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St. Andrew's and St.

Mark's Church of England Junior School Accessibility Plan and Disability Equality Scheme
Mission Statement At St. Andrew's and St. Mark's C of E Junior School we aim to provide a caring and secure Christian environment. All pupils will be given access to a stimulating and broad curriculum, which aims to encourage them to realise their full potential both in school and the wider environment. 3 year period covering March 2009 March 2012 Introduction Promoting Equality The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA), as amended by the SEN and Disability Act 2001, places a duty on all schools and LAs to plan to increase over time the accessibility of schools for disabled pupils. Since September 2002, under part 4 of the DDA, the Governing Body has had three key duties towards disabled pupils: Not to treat disabled pupils less favorably for a reason related to their disability To make reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils, so that they are not at a substantial disadvantage To plan to increase access to education for disabled pupils.

This plan sets out the proposals of the school to increase access to education for disabled pupils in the following three areas required by the DDA: Increasing access for disabled pupils to the school curriculum This covers teaching and learning and the wider curriculum of the school such as participation in after school clubs, leisure and cultural activities or school visits. Improving access to the physical environment of the school This covers improvements to the physical environment and physical aids to access education Improving the delivery of written information to disabled pupils

This will include planning to make written information that is normally provided by the school to its pupils available to disabled pupils, which can include handouts, information about forthcoming events. It is a requirement that the schools accessibility plan is resourced, implemented and reviewed as necessary. Definition of disability A person has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long term adverse affect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Purpose and direction of the schools access plan At St. Andrews and St Marks Junior School we are committed to the removal of learning barriers to the progress of disabled pupils. We aim to give all children full access to the curriculum at school and to be able to participate fully in school life. We also try to ensure equal treatment of all other stakeholders such as parents, carers, employees and others involved in our school community who have a form of disability. Related policy documents: Inclusion Equality Race Bullying PHSE SEN See Annex A for governor/school annual self review by Management and Resources Committee. This committee will make appropriate recommendations to the Governing Body. This Access Plan underpins the LEAs strategy Increasing Access and Creating Capacity (Autumn 2007) for planning to improve access at a local level, by committing the school to a programme of actions, evaluation and review which will improve access to the curriculum for pupils with special needs and disabilities.

Increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum Staff working with disabled pupils receive appropriate training. Training in 2009 is as follows: All staff received anger management/ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorders) training TAs have received intensive regular training from Education Psychologist on social communication. Training 2010-2011: Nuture Group Training Caroline Case September 2010 Nuture Training -4 TAs and Alison Vigurs January 2011 Nuture Group Training, reducing anxiety Becky Hopkins, Alison Vigurs, Caroline Case, October 2010 SEN conference on cognitive behaviour theory Caroline Case March 2011 Relaxation techniques, positive touch Caroline Case, 2011 All staff and governor SEN training 2010 All year groups maths intervention in place All intervention programmes in place The School Improvement and Development Plan focuses on the 5 outcomes in Every Child Matters underlining our commitment to equal access and opportunities for all children. Risk assessments are undertaken and PEPs (Personal Evacuation Plans) written as required to take full account of the needs of disabled children, including all school trips and extra curricular activities. A comprehensive system of assessment, target setting and monitoring is in place for all children to ensure each child realises his/her full potential regardless of attainment or ability. The school recognises and values parents' /carers knowledge of their child's disability and its effect on his/her ability to carry out normal activities, and respects the parents'/carers and child's right to confidentiality. At present access is available to the ground floor level with the aid of ramps and there is a disabled toilet facility on that floor which can be used by all. There is no easy access to the first floor and the siting of year groups is dependent on the needs of the children in that class. PEPs are written for individual pupils with physical disabilities. This could become a problem in future if increasing numbers of children of differing ages with physical disabilities are admitted to the school. Future planning needs to take this into account.

Promoting Equality

Greater participation in the life of the school

Publishing an accessible summary version of the plan

Website Hard copy in school foyer taking into account differing formats of information available as necessary. LA Human Resources support as necessary

Yearly reviews more frequent if necessity demands it.

Disability equality awareness increased

Ensuring recruitment practices (including governors) do not exclude disabled people Disabled pupils making full use of extra curricular activities available

Governing Body and staff are representative of the different groups in the local community Disabled pupils participate in the wider aspects of the school curriculum positive school experience with pupil over 4 years. Parental /carer satisfaction

Possible adult support and consideration of location of activities

Increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum

Greater participation in the school curriculum

Specific equipment purchased for individual pupils as necessary e.g laptop/typing programmes/cushions/handwriting board

School budget School Action enhanced badges from cluster Statement for provision

As necessary when need is identified

Children able to write and access the curriculum more effectively and confidently. Self esteem raised.

Disability equality issues are incorporated into teaching of PHSE, SEAL and RE

Training for all staff on disability awareness and its incorporation into the curriculum

School budget

Review PSHE/RE scheme 2010-11

Awareness and respect accorded to all pupils regardless of disability

SIDP responds to needs of disabled children. Resources, policies and Schemes of Work meet the needs of disabled children Risk assessments enable disabled children full access as far as possible. Disabled pupils specifically supported at lunchtime as required.

Headteacher, subject coordinators and Inclusions Manager check these documents for disability awareness and seek advice as necessary

Resources purchased as needs arise and are highlighted, all subject leaders aware of resources available

As need arises to support child Appropriate bidding of resources

All areas of curriculum are adjusted to allow each child to access the curriculum

External advice sought as necessary

School budget

Appropriate adult identified to support child as necessary Areas of playground identified as areas which provide safe play

Funding from statement provisions or school enhanced support from cluster

Drawn up when required and reviewed annually or as needs change New playground development 2011 to be designed with disabled childrens access fully considered

Children are able to play with peers in supported environment

Improving the physical environment of the school to increase the extent to which disabled pupils can take advantage of education and associated services

Physical environment of school is improved to increase access for disabled members of the school community

Provision of a permanent quiet area for disabled children and all children regardless of need

School budget

2009-2010 Playground development 2011 to incorporate quiet areas for vulnerable children

A designated area of the playground is there for all children to access

Corridors and classrooms are accessible to frame or wheelchair users, by maintaining a clutter free environment Door width can accommodate a wheelchair (Ground floor/main door) Ability to manage fire doors? Disabled toilet facilities for staff and visitors Purchase playground equipment for use by physically or otherwise challenged pupils Check suitability of lunchtime tables for child wheelchair user as necessary

School Budget

Check with school architect

All doors in teaching area can accommodate a wheelcase, but not in administrative area.

Share same site

As necessary in liaison with Maple Infants

Trestle tables enable access at ends

As above

Improving the delivery to disabled pupils of information that is provided in writing for pupils who are not disabled

School to inform itself if necessary of services available for visually impaired children and children with Downs Syndrome and other disabilities

Inclusions manager to consult professionals for advice as necessary All classrooms have new blinds

Allocated time School budget

When necessary in liaison with Maple Infants School. Transition to be enacted from September of previous year to allow for it to be included in budget March 2011 The new intake from MI in September 2011 will include children with special needs which are being assessed. Bid in hand for maximum money for EP to assess and assist with needs of children 2011-2012

Explore new pictorial signage for the school environment Make information available in different formats as necessary e.g. enlarging print for the visually impaired,

Inclusions manager to review current signage with SMT and discuss improvements As above Done as and when need arises

As above

As above

As above

As above

simplifying language, using picture symbol language (PECS)Picture Exchange Communication System

Approved Governing Body: November 2009 Updated March 2011

Identifying Barriers to Access A Checklist: AnnexA Increasing access to the school curriculum Do we ensure that teachers and teaching assistants have the necessary training to teach and support disabled pupils? Do lessons provide opportunities for all pupils to achieve? Are lessons responsive to pupil diversity? Are all pupils encouraged to take part in music, drama and physical activities? Do staff recognize and allow for the mental effort expended by some disabled pupils e.g. lip reading? Do staff recognize and allow for the additional time required by some disabled pupils to use equipment in a practical way? Do staff provide alternative ways of giving access to experience or understanding for disabled pupils who cannot engage in particular activities, e.g. some forms of physical exercise? Do we provide access to computer technology appropriate for disabled pupils? Are school visits, including overseas visits, made accessible to all pupils irrespective of attainment or impairment? Are our classrooms optimally organized for disabled pupils? Improving access to the physical environment Does the size and layout of areas, including all academic, sporting, play and social facilities allow access for all pupils? Can pupils who use wheelchairs move around the school without experiencing barriers to access such as doorways, steps? Are emergency and evacuation systems set up to inform all pupils, including pupils with SEN and disability? Could any of the dcor or signage be considered confusing or disorienting for disabled pupils with visual impairment, autism or epilepsy? Are areas to which pupils should have access well lit? Improving the delivery of written material Do we have facilities such as ICT to produce written information in different formats? Do we provide information in simple language, symbols, large print or in Braille for pupils or prospective pupils who may have difficulty with standard forms of printed information?

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