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I heard you talking about…

it got be thinking…
and I will share this leadership focus with you..

• What is said and what is done are two

different things..
• What we know about and what we do are two
different things..
• What we espouse and what we actually do are
two different things…
How are things done in our school..
• What is our culture…
• One of sharing- openness- trust
• One of no sharing- little openness- distrust
• One with a learning focus
• One with a performance focus
• Expectations –school –team –a class
• Protocols –treaties-guiding behaviours
• Confidentiality..cellphones on silent- one voice at
a time in room discussions
How to ‘provide’ support and also
• Use of evidence
• Place of observation
• Way we go about feedback
For all of us..
• Human act of communication…
How do we ‘bring about’ change..?
• How do we ‘shift’ practice
• What do we need to think about
• What do we need to do…differently
• As leaders…?

• Leadership is about PEOPLE, INFLUENCE and

CHANGE and guiding people towards a VISION
of practice focused on this vision
What we do as teachers ..what we do
as leaders..habits of mind (Costa)
• Modelling- learning business (National College for School
• Monitoring –student learning and achievement- teacher
practice (observation)
• Dialogue- learning talk- analytical, critical and challenging talk
• Scaffolding-so let’s plan together
• Reflecting –so how did that go
• Articulating-this is why we do it that way.. Not just because
• Coaching- let me support you through this by questioning
• Exploring- what ideas can we generate together- what can we
inquire into together (Lambert)
Sorting out power, authority
• Empowering others
• Giving others authority
• Respect is earned not necessarily going with the
name badge
• Principals as managers
• Principals as leaders
• Principals as administrators Trusted
• Leadership-path making
• Management –path following
• Administration- path tidying
• Ensuring things run efficiently around here
= management

• Ensuring things run efficiently somewhere

= leadership
We know about..
• Distributing leadership
• Sharing leadership
• Leadership styles- emotional intelligence
• -being coercive
• - being pace setting
• -being more affiliative
• -being democratic
• -being coaching
Effective Facilitators of learning understand the implications of situated learning theory.
They know that great ideas cannot be imposed on a local context:
•they need to be adapted to the realities of each situation and
•those who implement them need time and support to work through the implications
• for them and their situation.

Adapt Dissonance Resolving,

or created reconstructing
Adopt with and
Information current repositioning
position this new


Becoming aware
of new
Adapted from Timperley, 2006
BES P.L. & D (2007)
Reflect and focus…
• What are my biggest questions about my
practice as a tutor teacher?
• What do I want to learn more about?
• How do I hope such learning would improve
my practice?

Refer: CD York-Barr
It’s about me… ‘reframing’
• How might I think about this situation
• What am I not considering?
• What judgements and assumptions are
blocking alternative ways of seeing this

Refer: CD York-Barr
Refer: CD York-Barr
Your skills as a ‘mentor’
• Developing trust • Being present
• Listening actively • Clarifying
• Empathising • Being succinct
• Asking the ‘best’ • Giving feedback

Reflect on your ability

to go about using
Reflecting on..
 A‘ buddy’ provides’ friendship and personal support,
particularly a shoulder to cry on when things don’t go well….
 Mentoring is more professional – a critical friend focusing on
reflective practice.’’
 A buddy is someone you can go to for a whinge, like the
teacher next door; a mentor is someone who can take
away a lot of the emotion, and help you reflect on what
has happened.
 Mentoring will often require the use of coaching and
counseling techniques, but differs from both.
Avoid criticism
 Criticism rarely helps people to feel better or be more confident or self
 For that reason, we learn about techniques and tools to provide
innovative methods to focus on the future and to avoid criticism, even
when we are making an urgent intervention.
 Why avoid criticism? Criticism is related to the past, about which we can
do nothing that is very useful. Criticism takes people backwards and
makes them defensive and less likely to be confident, creative risk-takers.
 Criticism undermines relationships, shared professional identities and
trust. When criticism is mixed with acknowledgements, the good news
gets lost and similar good messages are less likely to be received with
trust in the future.
Understanding needs and emotions

The basic needs that are operating in the context of the

mentoring relationship are:
• the need to feel safe
• the need to belong and to be acknowledged
• the need to feel good about ourselves and well regarded by
• the need to have freedom to grow and to contribute.
 Conversely, when it is perceived that these needs are under threat, people
tend to respond in predictable ways – becoming anxious, defensive and
self-focused – that are counter-productive to building strong relationships.
 Making the mentoring relationship safe is a key role of the mentor.
Why reflection..?
• The main objective is to ensure a more
accurate and relevant understanding of a
situation . . . to produce effective, relevant
action which will facilitate the occurrence of
more desired and effective outcomes. Barry
Bright, 1996.

• Reflective practice is as much a state of mind
as it is a specific set of activities. Joseph
Vaughan, 1990.
• Trust is perhaps the essential condition needed
to foster reflective practice in any
environment. If the reflective process is going
to flourish in an organizational setting, the
participants must be confident that the
information they disclose will not be used
against them – in subtle or not so subtle ways.
Osterman & Kottkamp, 1993.
• Thinking together implies that you no longer
take your own position as final. You relax your
grip on certainty and listen to the possibilities
that simply result from being in relationship
with others – possibilities that might not
otherwise have occurred. Isaacs, 1999.

• The student ( B.T) cannot be taught what
he/she needs to know, but he/she can be
coached . . . . Nobody else can see it for
him/her, and he/she can’t see just by being
told. Donald Schön, 1987 (adapted)

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