKP-F271 selector position recognition sensor E
Terminal 58d - Dimming the interior lighting
RNS connection to a television antenna amplifier
Movement despite setting the gear selector to position N
Heat exchanger shut off valve 2-N317
Clutch Actuator Hydraulic Pump Relay-J498
Pneumatic brake booster system
Starter Relay-J53
Clutch Stroke Sensor-G162
Clutch Actuator Vacuum Valve-N183
Pneumatic clutch system
Clutch Actuator Vent Valve-N184
Relay for vacuum pump-J318
Friction Clutch Hydraulic Pump Relay-J319
Brake Booster Vacuum Sensor-F190
Gear Shift Switch-F191
Power Steering Pump Relay-J320
Power steering switch-F192
Priority Valve-N185
Fuel reserve warning lamp-K105
Control lamp for low water level in the washer fluid reservoir-K106
Temperature warning light 0 ° C-K107
4 ° C-K108 Temperature Warning Light
Speedometer G22
Basic settings not completed
Adaptation of the mixture 2
Latch switch (roof folded) -F204
Latch Switch (Roof Raised) -F203
Foldable Roof Switch Front-F202
Folding Roof Switch (Folded) -F171
Folding Roof Box Cover Switch, Upper-F201
Switch 3 covers the roof box, left-F195
Switch 2 covers the roof box, left-F197
Switch 1 cover of the folding roof box, left-F199
Roof Lock Sensor-F172
Rear Door Lock Switch-F206
Luggage compartment switch locked
Luggage compartment switch unlocked
Folding Roof Unlock Switch-F205
Switch 3 covers the roof box, right-F196
Switch 2, roof cover, right-F198
Switch 1 cover of the folding roof box, right-F200
Solenoid valve 8-N186
Lowering Relay-J291
Convertible Top Warning Lamp-K98
Glass Lift Relay-J292
Folding Roof Actuator Hydraulic Pump Relay-J321
Folding Roof Opening Lock Solenoid-N187
Luggage compartment lock actuator 1
Power supply of the actuator motor 1 and 2
Luggage compartment lock actuator 2
Parking brake control sensor-F9

Folding top lock release actuator motor

Load signal at generator terminal DF
Engine preheating
Transmission detection signal
The valve timing 1
The valve timing 2
Hall Sensor 2-G163
Control signal failure
Charge time control
Changing intake manifold geometry
Crankshaft Speed Signal
Reserve Fuel Warning Lamp-K16
Immobilizer Read Coil-D2
Contact S -H15
ABS mode
Submission of a control signal to direction indicators
Infrared Sensor, Front-G166
Infrared Sensor, Rear-G167
Audible Alarm-H12
Interior Sensors
Starter breaker
Central locking switch; blocking contacts
Central locking switch; unlocking the driver's door
Central locking switch; unlocking the front passenger door
Central locking switch; unlocking the boot lid
Luggage compartment lid release switch-E165
Electric motors of the central lock; lock the driver’s door and fuel filler flap
Electric motors of the central lock; unlock the driver’s door and fuel filler flap
Electric motor of the central lock; unlock the front passenger door
Electric motors of the central lock; unlock the rear doors
Electric motors of the central lock; lock the front passenger door and the rear doors
Rear Door Lock Motor-V120
Enabling SAFE door lock mode
Disabling SAFE door lock mode
Analog pointers
Diesel Start Lock-Off Switch-F207
Transmission Control Sensor-F209
Switch system Ecomatic-E163
Clutch Pressure Sensor-F210
Shift Detection Sensor-F208
Supply voltage on the anti-theft alarm sound
Turn Signal Voltage
SAFE Door Lock Cables
Relay for heating elements ОЖ-J325
The final stage of the control valve when adjusting the valve timing
Ignition breakdown
ESP Mode
Throttle Body-J338
Engine torque signal
Full load stop valve N194
The valve of increase of turns of idling-N177
Door limit switch driver's side-F2
Fuel Injection Sensor-G175
Passenger Seat Temperature Sensor-G60
Driver Seat Temperature Sensor-G59
Electric motor for adjusting the longitudinal position of the driver's seat-V28
Driver Seat Height Electric Motor-V138
Driver seat heating controller-E94
Engine control unit
Data bus drive idle
Incorrect key programming
Engine / Electrical connection to shut off the air conditioning compressor
Initialization: only 2 keys programmed
Height adaptation
Catalyst Warning Lamp-K72
Rear Deflector Temperature Sensor-G174
Supply Fan Rear-V80
Executive Electric Air Distribution Motor, Rear-V136
Air Temperature Actuator Rear Actuator-V137
Electrical connection between control unit and electromagnetic clutch
air distribution actuator, front-V145
Electrical connection between control unit and actuator motors
Seat adjustment motors
Torque converter lockup clutch
Low Power Relay-J359
High Power Relay-J360
Engine and gearbox data bus
Data Bus Drive: Incorrect Software Version
Comfort data bus: wrong software version
Electrical connection of the engine and ABS
ABS Valve Supply Voltage
ABS pump supply voltage
Diagnostic cable
Electrical connection ABS and instrument cluster
Engine Temperature Sensor-G27
Relay Climatronic-J254
No ignition moment signal
Auxiliary heater control unit-J364
Changed data in control unit
Speed signal from generator terminal W
Programmable adjustment range of the control unit
Rear seat belt pretensioner igniter driver side-N196
Rear passenger seat belt pretensioner igniter, front passenger side-N197
Rear Center Seat Belt Pretensioner Squirt-N198
Impact data for seat belt tensioners saved
Rear seat occupancy sensor, driver's side-G177
Rear seat occupancy sensor, front passenger side-G178
Side driver airbag igniter-N199
Front passenger side airbag igniter-N200
Rear side airbag igniter driver side-N201
Rear passenger side airbag igniter-N201
Driver Side Airbag Shock Sensor-G179
Front passenger airbag crash sensor-G180
Central Lock Release Signal
The control unit does not match the vehicle
Autonomous heater radio signal reception device-R64
Impact data for driver side airbag saved
Impact data for front passenger side airbag saved
Switch with lock for deactivating the front passenger airbag E224
Air Humidity Sensor Air Conditioner-G260
Leg Space Deflector Temperature Sensor Left-G261
Leg Space Deflector Temperature Sensor Right-G262
Air Conditioning Compressor Control Valve-N280
Heater Coolant Shut-Off Valve-N279
Windshield Heater Control Unit-J505
Secondary Air Control Valve-N112
Selector Lock Electromagnet-N110
Fuel Shut Off Valve-N109
Ignition timing adjustment
Throttle Control Vent Valve-N97
Ventilation valve in the throttle control valve-N117
The solenoid valve 2 absorber-N115
Output stages in the control unit
Intake manifold geometry change valve-N156
Lambda probe heating control unit-J208
Control Pressure Regulator-N73
Intake Manifold Pre-Heater Relay-J81
Activated Carbon Absorber Solenoid Valve 1-N80
Full Load 2-Way Enrichment Valve-N54
Injector 1-N30
Injector 2-N31
Injector 3-N32
Injector 4-N33
5-N83 Injector
Injector 6-N84
Injector 7-N85
Injector 8-N86
Idle Stabilization Valve-N71
Air Choke Controller-V63
Fuel Pump Relay-J17
Forced Idle Valve-N65
Lambda control valve-N7
Charge Pressure Control Solenoid Valve-N75
Starting Injector-N17
Secondary Air Pump Relay-J299
EGR valve N18
Glow Plug Relay-J52
Glow Plug Control Module-J179
Fuel Pump Dispenser-N146
Injection timing control valve-N108
Air conditioning compressor electromagnetic clutch-N25
Actuator Motor for Air Temperature Control Valve-V68
Central Gate Actuator-V70
Supply Fan-V2
Actuator Air Intake Damper Motor-V71
Switch with lock for disabling the rear side airbags-E280
Hydraulic Pump ABS-V64
Relay for hydraulic pump ABS-J185
Shutdown Relay EDS-J263
Longitudinal Acceleration Sensor-G251
Front passenger airbag deactivated
Disabled frontal driver airbag
Intake manifold flap changeover valve-N239
Intake Damper Actuator Motor-V157
Driver Side Airbag Disabled
Passenger Side Airbag Disabled
Driver Belt Tensioner Disengaged
Front passenger belt pretensioner deactivated
Power steering terminal 30
Power steering terminal 15
Power steering reference
Driver Side Rear Airbag Switch-E295
Switch, rear side airbag on the passenger side-E296
Indicator lamp for disabling the rear side airbag on the driver's side-K167
The indicator lamp for disabling the rear side airbag on the passenger side-K168
Incorrectly encoded control unit in the instrument cluster
Central Deflector Temperature Sensor-G191
Leg Space Deflector Temperature Sensor-G192
Checking the warning lights in the instrument cluster
Data Bus Diagnostic Interface-J533
Navigation control unit with CD-ROM drive-J401
Voice Command Input Control Unit-J507
Telematik-J499 system control unit
Phone Transceiver-R36
Cassette player
Infotainment Command Information System Data Bus
high-speed display data bus
Fiber optic data bus display
Roof Electronics Control Unit-J528
Power steering control unit-J500
Ride height control system control unit-J197
Data bus information
Data bus drive
The data bus drive is in emergency mode
Engine control unit
Gearbox control unit
Brake control unit
The control unit in the instrument cluster-J285
Fuel pump control unit-J399
Adaptive Cruise Control-J428 Control Unit
Climatronic control unit-J255
Airbag Control Unit-J234
Multi-function Control Unit (CH) -J501
Automatic Clutch Control Unit-J439
Four-wheel drive control unit-J492
Tire Pressure Monitoring Control Module-J502
Multi-function steering wheel control unit-J453
Parking Assist Control Unit-J446
Comfort data bus
Comfort data bus in emergency mode
Comfort Central Control Unit-J393
Driver Door Control Unit-J386
Front passenger door control unit-J387
Rear Left Door Control Module-J388
Rear Right Door Control Module-J389
Control unit for adjusting the position of the driver's seat and the driver's side mirror-J543
Comfort data bus (for the entire concern)
Illumination of internal door handles
Signal: doors are not closed
Warning light for body doorway illumination
Rearview mirror
Instrument cluster control unit on CAN-comfort-J285
Engine control unit 2 (Slave 1)
Engine control unit 3 (Slave 2)
Discharge lamp
Ignition lamp for discharge lamp-N195
Wire to ignition unit
Discharge lamp wire
Control lamp for interior protection switch-K162
Front DWA Alarm
Rear DWA Alarm
Ground wire
Clock Wire Front 5V
Clock wire, rear, 5V level
Immobilizer unlock signal
Signal: open all windows
Signal: close all windows and sunroof
Fuel tank lock lock motor-V155
Interior door lock switch, driver's side-E150
Interior door lock switch, passenger side-E198
Anti-theft alarm switch (open)
Anti-theft alarm switch (closed)
Luggage compartment door lock limit switch (closed) - F124
Central locking switch, driver's side-F59
Front passenger side lock-F114
LOCK / UNLOCK switch / internal lock keys
Opening due to a hit signal
Disabling the central locking lock pump
Luggage limit switch alarm
Hood Limit Switch Alarm
Alarm from interior security sensor
Alarm on limit switch on driver side door
Alarm for rear door / door limit switch on front passenger side
Alarm from mass contact of radio
Alarm from terminal 15
Solenoid valves for electro-hydraulic engine mounts, stage 1
Speed signal for fuel pump
Ultrasonic Anti-Theft Sensor, Left-G170
Ultrasonic Anti-Theft Sensor, Right-G171
Interior Protection Switch-E183
Alarm from rear left anti-theft sensor
Alarm from rear right anti-theft sensor
Alarm from front left anti-theft sensor
Alarm from front right anti-theft sensor
Glass breaking sensors alarm
Anti-theft alarm lamp-K95
Trigger alarm
Power cable
Clock wire
Luggage compartment door lock limit switch (open) - F124
Turn on interior security
Impact simulation
Enable the following actuator
Ground clearance sensor-G84
Control lamp for ride height control-K134
Ground clearance compressor motor-V66
Valves for rear shock absorber struts-N150 / 151
Clearance Pressure Relief Valve-N111
Central locking signal wire: doors open
Relay for compressor for ride height control-J403
Ride height control system

Navigation Data Wire

Glass break sensors, rear
Solenoid valves for electro-hydraulic engine mounts, stage 2
Exhaust gas recirculation valve 2 OG-N213
No flame formation
Flame attenuation
Power failure shutdown (fixed value)
Repeated flame attenuation
Heater overheating
Temperature Sensor-G18
Glow plug with flame sensor-Q8
Metering Pump-V54
Combustion chamber air blower-V6
Circulation pump-V55
Supply fan control signal
Liquid Heater Control Signal
Switch Valve 1 ESP-N225
Switch Valve 2 ESP-N226
Pump fluid supply valve (high pressure valve) 1 ESP-N227
Liquid supply valve to the pump (high pressure valve) 2 ESP-N228
Hydraulic pump system ESP-V156
Lateral Acceleration Sensor-G200
Steering Speed Sensor-G202, Reference Wire
Steering Speed Sensor-G202, Signal Transmission Wire
Steering Wheel Control Panel-E221
Increase the volume of the radio
Decrease the volume of the radio
Search for radio stations, go ahead
Search for radio stations, back
Phone memory
next cell phone memory
Speaker phone / navigation system-R39
Relay of shutdown of a stop signal ESP-J508
Brake Pressure Sensor 1-G201
Brake fluid level too low
Adjustable position not programmed
Car rises
Check tilt
Fuel level signal in the tank
Low Fuel Sensor-G210
Fuel shortage
Battery adaptation failed
Auto power off due to voltage drop
Sensor for adjusting the longitudinal position of the driver's seat-G227
Sensor for adjusting the position of the back of the driver's seat-G230
Sensor for adjusting the height of the driver's seat-G231
Sensor for adjusting the angle of inclination of the driver seat cushion-G232
Key for adjusting the tilt of the driver's seat cushion-E222, back
Driver seat cushion tilt adjustment button-E222, forward
Driver's seat longitudinal and height adjustment switch E61, up
Driver's seat longitudinal and height adjustment switch E61, down
Switch for adjusting the longitudinal position and height of the driver's seat E61, forward
Driver's seat longitudinal and height adjustment switch E61, back
Driver's seat backrest tilt key-E96, forward
The key for adjusting the backrest of the driver's seat-E96, back
Rearview Mirror Signal
Signal from the central lock
Adjustment key for driver 1 / seat with memory function-E218
Adjustment key for driver 2 / seat with memory function-E219
Adjustment key for driver 3 / seat with memory function-E220
Ultrasonic Anti-Theft Sensor-G209
Alarm from the anti-theft sensor
Brake pressure sensor / lateral acceleration sensor
Signal wire from instrument cluster
Signal wire to instrument cluster
Front Left Wheel Tire Pressure Sensor-G222
Front Right Wheel Tire Pressure Sensor-G223
Tire Pressure Sensor Rear Left Wheel-G224
The sensor in the tire of the right rear wheel-G225
Spare Tire Pressure Sensor-G226
Front Left Wheel Tire Pressure Monitoring Antenna-R59
Front Right Wheel Tire Pressure Monitoring Antenna-R60
Antenna for monitoring the pressure in the tire of the rear left wheel-R61
Rear Right Wheel Tire Pressure Monitoring Antenna-R62
Spare Tire Pressure Monitoring Antenna-R63
System is off
Disabled spare wheel control system
Head restraint adjustment sensor-G129
Headrest Switch-E155 Up
Head restraint adjustment switch-E155, down
Electric motors of the central lock
Control signal for remote unlocking the boot lid
Lock key for central locking - locking
Central locking key - unlocking
System function check started
System Functional Check
Coolant Temperature Sensor for heater-G241
Overheating Sensor-G189
Flame Sensor-G64
Glow Plug Heater-Q9
Function lock
Front Left Turn Signal Lamp-M5
Left-hand parking lamp-M1
Left-hand high beam headlight-M30
Left fog lamp-L22
Front Right Turn Signal Lamp-M7
Right-hand parking lamp-M3
Headlight High Beam-M32
Right fog lamp-L23
Rear Left Turn Signal Lamp-M6
Left Fog Light Lamp-L46
Top Brake Light Lamp-M25
License Plate Light-X
Rear Right Turn Signal Lamp-M8
Right fog lamp-L47
Initialization failed
Shutdown due to failure to reach the end position
The spoiler does not extend at a speed greater than the speed of the warning threshold
The spoiler does not extend at a speed greater than the speed of the alarm threshold
Jamming of the rear spoiler control button
Sunroof control unit
Sliding sunroof cannot fall
Sunroof Adjuster
Enable signal from comfort systems
Terminal 30 left
Trailer Recognition Control Unit-J345
Left Reversing Lamp-M16
Right Reversing Lamp-M17
Rain and Light Sensor-G397
Tire pressure sensor
Phone Microphone-R38
Telephone antenna
Telematik phone card
Emergency Call Button-E276
Technical Assistance Call Button-E275
Additional antenna of the Telematik-R90 system
Optional speaker Telematik-R91
Turn off the radio while talking on the phone
Emergency battery
Signal wire to instrument cluster
Terminal 56 (headlight)
Submission of a control signal to the left-headlight corrector-V48 executive electric motor
Submission of a control signal to the right-headlight corrector-V49
Car goes down
Level Sensors - Supply Voltage
Headlight Leveling Executive Motors-V48 / V49
Headlights are not adjusted
Headlights are lowered
Headlights rise
Steering Speed Sensor-G202
Parking Assistant Warning Buzzer, Rear-H15
Parking Assist Warning Lamp-K136
Rear Left Parking Assist Sensor-G203
Rear Left Central Parking Assist Sensor-G204
Rear Right Center Parking Assist Sensor-G205
Rear Right Parking Assist Sensor-G206
Supply voltage at parking aid sensors
Reverse signal
Central locking signal
The electric motor of the central lock in the driver's door-V56, LOCK
The electric motor of the central lock in the front passenger door-V57, LOCK
Rear door central locking electric motors, LOCK
Electric motors for central locking, SAVE
Electric motors for central locking, UNLOCK
Limit switch in the larva of the driver’s door lock-F241, (open)
Limit switch in the larva of the driver’s door lock-F241, (closed)
Driver's door
Front passenger door
Rear left door
Rear right door
Interior door lock switch, driver's side-E150, LOCK
Interior door lock switch, driver's side-E150, UNLOCK
Luggage compartment light-W3
Alarm for interior security
The limit switch of the anti-theft system-F120
Comfort opening signal
Comfort closing signal
Off Delay Timer Terminal 15
Signal for seat memory function
Door passenger side alarm on front passenger side
Alarm from limit switch in rear left door
Alarm from limit switch in rear right door
Regulator off
Thermal spoiler engine protection
Shutdown due to overheating
Front passenger side airbag warning lamp off K145
Front passenger seat occupancy sensor-G128
Sensor for installing a child seat on the front passenger side-G211
node not recognized correctly
Coolant temperature signal
System leak detected
Excessive clearance, lift pumps included
Limit switch in the larva of the front passenger door lock-F242, (open)
Limit switch in the larva of the front passenger door lock-F242, (closed)
Igniter 2 driver airbags-N250
Pyro cartridge for upper driver airbag-N251
Front passenger side airbag igniter-N252
Shutdown igniter AKB-N253
Airbag deactivation warning lamp, driver's side-K144
Air Pollution Sensor-G238
Windshield Heating Element-Z2
Generator Relay-J442
Tire Pressure Monitoring Key-E226
Actuator motor for supply air damper and air recirculation damper-V154
Battery Charging Circuit
Traction Battery Voltage
The main relay of the electric drive-J437
Throttle signal from engine control unit
Motor rotor position sensor
Drive Motor-V141
Static Frequency Converter-C21
Potentiometer 1 for gear detection-G239
Potentiometer 2 for gear detection-G240
Battery control signal.
Automatic current shutdown during overload
Checking the warning lights
Fan on control unit
Drive View Switch-E228
Set the drive type switch to the ELECTRICAL position.
Clutch Actuator Valve-N255
Relay, fuel cooling pump-J445
Loss of battery capacity
Fuel tank flap remote unlock switch-E204
Signal wire for interior security
Interrogate fault memory
Auto Folding Roof Valve-N272
Rear glove box motors
Folding Roof Control Key-E137
The network connector is not inserted into the holder.
Voltage Converter (264V / 12V) -A13
Generator Charge Signal
Drive view switch-E228, start switch
Parking Assistant Warning Buzzer, Front-H22
Front Right Parking Assist Sensor-G252
Parking Assist Sensor, Front Center Right-G253
Parking Assist Sensor, Front Center Left-G254
Parking Assist Sensor, Front Left-G255
Airbag igniter in rack B, driver's side-N277
Front passenger side airbag igniter A, front passenger side N278
Decrease in ability of return of big currents
Failure of the temperature control system
Battery cut-off squib off
Impact data saved for the battery shut-off squib
Rear seat belt pretensioner igniter driver side-N196
Rear passenger seat belt pretensioner igniter, front passenger side-N198
Shock sensor, rear side airbag, driver's side-G256
Front passenger side airbag impact sensor-G257
Switch, rear seat belt lock, driver's side-E258
Passenger Side Seat Belt Lock Switch E259
Rear seat occupancy sensor, driver's side-G177
Rear seat occupancy sensor, front passenger side-G178
Disabled driver side rear airbag
Disabled rear side airbag on the front passenger side
Disabled upper driver airbag
Disabled front passenger airbag
Driver side rear belt tensioner disengaged
The rear seat belt tensioner on the front passenger side is deactivated
Impact data for rear driver side airbag blocked
Impact data blocked for rear passenger side airbag
Driver airbag switch
Driver airbag deactivation warning lamp
Seat Belt Warning Light
Child seat switch
Shock signal
Baby seat recognition sensor, left-F263
Baby Seat Recognition Sensor, Right-F264
Belt tensioner trigger threshold exceeded
US Airbag Threshold Exceeded
RDW airbag deployment threshold exceeded
Interior door lock switch, passenger side E198, LOCK
Interior door lock switch, passenger side E198, UNLOCK
Rear Left Door Lock Interlock Switch-E273, LOCK
Rear Left Door Lock Interlock Switch-E273, UNLOCK
Rear Right Door Lock Interlock Switch-E274, LOCK
Rear Right Door Lock Interlock Switch-E274, UNLOCK
Adjustment key for driver 4 / seat with memory function-E282
Key for driver's seat with memory function-E283
Signal wire from the garage door opener control unit-E284
Adaptive Cruise Control Sensor, Left-G258
Adaptive Cruise Control Sensor, Right-G259
Brake booster diaphragm potentiometer
ADR switch on the brake booster
ADR switch / diaphragm stroke potentiometer
ADR switch / brake booster pressure
ADR braking intervention valve
ADR-E260 System Distance Selector Switch
Speed sensor signal from ABS sensor for front left wheel
Speed signal from the ABS sensor for the front right wheel
Speed sensor signal from ABS sensor for rear left wheel
Speed signal from the ABS sensor for the rear right wheel
Wheel Speed / Speed Signals
Diesel direct injection system control unit 2-J494
Air mass meter 2-G246
Radiator Fan Shutdown Delay Control Unit-J138
Solenoid valve 2 boost pressure control-N274
Relay for coolant pump J235
KP suspension dampers solenoid valves
Fuel Pressure Sensor-G247
Fuel Pressure Regulator-N276
Relay, auxiliary cooling pump-J496
Throttle Control Valve-N211
Signal wire from airbag
Fuel Temperature Sensor 2-G248
Footwell light, rear left-W45
Footwell light, rear right-W46
Power Window Release Signal
Central locking electric motor in the luggage compartment lid-V53
Anti-theft alarm sound-H8
Interior lighting brightness
Footwell illumination lamp, left-W9
Footwell light, right-W10
Pin 58 (Dimming)
Exterior Mirror Switch-E48
Exterior Mirror Positioner Button-E43
Front passenger door limit switch-F3
Limit switch rear left door-F10
Limit switch rear right door-F11
Electric motors of the central lock on the driver's side
Front passenger side electric lock motors
Electric motors of the central lock of the rear left door
Electric motors of the central lock of the rear right door
Audio / Phone Switch
Phone, voice function
Submission of a control signal to the cruise control system - return to stored speed / acceleration
Submission of a control signal to the cruise control system - save / reduce
Submission of a control signal to the cruise control system - turn off
Front passenger seat longitudinal adjustment sensor-G278
Front passenger seat back adjustment sensor-G279
Front passenger seat back height adjustment sensor G280
Front passenger seat cushion height adjustment sensor G281
Front passenger head restraint height sensor-G282
Front passenger seat longitudinal adjustment switch E64, front
Front passenger seat longitudinal adjustment switch E64, rear
Front passenger seat tilt adjustment button-E98, forward
The key for adjusting the backrest of the front passenger-E98, back
Front passenger seat cushion rear height adjustment switch-E66, up
Front passenger seat cushion rear height adjustment switch-E66, down
Front passenger seat cushion height adjustment switch-E65, up
Front passenger seat cushion front height adjustment switch-E65, down
Front passenger seat head restraint adjustment switch E170, up
Front passenger seat head restraint adjustment switch E170, down
Potentiometer for adjusting the horizontal position of the exterior mirror on the driver's side
Potentiometer for adjusting the position of the exterior mirror on the front passenger side horizontally
Potentiometer for adjusting the position of the outside mirror on the driver's side vertically
Potentiometer for adjusting the position of the exterior mirror on the front passenger side vertically
Driver Frontal Airbag Impact Sensor-G283
Front passenger airbag shock sensor-G284
Driver belt pretensioner igniter 2, driver side-N297
Passenger belt pretensioner igniter 2, passenger side-N298
Airbag igniter for driver feet-N295
Front passenger airbag igniter-N296
Ignition and starter switch-D (Pin P)
Walkie Talkie Key-E76
Anti-Theft Alarm Switch-E75
Steering Wheel Heating Sensor-Z36
Steering Wheel Tiptronic Switch - Upshift - E438
Tiptronic Steering Wheel Switch - Downshift - E439
Multifunctional keys on the steering wheel left-E440
Multifunctional keys on the steering wheel on the right-E441
steering wheel heater-Z36
Wiper Motor-V Mode 1
Wiper Motor-V Mode 2
Lighting switch, parking lights
Fog Light and Fog Light Switch-E23, Fog Lights
Headlight washer pump motor-V11
Brake light
Two-tone horn relay
Power steering control unit -J500 -No communication with engine control unit
Safety Arc Electromagnet, Driver Side-N309
Front Side Passenger Solenoid-N310
Security Arc - Too many positives.
Caution: The folding roof must be lowered. The safety arc extends.
Engine Control Unit - Control Range
Brake Control Unit - Control Range
Left clearance sensors - supply voltage
Right ride height sensors - supply voltage
Front Right Level Sensor-G289
Gauge-G290 Compressor Temperature Sensor
Headlight range control unit-J431
Signal wire from pressure sensor for ride height control-G291
Clearance Valve Receiver Valve-N311
Headlight range control unit-J431, supply voltage
Signal wire to headlight range control unit-J431
Ground clearance control panel-E281
Fallback signal path from the ride height control panel-E281
Trailer signal
Anti-theft alarm: interior security system is on
Ride height sensors
extreme car tilt
The normal ground clearance is set.
Submission of a control signal to the LEDs on the control panel of the ride height control
The front left side of the car drops
The front right side of the car drops
The rear left side of the car drops
The rear right side of the car drops
Filling and emptying the receiver
Test: OK
Test: not normal
Vacuum Pump-V22
Vacuum pump-V22, supply control signal to plus
Vacuum pump-V22, the supply of a control signal to minus
Chassis number entered incorrectly in control unit
Vacuum brake system
Telematik SIM card
Power Steering Hydraulic Valve-N315
Rear Central Door Lock Interlock Switch-E286, LOCK
Rear Central Door Lock Interlock Switch-E286, UNLOCK
Lighting Switch-E1
Warning lamp in the driver's door-W30
Warning lamp in the front passenger door-W36
Warning lamp in the rear left door-W37
Warning lamp in the rear right door-W38
Driver's door sill light
Front passenger door sill light
Rear Left Door Sill Lamp-W33
Rear Right Door Sill Lamp-W34
Executive Motor Left Air Temperature Control Valve-V158
Actuator Motor Right Air Temperature Control Valve-V159
Supply voltage at the driver's door control unit-J386
Supply voltage at the control unit for the front passenger door-J387
Supply voltage on the rear left door control unit-J388
Power supply to the rear right door control unit-J389
Anti-theft alarm switch off-E217
Switch for the outside handle of the driver's door-F272
Switch for the outer door handle, front passenger door-F273
Switch, outside handle, rear left door-F274
Switch, outside handle, rear right door-F275
Driver Door Handle Switch-F276
Passenger Inner Door Handle Switch-F277
Rear Left Door Handle Switch-F278
Rear Right Door Handle Switch-F279
Indicator lamp for disabling the rear airbags-K164
Receiver check in progress
Steering angle sender-G85, supply voltage on cell 30
Instrument cluster control unit-J285, implausible wheel circumference
Left rear position lamp
Right rear position lamp
Fog lamp
Power Window, Front and Rear Switches-E154
Antenna for tire pressure monitoring system, front-R95
Antenna for tire pressure monitor, rear-R96
Left Side Turn Signal Lamp-M18
Right Side Indicator-M19 Lamp
Compressor off
Flash Card Reader-R99
Transceiver Module 2 Interior Protection-G305
Transceiver Module 1 Interior Protection-G303
Antennas for monitoring tire pressure
Potentiometer for Actuator Motor Left Temperature Control Valve-G220
Potentiometer for Actuator Motor, Right Temperature Control Valve-G221
Solar panels-C20
Supply fan control unit-J126
Rear Curtain Drive Switch-E149
Rain and light sensor power
Heater, rear left seat cushion-Z10
Rear Right Seat Cushion Heating Element-Z12
Rear Left Seat Temperature Sensor-G94
Rear Right Seat Temperature Sensor-G95
Potentiometer for defroster flap and deflector actuator, front right -G317
Potentiometer actuator motor defrost flap and deflector front left-G318
Front Left Seat Cushion Heating Element-Z45
Front Right Seat Cushion Heating Element-Z46
Front Left Seat Temperature Sensor-G344
Front Right Seat Temperature Sensor-G345
Center Left Deflector Sensor-G347
Center Right Deflector Sensor-G348
Disabled rear upper airbag on driver's side
Disabled rear upper airbag on the front passenger side
The control lamp of telephone communication of the rear left passenger-K172
The control lamp of telephone communication of the rear right passenger-K173
Spanish rear left baffle motor
Rear Right Deflector Actuator Motor-V219
Deflector Actuator Motor Potentiometer, Rear Left-G349
Deflector Actuator Motor Potentiometer, Rear Right G350
Executive motor for warm and cold air flaps, rear left deflector-V220
Executive motor for warm and cold air flaps, rear right deflector-V221
Potentiometer of the executive motor of the dampers of warm and cold air of the rear left deflector-G351
Potentiometer for electric actuator for warm and cold air flaps, rear right deflector-G352
Tiptronic Steering Wheel Switch-E389
The driver's seat control panel with memory function-E97
Front passenger seat control panel with memory function-E277
Key for adjusting the position of the upper part of the backrest-E332, up
Key for adjusting the position of the upper part of the backrest-E332, down
Key for seat belt height adjustment-E333, up
Seat belt height adjustment key-E333, down
Front passenger seat cushion tilt adjustment button-E334, forward
Front passenger seat cushion tilt adjustment button-E334, back
Key for adjusting the height of the lumbar support-E335, up
Key for adjusting the height of the lumbar support-E335, down
Key for adjusting the longitudinal position of the lumbar support-E336, forward
Key for adjusting the longitudinal position of the lumbar support-E336, back
Massage function enable key-E337
Seat key with memory function Positions 1 and 2-E338
Seat key with memory function Positions 3 and 4-E339
Front passenger seat key with memory function-E340
Seat cushion fan control
Power supply for fans in seat cushions
Supply of a control signal to the fan in the back of the seat
Seat back fan voltage
The temperature sensor in the back of the seat-G371
Seat Belt Height Adjustment Potentiometer-G372
Lumbar support height potentiometer-G373
Steering Column Height Adjustment Motor-V123
Steering Column Length Electric Motor-V124
Steering Column Height Sensor-G357
Steering Column Length Sensor-G358
Power supply to the steering column sensor
Front passenger seat longitudinal adjustment motor-V31
Lumbar Support Electric Motor-V229
Electric motor for adjusting the longitudinal position of the lumbar support-V230
Electric motor for adjusting the angle of inclination of the seat cushion-V231
Front passenger seat backrest tilt motor-V46
Driver seat backrest heating element-Z7
Front passenger seat back heating element-Z9
Heater, side support, driver seat cushion-Z31
Heater, side support, backrest, driver's seat-Z32
Passenger Seat Cushion Side Support Heater-Z33
Front passenger seat back support side heater Z34
Electric motor for adjusting the position of the upper part of the backrest-V232
Driver's head restraint adjustment motor V103
Electric seat belt height adjustment motor-V233
Front passenger seat cushion angle sensor-G359
Lumbar Support Height Sensor-G374
Sensor for adjusting the longitudinal position of the lumbar support-G375
Power supply for rear seat adjustment switch
Switch for adjusting the longitudinal position of the rear left seat-E145, forward
Switch for adjusting the longitudinal position of the rear left seat-E145, back
Switch for adjusting the longitudinal position of the rear right seat-E147, forward
Switch for adjusting the longitudinal position of the rear right seat-E147, back
Key for tilting the rear left seat cushion-E341, up
Rear Left Cushion Tilt Adjustment Key-E341, Down
Rear right seat cushion tilt adjustment button-E342, up
Rear Right Cushion Tilt Adjustment Key-E342, Down
Rear left head restraint adjustment key-E171, up
Rear left head restraint adjustment key-E171, down
Rear right head restraint adjustment key-E172, up
Rear right seat head restraint adjustment button-E172, down
Rear left lumbar support key E343, up
Rear left lumbar support height key E343, down
Rear right seat lumbar support key E344, up
Rear right lumbar support key E344, down
Key for adjusting the longitudinal position of the lumbar support of the rear left seat-E345, back
Key for adjusting the longitudinal position of the lumbar support of the rear right seat-E346, back
Rear Restore Button-E347
Rear left seat key with memory function Positions 1 and 2-E348
Rear right seat key with memory function Positions 1 and 2-E349
Supply of a control signal to the fan of the rear left seat
Power supply for rear left seat fan
Supply of a control signal to the fan of the rear right seat
Power supply, rear right seat fan
Rear left head restraint adjustment motor V133
Rear right head restraint adjustment motor V134
Sensor for adjusting the position of the head restraint, rear right seat-G360
Potentiometer for adjusting the height of the lumbar support of the rear left seat G361
Rear right lumbar support potentiometer G362
Sensor for adjusting the longitudinal position of the lumbar support of the rear left seat-G363
Sensor for adjusting the longitudinal position of the lumbar support of the rear right seat-G364
Electric motor for adjusting the longitudinal position of the rear left seat-V87
Electric motor for adjusting the longitudinal position of the rear right seat V88
Electric motor for adjusting the longitudinal position of the lumbar support of the rear left seat-V127
Electric motor for adjusting the longitudinal position of the lumbar support of the rear right seat-V128
Electric motor for adjusting the height of the lumbar support of the rear left seat-V225
Rear Right Seat Lumbar Support Electric Motor-V226
Electric motor for adjusting the angle of inclination of the rear left seat cushion-V227
Electric motor for adjusting the angle of inclination of the rear right seat cushion-V228
Sensor, tilt angle adjustment, rear left seat cushion-G365
Rear Right Seat Cushion Tilt Sensor-G366
Sensor for adjusting the longitudinal position of the rear left seat-G367
Sensor for adjusting the longitudinal position of the rear right seat-G368
Sensor for adjusting the height of the lumbar support of the rear left seat-G369
Rear right seat lumbar support height sensor-G370
Control unit for seat and steering column adjustment with memory function-J136
Driver Side Height Adjustment Switch-E289, Up
Driver Side Height Adjustment Switch-E289, Down
Front passenger side height adjustment switch-E290, up
Front passenger side height adjustment switch-E290, down
Seat Depth Adjustment Key-E350, Forward
Seat Depth Adjustment Key-E350, Back
The regulator of ventilation / heating of seats-E399
Power supply for seat ventilation and seat heating / height adjustment potentiometer
Seat Depth Adjustment Sensor-G378
Sensor for upper seat back adjustment-G376
Electric motor for changing the height of the front passenger seat-V191
Seat Depth Adjustment Motor-V234
Rear Vanity Mirror-L135
Passenger Seat Remote Control Key-E351
Supply voltage at rear seat occupied sensor
Rear Right Seat Heating / Ventilation Regulator-E414
Heater / ventilation regulator, rear left seat-E413
Rear Left Head Restraint Position Sensor-G381
Folding Roof Actuator Relay 2 Hydraulic Pump-J588
Auto Folding Roof Valve 2-N341
Automatic Folding Roof Valve 3-N342
Foldable Roof Retainer Position Sensor-G356
Folding Top Control Button-E137 Open
Convertible Top Control Button-E137 Closed
Hardtop-F255 hardtop roof recognition sensor
Folding roof box cover switches (box closed) -F200 / F199
Folding Roof Box Cover Switches-F290 / F291
Folding roof box lid closing switch (box open) -F293
Folding Roof Box Lock Motor-V222
Folding Roof Box Pallet Positioning Sensor - F292
Folding roof lock switch (closed) - F295
Folding roof lock switch (open) - F294
Folding Roof Lock Electric Motor-V223
Heater, rear left side seat cushion support-Z48
Rear Right Side Cushion Heater Support Element-Z49
Switch position
Adaptive Cruise Control Data Bus
Adaptive Cruise Control-Z47 Sensor Heating Element
Driver Identification Control Unit-J589
End key, Telematik for USA-E331
Coding pin
Glove Box Lock Motor-V224
Roof rack recognition sensor-F296
Hazard warning lights on
Control lamp of the Telematik-K186 system
Driver-assisted landing assist control unit-J572
Front passenger side boarding assist control unit J573
ADR emergency shutdown
Driver's seatback lock switch-F211
Passenger Seat Back Lock Switch-F212
Driver-E358 Landing Aid Button, Forward
Key for ease of landing on the driver's side-E358, back
Front passenger side landing assist key-E359, forward
Driver-E359 landing key, back
Supply voltage on the control unit for the heating element of the windshield
Supply voltage to the footwell heating element in the rear left of the vehicle
Supply voltage to the footwell heating element in the rear right of the vehicle
Supply voltage at the supply fan control unit
Terminal 87
Perform adaptation
Supply voltage of external components
Supply voltage of 2 external components
User 1
User 2
User 3
User 4
Steering Column Switch-E167
Driver Information Key-E450
Transfer Case Potentiometer 2-G482
Motor voltage
Hall Sensor 1
Hall Sensor 2
Transfer Case Sensors
Sensors supply voltage
Transfer Case Potentiometer-G398
Transfer box motor, positive contact
Transfer box motor, negative contact
Submission of a control signal to the transfer case motor
Transfer box motor
Transfer Case Switching Time Too Long
Normal mode enable LED on the transfer box control panel
LED downshift on the control panel transfer case
Center differential lock enable LED on transfer box control panel
Rear axle differential lock enable LED on transfer box control panel
Front cross-axle differential lock enable LED on transfer box control panel
Transfer case
Gearbox software version mismatch.
Disabling a function due to overheating of the control unit
Transfer Case Control Unit-J646
Cross-axle differential lock control unit-J647
Cross-axle differential lock motor, positive contact
Cross-axle differential lock motor, negative contact
Differential lock mechanism engine brake, positive contact
Differential lock motor brake, negative contact
Engine Temperature Sensor-G407
Supply voltage at the engine temperature sensor
Oil temperature sensor
Cross-axle differential lock
Safety arc solenoid on driver side disconnected
Front Passenger Side Arc Solenoid Disabled
Voice Amplifier Control Unit-J656
Signal attenuation on the optical data bus too strong
Optical Data Bus - Unauthorized Activation Request
Optical data bus - system disabled
Parking Assist Sensor Front
Parking Assist Sensor Rear
Local data bus
Power Management System Control Module-J644
Optical data bus: system startup control unit is faulty
The control unit rear left control panel, display and information display-J648
The control unit rear right control panel, display and information display-J648
Multimedia Player Position 1-R118
Multimedia Player Position 2-R119
Multimedia Player Position 3-R120
Media Player Position 4-R121
Adjustment check
Horizontal adjustment
Vertical adjustment
Message to request a slowdown
Component Protection
wrong control unit installed
Lamp for the left headlight of the adaptive lighting system-L148
Lamp for the right headlight of the adaptive lighting system-L149
Additional high beam
Warning light / actual warning lamp from running gear or battery switching relay
Headlight Wiper Relay (SRA) or Rain Sensor
Rear Window Washer Pump-V13
Unlock seat heating
Emergency start signal
The key for the central turning off of illumination of salon-E390
Component Protection Enabled
Open circuit diagnostics
damped circuit breakdown diagnosis
Supply control signal to the left fan of the amplifier
Supply control signal to the right fan of the amplifier
Footwell Heater Actuator Motor-V261
Side Deflector Actuator Motor-V262
Sensor for anti-jamming system for luggage compartment lid-G408
On-board power supply control unit 2-J520
Light Sensor-G399
Light Sensor Power Supply
Rear Curtain Motor-V91
Electric motor for opening the tailgate-V254
Submission of a control signal to the fan of the left front seat
Supply of a control signal to the fan of the right front seat
Power window switch
Power window motor
Power window thermal protection included
Interior door lock switch
Key with lock for central locking-E391
Central locking drive
Mirror motor
Mirror folding motor
Potentiometer for horizontal mirror position adjustment
Potentiometer for adjusting the vertical position of the mirror
Seat key with memory function Positions 1 and 2
Seat key with memory function Positions 3 and 4
Restore Key
Door warning light / threshold light
Switch on the door handle outside
Switch on the inside door handle
Central locking button, outside door handle
Exterior Door Handle Light / Mirror Light
Door closer control unit-J657
Auto-dimming exterior mirror
Interior door lighting
The motor for blocking random door opening from the inside
Front left cosmetic mirror light
Front right cosmetic mirror light
Illumination of the rear left cosmetic mirror
Illumination of the rear right cosmetic mirror
Reading lights
Battery Disconnect Relay-J655
Supply of a control signal to the front right interior lamps
Supply of a control signal to the front left interior lamps
Supply of a control signal to the backlight of the front left cosmetic mirror
Supply of a control signal to the backlight of the front right cosmetic mirror
Supply of a control signal to the backlight of the rear left cosmetic mirror
Supply of a control signal to the backlight of the rear right cosmetic mirror
Interior light button, front-E326, ON
Interior button, front-E326, AUTO
Interior light button, front-E326, OFF
Reading light button-E328, left
Reading light button-E328, right
Garage Door Open Key 1-E392
Garage Door Open Key 2-E393
Garage Door Open Key 3-E394
Roof Sunroof Control Key-E325, OPEN
Roof sunroof control key-E325, closed
Power supply for sunroof switch
Rear Left Side Curtain Control Key-E383
Rear Right Side Curtain Control Key-E384
Supply voltage on the inside rearview mirror / light sensor
Supply voltage at the seat adjustment sensor
Rear Rear Curtain Switch-E385
Sliding sunroof switch-L65 lamp
Backlight for rear ceiling module buttons
Indicator lamp for rear interior light switch-K190
Key for interior rearview mirror with dimming function-E386
Indicator lamp for rearview mirror with dimming function-K187
Windshield Temperature Signal
Reference signal for a temperature signal of a windshield
Control unit for protection against unauthorized towing and anti-theft system-J529
Front Left Microphone-R140
Front Right Microphone-R141
Left Center Microphone-R142
Right Center Microphone-R143
Rear Left Microphone-R144
Rear Right Microphone-R145
Analog / Digital Clock
Electric motor for adjusting the longitudinal position of the lumbar support of the driver's seat-V125
Electric motor for adjusting the longitudinal position of the lumbar support of the front passenger seat-V126
Driver seat lumbar support motor V129
Front passenger seat lumbar support motor-V130
Front passenger seat cushion height adjustment motor-V32
Driver Seat Depth Electric Adjustment Motor-V256
Front Passenger Seat Depth Adjustment Motor-V257
Electric motor for adjusting the position of the upper back of the driver's seat-V258
Front passenger seat backrest adjustment motor-V259
Driver Seat Belt Height Adjustment Motor-V74 / V75
Front passenger seat belt height adjustment motor V74 / V75
Engine Interface - ADR
Radar reception violated
Checking the operation of the rear view mirrors
Exterior lights
Lower the glass
Raise glass
Supply fan control power supply
Air Recirculation Fan Regulator Power Supply
Dimmer switch and instrument panel-E20
Fuse for onboard power supply control unit on the AKB-S287
Footwell dimmer-E398
Left Daylight Lamp 2-M49
Lamp of the right side light 2-M50
Communication cable to the rear position lamps
Luggage compartment door closer limit switch (open) - F332
Luggage compartment door closer limit switch (closed) - F333
Audio / Video Input 1
Audio / Video Input 2
Electric motor for adjusting the upper back of the rear left seat-V266
Key for adjusting the upper part of the back of the rear left seat, forward-E401
Key for adjusting the upper part of the back of the rear left seat, back-E402
Potentiometer for adjusting the position of the upper backrest of the rear left seat G413
Electric motor for adjusting the upper backrest of the rear right seat-V267
Key for adjusting the upper part of the backrest of the rear right seat, front-E403
Key for adjusting the upper part of the backrest of the rear right seat, back-E404
Potentiometer for adjusting the position of the upper backrest of the rear right seat G414
Deactivating the brake temperature function
Tire Pressure Alarm
Control signal for unlocking the spare wheel
Spare Wheel Lock Release Button-E405
Safety arc
Satellite Receiver-R146
Diagnostic Interface / Instrument Cluster Control Lead, Unauthorized
Dimmed interior lighting
Control lamp for blocking accidental opening of doors from the inside, lion.
Control lamp for blocking accidental opening of doors from the inside, right.
Interior light
Roll Sensor Warning Lamp
Central locking indicator lamp
Engine control unit 2, immobilizer data adaptation not completed
Engine control unit 3, immobilizer data adaptation not completed
Engine control unit 4, immobilizer data adaptation not completed
Gearbox control unit, immobilizer data adaptation not completed
Digital radio with tuner
Brake light request by ABS control unit
The position for transport has been activated.
Left Headlight Power Supply-J667
Right Headlight Power Supply-J668
Left fixed headlight adaptive lighting system-M51
Right fixed headlight adaptive lighting system-M52
Fixed adaptive headlights
Headlight range stepper motors
Audio / Video Output 1
Audio / Video Output 2
Engine control unit, immobilizer data adaptation not completed
Button for closing the rear door in the luggage compartment-E406
Control panel and display auxiliary heater-E407
Control Panel Key Jamming
Radio Remote Control Connection
Center speakers
Control valve responsible for the degree of opening of the coupling-N373
Oil Pressure and Temperature Sensor-G437
Deactivate valve on time function
Heater blocked
Generator High Temperature Shutdown
Generator interface
Voltage measurement wire from battery positive terminal
Quiescent current
Remote Control Signal Receiver
Garage door opener transmitter
Display for front control panel, display and information display-J685
Temperature Failure Indicator
Storage Media-R118
Display display
Hide display
Servotronic: full power steering
Servotronis: no power steering
Submission of a control signal to the headlight washer pump relay
Supply of a control signal to the water heater relay in the washer fluid reservoir
Display extension button
Stop pushing the display when it reaches the end position - no recall
The termination of the removal of the display upon reaching the end position - no recall
Show / hide engine display unit, thermal fuse activated
Quiescent Current Mode 1
Quiescent Current Mode 2
Quiescent Current Mode 3
Quiescent Current Mode 4
Quiescent Current Mode 5
Quiescent Current Mode 6
Dimmed rear lighting
Auto-dimming interior mirror-Y7, dimming coefficient
Motor connection for sunroof with fairing / curtain
Sunroof fairing electric drive motor, thermal fuse activated
Electric sunroof, lock detection
Video output for connecting to an end device
Fuel Heater Sensor-G421
Exhaust gas sensor-G422
Shut-off valve for supplying fuel to an autonomous heater-N375
Fuel supply to the auxiliary heater
Driver seat ventilation control unit-J672
Front passenger seat ventilation control unit-J673
Driver's seat ventilation control unit in the passenger compartmentJ674
Seat ventilation control unit in the passenger compartment, front passenger side-J675
On-board voltage per cell 30 driver seat ventilation control unit
On-board voltage per cell 30 front passenger seat ventilation control unit
On-board voltage per cell 30 rear seat ventilation control unit, driver's side
On-board voltage per cell 30 rear passenger side ventilation control unit, front passenger side
Supply voltage on driver seat ventilation control unit
Supply voltage on the front passenger seat ventilation control unit
Supply voltage on driver's side rear seat ventilation control unit
Supply voltage at rear passenger side ventilation control unit
Rear seat cushion heating element, driver's side-Z52
Front passenger side seat cushion heating element-Z53
Heater, side support, rear seat cushion, driver's side-Z54
Front passenger side airbag side support heating element-Z55
Rear seat temperature sensor, driver's side-G426
Rear passenger side temperature sensor, front passenger side-G427
Supply of a control signal to the ventilation system of the driver's seat
Supply of a control signal to the front passenger seat ventilation system
Supply of a control signal to the rear seat ventilation system from the driver
Supply of a control signal to the rear seat ventilation system from the front passenger side
The key enable the massage function of the rear left seat-E409
The key enable the massage function of the rear right seat-E410
Driver Seat Belt Height Regulator Switch-E169
Passenger Seat Belt Height Adjuster Switch-E178
Lumbar support height adjustment potentiometer with massage function for rear left seat-G424
Lumbar support height adjustment potentiometer with massage function for rear right seat-G425
Rear head restraint height key-E411
A button on the center console to reduce the height of the head restraints-E412
Seat Depth Adjustment Key-E350
Control panel voltage
Key for adjusting the longitudinal position of the seat-E418
Front seat height adjustment key-E451
Rear Seat Height Adjustment Key-E452
Front Seat Height Sensor-G438
Rear Seat Height Adjustment Sensor-G439
Front Seat Height Electric Motor-V296
Rear Seat Height Electric Motor-V285
Key for backrest position adjustment-E425
Sensor for backrest adjustment-G440
Electric motor for backrest adjustment-V286
Key for adjusting the position of the upper part of the backrest-E332
Key for lumbar support height adjustment-E335
Key for adjusting the longitudinal position of the lumbar support-E336
Key for seat belt height adjustment-E333
Headrest Adjustment Button-E155
Headrest Positioning Motor-V287
Electric motor for adjusting the longitudinal position of the seat-V288
Sensor for adjusting the longitudinal position of the seat-G441
Seat Quick Adjust Key-E445
Seat Back Lock Switch-E446
Seat memory key-E447
Seat key with memory function 1-E218
Seat key with memory function 2-E219
3-E220 memory key for seat
Seat key with memory function 4-E282
Parking brake switch-F321
Sliding door opens
Sliding door closes
Door closer, closing
Door closer, opening
The footboard extends
Signal wire to central control unit for comfort systems
Data transfer to a sliding door
Foot Release Button-E444
Sliding Door Control Key-E442
Illumination of a key of management of a sliding door
Sliding door disable key-E443
Backlight key for sliding door
automatic footboard
Sliding Door Opening Motor-V293
Door closer
Sliding door closer electric motor-V324
Anti-pinch system
The heating element of the auxiliary heater is switched on.
The heating element of the auxiliary heater is switched off.
Temperature sensor on the control unit
Electric sunroof cover, initialization not performed
1A current sensor on the control unit
100A current sensor on the control unit
Current sensor -500A..100A on the control unit
Generator, rated voltage of the generator, 15.0 V
Alternator, generator rated voltage, 13.5 V
Generator, rated voltage of the generator 0.0 V (without excitation)
Wiper upper pivot point
Wiper lower pivot point
Left Side Deflector Actuator Motor-V299
Right Side Deflector Actuator Motor-V300
Wiper Motor Overload
Light Sensor-G399
Wiper Motor - Restricted Operation Due to Too Low Voltage
Wiper Motor - Excessive Voltage Limitations
Rain and light sensor - limited operation due to too low voltage
Rain and light sensor - limitation of work due to too high voltage
Phone Holder-R126
The footboard is removed
Transmission enable signal, P / N position
The controller of illumination of space around the car-E400
Terminal 30 Feedback
Terminal 31 Reviews
Generator control signal
Front Left Parking Lamp-M1
Front Right Parking Lamp-M3
Rear Left Side Marker Lamp-M4
Rear Right Tail Lamp-M2
Supply of a control signal to the rear window washer pump
Supply of a control signal to terminal 30 of the internal lighting system
Supply of a control signal to an outside mirror heater
Terminal 75x
Supply a control signal to terminal 15 of the indoor lighting system
Terminal 15 of the interior lighting system
Car exterior lighting
Headlight dampers
Transceiver Module 3 Interior Protection-G444
Transceiver Module 4 Interior Protection-G445
Front-wheel differential lock electromagnet coil-N383
Differential lock motor brake
Front Wheel Differential Lock
Cross-axle differential locking mechanism
Rear differential lock
Automatic gearbox selector switch (lever locked in position P) - F319
Rear window release module
Flash programming incorrect
Lighting on
Lighting off
LEDs on
LEDs are off
Roof hatch rationing
Wheel housing transmitter, pressure monitoring system, front left wheel G431
Wheel housing transmitter, pressure monitoring system, front right wheel G432
Wheel housing transmitter, pressure monitoring system, rear left wheel G433
Wheel housing transmitter, pressure monitoring system, rear right wheel G434
Wheel housing transmitter, tire pressure monitoring system
No touch with rear left brake disc.
No touch with rear right brake disc.
Parking Brake Actuator, Left, Not enough Force - V282
Parking Brake Actuator, Right, Not enough effort - V283
Difficult operation of the right parking brake actuator motor V282
Difficult operation of the right parking brake actuator motor V283
Power supply to the left parking brake actuator motor V282
Power Supply for Right-Hand Parking Brake Actuator V283
Control unit, left channel, supply voltage
Control unit, right channel, supply voltage
Control unit left channel
Control unit, right channel
Hall Sensor, parking brake actuator, left
Hall Sensor, parking brake actuator, right
Instrument cluster switch (P)
Yellow warning light in the instrument cluster
Control lamp on the control panel
Control Panel
Error loading / opening drive
Drive initialization error
Disc drive, mechanical damage
GPS receiver
Angle sensor
Terminal 58
Xenon dipped and dipped beam solenoid switch (Bi-Xenon), dimming-F320
Trunk lid lock
Multimedia Display, Rear Left-Y22
Multimedia Display, Rear Right-Y23
Microphone unit in front ceiling module-R164
Tune in radio stations
Contour filling
Speakers in the rear shelf-R150
Starter Relay 2-J695
Turn on the fan power supply
Folding Roof Box Cover Sensor, Left-G442
Convertible Roof Box Cover Sensor, Right-G443
Folding Roof Box Cover Electric Motor, Left-V289
Folding Roof Box Cover Electric Motor, Right-V290
Folding roof lock switch, left (open) - F323
Folding roof lock switch, left (closed) - F324
Folding roof lock switch, right (open) - F325
Folding roof lock switch, right (closed) - F326
Left folding roof lock motor-V291
Right Folding Roof Lock Electric Motor-V292
Glass lowering key-E448
Glass Lift Key-E449
Canvas Roof Sensor-F328
Earphone and acknowledgment data line
SOS LEDs flashing
Service indicator flashes
Phone Charger, Rear-R151
Telephone Antenna Bluetooth-R152
GPS system check
Partial consumer shutdown enabled
Read story
Emergency Battery Off
Diagnostic interface / instrument cluster control drive
The drive of the central lock in the luggage compartment lid-F327
Key for adjusting the height of the lumbar support, rear left seat-E343
Mini Drive-R153
High beam
Rear right lumbar support height adjustment key-E344
Key for adjusting the longitudinal position of the lumbar support of the rear left seat-E345
Key for adjusting the longitudinal position of the lumbar support of the rear right seat-E346
The key for adjusting the position of the head restraint, rear left seat-E416
Rear right head restraint adjustment button-E417
Key for adjusting the longitudinal position of the rear left seat-E419
Key for adjusting the longitudinal position of the rear right seat-E420
The key for adjusting the angle of inclination of the rear left seat cushion-E422
The key for adjusting the angle of inclination of the rear right seat cushion-E423
Seat Height Adjustment Key-E424
Dipped beam damper left headlight-V294
Dipped beam, right-hand headlight-V295
Install the antenna switch on the emergency antenna
Set the antenna switch to the main antenna
Phone turn on signal
Output cable to the radio
Button control sunblind and sunroof-E437
Supply voltage for fans in the seat cushion and backrest
Rear Seat Fan Voltage
Supply of a control signal to the coolant pump
Refrigerant Temperature Sensor-G454
Remote control button sticks
Steering column adjustment
Seat Occupancy Recognition Control Unit-J706
Seat Occupancy Recognition Pressure Sensor-G452
Seat Belt Force Sensor for Seat Occupancy-G453
Remove tow hitch
Pull out the towbar
Hitch button illumination
Indicator lamp “Remove the towbar”
Control lamp “Extend the towbar”
Display on the ceiling-J702
Boost Pressure Gauge-G30
Electronic Stability Program Key (ESP) -L115
Hatch opens
The hatch closes
Rear sunroof opens
Rear sunroof closes
Sliding sunroof opens
Sliding sunroof closes
Charge Pressure Control Row 1
Charge Pressure Control Row 2
The electric motor of the intake manifold flap of the 1st row of cylinders closes it
The electric motor of the intake manifold flap of the 2nd cylinder row closes it
Giving a control signal to glow plugs of the 1st row of cylinders
Giving a control signal to glow plugs of the 2nd row of cylinders
Supply of a control signal to the radiator fan 1
Supply of a control signal to fan 2 radiator
Exhaust gas recirculation radiator switching valve OG-N345
Switch valve 2 radiator exhaust gas recirculation OG-N381
Function restriction due to overload
Terminal 30 from control unit
Faulty or dirty driver identification sensor-G455
Air Purification Module-J707
Relay for seat longitudinal adjustment motor-J739
Vacuum sensor in the brake booster-G483
Front Left Deflector Potentiometer-G387
Front Right Deflector Potentiometer-G388
Steering gear
Transmission control lamp, on the control panel of the transfer case-K210
Front Axle Anti-roll Bar Sensor-G484
Rear Axle Anti-roll Bar Sensor-G485
The pressure sensor of the hydraulic block off the stabilizer bars-G486
Anti-roll Bar Key-E484
Anti-roll Bar Indicator-K221
The valve of shutdown of the stabilizer of lateral stability of a forward axis, in the hydraulic block-N399
The valve of shutdown of the stabilizer of lateral stability of a back axis, in the hydraulic block-N400
The pump motor of the anti-roll bar system, in the hydraulic unit-V326
Supply voltage of the pump motor of the anti-roll bar system in the hydraulic unit
Mounting position of the steering angle sensor
Two-way speaker (mid and bass), rear left-R159
Two-way speaker (mid and bass), rear right-R160
Two-way speaker (mid and tweeter), front left-R26
Two-way speaker (mid and tweeter), front right-R27
Trailer Stop Lamps
Lamp of the right side light of the trailer-M61
Left side lamp for trailer-M60
Right direction indicators for trailer-M63
Left Trailer Direction Lights-M62
Trailer Fog Light Lamp-M64
Massage Control Unit-J740
Power output for indoor lamps
Interior light dimmer input
Cargo dimmer / luggage compartment dimmer input
Enable Left Actuator
Submission of a control signal to the display lamp and indicator lamp
Enable Right Actuator
Open actuator (s) mechanism (s)
Brake control signal output
Initialization of the trailer control unit
Lamps of the left brake light of the trailer-M65
Lamps of the right brake light of the trailer-M66
Lumbar support massage function pump
Seat Height Adjustment Sensor-G503
Limited function due to insufficient temperature
Reading lamp key on driver side-E457
Reading lamp key, front passenger side-E458
Rear Left Reading Lamp Key-E454
Rear Right Reading Lamp Key-E455
Folding tow hitch
Left auxiliary high beam headlight-M67
Bulb of the right additional high beam headlight-M68
Hood Limit Switch-F266
Saved rear impact data
The seat belt tensioner in the center of the rear seat is deactivated
Disabled driver airbag
Disabled front passenger airbag
Worn rear brake pads
Rear Left Deflector Actuator Motor-V315
Rear Right Deflector Actuator Motor-V316
Executive Motor Left Rear Air Temperature Control Valve-V313
Rear Right Temperature Actuator Actuator Electric Motor-V314
Footwell lamp, driver's side-W9
Front passenger side footwell lamp-W10
The message "Traction Battery Voltage" from the power steering control unit
Power Voltage too low message from the power steering control unit
Side curtain control unit-J719
Submission of a control signal to the amplifier fan
Auxiliary liquid heater control unit-J737
Front axle anti-roll bar switching valve, step control in hydraulic unit
Rear axle anti-roll bar switching valve, step control in hydraulic unit
Switching valves in the hydraulic unit to turn off the front and rear axle stabilizers
Turn on engine
Audio cable adapter kit
Stabilizer Control Unit-J736
Steering gear
Lock the fuel tank cap
Unlock the fuel tank cap
Satellite Dish-R170
Digital tv tuner
Adapter cable
Submission of a control signal to the massage function control unit
Dynamic headlight adaptive lighting; set to position Outside
Dynamic headlight adaptive lighting; set to Inside
Dynamic headlight adaptive lighting; set Center to
Dynamic headlight adaptive lighting; set to the correct position (depending on the steering angle)
Set the headlight range control to the transport position.
Executive electric motor of the system of dynamic adaptive lighting of the right headlight-V319
Executive motor of the system of dynamic adaptive lighting of the left headlight-V318
Rotary module position sensor, right
Rotary module position sensor, left
Power supply for rotary module position sensor, right
Power supply for rotary module position sensor, left
Headlights corrector; set in proper position
Satellite tuner antenna
Electric field too low
The tuner is not turned on or not activated.
tune to an available radio station starting at the lower end of the range
Function requested by brake system
Steering column lock release
Keyless Entry Information Reader
Gearbox output speed sensor master rotor
Electric Hinged Trailer Hitch Control Button E474
Door closer electric motor
Supply voltage to pressure sensor
Supply voltage on acceleration sensors
Ride height control valves
Reliability of information from the ride height control
Sensor for changing the position of the upper back of the rear left seat
Sensor for changing the position of the upper backrest of the rear right seat
digital radio tuner
CAN bus shock signal
Direction of the impact signal to the Telematik system
Control and Display Panel Switching Unit-J728
Antenna for receiving traffic information-R173
Submission of a control signal to the relay of the electromagnetic clutch of the air conditioning compressor
Microphone Metering
Left-headlight power supply-J667 not coded
Not coded right headlight power supply-J668
Incorrectly coded left headlight power supply-J667
Incorrectly coded right headlight power supply-J668
The remote control is not programmed
Speed signal wire
Submission of a control signal to the comfort system for opening a sliding sunroof
Submission of a control signal to the comfort system for closing the sunroof
Roof sign illumination
Roof Warning Sign
Turn on the speakerphone
Radio Power 1
Radio Power 2
Rear flashing lights
Additional direction indicator, left
Additional direction indicator, right
Weapon Unlock
Turn on the siren
Supply of a control signal to the front left window-window lift
Supply a control signal to the front left power window - lowering the window
Supply of a control signal to the front right window-window lift
Supply a control signal to the front right power window - lowering the window
Submission of a control signal to the rear left window - window lift
Submission of a control signal to the rear left power window - lowering the window
Submission of a control signal to the rear right window - window lift
Submission of a control signal to the rear right window - lowering the window
Flue pipe
The main radio-controlled inclusion
Blue light
central locking
Seat Occupancy Detection Control Unit-J706 Not Calibrated
Passive taxi alarm enable button
Taxi alarm enable key
Taxi alarm off key
Taxi distinctive power button
Handsfree Button
Taxi emergency radio reception device
Gun box button
Engine continue button
Walkie Talkie Power Button
Front passenger side pedal switch
Warning buzzer button
Footwell illumination key
Engine start button
Front Left Power Window Down Button
Front Left Power Window Lift Key
Front Right Power Window Down Key.
Front Right Power Window Lift Key
Driver side intercom button
Intercom button on the front passenger side
Blue flasher power key
Special signal button
Smoke button
Radio reception device for unlocking car locks
Taxi distinctive button button warning lamp
Meal 1 taxi distinctive sign
Meal 2 taxi distinctive signs
Interior light control lamp
Engage the sound sequence of the alarm system
Gun control signaling
Engine lamp
Control lamp for pressing the radio power button
Footwell illuminator
Warning buzzer warning lamp
Door closing status on the driver's side
Submission of a control signal to the power relay cl. fifty
Bus slave warning lamp activated
Intercom warning lamp
Warning light for unlocked door locks
Power steering wheel remote control
Supply of a control signal to the fuel pump relay
Manhole Release Signal Wire
Lamp of illumination of keys of management of a driver's door
CD read error
Remote control power button
LIN control unit
Left Clearance Lamp 3
Right side lamp 3
Left side lamp and fog lamp
Lamp for the right side light and fog lamp
Left brake light and side light
Right brake light and side light
Left brake light and side light 2
Right brake light and side light 2
Left brake light and direction indicator lamp
Right brake light and direction indicator lamp
Reference voltage of the air conditioning control panel in the rear
Daytime running lamp left headlight
Daytime running lamp, right-hand headlight
Solenoid switch for right xenon dipped and main beam (Bi-Xenon)
Solenoid switch for left xenon dipped and main beam (Bi-Xenon)
Phone Control Panel Control Unit-J738
Display key
Adaptive lighting control unit and headlight range control-J745
Glove Lock Release Motor-V327
Internal Microphone-R74
Fuel Preheater-Z66
Submission of a control signal to the shutoff valve of the front and rear axle stabilizers
Switch with lock for deactivating the front passenger airbag E224
Program tire pressure
Install brake linings
Control keys in the instrument cluster
Coolant Temperature Warning Lamp (Too Cold) -K43
Power indicator
System reset
Potentiometer Actuator Actuator Uniform Air Flow Flap-G330
Key to access and enable engine start
Cold Air Flap Actuator Motor Potentiometer, Front-G315
Duration of access to the compat disk
Calibration Enable
Supply of a control signal to the steering column lock
Swivel module, left
Swivel module, right
Left brake light, side light and direction indicator lamp-M69
Lamp for the right brake light, side light and direction indicator-M70
Walkie-talkie 1 power supply, plus control signal
Radio power 1, control signal to ground
Walkie-talkie 2 power supply, plus control signal
Walkie-talkie power 2, control signal to ground
Limit switch in the handle-F354
Limit switch on the locking finger-F355
Electric parking brake data bus
EDS enabled
ASR / ESP-E256 Key
GPS internal receiver
Front Left Deflector Potentiometer-G387
Front Right Deflector Potentiometer-G388
Control unit 2 luggage compartment lids-J756
Parking Assistant Warning Buzzer, Rear
Internal communication error
Personal tube
Phone Charging Voltage
Phone Holder-R126
Find a Bluetooth device
Connect bluetooth device
Control Panel for Mobile Phone Connection Kit-E508
Steering Wheel Vibration Electric Motor-V331
Lane Departure Activation Key-E517
Lane Assist Control Unit-J759
Full load warning lamp-K228
Partial load warning lamp-K229
Tire Pressure Monitoring Indicator Lamp-K230
hard warning 1
Cancel hard alert
soft warning
Cancel soft alert
System failure
Cancel System Failure Alert
Radio interference
Cancel Radio Intervention Warning
Full load selected
Partial load mode selected
ELV (electronic steering column lock) control unit -J764
Supply voltage in a blocking system of a steering column, kl.30
ELV limitation due to too low voltage
ELV limitation due to too high voltage
Steering column locking system motor voltage
Steering column unlock cable from the diagnostic interface
Steering column unlock wire from steering wheel electronics
Steering column unlocking wire from electronic ignition switch
Communication between the steering column unlock system and the electronic ignition lock
Electronic steering column lock not programmed
Automatic shutdown of the electronic steering column lock system
Wrong steering column lock
ELV blocking conditions not met
Locked steering column lock operation
ELV Motor Supply Voltage
Electric motor ELV (steering column lock) -V334
Activation Request from ESP
ELV enable signal from the diagnostic interface
ELV enable signal from steering wheel electronics
Submission of a control signal to the device for disconnecting driver support systems (assistants) from the CAN bus
Driver door closer control unit-J760
Front passenger door closer control unit-J761
Rear Left Door Closer Control Unit-J762
Rear Right Door Closer Control Unit-J763
Link ELV and comfort systems
Rear Left Side Window Blind Control Unit-J765
Rear Right Side Window Blind Control Unit-J766
Solenoid valve Servotronic-N119
Awakening wire from an electromechanical parking brake control unit
Awakening wire from the convenience system control unit
Hydraulic unit
wheels are not set to DIRECT
control signal applied to the brake light
Auto Parking Lamp
Function indicator in the instrument cluster (!)
Tire Pressure Monitoring Button-E492
Front left brake pressure sensor
Front Right Brake Pressure Sensor
Lane change assistant control unit-J769
Lane change assist control unit 2-J770
Lane Change Assistant Key-E530
Lane change assistant warning lamp-K232
Indicator lamp for lane change assistant in the outside mirror on the driver's side-K233
Indicator lamp for the lane change assistant in the outside mirror from the front passenger side-K234
Sensors of control unit 1 blocked
Sensors of control unit 2 blocked
Supply voltage of control unit 2 lane change assist
Windshield Heating Element for Lane Departure Assistant-Z67
Lane Assist Control Unit, Limited Visibility
System on
Faulty electronic steering column lock system
Audio input
Incorrectly installed touch sensor on the outside handle of the driver's door
Incorrectly installed touch sensor on the outside handle of the front passenger door
Incorrect touch sensor on the outside handle of the rear left door
Incorrect touch sensor on the outside handle of the rear right door
Antenna for access control and the right to start the engine in the luggage compartment on the right
Antenna for access control and engine start right in the luggage compartment on the left
Power steering sensor
Operation limitation due to data block corruption
Emergency brake function activated
Diesel particulate filter warning lamp-K231
Reverse camcorder control unit-J772
Central control unit 2 comfort systems-J773
Short check of CD and DVD
Random check of CD and DVD
Digital Radio Antenna-R183
Potentiometer for flap actuator motor, B-pillar and legroom, right-G328
Potentiometer for flap actuator in B-pillar and legroom, left-G329
Potentiometer, rear left air intake flap-G389
Potentiometer, rear right air intake flap-G390
Potentiometer, rear left air temperature control flap-G391
Potentiometer for rear right air temperature flap-G392
Potentiometer, Actuator Motor, Rear Left Deflector-G521
Rear Right Deflector Actuator Potentiometer G522
Rear air blower control unit-J391
Left Side Deflector Actuator Potentiometer G164
Right Side Deflector Actuator Potentiometer G523
Special Signal Switch Key-E505
Submission of a control signal for switching a special signal
Open circuit diagnostic wire
Chassis Data Bus
Parking Assistant Key-E536
Parking Assist Warning Lamp-K159
Power supply for the left daytime running light and parking lamp LED module
Submission of a control signal to the left module of LEDs for daylight and parking lights
Power supply for the right module of daytime running lights and parking lights
Submission of a control signal to the right module of daytime running lights and parking lights
Comfortable opening
Comfortable closing
Left-hand brake light, direction indicator and parking light 2-M72
Lamp for the right brake light, direction indicator and side light 2-M73
hard warning 2
hard warning 3
hard warning 4
Rear sunroof control unit-J392
Sunroof control unit-J394
The fuse for the sunroof control unit is on.
The fuse for the rear tailgate control unit is on
The fuse for the sunroof control unit is switched on.
Rear Left Side Marker Lamp-M37
Rear Right Side Marker Lamp-M38
Cargo and rear compartment lights
Luggage compartment sensor 1 (lid closed) -G525
Luggage compartment sensor 2 (lid closed) -G526
Regulation of the position of the front sliding sunroof
Normalization of the position of the rear lift hatch
Regulation of the position of the sunroof
Raise / open front sliding sunroof
Close / lower front sliding sunroof
Raise rear lift hatch
Lower rear lift hatch
Open the sunroof
Close the sunroof
Steering Wheel Heating Key-E522
DVD access time
Error reading DVD
Request for rear spoiler function
Ceiling and Side Window Actuator Motor V341
Supply a control signal to the lamp of the right side brake light
Submission of a control signal to the lamp of the left side brake light
Supply a control signal to the brake light lamp on the right side of the luggage compartment lid
Submission of a control signal to the brake light lamp on the left side of the luggage compartment lid
Submission of a control signal to the lamp of the rear left side light
Submission of a control signal to the lamp of the rear right position lamp
Functional verification of video and audio connections
Left headlamp lowers
Left headlamp rises
Right headlamp lowers
Right headlight rises
Dynamic adaptive lighting system lights turn left
Dynamic adaptive lighting system lights turn right
The left is dynamic. adaptive headlamp swivels left
The left is dynamic. adaptive headlamp turns right
Right dynamic. adaptive headlamp swivels left
Right dynamic. adaptive headlamp turns right
Increase the brightness of the left static headlight adaptive lighting
Reduce the brightness of the left static headlight adaptive lighting
Increase the brightness of the right static headlight adaptive lighting
Reduce the brightness of the right static headlight adaptive lighting
Submission of a control signal to a control lamp of the headlight range control
Supply of a control signal to the control lamp for adaptive lighting
Clutch free play
Coupling control signal
Coupling cleaning
Lamp on the left side of the boot lid
Lamp on the right side of the boot lid
Lamp at the rear of the left sidewall
Lamp at the rear of the right sidewall
The lamp in the rear bumper on the left
Lamp in the rear bumper on the right
Supply air valve for setting the normal wing height
Return valve for setting normal wing height
Supply air valve to extend the wing
Return valve for wing extension
Supply air valve to remove the wing
Reverse valve to remove the wing
Supply air valve to increase the wing angle of attack
Return valve to increase the wing angle of attack
Supply air valve to reduce the wing angle of attack
Return valve to reduce wing angle of attack
3/2 valve (3 unions, 2 positions) of pressure equalization
Wing control valve
Rear wing angle sensor 1
Rear wing angle sensor 2
Rear wing height sensor 1
Rear wing height sensor 2
Pressure sensor in the supply line of the hydraulic system
Hydraulic Pressure Sensor
Oil level sensor in the tank
Connection of radio and resistance transformer 1
Connection of radio and resistance transformer 2
Connection of resistance transformer 1 and glass antenna
Connection of resistance transformer 2 and antenna on glass
Failure of control unit for rear tailgate-J392
Failure of sunroof control unit-J394
Failure of the sunroof control unit-J245
Headlight adjustment for driving in left-hand / right-hand traffic is included
Decrease in supply fan speed due to voltage drop in the on-board network
Front left ride height sensor, power supply
Front right ride height sensor, supply voltage
Rear Left Level Sensor, Supply Voltage
Rear right ride height sensor, supply voltage
Rear Line Out
Denormation of the position of the front sliding sunroof
Denormation of the position of the rear lift hatch
Denormation of the position of the roller blind
Optical drive
Hard Drive (Winchester)
Digital Audio Amplifier-R184
Low beam dimming by adaptive lighting control unit
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Control block
Row 1: a malfunction in the valve timing control
Row 1: lateral shift of the valve timing The nominal value is not reached
Row 1: camshaft shift to the early side The nominal value is not reached
Row 1, exhaust camshaft: a malfunction in the valve timing control
Row 1, exhaust camshaft: lateral shift of the valve timing The nominal value is not reached
Row 1, exhaust camshaft: camshaft shift to the early side Rated value not reached
Row 1, Camshaft Position Sensor.-G40 / Crankshaft Position Sensor-G28: Signal Mismatch
Row 1, Camshaft Position Sensor.-G300 / Crankshaft Position Sensor-G28: Signal Mismatch
Row 2, Camshaft Position Sensor.-G163 / Crankshaft Position Sensor-G28: Signal Mismatch
Row 2, Camshaft Position Sensor.-G301 / Crankshaft Position Sensor-G28: Signal Mismatch
Number 2: malfunction of the valve timing
Row 2: lateral shift of the valve timing Not reached the nominal value
Row 2: camshaft shift to the early side The nominal value is not reached
Row 2, exhaust camshaft: a malfunction in the valve timing control
Row 2, exhaust camshaft: lateral shift of the valve timing The nominal value is not reached
Row 2, exhaust camshaft: camshaft shift to the early side Rated value not reached
Row 1 probe 1: open electrical heating circuit
Bank 1 Sensor 1: Short to ground in the electrical heating circuit
Bank 1 Sensor 1: Short to positive on the heating circuit
Turbocharger Bypass Valve
Turbocharger Bypass Valve: Short to Ground
Turbocharger bypass valve
Bank 1 Sensor 2: Open Heater Circuit
Bank 1 Sensor 2, electrical heating circuit: short to ground
Bank 1 Sensor 2 Short Circuit To Plus Electric Heater Circuit
Turbocharger Bypass Valve-N249: Invalid Signal
Confused row 1 probe 1 and row 2 probe 1
Confused row 1 probe 2 and row 2 probe 2
Row 1 probe 3: open electrical heating circuit
Row 1 probe 3: short to ground electrical heating circuit
Bank 1 Sensor 3: Short to positive on the heating circuit
Bank 2 Sensor 1: Malfunction in the electrical heating circuit
Bank 2 Sensor 1: Short to ground in the electrical heating circuit
Bank 2 Sensor 1: Short to positive on the heating circuit
Row 2 probe 2: malfunction in a heating electric chain
Bank 2 Sensor 2: Short to ground in the electrical heating circuit
Bank 2 Sensor 2: Short to positive on the heating circuit
Bank 2 Sensor 3: Short to Plus of the Heater Circuit
Pneumatic Injector Control Valve-N212: Invalid Signal
Pneumatic Injector Control Valve-N212: Short to Ground
Pneumatic Injector Control Valve-N212: Short to Positive
Intake pressure / air mass <-> throttle angle deviation
Intake air pressure <-> air pressure: incorrect ratio
Outside temperature sensor-G17
Outside temperature sensor-G17: signal too low
Outside temperature sensor-G17: signal too high
Outside temperature sensor-G17: open circuit
Fuel metering valve: implausible signal
Fuel metering valve: electrical failure
Fuel metering valve: short to ground
Fuel metering valve: short to positive
G299 Intake Air Temperature Sensor -2: Signal Too Low
Intake Air Temperature Sensor -2-G299: Signal Too High
Sensor -2-intake air temperature-G299: no signal
Air Mass Sensor-G70: implausible signal
Air Mass Sensor-G70: Signal Too Low
Air Mass Sensor-G70: Signal Too High
Air Mass Sensor-G70: No Signal
Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor-G71: Supply Voltage
Intake pressure / air pressure => - G71 / -F96: implausible signal
Intake pressure / air pressure => - G71 / -F96: signal too low
Intake pressure / air pressure => - G71 / -F96: signal too high
Intake air temperature sender-G42: implausible signal
Intake Air Temperature Sensor-G42: Signal Too Low
Intake Air Temperature Sensor-G42: Signal Too High
Intake Air Temperature Sensor-G42: No Signal
Coolant Temperature Sensor-G62: implausible signal
Coolant Temperature Sensor-G62: Signal Too Low
Coolant Temperature Sensor-G62 Signal Too High
Throttle potentiometer-G69, circuit malfunction
Throttle potentiometer-G69, implausible signal
Throttle Potentiometer-G69: Signal Too Low
Throttle Potentiometer-G69: Signal Too High
Coolant temperature not reached for lambda control
Valve in coolant circuit-N214: temperature below control range
Bank 1 Sensor 1: Malfunction
Bank 1 Sensor 1: Voltage Too Low
Bank 1 Sensor 1: Voltage Too High
Row 1 probe 1: reaction time is too long
Row 1 probe 1: no activity
Bank 1 Sensor 1: Malfunction in the electrical heating circuit
Bank 1 Sensor 2: Electrical Failure
Bank 1 Sensor 2: Voltage Too Low
Bank 1 Sensor 2: Voltage Too High
Bank 1 Sensor 2: Signal Speed Too Low
Row 1 probe 2: no activity
Row 1 probe 2: malfunction in a heating electric chain
Row 1 probe 3: a failure in the electrical circuit
Bank 1 Sensor 3: Voltage Too Low
Bank 1 Sensor 3: Voltage Too High
Row 1 probe 3: reaction time is too long
Row 1 probe 3: no activity
Row 1 probe 3: malfunction in a heating electric chain
System for determining the parameters of the fuel-air mixture (row 1): deviation of the injection time
Bank 2 Sensor 1: Electrical Failure
Bank 2 Sensor 1: Voltage Too Low
Bank 2 Sensor 1: Voltage Too High
Row 2 probe 1: reaction time is too long
Row 2 probe 1: no activity
Bank 2 Sensor 1: Malfunction in the electrical heating circuit
Bank 2 Sensor 2: Electrical Failure
Bank 2 Sensor 2: Voltage Too Low
Bank 2 Sensor 2: Voltage Too High
Row 2 probe 2: reaction time is too long
Row 2 probe 2: no activity
Row 2 probe 2: malfunction in a heating electric chain
Bank 2 Sensor 3: Electrical Failure
Bank 2 Sensor 3: Voltage Too Low
Bank 2 Sensor 3: Voltage Too High
Row 2 probe 3: reaction time is too long
Row 2 probe 3: no activity
Row 2 probe 3: malfunction in a heating electric chain
Row 1: malfunction of the fuel-air mixture determination system
Row 1, fuel-air mixture determination system: mixture too lean
Row 1, fuel-air mixture determination system: mixture too rich
Row 2: malfunction of the fuel-air mixture determination system
Row 2, fuel-air mixture determination system: mixture too lean
Row 2, fuel-air mixture determination system: mixture too rich
Fuel quality sensor G446: implausible signal
G446 Fuel Quality Sensor: Lower Limit Passed
G446 Fuel Quality Sensor: Upper Limit Exceeded
Fuel temperature sender-G81: implausible signal
Fuel Temperature Sensor-G81: Short to Ground
Fuel temperature sender-G81: open circuit / short to positive
Fuel temperature sender 2-G248: implausible signal
Fuel Temperature Sensor 2-G248: Short to Ground
Fuel temperature sender 2-G248: short to positive
Fuel Pressure Sensor-G247: a failure in the electrical circuit
Fuel Pressure Sensor-G247: implausible signal
Fuel Pressure Sensor-G247: Short to Ground
Fuel Pressure Sensor-G247: Short to Plus
Fuel Pressure Sensor-G247: Open Circuit
Oil temperature sender-G8: implausible signal
Oil Temperature Sensor-G8: Signal Too Low
Oil Temperature Sensor-G8: Signal Too High
Injectors: malfunction in an electric chain
Injector 1-N30: electrical failure
Injector 2-N31: a failure in the electrical circuit
Injector 3-N32: a failure in the electrical circuit
Injector 4-N33: a failure in the electrical circuit
Injector 5-N83: a failure in the electrical circuit
Injector, cylinder 6-N84, electrical failure
Injector 7-N85: electrical failure
Injector 8-N86: electrical failure
Injector 9-N299: a failure in the electrical circuit
Injector 10-N300: a failure in the electrical circuit
Injector 11-N301: electrical failure
Injector 12-N302: a failure in the electrical circuit
Fuel Shut-Off Valve-N109: Malfunction
Injection Advance Control Valve-N108: Malfunction
Maximum motor shaft speed exceeded
Throttle actuator 2 angle sensor-G188: implausible signal
Throttle Actuator 2 Sensor-G188: Signal Too Low
Throttle Actuator 2 Sensor-G188: Signal Too High
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor-G79: Supply Voltage
Accelerator pedal 1/2 sensors-G79 + G185: implausible signal
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor-G79: Signal Too Low
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor-G79: Signal Too High
Fuel pump relay-J17, electrical failure
Charge pressure regulator: out of the control range (greater than the upper limit)
Charge pressure regulator: out of the control range (less than the lower limit)
Charge pressure sensor: implausible signal
Charge Pressure Sensor: Signal Too Low
Charge Pressure Sensor: Signal Too High
Charge Pressure Sensor 2-G447: implausible signal
Charge Pressure Sensor 2-G447: Signal Too Low
Charge Pressure Sensor 2-G447, Signal Too High
Electromagnet valve limited boost pressure-N75: open circuit / short to ground
Electromagnet valve limited boost pressure-N75: short to ground
Electromagnet valve limited boost pressure-N75: short to positive
Electromagnet valve 2 limited boost pressure-N774: open circuit / short to ground
Electromagnet valve 2 limited boost pressure-N774: short to positive
High pressure pump defective
Injection start control, control range
Injector 1-N30: Short to Ground
Injector 1-N30: short to positive
Deviation of the amount of fuel injected on cylinder 1
Injector 2-N31: Short to Ground
Injector 2-N31: short to positive
Fuel Injection Deviation on Cylinder 2
Cylinder 3-N32 Injector: Short to Ground
Injector 3-N32, short to positive
Fuel Injection Deviation on Cylinder 3
Injector 4-N33: Short to Ground
Injector 4-N33: short to positive
Deviation of the amount of fuel injected on cylinder 4
5-N83 Injector: Short to Ground
Injector 5-N83: short to positive
Deviation of the amount of fuel injected on cylinder 5
Injector 6-N84: Short to Ground
Injector 6-N84: short to positive
Deviation of the amount of fuel injected on cylinder 6
Cylinder 7-N85 Injector: Short to Ground
7-N85 Injector: Short to Plus
Deviation of the amount of fuel injected on cylinder 7
8-N865 Injector: Short to Ground
Injector 8-N86: short to positive
Deviation of the amount of fuel injected on cylinder 8
Cylinder 9-299 Injector: Short to Ground
Injector 9-299: short to positive
Cylinder 10-N300 Injector: Short to Ground
Injector 10-N300: short to positive
Injector 11-N301: Short to Ground
Injector 11-N301: short to positive
Injector 12-N302: Short to Ground
Injector 12-N302: short to positive
Charge pressure regulator, exit the control range (less than the lower limit)
Misfire Detected
Cylinder 1: misfire detected
Cylinder 2: misfire detected
Cylinder 3: misfire detected
Cylinder 4: Misfire Detected
Cylinder 5: Misfire Detected
Cylinder 6: misfire detected
Cylinder 7: misfire detected
Cylinder 8: Misfire Detected
Cylinder 9: Misfire Detected
Cylinder 10: Misfire Detected
Cylinder 11: Misfire Detected
Cylinder 12: misfire detected
Misfire detected, reason: lack of fuel
Misfire in individual cylinders
Inform. about the bad road / given moment dvig. from the control unit ABS: a failure in the electrical circuit
Engine Speed Sensor-G28: implausible signal
Engine Speed Sensor-G28: No Signal
Knock control error
Knock Sensor 1-G61: Malfunction in an electric chain
Knock Sensor 1-G61: implausible signal
Knock Sensor 1-G61: Signal Too Low
Knock Sensor 1-G61: Signal Too High
Knock Sensor 2-G66: implausible signal
Knock Sensor 2-G66: Signal Too Low
Knock Sensor 2-G66: Signal Too High
Engine Speed Sensor-G28: Malfunction
Engine Speed Sensor-G28: No Prong
Crankshaft Position Sensor => G4 Sensor, Signal Too Low
Camshaft Position Sensor: Malfunction
Camshaft position sensor => Sensor-G40: implausible signal
Camshaft Position Sensor => G40 Sensor: Signal Too Low
Camshaft Position Sensor => G40 Sensor: Signal Too High
Camshaft position sensor => Sensor-G163: electrical failure
Camshaft position sensor => Sensor-G163: implausible signal
Camshaft Position Sensor => Sensor-G163: Short to Ground
Camshaft position sensor => G163 sensor: short to positive
Ignition Control Cylinder 1: Malfunction
Ignition Control Cylinder 2: Malfunction
Ignition Control, Cylinder 3: Malfunction
Ignition Control, Cylinder 4: Malfunction
Ignition Control, Cylinder 5: Malfunction
Ignition Control, Cylinder 6: Malfunction
Ignition Control, Cylinder 7: Malfunction
Ignition Control Cylinder 8: Malfunction
Ignition Control Cylinder 9: Malfunction
Ignition Control, Cylinder 10: Malfunction
Ignition Control, Cylinder 11: Malfunction
Ignition Control, Cylinder 12: Malfunction
Camshaft Position Sensor => G300 Sensor: Failure
Camshaft Position Sensor => Sensor-G300: implausible signal
Camshaft Position Sensor => G300 Sensor: Signal Too Low
Camshaft Position Sensor => G300 Sensor: Signal Too High
Glow plug-Q6: a failure in the electrical circuit
Camshaft position sensor => Sensor-G301: malfunction
Camshaft position sensor => Sensor-G301: implausible signal
Camshaft Position Sensor => Sensor-G301: Signal Too Low
Camshaft Position Sensor => Sensor-G301: Signal Too High
Exhaust gas recirculation system: malfunction
Exhaust gas recirculation system: too low throughput
Exhaust gas recirculation system: too high throughput
Exhaust gas recirculation valve OG-N18: malfunction
Exhaust gas recirculation system, control range
Exhaust gas recirculation temperature sensor OG-G98: signal too low
Exhaust gas recirculation temperature sensor OG-G98: signal too high
Exhaust gas recirculation potentiometer OG-G212: signal too low
Exhaust gas recirculation potentiometer OG-G212: signal too high
Secondary air supply system: malfunction
Secondary air supply system: reduced throughput
Secondary Air Control Valve-N112: Circuit Malfunction
Secondary Air Control Valve-N112: Open circuit
Secondary Air Control Valve-N112: Short Circuit
Secondary Air Control Valve 2-N320: Electrical Failure
Secondary Air Control Valve-N320: Open Circuit
Secondary Air Control Valve-N320: Short Circuit
Secondary Air Pump Relay-J299: Malfunction
Secondary Air Pump Relay 2-J545: Malfunction
Row 1, catalyst system: reduced efficiency
Front Catalyst Row 1: Reduced Efficiency
Row 1, the main catalyst: reduced efficiency
Catalyst-G20 Temperature Sensor 1: Short to Ground
Catalyst-G20 Temperature Sensor 1: Short to Positive
Catalyst System Row 2: Reduced Efficiency
Front Catalyst Row 2: Reduced Efficiency
Row 2, the main catalyst: reduced efficiency
Catalyst Temperature Sensor 2-G132, implausible signal
Catalyst Temperature Sensor 2-G132: Short to Ground
Catalyst Temperature Sensor 2-G132: Short to Positive
Fuel tank ventilation system: malfunction
Fuel tank ventilation system: reduced throughput
Fuel tank ventilation system: slight leak detected
Activated Carbon Absorber Solenoid Valve 1 N80: Malfunction
Activated Carbon Absorber Solenoid Valve 1-N80: Open circuit
Activated Carbon Absorber Solenoid Valve 1-N80: Short Circuit
Activated Carbon Absorber Solenoid Valve 2-N115: Malfunction
Pressure sensor in the circuit of the ventilation system Tank: Signal Too Low
Pressure sensor in the circuit of the ventilation system Tank: Signal Too High
Fuel tank ventilation system: major leak detected
Fuel tank ventilation system: slight leak detected
Activated Carbon Absorber Solenoid Valve 1-N80: Short to Ground
Activated charcoal absorber solenoid valve 1-N80: short to positive
Fuel level signal in the tank: implausible signal
Fuel gauge-G: signal too low
Fuel G Sensor: Signal Too High
OG-G450 pressure sensor 1: open circuit
Pressure sensor 1 OG-G450: implausible signal
OG-G450 pressure sensor 1: short to ground
Pressure sensor 1 OG-G450: short to positive
Radiator fan control 1: a failure in the electrical circuit
Radiator fan control 2: a failure in the electrical circuit
Exhaust gas recirculation control: short to ground
Exhaust gas recirculation control: short to positive
Secondary Air Supply System Series 1: Reduced Throughput
Row 2, secondary air supply system: malfunction
Activated Carbon Absorber Solenoid Valve 2-N115: Signal Too Low
Activated Carbon Absorber Solenoid Valve 2-N115: Signal Too High
Vehicle speed sensor: implausible signal
Vehicle Speed Sensor: Signal Too Low
Vehicle Speed Sensor: Signal Too High
Idle Control System: Failure
Idle Control System: RPM Below Rated Value
Idle control system, revs above rated value
Throttle position sensor (switch that trips when the DZ is set to the position corresponding to XX) -F60: malfunction
Invalid immobilizer code
A / C compressor load signal: implausible signal
Air conditioning pressure sender-G65: signal too low
Air Conditioning Pressure Sensor-G65: Signal Too High
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1-G235: a failure in the electrical circuit
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1-G235: short to ground
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1-G235: short to positive
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1, bank 2-G236: failure in the electrical circuit
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1, bank 2-G236: short to ground
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1, bank 2-G236: short to positive
Power steering pressure regulator : electrical failure
Power steering pressure switch-F88: implausible signal
Power supply: implausible signal
Unstable supply voltage
Power: Voltage Too Low
Power: Voltage Too High
Cruise control switch: implausible signal
Brake light switch-F: implausible signal
Engine Cooling Thermostat-F265, open circuit
Engine Cooling Thermostat-F265 Thermostat: Short to Ground
Engine Cooling Thermostat-F265 Thermostat: Short to Plus
Data Bus Drive: No Message
Control unit defective
Control unit programming, malfunction
Control unit defective
Control unit defective
Control unit defective
Control unit defective
Control Unit: Invalid Data
The voltage supply to the sensors and execute. mechanisms
Supply voltage 2 on the sensors and execute. mechanisms
Engine control unit: incorrect coding
Gearbox control unit processor defective
Gearbox control unit: wrong software version
Supply of a control signal to the starter relay, open circuit
Control signal to starter relay: short to ground
Supply of a control signal to the starter relay: short to positive
Electric fuel pump relay 1: electrical failure / open circuit
Electric fuel pump relay 1: short to ground
Electric fuel pump relay 1: short to positive
Control unit: temperature shutdown
Throttle Body-J338: implausible signal
Throttle Body 2-J544: implausible signal
Sensor reference voltage -A-open circuit
Sensor reference voltage -A-too low
Sensor reference voltage -A-too high
Air conditioning In / Out
Self-diagnosis warning lamp-K83: electrical failure
Sensor Reference Voltage - In-Open
Sensor reference voltage -V-too low
Sensor reference voltage -V-too high
Engine rpm output: electrical failure
Fuel consumption signal: a failure in the electrical circuit
Power to engine components: open circuit
Power to engine components: too low
Power to engine components: too high
Intake manifold geometry change, electrical failure
Intake manifold geometry change, short to ground
Intake manifold geometry change, short to positive
Internal temperature sensor: implausible signal
Internal temperature sensor: voltage too low
Internal temperature sensor: voltage is too high
Glow plug control unit 1, glow plug circuit: failure in the electrical circuit
Glow plug cylinder 1-Q10: a failure in the electrical circuit
Glow plug for cylinder 2-Q11: electrical failure
Cylinder 3-Q12: electrical failure
Glow plug cylinder 4-Q13, a failure in the electrical circuit
5-Q14 Glow Plug: Malfunction
Glow plug for cylinder 6-Q15: electrical failure
Glow plug cylinder 7-Q16: a failure in the electrical circuit
Glow plug cylinder 8-Q17: a failure in the electrical circuit
Glow plug for cylinder 9-Q18: electrical failure
Glow plug cylinder 10-Q19: a failure in the electrical circuit
Glow plug cylinder 11-Q20: a failure in the electrical circuit
Glow plug cylinder 12-Q21: a failure in the electrical circuit
Glow plug control unit 1 => - J179: implausible signal
Main relay => - J271: open circuit
Main relay => - J271: short to ground
Main relay => - J271: short to positive
Main relay, load circuit => - J271, open circuit
Radiator Fan Control 1: Short to Ground
Radiator fan control 1: short to positive
Radiator Fan Control 2: Short to Ground
Radiator Fan Control 2: Short to Positive
Sensor Reference Voltage - C-Open
Sensor reference voltage -C-too low
Sensor reference voltage -C-too high
Control unit defective
Control unit defective
Control unit defective
Brake light switch-F: malfunction in an electric chain
Clutch pedal sensor-F36: implausible signal
Transmission sensor => - F125: a failure in the electrical circuit
Transmission Sensor => - F125: implausible signal
Transmission Sensor => - F125: Signal Too Low
Transmission Sensor => - F125: Signal Too High
Oil temperature sensor KP-G93, a failure in the electrical circuit
KP-G93 oil temperature sensor: implausible signal
KP-G93 oil temperature sensor: signal level is too low
KP-G93 oil temperature sensor: signal too high
KP-G93 oil temperature sensor: open circuit
Input shaft speed sender-G182: electrical failure
Input Shaft Speed Sensor-G182: implausible signal
Input Shaft Speed Sensor-G182: No Signal
KP-G195 output shaft speed sensor: a failure in the electrical circuit
KP-G195 output shaft speed sensor: implausible signal
KP-G195 output shaft speed sensor: no signal
RPM sensor from engine control unit: electrical failure
Speed signal from engine control unit: implausible signal
Speed signal from engine control unit, no signal
6. gear: wrong gear ratio
Transmission and gear ratio control: incorrect gear ratio
1. gear: wrong gear ratio
2. gear: wrong gear ratio
3. gear: wrong gear ratio
4. gear: wrong gear ratio
5. gear: wrong gear ratio
Reverse: wrong gear ratio
Torque converter lockup clutch: mechanical damage
Torque converter lock-up clutch: no torque transmission
Torque converter lock-up clutch: electrical failure
Pressure regulator 1: open circuit / short to ground
Pressure regulator 1: short to positive
Pressure regulator 1, a failure in the electrical circuit
Pressure regulator 1: open circuit
Changeover valve 1 => solenoid valve 1-N88: malfunction
Switching valve 1 => Solenoid valve 1-N88: open circuit / short to ground
Changeover valve 1 => solenoid valve 1-N88: short to positive
Switching valve 1 => solenoid valve 1-N88: electrical failure
Changeover valve 2 => Solenoid valve 2-N89: open circuit / short to ground
Changeover valve 2 => solenoid valve 2-N89: short to positive
Changeover valve 2 => solenoid valve 2-N89: circuit failure
Changeover valve 3 => Solenoid valve 3-N90: open circuit / short to ground
Changeover valve 3 => Solenoid valve 3-N90: short to positive
Changeover valve 3 => solenoid valve 3-N90: electrical failure
Switching valve 4 => Solenoid valve 4-N91: open circuit / short to ground
Switching valve 4 => Solenoid valve 4-N91: electrical failure
Changeover valve 5 => Solenoid valve 5-N92: open circuit / short to ground
Changeover valve 5 => solenoid valve 5-N92: electrical failure
Pressure regulator 2: open circuit / short to ground
Pressure regulator 2: short to positive
Pressure regulator 2: a failure in the electrical circuit
Pressure Regulator 2: open circuit
Gear shift control
Gear Shift Control 1-2
Gear Shift Control 2-3
Gear Shift Control 3-4
Gear Shift Control 4-5
Solenoid Switching Time
Program switch-E122: a failure in the electrical circuit
Speed sensor A for the intermediate shaft: a failure in the electrical circuit
Pressure regulator 3: open circuit / short to ground
Pressure regulator 3: short to positive
Pressure regulator 3: malfunction in an electric chain
Pressure regulator 3: open circuit
strong slip clutch / clutch
Tiptronic switch, upshift-F189: electrical failure
Tiptronic switch downshift-F189: electrical failure
Starter Lockout Signal
Message from the automatic gearbox selector: emergency operation
Gear Shift Control 5-6
Pressure sensor 1 in the hydraulic system of the gearbox: a failure in the electrical circuit
Pressure sensor 1 in the gearbox hydraulic system: implausible signal
Transmission pressure sensor 1: short to ground
Transmission pressure sensor 1: short to positive
Transmission pressure sensor 1: open circuit
Pressure sensor 2 in the hydraulic system of the gearbox: a failure in the electrical network
Pressure sensor 2 in the gearbox hydraulic system: implausible signal
Transmission pressure sensor 2: short to ground
Transmission pressure sensor 2: short to positive
Transmission pressure sensor 2: open circuit
Starter Block Signal (P / N), open circuit
Starter Block Signal (P / N): Short to Ground
Starter Block Signal (P / N): Short to Positive
Communication with gearbox control unit: electrical failure
Communication with gearbox control unit: implausible signal
Communication with gearbox control unit: short to ground
Gearbox Pressure: Limit Adaptation
Supply voltage to gearbox control unit: open circuit / poor contact
Supply of a control signal to the voltage supply relay to the gearbox control unit: short circuit to ground
Supply of a control signal to the voltage supply relay to the gearbox control unit: short circuit to positive
Solenoid valve power supply: implausible signal
Solenoid valve power supply: short to ground
Solenoid valve power supply: short to positive
Solenoid valve power supply, open circuit
Transmission oil deterioration
Tiptronic-F189 switch: electrical failure
Tiptronic-F189 switch: implausible signal
Tiptronic-F189 Switch: Short to Ground
Automatic gear selector: malfunction in an electric chain
Automatic gear selector: error
Automatic gearbox selector lock solenoid: implausible signal
Automatic gearbox selector lock solenoid: short to ground
Automatic gearbox selector lock solenoid: short to positive
Injector 9-N299: a failure in the electrical circuit
Injector 10-N300: a failure in the electrical circuit
Injector 11-N301: electrical failure
Injector 12-N302: a failure in the electrical circuit
The difference of the moments of cyl. 1: limit exceeded
The difference of the moments of cyl. 2: limit exceeded
The difference of the moments of cyl. 3: limit exceeded
The difference of the moments of cyl. 4: limit exceeded
1/2 air flow meters: implausible signal
Air flow meters 1/2: implausible load measurement signal
Injector 9-N299: open circuit
Injector 10-N300: open circuit
Injector 11-N301: open circuit
Injector 12-N302: open circuit
Air Filter Bypass Valve-N275 Valve: Short to Plus
Air Filter Bypass Valve-N275 Valve: Short to Ground
Air Filter Bypass Valve-N275: Open circuit
2 intake flaps, upper limit not reached
2 intake flaps: lower limit not reached
NOx-G295 sensor: reaction time is too long
Fuel pressure regulator: out of the control range (greater than the upper limit)
Row 1: lateral shift of the valve timing The nominal value is not reached
Row 1: camshaft shift to the early side The nominal value is not reached
Fuel pressure regulator: short to ground
Fuel pressure regulator: open circuit
Fuel pressure regulator: mechanical damage
Supply control signal to the intake flaps: short to positive
Supply control signal to the intake flaps: short to ground
Supply control signal to the intake flaps: open circuit
Inlet Flap Valve-N316: Upper Limit Not Reached
Inlet Flap Valve-N316: Lower limit not reached
Inlet Flap Valve-N316: Nominal value not reached
NOx-G295 Sensor: Signal Too High
NOx-G295 Sensor: Signal Too Low
NOx-G295 Sensor: Signal Out of Tolerance
NOx-G295 Sensor: Invalid Signal
Supply of a control signal to the heating element of the NOx sensor: short circuit to positive
Supply control signal to the heating element of the NOx sensor: short circuit to ground
Supply a control signal to the heating element of the NOx sensor: open circuit
Injector Power (s) A short circuit.
Injector power (s) A: electrical failure
Injector Power (s) B: Short Circuit
Injector power (s) B: electrical failure
Injector Power (s) C: Short Circuit
Injector power (s) C: electrical failure
Injector Power (s) D: Short Circuit
Injector Power (s) D: Circuit Malfunction
Row 1, exhaust valve timing control valve-N318, electrical failure
Row 1, exhaust valve timing control valve-N318: short to positive
Row 1, exhaust valve timing control valve-N318: short to ground
Row 1, exhaust valve timing control valve-N318: open circuit
Row 2, exhaust valve timing control valve-N319: electrical failure
Row 2, exhaust valve timing control valve-N319: short to positive
Row 2, exhaust valve timing control valve-N319: short to ground
Row 2, exhaust valve timing control valve-N319: open circuit
Row 1, exhaust camshaft adjuster: short to positive
Row 1, exhaust camshaft adjuster: short to ground
Row 1, exhaust camshaft adjuster: open circuit
Row 2, exhaust camshaft adjuster: short to positive
Row 2, exhaust camshaft adjuster: short to ground
Row 2, exhaust camshaft adjuster: open circuit
Row 2: lateral shift of the valve timing Not reached the nominal value
Row 2: camshaft shift to the early side The nominal value is not reached
Fuel pressure regulator: out of the control range (less than the lower limit)
Fuel pressure control system: mechanical damage
Fuel Pressure Control Range
Intake Air Changeover Valve-N335: Short to Positive
Air Intake Switch-N335: Short to Ground
Intake Air Changeover Valve-N335: Open circuit
NOx-G295 sensor, heating control signal: short to ground
NOx-G295 sensor, heating control signal: short to positive
NOx-G295 sensor heating control signal: implausible signal
NOx-G295 sensor, heating control signal: circuit failure
Air Mass Sensor 2-G246: Signal Too Low
Air Mass Sensor 2-G246: Signal Too High
Lambda regulation Series 3: depletion of the mixture in the system
Lambda control Row 3: re-enrichment of the mixture in the system
Lambda regulation Series 4, depletion of the mixture in the system
Lambda control Row 4: re-enrichment of the mixture in the system
Lambda control Series 3: implausible value of the regulatory parameter
Lambda control Row 4: Invalid control value
Row 3: adaptation of the mixture in the range 1: depletion of the mixture
Row 3: adaptation of the mixture in the range 2: depletion of the mixture
Row 3: adaptation of the mixture in the range 1: re-enrichment of the mixture
Row 3, adaptation of the mixture in the range 2: re-enrichment of the mixture
Row 4, adaptation of the mixture in the range 1: depletion of the mixture
Row 4, adaptation of the mixture in range 2: depletion of the mixture
Row 4, adaptation of the mixture in the range 1: re-enrichment of the mixture
Row 4, mixture adaptation in range 2: mixture re-enrichment
Row 2, adaptation of the mixture in range 1: depletion of the mixture
Row 2, adaptation of the mixture in range 2: depletion of the mixture
Row 2, adaptation of the mixture in the range 1: re-enrichment of the mixture
Row 2, mixture adaptation in range 2: mixture re-enrichment
Row 1, fuel-air mixture determination system 2: malfunction
Row 2, fuel-air mixture determination system 2: malfunction
Intake flap position sensor (potentiometer) -G336: short to positive
Intake flap position sensor (potentiometer) -G336: short to ground
Intake flap position sensor (potentiometer) -G336: open circuit
Intake flap position sensor (potentiometer) -G336: open circuit / short to positive
Control signal to inlet flaps: electrical failure
Bank 1 Sensor 2: Heating circuit, power too low
Bank 1 Sensor 1: Voltage Too Low / Leakage
Bank 1 Sensor 1, Heater circuit: Short to positive
Bank 1 Sensor 1, electrical heating circuit: power too low
Bank 1 Sensor 2: Voltage Too Low / Leakage
Bank 1 Sensor 2, electrical heater circuit: short to positive
Bank 2 Sensor 1: Voltage Too Low / Leakage
Bank 2 Sensor 1, electrical heater circuit: short to positive
Bank 2 Sensor 1, heating circuit: power too low
Bank 2 Sensor 2: Voltage Too Low / Leakage
Bank 2 Sensor 2, electrical heater circuit: short to positive
Lambda control (Row 1): depletion of the mixture in the system
Lambda control (Row 1): re-enrichment of the mixture in the system
Row 1, probe 1: internal resistance too high
Row 1, probe 2 internal resistance too high
Bank 1 Sensor 1, electrical heating circuit: short to ground
Row 1 probe 1: open electrical heating circuit
Bank 1 Sensor 2, electrical heating circuit: short to ground
Bank 1 Sensor 2: Open Heater Circuit
Bank 2 Sensor 1, electrical heating circuit: short to ground
Row 2 probe 1: open heating circuit
Bank 2 Sensor 2, electrical heating circuit: short to ground
Bank 2 Sensor 2: Open Heater Circuit
Row 1, mixture adaptation, air (add.): Re-enrichment of the mixture in the system
Row 2, adaptation of the mixture, air (add.): Depletion of the mixture in the system
Row 2, mixture adaptation, air (add.): Re-enrichment of the mixture in the system
Row 2, adaptation of the mixture, air (add.): Depletion of the mixture in the system
Row 1, adaptation of the mixture (under load): re-enrichment of the mixture in the system
Row 1, adaptation of the mixture (under load): depletion of the mixture in the system
Row 2, adaptation of the mixture (under load): re-enrichment of the mixture in the system
Row 2, adaptation of the mixture (under load): depletion of the mixture in the system
Row 2, probe 1: internal resistance too high
Bank 1 + 2 probe 1, electrical heating circuit: short to positive
Bank 1 + 2 probe 1: malfunction in the electrical heating circuit
Bank 1 + 2 probe 2, electrical heating circuit: short to positive
Bank 1 + 2 probe 2: malfunction in the electrical heating circuit
Row 1, adaptation of the mixture (at idle): depletion of the mixture in the system
Row 1, adaptation of the mixture (at idle): re-enrichment of the mixture in the system
Row 2, adaptation of the mixture (at idle): depletion of the mixture in the system
Row 2, adaptation of the mixture (at idle): re-enrichment of the mixture in the system
Row 2, probe 2: internal resistance too high
Invalid load accounting data
Load balancing, lower threshold not reached
Load Accounting: Upper Threshold Exceeded
Air Mass Sensor-G70: Open / Short to Ground
Air mass meter-G70: short to positive
Air Mass Sensor-G70: Supply Voltage
Lambda control (Row 2): depletion of the mixture in the system
Lambda control (Row 2): re-enrichment of the mixture in the system
Lambda-regulation-series 1: invalid parameter value of regulation
Lambda-regulation-series 2: invalid parameter value of regulation
Row 1, adaptation of the mixture in the range 1: depletion of the mixture
Row 1, adaptation of the mixture in range 2: depletion of the mixture
Lambda probes mixed up after catalyst
Intake manifold geometry change system: malfunction
Intake manifold pressure sender-G71: short to positive
Intake manifold pressure sender-G71: open circuit / short to positive
Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor-G71: Supply Voltage
Intake manifold pressure sender-G71: implausible signal
Air mass meter 1 / air mass meter 2 signal: invalid ratio
Intake manifold temperature sender-G72: short to ground
Intake manifold temperature sender-G72: open circuit / short to positive
Fuel Temperature Sensor-G81: Short to Ground
Fuel temperature sender-G81: open circuit / short to positive
Fuel Temperature Sensor-G81, implausible signal
Row 1, adaptation of the mixture in the range 1: re-enrichment of the mixture
Row 1, adaptation of the mixture in the range 2: re-enrichment of the mixture
Air Mass Sensor 2-G246: implausible signal
Air mass meter 2-G246: open circuit / short to ground
Air mass meter 2-G246: short to positive
Air Mass Sensor 2-G246: Supply Voltage
Throttle actuator 2 angle sensor-G188: implausible signal
Throttle Actuator 2 Sensor-G188: Signal Too Low
Throttle Actuator 2 Sensor-G188: Signal Too High
Row 1, fuel-air mixture determination system: injection time deviation
Pre-injection disabled
Row 1, lambda correction after catalyst: control limit reached
Row 2, lambda correction after catalyst: control limit reached
Linear lambda probe / signal current: open circuit
Linear Lambda Sensor / Signal Current: Short to Ground
Linear lambda probe / signal current: short to positive
Linear lambda probe / voltage reference: open circuit
Linear Lambda Sensor / Voltage Reference: Short to Ground
Linear Lambda probe / voltage reference: short to positive
Linear lambda probe / common ground cable: open circuit
Linear Lambda Sensor / Common Ground Cable: Short to Ground
Linear lambda probe / common ground cable: short to positive
Linear Lambda Sensor / Compensation resistance: open circuit
Linear Lambda Sensor / Compensation resistance: short to ground
Linear Lambda Sensor / Compensation resistance: short to positive
Linear lambda probe / voltage reference unreliable
Linear lambda probes mixed up in front of catalyst
Fuel Pressure Sensor-G247: Supply Voltage
Fuel Pressure Sensor-G247: open circuit / short to positive
Fuel Pressure Regulator Valve-N276: Short to Positive
Fuel Pressure Regulator Valve-N276: Open / Short to Ground
Bank 1 Sensor 1: Malfunction in the electrical heating circuit
Bank 2 Sensor 1: Malfunction in the electrical heating circuit
Row 1 probe 2: malfunction in a heating electric chain
Row 2 probe 2: malfunction in a heating electric chain
Turbocharger Bypass Valve-N249: Mechanical Damage
Injector 1-N30: electrical failure
Injector 2-N31: a failure in the electrical circuit
Injector 3-N32: a failure in the electrical circuit
Injector 4-N33: a failure in the electrical circuit
Injector 5-N83: a failure in the electrical circuit
Injector 6-N84: a failure in the electrical circuit
Injector 7-N85: electrical failure
Injector 8-N86: electrical failure
Intake valves to shut off the cylinders: short to ground
Intake valves to shut off the cylinders: short to positive
Intake valves to shut off cylinders: open circuit
Cylinder Shutdown Bank 1
Injector 1-N30: short to positive
Injector 2-N31: short to positive
Injector 3-N32: short to positive
Injector 4-N33: short to positive
Injector 5-N83: short to positive
Injector 6-N84: short to positive
7-N85 Injector: Short to Plus
Injector 8-N86: short to positive
Exhaust Valves for Cylinder Shutdown: Short to Ground
Exhaust valves to turn off the cylinders: short to positive
Exhaust valves to turn off the cylinders: open circuit
Cylinder Shutdown Bank 2
Injector 1-N30: Short to Ground
Injector 2-N31: Short to Ground
Cylinder 3-N32 Injector: Short to Ground
Injector 4-N33: Short to Ground
5-N83 Injector: Short to Ground
Injector 6-N84: Short to Ground
Cylinder 7-N85 Injector: Short to Ground
8-N865 Injector: Short to Ground
Load Accounting Error
Error while supplying fuel through the discharge line
Row 3, lambda correction after catalyst: control limit reached
Exhaust gas bank 4, lambda correction after catalyst: control limit reached
Injector, cylinder 1-N30: open circuit
Injector 2-N31: open circuit
Injector 3-N32: open circuit
Injector 4-N33: open circuit
Injector 5-N83: open circuit
Injector 6-N84: open circuit
Injector 7-N85: open circuit
Injector 8-N86: open circuit
Needle Stroke Sensor-G80: Short to Ground
Needle Stroke Sensor-G80: implausible signal
Needle Stroke Sensor-G80: Open / Short to Plus
Injection timing adjustment, control range
Fuel consumption signal: a failure in the electrical circuit
Fuel level too low
Injection Advance Control Valve-N108: Short to Positive
Injection Advance Control Valve-N108: Open / Short to Ground
Fuel Consumption Signal: Short to Ground
Fuel consumption signal: short to positive
Coolant Temperature Sensor-G62: Short to Ground
Coolant Temperature Sensor-G62: Open / Short to Plus
Valve in coolant circuit-N214: open circuit
Valve in coolant circuit-N214: short to positive
Valve in coolant circuit-N214: short to positive
Valve for pump injector 1-N240: implausible signal
Valve for pump injector for cylinder 1-N240: out of control range (greater than upper limit)
Valve for pump injector cylinder 1-N240: out of the control range (less than the lower limit)
Cylinder 2 injector 2-N241 valve: implausible signal
Cylinder 2 injector valve 2-N241: out of control range (greater than upper limit)
Valve for pump-injector cylinder 2-N241: out of the control range (less than the lower limit)
Valve for pump injector 3-N242, implausible signal
Valve for pump injector 3-N242, out of control range (greater than upper limit)
Valve for pump injector 3-N242: out of control range (less than lower limit)
Valve for pump injector 4-N243: implausible signal
Valve for pump injector 4-N243: out of control range (greater than upper limit)
4-N243 Cylinder Pump Injector Valve: Out of Control Range (Below Lower Limit)
5-N244 Injector Valve: Invalid Signal
Cylinder 5 injector 5-N244 valve: out of control range (greater than upper limit)
5-N244 Cylinder Pump Injector Valve: Out of Control Range (Below Lower Limit)
Valve for pump injector 6-N245: implausible signal
Valve for pump injector 6-N245: out of control range (greater than upper limit)
Valve for pump injector for cylinder 6-N245: out of control range (less than lower limit)
Fuel metering valve-N290: short to positive
Fuel Dosing Valve-N290: Open / Short to Ground
Pneumatic nozzle control valve-N212: insufficient throughput
Fuel Dosing Valve-N290: Short to Ground
Fuel metering valve-N290: open circuit
Pneumatic control valve for injectors-N212: electrical failure
Pneumatic Injector Control Valve-N212: Open Circuit
Pneumatic Injector Control Valve-N212: Short to Ground
Pneumatic Injector Control Valve-N212: Short to Positive
Turbocharger Bypass Valve-N249: Open circuit
Turbocharger Bypass Valve-N249: Short to Positive
Turbocharger Bypass Valve-N249: Short to Ground
Radiator-G83 Coolant Temperature Sensor: Signal Too High
Radiator-G83 Coolant Temperature Sensor: Signal Too Low
Engine Cooling Thermostat-F265 Thermostat Open Circuit
Thermostat electronic control engine cooling system-F265, short circuit to positive
Engine Cooling Thermostat -F265 Thermostat: Short to Ground
Turbocharger bypass: reduced throughput
Cooling system malfunction
Pipelines between turbine and throttle body: pressure drop.
Radiator-G83 Coolant Temperature Sensor: Invalid Signal
Fuel Dosing Valve-N290: Malfunction
Misfire detected, reason: lack of fuel
Cylinder knock control. 9: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 10: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 11: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 12: regulation limit reached
Ignition control, cyl. 9: open circuit
Ignition control, cyl. 9: short to positive
Ignition control, cyl. 9: short to ground
Ignition control, cyl. 10: open circuit
Ignition control, cyl. 10: short circuit to plus
Ignition control, cyl. 10: short to ground
Ignition control, cyl. 11: open circuit
Ignition control, cyl. 11: short to positive
Ignition control, cyl. 11: short to ground
Ignition control, cyl. 12: open circuit
Ignition control, cyl. 12: short to positive
Ignition control, cyl. 12: short to ground
Cylinder knock control. 13: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 14: regulation limit reached
Knock Sensor 1-G61: Short to Ground
Knock Sensor 2-G66: Short to Ground
Knock Sensor 3-G198: Signal Too Low
Knock Sensor 3-G198: Signal Too High
Knock Sensor 4-G199: Signal Too Low
Knock Sensor 4-G199: Signal Too High
Cylinder knock control. 1: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 2: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 3: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 4: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 5: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 6: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 7: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 8: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 15: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 16: regulation limit reached
Torque control 2: control limit exceeded
Torque control: regulation limit exceeded
Row 1, camshaft position sensor => - G40: short to ground
Row 1, camshaft position sensor => - G40: open circuit / short to positive
The sensors for crankshaft position and engine speed are mixed up
Camshaft Position Sensor-G40 / Crankshaft Position Sensor-G28: Signal Mismatch
Ignition Pin 1: Short to Ground
Ignition terminal 1: short to positive
Ignition Pin 2: Short to Ground
Ignition pin 2: short to positive
Ignition Pin 3: Short to Ground
Ignition pin 3: short to positive
Row 2, Camshaft Position Sensor-G163 / Crankshaft Position Sensor-G28: Signal Mismatch
Ignition pin 1: open circuit
Ignition pin 2: open circuit
Ignition pin 3: open circuit
Row 1, camshaft position sensor => - G40: implausible start signal
Row 1, camshaft adjuster: nominal position not reached
Adjusting slide displacement sensor-G149: electrical failure
Ignition control, cyl. 1: open circuit
Ignition control, cyl. 1, short circuit to plus
Ignition control, cyl. 1: short to ground
Ignition control, cyl. 2: open circuit
Ignition control, cyl. 2: short to positive
Ignition control, cyl. 2: short to ground
Ignition control, cyl. 3: open circuit
Ignition control, cyl. 3: short to positive
Ignition control, cyl. 3: short to ground
Ignition control, cyl. 4, open circuit
Ignition control, cyl. 4: short circuit to plus
Ignition control, cyl. 4: short to ground
Ignition control, cyl. 5: open circuit
Ignition control, cyl. 5: short circuit to plus
Ignition control, cyl. 5: short to ground
Ignition control, cyl. 6: open circuit
Ignition control, cyl. 6: short circuit to plus
Ignition control, cyl. 6: short to ground
Ignition control, cyl. 7: open circuit
Ignition control, cyl. 7: short circuit to plus
Ignition control, cyl. 7: short to ground
Ignition control, cyl. 8: open circuit
Ignition control, cyl. 8: short to positive
Ignition control, cyl. 8: short to ground
Cylinder 13: Misfire Detected
Cylinder 14: Misfire Detected
Cylinder 15: Misfire Detected
Cylinder 16: Misfire Detected
Faulty control unit 2
Control unit defective
Control unit defective
Control unit defective
Control unit defective
Damaged control unit 2 of the direct diesel injection system-J494
Row 2, camshaft position sensor => - G163: short to ground
Row 2, camshaft position sensor => - G163: open circuit / short to positive
Ignition pin 1: malfunction in an electric chain
Ignition pin 2: electrical failure
Ignition pin 3: malfunction in an electric chain
Engine Speed Sensor-G28: Missing Tooth
Toothed disk of the crankshaft speed sensor, adaptation limit reached
Engine Speed Signal TD: Short to Ground
RPM signal, TD: short to positive
Exhaust gas recirculation valve OG-N18: a failure in the electrical circuit
Exhaust gas recirculation valve OG-N18: short to ground
Exhaust gas recirculation valve OG-N18: short to positive
Exhaust gas recirculation system, control range
Exhaust gas recirculation system: basic settings not completed
Exhaust gas recirculation control valve 2 OG-N213: malfunction
Exhaust gas recirculation temperature sensor OG-G98: implausible signal
Exhaust gas recirculation temperature sensor OG-G98: signal too low
Exhaust gas recirculation temperature sensor OG-G98: signal too high
Activated Carbon Absorber Solenoid Valve 1 N80: Malfunction
Activated charcoal filter canister solenoid valve 1-N80, short to positive
Row 2, secondary air system: throughput too low
Exhaust Gas Recirculation Pressure Sensor: Signal Too Low
Exhaust Gas Recirculation Pressure Sensor: Signal Too High
Row 2, secondary air supply system: leak detected
Exhaust gas recirculation valve OG-N18, adaptation of characteristics: lower limit value exceeded
Exhaust gas recirculation valve OG-N18: adaptation of characteristics: upper limit value exceeded
Fuel gauge-G: signal too low
Fuel G Sensor: Signal Too High
Exhaust gas recirculation diverter valve 2 OG-N381: short to positive
Secondary Air Control Valve-N112: Circuit Malfunction
Secondary Air Control Valve-N112: Short to Ground
Secondary Air Control Valve-N112: Short to Positive
Row 1, secondary air system: throughput too low
Row 1, secondary air supply system: leak detected
Activated Carbon Absorber Solenoid Valve 1-N80: Short to Ground
Activated Carbon Absorber Solenoid Valve 1-N80: Open circuit
Supply of a control signal to the brake booster vacuum pump: short to positive
Control signal to brake booster vacuum pump: short to ground
Control signal to brake pump vacuum pump: open circuit
Supply of a control signal to the brake booster vacuum pump: open circuit / short to positive
Control signal to brake booster vacuum pump: short to ground
Secondary Air Control Valve-N112: Open circuit
Secondary Air Pump Relay-J299: Open Circuit
Secondary air pump relay-J299: short to positive
Secondary Air Pump Relay-J299: Short to Ground
Secondary air pump relay-J299: electrical failure
Exhaust gas recirculation control valve 2 OG-N213: short to positive
Exhaust gas recirculation control valve 2 OG-N213: open circuit / short to ground
Exhaust gas recirculation potentiometer OG-G212: basic setting error
Exhaust gas recirculation valve OG-N18: open circuit
Exhaust gas recirculation valve OG-N18: open circuit / short to ground
Exhaust gas recirculation potentiometer OG-G212: signal too high
Exhaust gas recirculation potentiometer OG-G212: signal too low
Exhaust gas recirculation potentiometer OG-G212: implausible signal
Catalyst Temperature Sensor 2-G132: Invalid Signal
Catalyst-G20 Temperature Sensor 1: Short to Ground
Catalyst-G20 Temperature Sensor 1: Open / Short to Plus
Catalyst Temperature Sensor 2-G132: Short to Ground
Catalyst Temperature Sensor 2-G132: Open / Short to Plus
Secondary Air Supply System: Short to Positive
Secondary Air Supply System: Short to Ground
Secondary Air Supply System: open circuit
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1-G235: open circuit / short to positive
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1-G235: short to ground
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1-G235: implausible signal
Exhaust gas temperature regulator bank 1: control limit reached
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1 for 2 rows of cylinders-G236: open circuit / short to positive
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1 for 2 rows of cylinders-G236: short to ground
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1 for 2 rows of cylinders-G236: implausible signal
Exhaust gas temperature control, row 2: regulation limit reached
Exhaust gas temperature control, row 1: implausible signal
Exhaust gas temperature control, row 2: implausible signal
Secondary Air Supply System, Series 3: Malfunction
Secondary Air Supply System, Bank 4: Failure
Diesel particulate filter-V135 fuel injection pump: short to positive
Pump supply a fuel additive for diesel particulate filtration V135: open circuit / short circuit to ground
Activated carbon absorber solenoid valve 2-N115: short to positive
Activated Carbon Absorber Solenoid Valve 2-N115: Short to Ground
Activated Carbon Absorber Solenoid Valve 2-N115: Open circuit
Fuel tank ventilation leakage diagnostic pump: electrical failure
Fuel Tank Vent System Leak Test Diagnostic: Short to Positive
Fuel Tank Vent System Leak Test Diagnostic: Short to Ground
Fuel Tank Vent System Leak Test Diagnostic: Open Circuit
Activated Carbon Absorber Solenoid Valve 2-N115: Malfunction
Fuel tank ventilation leakage diagnostic pump: malfunction / no signal
Fuel Tank Vent System Leak Test Diagnostic Pump: Malfunction / Underpressure
Fuel tank ventilation system leaktightness diagnostic pump: malfunction
Fuel tank ventilation leakage diagnostic pump: clogged hose detected
Brake booster vacuum system mechanical failure
Brake pump
Secondary Air Pump Relay 2-J545: Open circuit
Secondary air pump relay 2-J545: short to positive
Secondary Air Pump Relay 2-J545: Short to Ground
Secondary air pump relay 2-J545: electrical failure
Secondary Air Control Valve-N320: Open Circuit
Secondary Air Control Valve 2-N320: Electrical Failure
Secondary Air Control Valve 2-N320: Short to Ground
Secondary Air Control Valve-N320: Short to Positive
Fuel vapor recovery solenoid valve 2-N333: short to positive
Solenoid valve 2 fuel vapor recovery system-N333: short to ground
Solenoid valve 2 fuel vapor recovery system-N333: open circuit
Solenoid valve 2 fuel vapor recovery system-N333: a failure in the electrical circuit
Vacuum brake pump: insufficient power
Fuel Tank Ventilation System 2: Reduced Throughput
Exhaust gas recirculation radiator switching valve OG-N345: open circuit / short to ground
Exhaust gas recirculation radiator switching valve OG-N345: short to positive
Secondary Air Supply System Series 3: Reduced Throughput
Secondary Air Supply System Series 4: Reduced Throughput
Exhaust gas recirculation switch 2 valve OG-N381: open circuit / short to ground
Fuel pump relay-J17: electrical failure
Fuel Pump Relay-J17: Short to Ground
Fuel pump relay-J17: short to positive
Load signal at generator terminal DF: implausible signal
Air Intake System: Leak Detected
Throttle Position Sensor (Switch) -F60: Does Not Close / Open Circuit
Throttle Position Sensor (Switch) -F60: Does Not Open / Short to Ground
Idling system - programmable value: lower limit reached
Idling system - programmable value: upper limit reached
Idle Speed Control Valve-N71: Electrical Failure
Idle Speed Control Valve-N71: Short to Positive
Intake manifold geometry change valve-N156: electrical failure
Intake manifold geometry change valve-N156: short to positive
Intake manifold-N261 geometry change valve 2: short to positive
Intake manifold-N261 geometry change valve 2: short to ground
Intake Manifold Geometry Change Valve-N156: Short to Ground
Intake manifold geometry change valve-N156: open circuit
Main relay => - J271: a failure in the electrical circuit
Main relay => - J271: short to positive
Series 1, a malfunction in the valve timing control
Intake manifold-N261 geometry change valve 2: open circuit
Valve 2 of the intake manifold geometry change system-N261: electrical failure
Series 2, a malfunction in the valve timing control
Impact signal from the airbag control unit: implausible signal
Fuel Pump Relay-J17: Open / Short to Ground
Row 1, valve timing => - N205: a failure in the electrical circuit
Series 1, variable valve timing => - N205: short to positive
Row 1, valve timing => - N205: short to ground
Bank 1, variable valve timing => - N205: open circuit
The valve timing: short to positive
Timing Regulator: Short to Ground
The valve timing: open circuit
Idle control when running on lean mixture: RPM below rated value
Series 2, variable valve timing => - N208: a failure in the electrical circuit
Series 2, variable valve timing => - N208: short to positive
Series 2, variable valve timing => - N208: short to ground
Series 2, variable valve timing => - N208: open circuit
Fuel Shut-Off Valve-N109: Malfunction
Supply Shut-Off Valve-N109: Open / Short to Ground
Clutch pedal sensor-F36: implausible signal
Vehicle Speed Sensor: Signal Too High
Fuel pump relay-J17: open circuit
Throttle actuator angle sender-G187: implausible signal
Throttle Actuator-G187: Signal Too Low
Throttle Actuator-G187: Signal Too High
Throttle Control: Failure
Charge Pressure Control Solenoid Valve-N75: Short to Positive
Charge Pressure Control Solenoid Valve-N75: Short to Ground
Charge Pressure Control Solenoid Valve-N75: Open Circuit
Charge Pressure Control Solenoid Valve-N75: Open / Short to Ground
Boost Pressure Control Range
Height Sensor-F96: Short to Plus
Height Sensor-F96: Open / Short to Ground
Intake manifold height / pressure sensor signal: implausible ratio
Throttle Body-J338: Basic Installation Conditions Not Satisfied
Maximum boost pressure exceeded
Charge pressure regulator: out of the control range (less than the lower limit)
Charge pressure regulator: out of the control range (greater than the upper limit)
Throttle Actuator-G186: Electrical Failure
Throttle Body-J338: Basic Installation Error
Maximum engine speed exceeded
Fuel Pump Dispenser-N146: Control Range
Fuel Pump Dispenser-N146: Upper Limit
Fuel Pump Dispenser-N146: Lower Limit
Throttle Body-J338: Undervoltage during basic installation
Throttle Body-J338: Lower limit not reached
Air conditioning load signal: implausible signal
Air compressor load signal: no signal
Throttle Body-J338: Mechanical Damage
Cruise control control switch-E45: implausible signal
Engine control unit blocked
Solenoid valve left electro-hydraulic engine mount-N144: short to positive
Solenoid valve left electro-hydraulic engine mount-N144: short to ground
Solenoid valve left electro-hydraulic engine mount-N144: open circuit
Solenoid valve left electro-hydraulic engine mount-N144: a failure in the electrical circuit
Solenoid valve, right electro-hydraulic engine mount-N145: short to positive
Solenoid valve, right electro-hydraulic engine mount-N145: short to ground
Solenoid valve, right electro-hydraulic engine mount-N145: open circuit
Solenoid valve right electro-hydraulic engine mount-N145: a failure in the electrical circuit
Throttle Body-J338: Adaptation Not Started
Throttle actuator 1 cylinder bank: malfunction
Throttle Body-J338: Basic Setup Failed
Idle control: adaptation limit reached
KP-N262 / 263 support valves: short to positive
KP-N262 / 263 support valve: short to ground
KP-N262 / 263 support valve: open circuit
Solenoid valves for electro-hydraulic engine mounts-N144 / 145: short to positive
Solenoid Valves for Electro-Hydraulic Engine Mounts-N144 / 145: Short to Ground
Solenoid Valves for Electro-Hydraulic Engine Mounts-N144 / 145: Open circuit
G267 rotary knob potentiometer: short to ground
Potentiometer rotary temperature adjustment knob-G267: open circuit
Charge pressure control solenoid valve N75: not working
Signal height sensor / boost pressure sensor: implausible ratio
Altitude Adaptation: Signal Out of Tolerance
Timing Oil Control Sensor-G277: Short to Positive
Engine Timing Sensor-G277: Short to Ground
Data bus drive: implausible message from the control unit of the ride height control system-J197
Data bus drive: implausible message from the control unit of the ride height control system-J197
Engine Timing Sensor-G277: Invalid Signal
Idle control during lean operation: engine rpm above rated value
Supply voltage per cell 15: voltage is too low
Terminal 30-J317 Power Relay: Invalid Signal
Supply voltage per cell 30: voltage is too low
Control unit defective
Control unit defective
Off-road sensor / acceleration sensor: a failure in the electrical circuit
Inform. bad road / engine torque from the ABS control unit: a malfunction in the electrical circuit
Speed signal: error message from the instrument cluster
Steering angle signal: error message from the steering angle sensor
The shutdown system worked on impact
Control unit defective
Emergency Lamp On Request: Short to Ground
Incorrectly encoded engine control unit
Emergency lamp ON request: open circuit / short to positive
Emergency Lamp On Request: Invalid Signal
Oil temperature sender-G8: implausible signal
Warning lamp, warming up the combustion chamber with glow plugs-K29: short to positive
Warning lamp, warming up the combustion chamber with glow plugs-K29: open circuit / short to ground
Glow plug relay-J52: short to positive
Glow Plug Relay-J52: Open / Short to Ground
Signal, coolant temperature: open circuit / short to positive
Coolant Temperature Signal: Short to Ground
Coolant Temperature Signal Invalid Signal
Data Bus Drive: No Communication
Emergency Lamp On Request: Active
Drive data bus: implausible message from gearbox control unit
Drive data bus: no messages from gearbox control unit
Data bus drive: no messages from the injection pump control unit
Data bus drive: no messages from the steering angle sensor
Drive data bus: no messages from the adaptive cruise control control unit
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor-G79: Signal Too Low
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor-G79: Signal Too High
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor-G79: Supply Voltage
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor-G185: Signal Too Low
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor-G185: Signal Too High
Data bus drive: no messages from the air conditioning control unit
Data bus drive: no messages from the airbag control unit
Data bus drive: no messages from the central switching unit
Drive data bus: no messages from the clutch / clutch control unit
Accelerator pedal 1/2 sensors-G79 + G185: implausible signal
Control unit defective
Read data from the fault memory of the air conditioning control unit
Read fault memory of airbag control unit
Read data from the fault memory of the central switching unit
Read fault memory of clutch / clutch control unit
Data bus drive: no messages from the electronic all-wheel drive system
Read data from the fault memory of the electronic all-wheel drive system
Check coding / modifications of transmission control units
Damaged data bus drive
Data bus drive: no messages from the ABS control unit
Data bus drive: no messages from instrument cluster
Data Bus Drive: No Messages
Read data from the fault memory of the gearbox control unit
Read data from the fault memory of the ABS control unit
Read data from fault memory in instrument cluster
Read data from the fault memory of the adaptive cruise control control unit
Air conditioning input / output: short to ground
Air conditioning input / output: short to positive
Drive data bus: implausible message from the adaptive cruise control control unit
Radiator fan control 1: short to positive
Radiator Fan Control 1: Short to Ground
Radiator Fan Control 2: Short to Positive
Radiator Fan Control 2: Short to Ground
Control signal to pump injector valves: short to positive
Control signal to pump injector valves: electrical failure
Control signal to pump injector valves: mechanical damage
Valve for pump injector 1-N240: a failure in the electrical circuit
Cylinder 2 injector valve 2-N241: electrical failure
Valve for pump injector 3-N242: electrical failure
Valve for pump injector 4-N243: a failure in the electrical circuit
Cylinder 5 injector 5-N244 valve: electrical failure
Valve for pump injector 6-N245: a failure in the electrical circuit
Radiator fan control 1: open circuit / short to ground
Speed signal: error message from the ABS control unit
Data bus drive: implausible message from the instrument cluster
Data bus drive: invalid message from the injection pump control unit
Throttle Actuator Emergency Lamp-K132: Electrical Failure
K132 Throttle Actuator Emergency Lamp: Short to Plus
K132 Throttle Actuator Emergency Lamp: Short to Ground
Throttle Actuator Emergency Lamp-K132: Open Circuit
Reset Resistant Emergency Enabled
Programming control units: programming is not complete
Data bus drive: implausible message from the ABS control unit
Drive data bus: implausible message from the airbag control unit
Control unit programming: data transfer error
Drive data bus: implausible message from the steering angle sensor
Faulty control unit: programming error
Drive data bus: implausible message from the air conditioning control unit
Drive data bus: implausible message from the electronic all-wheel drive system
Data bus drive: implausible message from the central switching unit
K83 self-diagnosis warning lamp: electrical failure
K83 self-diagnosis warning lamp: open circuit
K83 Self-Diagnostic Emergency Lamp: Short to Ground
K83 self-diagnosis emergency lamp: short to positive
K83 self-diagnosis warning lamp: open circuit / short to ground
Drive data bus: implausible message from the steering column control unit
Read data from the fault memory of the steering angle sensor
Read data from the fault memory of the steering column control unit
Drive data bus: no message from the steering column control unit
Brake Pressure Sensor-F270: implausible signal.
Gearbox control unit locked
The error cannot activate the replacement function of the control unit, because there is an error with an equal priority
Emergency operation due to a restart of the control unit
Kick-Down Mode Switch -F8: Circuit Failure
Transmission and gear ratio control: adaptation limit reached
Gearbox damaged
Interference in the operation of the Mechatronik unit
Wheel Speed Signal 1 => Front Left Sensor-G47: Invalid Signal
Wheel Speed Signal 2 => Front Right Sensor-G45: Invalid Signal
Wheel speed signal 3 => rear left sensor-G46: implausible signal
Start inhibit signal: open circuit
Start inhibit signal: short to ground
Wheel speed signal 4 => rear right sensor-G44: implausible signal
Different wheel speeds: implausible signal
Start inhibit signal: short to positive
Tiptronic switch, downshift-F189: short to ground
Transmission pressure sensor 1: open circuit / short to positive
Transmission pressure sensor 2: open circuit / short to positive
Tiptronic Switch Upshift-F189: Short to Ground
Clutch temperature control system
Clutch pressure adaptation: adaptation limit reached
Clutch torque adaptation: adaptation limit reached
Clutch slip warning light: signal too high
Tiptronic Recognition-F189 Short Circuit To Ground
Voltage supply to solenoid valves: short to positive
Solenoid valve voltage supply: electrical failure
Voltage supply to solenoid valves: open circuit / short to ground
Control unit defective
Automatic gearbox control unit encoded incorrectly
Power: Voltage Too Low
Power: Voltage Too High
Power supply: implausible signal
Tiptronic-F189 switch: implausible signal
Tiptronic-F189 switch: open circuit / short to positive
Tiptronic switch, downshift-F189: open circuit / short to positive
Tiptronic switch, recognition-F189: open circuit / short to positive
Power Supply: Open Circuit
Power Supply 15: open circuit
Gearbox oil temperature: many times exceeded
Automatic gear selector lock => solenoid-N110: a failure in the electrical circuit
Automatic gear selector lock => solenoid-N110: short to ground
Automatic gear selector lock => solenoid-N110: short to positive
Selector lever lock => solenoid-N110: open circuit
KP temperature control system
Pressure sensor in hydraulic system 2 for AKP-G194: adaptation limit reached
Throttle signal from engine control unit: open circuit / short to positive
Throttle signal from engine control unit: short to ground
ACP-G194 Hydraulic Pressure Sensor 2: Signal Too High
ACP-G194 Hydraulic Pressure Sensor 2: Signal Too Low
Load signal from engine control unit: implausible signal
Load signal from the engine control unit: open circuit / short to positive
Load signal from engine control unit: short to ground
Hydraulic Pressure Sensor 1 for AKP-G193: Signal Too High
Hydraulic Pressure Sensor 1 for AKP-G193: Signal Too Low
Hydraulic pressure sensor 1 for AKP-G193: adaptation limit reached
Pressure sensor in hydraulic system 1 for AKP-G193: implausible signal
Pressure sensor in hydraulic system 2 for AKP-G194: implausible signal
Valve 7: electrical failure
Error to reduce torque
Torque reduction signal: open circuit / short to positive
Torque reduction signal: short to positive
Clutch torque adaptation 2: adaptation limit reached
Up / down wire: open circuit / short to ground
Up / down wire: short to positive
Reverse light signal: open circuit
Reverse Light Signal: Short to Ground
Reverse light signal: short to positive
Idle speed control: error message from the engine control unit
Gear Shift Signal: Open
Gear Indicator Signal: Short to Ground
Gear Shift Signal: Short to Positive
KP-G196 output shaft speed sensor 2: no signal
Speed signal: open circuit
Travel Speed Signal: Short to Ground
Speed signal: short to positive
KP-G196 output shaft speed sensor 2: implausible signal
KP-G196 output shaft speed sensor 2: speed too high
Hydraulic Actuator Valve-N331: Failure in the electrical circuit
Beep on: short to positive
Clutch pedal sensor-F194: implausible signal
Planetary gearbox: mechanical damage
Hydraulic actuator stroke sensor-G302: a failure in the electrical circuit
Hydraulic actuator stroke sensor-G302: upper limit value exceeded
Hydraulic actuator stroke sensor-G302: lower limit value passed
Actuator hydraulic actuator-G302 stroke sensor: basic setting / adaptation failed or incorrect
Actuator Actuator G302 Gauge: Invalid Signal
Demultiplier-V190 hydraulic pump: electrical failure
Pressure Control Valve 1 for AKP-N215: electrical failure
Pressure Control Valve 1 for AKP-N215: Open / Short to Ground
ACP-N215 Pressure Control Valve 1: Short to Positive
ACP-N216 Pressure Control Valve 2: Malfunction
Pressure Control Valve 2 for AKP-N216: Open / Short to Ground
ACP-N216 Pressure Control Valve 2: Short to Positive
Pressure Control Valve 3 for AKP-N217: electrical failure
Pressure Control Valve 3 for AKP-N217: Open / Short to Ground
ACP-N217 Pressure Control Valve 3: Short to Positive
Pressure Control Valve 4 for AKP-N218: a failure in the electrical circuit
Pressure Control Valve 4 for AKP-N218: Open / Short to Ground
ACP-N218 Pressure Control Valve 4: Short to Positive
Pressure Control Valve 5 for AKP-N233: a failure in the electrical circuit
Pressure Control Valve 5 for AKP-N233: Open / Short to Ground
ACP-N233 Pressure Control Valve 5: Short to Positive
Pressure Control Valve 6 for AKP-N371: a failure in the electrical circuit
Pressure Control Valve 6 for AKP-N371: open circuit / short to ground
ACP-N371 Pressure Control Valve 6: Short to Positive
Incompatible engine control unit and gearbox modifications
Read data from fault memory in instrument cluster
Read data from the fault memory of the adaptive cruise control control unit
Read data from the fault memory of the central switching unit
Read data from fault memory of steering column control unit-J527
Read data from the fault memory of the ABS control unit
Read fault memory of engine control unit
Read fault memory of gearbox control unit
Drive data bus: no messages from the engine control unit
Data bus drive: no messages from the ABS control unit
Drive data bus: implausible message from the engine control unit
Data bus drive: implausible message from the ABS control unit
Data Bus Drive: Equipment Damage
Data bus drive: program relevance control
Throttle potentiometer-G69: error message from the engine control unit
Load signal: error message from the engine control unit
Speed signal from engine control unit: error message from engine control unit
Brake light switch-F: error message from the engine control unit
Kick-Down switch -F8: error message from the engine control unit
Accelerator pedal position sender-G79: error message from the engine control unit
Data bus drive: no messages from instrument cluster
Data bus drive: no messages from the steering angle sensor
Data bus drive: no messages from the ADR control unit
Data bus drive: no messages from the central switching unit
Data Bus Drive: No Messages
Drive data bus: no messages from the steering column control unit J527
KP-N262 left support valve: short to positive
KP-N262 Left Support Valve: Short to Ground
KP-N262 left support valve: open circuit
KP-N263 right support valve: short to positive
KP-N263 Right Support Valve: Short to Ground
KP-N263 right support valve: open circuit
Powertrain Front Support Valve: Short to Plus
Powertrain Front Support Valve: Short to Ground
Powertrain front support valve: open circuit
Control signal to the KP-J696 cooling circuit: open circuit
Control signal to the KP-J696 cooling circuit: short to positive
Control signal to the KP-J696 cooling circuit: short to ground
Data bus: no message from the data bus diagnostic interface control unit
Acceleration Signal: No Message
Data bus drive: no messages from the control unit of the electromechanical parking brake
Starter Block Signal (P / N): Invalid Signal
Reverse Light Signal: Short to Ground
Reverse light signal: short to positive
Reverse light signal: open circuit
Speed signal: wheel speed from the brake control unit : implausible signal
Coolant Shut-off Valve-N82: Short to Positive
Coolant Shut-off Valve-N82: Short to Ground / Open
Radiator Fan Control 2: open circuit / short to ground
Radiator fan control unit after off -J138 engine: short to positive
Radiator fan control unit after off J138 Motor: Open / Short to Ground
Radiator Fan Valve-N313: Short to Positive
Radiator Fan Valve-N313: Open / Short to Ground
Charge air pump relay-J536: short to positive
Charge air pump relay-J536 relay: open circuit / short to ground
Engine / engine data bus failure
Engine / engine data bus: software relevance monitoring
Engine / engine data bus: no message from engine control unit 1
Engine / engine data bus: no message from engine control unit 2
Engine / engine timing wire: electrical failure
Pressure Sensor for Brake Booster-G294, Short to Plus
Pressure Sensor for Brake Booster-G294, Short to Ground
Pressure Sensor for Brake Booster-G294: implausible signal
Coolant pump relay after off Engine-J151: short to positive
Coolant pump relay after off Engine-J151: Short to Ground
Coolant pump relay after off Engine-J151: open circuit
Load signal from DF generator terminal: open circuit / short to positive
Load signal from generator terminal DF: short to ground
Solenoid Valves for Electro-Hydraulic Engine Mount-N144 / 145: Open / Short to Ground
Outside temperature sensor 2-G249: short to ground
Outdoor temperature sensor 2-G249: open circuit / short to positive
Read fault memory of engine control unit 2
Control Unit Contact Encoding: Invalid Signal
Relay for auxiliary cooling pump-J496: short to positive
Relay for auxiliary coolant pump-J496: short to ground
Relay, auxiliary coolant pump-J496: open circuit
Immobilizer request failed
Cooling Fan-V7: open circuit
Radiator Fan 2-V177: Open circuit
Radiator Fan Control Module-J293: Malfunction
Data bus drive: invalid message from the access control unit and engine start authorization
Throttle control 2: malfunction
Radiator Fan Drive Loop Temperature Sensor-G382: Signal Too Low
Radiator Fan Drive Circuit Temperature Sensor-G382: Signal Too High
Generator shutdown: open circuit / short to ground
Generator shutdown: short to positive
Relay for auxiliary cooling pump-J496: open circuit / short to ground
Data bus drive: no message from the access control unit and the engine start authorization
Data bus drive: no message from the battery control control unit
Drive data bus: implausible message from the battery control control unit
Data bus drive: no message from the control unit of the ride height control system
Drive data bus: implausible message from the control unit of the ride height control system
Radiator fan control unit 1: temperature rise
Radiator fan control unit 1, fan on: short circuit
Malfunction of the radiator fan control unit 1
Control unit 2 radiator fans: temperature rise
Control unit 2 radiator fans, fan on: short circuit
Malfunction of the radiator fan control unit 2
Cooling Fan-V7: Difficult to run / blocked
Cooling Fan 2-V177: Difficult to run / blocked
Turbocharger control unit 1 malfunction
Turbocharger control unit 2 malfunction
Glow plug control unit 2, glow plug circuit: failure in the electrical circuit
Glow plug control unit 2-J703: implausible signal
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2 for 1 cylinder bank-G448: a failure in the electrical circuit
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2 for 1 cylinder bank-G448: short to ground
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2 for 1 cylinder bank-G448: short to positive
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2 for 1 cylinder bank-G448: implausible signal
Exhaust gas temperature control, 3 cylinder bank: upper control limit exceeded
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2 for 2 rows of cylinders-G449: a failure in the electrical circuit
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2 for 2 rows of cylinders-G449: short to ground
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2 for 2 rows of cylinders-G449: short to positive
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2 for cylinder bank 2-G449: implausible signal
Exhaust gas temperature control, 4 cylinder bank: upper control limit exceeded
Secondary Air Pump Relay 3-J704: Open Circuit
Secondary air pump relay 3-J704: short to positive
Secondary Air Pump Relay 3-J704: Short to Ground
Secondary air pump relay 3-J704: electrical failure
Secondary air pump relay 4-J705: open circuit
Secondary air pump relay 4-J705: short to positive
Secondary Air Pump Relay 4-J705: Short to Ground
Secondary air pump relay 4-J705: electrical failure
Secondary Air Control Valve 3-N384: Circuit Malfunction
Secondary Air Control Valve 3-N384: Short to Ground
Secondary Air Control Valve 3-N384: Short to Positive
Secondary Air Control Valve 3-N384: Open circuit
Secondary Air Control Valve 4-N385: Circuit Malfunction
Secondary Air Control Valve 4-N385: Short to Ground
Secondary Air Control Valve 4-N385: Short to Positive
Secondary Air Control Valve 4-N385: Open circuit
Exhaust gas temperature control, 3 cylinder bank: invalid data
Exhaust gas temperature control, 4 cylinder bank: invalid data
Radiator fan 3-V284: rotation is difficult / locked
Radiator Fan Control Unit 2-J671: Malfunction
Control unit 3 radiator fans, fan on: short circuit
Function limitation by brake temperature
Radiator Fan Relay 3-J752: Open
Radiator Fan Relay 3-J752: Short to Positive
Radiator Fan Relay 3-J752: Short to Ground
Control unit defective
Exhaust gas recirculation potentiometer 2 OG-G466: basic setting error
Exhaust gas recirculation potentiometer 2 OG-G466: signal too high
Exhaust gas recirculation potentiometer 2 OG-G466: signal too low
Door open signal not recognized
Friction is too great: E1 code
Friction is too great: A1 code
Friction is too great: E2 code
Friction is too great: E2 code
Diesel particulate filter 1 cylinder bank: malfunction
Diesel particulate filter 2 rows of cylinders: malfunction
Inlet duct flaps of cylinder bank 1 do not close
Inlet duct flaps of 2 cylinder rows do not close
Inlet flaps of cylinder bank 1 do not open
Inlet flaps of cylinder bank 2 do not open
Intake manifold flaps: electrical failure
Intake manifold flaps: short to ground
Inlet flaps: short to positive
2 intake manifold flaps: electrical failure
2 intake manifold flaps: short to ground
2 intake manifold flaps: short to positive
Intake flap position sensor: electrical failure
Intake flap position sensor: implausible signal
Intake Damper Position Sensor: Short to Ground
Intake flap position sensor: short to positive
Intake manifold flap position sensor 2: electrical failure
Inlet flap position sensor 2: implausible signal
Intake Damper Position Sensor 2: Short to Ground
Intake Damper Position Sensor 2: Short to Positive
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2: malfunction in an electric chain
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2: short to ground
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2: short to positive
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2 for 2 rows of cylinders: a failure in the electrical circuit
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2 for 2 rows of cylinders: short to ground
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2 for 2 rows of cylinders: short to positive
Variable geometry intake manifold: damper does not close
Variable geometry intake manifold: damper does not open
Intake manifold flap position sensor: electrical failure
Intake manifold flap position sensor: implausible signal
Intake manifold flap position sensor: short to ground
Intake manifold flap position sensor: short to positive
Intake manifold flap position sensor: open circuit
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1-G235: implausible signal
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1 for 2 rows of cylinders-G236: implausible signal
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2: implausible signal
Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2 for 2 cylinder bank-G236: implausible signal
Valve timing 1 cylinder bank: short to ground
Valve timing 1 cylinder bank: short to positive
The valve timing 1 cylinder bank, exhaust: short circuit to ground
Valve timing 1 cylinder bank, exhaust: short to positive
Valve timing 2 rows of cylinders: short to ground
Valve timing 2 rows of cylinders: short to positive
Valve timing 2 rows of cylinders, exhaust: short to ground
Valve timing 2 rows of cylinders, exhaust: short to positive
Row 1, lambda correction after catalyst: mixture depletion control limit exceeded
Row 1, lambda correction after catalyst: mixture enrichment limit exceeded
Row 2, lambda correction after catalyst: mixture depletion control limit exceeded
Row 2, lambda correction after catalyst: mixture enrichment limit exceeded
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor-G79: Signal Too Low
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor-G79: Signal Too High
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor-G185: Signal Too Low
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor-G185: Signal Too High
Accelerator pedal 1/2 sensors-G79 + G185: implausible signal
Injector power (s) A: open circuit
Injector Power (s) A: Short to Ground
Injector power (s) A: short to positive
Injector power (s) B: open circuit
Injector Power (s) B: Short to Ground
Injector Power (s) B: Short to Plus
Row 1, fuel-air parameter determination system mixtures: mixture too lean in the system at speeds above idle
Row 1, fuel-air parameter determination system mixtures: too rich mixture in the system at speeds above idle
Row 2, fuel-air parameter determination system mixtures: mixture too lean in the system at speeds above idle
Row 2 fuel-air parameter determination system mixtures: too rich mixture in the system at speeds above idle
Cooling system malfunction
Radiator-G83 Coolant Temperature Sensor: Invalid Signal
Radiator-G83 Coolant Temperature Sensor, Signal Too Low
Radiator-G83 Coolant Temperature Sensor: Signal Too High
Row 1, fuel-air parameter determination system mixtures: mixture too lean in the system at idle
Row 1, fuel-air parameter determination system mixture: too rich mixture in the system at idle
Row 2, fuel-air parameter determination system mixtures: mixture too lean in the system at idle
Row 2, fuel-air parameter determination system mixture: too rich mixture in the system at idle
Row 1, fuel-air parameter determination system mixtures: mixture too lean in the system at full load
Row 1, fuel-air parameter determination system mixtures: too rich mixture in the system at full load
Row 2, fuel-air parameter determination system mixtures: mixture too lean in the system at full load
Row 2, fuel-air parameter determination system mixtures: too rich mixture in the system at full load
Lambda probe 1-row 1: signal too lean mixture
Lambda Sensor 1 Row 1: Signal Too Rich Mixture
Lambda Sensor 1-row 2: signal too lean mixture
Lambda Sensor 1-Series 2: Signal Too Rich Mixture
Intake air temperature sensors 1 <> 2: deviation
Lambda Sensor 1 Row 1: Short to Heater
Lambda Sensor 2-row 1: short circuit to the electrical heating circuit
Lambda Sensor 3 Row 1: Short to Heating Circuit
Lambda Sensor 1-Series 2: Short to Heating Circuit
Lambda Sensor 2 Row 2: Short to Heater
Lambda Sensor 3 Row 2: Short to Heater
Lambda Sensor 1-row 1, signal current: open circuit
Lambda Sensor 1-Row 1, Signal Current: Short to Ground
Lambda Sensor 1-row 1, signal current: short to positive
Lambda Sensor 1-row 2, signal current: open circuit
Lambda Sensor 1-Row 2, Signal Current: Short to Ground
Lambda Sensor 1-row 2, signal current: short circuit to positive
Lambda Sensor 1-Row 1, Voltage Reference: Open Circuit
Lambda Sensor 1-Row 1, Voltage Reference: Invalid Signal
Lambda Sensor 1-Row 1, Voltage Reference: Short to Ground
Lambda Sensor 1-Row 1, Voltage Reference: Short to Positive
Lambda Sensor 1-Row 2, Voltage Reference: Open Circuit
Lambda Sensor 1-Row 2, Voltage Reference: Invalid Signal
Lambda Sensor 1-Row 2, Voltage Reference: Short to Ground
Lambda Sensor 1-Row 2, Voltage Reference: Short to Positive
Lambda Sensor 1-row 1, cable mass: open circuit
Lambda Sensor 1-row 1, ground cable: short to ground
Lambda Sensor 1-row 1, ground cable: short to positive
Lambda Sensor 1-row 2, ground cable: open circuit
Lambda Sensor 1-row 2, ground cable: short to ground
Lambda Sensor 1-row 2, ground cable: short to positive
Secondary Air Pump Relay-J299: Short to Ground
Secondary air pump relay-J299: short to positive
Turbocharger Bypass Valve-N249, Mechanical Damage
Lambda Sensor 2-Series 1: signal too lean mixture
Lambda Sensor 2-Row 1: Signal Too Rich Mixture
Lambda Sensor 2-Series 2: signal too lean mixture
Lambda Sensor 2-Series 2: Signal Too Rich Mixture
Lambda Sensor 3-Series 1: signal too lean mixture
Lambda Sensor 3-Row 1: Signal Too Rich Mixture
Lambda Sensor 3-Series 2: signal too lean mixture
Lambda Sensor 3-Series 2: Signal Too Rich Mixture
Intake system leaks
Fuel pressure regulator: mechanical damage
Fuel pressure regulator: open circuit
Fuel pressure regulator: short to ground
Fuel pressure regulator: short to positive
Bank 1, probe 1, lambda probe signal, voltage in forced XX mode: regulation limit exceeded
Bank 2, probe 1, lambda probe signal, voltage in forced XX mode : regulation limit exceeded
Control signal to ignition coil 1: short to ground
Control signal to ignition coil 1: short to positive
Secondary ignition coil 1: malfunction
Control signal to ignition coil 2: short to ground
Control signal to ignition coil 2: short to positive
Secondary ignition coil 2: malfunction
Control signal to ignition coil 3: short to ground
Control signal to ignition coil 3: short to positive
Secondary ignition coil 3: malfunction
Control signal to ignition coil 4: short to ground
Control signal to ignition coil 4: short to positive
Secondary ignition coil 4: malfunction
Control signal to ignition coil 5: short to ground
Control signal to ignition coil 5: short to positive
Secondary ignition coil 5: malfunction
Supply control signal to ignition coil 6: short to ground
Supply control signal to the ignition coil 6: short to positive
Secondary ignition coil 6: malfunction
Supply control signal to ignition coil 7: short to ground
Supply control signal to the ignition coil 7: short to positive
Secondary ignition coil 7: malfunction
Control signal to ignition coil 8: short to ground
Control signal to ignition coil 8: short to positive
Secondary ignition coil 8: malfunction
Supply control signal to the ignition coil 9: short to ground
Control signal to ignition coil 9: short to positive
Secondary circuit of the ignition coil 9: malfunction
Control signal to ignition coil 10: short to ground
Supply control signal to the ignition coil 10: short to positive
Secondary ignition coil 10: malfunction
Control signal to ignition coil 11: short to ground
Control signal to ignition coil 11: short to positive
Secondary ignition coil 11: malfunction
Control signal to ignition coil 12: short to ground
Supply control signal to the ignition coil 12: short to positive
Secondary ignition coil 12: malfunction
Cylinder knock control. 1: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 2: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 3: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 4: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 5: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 6: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 7: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 8: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 9: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 10: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 11: regulation limit reached
Cylinder knock control. 12: regulation limit reached
Fuel tank ventilation system, control signal to the fuel leak diagnosis pump: electrical failure / open circuit
Fuel tank ventilation system, control signal to the fuel leak diagnosis pump: short to ground
Fuel tank ventilation system, control signal to the fuel leak diagnosis pump: short to positive
Fuel tank ventilation system, fuel leakage diagnosis pump sensor: electrical failure / open circuit
Fuel tank ventilation system, fuel leak diagnosis pump sensor: implausible signal
Error in exhaust gas recirculation system
Bank 1 Sensor 1: Voltage Too Low / Leakage
Bank 2 Sensor 1: Voltage Too Low / Leakage
Row 1: lambda probes confused before and after the main catalyst
Row 2: Lambda probes confused before and after the main catalyst
Tank Ventilation System, Activated Carbon Absorber Solenoid Valve 2 — N115: Permanently Open
Tank Ventilation System, Activated Carbon Absorber Solenoid Valve 2 — N115: Permanently Closed
Exhaust Gas Recirculation Cooling Valve: open circuit
Exhaust Gas Recirculation Cooling Valve: Short to Ground
Exhaust Gas Recirculation Cooling Valve: Short to Positive
Diesel particulate filter, differential pressure sensor: electrical failure
Diesel particulate filter, differential pressure sensor: implausible signal
Diesel particulate filter, differential pressure sensor: short to ground
Diesel particulate filter, differential pressure sensor: short to positive
Ignition circuit: short to ground / open circuit
Ignition circuit: short to positive
Fuel Pressure Sensor Low Pressure-G410: Open circuit
Fuel Pressure Sensor Low Pressure-G410: implausible signal
Fuel Pressure Sensor Low Pressure-G410: Short to Ground
Fuel Pressure Sensor Low Pressure-G410: Short to Plus
Fuel Pressure Sensor Low Pressure-G410: Signal Ripple
Charge pressure regulator position sensor: implausible signal
Charge Pressure Regulator Position Sensor: Signal Too Low
Charge Pressure Regulator Position Sensor: Signal Too High
Charge pressure regulator position sensor: no signal
Coolant pump: open circuit
Coolant pump: implausible signal
Coolant pump: short to ground
Coolant pump: short to positive
Linear Oxygen Sensor, Bank 1 / Matching wire Sensor signal: open circuit
Linear Lambda Sensor Bank 2 / Matching Sensor Signal: Open circuit
Relay for electric fuel pump 2-J49: open circuit
Relay for electric fuel pump 2-J49: short to ground
Relay for electric fuel pump 2-J49: short to positive
Engine Torque Signal A
Changeover valve 6 => Solenoid valve 6-N93: short to positive
Invalid gearshift data
Pressure regulator 4: open circuit / short to ground
Pressure regulator 4: short to positive
Pressure Regulator 4: Circuit Malfunction
Pressure regulator 4: open circuit
Pressure regulator 5: open circuit / short to ground
Pressure regulator 5: short to positive
Pressure Regulator 5: Circuit Malfunction
Pressure Regulator 5: open circuit
Pressure regulator 6: open circuit / short to ground
Pressure regulator 6: short to positive
Pressure regulator 6: a failure in the electrical circuit
Pressure Regulator 6: open circuit
Clutch overheating
Coupling adaptation at the limit
Glow lamp warm-up warning lamp-K29: error message from the instrument cluster
Range of regulation of working frequency of rotation
Kick-Down Mode Switch -F86: Invalid Signal
Low heat relay-J359: short to positive
Low heat relay-J359: open circuit / short to ground
High Power Relay-J359: Short to Plus
High Power Relay-J360: Open / Short to Ground
Camshaft Position Sensor-G40: No Signal
Camshaft Position Sensor-G40: Signal Out of Tolerance
Fuel Coolant Pump Relay-J445: Short to Plus
Fuel Coolant Pump Relay-J445: Open / Short to Ground
Relay for electric fuel pump 2-J49: short to positive
Relay for electric fuel pump 2-J49: open circuit / short to ground
Charge pressure control solenoid valve 2-N274: short to positive
Charge pressure control valve 2-N274: open circuit / short to ground
Fuel Bypass Valve-N312 Valve: Short to Plus
Fuel Bypass Valve-N312 Valve: Open / Short to Ground
Exhaust flap valve 1-N321: short to positive
Exhaust flap valve 1-N321: short to ground
Exhaust flap valve 1-N321: open circuit
Exhaust flap valve 1-N321: electrical failure
Exhaust damper valve 2-N322: short to positive
Exhaust gas damper valve 2-N322: short to ground
Exhaust gas damper valve 2-N322: open circuit
Exhaust gas damper valve 2-N322: electrical failure
Throttle angle sensor 1 of the throttle actuator 2-G297: implausible signal
Throttle actuator 1 angle sensor 2-G297: signal too low
Throttle Actuator 1 Sensor 2-G297: Signal Too High
Throttle angle sensor 2 of the throttle actuator 2-G298: implausible signal
2-G298 Throttle Actuator 2 Sensor: Signal Too Low
2-G298 Throttle Actuator 2 Sensor: Signal Too High
Throttle Actuator 2-G296: Malfunction in an electric chain
Throttle Body 2-J544: Basic Installation Error
Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2-G299: Signal Too Low
Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2-G299, Signal Too High
Throttle Body 2-J544: Mechanical Damage
Throttle Body 2-J544: Undervoltage during basic installation
Throttle Body 2-J544: Adaptation Not Started
Throttle Body 2-J544: Lower limit not reached
Gearbox request, torque reduction: implausible value
Gear Ratio: Unreliable
Data bus drive: implausible engine temperature signal from the instrument cluster
Heater regulator: implausible signal
Fuel pump: mechanical damage
Fuel pump: short circuit
Faulty electronic fuel pump system
Starter relay 1: a failure in the electrical circuit (the relay sticks / does not switch)
Control signal to starter relay 2: short to positive
Control signal to starter relay 2: short to ground
Control signal to starter relay 2: open circuit
Starter relay 2: a failure in the electrical circuit (the relay sticks / does not switch)
Inclusion of a starter, recall cl. 50: invalid signal
Inclusion of a starter, recall cl. 50: short to positive
Inclusion of a starter, recall cl. 50: short to ground / open circuit
Starter does not crank: mechanical interlock or electrical failure
Exhaust gas pressure sensor 2: open circuit
Exhaust gas pressure sensor 2: short to ground
Exhaust gas pressure sensor 2: short to positive
Exhaust gas recirculation system 2: too low throughput
Exhaust gas recirculation system 2: too high throughput
Cooling bypass valve, exhaust gas recirculation system OG-N386: failure in the electrical circuit
Valve 2 bypass cooling channel, exhaust gas recirculation system OG-N387: a failure in the electrical circuit
Charge pressure control 2: charge pressure too high
Charge pressure control 2: charge pressure too low
Charge pressure control valve 3-N388: electrical failure
Charge Pressure Control Valve 3-N388: Short to Ground
Charge Pressure Control Valve 3-N388: Short to Positive
Charge pressure control valve 4-N389: electrical failure
Charge Pressure Control Valve 4 — N389: Short to Ground
Charge Pressure Control Valve 4 — N389: Short to Positive
Malfunction of the additive pump for the particulate filter-V135
Particulate filter additive tank: empty
Voltage relay: malfunction in an electric chain
Fuel pump: malfunction in an electric chain
Fuel pump 2: malfunction in an electric chain
1/2 turbocharger correction: adaptation limits not reached
Engine control unit: coding error
Electronic fuel pump system, power supply: electrical failure
Throttle Body: Inadequate Idling
Relay for cold start fuel pump-J748: short to positive
Cold Start Fuel Pump Relay-J748: Short to Ground / Open
Engine temperature too low
Clutch / Clutch Position Sensor-G476: implausible signal
Diesel particulate filter additive reservoir sensor-G504: electrical failure
Turbocharger Bypass Valve, Bank 2: Mechanical Damage
Control signal to the intake flap 2: a failure in the electrical circuit
2 intake manifold flaps: basic settings not completed
Motor component power relay: electrical failure
Starter Relay: Circuit Malfunction
Fuel pump electronics, signal wire: electrical failure
Auxiliary heater signal not recognized
A long signal of an autonomous heater is recognized
Control unit defective
Control unit defective
Control unit defective
Control unit defective
Control unit defective
Control unit defective
Control unit defective
Control unit defective
Intake manifold flap actuator motor-V157: short to positive
Intake manifold flap actuator motor-V157: open circuit / short to ground
Intake manifold flap actuator motor-V157: no signal
Intake manifold flap motor -V157: defective
Intake manifold flap diverter valve-N239: short to positive
Intake manifold flap diverter valve-N239: open circuit / short to ground
Valve for pump injector 7-N303: implausible signal
Valve for pump injector 7-N303: out of control range (greater than upper limit)
7-N303 Cylinder Pump Injector Valve: Out of Control Range (Below Lower Limit)
Cylinder 7 injector 7-N303 valve: electrical failure
Valve for pump injector 8-N304: implausible signal
Valve for pump injector 8-N304: out of control range (greater than upper limit)
Valve for pump-injector cylinder 8-N304: out of the control range (less than the lower limit)
Valve for pump injector for cylinder 8-N304: electrical failure
Valve for pump injector 9-N305: implausible signal
Valve for pump injector 9-N305: out of control range (greater than upper limit)
9-N305 Cylinder Pump Injector Valve: Out of Control Range (Below Lower Limit)
Valve for pump injector cylinder 9-N305: a failure in the electrical circuit
Valve for pump injector 10-N306: implausible signal
Valve for pump injector cylinder 10-N306: out of control range (greater than upper limit)
Valve for pump injector for cylinder 10-N306: out of control range (less than lower limit)
Valve for pump injector for cylinder 10-N306: electrical failure
Valve for pump injector 11-N307: implausible signal
Valve for pump injector 11-N307: out of control range (greater than upper limit)
11-N307 Cylinder Pump Injector Valve: Out of Control Range (Below Lower Limit)
Valve for pump injector for cylinder 11-N307: electrical failure
Valve for pump injector 12-N308: implausible signal
Valve for pump injector for cylinder 12-N308: out of control range (greater than upper limit)
12-N308 Cylinder Pump Injector Valve: Out of Control Range (Below Lower Limit)
Valve for pump injector for cylinder 12-N308: electrical failure
Exhaust gas recirculation system: out of the control range (greater than the upper limit)
Exhaust gas recirculation system: out of the control range (less than the lower limit)
Glow plug control unit 2, glow plug circuit: failure in the electrical circuit
Glow plug control unit 2-J609: implausible signal
Inlet flaps, upper limit not reached
Inlet flaps: lower limit not reached
Inlet flaps: nominal value not reached
Inlet flaps: basic settings not completed
Inlet Flaps: Control Range
Inlet flaps: Out of tolerance signal
Valve for starting with an empty tank-Nxxx: open circuit / short to ground
Valve for starting with an empty tank-Nxxx: short to positive
Row 2, probe 1, lambda probe signal: unreliable poor mixture
Row 2, probe 1, lambda probe signal: unreliably rich mixture
Row 3, probe 1, lambda probe signal: unreliable poor mixture
Row 3, probe 1, lambda probe signal: unreliably rich mixture
Row 4, probe 1, lambda probe signal: unreliable poor mixture
Row 4, probe 1, lambda probe signal: unreliably rich mixture
Row 3, Lambda probe to the catalyst, heating circuit: upper control limit reached
Row 3, Lambda probe to the catalyst, heating circuit: lower control limit reached
Row 4, Lambda probe to the catalyst, heating circuit: upper control limit reached
Row 4, Lambda probe to the catalyst, heating circuit: lower control limit reached
Row 3, probe 1: implausible value of internal resistance
Row 4, probe 1: unreliable value of internal resistance
Row 2, probe 1: voltage too low / leak
Bank 3 Sensor 1: Voltage Too Low / Leakage
Bank 4 Sensor 1: Voltage Too Low / Leakage
Bank 1 probe 1, lambda probe signal: voltage too low in forced XX mode
Bank 2 probe 1, lambda probe signal: voltage too low in forced XX mode
Bank 3 probe 1, lambda probe signal: voltage too low in forced XX mode
Bank 4 probe 1, lambda probe signal: voltage too low in forced XX mode
Linear Oxygen Sensor, Bank 1 / Matching wire Sensor signal: open circuit
Linear Lambda Sensor Bank 2 / Matching Sensor Signal: Open circuit
Linear Lambda Sensor Bank 3 / Matching Sensor Signal: Open circuit
Linear Oxygen Sensor, Bank 4 / Interconnect Sensor signal: open circuit
Row 3, lambda correction after catalyst: mixture depletion control limit exceeded
Row 3, lambda correction after catalyst: mixture enrichment limit exceeded
Row 4, lambda correction after catalyst: mixture depletion control limit exceeded
Row 4, lambda correction after catalyst: mixture enrichment limit exceeded
Row 3, the main catalyst: reduced efficiency
Row 4, the main catalyst: reduced efficiency
Row 1, adaptation of the mixture in the range 3, depletion of the mixture
Row 1, adaptation of the mixture in the range 3, re-enrichment of the mixture
Row 2, adaptation of the mixture in range 3, depletion of the mixture
Row 2, adaptation of the mixture in the range 3, re-enrichment of the mixture
Row 3, adaptation of the mixture in the range 3, depletion of the mixture
Row 3, adaptation of the mixture in the range 3, re-enrichment of the mixture
Row 4, adaptation of the mixture in the range 3, depletion of the mixture
Row 4, adaptation of the mixture in the range 3, re-enrichment of the mixture
Cylinder nozzle 13-N390: Short to Ground
Cylinder nozzle 13-N390: short to positive
Cylinder nozzle 13-N390: open circuit
Cylinder nozzle 14-N391: Short to Ground
Cylinder nozzle 14-N391: short to positive
Cylinder nozzle 14-N391: open circuit
Cylinder nozzle 15-N392: Short to Ground
Cylinder nozzle 15-N392: short to positive
Cylinder nozzle 15-N392: open circuit
Cylinder nozzle 16-N393: Short to Ground
Cylinder nozzle 16-N393: short to positive
Cylinder nozzle 16-N393: open circuit
Intake manifold flaps: basic mechanical settings are violated focus in the OPEN position.
Intake manifold flaps: basic mechanical settings are violated stop in the CLOSED position.
Intake manifold flaps: stop in the OPEN position. beyond valid range
Air Mass Sensor 3-G456: Signal Too Low
Air Mass Sensor 3-G456: Signal Too High
4-G457 Air Mass Sensor: Signal Too Low
4-G457 Air Mass Sensor: Signal Too High
Control signal to the intake flaps: implausible signal
Control signal to inlet flap 2: implausible signal
Bank 3 Sensor 1, electrical heating circuit: short to ground
Bank 3 Sensor 1, electrical heater circuit: short to positive
Bank 3 Sensor 1, electrical heating circuit: open circuit
Bank 3 Sensor 1, Heater Circuit: Circuit Malfunction
Bank 3 Sensor 1: Internal resistance too high
Bank 3 Sensor 1: Voltage Too Low
Row 3 probe 1: voltage is too high
Bank 3 probe 1, electrical failure
Row 3 probe 1: no activity
Row 3 probe 1: reaction time is too long
Bank 3 Sensor 1, electrical heating circuit: power too low
Bank 1 Sensor 1: Heater Feedback
Bank 2 Sensor 1: Heater Feedback
Bank 3 Sensor 1: Heater Feedback
Bank 4 Sensor 1: Heater Feedback
Bank 3 Sensor 2, electrical heating circuit: short to ground
Bank 3 Sensor 2, Heating circuit: short to positive
Bank 3 Sensor 2, electrical heating circuit: open circuit
Bank 3 Sensor 2, Heater Circuit: Circuit Malfunction
Bank 3 Sensor 2: Internal resistance too high
Bank 3 Sensor 2: Voltage Too Low
Row 3 probe 2: voltage is too high
Bank 3 Sensor 2: Malfunction
Row 3 probe 2: no activity
Row 3 probe 2: reaction time is too long
Row 3, lambda correction after catalyst: control limit reached
Row 4, lambda correction after catalyst: control limit reached
Bank 1, probe 1, individual cylinder adjustment: probe response time is too long
Row 1, probe 1, lambda probe signal: unreliable poor mixture
Row 1, probe 1, lambda probe signal: unreliably rich mixture
Bank 4 Sensor 1, electrical heating circuit: short to ground
Bank 4 Sensor 1, electrical heater circuit: short to positive
Bank 4 Sensor 1, electrical heating circuit: open circuit
Bank 4 Sensor 1, Heater Circuit: Circuit Malfunction
Bank 4 Sensor 1: Internal Resistance Too High
Bank 4 Sensor 1: Voltage Too Low
Bank 4 Sensor 1: Voltage Too High
Bank 4 Sensor 1, electrical failure
Row 4 probe 1: no activity
Row 4 probe 1: reaction time is too long
Bank 4 Sensor 1, electrical heating circuit: power too low
Inlet flaps: temperature too high
Inlet flaps 2: temperature too high
Throttle control supply: malfunction in an electric chain
Throttle control unit 2 supply: electrical failure
Bank 4 Sensor 2, electrical heater circuit: short to ground
Bank 4 Sensor 2, Heater circuit: short to positive
Bank 4 Sensor 2, electrical heating circuit: open circuit
Bank 4 Sensor 2, electrical heating circuit: electrical failure
Bank 4 Sensor 2: Internal Resistance Too High
Bank 4 Sensor 2: Voltage Too Low
Bank 4 Sensor 2: Voltage Too High
Bank 4 Sensor 2: Electrical Failure
Row 4 probe 2: no activity
Row 4 probe 2: reaction time is too long
Row 1, Lambda probe to the catalyst, heating circuit : upper control limit reached
Row 1, Lambda probe to the catalyst, heating circuit: lower control limit reached
Row 2, Lambda probe to the catalyst, heating circuit: upper control limit reached
Row 2, Lambda probe to the catalyst, heating circuit: lower control limit reached
Additional fuel pump for starting the engine: malfunction
1/2 row: lambda probes mixed up to catalyst
3/4 row: lambda probes mixed up to catalyst
Row 1/2: Lambda probes mixed up after catalyst
Row 3/4: mixed lambda probes after the catalyst
Front Catalyst Row 3: Ineffective.
Front Catalyst Row 4: Inefficiency
Row 1, probe 1: implausible value of internal resistance
Row 2, probe 1: implausible value of internal resistance
Linear Lambda Sensor Bank 2 / Signal Current: Open
Linear Lambda Sensor Bank 2 / Signal Current: Short to Ground
Linear Oxygen Sensor, Bank 2 / Signal Current: Short to Positive
Linear Lambda Sensor Bank 2 / Voltage Reference: Open circuit
Linear Lambda Sensor Bank 2 / Voltage Reference: Short to Ground
Linear Lambda Sensor Bank 2 / Voltage Reference: Short to positive
Linear Lambda Sensor Bank 2 / Voltage Reference: implausible value
Linear Oxygen Sensor, Bank 2 / Common ground cable: open circuit
Linear Oxygen Sensor, Bank 2 / Common ground cable: Short to ground
Linear Oxygen Sensor, Bank 2 / Common ground cable: Short to positive
Linear Lambda Sensor Bank 3 / Signal Current: Open
Linear Lambda Sensor Bank 3 / Signal Current: Short to Ground
Linear Lambda Sensor Bank 3 / Signal Current: Short to Positive
Linear Oxygen Sensor, Bank 3 / Voltage reference: open circuit
Linear Lambda Sensor Bank 3 / Voltage Reference: Short to Ground
Linear Lambda Sensor Bank 3 / Voltage Reference: Short to positive
Linear Lambda Sensor Bank 3 / Voltage Reference: implausible value
Linear Oxygen Sensor, Bank 3 / Common ground cable: open circuit
Linear Oxygen Sensor, Bank 3 / Common ground cable: Short to ground
Linear Oxygen Sensor, Bank 3 / Common ground cable: short to positive
Linear Lambda Sensor Bank 4 / Signal Current: Open
Linear Lambda Sensor Bank 4 / Signal Current: Short to Ground
Linear Oxygen Sensor, Bank 4 / Signal Current: Short to Positive
Linear Oxygen Sensor, Bank 4 / Voltage reference: open circuit
Linear Lambda Sensor Bank 4 / Voltage Reference: Short to Ground
Linear Lambda Sensor Bank 4 / Voltage Reference: Short to Positive
Linear Lambda Sensor Bank 4 / Voltage Reference: implausible value
Linear Oxygen Sensor exhaust bank 4 / common ground cable: open circuit
Linear Oxygen Sensor, Bank 4 / Common ground cable: Short to ground
Linear Oxygen Sensor, Bank 4 / Common ground cable: Short to positive
Catalyst System Row 3: Efficiency Too Low
Catalyst System Row 4: Efficiency Too Low
Row 1, exhaust camshaft position sensor => - G300: short to ground
Row 1, exhaust camshaft position sensor => - G300: open circuit / short to positive
Row 2, exhaust camshaft position sensor => - G301: short to ground
Row 2, exhaust camshaft position sensor => - G301: open circuit / short to positive
Row 1, exhaust camshaft position sensor-G300 / crankshaft position sensor-G28: signal mismatch
Row 2, exhaust camshaft position sensor-G301 / crankshaft position sensor-G28: signal mismatch 19762
Ignition control, cyl. 13: short to ground
Ignition control, cyl. 13: short to positive
Ignition control, cyl. 13: open circuit
Ignition control, cyl. 14: short to ground
Ignition control, cyl. 14: short to positive
Ignition control, cyl. 14: open circuit
Ignition control, cyl. 15: short to ground
Ignition control, cyl. 15: short to positive
Ignition control, cyl. 15: open circuit
Ignition control, cyl. 16: short to ground
Ignition control, cyl. 16: short to positive
Ignition control, cyl. 16: open circuit
Glow plug relay 2-J495: short to positive
Glow Plug Relay 2-J495: Open / Short to Ground
Supply of control signal 2 to the valves of the pump injector: short circuit to positive
The supply of control signal 2 to the valves of the pump nozzles: a failure in the electrical circuit
Power Relay 2 Terminal 30-J689: Invalid Signal
Power 15: voltage level too high
Power 15: open circuit
Power Supply Cl. 15: Invalid Data
Intake manifold flap diverter valve 2-N239: short to positive
Intake manifold flap diverter valve 2-N239: open circuit / short to ground
Intake manifold flap actuator motor 2- V275: short to positive
Intake manifold flap actuator motor 2-V275: open circuit / short to ground
Intake manifold flap actuator motor 2-V275: no signal
Intake manifold flap actuator motor 2-V275: defective
Recognition of the combustion process in the cylinders at forced idle.
Turbocharger control unit 1: message not valid
Turbocharger control unit 2: message not valid
Turbocharger control unit 1: no messages
Turbocharger control unit 2: no messages
Engine / engine data bus: implausible message
Giving a control signal to the glow plug control unit 1: a failure in the electrical circuit
Glow control signal to glow plug control unit 2: malfunction in the electrical circuit
Charger cooling fan relay-J712: short to positive
Charge Air Cooling Fan Relay-J712: Short to Ground
Charge Air Cooling Fan Relay-J712: Open Circuit
Turbocharger control unit 1-J724: temperature too high
Turbocharger Control Unit 1-J724: Supply Voltage Out of Range
Turbocharger control unit 2-J725: temperature too high
Turbocharger control unit 2-J725: supply voltage out of range
Glow plug relay: electrical failure
Control signal to turbocharger control unit 1-J724: electrical failure
Control signal to turbocharger control unit 2-J725: electrical failure
Adaptation of air-gas mixture: out of range 1 (less than minimum)
Adaptation of air-gas mixture: out of range 1 (greater than maximum)
Adaptation of the air-gas mixture: out of range 2 (less than the minimum)
Adaptation of air-gas mixture: out of range 2 (more than maximum)
Adaptation of air-gas mixture: out of range 3 (less than minimum)
Adaptation of air-gas mixture: out of range 3 (greater than maximum)
Catalyst System for a Gas-Fired Vehicle, Row 1: Efficiency Too Low
Lambda probe correction for gas operation: control limit reached
Probe 1, bank 1, gas operation: reaction time too long
Bank 1 Sensor 1, Gas operation: Heater feedback
Row 1-probe 1, gas operation: no activity
Gas operation: misfire detected
Work on gas, cyl. 1: misfire detected
Work on gas, cyl. 2: misfire detected
Work on gas, cyl. 3: misfire detected
Work on gas, cyl. 4: misfire detected
System gas pressure too high
System gas pressure too low
Lambda Sensor 1-row 3: signal too lean mixture
Lambda Sensor 1 Row 3: Signal Too Rich Mixture
Lambda Sensor 1-row 4: signal too lean mixture
Lambda Sensor 1-Row 4: Signal Too Rich Mixture
Intake manifold flap changeover valve: short to ground
Intake manifold flap changeover diverter valve: open circuit / short to ground
Intake manifold 2 geometry changeover diverter valve : short to positive
Intake manifold 2 geometry changeover valve: open circuit / short to ground
Intake Air Temperature Sensor 3-G520: Signal Too Low
Intake Air Temperature Sensor 3-G520: Signal Too High
High Pressure Gas Valve-N372: Open Circuit
High Pressure Gas Valve-N372: Short to Positive
High Pressure Gas Valve-N372: Short to Ground
G400 High Pressure Gas Circuit Sensor: Open circuit
G400 High Pressure Gas Circuit Sensor: Short to Positive
G400 High Pressure Gas Circuit Sensor: Short to Ground
G401 Low Pressure Gas Circuit Sensor: Open circuit
G401 Low Pressure Gas Circuit Sensor: Short to Positive
G401 Low Pressure Gas Circuit Sensor: Short to Ground
Gas valve 1-N366: open circuit
Gas supply valve 1-N366: short to positive
Gas supply valve 1-N366: short to ground
Gas supply valve 2-N367: open circuit
Gas supply valve 2-N367: short to positive
Gas Inlet Valve 2-N367: Short to Ground
3-N368 gas valve: open circuit
3-N368 Gas Inlet Valve: Short to Positive
Gas Inlet Valve 3-N368: Short to Ground
Gas valve 4-N369: open circuit
Gas supply valve 4-N369: short to positive
Gas Inlet Valve 4-N369: Short to Ground
Damaged data bus drive
Data Bus Communication Drive
Engine control unit: no connection
Gearbox control unit: no connection
Automatic gear selector: no communication
Cruise control: no connection
Power Management System Control Unit: No Communication
Engine control unit: no connection
ABS control unit: no connection
Rotational speed sensor: no communication
Steering angle sensor: no communication
Electromechanical parking brake control unit: no connection
Data bus diagnostic interface control unit: no communication
Airbag control unit: no communication
Instrument cluster control unit: no communication
Air conditioning control unit: no connection
Adaptive Cruise Control: No Communication
KP control unit: incompatible software
ABS control unit: incompatible software
Electromechanical parking brake control unit: incompatible software
Ride height control system: wrong software version
Automatic gear selector: implausible signal
Cruise control: implausible signal
ABS control unit: implausible signal
Electromechanical parking brake control unit: implausible message
Ride height control system: implausible signal
Comfort Central Control Unit-J393: No Communication
Comfort Central Control Unit-J393: implausible signal
Comfort Central Control Unit-J393: Read data from fault memory
Trailer Recognition Control Unit-J345: No Communication
Trailer Recognition Control Unit-J345: Invalid Signal
Trailer Recognition Control Unit-J345: Read data from fault memory
NOX Sensor 1 Row 1: No Communication
Battery control control unit: Read data from fault memory
Data Bus Diagnostic Interface-J533: Read Data from Fault Memory
Data Bus Diagnostic Interface-J533: Invalid Message
Electromechanical parking brake control unit: Read data from fault memory
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Control unit defective

signal for plus

signal to ground
no signal
mechanical damage
entrance is open
signal too high
signal too low
out of control range (greater than the upper limit)
exit from the adaptation range (more than the upper limit)
out of adaptation range (less than the lower limit)
out of control range (less than the lower limit)
out of the adaptation range, more than the upper limit (under load)
out of the adaptation range, lower than the lower limit (under load)
exit from the adaptation range, more than the upper limit (at idle)
exit from the adaptation range, lower than the lower limit (at idle)
out of tolerance signal
range of regulation
upper limit value
lower limit value
basic installation error
front pressure increases too long
front pressure decreases too long
back pressure increases too long
back pressure decreases too long
undefined switch state
exit open
invalid signal
short circuit to plus
short circuit to ground
open circuit / short to positive
open circuit / short to ground
resistance value is too high
resistance value is too low
error type not defined

open circuit
output does not switch / short circuit to plus
output does not switch / short to ground
short circuit to another valve
blocked or missing voltage
speed deviation too large
short circuit
not connected correctly
power supply
no connection
early position not reached
late position not reached
supply voltage is too high
supply voltage too low
the equipment is selected incorrectly
adaptation failed
in emergency mode
electrical failure
not blocked
not unlocked
lock lock SAFE not included
lock lock SAFE is not turned off
settings not made or incorrect
temperature shutdown
nominal value not reached
cylinder 1
cylinder 2
cylinder 3
cylinder 4
cylinder 5
cylinder 6
cylinder 7
cylinder 8
class 30 is missing
internal supply voltage
lack of message.
read data from fault memory
in single wire mode
not currently verified
No access
correction failed

occasionally / sporadically

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