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Modeling The Seismic Wave System Using MDWDF (Multi Dimension Wave Digital Filtering) Approach.

StudentThai-Nguyen Dong Dao AdvisorsChong-Ching Chang* Chien-Hsun Tseng**

*Department of Graduate Institute of Mechatronic System Engineering National University of Tainan Tainan, Taiwan, R. O. C. **Department of Information Engineering Kun Shan University of Technology Tainan, Taiwan, R. O. C.

A novel PDE solver using the multidimensional wave digital filtering (MDWDF) technique to achieve the solution of a physical system is presented. In essence, it consists in the modelling of a continuous seismic wave system by an equivalent discrete passive dynamic system. Details about how to transform the continuous system into a desired discrete passive system (hence MDWDF algorithm) are addressed. Initial and boundary conditions of the continuous system are properly embedded in the MDWDF algorithm in terms of state input-output quantities. We also present the comparison between our MDWDF with the other technique. Graphic results have clearly demonstrated some physical effects of seismic wave (P-wave and Swave) propagation

including radiation, reflection, and refraction from and across the hard boundaries. Besides, we did get the result for exploration of underground target by using seismic wave. As well as, we show out the numerical results to compare between our method with Finite Different Time Domain method. Keywords: Seismic Wave Propagation, Multi-dimension Wave Digital Filters, Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), Power-Wave, Shear-Wave, Linear Algebra, trapezoidal rule.


I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my advisors, Professor Chong-Ching Chang, Dean of Graduate Institute of MechatronicSystem Engineering, National University of Tainan, Taiwan and Professor Chien-Hsun Tseng, Department of Information Engineering, Kun Shan University, Taiwan. Their wide knowledge and their logical way of thinking have been of great value for me. Their understanding, encouraging and personal guidance have provided a good basis for the present thesis. I owe my most sincere gratitude to two of advisors, who gave me untiring help during my difficult moments. I wish to thank to Professor Kuen-Horng Tsai, Professor Chung-Neng Huang, and Professor David T.W. for their great lectures during process of my master course at class. I also wish to thank to Ms. Anita, Ms. Pei their sympathetic help in secretarial work. I owe my loving thanks to my parents. They have lost a lot due to my research abroad. Without their encouragement and understanding it would have been impossible for me to finish this work. My loving thanks are due to thrill-masters and Taiwanese friends in Tainan. They let me own a happy family in Taiwan. The financial support of the National University of Tainan is gratefully acknowledged.

Tainan, Taiwan, July 2010 Nguyen Dong-Thai Dao


Abstracti Acknowledgementsiii Content iv Table Categoryvi List of Tablevii Symbol Descriptionviii 1Introduction 1 1-1 Previous research and MDWDF 1 1-2 Acknowledge and foundational knowledge2 1-3 The aim of the dissertation2 2, Time Dependent Physical System Modeling....3 2-1 Fundamentals of Physical Systems Modelling...................3 2-2 Partial Differential Equations (PDEs)...............8 2-3 Hyperbolic equation..10 partial differential

2-4 Parabolic partial differential equation.12 2-5 Numerical methods to solve PDEs.14 3, Multi-dimension Wave Digital Filter Approach....15 3-1 Modeling the seismic wave propagation using MD WDF 3-2 Comparison to FDTM (Finite Different Time Domain) approach.................. 3-3 Achieving full parallelism ............................... 4, Application of seismic wave using MDWDF 4-1 Numerical results of propagation of P-Wave and S-wave........................... 4-2 Numerical results of using seismic wave to find out underground target........ 5, Conclusion and future work.. 5-1 Conclusion..... 5-2 Future Work.............


Table Category


List of Figures
1 .20 2.21 3.22 4.23 524 6..25

Symbol Description



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