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By Mark Finley of It Is Written Television (www.iiw.org)

Sermon 7 Outline

“The Best Is Yet to Come!”

If you are on top of the world today, if you are finding fulfillment in your job, if your
family is great, if your health is great, if your finances are great––the best is yet to come!

If you are discouraged, if you are going through the heart-wrenching agony and trauma of
divorce––the best is yet to come!

If your body is suffering from rheumatism and arthritis––the best is yet to come!

If you’ve come from a broken past and a dysfunctional family and are healing from the
scars––the best is yet to come!

I. Look beyond the suffering.

Moses was cursed at his birth, but God turns curses into blessings.

“So Pharaoh commanded all his people, saying, ‘Every son who is born you shall cast
into the river, and every daughter you shall save alive.’” (Exodus 1:22)

Pharaoh was concerned with the spread and the growth of the Israelites. So he
condemned the Hebrew children to death. Amazingly enough, God turned that curse into
a blessing. And with God, our greatest curses are turned––at times––into our greatest

If God can take the death and agony of the Cross and turn it into an instrument of
salvation––even for you––through the Cross, the best is yet to come.

Look beyond the suffering. With Christ, the best is yet to come!

II. I AM all you need.

Moses was forced to flee. Imagine what must have been on Moses’ mind as he wandered
in the wilderness. He must have thought to himself, “God can’t use me. I’m a failure.”
For those of us who have not reached God’s ideal, consider Moses. God turns wilderness
wanderings into divine encounters.

“God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, ‘Moses, Moses!’ And he said,
‘Here I am.’ Then He said, ‘Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet,
for the place where you stand is holy ground.’” (Exodus 3:4, 5)

“And God said to Moses, ‘I AM that I AM...’” (Exodus 3:14)

He was saying to Moses: “I AM your strength, I AM your sufficiency. I AM your courage.

I AM your nourishment. I AM your pillar of fire by night. I AM your cloud of protection
by day. I AM your covering. I AM your guide. I AM all you need.”

III. Needs can lead to miracles.

Needs are the stuff of miracles. God’s ultimate goal was to lead Moses to a place of
dependence on Him. One way God does that is by bringing us to a place of need.
Miracles come out of need. Where there are no needs, there are no miracles.

“Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Behold I will rain bread from heaven for you. And the
people shall go out and gather a certain quota every day...’” (Exodus 16:4)

“And in the morning you shall see the glory of the Lord.” (Exodus 16:7)

IV. God’s plan.

Moses was focused on one goal: to see the Promised Land before he died. Moses had a
dream, but the best was yet to come, because God had a better dream. God’s plan was to
resurrect Moses right then and take him to heaven. Moses’ dream had to die so God’s
dream could be born.

When your dreams are broken, when your plans are shattered, when your goals are
crushed––the best is yet to come!

One day we shall see Him face to face, feel His warm embrace, experience His presence
and shout, “The best has come!”

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