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TENTATIVE SCHEDULE MALARIA EXTERNAL REVIEW MISSION 24 JULY 6AUGUST 2011 Specific objectives of the malaria program review

w are: To review the malaria epidemiology (endemicity, seasonality, parasite prevalence, vector situation, ) of the country. To review the policy and programming framework of the country within the context of the health system and the national development agenda (program organization, structure and management)To review the human resource capacity of the different level of health institutions. To review the prescribing, dispensing, quantifying, and reporting practices of anti malarial at public sectors, private, NGO sectors To evaluate inventory management and warehouse requirements (including infrastructure)needed at medical stores at regional, district, sub-district and facility levels (Puskesmas/district hospitals) to improve practices and minimize ACT stock-outs, wastage, and leakage. To assess progress towards achievement of targets. To review the current program services delivery systems, their performance and their challenges and suggest for policy options To define the next steps to improve program policy performance and redefine the strategic directions and focus including revision of the Strategic Plan and operational plan Community involvement? Vector control? - Health system strengthening (HSS) District health system strengthening? The outputs of the malaria programmes review (MPR) are: Programme thematic areas and sub-national reports of the review Programme Review Programme Review published Report Updated strategic plan and annual operational plan

Peer reviewed journal publications of program review articles

Expected Review Outcomes Updated malaria epidemiology and verified levels and estimation of malaria prevalence, morbidity, and mortality. Re-defined malaria risk districts, risk population, and risk factors. Updated Malaria social and economic burden and costs. Updated and verified levels of access, equity, coverage, utilization and quality of key malaria control interventions. Areas Identified for revision in country malaria policy Areas Identified for revision in country for existing strategic, annual operational plans Areas Identified for revision in country malaria manual or guidelines New strategies and activities identified for accelerating and scale up annual seasonal campaign delivery (response). Management areas identified to improve functionality (governance, transparency, accountability, integration,) of malaria advisory groups and specific technical working groups and partnership structures. Changes proposed to strengthen malaria control organizational structure, capacity and systems at national, provincial and district levels. District health system strengthening?

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