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Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2006 33; 330–334

Chewing ability and quality of life in an 80-year-old

Y . T A K A T A * , T . A N S A I †, S . A W A N O †, M . F U K U H A R A * , K . S O N O K I * , M . W A K I S A K A * ,
K . F U J I S A W A * , S . A K I F U S A † & T . T A K E H A R A † *Divisions of General Internal Medicine and †Community
Oral Health Science, Department of Health Promotion, Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan

SUMMARY As quality of life (QOL) could be influ- able to chew four foods or fewer than in those
enced by oral status in the elderly, we examined chewing 15. Dissatisfaction with physical condi-
whether chewing ability or number of teeth affec- tion, meals and daily living, and poor face-scale
ted QOL in 80-year olds. A cross-sectional survey scores, were 2Æ7, 2Æ4, 3Æ4, and 2Æ4 times more
included dental examination, chewing self-assess- prevalent, respectively, in subjects chewing four
ment, and a QOL questionnaire. A total of 823 foods or fewer. The number of teeth showed little
people who were 80 years old participated in this effect. In conclusion, self-assessed chewing ability
study. QOL was assessed in terms of satisfaction but not number of teeth was associated with QOL
with physical condition, meals, daily living and in 80-year-old subjects.
social interactions, and with face-scale scores. KEYWORDS: elderly populations, quality of life, chew-
After adjustment for gender, spouse and activities ing ability, number of teeth
of daily living, dissatisfaction with social interac-
tions was 3Æ9 times more prevalent in individuals Accepted for publication 29 July 2005

extensive use of dentures (14). In subjects with a mean

age of 83 years, Canadian investigators (15) found a
Tooth loss commonly occurs in association with ageing, significant effect of oral disorders on well-being and life
compromising mastication of food (1–4). Impaired satisfaction. Although several studies suggest a rela-
chewing ability may adversely affect nutritional status tionship between chewing ability and QOL in the
(5–10) and undermine general well-being (4, 8, 10–12). elderly as mentioned above, such an association has not
In a longitudinal study where subjects were followed yet been broadly established.
up between age 75 and 80 years, a relationship We concluded from observations in an 80-year-old
between chewing problems and general functional Japanese population that decreased physical capacity
limitations was evident (9). associated with tooth loss could be improved by the use
Quality of life (QOL), defined as a person’s sense of of dentures (16), and that a positive relationship existed
well-being derived from satisfaction with daily living, between chewing ability and physical activity (17).
was reported to be closely related to chewing ability in More recently, we found an association between
elderly persons residing in a rural community in Japan activities of daily living (ADL) scores and chewing
(13). Better QOL was seen more often in dentulous ability in an 80-year-old population (18). In the present
than edentulous individuals aged ‡70 years (11). Simi- study, we therefore examined relationships of QOL
larly, in an Italian population aged 70–75 years, func- status in 80-year olds to chewing ability as well as to
tional dental status was shown to be associated with number of teeth. The number of foods that the subjects
several QOL domains and the authors encouraged could chew was used as an indicator of chewing ability.

ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2842.2005.01567.x


foods that are very hard to chew, six foods moderately

Materials and methods
hard to chew, three foods slightly hard to chew, and
In 1998, we enrolled 1282 80-year-old individuals three foods easy to chew (28). The number of these
residing in one of three cities (Buzen, Yukuhashi or foods that a subject could chew was used as an index of
Munakata), four towns (Katsuyama, Tikujo, Toyotsu or chewing ability, which was assessed as a possible
Kanda), one village (Shinyoshitomi), or one ward independent influence on QOL status by logistic
(Tobata of Kikakyushu City) in the Fukuoka Prefecture regression analyses. The factors gender, spouse and
of Japan to participate in the present study. Of the ADL were considered as possible influences upon
1282 individuals, 823 participated (309 male and number of teeth, number of foods reported to be
514 female). As the other 36% of potential subjects chewable and QOL. Adjustments were made for these
declined to participate, self-selection factors could have categorical factors in order to identify independent risk
introduced some bias in the present findings. The study factors for QOL compromise.
was approved by the Human Investigations Committee All data are reported as the mean  s.d. Logistic
of Kyushu Dental College, and informed consent was regression analysis was carried out to evaluate which
obtained from all participants. The authors performed factors were related to QOL after adjustment for
dental examination of each subject in the manner confounding variables. All statistical analyses were
recommended by the World Health Organization (19). performed using StatView 5Æ0*. Results were considered
Quality of life status was determined using a prepared statistically significant when P-value was below 0Æ05.
questionnaire with multiple choices for responses.
Queried items included the following: ‘have a spouse’
(1, yes; 2, no); ‘satisfied with physical condition’ (1, yes;
2, no); ‘good mood after a meal’ (1, yes; 2, no); ‘satisfied The mean number of teeth was 7Æ5  8Æ7, and the mean
with daily life’ (1, yes; 2, no); and ‘satisfied with social number of foods that subjects could chew was
interactions’ (1, yes; 2, no). Face-scale scores (20) 11Æ2  3Æ8. QOL was evaluated in 813 individuals.
(1, score of 1 or 6; 2, score of 10–20) and ADL status The number of subjects satisfied with their health status
(1, independent; 2, dependent) were determined by was 331 (40Æ7%), while 482 (59Æ3%) were dissatisfied.
public health nurses who classified subjects as either While 454 subjects (56Æ2%) felt satisfied after a meal,
independent or dependent (i.e. requiring day-to-day 354 (43Æ8%) did not. Most subjects (677; 83Æ8%) were
assistance) using the guidelines of the Health, Labor, satisfied with their daily life, while 131 (16Æ2%) were
and Welfare Ministry of Japan. not satisfied. The number of individuals satisfied with
Oral health-related QOL instruments, such as Geri- interactions with family or friends was 698 (86Æ7%),
atric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) (21) and while 107 subjects (13Æ3%) were dissatisfied. Face-scale
Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) (22), were developed groups of 1 and 6 were classified as good QOL (n ¼ 436;
in 1990 and 1994 respectively. However, the Japanese 56Æ4%), with those of 10, 15 and 20 representing poor
versions of these instruments were not established until QOL (n ¼ 337; 43Æ6%).
2004 for GOHAI (23) and 2002 for OHIP (24). As the Subjects were divided into four groups according to
present study was performed in 1998, these instru- number of foods chewed (0–4, 5–9, 10–14 or 15), which
ments for evaluating QOL related to oral health were was used as an index of chewing ability, and also were
not yet established in Japan. classified into four groups by number of teeth (0, 1–9,
Questionnaires concerning food intake have proven 10–19 or ‡20). Compared by logistic regression analysis
valuable in epidemiological surveys of masticatory to findings in subjects who were able to chew 15 foods,
function in the elderly (3, 25–27). Accordingly, each dissatisfaction with physical condition was 2Æ1 times
subject was asked about his/her ability to chew the prevalent in individuals with 5–9 chewable foods and
following 15 foods: peanuts, yellow pickled radish, hard 2Æ9 times prevalent in those chewing 0–4 foods.
rice cracker, French bread, beefsteak, octopus in Unhappy moods after meals were significantly more
vinegar, pickled shallots, dried scallops, dried cuttlefish, prevalent in subjects who could chew only 10–14, 5–9
squid sashimi, konnyaku, a tubular roll of boiled fish or 0–4 foods than in those chewing 15 foods.
paste, boiled rice, tuna sashimi, and grilled eel. These 15
foods were selected to represent four groups: three *SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA

ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 33; 330–334

332 Y . T A K A T A et al.

Prevalence of dissatisfaction with daily life was 3Æ7 valent in individuals with 5–9 chewable foods or those
times greater in individuals able to chew £4 foods than with £4 foods. Similarly, a face-scale score indicating a
in those who could chew 15 foods; such dissatisfaction negative mood, was more prevalent in individuals with
was 2Æ1 times as prevalent in those who had 10–19 £4 chewable foods. Compared with individuals able to
teeth than in those with ‡20 teeth. Dissatisfaction with chew 15 foods, those with a reduced number of
interactions with family or friends also was more chewable foods showed more dissatisfaction according
prevalent in individuals with £9 chewable foods. to all scales used (Table 1). In contrast, no consistent
A face-scale of 10–20, indicating negative mood, was difference in prevalence of poor QOL status was found
more prevalent in individuals with £4 chewable foods between four groups defined by remaining numbers of
and in those with 10–19 teeth. teeth, using logistic regression analysis with adjust-
Similarly, subjects were divided into four groups ment. However, dissatisfaction with daily life was more
according to chewing ability using the number of prevalent in groups with 10–19 teeth, and an unfa-
chewable foods. Logistic regression analysis after adjust- vourable face-scale score was more prevalent in indi-
ment for gender difference, spouse status, and ADL viduals with 10–19 teeth or no teeth than in subjects
status revealed odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence with ‡20 teeth. Dissatisfaction with daily life or with
intervals (CI) for a poor QOL (Table 1). These three social interactions was significantly more prevalent in
potential confounders were included in aggregate in the dependent subjects than in independent subjects. Gen-
logistic regression analysis. Compared with individuals der difference was also slightly observed in satisfaction
able to chew 15 foods, dissatisfaction with physical with daily life or social interactions (Table 1).
condition was significantly more prevalent among
individuals able to chew only 5–9 foods, or £4 foods
(Table 1). Prevalence of unhappiness after a meal in
individuals able to chew 10–14, 5–9 and £4 foods was In the present study, we found a relationship between
1Æ7, 2Æ2 and 2Æ4 times higher, respectively, than those poor chewing ability and poor QOL status in 80-year-
chewing 15 foods. Dissatisfaction with daily life in old subjects. The relationship was confirmed by logistic
subjects able to chew £4 foods was 3Æ4 times more likely regression analysis with adjustment for confounding
than in those chewing 15 foods. Dissatisfaction with factors. No consistent significant relationship was found
interactions involving family or friends also was pre- between number of teeth and QOL status. Thus,

Table 1. Logistic regression analysis of prevalence of poor QOL, adjusted for various confounding factors, in relation to number of
chewable foods or number of teeth

Satisfaction with Mood after Satisfaction with Satisfaction with Face-scale

physical condition a meal daily life social interactions score

Number of chewable foods

15 1 1 1 1 1
10 to 14 1Æ2 (0Æ9–1Æ8) 1Æ7 (1Æ2–2Æ4)** 1Æ1 (0Æ7–1Æ9) 1Æ4 (0Æ8–2Æ6) 1Æ3 (0Æ9–1Æ9)
5 to 9 2Æ1 (1Æ3–3Æ2)** 2Æ2 (1Æ4–3Æ3)*** 1Æ6 (0Æ9–2Æ9) 3Æ8 (2Æ0–7Æ2)*** 1Æ2 (0Æ8–1Æ9)
0 to 4 2Æ7 (1Æ4–5Æ4)** 2Æ4 (1Æ3–4Æ5)** 3Æ4 (1Æ6–7Æ0)*** 3Æ9 (1Æ7–8Æ9)** 2Æ4 (0Æ3–4Æ6)**
Gender difference 1Æ0 (0Æ7–1Æ5) 0Æ9 (0Æ6–1Æ2) 0Æ6 (0Æ4–1Æ0)* 0Æ5 (0Æ3–0Æ9)* 0Æ9 (0Æ6–1Æ3)
Spouse status 1Æ1 (0Æ7–1Æ5) 1Æ0 (0Æ7–1Æ4) 1Æ5 (0Æ9–2Æ4) 0Æ9 (0Æ5–1Æ6) 0Æ8 (0Æ5–1Æ1)
ADL status 1Æ0 (0Æ6–1Æ7) 1Æ2 (0Æ7–2Æ0) 2Æ0 (1Æ1–3Æ5)* 2Æ4 (1Æ3–4Æ3)** 1Æ2 (0Æ7–2Æ1)
Number of teeth
‡20 1 1 1 1 1
10 to 19 1Æ0 (0Æ6–1Æ6) 1Æ4 (0Æ8–2Æ3) 2Æ3 (1Æ1–4Æ7)* 1Æ4 (0Æ7–3Æ0) 1Æ9 (1Æ2–3Æ2)*
1 to 9 0Æ9 (0Æ5–1Æ4) 1Æ5 (1Æ0–2Æ5) 1Æ5 (0Æ8–3Æ1) 1Æ2 (0Æ6–2Æ6) 1Æ5 (0Æ9–2Æ4)
0 0Æ9 (0Æ6–1Æ4) 1Æ6 (1Æ0–2Æ5) 1Æ4 (0Æ7–2Æ7) 1Æ4 (0Æ7–2Æ8) 1Æ6 (1Æ0–2Æ6)*
Gender difference 1Æ1 (0Æ8–1Æ6) 0Æ9 (0Æ6–1Æ3) 0Æ7 (0Æ4–1Æ1) 0Æ6 (0Æ4–1Æ0) 0Æ9 (0Æ6–1Æ2)
Spouse status 1Æ0 (0Æ7–1Æ5) 1Æ0 (0Æ7–1Æ4) 1Æ4 (0Æ9–2Æ3) 1Æ0 (0Æ6–1Æ6) 0Æ8 (0Æ5–1Æ1)
ADL status 1Æ2 (0Æ8–2Æ0) 1Æ4 (0Æ9–2Æ3) 2Æ7 (1Æ6–4Æ5)*** 2Æ9 (1Æ7–5Æ1)*** 1Æ3 (0Æ8–2Æ2)

Values are given as OR (95% CI). * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001.

ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 33; 330–334


chewing ability, but not number of teeth, may contrib- of analysis presumably was enhanced in our survey by
ute to QOL status in very elderly individuals. Similarly, limiting subject age to 80 years, as an influence of age
QOL in centenarians was associated with preservation could be completely excluded in statistical analysis. As
of masticating ability (29). Locker et al. (15) also found a chewing ability reflects the subjects self-perceived
negative impact of oral disorders upon well-being and ability to chew different foods, it may be closer related
life satisfaction in elderly people with a mean age of to the subject’s overall satisfaction with his/her daily
83 years. Although the association of chewing ability life, social interactions, and other quality of life meas-
but not number of teeth with QOL measures in the ures than a more hard measure as number of teeth.
present study might appear paradoxical, it could be Furthermore, as functional status is a key domain of
explained by drawing the distinction that functional QOL, and chewing ability is intrinsically linked to
teeth related to chewing ability may improve QOL in functional status, the finding that chewing ability is
octogenarians. It might also be possible that simply closely related to QOL may appear tautological in a
counting teeth is not enough to evaluate an oral status. sense. Yet, it has the important implication that QOL
Some attempt to estimate the function of teeth is status may be promoted by oral care.
probably necessary. The simplest way would be to In conclusion, self-assessed chewing ability but not
count the occluding pairs of teeth or using a functional number of teeth was associated with QOL in 80-year-
index such as the Eichner index, often used in Euro- old subjects.
pean studies. In our previous studies, impaired physical
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ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 33; 330–334

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