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According to Gordon Allport:

Personality is the dynamic organisation within the individual and consists of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment.


1. PERSONALITY TRAITS:- It is a composition of physical appearance, emotional attributes, sociability, objectivity, friendliness, thoughtfulness and so on. Major trait are emotional stability, objectivity, mathematical, critical, satisfying and so on.

Fulfilling Customer Needs

Describe the main attributes of the product Link the product attributes to customer needs

Personality Reflects Individual Differences:- as high in sociability and low in sociability.

Personality is consistent: Personality Can Change:


People have different personality features:aggression, sympathy, supportive etc.,

Tends to Produce Differential Emotional Reaction:- Tolerance, emotional control.

Leads to Individual Differences:- Individual personalities lead to individual differences in styles of coping with stress.


CULTURAL Personality





Heredity:- Qualities from ancestor to descendant. Brain:- The structure of brain. Physical Features:-

Cultural Factors:

The culture within which a person brought up.


Socialization Process:- It starts from family itself. Identification Process:- It starts when a person begins to identify himself with some other members of the family.

Factors affecting socialization.



How a person reacts in different situations.

Other factors

Temperament Interest Character Schema: perception towards management. Motives


Theories are set of principles used to explain a particular class of phenomena. Those theories that can be tested and can explain, understand, and predict behavior may then be applied to help people change their behavior, feelings emotions from harmful to help, from undesirable to desirable.

The big five personality traits.

1. Dimension

Characteristics of a person scoring positive on the the dimension.


Outgoing Talkative Sociable assertive


Trusting Good natured Cooperative Soft nature


Dependable Responsible Achievement oriented

Emotional Stability

Relaxed Secure Unworried

Openness to experience

Sensitive Intellectual Imaginative Curious Broad minded


This theory is used to judge some persons in certain situation.

Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator MBTI

Introduction to Type Theory

Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung developed a theory early in the 20th century to describe basic individual preferences and explain similarities and differences between people

Main postulate of the theory is that people have inborn behavioral tendencies and preferences

Your natural response in daily situations Used when we are generally not stressed and feel competent, and energetic Could be defined as those behaviors you often dont notice

Introduction to Type Theory

Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung developed a theory early in the 20th century to describe basic individual preferences and explain similarities and differences between people

Main postulate of the theory is that people have inborn behavioral tendencies and preferences

Your natural response in daily situations Used when we are generally not stressed and feel competent, and energetic Could be defined as those behaviors you often dont notice

Structure of the MBTI

The MBTI instrument uses four dichotomies to identify preferences, which are then combined into one Type

A dichotomy divides items into 2 groups where there is no continuum or value implied

Four MBTI Dichotomies

Extraversion Introversion Where do you prefer to focus your attention and get your energy? How do you prefer to take in information? How do you make decisions? Sensing Intuition

Thinking Feeling

Judging Perceiving

How do you deal with the outer world?

Caution: MBTI Word Usage

Words used to describe preferences in psychology do not mean the same thing as they do in everyday life

Extravert does not mean talkative or loud Introvert does not mean shy or inhibited Feeling does mean emotional Judging does not mean judgmental Perceiving does not mean perceptive


E- I Dichotomy: Source of Energy

Most people who prefer Extraversion:

Most people who prefer Introversion:

I like to talk to people

I like to read a book

Prefer action over reflection

Prefer reflection over action

May act quickly w/out thinking

May not take action at all

Are attuned to external environments Prefer to communicate by talking Learn best through doing or discussing Are sociable and expressive Enjoy working in groups

Are attuned to inner world Prefer to communicate in writing Learn best through thorough mental practice and reflection Are private and contained Enjoy working alone or in pairs

Which is worse: no interruptions or frequent interruptions?

S - N Dichotomy: Take in Information

Most people who prefer Sensing:

I like to learn the facts Emphasize the pragmatic Prefer facts & details/ specific information Are oriented to present realities Value realism Observe and remember specifics through 5 senses Build carefully and thoroughly to conclusions Trust experience

Most people who prefer Intuition:

like to imagine possibilities

Emphasize the theoretical Prefer general concepts/ highlevel plans Are oriented to future possibilities Value imagination See trends and patterns in specific data Use a sixth sense Move quickly to conclusions, follow hunches Trust inspiration

Which is worse no sense of present reality or no sense of future possibilities?

T-F Dichotomy: Decision Making

Most people who prefer Thinking:

Most people who prefer Feeling:

I like to consider people

I like to decide logically

Are analytical Use cause-and-effect reasoning Solve problems with logic Strive for objective standard of truth Described as reasonable Search for flaws in an argument Fair want everyone treated equally

Empathetic Guided by personal values Assess impact of decisions on people Strive for harmony and positive interactions Described as compassionate Search for point of agreement in an argument Fair want everyone treated as an individual

Which is worse: working in an environment that lacks logic or that lacks harmony?

J - P Dichotomy: Lifestyle

Most people who prefer Judging:

I like to organize my schedule

Most people who prefer Perceiving:

Are scheduled/organized Strive to finish one project before starting another Like to have things decided

I like to adapt to changes

May decide things too quickly

Try to avoid last-minute stresses; finish tasks well before deadline Try to limit surprises See routines as effective

Are spontaneous/flexible Start many projects but may have trouble finishing them Like things loose and open to change

May decide things too slowly

Feel energized by last-minute pressures; finish tasks at the deadline Enjoy surprises See routines as limiting

Which is worse: winging it or adhering to a schedule?

Why should we care?

Individual Benefits: Gain insights into personality

Reduce your defensiveness Increase your openness to feedback (clues) from what is going on around you Enhance your ability to appreciate differences in yourself and in others

Why should we care?

Staff Benefits: Appreciate others

Make constructive use of individual approaches

Allow for creative problem-solving; Different types approach problems in different, yet valid ways

Understand and adapt to leaderships management style Respect peoples work preferences Improve communication among supervisors, peers, employees, customers


Approach to staff meetings that accommodate

Communication Breakdown

Leader is


action-oriented Introvert: contemplative Sensing: pragmatic Intuitive: visionary Thinking: logical Feeling: compassionate Judging: plan full Perceiving: adaptable

What is emotion?
internal conscious states that we infer in ourselves and others. Emotions are private experiences. We use operational definitions because we cannot actually see feelings. We infer observable behavior associated with emotion.

Four components of Emotions




Bodily Arousal

Significant life event

Sense of Purpose

Feeling components
Emotions are subjective feelings Make us feel in a particular way. Anger or joy. Meaning and personal significance. Vary in intensity and quality. Rooted in mental processes (labeling).

Bodily Arousal

Biological activation. Autonomic and hormonal systems. Prepare and activate adaptive coping behavior during emotion. Body prepared for action. Alert posture, clenched fists.

Purposive component

Give emotion its goal-directed force. Motivation to take action. Cope with emotion-causing circumstances. Why people benefit from emotions. Social and evolutionary advantage.

Social Expressive component

Emotions communicative aspect. Postures, gestures, vocalizations, facial expressions make our emotions public. Verbal and nonverbal communication. Helps us interpret the situation. How person reacts to event.

Emotions read in the face

The Japanese Female Facial Expression (JAFFE) Database

TYPES OF EMOTIONS Joy Surprise Sadness Anger Disgust Fear

Individuals differ from one another in their ability to understand complex ideas, to adapt effectively to the environment, to learn from experience, to engage in various forms of reasoning, to overcome obstacles by taking thought Concepts of intelligence are attempts to clarify and organize this complex set of phenomena.
Neisser et al, 1996.

Typically focused on
analytic reasoning verbal skills spatial ability attention memory Judgment Logical or mathematical

What is Emotional Intelligence (EI)?

The capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships.
Being nice Letting feelings hang out

Importance of EQ at work place

Emotional Intelligence is increasingly relevant to organizational development and developing people. It plays an important role in human resources planning, job profiling, recruitment interviewing and selection, management development, customer relations.

(Intelligence Quotient vs Emotional Quotient)

The research shows that IQ can help you to be successful to the extent of 20 percent only in life. The rest of 80 percent success depends on your EQ.

IQ vs EQ

20% IQ

80% EQ

ersonality can be defined as a persons pattern of intern experience and social interaction.

Personality and EQ

Self-awareness Emotional Stability Positive Attitude Self-confidence Assertiveness Personal Integrity Flexibility Charisma

Studies tell 70% of misconceptions and conflicts in the workplace are the direct result of poor communication

Managing emotions at work place emotions at work Place

Self Awareness

Self Management

Emotional intelligence

Social Awareness

Relationship management

Managing Emotions at work place

Self Awareness

Emotional awareness Accurate self assessment Self confidence


Self Management

Self control Trustworthiness Conscientiousness-meet commitments Adaptability

Relationship management

Influence Communication Conflict management Collaboration and cooperation

Social Awareness

Empathy Service orientation Political awareness

Advantages of EI

Improves relationship Improves communication with others Better Empathy Skills Acting with Integrity Respect from Others Improved Career Prospects Manage Change more Confidence

Limitations of EI

EI is too Vague a concept EI can't be Measured EI is suspect

At work place

Organizational Positions Life style at office Leadership Effectiveness Proper communication Smooth functioning Effective managerial skills Stress Management Conflict resolution Frustration

Applying EQ makes you feel comfortable within your own skin and with people around you You can also understand what makes you uncomfortable with certain people or jobs and how to overcome your emotional outbursts.

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