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Communications and 5th International Symposium on Mul~i-Dimen:;ional Mobile Communicarioirs

Adaptive Frequency Diversity OFDM (AFD-OFDM) Communication System in the Narrow-Band Interference Channel
Sang-Woo Kim. Kee-Hoo Yoonl Rag Gyu Jung, Jong-Won Son a i d Heuiig-Gyoon Ryu Department of Electronic Engineering. Chungbuk National University San 48 Kaesin-dong, Cheonglu. Cliungbuk. 361-763. Republic of KOREA Phone : 182-43-261-2477. Fax:+82-43-264-48?8. E-mail: beas1 I ~JlI.li~i~lrai~~itiiiI.rrcl, ccoiimi!ticbu.nc.kr
In this paper, we study FD-OFDM (frequency diversity orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) system in the narrow-hand jamming interference channel. Then, we propose an AFD-OFDM(adaptive FD-OFDM) to cope with the interference more ndaptively. In FD-OFDM system. the informatinn symbol of each parallel branch is multiplied by the iinhognnel sequence and distributed into all suh-carriers. So, cach suh-cnrricr transmits the orthogonally scgmcntcd information from the parallel hrnnches in the FD-OFDM symbol duration. This FD-OFDM shows the frequency diversity characteristic. Therefore, FD-OFDM can be robust to the narrowband jamming interference. But, the FD-OFDM also can't suppress its performance loss in a very strong narrow-band jamming interference channel. So. in this paper, AFD-OFDM system is novelly proposed to countermeasure the deficiency of the FD-OFDM system. and it is very robust to the high power narrowband jamming interference. I n this AFD-OFDM. the overall system bandwidth is divided into several sub-bandwidths. Modulation level of each sub-bandwidth is ndaptively controlled according to the channel environment. Therefore. it can get the high transmission throughput even in the severe channel condition. Simulation results show that this AFD-OFDM is better than the FD-OFDM in the strong narrow-hand jamming interference.

'Illere have been many methods to cope with the MITOWband interference. The STC (space time coding) OFDM system using transmit diversity [4]. OFDM system using adaptive modulation to combat the CCI (co-channel interference)[5]. and OFDM system using error correcting code to countermeasure the IC1 (inter-camer interference)[b] were investigated. Also. IS-OFI)M (interference suppressing orthogonal frequency divisi,m multiplexing) system was studied to reduce the loss of system petfomiance due to the narrowband interference [7]. In the IS-OFDM. each parallel branch symbol is inultiplicd by tlie orthogonal sequence and distributed into all sub-carriers. In this paper. FD-OFDM (frequency diversity orthogonal frequency division mnltiple~ing) system is considered to reduce the performance de;:radation due to narrow-band jamming interference. FD-OFDM system basically works in the same as the IS-OFDM system. So. each snb-c,mier transmits the orthogonally segmented information from the parallel branches in the OFDIW symbol duration. In one subcarrier, all different symbols are discriminated by each orthogonal sequence. Therefore. the FD-OFDM system shows the frequency diversity c h c i e r i s t i c so h i t FD-OFDM system can be robust to the narrawhand jamming interference. However. the BER perfonnance of FD-OFDM is rapidly degraded in a very strong iwmw-band jamming interference channel. In this paper. we propose an AFD-OFDM (adaptive frequency diversity. orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) system using the adaptive modulation by the channel state information. AFD-OFDM is made up of several parallel FD-OFDM systems corresponding to the number of sub-bandwidths. This structure makes the AFD-OFDM be adaptive to the channel condition because all bandyidth is divided into several snb-bandwidths and modulation level of each snb-bandwidth can be adaptively changed by the channel state information. Therefore. cmmunication throughput can be improved by AFD-OFDM. In this paper. we study the FDOFDM system and propose th,: AFD-OFDM system. Then we compare AFD-OFDM system with the FD-OFDM in n m w band jamming interference channel.

k n n ~ w d:~ FD-OFDAf, narrowband janwning interference, .ISU und nibpliir I.'L)-OFI)hI

INTRODLJCTION The OFDM(ortliogona1 frequency division multiplexing) system is one of the MC (multi-carrier) system wluch divides one high speed data streani into several low speed data strean= in parallel and transmits them by many sub-caniers at the same time. So. the symbol duration of each low speed data stream is lengthened. Therefore. OFDM signal is robust to multi-pass frequency-selective channel environment. Modulation and demodulation of OFDM system can be made in the FFT(fast Fourier transform) processor so that the transceiver of OFDM can be effectively inipleniented in the digital domain. It also has an advantage that can avoid the interference among subcarriers by inserting tlie guard interval longer than delay spread of channel [ 1. 2. 31. But the OFDM system becoines degraded in the strong narrowband jamming interference channel.
0-7803-XhC 1-9/04/$20.00@ 2004 IEEE.


10th ASia-F'ac,ific Confermcr an Communications and 5th I n t e r n a t i o n a l Symposium on Mu1 ti-Di.ensiona1

Mobile Communications




where N = 4". It is the same' as two times of the coded signal whose coding gain is 2: And IFFT output signal is defined as follow 1 'V.1
y, =-CYkeJ2n(ir"N)

=I :

I Yk

for k = 0, . . . ,N'-l for k = N ' , . . . ,2N'-1 Yk.,. Yk-2h.. for k = 2 N ' , . . . ,3N'-1 Yk.3h.. for k = 3N', . . . ,4N'-1


&? k=O

for m=0,1,


Figorc I ,

Block d i u y a n of FD-OFDM transmitter

Figure 1 sltows the FD-OFDM transmission system. The input stream of rate R bitdsec enten a S/P (serial to parallel) converter and provides N' panllel data streams with rate KIN' bidsec. The output data of SIP convener xq is spread by b i n q Walsli Hadamad orthogonal sequence Wq =[w,,~,wy,,>. ; w,,,~.,]. where q=O, . . . ,N'-1 . . After sprcading. the signal rate retum to R bidsec. Assuming that the xy represem a complcx-valued signal by a QAM modulation the spreadmg signal then is

The N parallel IFFT outputs are entered in P/S(parallel to serial) converter and inserted.the guard-time or cyclic prefix in each h n e . The P/S signal output of parallel stream is as follow


Figure 1 can be reconstructed more easily as figure 2.

Xq,k = . Y ~ I I J ~ , ~


k = 0, . . ,N ' - 1 .


The aboye process is called as OCDM (orthogonal code division multiplcxing) and provides a set of N ' parallel dati streams are mntually separated by orthogonal codes. In the next step. each of the parallel orthogonalstreams is summed as in an ordinm OFDM. Then the summed signal is


.for k = 0 , . . . , W - l .


Figure 2. Another expression of FD-OFDM transmifter.

Tlus signal is converted to N' parallel data stmins by SIP comerter. This data streams are entered in encoder that have N input bits and N output bits. Then each signal entered in input of encoder is

When coding gain of encoder is 1 or the encoder is

omitted, the output of Figure 2 is expressed the matrix


... ... .,. ...




D. ,
When the coding gain is 2, the encoder change input signal to N =" 2 data defined as follow


, . , X



If coding gam follon

t . . . t
' '.'


4 the encoder change tnput signal to

As a matrix in above, all OFDM frequency bin or f;, ( i = O , . . . ,N'-1) include all data bit x, XI, . . . ,Xw-l . And they are discriminated by orthogonal ,


Hadainard sequences W, = [wq,n, I V ~ , ~ ., . . ,M'q,N.-I1 means tlliit the power of data bit is spread.



If tlie scqiieises are not Hadamard orthogonal sequences illid thcy are sequences. (0.1) as follow

Tlien. the FD-OFDM is the same as conventional OFDM.

Performnnce nnnlwis ofFD-OFDM We analyze the perfonnance with the increase of BER due to the increase of amount of n;mow-band jaimning interference. The amount of narrow-b,md jarmiung interference is determined by its power :md bandwidth So. the BER perfonnance of FD-OFDM is increased when each of these hvo components is increased.




. . .

From the above concept. we can consider F to be a factor that detennines the amount of narrow-band jailuning interference.

t i


x BnndiN

(N = niiniber

o j subcnrriers) (14)

Kecepi;l,rioi~ Proce.vs Figire 3 is block diagrani of FD-OFDM receiver,

Tlus factor F represents an absolute value including both JSR and bandwidth of narrow-band jamming interference. Truly. in the same value of factor F_ tie perfonnance of the FD-OFDM is same. Figure 4 is the perfomiance of FD-OFDM to factor F. The encoding part of FD-OFDM is ignored for the convenience of performance analysis. and the number of subcamer N is 256. The modulation level is QPSK and tlie ' channel niodel is mrrow-band jainning interference and AWGN. In tlus figure. we can find that the FD-OFDM has poor BER performance to increase of factor F.

Figwe 3. Block diagmm of FD-OFDhl receiver

Aflcr A/D conversion. tlie received signal r(m) is cntered iii SIP conyener and provides N parallel data poinu; z,,~ n i = I, 2, . . . . N - 1 ). Parallel data z are entered in (


FFT and N complex data signal points are expressed as

The above parallel data is entered in decoder and iiiakes N'= N /coding goin data points. When coding gain is 2, ilie output signal of decoder is defined as






Figure 4. BER ol'FD-OPDM by factor F.

Z --(Zk+Zi.:,w)

,%r k = O , . . . ,"-I.




is processed as a conventional OFDM system. In figure .3. N' parallel Z points tbose entered in PIS converter are , desprcad by N' Hadamard sequence
. .

W,= [w,,,



] to detcct the data. Then the number of de-

spreader is

N and tlie each output signal is as follow '

A . .4FD-OFD.A.lsvsreiir niodel The FD-OFDM is more robust than the conventional OFDM in narrow-band interference. But, in a large amount of narrow-band jarmning -interference. the freqiiency diversity effect of FD-OFDM is reduced. too. Therefore we propose the adaptive FD-OFDM that can be used in the v e p large amount of narrow-band jamming interference channel. It is AFDOFDM.


The AFD-OFDM system copes adaptively with the veIy large, narrow-band jamming interference channel, how to divide used bandwidth into seven1 sub-bandwidths and makes each sub-bandwidth can be changed its modulation level. Figure 5 is AFD-OFDM system block diagram
In figure 5. the stntcture of AFD-OFDM is similar to sevcral parallel FD-OFDM systems. The first SE& Format block transfers the data into input of each FD-OFDM and the modulation l e d of each parallel FD-OFDM is chosen by chaiuicl state information. Tlus stnictnre of AFD-OFDM limits the increase of BER by adaptively controlling the modulation level of each panllel FD-OFDM.

The BER performance of AFD-OFDM depends on the position and bandwidth of narrow-band jamming interference. because it divides a system bandwidth into several subbandwidtlls and changes the modulation level of each subbandwidth. We set four narrow-band jamming interferences. they haw factor F = 0.5. and have each different bandwidth They are represented in figure 6. The modulation level of each sub-bandwidths of AFD-OFDM is provided in the table I

casel: band


band = 30

F 0.5

case3: band = 60

cm4: band = 100


Figure 6. Some examples of narrowband jamming interfcrsiicc channel modcl(F=O. 5 ) .




Figure 5 . Block diagram of KFD-OFDM.

8. Coriipnrison i?f .Sinrenr Perfominnce

The perfonnances of FD-OFDM and AFD-OFDM are coinpared nith each other in the AWGN and narrow-band .januuing interference channel. Each two system has 256 subcarriers. We set that the number of sub-bandwidth of AFDOFDM is 4. Therefore the number of sub-camer of each subbandwidth is 64. And we suppose that the required BER is

The BER performances of FD-OFDM and AFD-OFDM due to the each channel case are represented in figure 7.

When the modulation level of FD-OFDM is QPSK. its BER perfonnance by changing the factor F is shown as figure 4. In the figure. when the factor is larger than 0.2, the FDOFDM does not satisfv the required BER Therefore, it cannot be nsed to coimnunication. But the AFD-OFDM can satisfy the required BER. For esaniplc. when the factor F is 0.5. the analyzed perfonnance of AFD-OFDM follows the result.

In figure 7, the dotted line is BER performance of FDOFDM in narrow-band jamming interference (F = 0 . 5 ) that shown in figure 4. And other lines are BER performance of AFDgFDM due to the each case of narrow-band jamming interference shown in Fig.lO. In the performance result. the FD-OFDM cannot limit its performance reduction but the AFD-OFDM satisfies the required BER ( ) by changing the modulation level of each sub-cliannel using the channel state information.
Then the comparison of the data rates of two systems is shown as follow
Data rate : 256 x bits /symbol FD-OFDM : 256 x 2 = 5 12 bits @ut cannot communicate ).


1011~Asia-Pacific. Conference on Communications and 5th International Symposium on Multi-Dimensional Mobile Communications

AFD-OFDM : Case I : (64x3) Case 2 : (64 x 3) Case 3 : (64x 3)

+ (64x3) + 0 + (64x3)= 576 bits.

for very effective system in poor clunnel condition that has very strong ilanuw-band jamuung interference.
111 Ramjee P r s a d and Shinsuke Ham. An Overview of Multi-Carrier CDMA,IEP7ECommsnicat,onrA,/.(agn:ine. 35. no. 12. pp. 126-133. vol. December 1 1997. PI I. A. C. Bingham, Multicmi,:r moddatioo for data vammissian: 81) idea whose time liils come, IEEE Commrrnicntions d40gozine. vol. 28. no.5,pp. 5-14, May 1990. 131 1. Sari, G. Karam, and 1. hnclaude, Trammission techniques for digital trrresvial TV broadcasting, IEEE Corr,nwticalions Magorine. vol. 33,no. 2, pp. 100-109, Feb. 1995. 141 Junqisng Li. Letaief. K. B.,aid Zhigsng Cao, Co-channel inktierern-e caiicell&m for space-time coded OFDM systems. IEEE Truns. Commun.vol. 9, Issue: 6, pp. 8-17, Dec., 2002. I51 Munster M.. Keller T., H ; m m L.. Co-channel interference

+ (64 x 2) + 0 + (64 x 3) = 512

bits .

+ (64x 2) + 0 + (64x 3) = 5 12 bits.

Case4: ( 6 4 ~ 3 ) + ( 6 4 ~ 3 ) + 0 + 0 = 3 8 4 bifs

suppression assisted adaptive OFDM in interference limited

environments.7,Shioilar Technolog).Conference, vol.


I , pp. 284 -288.

I......... ........ i.. ........i. ..: .... .

.........j .........


........................................................... , .
\ , y ,







[61 Suthanulialhm K., Tslluubora C., Fonuard error correction codes to reduce intercarricr intdrference ih OFDM, ISCAS 2001, The 2001 IEEE Internotional Snipsiunr on Circuits and System. vol. 4, pp. 566-569. May 2001. [71 D. Ge&oulir, P. Salmi, An interference Suppressing OFDM system for w i i e l e ~ ~ communications. Icr 2002. IEEE Intmoiiond Conference on com,nunrcnnons.vol. I, pp. 484,2002.

conprison of two systsnu it) narrowband Figure 7. Perfom~ance iiiterfcrence(F-0.5).

As the comparison result, the transmitted data rate per one cycle of the AFD-OFDM is equal or faster than FD-OFDM except for case 4. But in case 4. we can also consider that the perfonnance of AFD-OFDM is improved though its data rate is reduced. because the FD-OFDM cannot be used to conununication. From the above result. it is proved that the AFD-OFDM can satisfy the required BER without the loss of transmission mount in the very strong nmw-band jamming interference.
IV. CONCLUSION In this paper. FD-OFDM (frequency diversity orthogonal frequency division niultiplesing) system is considered in the narrow-band januiung interference channel. Then, we propose an AFD-OFDM(adap1ive FD-OFDM) to cope with the interference iiiore adaptively. From the study of FD-OFDM system.. we can know that the FD-OFDM system has the frequeiiq diversity characteristic. Because of this characteristic, the FD-OFDM system can be robust to the narrow-band ,janmung interference. But it is true that the BER performance of FD-OFDM.is,decreasedby very large narrow-band jamming interference too. So we propose the AFD-OFDM system using the adaptive modulation as a method to solve this problem. The AFD-OFDM Ius better than FD-OFDM by adaptively selecting its modulation level of sub-bandwidth danlaged by the \e strong narrow-band januning interference. In the perfonuance result. the AFD-OFDM satisfies the required BER \vitliout large loss of data transmission amount in very strong iiarrow-band januning interference, whch FD-OFDM does not salisf! the required BER. Therefore AFD-OFDM can be used


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