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20/09/2011 20:01

Physician Assistant Schools in Texas

ist of Physician Assistant Schools in Texas together with the info such as campus location, the type of degree on offer, campus contact information. Physician assistant programs usually require 2 years of study. Typically the first half of the curriculum is dedicated to classroom and laboratory guidelines, meanwhile the second half of the curriculum will be more focusing on clinical knowledge in various medical specialties. If you planned to become a physician assistant, you will have to meet certain requirements with a purpose to be admitted to one of the accredited physician assistant programs. Most physical assistant schools and all the highest ones require that youve got some degree of expertise on healthcare experience, such as experience as a registered nurse. Go to the websites or call the university / college from every the colleges in your list. Find out what the prerequisites and checklist of the accredited physicians assistant training applications which might be alocated in your geographical region or in a area to which youd think about relocating. Prospect physician assistants need to complete an accredited physician assistant program and pass the national certifying examination to get their license to have the ability to practice in the medical field.

Baylor College of Medicine Physician Assistant Program

Room 107 BTXX One Baylor Plaza Houston, TX 77030 (713) 798-4842 Email: cfasser@bcm.edu Website: http://www.bcm.edu/pap/ Credentials Awarded: Masters Degree CASPA Participating Program

Interservice PA Program
Interservice Physician Assistant Program Academy of Health Sciences GRAD SCHOOL/MCCS-HGE-PA, IPAP RM 1202 3151 Winfield Scott Road, Suite 1216 Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-6130 (210)221-8004 Email: john.chitwood@us.af.mil Website: http://www.unmc.edu/alliedhealth/pa_ contact.htm Credentials Awarded: Certificate, Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Physician Assistant Program School of Allied Health Sciences, Department of Laboratory Sciences 3600 North Garfield Midland, TX 79705

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Physician Assistant Schools in Texas

20/09/2011 20:01

(432) 620-9905 Email: allied.health@ttuhsc.edu Website: http://www.ttuhsc.edu/sah/mpa Credentials Awarded: Masters Degree CASPA Participating Program

Website: http://www.shp.utmb.edu/pas Credentials Awarded: Masters Degree CASPA Participating Program

University of North Texas Health Science Center - Fort Worth Physician Assistant Studies
3500 Camp Bowie Boulevard Fort Worth, TX 76107-2699 (817) 735-2301 Email: PAStudies@unthsc.edu Website: http://www.hsc.unt.edu/education/PASP/ Credentials Awarded: Masters Degree CASPA Participating Program

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Department of Physician Assistant Studies 5323 Harry Hines Boulevard, Suite V4.114 Dallas, TX 75390-9090 (214) 648-1701 Email: isela.perez@utsouthwestern.edu Website: http://www.utsouthwestern.edu/pa Credentials Awarded: Masters Degree CASPA Participating Program

UT Health Science Center - San Antonio University of Texas - Pan American Physician Assistant Studies Program
1201 W. University Drive Edinburg, TX 78539 (956) 665-7049 Email: pastudies@utpa.edu Website: http://www.panam.edu/dept/pasp Credentials Awarded: Masters Degree CASPA Participating Program Department of Physician Assistant Studies 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, MC6249 San Antonio, TX 78229-3900 (210) 567-8810 Email: pastudies@uthscsa.edu Website: http://www.uthscsa.edu/shp/pa/ Credentials Awarded: Masters Degree CASPA Participating Program Please re-visit this page to get the updated list of Physician Assistant Schools in Texas.

University of Texas Medical Branch Physician Assistant Program

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School of Health Professions 301 University Boulevard Galveston, TX 77555-1145 (409) 772-3048 Email: smcgraw@utmb.edu


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