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ASA1 Portfolio Assignment Block 1

1) Compose melodies on the given rhythm (see below) using the given scale. Write the solfa-
syllables below each note. Sing each melody on solfa and make changes if necessary. Notate
the final melodies in staff notation in different clefs (G-clef, F-clef and alto clef). Upload the
stick- and staff notation of your melodies.

2) Video record yourself singing the composed melodies, first on solfa, then on letter-names
or numbers in the key you chose. You may also play some of the melodies on your
instrument. If you like you might add some bass tones or simple chords as an
accompaniment. Upload the videos (see the attached guidelines about videos).

3) Video record yourself performing the following Sing&Play Exercises: sing the upper part
and perform the lower part on a keyboard instrument. Sing using relative solmization.
Upload the videos.
Scale composition
ASA1 portfolio assignment block 1

4 œj j Fine.

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Da capo al Fine

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Acoustic Scale

3 ˙ œ œ œ œ œ . œj œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ . œj œ œ ˙ .

4 ˙. ˙ œ œ œ œ

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Whole tone scale

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